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Chapter 10 Chapter 10

flower and boy 严歌苓 3733Words 2018-03-19
She thought, what does this phrase that is so boring at home mean?She said, "You have to look at ugly things." He originally wanted to say: If I hadn't forced it, I don't know when I would have seen you.But he knew that he couldn't say such words, and such words must never be said in the current situation. "Why are you ugly? You have to work hard to be ugly." "She's not sure what she's going to be, you think," she said.It's not these words in my heart, but in my heart: Thank you for making up your mind, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make up my mind to see you.She also understands that such words cannot be said, and if they say it, they will really become accomplices.Ten years ago, he and she were completely unintentional, and they had no intention of planning at that time.If those words come out, they will never be innocent again.For heaven's sake, they had no conspiracy at all.But these ten years have secretly become their ambush period.

Wan Jiang's cheek was pressed against Hong Min's chest.His smell penetrated ten years, the smell of the morning when he sent her away, the smell of the shabby cottage with the beautiful curtains.This smell is so good, it will never change, no matter what kind of cheap or expensive perfume you use, it is impossible to change it to the original Hong Min.Quitting smoking is also useless, Wan Jiang can smell all his hobbies and vices, the tiger bone plaster on his injured knee as a teenager, and every time he gets drunk after losing the election. Hong Min hugged her.Their size and size match so well from the very beginning, all the convex and concave are assembled like a jigsaw puzzle, and all the twists, curves and straights are perfect symmetry.She was born a dough, and his arms gave her shape.When she was seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, he gradually molded her into a woman from a chaotic girl.He thought far away: those nights in the North Sea.Nothing can be avoided in his and her newlywed's bridal chamber. In the eyes of the two female roommates, you can see their slanderous and hungry curiosity.Their wedding night was in Beihai Park. For most of the summer of that year, the two military ponchos he and Wan Jiang used were camp tents.Jiuhua's life was quietly formed during one of those nights.

"How is Renren?" Hong Min's breath formed words in Wanjiang's ear. He felt her nod.She nodded a little angry, thinking that it was not the right time for him to ask this question.He also felt her anger.Because he was avoiding her.He can't help but hide, what is this place. "I really want to see this little girl..." Wan Jiang nodded again.Thinking about it wrong, I shook my head again. The woman looked around furtively.Hong Min hurried out.She immediately looked at him and Wan Jiang in the shadows, and said, "It's terrible, the old man with glasses is looking for her like crazy." The woman pointed at Wan Jiang. "He ran to the women's bathroom first and waited at the door for more than ten minutes."

Wan Jiang had no strength at all.She stood numbly, letting the fifty-year-old woman cut her hair and put on lipstick.The woman squeezed out a collusive smile from the corners of her eyes while she was busy.She took out another compact and said in a rambling voice that the makeup on Wan Jiang's face had already reached Hong Min's face. Wan Jiang stood like that, at the mercy of others.Hong Min and her looked at each other eagerly across the fifty-year-old female clown.It was not until two days later that Wan Jiang understood Hong Min's last words that night.He said he was going to see Renren.If there is no way, he will go to her school to see her; don't worry, he can find out how many private girls' schools there are in her school, in San Francisco?

Renren finished her ballet class in the afternoon and went to the shower room to take a shower.When Wan Jiang was drying her hair, he suddenly turned off the hair dryer in his hand.Her hands brushed the girl's slightly shaved hair.Renren dyed her hair like all the female classmates, but the color is very subtle, and the slightly lighter strands on the top only emphasize the movement of the hair.Wan Jiang thought, the atmosphere is right, suitable for mother and daughter to bite each other's ears.She said, "Renren, there is someone who wants to meet you." Renren turned to look at her mother.There is no "who?" on her face; she knows who wants to see her.

"Your father wants to see you." Wan Jiang wanted to arouse the girl's curiosity and appetite, but failed. "You don't want to see your own father? He has been in the United States for two years and has always wanted to see you. He called the other day, and you answered the phone. He knew it was you as soon as he heard it. You didn't speak a word of Chinese, and he listened right away. Your voice came out..." Renren said, "I know." "You heard his voice too?" Renren turned his face to look at her again.Her eyes were a little disgusted, as if she wanted to see what her mother was excited about.Girls her age feel that sex and love are not the place for a woman over forty years old.She answered very simply and in English.She said she had to think about whether it was necessary to meet a father she didn't remember.Wan Jiang froze, and gradually felt humiliated, and then traumatized.She said how can a person not want his father?Renren said who said he didn't want a father?Humphrey is a role model for fathers.

Wan Jiang opened his mouth, but no words came out.The words she swallowed back were terrible: you are young, if you don’t have money, you will be your father and you will be your mother.But she immediately realized that Renren understood the words when she swallowed them back.Renren said that people probably cannot choose their mothers, but they can choose their fathers. Fathers are role models for younger generations and ideals.The most important thing is to identify with the father and identify with the personality.She spoke these words in English.Wanjiang felt that the girl became annoying when she spoke English.

Renren took the hair dryer from Wanjiang, and continued to dry her hair.She's just like any other American girl in this, too, with a very good gesture with her hair. Wan Jiang has been unable to think of words to counter her daughter.Renren suddenly stopped the hair dryer, and fell silent for two seconds as if giving her mother a blow.Then she asked her mother if she was going to keep the matter a secret from Humphrey.Wan Jiang asked: What's the matter?The girl smiled pitifully: What's the matter?There is this other man thing in your life.Renren's expression sharpened.Wan Jiang felt that Han Furui's eyes that could see through everything in the world were staring at her through Renren.She flinched at the fourteen-year-old girl.

Renren said: "If you mess around like this, you will cause big trouble one day. Hanfrui will know about it one day." "So what if he knows?" Wan Jiang said loudly, his face flushed red from embarrassment. The girl shrugged.What she meant was, well, stop being brave behind your back—won't Humphrey know?Then why are you secretly calling? Wan Jiang glared at his daughter poorly.She wondered how she got to this point and let this little girl judge her.Before meeting Hong Min, she had always been protective of the little girl.She didn't know how she gave up the position she once had, the word "beat" tickled her right hand.

Renren said: "Mom, let's go." She said in her usual tone, still retaining the last bit of childishness.There was a kind of fatigue in Renren's eyes.It is the exhaustion of precocious teenagers.This look is often well concealed by girls. Seventy percent of the time, she is immature.At this moment, she smiled wearily.Wanjiang felt that she had understood the girl's inconvenient words: Humphrey is suspicious, he has seen too many tricks in the world, and he recognizes people too well, so there is too much reason to think about people from the negative side first.Most of the immigration cases that Humphrey has personally handled involved conspiracy.Conspiracies that exploit each other's interests, exploit each other's weaknesses, and ultimately either sacrifice one side or lose both.

Saturday morning is summer.Summer in San Francisco is not about seasons, but about days.Summer does not exist, there are a few days in summer, before the sea breeze blows it cold, and before the fog comes ashore, it is warm or hot for a while, and it is summer.Everyone cherishes the midsummer by the day, and in the afternoon when the sun is warming up, they spread out their backs, stomachs, and limbs, and lie in a pink patch on the public grass.Occasionally, a police car "wows" past, and there must be someone who fully shows himself in the air, enjoying the sun addiction completely naked. The roses in the courtyard are also naked.Roses shouldn't be like this, Wan Jiang thought to himself, why did roses become grapes, so bloated one by one. From her perspective, Renren seemed to be lying on a rose.She was wearing a pair of denim shorts, and the vest on the upper body did not meet the waist of the trousers, leaving a gap of two inches wide.Renren's navel gap is such a climate that one must see the sun.The girl lay flat on the two-inch-wide handrail along the stone corridor, with a small basket of strawberries and a plate of condensed milk on her chest.She picked up the handle of the strawberry, dipped it in the condensed milk, then lifted it up, waiting for the condensed milk to drip off.As she waited for the condensed milk to fall drop by drop into the saucer, her lips were slightly parted, as if she couldn't wait.It also seemed that she just wanted to greedy herself, and teased herself like a puppy or cat. The teasing was so greedy that she couldn't hold it back, and her mouth was about to pounce on the strawberry, so she let go of her fingers and let the strawberry fall into her mouth. open mouth.This round was not over yet, the fingers grabbed the strawberry again, pulled it out from between the teeth, let it hang half a foot above, and continued to tease herself.Girls really know how to play with themselves. The sun shines on Renren's body, and the bud-like hairy limbs are in the light, ready to melt into this splendid afternoon at any time.She closed her eyes while chewing, took a deep breath, and carefully squeezed a pack of light red pulp with her lips. Seen in the sun, her lips were also a kind of juicy fruit, which was about to ripen, and the juice was about to drip.Does a strawberry covered in condensed milk taste that good?In Renren's place, it tastes as good as hell.It is not purely sweet, but has a hint of sourness and the unique jerkyness of fresh fruit, which makes her whole body subtly excited. Girl eating strawberries.Louis walked past Renren, his steps were light and slow.Holding a large bag of charcoal for barbecue, he walked down the stone steps.He cleared the charcoal ashes from the stove, the gray powder was flying, and he became restless when exposed to the sun.He went to see the girl eating strawberries again.For others, she is the juicy strawberry, and people can taste her visually.Not purely sweet, but also slightly sour and jerky.Louis also shivered subtly. He remembered that he had to clean up the old charcoal ash, so he went back up the steps.When he approached Renren, his footsteps slowed down and were very light.The benevolence in his eyes tasted as good as hell.Renren heard him walking past and coming again, she blinked and smiled at him.Louis didn't smile. Su's two cats had dropped by somewhere, and now they came back, lying near the barbecue stove.There are two cats, but there are seven cat legs in total. The male one has a disabled leg, but it does not prevent it from running or jumping. Renren called out, and the three-legged cat waltzed into her arms.She let it lie under her armpit, the long hair clustering her neck and cheeks.Louis thought, who wouldn't want to be the cat?Everyone wants to be this servile cat and give the girl the best caress. At this moment, Wan Jiang came out with a broom and a dustpan.She caught sight of Louis.She saw his deep brown eyes with green shadows so absorbed.The two greenish-black eyes bit Renren like flies; the "flies" crawled slowly around the girl's belly button with a trace of itching and dampness, climbing up and down.Wan Jiang suddenly realized something── At Louis's graduation ceremony five years ago, his eyes shot at her: that glance with ambiguous meaning and therefore meaningful, that moment when seniority and character relationship were removed.Wan Jiang followed it up.She found that in the past five years, every time she and Louis met each other without words, every time they laughed without words, they were all connected together and led all the way to this moment.His glance five years ago turned out to be a time bomb that was deeply planted, the fuse was secretly pulled over, and finally ignited.Renren is a spark that ignites on the tip of the fuse.The danger she had felt five years ago had always been there, but now it was illuminated by this spark.This sudden, ugly danger.A danger with a long mane and dark green eyes.Renren squinted and smiled at its animal face.The smile of a pure little bitch.Wan Jiang's heart was dark; she adopted the cub five years ago, and she has been feeding it unconsciously for five years.It finally revealed its original shape, already fat and strong, vigorous and ugly.This is a big beast called "Tian Lun". Wan Jiang called out "Louis."
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