Home Categories contemporary fiction spring feast

Chapter 27 Chapter 27 Believe it.mystery mother

spring feast 安妮宝贝 2124Words 2018-03-19
Zhuang quickly became her first friend together.He is a local, one year older than her, and is deeply fascinated by her.She knew she had conquered him.At heart she is a lonely girl. He said, Fiona, is your mother an artist.At the school's anniversary party, he sees Jeong-ryung.Zhenliang doesn't care about dressing up. On formal occasions, she wears a gray-blue silk cotton shirt that she sewed by herself. She doesn't even have a trace of make-up. She has a thin and clean face, and a white carnation is inserted into the side of her hair.The mother and daughter looked like outsiders, living here.No, she said, she was just weaving.But she wasn't going to explain about weaving.

She saw her classmates and parents gathered together to talk loudly, only Zhen Liang stood aside and watched the crowd calmly.Finally, he walked out the door, holding a glass of champagne in one hand, pulling out a cigarette with the other hand, sandwiching it between his teeth, and lighting it.Zhen forgive not to embarrass herself.She has been used to being alone but contented since she was a child.Is her mother an artist.she does not know.Zhenliang, who is indifferent in words and deeds, never minds the judgment of the outside world or others, and does not make noise to attract the public.Her work has value, but it's out of fashion and out of place.They only have their own real life.This is the only thing that Zhenliang pays attention to.

There are conversations like this between them. Believe me, in school you should only find some playmates.Test scores are not the goal. Then I don't need to get into a good university and get a good job in the future? If you can, you can naturally get into a good university.That has to be what you decide you need.The same goes for work. From Zhenliang's tone, she judged that she didn't care whether she could get into college or find a job.But she doesn't want her life to be like a piece of cloth woven by Zhenliang's hands, gorgeous and cool, but useless to the world.This is destined to be an untimely and willful way of life.She hopes that she can blend into the crowd to gain warmth, even if she has not yet figured out where to go.So she studies hard, responds to the friendship together, and gives energy to keep herself warm.She said, I look forward to a chance to enter the world.

Zhenliang bought a piece of land in the eastern suburbs and built a house.This is the first stable residence owned by Travelers.For the ceiling of the room, small branches of poplar and oleander are placed on the upper part of the trimmed rafters at a specific angle, and the surface of the branches is treated with thin lime.The room is simply furnished, and the items collected are mostly from flea markets and flea markets in different places: old-fashioned floor lamps, lotus-shaped ceramic mirrors, cherry wood wardrobes, and so on.Other decorations lean towards natural and eco-friendly options.

The kitchen facilities are simple, no microwave oven, juicer, dishwasher, blender, washing machine.Tend to use manual labor as much as possible to replace energy consumption.No TV, never watch any TV shows. During the apricot ripening season, a neighbor sent a cardboard box of ripe apricots freshly picked from the tree, soft yellow and fragrant.They boiled it overnight to make apricot jam and put it in glass bottles.Cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks, lentils, and shallots are harvested in large baskets and distributed to kitchens.Zhenliang uses both hands to build the desired home little by little, no less than a man.Cook, plant, harvest, clean and enjoy the labor.

During the trip, they often go to local flea markets, second-hand stores and farmers' markets, walk around and look for collection items: old edition books, small sketches and oil paintings, antique dresses, porcelain, embroidery, fabrics, Buddha statues, Old beads, inkstones, crocks, painted pottery, jade, stone portraits, clay sculptures, shadow puppets, paintings, paper-cuts... Some of these things were photographed with cameras, some were drawn with sketches, and some were bought and packaged to send back. Because of the well-informed and well-informed home, the home is completely disordered, and the harmonious and comfortable eclectic style is refreshing by matching traditional oriental utensils with European-style furniture.Since she was a child, she knew that she should have the love of her heart.In the bedroom, clothes are placed in a shell-shaped cupboard.Light sky blue, like the sky when you wake up in the morning, this blue makes her quiet.The kitchen has a mahogany cabinet with a glass door panel. After opening, the collected tableware, tea cups and bowls are randomly placed in it.This cupboard is her treasure.

She said that she taught me what is aesthetic and respect for objects, not a display of vanity.It is not a simple measure of money, nor is it a rough possession.That should be a kind of gentle and sensitive mutual detection. She said that when I was a child, I remembered the cross pattern on the blue background of the pleated linen skirt, which was only embroidered by the mountain minority in Laos.Necklaces strung with flowers are made of silk of various colors, and they are made together. The fabric comes from old kimonos sold in the Nara market in Japan.Color patterns are hard to find.Wearing a necklace to a school dance performance.

These physical presences with strong personalities made her aware of being different.Keeping a distance from the crowd is a kind of character. The 36-year-old Zhenliang has not changed much from the 27-year-old.The closed and pure artistic work makes her empty inside, and her appearance stagnates and no longer grows.Sometimes her face even has a retrograde meaning, gradually returning to the greenness and lightness of a girl.Stay focused and work hard.The content of life with a different approach creates a face that matches it. Not reading magazines and newspapers, not going to shows, smoking, tattooing, drinking hard alcohol, mixing champagne and whiskey, driving fast, taking various drugs, including tranquilizers, sleeping pills and antidepressants.A suicide note is written every year.These properties are not contradictory.She lives alone and gives up information all the year round, but her feelings about life are not boring and monotonous.On the contrary, it is a passion and sensitivity that is endlessly full of endless possibilities and imagination.

Zhenliang planted fruit trees in the garden, which bloomed lively flowers in spring.She placed large bluestones under the tree, introduced a clear spring, and watched the fallen flowers covered with stones when they bloomed, covering the water surface, and became a caring flower watcher.She prefers all fragrant white flowers, gardenia, hosta, jasmine, magnolia, bergamot, thyme...planted in earthenware pots in the garden.I also like orchids, winter plums, green bamboos, pines and cypresses, crab claw chrysanthemums, and peonies.Plants and human minds have something to do with each other.She loves flowers regardless of each other.

Where he came from and what he did is always a mystery.She seldom mentions the past, the past is like a huge ship sinking into the sea without seeing the light of day.Girls can only voluntarily reject it, and no longer have any hope of approaching the core of an adult woman. Sometimes she travels alone for days, not more than a week.Letters were placed in the homes of neighbors or acquaintances.Before leaving, she put her bag on the side of the road, squatted down, took her hand, looked into her eyes, and said, I have something to do when I go out, and I will come back when I am done.wait for me.Zhen Liang's tone was calm, hoping that she would accept the parting with a normal heart and not worry about the relationship between people, and learn to live with herself and wait.And finally understand that there is no need to entangle and stick with each other, but to stay at ease.

In her personality, there is no intimacy and adhesion, but there is a kind of hidden change.This makes her an elusive and mysterious mother.
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