Home Categories contemporary fiction red prescription

Chapter 33 Section 33

red prescription 毕淑敏 8352Words 2018-03-19
When the head nurse comes to work, the scar is like an eternal laugh line, with brackets around her mouth, pulling the facial muscles, making people feel that she is always laughing for no reason. Everyone said, head nurse, your dimple is a public-funded plastic surgery, so you should use it more frequently during working hours. The head nurse said, what a beautiful idea!You have to learn to read my expression. In the future, if I laugh, I will be furious. The head nurse entered Ward No. 13 and said to Fan Qingke, "I told you to keep your urine for a reexamination, why didn't you do it well?"Now the laboratory department reports that your specimen is unqualified!

Fan Qingke said, no way?I follow the rules and never make mistakes. The head nurse said angrily, so I made a mistake?Or did the lab make a mistake?If you are not convinced, come and see the test sheet yourself! Fan Qingke had no choice but to follow the head nurse.Walking and walking, the head nurse crossed the nurse's station and led Fan Qingke to the small house next to the consulting room.This is a small world for nurses to rest for a short time. There are home-made clothes hanging on the wall, and half-used shampoo and small jam bottles serving as water cups are placed on the windowsill. It has an attractive family feeling.

The laboratory test sheet is now placed here?Fan Qingkui was suspicious. Ouch, I said you, Comrade Fan Qingke, why are you so stubborn?If I don't use this method, can I transfer you out of the ward without showing the mountains or the water?Aren't you going to lurk for a long time?The head nurse spoke plausibly. Fan Qingke felt a little ashamed when he saw the head nurse face to face. She had always thought that she was quite brave, but when she saw the flesh and blood flying in front of her, she was absolutely petrified.As Jian Fangning's friend, a normal person, she should heroically stop the fierce fight in the ward, but she stupidly huddled in the corner, her thinking stopped, as if she was watching a cartoon that was not exciting.Self-condemnation, but also self-excuse.She thought it was because she watched too many movies and TV shows about martial arts and murder, and thought that life was just a show, and when she saw bleeding, she thought it was a stunt show, and as long as she was close to Ji Yuan, she opened her mouth to watch the excitement.People's basic sympathy and courage are dissolved in fictional stories.

Fan Qingke said well, head nurse, if only I knew how to do beauty boxing that day, I will help you. The head nurse said, don't!The credit will have to be shared between the two of us.Glory is better left alone. Fan Qingke had no choice but to return to the laboratory test sheet and thank the head nurse.You became sneaky for me. The head nurse said, I have always been aboveboard all my life, and I am so bored.It's fun to do some intrigue.I finally had such an opportunity, and I have to thank you. Fan Qingke said, "You asked me to come, what's the matter?" The head nurse said that a patient will come in a while, and Dean Jian was going to tell you his story in person, but unfortunately she was busy, so she dumped the burden on me...

Fan Qingke said listlessly, head nurse, if you are busy, go do other things.I'm tired of hearing all kinds of stories about drug rehab patients.The story is nothing more than the modes of being deceived and depraved, nothing new. The head nurse said, Huh?Not interested anymore?When my face was still intact, I saw you pricking up your ears everywhere, like a bag asking, and you washed your hands so quickly? Fan Qingkui said that things are always developing and cannot remain static.As far as my living thoughts are concerned, I have generally gone through several rounds.First of all, I was terribly afraid. Seeing them all looking haggard and skinny, I trembled in my heart.Then there is curiosity. I think they are different people from us. Although they all carry one head with three tendons, the blood flowing in their veins is different.When I was sleeping, I washed my eyes vigorously. I felt that the eyeballs were too wronged, and I wanted to wash out the ghostly image.Later, I started to feel sorry for them, no, I was sad for the weakness of human beings, because curiosity and the pursuit of false happiness have to be paid for by life.After that, it quickly entered the final stage, insensitive, deaf, and hard-hearted.I don’t know if there are any tragic stories that can impress me. Anyway, I am getting more and more cruel. To be honest, in the past few decades, I have not seen as many dirty things and heard as many ugly words as these days.But there is one thing that is consistent all the time, that is, to be a spy for you with a sense of class.

The head nurse laughed and said, you have only been in the hospital for a few days, and you are complaining like this?What about us?Where is the dean?You are only entitled to take a trip, sleep a few days and wait for a hotel on the way, we are the long-term rooted faction. Fan Qingke saw that the head nurse was smiling, but his tone was vicious.I was taken aback for a moment, and then I remembered what she said that laughter is anger. Fan Qingkei said, it's not that I disintegrated the revolutionary team, if they can leave, they should be transferred. The head nurse said, I can't go.It's not too noble to stay here, it's mainly for the sake of the parents of those patients.My heart softens when they cry.I thought to myself, if a person is alive and can be so grateful and expected by others, it will not be wronged.Wait a while, that patient is accompanied by his father, you can feel it.

Fan Qingkei said, head nurse, I have been tempered by you, and I have become a granite that cannot be absorbed by oil or salt. I am afraid that I will not be able to feel anything. The head nurse said that it was a blessing to be able to do that.What I am most afraid of is people like me, who have no skills, and are still in dire straits, but want to save others all day long.That man is coming soon, let me tell you his story first, this is the dean's doctor's order, I will carry it out immediately.If it is late, and the dean finds out, the bonus will be deducted. Once, Jian Fangning went to another hospital to hold an academic conference.While going out, I saw an old man beating a young man in the yard wielding a square-headed shovel he had grabbed from the boiler room of the hospital.The old man was so old, he wobbled like he had crawled out of an ancient tomb.Where is the big shovel swinging?He held it in his hand and became a temporary crutch.

The young man didn't back down either, and obediently waited to be beaten.The old man panted for a long time, and finally gathered the strength to hit people. He held up the head of the shovel and was about to smash it down. He said, I told you not to draw blood, so it was because of this!If I beat you to death, you unfilial son, I won't live anymore!God, why are you so hard on me?Bereavement of wife in middle age, bereavement of son in old age, you don't let me go... ah... The old man's tears stained his beard into strands, and at the moment when the shovel was about to fall, a middle-aged woman with a face as white as tofu rushed forward, shouting, Dad, please forgive him!Can't let me go, let him go too, our family will be over...

The onlookers couldn't figure out their identities for a while, and they didn't know how to persuade them. Coal dust was everywhere, fearing that their eyes would be lost, so they watched the excitement from a distance.Only Jian Fangning's falcon-like eyes could see the young man's details. She walked over and said to the old man, please be quiet.Come to the hospital to see a doctor and save lives.If something happens here, it's not good for the hospital or the patients. The old man yelled, I care about my son, what do I have to do with others?I gave him his life, and I can take his life too!

Jian Fangning said calmly, I don't think your son will obey you.Otherwise, how could he become like this? The old man suddenly seemed to be struck by thunder, saying, God!You are a fairy!Our family lived with him and ate in the same pot with him every day, and no one noticed it.You can see it at a glance, you can definitely cure him.Please, Bodhisattva.You didn't save him alone, you saved my family... As the old man said, he plopped down on Jian Fangning's knees. In broad daylight, an old man with white hair and white beard knelt down. Anyone else would have panicked, but Jian Fangning has experienced countless kneeling incidents, and she is quite experienced. Convenience to talk to the old man, but also to hide from this groundless kowtow.

Jian Fangning said that if I want to save him, he must have determination.You get up first, let's talk slowly. I didn't expect the old man to hear what she said, and immediately greeted him loudly, Ye Xing and Manzi, come and kneel down for me, someone can save our family! The young man and the pale-faced woman immediately surrounded them, obediently surrounded them from two directions, and knelt down with a plop.Although Jian Fangning was often thanked profusely, it was rare for him to be surrounded like today.She wanted to jump far away, but she was afraid of hurting the old man's heart, so she retreated to the corner where no one was kneeling, and kept saying, get up, get up.If there is any problem, we stand up and say, kneeling like this, nothing can be done.But the old man just stubbornly refused to get up.It seems that as long as he can't afford to kneel, his family's life will have hope. The middle-aged woman in the school called Huanzi, because of severe anemia, kneeling on the ground felt better than standing. She greeted tremblingly, you dead ghost, dad and brother are kneeling, why don’t you Is it for me?Kneel down to me too!From the crowd next to him, a man flashed coyly, who was the husband of the curtain.He is a cadre, and he was a little embarrassed at first, but once he walked to the kneeling father-in-law, brother-in-law and wife, he felt that he hadn't kneeled just now, which was irresponsible, and he knelt very forcefully when he made meritorious deeds. The concrete floor rattled from the knee shock, as if it had been run over by a tractor.He knelt very well, picking up what was left and making up for it, and the four of them surrounded Jian Fangning in the center like chess pieces, and they couldn't be too late.Although Jian Fangning is well-informed, he has never encountered such a situation.She was really deeply moved, and her knees gave way, but instead of kneeling, she squatted down.She couldn't continue to stand and talk to them, it was a kind of disrespect to people. At this moment, if someone had a bird's-eye view from the sky, it must be a very strange sight.The five people gathered together like plum blossoms to discuss life and death issues. Jian Fangning said, "Please tell me your medical history clearly. Kneeling like this is useless except for arthritis." The old man led his son, daughter and son-in-law to stand up, each of them had two lumps of dirt on their trousers.But they were in a much better mood. After completing the most noble etiquette in Chinese tradition, they handed over a heavy burden to the person who accepted the etiquette, and their hearts were full of expectations. Describe the condition.The speaker should be an old man, but when he thought of the bleakness of most of his life, he burst into tears, the last sentence did not follow the next sentence, and the medical history was washed to pieces by the tears.Finally, with everyone's supplements and improvements, Jian Fangning figured out the ins and outs. A few years after the old man married a wife when he was young, the woman died of illness, leaving behind a pair of young children. The old man was both a father and a mother, pulling the veil Ye Xing siblings, struggling through the years, someone persuaded the old man to find another woman, saying yes Although the old man's income is small, he still has an urban household registration, so it is not a problem to find a big girl in the country.The old man refused without hesitation.He remembered that none of the stepmothers in the play was good, and he couldn't let his child be wronged again.Someone must suffer, so let me suffer.The old man said to the matchmaker. Day by day, children grow up.The curtain became a home, and Yexing also had a job.The old man thought, if he suffers a few more years, Yexing will marry a wife, and see the children's mothers under the loess, and there will be some things to report.Unexpectedly, Manzi's complexion is getting worse and worse. Every time she asks her what's wrong, she always says that she is tired, or lack of sleep, just take a rest.She is tired, she is the only woman in the family, and she has to help her father and younger brother's life, it is rare to have time to breathe.One day, Manzi suddenly fainted on the street and was sent to the emergency room of the hospital. People said that the patients were all anemic and became like this. What did you do so long ago?Everyone knew that the mantle was seriously ill. Even more frightening things are yet to come.After a series of tests, it was confirmed that the mantle had leukemia.Regardless of the grief, the family was busy with rescue, blood transfusion, and chemotherapy...until the mantle regained its energy, and could support someone, and went outside to breathe fresh air in the small garden.The family said a lot of words of thanks in front of the doctor.The doctor had a sullen face, neither refusing nor being polite, as if it should be taken for granted.When the curtain fell asleep, the doctor said to everyone, what you said was too early.Her current condition can only be described as "remission", not cure.ease you understand?It's just that the serious illness has let you off for the time being, and the serious ones will come later.This is the condition for us to go to a large local hospital while the patient is still able to lie down and sit up, to see if they can get a bone marrow transplant, so as to fundamentally save lives.The whole family looked at the veil quite well, thinking that the doctor might be trying to scare people, so let's wait and see.Once the remission period is over, the second attack begins. If it is not for the urgent blood transfusion, the person will die.Everyone pooled money and went to a big hospital to see a doctor.It is also said that only a bone marrow transplant can save the life of the mantle, otherwise, it will take a year and a half... But a bone marrow transplant requires someone to donate the bone marrow. This person is not only in good health, but also has a matching blood type and bone marrow type.It's like opening a lock with a key. If the model is wrong, the bone marrow injected will not survive. But where to find someone who is as marrow as the veil?The doctor said that if the bone marrow of the veil is found in ordinary people, not one in 100,000 people is allowed, and the probability is too low.If you look for it among your own brothers and sisters, or people who are related to your parents by blood, the possibility of matching is very high.The old father immediately stretched out his arm and said to draw my blood.Check first to see if my daughter and I are compatible.If I can lose, even if my bone marrow is drained, I am willing!The doctor stopped him and said you can't do it.The old father said, I can do it.Although I am old, I am not afraid of anything.My daughter is the closest to me, and her bone marrow must be the same as mine.The doctor said impatiently, don't make trouble.It's the same, you can't lose.how old are youHow old is your daughter?Your bone marrow has entered old age, and it is useless to transfuse it into a young person.It's like grafting a branch of an old tree onto a young trunk, and it won't survive.Does the patient have any young and strong blood relatives?If so, hurry up to test, the patient still has the last hope.If not, you go back.Conservative treatment is the same everywhere, and there is no need to run around. The old father said to Ye Xing that father didn't want to use you because you are still young and not married yet.I don't know if the extraction of bone marrow will affect the succession of the family.If Dad's bone marrow is good, no matter what you say, you will not be asked to extract marrow.But you heard what the doctor said just now.You two brothers and sisters, there is no more brother or sister.Your dead mother and I are both only seedlings, and you have no cousins.The burden of saving your sister falls on your shoulders.Go check it out, if you pass the test, you will donate the bone marrow to your sister, and let her family support you in the future.If it's not the right model, we have nothing else to look forward to.Resign yourself to fate. Unexpectedly, Yexing listened to his father's words and kept silent. No one knew what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.Brother-in-law said Ye Xing, what's your opinion, at least say it, so we can decide what to do next.Ye Xing held his head and said, I don't draw blood or bone marrow.Why?Everyone was stunned.Ye Xing is best with his elder sister on weekdays. His mother passed away early, and Manzi took care of his younger brother like a mother.I didn't expect that when I saved my life, I got a cold answer in exchange.For nothing!If you don't smoke, you don't smoke #烧阳 Facing everyone's questioning, Ye Xing turned fierce, and simply broke the can, smashed it, and was arrogant.The old man was so angry that he took off the soles of his shoes and beat him.Although the brother-in-law said he was eager to save his wife, he thought the donation of bone marrow was a voluntary thing, and it was not a sin if he didn't want to, so he was angry with him, so he blocked the sole of his father-in-law's shoe and told his brother-in-law, don't run away!Ye Xing didn't move, let his father slap the soles of his shoes a few times, and said in tears, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for my sister... The old man hit the soles of his shoes a few times, after all, he was exhausted after running around for days.Besides, looking at the pitiful faces of the children, I thought to myself that one was so sick that he could only breathe a sigh of relief, so I would break this one up.The family really has no way out. He licked his lips and asked, do you know it's wrong? Ye Xing said that he knew he was wrong. The old man said, it's good to know.Just change it.Go ahead and get your blood drawn. Yexing is still the old saying, no blood, no bone marrow. No matter how the family tried to persuade him, the blacksmith shop sold tofu with both soft and hard tactics, but Yexing would not let go.He didn't run away either, just beat and scolded.He didn't talk back, and never changed his words.The family had no hope of staying in the city, so they packed up their things and went back to their hometown.As soon as he came back, the illness of the veil relapsed violently again.The doctor did everything possible to save his life, and warned that in the future, the time of remission will be shorter and shorter, the time of relapse will be longer and longer, and the patient's physical condition will become worse... After a long delay, slight infection and bleeding, will kill.In the late stage, the bone marrow that can be transplanted is found, because the patient's condition is critical, it is impossible to undergo major surgery, and it is useless... In other words, now is the last chance.After the doctor finished speaking, Ye Xing suddenly said, I'm going to take the bone marrow, and no one knows why he figured it out again.Maybe it was my sister's two children hugging his legs, shouting, uncle, uncle, help, help... Because the test requires two people to take samples, and the mantle just came back, so he couldn't help but toss.After being raised at home for a while, the family moved to the city for the second time.Needless to say, Ye Xing stretched out his arms happily.Today is the day when the laboratory test report is issued. The family arrived at the hospital early, as if looking forward to a talisman.Yexing was the first to take the list. After reading it, he didn't say anything, sobbed and said, I endured it for so long, I thought it was gone, but it was found out, I'm guilty... Listen to the old man Inexplicably, the son-in-law was holding his daughter in the yard, but did not come into the building. The son didn't say anything except crying.He was so anxious that he hurriedly pulled the test sheet and showed it to a passing doctor. The man glanced absently and said, where did you find such a bone marrow donor?The blood type matches the bone marrow type, but he takes drugs... The old man was dumbfounded, and asked by the sleeve, what is drug use?I just order rat medicine at home, nothing else?The doctor pulled out his own sleeve and said, the poison is opium, you ask that person, he will naturally know!The old man understood, and he chased after his son who had run away like crazy.When passing the coal pile in the boiler room, I copied someone's square-headed shovel and ran all over the yard... This is what Jian Fangning just saw. The old man's family surrounded Jian Fangning tightly, for fear that she would run away.From outsiders' perspective, it seemed that Jian Fangning owed them a debt.Jian Fangning settles them down, and the patient first rests well.The son-in-law and daughter went back to their hometown first.The old man accompanied his son into the drug rehabilitation hospital.As for how Ye Xing got addicted to drugs, it was just another old story, nothing more than being tempted and unable to extricate himself.The reason why he didn't dare to do the blood test the first time was because he was drawn so fiercely that he knew he couldn't pass the test.Later, I endured the pain by force and reduced the amount of poison a lot, thinking that I could get away with it, but I didn't expect it to be revealed.To be honest, when he thought about it later, it would be better to find out.If he lost the bone marrow mixed with drugs to his sister, even if he saved her life and turned her into a big smoker, wouldn't it still destroy her family? !With her sister's strong temper, she would rather die than live in such a pitiful and shameful way... Yexing performed very well in the hospital, almost the best patient since the hospital was established.When the drug withdrawal reaction was very difficult and other patients made a lot of noise, he endured it all the time and cooperated very much.Whenever I have free time, I help the nurses with work, such as tidying up the ward or serving water and medicine to the patients in the same room.This is a very common thing in ordinary hospitals, but here the head nurse is very grateful. I don't cherish my own efforts, I feel happy when I see others helping me, and I really feel that I have met a bosom friend.It's like raising a pack of wolves. One day, a wolf suddenly acts like a dog and licks your hand, and you are very moved.You bastard, worthless person, what can you do?The head nurse laughed at herself, only an unpredictable smile appeared on her face. After hearing the head nurse's introduction, Fan Qingke's residual curiosity swelled up again.Can't help but ask, what kind of person is this Yexing? The head nurse said that he would come for a review in a while.If there is no problem this time, the bone marrow transplant can be performed in spring.It's a very complicated process with many procedures.First, 200 milliliters of blood is drawn from the bone marrow donor and stored. After two weeks, another 400 milliliters of blood is drawn from him, and then the blood that was stored last time is transfused back.After another two weeks, another 600ml of blood will be withdrawn from the donor, and the 400ml of blood that was actively collected before will be transfused back.Again…… Fan Qingkei said, "Oh, head nurse, you've confused me, and my ears are full of "... again...", you should be more beautiful! The head nurse said that it was right to be confused.Bone marrow transplantation is cutting-edge, and everyone understands it when they hear it. Why does authority receive state-level subsidies?To put it succinctly, just like this, repeated pumping and pumping, until the last time, thousands of milliliters of blood can be pumped out... Fan Qingke said that Yexing has a long way to go. The head nurse said that he used to be as thin as a praying mantis and quit drugs, so his father and his sister and brother-in-law must enshrine him like a god?His frame is not small, and he looks like a serious man.He must come today, and you will see him in a moment. Just as he was talking, Jiazi Lixia came to call the head nurse, saying that she had to deal with anything in the ward herself. The head nurse said that although I am the smallest official with the word "long" in the world, if I really leave me, the world will not turn.I wanted to take advantage of the executive director's doctor's order to steal half a day's leisure with you, but I didn't want to look for me everywhere like a ghost.Okay, excuse me. As soon as the head nurse left, Dr. Teng came over and said Yexing was here.Fan Qingke hurried over and entered the house before Dr. Teng.In the huge consultation room, there was only one person, hunched over, covered with cotton gauze, squatting by the radiator, shivering.Fan Qingke walked in front of him, and saw a stream of snot flowing unconsciously to his mouth, and it continued to spread to the neck where the veins were exposed.He glanced at Fan Qingkui indifferently, his pupils sank, as if they were about to fall out of his sunken eye sockets, his pale apple green face, and sea blue eye sockets, this is a typical appearance of a drug addict, without any inspection, Fan Qingke's ears were warm Eye dyeing also has the ability to distinguish patients.Of course this is not Yexing. So where is Yexing? Fan Qingkui leaned on the window and looked down, and saw a very old man with white hair, leaning on a dead tree, standing staggeringly, looking at the upstairs with longing eyes.Dr. Teng walked up to the blue-eyed man and said, Ye Xing, take a pee. In this astonishing place, Fan Qingke has recently developed a rock-solid demeanor.But the languid man in front of her, Ye Xing, who knew his way back, still shocked her. I don't pee.Did not pee.Ye Xing said in a hoarse voice.He has a tyrannical attitude, but a weak heart.Like the kind of old tree whose heart was struck by lightning, leaving only the outermost ring of bark, it looks like it has teeth and claws, but in fact, it will fall down with a slight push. Are you on drugs again?Dr. Teng's voice was always quiet and indifferent. No...no...absolutely not...Ye Xing tore at his chest, as if his testimony was stored there. You come to us for review, if you don't accept the inspection, of course you can.Please come back.Doctor Teng said. Then... how?My father, my sister, are still waiting for me... Yexing stood up and pulled the radiator, for fear of driving him away.At the beginning, I was so dull that I didn't realize that the heating pipe was hot. I didn't let go until I burned my nails. Here, if you remember what they said, this is the laboratory test order, after the drug test, we will decide what to do next.Doctor Teng said. Hi!Check it out, what's the big deal?My piss is not a hundred-year-old cellar x0 Martell or something, it’s so rare, I’ll give you a cup of it!Ye Xing's expression changed quickly, he swept away the bitter melon face just now, smiled happily, took the vial with the specimen, and left the consultation room. Dr. Teng was ready to leave the house, so he hung up an internal call on Friday: A patient left a drug test specimen in the bathroom. Go and see if he meets the requirements. After a while, Friday, like a prisoner, supervised Yexing's return. Dr. Teng, he was in the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and was about to use water instead of urine, but I caught him.Someone gives it to you, see how to deal with it!Report excitedly on Friday. Ye Xing was dejected and became more and more wretched. Dr. Teng still said without the slightest emotion that it would cost 100 yuan to do a drug test.What are you doing. Ye Xing covered his head, his voice was swollen with falsehood, I'm taking drugs again.I can't explain to my father and my sister, I'm ashamed to see them!My sister's illness can't wait. The doctor said that it won't be this spring at the latest. If it's later, even if you have bone marrow, it's useless.I didn't live up to it, I ruined our whole family!I dare not let them know, I want to lose my poisonous bone marrow to my sister, maybe she can quit?She is a villain, unlike me, a ruthless villain... Ye Xing banged his head against the wall, his forehead was covered with white ash, and he looked very funny. Dr. Teng, who is easily and emotionally indifferent, couldn't bear it, and said, how can you withstand a blood draw of several hundred milliliters in your current state?Really desperate! Yexing said, I really don't want my life anymore, or you can kill me in this room, okay?I'm really ashamed to go down to see my father... Dr. Teng was very angry and told him to calm down!Now you understand better than ever, but what about when you take drugs?Why don't you think about your old father? Ye Xing said, at that time I really couldn't think about anything, I'm not human!It's a beast!It's a dog!It's a bastard! He scolded himself and twitched his mouth.The area where the face was pumped did not turn red, but became more and more dirty and pale. Doctor Teng lowered his head.For five full minutes, there was no response.The room was so quiet that only the echo of Ye Xing beating himself was left, echoing between the white walls and the screen. Dr. Teng raised his head, his face still rigid.He said, well, I am today's doctor.I'll take you to the hospital again to see if you can change your past, and see if your sister can wait for you for such a long time.As for what you said to your father, I don't know, but you can't lie. Yexing kowtows like pounding garlic. Doctor Teng didn't back down, just sat there peacefully facing the bang bang sounds.Say, get up, your forehead is broken, and you have to put gauze on it. Ye Xing crawled out the door as if he was being amnesty. Dr. Teng said, I did it knowing I couldn't do it. Fan Qingke leaned against the window and looked down, only to see Ye Xing happily talking to his father, who was completely different from a few minutes ago.Fan Qingke said, people like you should live a long life. Dr. Teng said, if you can be saved, you have this kind of merit. If you can't save it, what's the use of just pretending to save it?It's just a game. Fan Qingke didn't say anything more.All kinds of mistakes and faults, sins and repentance are like ropes, tightly tying together patients and doctors they have never met, patients and their relatives who get along day and night.A drug rehabilitation hospital, an overhaul station of a civilized society, a place that is incomprehensible to ordinary people, a dead button that was twisted together and smashed flat with a hammer.With a splitting headache, she really wanted to turn her head down and let the blood quickly flow into the pale cerebral cortex to figure out what happened here. As an ordinary person, she really couldn't bear this kind of pressure.
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