Home Categories contemporary fiction 1Q84 BOOK 3

Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Qingdouguang is undoubtedly there

1Q84 BOOK 3 村上春树 3706Words 2018-03-19
It's just after midnight, the date is transitioning from Sunday to Monday, sleepiness delays future visits. Aomame got out of the bathtub, changed into her pajamas, got into bed and turned off the light.She was awake this late with nothing to do.Leave the problem to Tamaru.Whatever needs to be thought, it is only right to fall asleep here and think with a fresh head the next morning.But the corners of her consciousness were still awake, craving the aimless movement of her body.can't sleep. Aomame gave up, got out of the cup, and put a down jacket on top of her pajamas.Boiled water to make herbal tea, and drank it bit by bit under the table in the restaurant.He seemed to be thinking about something in his head, but he couldn't see what it was.Like a cloud seen from far away, it has a deep and dense shape.Although the shape is clear, there is no outline.There seems to be some discrepancy between shape and outline somehow.Aomame walked to the window with the mug in hand, and looked out at the children's park through the gap in the curtains.

Of course there was no one there.It was just after one o'clock in the middle of the night, and the sand field, the swing, and the slide all seemed abandoned.Very quiet night.The wind has died down, and there is not a trace of cloud in sight.And two moons, big and small, were floating side by side on the frozen trees.Although the moon has changed according to the rotation of the earth since the last time it was seen, it still stays in the field of vision. Aomame stood there, thinking of the old apartment Fukusuke had entered, the nameplate on the door of room 303.The word [Kawana] was printed on the white card.Cards are not new.The corners of the paper are warped, here and there blotted with moisture.This card has experienced quite a few years since it was inserted.

Is the occupant of that room Kawana Tengo, or someone with the surname Kawana? Tamaru can only find out for him.Soon, there should be news tomorrow.A man who never wastes his time no matter what he does.That's when the facts will become clear.Depending on the situation, I might be able to meet Tengo soon.This possibility made it difficult for Aomame to breathe.It was as if the surrounding air was rapidly becoming thinner. But maybe things won't go so well.Even if Tengo Kawana lived in Room 303, Fukusuke was probably hiding somewhere in that apartment.And I don't know what bad things are secretly planned.Undoubtedly, they were cleverly formulating strategies, persistently sticking around Tengo and me, and preventing our reunion.

No, don't worry, Aomame told herself. Tamaru is a trustworthy man.And more capable, thoughtful, and experienced than anyone I know.As long as I hand it over to him, he will relentlessly defend me against the boss.Not only for me, but for Tamaru, Fukusuke is also a troublesome existence, and it is a dangerous factor that has to be ruled out. But if tamaru, for some reason, judges that I should not meet Tengo, what should I do then?If that was the case, he would definitely rule out the possibility of my meeting with Tengo.Me and tamaru have something like personal affection for each other.That's real.Although this is the case, the interests and safety of the old woman are the top priority.That was his original job.It was impossible to act only for Aomame.

Thinking of this, Aomame became uneasy.Aomame didn't know where Tengo's rendezvous with her was on tamaru's priority list.Would it be a fatal mistake to confess to Tamaru about Tengo Kawana?Shouldn't I have to deal with the problems between Tengo and myself from the beginning to the end? But now everything is not back to the original point.Anyway, I already confessed the matter to Tamaru.It was a moment when it had to be done.The head of Fuzhu is probably waiting for me there, and it would be suicidal for me to be brave by myself.And after the passage of time, there is no room left to wait and see what happens.Confessing everything to tamaru and entrusting him with the problem was the best choice I could make at that time.

Aomame stopped thinking about Tengo, and the more she thought about it, the more the threads of thought entangled her body.Stop thinking about it.Don't look at the moon either.The light of the moon will silently disturb her heart.Changing the ups and downs of the river, swaying the people of the forest.Aomame drank her last sip of herbal tea and left the window.Rinse the mug in the sink.Drank a little brandy, but alcohol should not be taken in pregnancy. Aomame sat down on the sofa, lit the small reading lamp beside her, and reread "Air Chrysalis" again.She has read the novel almost ten times now.It's not such a long story, and almost the details of the article can be memorized.But I thought about rereading it more carefully again.Anyway, I can't sleep like this.And there may be something I missed.

"Air Chrysalis" is like a book of codes.Eriko Fukada probably wrote this novel for the purpose of disseminating some kind of information.Tengo skilfully rewrote this article into a more refined and concise form, re-constructing this story full of effects.The two formed a group and wrote a novel that attracted many readers.According to what the leader of [Pioneer] said [the two have complementary aptitudes.Cooperate with each other and work together to complete a job. 】If you believe what the leader said, because "Air Chrysalis" has become the best-selling book, some secrets were released publicly, which made the little man lose his vitality, and [voice] stopped talking.As a result, the water flow in the well dried up completely.This book wields such a powerful influence.

She concentrated her consciousness between the lines of the novel. By the time the clock on the wall struck two-thirty, Aomame had finished reading two-thirds of the novel.She closed the pages of the book, trying to translate what she felt strongly in her heart into the form of words.What she received at that time was not yet a revelation, but what was lacking was information that was almost convincing. [I didn't get involved here by accident. 】 That's what that message said. [I should be here and here. 】 I have been here so far, thinking that I was passively involved in this [1Q84].Because of some intention, the connection point of the line was switched, and as a result, the train I took deviated from the original line and came to this new wonderful world.And noticed when I was already here.A world where two moons float, and where little people come and go.There is an entrance but no exit.

The leader explained this to me before he died. [Train] is the story itself written by Tengo, and I was included in the story in a dilemma.So now here I am.as a passive existence.When he speaks, he is like an ignorant supporting role hesitating and confused in a dense fog. But it wasn't all that, Aomame thought. [It's not just that. 】 I was not involved because of anyone's will, I came here unintentionally, a passive existence.Although there are parts like that.But at the same time, I chose to be here. [Here is the will of my own subject. 】 She was so sure. And my reasons for being here are pretty clear.There is only one reason.Meet and unite with Tengo.This is the reason I exist in this world.No, on the other hand, that's the only reason this world exists inside of me.Or a paradox that repeats itself like two mirrors facing each other.The world contains me, and I contain the world in myself.

Of course Aomame didn't know what kind of story Tengo was writing now.I'm afraid there are two moons floating in that world.There will also be little people haunting it.That was all she could surmise.In any case, while that was Tengo's story, it was also my story.Aomame understood. When Aomame knew this, she read repeatedly the scene where the main character, the girl, and the little people kept making air chrysalis in the night room.As she kept looking for the detailed and vivid description, she felt the warmth in her belly bit by bit.A warmth of incredible depth that seemed to melt.There is a heat source that is small but has a heavy core.What is the heat source, and what does fever mean, no matter how I think about it, I can't understand it.little things.Sensing the scene where the protagonist and the little man make an air chrysalis together, it emits heat.

Aomame put the book on the table beside her, unbuttoned the top of her pajamas, and pressed her palms on her belly.I felt the heat radiating there in my palm.It's like there's a faint orange glow floating there.She turned off the switch of the reading light and stared at the place in the darkness of the bedroom.There is a faint light that seems to be there.But the light is undoubtedly there.I'm not alone, Aomame thought.We merge into one.I am afraid that they also contain a story together. And if that was Tengo's story and mine at the same time, maybe I could write the plot too.Aomame thought about it.It must be possible to add something to it, or rewrite what is already there.In any case, the outcome should be able to be determined by one's own will.isn't it? She pondered on that possibility. But how can something like that be done? Aomame didn't understand the method yet.What she understood was that there must be such a possibility.That's just a theory that lacks concreteness today.She bit her lips tightly in the dense darkness, thinking.very important thing.must be considered deeply. The two of us form a group.Tengo and Fukada Eriko formed an excellent combination because of "Air Chrysalis", and Tengo and I formed a combination in that Xinfei story.The intentions of both of us - or something deep in our intentions - came together to complete and advance this intricate story. It must have been done in a depth where no one could see it.So even without meeting, we are united as one.We make stories, and stories move us.Isn't that the case? There is a doubt.Very important question. What does this little thing mean in the stories we write?What tasks does it carry? This little thing strongly senses the scene where the little villain and the protagonist girl are making air pupae in the hut.Very smiling in my womb, yet sensuously radiating heat, radiating an orange glow.It's like an air chrysalis.My uterus acts as an [air chrysalis], what does that mean?I am the mother, is this little thing a daughter to me?I conceived Tengo's child without sexual intercourse. Was the will of the little man involved in some way?They cleverly replaced my uterus and used it as [air chrysalis].Do they create new daughters for themselves from this device of mine? No, not like that.She felt it strongly and clearly.That's impossible. The little man is now dead.That's what the leader said.The novel "Air Chrysalis" is widely circulated in the world, hindering their original actions.This time the pregnancy was done in a place where they were invisible, skillfully avoiding their power.So who -- or what force -- made this pregnancy possible?And why? Aomame didn't understand. What she understood was that this little thing was an irreplaceable little life between Tengo and herself.She put her hands on her stomach again.Gently caressing the orange light floating on the edge.Feel the warmth in the palm of your hand and pass it on to your whole body.I'm going to protect this little thing no matter what.No one can take him away.No one can harm him.We conceived him together.She made up her mind in the dark. He went to the bedroom, took off his down jacket, and got into the quilt.Lie on your back and place your hands on your belly.Feel the warmth in the palm of your hand again.The uneasiness is gone.No confusion either.I must become stronger.My body and mind had to be one.Finally, sleep came silently like floating smoke, enveloping her whole body.There are still two moons floating in the sky.
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