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Chapter 22 Chapter 19 The Blood God of the Carnivore of Hell

Tibetan mastiff 3 杨志军 1839Words 2018-03-19
It was a cool summer night in the prairie, and there was a lot of snoring in the blue horse pheasant grass depression.Riders and Tibetan mastiffs lived in piles, except for the occasional vocal confrontation between the Tibetan mastiffs on watch at night, and the occasional howl of wolves coming from the place where the moon hangs, there was no other disharmony.About a hundred meters away from the black crowd and dogs, there was Rag Hongwei and his hell carnivore, and later Sanjay Khamzhu also came. Opposite Ragg Redguard. She couldn't see Legge Redguard's face clearly, only felt a shadow on it.

She heard Leger Redguard's deep voice, it didn't seem like it was meant for her, his audience was like this dark world and the vast night sky. "My Tibetan mastiff is dead!" Sangjie Kangzhu looked at the hell carnivore next to him, it was lying peacefully beside its master, Leger Red Guard put his hand on his back, and stroked it gently, as if it was in a deep sleep and would wake up at any time Come, follow the master's call to strike with lightning.Sangjay Kangzhu sat next to the hell meat eater and reached out to touch its body.Her actions were subconscious, and it seemed that she was just expressing her sympathy for Leger's Redguard—why, did she actually have sympathy?Didn't this vicious man deserve what he deserved?

The moment her fingers touched the skin of the hell carnivore, she was inexplicably moved.Once this ferocious beast, this devil that she couldn't kill despite all her efforts and brains, once she really died in front of her eyes, she was not elated, but rather desolate. "My Tibetan mastiff is dead!" She listened to him talking to himself again.She wanted to contradict him like before: "Your Tibetan Mastiff should die, it has killed so many Tibetan Mastiffs, it has suffered on its own, it deserves death already!" But she didn't say anything, she couldn't say it.She wanted to say: "Don't be sad, it died heroically, heroically, and it deservedly died." She couldn't even say it.

Sangjie Kangzhu sat silently next to the hell carnivore, facing Leger Hongwei across the mastiff.The Leger Redguard stopped talking to himself over and over again. "My Tibetan mastiff is dead!" Like the hell meat eater, Sanjay Kangzhu also heard the cries in the chest of Leger Redguard, which made her flustered.She never thought that the crying of a mature man would dispel the hatred in her heart and make her feel as soft as facing an innocent and helpless poor person. Not only soft-hearted, but also the urge to comfort.This made her even more confused, a woman, in this vast grassland, in this vast night sky, what could she use to comfort him?

She heard him talking to himself again: "My wolf is dead. My Tibetan mastiff is dead. My concubine Ming is dead. My roc blood god is dead. My Tibetan mastiff is dead again." She suddenly heard the self-talk in her heart: "I am the female ghost who is the master of the gods and diseases, I am the female skeleton and nightmare ghost soldier, I am the witch black dog, and I am the incarnate female Yan Luo." The voice echoed in her heart over and over again, echoing Talking to Leger Redguard to himself.As she was talking, she said aloud, but it was not "the female ghost who is the master of the gods and the sick, the female skeleton and nightmare ghost soldier, the black panting dog who is the witch, and the incarnate female Yan Luo", but a sentence that shocked herself:

"You need a concubine Ming!" Sangjie Kangzhu lay down, and she looked up at the sky, which was like a dome. She heard Leger Redguard's response, the voice was still intermittent, faintly visible. Leger Hongwei said: "The 'Great Peng Blood God' is gone." Sangjie Kangzhu thought Leger Hongwei didn't understand, so she repeated: "You need a Ming concubine." Then, Sangjay Kangzhu brought out the words of Tenzin Living Buddha: "The entry of the evil path of 'Great Pervasive Entrance' depends on maternal nature, and the collapse of the evil path of 'Great Pervasive Entrance' also depends on maternal nature. The former maternal nature represents ignorance and self. Persistence, the latter motherhood represents openness and emptiness, I am a mother of the Buddha who is born with the Dharma, I will let you eliminate the prejudice of "Great Pervasive Entrance" and the method of infatuation, and become a lama who keeps himself safe and understands the right way."

Leger Hongwei sighed, and finally withdrew his eyes from the deep night, and focused on her face.In an instant, he left her again, and once again threw himself into the vast night. She heard his sad voice: "You can't save me, do you know why I practice the 'Great Universal Entrance' method?" She listened quietly, but he was silent.He is not only a monk, but also a human being.He wanted to combine a monk with a person, and the "Great Universal Entry" method just provided him with such an opportunity.All his pursuit is to let himself have a complete life and meet the minimum standard of life. In addition to worshiping Buddha and practicing the Dharma, in addition to eating, drinking and Lazard, there should be love, love between men and women.Just like the sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso, just like the herdsmen chanted: "Lama Tsangyang Gyatso, don't blame him for being a romantic, what he seeks hard is no different from ordinary people." But he found that the way to pursue is So hard, so sad.He wanted to tell her the sadness in his heart, but what he said was still the same sentence: "My Tibetan mastiff is dead, my wolf is dead, my concubine Ming is dead, and my 'Rat Peng Blood God' is dead."

Sangjie Kangzhu said: "Tenzin Tulku said, the acquaintance between you and me is a kind of good interdependence, a cause and effect in fate, and no one can avoid it. Tenzin Tulku also said that you can only get married with the help of a woman. , to achieve redemption.” Leger Hongwei sighed again, and he asked her: "He actually mentioned a woman. Didn't he tell you what the 'Rat Peng Blood God' is?" She shook her head, and heard him say again: "No one can save me, neither can Concubine Ming. Because the 'Blood God of the Great Peng' is the root of a man. My Blood God of the Great Peng is gone, and my root is gone. "

Sangjie Kangzhu heard himself sigh, which was very, very long. Sangjie Kangzhu rode a horse around the Lanma Jicaowa, and ran towards the execution platform, she wanted to question Tenzin Rinpoche: "What magic spell did you cast to make Leger a cripple? Leger has no roots, why do you still want me to be his Ming concubine?" She stopped while running, wandered for a while, and ran to her home in Bailan Prairie. Tenzin Tulku said that she needed to ask her Abba.
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