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Chapter 45 The forty-fifth chapter is Qingchang.pay a heavy price

spring feast 安妮宝贝 2197Words 2018-03-19
Leaving an ancient bridge that is about to disappear, how will her life continue.She would rather time stagnate at the moment when they took off their clothes and confessed to each other, and this man wrapped her up in a warm and hot body, rather than face him so bluntly and alienated in reality.They clearly realize that once they break away from each other's embrace, they can only be two people from completely different worlds.The reality they each carry is so heavy that they cannot be dragged. After calming down, he became cautious.Nothing was said about prospects or the future between them.It was too much to reveal my heart at this moment.They have no room for commitment or anticipation, and need time to work through the strong emotions that finally burst into shape.She didn't ask any questions, and finished the bowl of noodles in front of her in silence.He knew her stubbornness and said, take good care of yourself.He is going to the airport to catch a flight back to Beijing, and then to the headquarters in Vancouver for a meeting.Leave for half a month.They did not agree on when they would meet again.

He hugged her tightly and said, I love you, Qingchang.It was something he could say, and it was something he liked to say, but it was something she didn't need.I love you, can this change her situation and life.No.She just realized that she was going to be more divided and tormented.This feeling will be her liability, not her salvation. In the light rain, he put her at the subway station.The car was bound for the airport immediately, and he was running out of time. She didn't have an umbrella, and she stood by the sidewalk, opened and closed her mobile phone, and a text message rang, it was Dingshan.He didn't receive a reply to her text message all night, and he didn't answer her phone call.But he was in no hurry.For Qing Chang, he has always given space for freedom and independence, without questioning or worrying.Just say, reply me a text message at your convenience.Qing Chang returned to him at the subway entrance and said, drunk, staying at a friend's place, and going home now.Then she walked slowly down the underpass.

All the way in silence, standing on the subway exhausted physically and mentally.The crowded and noisy crowd around her gave off a turbid smell, which made her feel that the objective life was moving forward in an orderly manner.And everything between her and Qing Chi has been pushed away and shelved, like a nightmare, with a bright future ahead.This nightmare will not be her light, but it may be a deeper dark passage.Qing Chang suppressed the disappointment in his heart, his expression was calm, and he was thinking about the next thing to be arranged.Yes.To prepare to go to Nanjing, to buy gifts for Dingshan's father, to receive manuscripts and then to work, to prepare wedding rings and clothes... Life has endless practical chores.There is a great unresolved void in life.

At this moment, there is only one thing she really wants to do in her heart: abandon everything and follow that man.Even if you go to the ends of the earth, even if you go to the end of the mountain.Just want to be with him.But she won't tell him anything.Since he couldn't meet her and she didn't even want to give him any time, all she could do was protect herself and end the relationship.She stood under the pale light of the subway car, her heart was fragile and torn apart, tears filled her eyes and she couldn't control herself.Tears flowed down his face, and he could only breathe hard with his head raised.Do your best to control this weak self-preservation that is destroyed in an instant.

She is getting married.There is no doubt about it.This is the only way to go. She misses him.It was as if the same hands were rubbing together in the chest, from top to bottom, from left to right, from inside to outside.Sometimes the heart will be grasped, bursting with pain.Sometimes it is just with a touch of sadness, like the dull pain after a package is broken and shattered, pretending to be calm.Memories are like unfathomable rivers, traveling silently.She stood on the shore, doing nothing, drifting with the tide.She had never felt the formation of emotion so clearly and distinctly, seeing it gradually condense into an isolated and concentrated core, embedded in the flesh.Be inseparable from it, live and die with it, rise and fall with it.

Out of longing for Qingchi and a certain kind of depression in her heart, she continued to go deep into Jiang's personal space, just to find even the slightest clue about Qingchi.In the girl's unreserved records, Qingchang saw Qingchi's emotional history that was impossible to guess and understand.In fact, the truth hidden in time is far beyond her imagination. He has a special liking for her, and he does not tolerate money and material resources. He took care of and nurtured this girl for 3 years, and devoted a lot of energy to look forward to it. He let her receive various trainings such as piano, English, tennis, ballet and sketching.He often takes her abroad for vacations.

He had been trying to convince her to stop modeling and send her to study in Canada. He bought the villa and wrote her name. He gave her a high-end sports car. He took her to Vancouver.With her parents, she gets on well with them.There was no doubt that they were a serious relationship.Feng Enjian may or may not know, but he never showed any doubts.This is the key to their smooth marriage. On the finger of her left mobile phone is a diamond ring that he bought for her.Yu Jiang made a request.She knew he had a wife and children, even though they were ten thousand kilometers away.The formalization of this substance can be offset as comfort for the time being.

At the same time, the girl pays the price for this generous and stable relationship: At the age of 18 and 20, he had an abortion.The pain is revealed in the text. Needs to be alone most of the time, and tolerates his constant flirtations and trysts.Fortunately, she has a lively career, and has a large group of friends of all races who eat, drink, dance and travel, so as to pass the time and emptiness. She has made some efforts.Do what he likes as much as possible, and learn everything he likes.From fine arts of all kinds to learning how to make cakes. She asked to go to a photo shop together and spent a lot of money to take a group of photos, wearing a white wedding dress and dressing up as a grand bridal attire.I have always fantasized about marrying him.

During the 3 years together, this lively girl fell in love with him and never had a different heart.But he has been having affairs with other women, and she found out several times, and he was distraught.He ran away from home and was chased back by him.In the end, I lacked the courage and future to leave. She knows he doesn't love her.In other words, the period when he once loved her has passed.He has some kind of idealistic expectation of love, not a man who only needs sensuality in a relationship between a man and a woman.A woman who pays attention to famous brands, vacations, eating, drinking and having fun, even if she can talk about some ideas or literature, but he still feels that she is young.And she was young, but he tried to ignore or reform this kind of innocence, and then he became discouraged and let this relationship go with the flow.She knew he might never marry her.She also knew that he would not abandon her casually.

She stared at the trajectory of his life with another woman in the photo for a long time. He and Yu Jiang have been to most European countries.In the old town, on the river bank, in the castle, in the hotel, leave a lot of vacation photos.All photos of Yu Jiang were taken by him.At that time they were in love, he was obsessed with her smile, back, body, posture, every move.In the photo, you can see the passion of the man standing opposite with the camera in hand.Yu Jiang could naturally feel this love, with a delicate smile and innocent eyes, she was beautiful at that time.Looking at these photos, Qing Chang was not jealous, but slightly sentimental.Before they met, Qing Chi's life was interdependent with this woman.Yu Jiang's beauty and pure vitality brought him joy that lasted for a long time.

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