Home Categories contemporary fiction red prescription

Chapter 39 Section thirty-ninth

red prescription 毕淑敏 4880Words 2018-03-19
After returning from Professor Jing Tianxing, Shen Ruoyu was immersed in grief.At night, she thought, Jian Fangning would definitely meet her in her dream.She didn't expect to sleep very well. As soon as it was daylight, the husband left her a note saying that there was a meeting at night and she would come back late. Shen Ruoyu felt as if a hole had been dug in his heart, and the black wind howled through.Reaching out to dial the phone, when the seven-digit code reached six digits, it stopped suddenly.This number will never lead to that clear and peaceful voice. She just sat there.It is very strange that for the death of her best friend, why does Calm accompany her like a dog, and refuses to leave even for a moment.Shame on her soul if she goes on like this.She had a premonition that something was going to happen.There must be something.If nothing happened, the world would be unbelievably normal.She sat and waited for the inevitable to come to her.At ten o'clock in the morning, the postman came to deliver the letter.Shen Ruoyu, take the stamp and register... The postman is downstairs, yelling loudly like an old man sharpening scissors and knives.

Shen Ruoyu ran down like crazy, she finally understood that what she had been waiting for was this call. It's a letter from Jian Fangning.The sun is shining everywhere, and it feels like spring. The beards of poplar trees hang down domineeringly on the branches, swaying like falling, showing a rotten budding state.The body is very warm, and the voice is full of people.Shen Ruoyu held the thick envelope calmly, and only felt the coldness on the stairs when she went upstairs.This letter was sent by Jian Fangning before his death, and it has been circulating in the world.But Shen Ruoyu's fingers kept trembling, the paper was full of information from another world, and it was as cold as ice.

The contents of the envelope consist of two parts.A page of text messages, and some random notes, until the first ten minutes before Jian Fangning fell into a coma. If the fish: Hi.When you receive this letter from me, I am no longer alive. But what does it matter?Acquaintance is everything.Even if we continue to communicate for decades, we will not understand more than we do now.The most basic quality of a person is established when he is very young. Reading the words of a dead person is not a pleasant job, so I am sorry.However, I have something to tell people.I can't quite predict what's going on behind me.I entrust this burden to you, please do me a favor.Well, it really is the last time.

Some countries stipulate that there must be objective evidence of suicide, such as a suicide note, before the judgment of suicide can be established.I will write a simple note, but I know it may not say much, I love life, but when it is impossible for me to live the way I love, I have to travel. In front of me was a full bottle of triazolam.I trust it more than a pistol.This bottle of medicine was prescribed by me under the name "Fan Qingkui", and I used a red prescription. All right.I believe that human life will exist in another way, and we meet each other as floating particles in the sky.I hope it is many years later, and I hope we fly side by side.

Jane Fangning Zhang Da was hospitalized shirtless because Meng's mother took him in.Doctor Teng is ill, very strangely ill.It was fine the day before, but in the middle of the night I suddenly had severe watery diarrhea.I can't come the next day, and I need someone to be on duty at the outpatient clinic...Meng's mother just got off the night shift, and she said that she is willing to take over when everyone else is busy.I let her go. The first patient she admitted was Zhang Da Shirtless. That day I was working on a paper for an academic conference with Professor Jing, and when I knew it was a done deal, Zhang Da was admitted to Cai Guanxiong's ward shirtless.I said to Meng Ma, why did you take him in?I didn't say in the plenary meeting that such a patient has a suspicious medical history.Moreover, his condition is complicated, and it is very difficult to detoxify.

Meng's mother said to me calmly, I just remember you said that outpatient doctors have the right to decide whether to admit patients or not.I choked, I did say that.Dr. Teng's illness disappeared without a trace the next day.I suspect that Mother Meng put laxatives in Dr. Teng's tea, and that she took Zhang Da's gold.But I have no proof. Sure enough, Zhang Dashi was a fugitive with a bloody case, and he couldn't wait to be admitted to the hospital in order to find a safe haven.The Public Security Bureau came to the hospital with handcuffs to arrest him.I said, wait a minute, please?The captain who performed the task said, if the criminal escapes, who will be responsible?I said, I lose.He said, you can't afford it.

I admit that he is right, a doctor cannot interfere with official duties.But I begged, let the patient out of my hospital, and then arrest him.He was seriously ill and had been treated with various drugs, so he had no ability to escape.This, with my medical knowledge, can be guaranteed.There are many other patients in the hospital, and acting with great fanfare may have a bad effect on the condition.The captain stepped back silently and offered me assistance. Zhang Da was carried out of the ward.He was handcuffed the first time he walked out of the courtyard.You deserve it.But his entourage told us viciously, wait!If people are lost in your hospital, we will settle accounts with your hospital!His two wives were arguing fiercely.The eldest wife wants people, and the little wife wants money.

The doctors and nurses were a little panicked.It is said that most of the patients who take drugs are people who are guilty. This incident is a warning. In the middle of the night, a line of strange text was displayed on my BB machine: Triple iron gate, definitely not Taoyuan, beware of Meng Ma. What's the meaning?Not signed.It is wrong to call it, but the word "iron gate" clearly refers to my hospital.It's not Taoyuan, that is to say, it's not calm and happy.As for Meng's mother, what's going on?Puzzled.I appreciate the admonition, but can't figure out who he is?

Meng Ma came to me and said she was going to quit this job.She was originally a retired and anti-hired doctor, and she was free to come and go.But to resign at such a moment, there is clearly a cowardice of fleeing the battle and the danger of shaking the morale of the army. I said, why?She said there was no reason.If you don't want to do it, you just don't want to do it.You can't control me.I said, Doctor Meng, it is of course possible to resign.But I very much hope that everyone can help each other and get through the temporary difficulties.If you must resign, please give me a reason.Even if it's a made-up reason, I need an explanation for everyone to calm people's minds.

Meng's mother said, you must listen to the reason, and I will tell you.I am outside, and I opened a clinic by myself. I know everything you do here by heart.When I get there, I am the dean.The reason for resigning is still reasonable, right?Originally, I didn't have the heart to tell you, but when I saw you asking so hard, I showed mercy.Who made Meng Ma a kind person! With cold fingers, I signed the relevant procedures for her. ... Qin Bing came to see me.It's been three days since I left, so I should look at you with admiration.He changed into a brand-name suit, and he did not know how much mousse was applied to his hair, and each hair was shining with blue light, which was extremely sharp.

Dean, how about my medicine?He cut to the chase. good.I say.The clinical trials have worked out well, basically what your grandfather envisioned.However, because the course of treatment has not yet been completed, there is still a long way to go before the state he requested of "exquisite eyes, clear speech, undisturbed mind, unflapped muscles, normal breathing, no stagnation, and good physical and mental health"... I Say.but.I can't wait!He was not interested in what I said, and shouted. What are you waiting for?I don't understand.Aren't we all waiting for the results of experiments?I say. Waiting for money, Qin Bing said simply.Haven't we already paid you the research funding?This is already our best effort, and it is enough for dispensing.I say. I am not referring to this.I'm talking about buyouts.I need a sum of money to let our family live a good life, and I can't wait for your slow clinical verification.Whether it is useful or not can be seen now.He lowered his head, didn't look at me, and finished the above sentence in one breath. I said, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge. He said, then you can't always occupy the latrine and not shit. I got angry and said, open the window and tell the truth, what the hell is going on? Qin Bing said, Meng Ma, the doctor in your hospital, brought a foreign gentleman to see me.Said that they admire and appreciate Chinese medicine, and they are willing to pay a lot of money for my grandfather's prescriptions and his medical books how much is it?I tried to keep my voice steady.I know things are approaching a hard, bitter core.Qin Bing said a very astronomical figure... I don't know if the gringo brought by Meng's mother can really give this poor little man in front of him so much money.But based on the existing clinical experiments, I am confident that the value of Chinese prescriptions should be far above this figure.I said, your grandfather's prescription can be sold at a higher price than this.Qin Bing said gratefully, Dean Jian, you are such a traitor.You do not lower prices, you seek truth from facts.I know what you are saying below, I should sell it to my own country, my own hospital.But what about money?You even asked me to pay in advance for the preparation of these medicines. When can you put the hard bills in sacks and ship them to my house?I can't wait.My grandfather is dead, and so is my father.If I continue to be poor like this, I will soon die.You will say that this Fang Zi cannot die, yes, Fang Zi is alive.Fangzi can save people, but what about our family?What benefit is there for others?Who will save our family?This is our ancestral treasure, and our family will point to it from now on!I am also unwilling to sell to foreigners, and I still have this awareness.But you only said that you want prescriptions and medicines, but you don't give money.I can't wait, our family can't wait.Whether you say that I am open-eyed when I see money, or that I am a villain, I will admit it.As long as you give the money now, even if it is only half of the price offered by foreigners, I will accept it.Who made us Chinese?But if you have no money, I won't give you any more medicines. Anyway, we have already settled the money and goods, and no one owes anyone else.After Qin Bing finished speaking, he seemed to have thrown off a huge burden, and sat there quietly smoking, like an outsider. I can't say anything.Words that cannot be fulfilled are pale and powerless in front of money.I said, I see.Qin Bing.Give me three days, and I'll think of a way.If I don't have a call for you, you can dispose of your prescription as you like, it is your family's property after all. Qin Bing said, is it that simple?I said yes.I can't stop your family from living a happy life. He was obviously very happy and said that he didn't expect it to be so easy.I thought you would scold me, I smiled wryly and said, in my impression, am I really that strict?He said, Meng's mother said, you hate the money-seeking thing.I have to be fully mentally prepared and ready to be scolded.I said thank you for knowing me so well. Qin Bing left. Three days... three days!In just seventy-two hours, I went to find Professor Jing. After listening to my words, Professor Jing raised his head from the pile of books and said calmly, there was no way.We are not a big consortium, and there is no way to buy out.Unable to compete with foreign companies, only to admit defeat.I said, then we will hand over such a promising Chinese medicine prescription to foreigners to study and occupy the world market?Professor Jing said, I think, no matter who is developing it, as long as it is really used for patients and is good for human beings, why should we be so narrow-minded?In our hands, perhaps for a long time, this kind of workshop-style production is difficult to expand its influence.Besides, drug addicts are mainly in foreign countries, and the effect will be more significant if they conduct research and promotion. I said, professor, I didn't expect you to be a traitor. Professor Jing said, I love science more than my motherland. I go back to the office.Lately, I've been more and more willing to stop by the office.I love that peaceful air, it wakes me up and refreshes me. I stared at the painting "White Harmony".The sun shines on it, and the blue sea surface has a fluffy three-dimensional feeling.I like the shock with a slight sense of horror. I really want to calm down and make an idea out of my chaotic thoughts recently.Someone knocked on the door, it was nurse Li Qiu. Dean Jane, I want to talk to you.she says. I said, what's the matter.Talk to the nurse.If she can't solve it, let her report it to me.okay?I said, ready to close the door.Unexpectedly, she pressed a toe between the door frame and the door leaf, making it impossible for me to close the door.If I tried to close it, I would crush her feet, and I accepted her visit angrily. What's the matter, please tell me quickly.I can only give you five minutes.I'm very rude.Dean, I only need a minute.I'm going to resign.Li Qiu said dully.I don't know if this is to hide the joy or sadness in her heart.It seems my hospital is really in shambles.Why are so many people resigning?One day I, the dean, will also resign, and everything will be fine.Tell me why you resigned.I was flustered, but my voice tried to be calm.I'm used to hiding my true feelings in front of everyone. Because I want to get married, Li Qiu still replied dully. So it is!I was relieved and said, marriage is a good thing, it does not conflict with work.Why do you have to resign?The head nurse and I both have a family, and we didn't resign, didn't we work well?Li Qiu looked up, and I saw the arrogance in her eyes. Neither my husband nor my in-laws like my current job.It was they who asked me to resign.She no longer talks to me with a subordinate look, but an equal conversation of a mature woman. I said sorry.I forgot to ask who is your husband? She seemed to have been waiting for me to ask her this sentence, and resented that the question came so late.Seeing that I finally asked the question, he smiled and said, the one you know is Beiliang. For a moment, I couldn't remember who this "Beiliang" was.Although his name is somewhat familiar.I said sorry.I may have mild cerebrovascular sclerosis and can't remember the name.Can you give me a hint? Beiliang's mother once took him to the hospital. He fought with Zheng Qiren and scratched the head nurse's face.Dean, there are not many such things happening here.Not to mention his family background, Beiliang is also a famous person, have you really forgotten?I do not believe.You want to use this to dampen my arrogance, right?Actually, why bother?No matter how well I marry, I can't do better than you.In this world, there are not many women I admire, and you are one.Li Qiu spoke seriously. Oh, little girl.I thank you for your compliment.I didn't do as well as you said.You didn't marry as well as you thought.I remembered that pale young man.Regarding the matter of falling in love and marriage, no one else has the right to dictate.However, as your former dean, you were my best nurse, so I have to tell you that that Beiliang suffers from STDs.Since this test involves personal privacy, only doctors know the results.I said softly, afraid of frightening the girl immersed in happiness. I thought Li Qiu would turn pale with shock.I even prepared words to comfort her, but she smiled and said, I already knew about STDs. It was my turn to panic. Li Qiu said, Dean, why are you so disappointed?With your knowledge and knowledge, you should understand that among STDs, except AIDS, other germs are very weak and gentle.People who don't practice medicine turn pale when they talk about it, and popular science writers deliberately render it terrible for moral reasons.In fact, for those of us who work in this field, everyone knows that its treatment is no more troublesome than a dysentery.Right?Dean. I can't help but say, yes.Your medical knowledge is indeed good.Especially since it makes you so brave.Li Qiu said, then I will leave.Dean, thank you for training me to be an excellent drug rehabilitation nurse.I think.My in-laws also took a fancy to this.I will have to keep making use of this in the future, so that I can have an unbreakable position. Goodbye, Dean.she says. I didn't say anything, didn't even get up to see her off. I am not her dean.She is not my nurse anymore.
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