Home Categories contemporary fiction Eight Horses
Eight Horses

Eight Horses


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 27233

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Chapter 1 Inscription

Eight Horses 沈从文 458Words 2018-03-19
In the past year, my affairs have become more complicated, and my life has become more trivial and troublesome. Sometimes I laugh at myself and call myself a "nosy person".In addition, when book critics gave me the title of "prolific writer", I had to temporarily give it up to a few friends. In this way, it is not a loss to the society, but it is close to a waste of life for me personally.Just because everyone has a job, it seems that I should not let some thankless business take up most of my time, and at the same time, as if to escape the worldly ridicule, I put down my pen.It is not easy to be a human being living in China, especially in the circle of scholars.Most people are very lazy, prim, petty, and all undernourished, sleep-deprived, and fecundly incompetent.Since the number of such people is large, a concept will naturally arise, that is, they don't ask whether a thing is good or bad, and the concept of "I don't think I'm smart, but others do it but laugh at it".

This idea is universal and applies to all human affairs, and it also applies to literature.This concept reflects the degradation of society and nation.It should be the feeling of every bloody young man to hate this almost castrated eunuch concept.At present, I seem to have put my work on hold. I hope that starting next year, I will be able to see some strength from my work again.The compilation and printing of this collection shows that I have not completely let go of my original work this year, nor have I completely lost that power. Made on December 10, 1935
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