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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

Celadon 浮石 17851Words 2018-03-19
What Zhang Zhongping was worried about didn't happen. When the three of them were eating boiled live fish on the boat, they were calm and quiet, and Tang Wen didn't bring up that topic at all. The boat used for the restaurant is actually a kind of cement barge, which is moored in the river more than ten or twenty meters away from the shore.For urban diners who often visit luxuriously decorated hotels and restaurants, it has a bit of wild fun.The biggest drawback of the Xiangshui Riverside Boat Restaurant is water supply and drainage. Citizens often put forward sharp criticisms in various media.Therefore, this kind of restaurant has fought a guerrilla war with the relevant government departments, and it is always open and stop.

As soon as the stock market fell, Tang Wen had already lost a lot of money.Hearing that Hu Haiyang is in securities, I couldn't help but ask him for advice.Tang Wen behaved normally, which made Zhang Zhongping feel that what happened last night was basically over.Tang Wen said to Hu Haiyang: "You guys were very chic when you were in the village, don't you feel a bit like Chairman Mao commanding the three major battles?" Hu Haiyang said: "It is true that Chairman Mao and the God of Wealth will bless us together. Not to mention. The so-called chic is an outsider's imagination. On the contrary, an organization at our level may die ugly if it is not careful. That feeling is really like dancing on the tip of a needle "Zhang Zhongping said: "The securities market is becoming more and more regulated, which makes it more and more difficult to be a banker, because you are not engaged in charity. If you want to make a profit, you have to play around the edges of the law." Hu Haiyang said: "Mr. Zhang is right. Yes, but laws and regulations are also a double-edged sword. It is said that if you control it, you will die, and if you let it go, you will mess up. Anyway, China’s affairs are the same, and you have to go beyond the norm. If you don’t go beyond the norm, you will have no chance to make money. And Don’t be too outrageous, otherwise, Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and may become the target of public criticism, and may be shot out of the head.” Zhang Zhongping said: “The stock market is really a battlefield, and its performance is more tragic than other markets. , because basically there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy on this battlefield, everyone has become an economic animal, only for the purpose of profit, and it is often inevitable to fight chaos."

Hu Haiyang said: "Stock speculation in the secondary market is to earn the price difference, buy low and sell high. But there is an open market there, how can there be so much price difference for you to make money? This has to create a market. Others don't talk about it. Let’s talk about the specific operation. In the early years of China’s stock market, 30 to 50 million yuan was enough for a single stock. Now that the entire market has grown, the general small and medium-cap stocks cost 400 to 500 million to 100 million yuan. Lai Yi, a family will definitely not work, you have to find an ally. But is it so easy to find an ally? There is a saying in the shopping mall that there are only eternal interests, but no eternal allies. Doing business is too difficult. Why? One is because everyone is too smart One is that whoever is honest will suffer. This is especially evident in the stock market. For example, when to enter the market, everyone’s opinions are unified, but when to come out, it is more difficult. What to rely on? Rely on integrity? If everyone is honest, and everyone follows the established policy, at least they can earn money from retail investors and other teams. However, as long as there is a possibility that one family will not be honest, the end result will be vying to be dishonest. There is a poker game called running fast. The bosses of big organizations love to play it. What if you don’t run fast? Do you want to learn from Lei Feng? Do you carry the sedan chair for others? Stepping on your dead body hesitantly, I have to say two words to you after I'm done, don't think these two words are thank you, no, these two words are--Silly B. See, the stock market is like this, earning your money Money also despises you in terms of IQ. This is a difficulty. Another difficulty is the internal operation problem. To buy and sell a stock requires dozens or hundreds of traders, and they cannot be concentrated in one place. One is that the inspections are now strict, and the other is that the retail investors are now sophisticated, and they can grasp the movements of large investors at any time. This is especially true when the stock market is in a downturn. If you want to speculate in a certain stock, it will become someone else's escape Good opportunity. The most frightening thing is the mouse position. Each trader has a complicated social relationship. When they get an order to buy, they first build their own positions secretly. When they get an order to sell, they are the first to sell. The buying and selling channels are limited, and it is easy to turn around when the ship is small, but it will be difficult to handle when the ship is too big." Tang Wen said: "Isn't this kind of situation disloyal to the company? Moreover, those mouse warehouses are not guaranteed to make money. Is it?" Hu Haiyang said: "This is definitely disloyalty, but it is not necessarily a steady profit. Why? Because a trader is only a local point, a knot in the net, and although the instructions he gets are true, they must be executed. Yes, but it may be a smoke screen cast by the headquarters to confuse the market, which may be the opposite of the fundamental intention of the headquarters, and the role of the trader who is responsible for the cover task is uncertain and often changes. You have to follow the trend, There is no certainty when it will be caught and eaten. What's more, the boss knows that there is a mouse warehouse, and sometimes deliberately releases some false information? So the mouse warehouse is actually not easy to do." Zhang Zhongping said: "Boss Hu said Is it the relationship between the large institutional household of private capital and the rat warehouse below? What if the large institutional household is state-owned assets? The situation is still different, right?" Hu Haiyang smiled and said: "Then the fedRats are no ordinary rats.Sima Qian mentioned in "Historical Records" that the rats in the national granary and the rats in the toilet are two different things, hahahaha. "Tang Wen said: "Yes, there are often reports in the newspapers that some corrupt officials will not hesitate to make the country lose tens or hundreds of millions in order to get hundreds of thousands or millions of kickbacks and bribes.These people are the rats in the national granary you said, and it is really not enough to kill them a hundred times. Hu Haiyang said: "The professor is good, he knows how to worry about the country and the people."Indeed, stock investment has become one of the most dangerous industries in Chinese society.The degree of danger ranks sixth among the top ten dangerous industries, ahead of traditional dangerous occupations such as war reporters, lumberjacks, geological explorers, and coal miners, and behind stuntmen, aircraft test pilots, and demining engineers.Relevant investigations and analyzes also show that family misfortune, wealth loss, and criminal cases brought about by stock investment (mistakes) are far higher than the sum of other industries.Why has the stock market been in a downturn for a long time in recent years?Because there are too many unfavorable factors in front of Chinese stockholders, such as malicious plundering by large shareholders, misappropriation of money, large-scale expansion, etc., any one of them can cause the stock market to fall.This is an objective fact, and the same objective fact is that the stock market is currently the market with the largest number of participants and the most complicated levels of participants.Therefore, the degree of openness of the stock market is higher than that of other markets and fields, and it is gradually transitioning to orderly management; although there are many uncertain factors in the stock market, the degree of freedom of participants is also the highest, because You can decide when to go in or out at any time; on the same level, its openness and fairness are relatively high, so don't worry about no one playing.The biggest problem in the stock market is the rules of the game and funds.As long as our country maintains stability and continues to carry out reform and opening up, there must still be opportunities for stock investors to make a lot of money.The same is true when analyzing the characteristics of human nature. Some people say that there are two main weaknesses of human beings, one is fear and the other is greed.This is not only the motivation for stockholders or personalized institutions to enter the stock market, but also the psychological reason for stockholders' performance in the stock market. "Zhang Zhongping said: "Mr. Hu is right, the stock market is a condensed society.For some, getting into the stock market is an option.Just like it is impossible for everyone not to enter this society. Tang Wen smiled and said: "This kind of thing is a bit difficult to understand. For most women, they would rather pursue a simple life." "Hu Haiyang said: "People, once you enter the stock market, you can't live a simple life.The stock market is the place that can best expose people's inferiority, such as the greed and fear just mentioned. "Tang Wen said: "Greed is an excessive desire. It is understandable that the so-called insufficiency of the so-called greed and the insufficiency of the heart lead to a series of vicious cases."Speaking of fear, the literal meaning is extreme fear, but how can it be the most important inferiority of human beings? "Zhang Zhongping said: "A person who is afraid of wolves and tigers in everything is a person who does nothing.A society that is afraid of mistakes and troubles is a society that does nothing, a society that has no vitality and no future for development.In addition, it is precisely because of the fear of the future and uncertain things that people desperately and abnormally possess certain things, thinking that those things can bring him a sense of security.For example, money, who in this society thinks there is too much money?Who doesn't think more money is better?The key question is to figure out what money to make and how to make money.To compare women again, it is said that men always desire wives and concubines in groups.However, from a psychological point of view, a man with a philandering heart is not only emotionally fragile, but may also have certain personality defects.They are bothered because they lack the ability to grasp a deep, intimate, firm and stable relationship between the sexes, so they have to use the freshness obtained by constantly changing new objects to soothe their emotional emptiness and fragility.Isn't this back to the road of greed?Greed out of fear. Hu Haiyang said: "Wonderful." Tang Wen said: "Zhong Ping, you are not a fragile person, are you?" Zhang Zhongping said: "It's been decades, you still don't know if I'm emotionally fragile or not?" "Tang Wen said: "The key issue is to grasp the sense of proportion. You can't do anything too much, right, Zhongping?" Zhang Zhongping said, "Of course." Hu Haiyang said: "That's what I said, but human desires are very complicated. Who can really be the master of their own desires?"I'm afraid there are only saints left. Zhang Zhongping said: "Yes, everyone has times when they can't help themselves, and there are also times when they have no choice." Tang Wen said: "What can't help it?"It's not like using involuntary as an excuse to succumb to a certain desire. "Hu Haiyang glanced at Tang Wen, then at Zhang Zhongping, and quickly said: "The problem is that the river wind, fishing torches, wine and wine are a kind of artistic conception. Look at the opposite side, and the lights are just on, and the traffic is busy.Like me, after eating, I have to cross the river to enter that state. Tang Wen bowed her head and was speechless. Zhang Zhongping said: "President Hu's words are very philosophical and incisive." "

The boiled live fish came up, it was puffer fish.Zhang Zhongping personally went to the side of the boat to watch that the master chef in the restaurant picked it up from the fishing bag immersed in the river, which weighed four catties.Puffer fish are extremely poisonous and are said to be nationally protected animals.The media has reported that people died after eating fugu, but the meat of fugu is delicate and delicious. Many people regard eating fugu as a unique experience in their lives. It seems that people who dare to take risks to taste delicious food are not ordinary people.Hu Haiyang took a sip and said it was good.Tang Wen said, if it tastes good, eat more.Tang Wen learned this sentence from Zhao Wei. The food commercial that Zhao Wei played is currently being broadcast on many TV stations, so she used it casually.Tang Wen was deeply impressed by this advertisement, but it was related to Xiaoyu.Xiao Yu hated Little Swallow, whom she admired in the past, because of the military flag, and every time she saw her show up, she would answer, saying, eat it and die.Zhang Zhongping also echoed, and asked Hu Haiyang to let go of the food, if it wasn't enough, he would add another one.Zhang Zhongping said: "Maybe it will be someone else's turn to eat us next time." Hu Haiyang said: "This kind of thing is really hard to say. If you really have such an opportunity, others will not be polite. They will eat you until you are left A clean fish bone, but what will happen to this fish after eating it? Does your heart feel ashamed?" Tang Wen said, "What are you two talking about?" The two men looked at each other and smiled, saying that eating fish eat fish.

After taking Tang Wen home after dinner, Zhang Zhongping proposed to find a place to drink tea. Hu Haiyang said, "Forget it, you and I don't need to pay attention to those formalities. Talking outside is not as convenient as talking in the room." So I went back to Pengcheng Hotel where Hu Haiyang stayed. The topic returned to "Book of Changes".Hu Haiyang said: "Ordinary people don't know "Book of Changes", and they only think it is a book of divination. Even Qin Shihuang thought this way and looked down on it, which made it hide among the burning books and burying scholars. After a catastrophe. Since Confucius, the Confucianism of the past dynasties has highly evaluated it, ranking it at the top of the Four Books and Five Classics. Modern celebrities and scholars have even higher evaluations of it, thinking that it is all-encompassing. Including astronomy, Numeracy, mathematics, rhythm, science, philosophy, art, even medicine, military science, arithmetic, etc. Many Chinese and foreign scholars worship and admire Xibo Jichang, the author of "Book of Changes", and regard him as a god-man, Saints. For example, Chiang Kai-shek, both of his names are derived from the "Yu" hexagram in Zhouyi: Liu Er is between stones, not chaste and auspicious all day long. "Image" says: not chaste and auspicious all day long, but with Zhong Zheng. Another example is Qian Zhong In the book, the male protagonist is Fang Hongjian. The word Hongjian comes from the hexagram "Jian": on the sixth day, Hongjian Yugan. What does it mean? It means that the wild geese gradually flew to the shallows by the water, which is very poetic and picturesque. "

Zhang Zhongping smiled, but didn't answer. He also asked someone to tell his fortune, but he had never come into contact with "Book of Changes". Hu Haiyang said: "Xibo Jichang was also the later King Wen of Zhou. He was 82 years old when he started writing the Book of Changes. He was a prisoner. He was reduced from the leader of the Zhou clan to a prisoner. The contrast in life was very different. Shut him. Who is he? It is the cruel King Zhou of Yin. Why did King Zhou of Yin imprison Ji Chang? She is very virtuous. After she was called into the palace by King Zhou of Yin, she didn't like to have sex with King Zhou of Yin. When King Zhou got angry, he killed her and implicated her father Jiuhou. King Zhou also killed him. Ehou defended Jiuhou, and King Yin Zhou also killed him. Killing people was so easy at that time, like cutting leeks. King Yin Zhou killed Ehou, but ordered the executioner to chop him into meat paste Let the ministers eat the meatloaf. Xibo Jichang just let out a long sigh when he heard about it, and he was informed and became a prisoner. Yesterday he was a leader with a lot of waiters, but today he is reduced to a prisoner and a servant , is equal to heaven and earth, with one foot in the underworld and the other in the sun. It can be imagined that at the beginning, Ji Chang must have been in shock. There is always the danger of being killed. The fish character we tested in the morning said that there is a knife on the head. Compared with the knife on Ji Chang’s head, this knife is really nothing. Will the knife on Ji Chang’s head Will it fall? When will it fall? Who knows? Not to mention that Ji Chang doesn’t know, even King Yin Zhou doesn’t know. Logically, he should know, because Ji Chang’s fate is in his hands. But This kind of argument can't stand up to scrutiny, because King Yin Zhou himself is a moody person, and he often doesn't even know what he wants to think. Hanging up and down with one's heart is the most unbearable state. Many people I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not dying. There is only one way for Ji Chang to change this state, which is to do his own divination. Before Ji Chang, people used Fuxi gossip for divination, and they needed tortoise shells. Where is Ji Chang sitting in prison? The tortoise shell? I had to use local materials to replace it with yarrow. Ji Chang placed the gossip map on the ground with yarrow knots, without calculation, and Ji Chang shuddered just from the position. Fire belongs to fire, Xibo Jichang is in position, water belongs to water, the two phases restrain each other, and the power is overwhelming. Ji Chang can't fight against King Zhou, and it seems that there is only one dead end. Who wants to die? Although Ji Chang is 82 years old, he still doesn't want to die. Don't want to What should we do if we die? The only way out is to seek change, put it to death and then live. How to change? In today’s words, it is to change the position. For example, we can change the course of the river, so that some places on the north side of the river that belong to yang are turned to the south of the river, and instead belong to yin. Why do the later Fengshui masters always suggest that the house should face north and south? Why do buildings with a fixed orientation set up some organs and entrances in order to change the changes of yin and yang? It is nothing more than changing the original state of nature through human actions."

Zhang Zhongping said: "Wait, last time I went to your company, I saw a picture of gossip hanging on the wall. Does it have something to do with what you just said?" Hu Haiyang smiled and said: "It's about it. Yi, change. The meaning of Yi is born from lizards. Lizards are cold-blooded animals and chameleons. They will constantly change the color of their bodies with changes in temperature. However, When we morally condemn the so-called chameleon, shouldn't we give it a heartfelt respect for its natural resilience?" Zhang Zhongping said: "No wonder there is a picture of a lizard hanging on the other wall of your office. I thought it was weird at the time, and I wanted to ask, but I was afraid of being abrupt. Okay, you can finish Ji Chang's story."

Hu Haiyang said: "How many years has Ji Chang been in prison? Seven years, more than 2,000 days and nights. The fear at the beginning gradually faded away, and there must be something to pass the time. Besides, if he Worrying all day long, thinking about the invisible knife hanging above his head when eating and sleeping, he may be depressed and die soon. Ji Chang decided to study Fuxi gossip to enrich Fuxi gossip. Guo Moruo once said, It means that the root of gossip is related to the worship of ancient genitals. One is drawn to resemble the male penis, and the other is divided into two to resemble the female genitals. From this, the concepts of male and female, parents, yin and yang, hardness and softness, and heaven and earth are performed. In Ji Chang The same is true in his eyes. Slowly, a universe was placed in front of him, and various states of people were presented one by one. The original rigid and dull things became vivid and vivid. High and low, but interdependent. The four seasons go round and round, and the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are born and restrained. The heavenly way is yin and yang, the authentic way is hard and soft, and the human way is benevolence and righteousness. The gossip is far from enough. By overlapping and combining them, there are 64 hexagrams and 384 lines. The hexagram image first, then the hexagram speech, the hexagrams are progressive, and complement each other. The universe, the social thread, and all the mysteries are involved. "

Zhang Zhongping said: "Boss Hu's remarks are too professional and profound. Ordinary people also care about Chang Ji's fate. How about it? Has the knife on his head fallen?" Hu Haiyang said: "No. Later, King Zhou released Ji Chang. Ji Chang's second son destroyed Zhou and established the Zhou Dynasty, and made Ji Chang King Wen. How about it, is it enough for Zhang Yimou to come up with a movie?" Zhang Zhongping said: "Zhang Yimou's films are getting more and more stinky. His latest film is very mentally handicapped. It's called a children's film. I was thinking just now, what's going on with Ji Chang's story? What's going on in the world? It’s really hard to say. I was thinking while listening to you, King Zhou could have killed Ji Chang, why didn’t he kill him? Doesn’t he understand the principle of cutting grass and roots? Did Ji Chang mobilize the power of the gods to save himself? Ji Chang’s imprisonment is undoubtedly a disaster, but if Ji Chang hadn’t done this, wouldn’t there be no “Book of Changes”?”

Hu Haiyang said: "Mr. Zhang, you have raised these questions very well. If you think about it carefully, who in the society is not lonely and helpless? Who can really control their own destiny? Ji Chang did Has it arrived? Has King Zhou achieved it? King Zhou is famous for his arrogance, extravagance, refusal to cover up wrongs, and cruelty. However, he was not a mediocre person from the beginning. The culture of the Central Plains developed towards the Yangtze River Basin. Do people have a destiny? Is the destiny of a person predestined and predictable? In fact, the power of ghosts and gods is not so much a supernatural phenomenon as it is a kind of psychological needs and Consolation. That's why ancient temples and temples become blessed places where all living beings place their dreams and seek shelter. This is true for the people at the bottom, especially for the dignitaries, politicians, and wealthy businessmen, because even for the latter type of people, the unpredictable factors in life cannot be controlled. There are many factors. To use our afternoon metaphor, they are really big fish. And the bigger the fish, the bigger the target, the more eyes staring at them, no one knows how many nets and hooks there are already Modern fishing gear awaits them."

Zhang Zhongping said: "Mr. Hu, why do I feel that you seem to have a negative fate?" Hu Haiyang said: "No, it's not only wrong, but on the contrary, awareness and insight into limitations is the beginning of freedom, didn't you also say that? Each of us has to live in society. According to the theory of ichthyosis, every Everyone is a fish. Since we cannot escape the fate of becoming a fish, we certainly hope to become a big fish. Small fish have the happiness of small fish, and big fish have risks of big fish. However, after all, the living space and development of big fish The opportunities are much greater. The sea is open to all rivers, and the fish swim in the sea. In our metaphor, the sea is a fairy tale world without industrial pollution, a paradise of dreams, which is always yearning for fish. No matter how many secret channels there are, fish always want It is our destiny to swim to the sea." Zhang Zhongping smiled and said: "I can't see that Mr. Hu is still a poet. If we go back ten or twenty years, we may not just sit and talk about it like we do now, but drink and go crazy while reciting Pushkin Whitman loudly." .” Hu Haiyang also laughed, and said: "Mr. Zhang, don't think that my old man is talking about teenage madness. People can't help but use metaphors in order to clarify a truth, but any metaphor is always lame. It is easy to The loopholes are found out. Therefore, the highest state of communication is not to speak, the so-called silence is better than the sound here. The second highest state is to speak less, the so-called tacit understanding." Zhang Zhongping kept nodding, and said, "Yes, yes, yes. I also want to know, how did Mr. Hu become obsessed with it?" Hu Haiyang said, "Our company has a leather consultant. I am interested in "Book of Changes". His influence." Zhang Zhongping said: "Who is Consultant Pi? Is he an outsider?" Hu Haiyang said: "Not an expert, nor a weirdo, but a very ordinary person. He used to be a department-level cadre of the Communist Party. "Zhang Zhongping said: "I have always believed that 80% to 90% of China's outstanding talents are in party and government organizations at all levels. It is not easy for Hu to recruit such a big fish for your use." Hu Haiyang said : "You are wrong. He is no longer a department-level cadre. He is a prisoner who has been released from prison. Like King Zhou Wen, he was once a prisoner." Zhang Zhongping said, "What's going on?" Hu Haiyang said: "This consultant skin is actually my uncle. I have a strange relationship with him. When he was on the stage, I hadn't gone to sea. I wanted to change jobs. I begged him. He couldn't live or die. Ken helped and told me a lot of truths. Later, I went to sea to make money, and my cousin went to college. I sent 50,000 yuan. Since I sincerely thanked him for not helping me solve the transfer problem, it prompted me to come out and do it myself. It means showing off. Guess what happened to him? Not only did he not receive any money, but he also scolded me, saying that there was no Communist Party to carry out reform and opening up, where did you nouveau riche come from? My uncle is a poor man, and you might not believe it , His house is too shabby. The artificial leather sofa, the concrete floor, and the simple furniture from the 1980s, even my nephew can't stand it. My uncle is not a showman, nor is he a natural weirdo. It is because of lack of money. I think this alone is enough to be respected. May I ask how many current cadres rely solely on wages to support their families? On the other hand, if you only rely on that salary, you can only Living in poverty, you just said that 80 to 90% of China's elites are concentrated in the party and government cadres. This is true, but it is not necessarily a good phenomenon. I think the best talents in a country should go to Create wealth directly, start an enterprise or run a business, so that his contribution and gain can be equal. Otherwise, if he keeps messing around in the officialdom, it’s okay if he can get it out, but if he can’t, he will feel unbalanced, and he will either become a mediocre person or He will think of crooked ideas to make money. This is going too far, let’s talk about my uncle. He has a smooth career in official career. He has been the principal of the middle school, the secretary of the county party committee, and the secretary of the prefectural party committee. All the places where he has worked have established a good image of integrity and honesty, and the public has a good reputation. When he transferred from the county to the area, thousands of people sent him tearfully. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, you would think it was a film. TV series. During his tenure as the secretary of the prefectural party committee, a storm of clean government was set off. When holding meetings or receiving visitors from superiors, he strictly implemented "four dishes and one soup", confiscated government buses, and cleared cadres' illegal houses. The commissioner of the administrative office took a refrigerator from others, and he A democratic life meeting was held to persuade him to return it time and again. He did not take a penny from home. On the contrary, part of his salary was used for accommodation and transportation for the petitioners. On hot summer days, he did not turn on the air conditioner and worked with a palm fan. It is said that enterprises and rural areas are in short supply of electricity, and energy saving is once... His deeds have been reported by all media at the highest level in China. He was named the "Top Ten News Figures" in the country that year. He is definitely not talking about clean government on stage. , a person who engages in corruption in the audience. Such a person was eventually reduced to a prisoner, and the charge was for taking bribes. Such a person would be corrupt? I really can’t believe it. I thought he must be a victim of a power struggle. It's very complicated, maybe it's also very simple. It's just that he offended people when he built a clean government, which can be said to be a kind of political persecution, or a villain did harm to him. At that time, I didn't even think that the "villain" turned out to be me. My uncle has always been very vigilant against solicitation and corruption, and he regards his innocence as more important than his life. At that time, a classmate of mine was working in an urban credit union and caught up with a promotion.There are three candidates for the opportunity of the director. My classmate ranked first in various evaluations, but he was always uneasy, so he asked me to ask him, and hoped that I would talk to my uncle and say hello.When I first went to sea, this classmate helped me, so I also attached great importance to his entrustment, and there was no other purpose in going to find my uncle, I just hope that the organization department can handle it fairly.In a word, it is not to help him get through the back door, but to prevent others from running the relationship.My uncle ignored me at all and accused me of meddling in government affairs.Later, my classmate took office smoothly, and I still feel grateful to my uncle in my heart.He opened a bank card worth 20,000 yuan in the name of my aunt, and asked me to give it to my aunt. I couldn’t get it back after several times, and I almost got into a fight with my classmates. I had no choice but to give it to my aunt. I didn't dare to tell the truth, because I was afraid that my aunt would not be able to give it away, so I vaguely said that it was the cost of sponsoring the schooling of my two younger brothers and sisters.Coincidentally, within a few days when my uncle was studying at the Central Party School, my aunt gave him the bank card. My aunt didn't say that the card was from me, so my uncle thought it was money from his family.Later, my classmate, who was the director of the credit union, embezzled public funds to gamble in Macau and lost several million, violating the criminal law. He told the story of the 20,000 yuan, which became evidence of his uncle's bribery.Uncle was dismissed from office, expelled from the party, sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for three years, and his political career ended.My uncle stayed in the detention center for seven months. My aunt and I drove to pick him up that day. I felt really uncomfortable. I felt that I had harmed him, and I had no choice but to face it.I thought I would see an uncle with a haggard face, dull eyes, and stooped body, because I heard that he suffered a lot in there and tried to commit suicide by hitting the wall.It never occurred to me that, apart from being a little tired, he had changed little.No, it should be said that what has not changed is his appearance, the official authority in his gestures has disappeared.His expression is very serene, and his eyes are reserved and deep, giving you the feeling that he is very real, like a real, calm and wise man.Discussions about my uncle in the society went to two extremes. The common people sighed for him, and a small number of people secretly celebrated him.Uncle rested at home for less than three days before returning to work—he set up a cigarette stand in a small facade diagonally opposite the office building of the prefectural committee where he used to work.This incident sparked a lot of discussion.I have always been deeply sorry to my uncle. I once proposed to hire him as a senior consultant in my company with a high salary, and at the same time allocated a considerable amount of company shares to him. My uncle accepted my apology. After all, it was my stupidity that caused him Get out of work that way.But he tried his best to refuse my gift, saying that a gentleman does not eat what is cheap.In order to understand my uncle, I once spent three days with him selling cigarettes at the stall.That was three days of silent meditation for the two of them.Uncle didn't speak until the stall closed on the last day.My uncle said that every day when I look at my senior and subordinate colleagues in the past, coming in and out through the high-arched gate, or walking, or riding a bicycle or taking a small car, I always feel that they are nothing more than a group of fish.The so-called prosperity in the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.And me?Without political ambitions and interest disputes, he became a real person instead.What is the most important thing in a person's life?Freedom and health, that's all.The fish my uncle mentioned never wandered or swam to his cigarette stand to buy cigarettes.This is easy to understand. What did you say when you met each other?After another period of time, his former colleagues began to visit his house in the dead of night, not to talk about the friendship of colleagues in the past, but to ask him to test characters and divination.Because at that time, my uncle's famous name of "testing characters and divining divination" had already been spread like a god.However, my uncle always failed to respond to the requests of people in his official career. He reasoned that he had finished the three trigrams today, and if he needed anything, please call tomorrow.As a result, people came early the next day, but what they got was still what they said yesterday.Over time, everyone will understand that my uncle doesn't gossip with official officials.This, on the contrary, made his reputation among the people even more heated.I wasn't superstitious about him at first, I thought the rumors about him in the society were nothing but tricks, and it was okay to fool Zhang's aunt and Li's aunt.My uncle charges people for reading and divination, but he is very free to charge more and less, as a supplement to setting up a cigarette stand.After a few years like this, one thing changed my opinion of him.Do you know that the domestic B-share market is open?Before this, many large institutional investors had a little bit of B-share bargaining chips in their hands. At that time, they could not be traded in China, and they had to have a Hong Kong resident ID card, or they could go to Hong Kong to do it.However, the B-share market has been in a downturn for a long time. I have invested thousands of dollars in it one after another.I went to see him before the trip, and wanted to take him to Hong Kong to have a look.He didn't want to go, but he offered to make a divination for me. The divination he made made me feel cold for a long time, and strengthened my determination to clear the warehouse. " Zhang Zhongping couldn't help asking: "What hexagram is typed out?" Hu Haiyang said: "'No. Heaven and earth do not communicate, no. Yin and yang are separated, heaven and earth are closed, and up and down are blocked.' What is the rescue of the B-share market? I didn’t say anything at that time, and left sullenly. I just arrived in Hong Kong. Uncle’s call came after him. He said, are you going to throw away all the B shares? I said yes. He said, you are wrong, not only don’t throw it away, but buy it if possible. I said, what, you Don’t you even believe the hexagrams you made? He said, who says you don’t believe it? Of course you do. I asked him to explain. He said that the sixty-four hexagrams don’t matter whether they are good or bad. The thing to ask is whether the decision to sell B shares is right or wrong, and whether it is right or wrong is a negation of your original decision. If there is no communication between heaven and earth, everything will not make sense. It is talking about the current situation of the B share market. What you do with the situation is another matter. I only know superficially about the stock market, but I think it is absolutely impossible for the country to let its downturn be ignored in today’s reform and opening up. And the hexagram also said, go to the ninth, whether or not, There is an idiom called No Ji Tai Lai, and there is a saying that the night before dawn is the darkest, so think about it yourself.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.I thought about what he said for a long time, and finally I couldn't make up my mind.I called him to ask him for advice, but my aunt said that your uncle had fallen asleep and would never answer my calls again.Later, I consulted my friends in the circle for their opinions, and they said everything.But the opinion of most people is that it is unwise to throw it away at this time. It has been killed and scarred, and it will not be a whole body if it is picked up again. It is better to keep it for a while.No one agrees with the idea of ​​additional investment, saying that the market is like this, and you still want to invest money in it?It is absolutely impossible to make money. If you don’t lose money, your living money will become dead money, or you will lose money.But there is a force in my heart that is eager to try, and I feel that I should trust my uncle. This time, I cut off one-third of the position in the A-share market, exchanged it for Hong Kong dollars, and invested it all in the B-share market. What happened?Just less than a month later, the government's policy of opening up the B-share market was introduced. How much did I earn?Six or seven times, the most one stock has doubled nineteen times.Later, there was a rumor that the news did not keep its mouth shut and leaked the secret.But I can guarantee that when I continue to invest money in it, the only enlightenment I get is the hexagram that my uncle typed for me.这事现在看似乎稀松平常,可在当时,我却被那些同行羡慕和妒忌得牙根直痒痒。什么叫江湖一张纸?这张纸薄薄的,却隔着生死和富贵。我也就从那个时候起,将舅舅奉若神明了。后来,我提出来要送他二百万,被他谢绝了。他说,我要爱财,还用等到现在?再说,如今你的表妹早就大学毕业了,也有了不错的工作。我要那些钱干什么?我在这里摆摊烟是一种生存状态,我要是收了你那些钱,我的这种生存状态就会改变,可我不想改变。瞧,老头子有意思吧。 " 张仲平说:“有意思,他的人生际遇落差那么大,做得到这一点还真不容易。噢,对了,上午你说到香水河法人股拍卖的事,说你舅舅也跟你打了一卦,叫井?” 胡海洋笑了笑,说:“上钩了吧?看来我跟你测字呀,讲我舅舅的故事呀,没有白费功夫。你对《周易》开始有兴趣了,对不对?是呀,我舅舅是帮我,噢,不对,准确地说是帮我们打了一卦,叫井。《周易》第四十八卦,井:改邑不改井,无丧无得,往来井井。汔至,亦未繘井,羸其瓶,凶。” 张仲平说:“胡总你兜了这么大一个圈子,原来都是为这个井卦做铺垫吧?事态是不是很严重?” 胡海洋说:“事态是不是很严重我也不知道,让我先跟你把上面的几句话翻译一下吧。卦辞的意思是说,村镇可以迁徒,水井却无法移动。井水源源不断,不会枯竭也不会漫涌而出,人来人往都是为了来这里汲水。汲水器快升到井口了,水还没有打出来,这个时候如果瓦罐子发生倾斜、损坏,事情就不会成功。” 张仲平望着胡海洋半天没有吭声,过了一会儿,他笑了,说:“你是说这件事情最终做不成?” 胡海洋说:“从卦像上来看,确实是这样。” 张仲平说:“是吗?” 胡海洋说:“这也是我急着来找你的原因。简单一句话,我希望的是成功而不是失败。” 张仲平说:“可是这井卦又怎么解释呢?你跟我讲了这许许多多的故事,不就是为了让我相信周易的神奇吗?难道我们要违反天命?如果最后我们还是做成了,岂不是又反证了什么《周易》呀什么占卜打卦的不可信?” 胡海洋说:“知天意,易而改之。天意不变,我们可以变,我们的策略改变了,就会出现完全不同的结果。这就是《周易》的精髓。姬昌写的卦辞看似简约,却蕴藏着无尽的奥妙。不能单凭简单的第一印像就乱了阵脚。井卦卦辞也是这样,如果我们把它看成是一种结果的揭示,那我还跑来找你干嘛?大家都跑回去睡觉得了。我认为它的意义在于给了我们一种警示。也就是说,不要被开始的顺利冲昏了头脑。股市里有一句话叫落袋为安。你每天根据电子屏幕上的行情算你赚了多少钱,那是不算数的。你只有真的把股票抛出去了,电子撮合成交赚的差价划到了你账上才算数。同样,井水提到了井口都还不算,绳子一晃,打水的罐子可能会被井壁撞破。但是,如果我们事先知道有可能发生这种情况,然后再采取积极的应对措施,防患这种意外,不就行了吗?” 张仲平点点头,说:“有道理。” 胡海洋说:“而且,我来之前,请我舅舅帮你也打了一卦。” 张仲平说:“是吗?还能这样帮人打卦吗?什么卦?” 胡海洋说:“第五十九卦,涣。涣卦讲的是救散治乱的道理。涣:亨。王假有庙,利涉大川;利贞。什么意思呢?亨,是顺利亨通的意思。王,可以说是君王,也可以引申为老板,到庙里去虔诚地祭祖而感动神灵,这样就可以顺利地越过艰难险阻,坚持正道取得胜利。” 张仲平说:“这一卦的意思,是让我找个时间到青山寺去上上香?” 胡海洋仰头一笑,说:“谁说不可以呢?我看完全可以,而且很有必要呀。” 张仲平是被胡海洋催着离开鹏程酒店的,张仲平刚把跟曾真的事一说,胡海洋就往外轰他,要他赶紧回家。 这时也就十点钟,放在平时,对于张仲平来说还算早的。张仲平坐在车里以后有点犹豫,不知道应该把车往哪边开。照道理讲,他是应该把车往河西的家里开的,唐雯说她一个晚上没有睡觉,他跟她说自己也是整夜没睡,又拉稀又打点滴的。误会解除,昨天夜里伤了神,俩口子早点上床休息显得合情合理。可是,张仲平又惦记起曾真来,唐雯那边的难题一处理完,他对曾真的那一点儿怨恨一下子就烟消云散了。就像这会儿坐在车上,旁边空落落的,就忍不住想她。要是曾真坐在他旁边早就依偎过来了,她最喜欢两只手吊着他的一只胳膊,然后拿自己的小脑袋蹭他的腋窝他的半边胸脯。昨天夜里你真的只能那样做吗?事情远没有到控制不了局面的时候,干嘛那样气极败坏?曾真刚做手术没几天,需要静养和休息,而你却像一头不管不顾的野兽。你凭什么这样?凭心而论,曾真并不是一个刁钻古怪的女人,她任性,是因为她以为你会像兄长和父亲一样地呵护她、宠她。她以自己对你的需要和依恋,把你当成了她的君王,这有什么错呢? 她执意要你留下来确实使你面临窘境,你就真的没有了脱身的办法吗?那岂不是连胡海洋说的蜥蜴都不如?而当你想出了那个让自己留下来的理由时,为什么不能静下心来好好地对待她呢?你只烦她为你惹了麻烦,你想过人家一个小姑娘的感受没有?小曹跟曾真的年龄差不多,她跟丛林的关系最起码是一种可以走到阳光下的恋人关系,还有一个结婚的美好前程等在前面,你能给曾真什么呢?曾真只是一个二十来岁的女人,比小雨大不了几岁,她要有一些二十多岁的女人的想法难道不是天经地义的吗?她的想法因为你和她的这种关系而变得虚无缥缈从而来点情绪或者发一点小脾气,不也是很正常吗?你干嘛对人家那么穷凶极恶?你难道真的一点都不爱她?一点都没有想到她内心的那些苦恰恰是你带给她的? 张仲平打开了音响。刘若英、陶晶莹、林忆莲、那英、张惠妹、阿杜、潘玮柏、周杰伦,还有一下子莫名其妙地红了起来的刀郎。潘玮柏和周杰伦的碟子是小雨缠着要张仲平买的。其他的碟子都是曾真买的,还有挡风玻璃上的那些公仔,那些各种各样的羊。你真的打算从曾真身边一走了之吗?你舍得吗?她错了吗?她有什么错? 张仲平还是把车往河西的家里开了。是的,曾真没有错,但是,你要是跑到她那儿去,就意味着你向她表明错了的是你。你这一认错不要紧,曾真要是知道你最终还是让着她、宠着她的,她下次会不会得寸进尺得蜀望陇?你躲过了初一,能保证躲过十五吗?你和曾真的事万一真的被唐雯掌握了蛛丝马迹,你与曾真的关系还能可持续发展吗?事情一旦穿帮,你又将陷唐雯于何种境地?唐雯可是为了你为了你们的家,奉献了一二十年最美好的青春时光,这么多年的共同生活,难道还没有培养出一点亲情?还有你的宝贝女儿小雨。你心里一直在说你爱她,可是,父亲对女儿的爱,不就是给她安全感,使她觉得像一座大山一样可以信赖和依靠吗?你不爱曾真还好,你要是动了真情,命中注定就要伤害三个女人中的一个或者两个,甚至三个,你准备伤害谁? 张仲平当然谁也不想伤害,可事到如今该怎么办呢?have no idea.那就冷处理吧。什么叫冷处理?如果唐雯真的就那样被你糊弄过去了,在她那里,等于问题暂时还没有暴露,也就谈不上冷呀热的,更加小心谨慎一点就行了。事情出在曾真这一边,那就先凉一凉她吧,也让她想一想两个人的真实处境,想一想她的任性给你添了多少麻烦。一个男人在两个女人之间踩钢丝已经是很难的了,你以为不要一点水平呀,你再大呼小叫地分散注意力,未必不怕他掉下来?你如果无所顾忌地想干什么就干什么,万一把另外一个女人惊动了,再拉拉扯扯起来,那个男人还有得活呀? 刘若英唱道,“想要问问你敢不敢,像你说的那样地爱我,想要问问你敢不敢,像我那样为爱痴狂”。这是曾真最爱唱的歌。曾真还喜欢唱刘若英的《后来》:“后来,我总算学会了如何去爱,可惜你早已远去消逝在人海。后来,终于在眼泪中明白,有些人一旦错过就不再”。曾真动不动就问他:“老公你爱不爱我?”张仲平的回答也总是千篇一律,说:“爱,我爱死你了。”曾真又问他:“老公,你会不会永远爱我?”张仲平说:“当然不会。”曾真说:“为什么不会?”张仲平说:“因为我不知道生活中会不会出现两种情况。”曾真说:“哪两种情况?”张仲平说:“桃树上结苹果,大海里长水稻。”曾真说:“我掐你,我咬你,我真的爱死你了。我真的想从你身边跑掉,不理你了,看你怎么办?”张仲平说:“你会吗?”曾真说:“你这么讨厌,我怎么不会?”张仲平说:“我认为可能性不是很大。为什么呢?因为我想过了,桃树上长鱼是有可能的,大海里种葡萄也是可能的,要让这两个地方分别结苹果和长水稻,难度比较大。” 马上就快到家了,前面一拐,就要拐进进入小区的那条马路了。张仲平将车子越开越慢。整整一天,曾真没有跟他打电话发信息。十几个小时了,她怎么样了?她吃了东西吗?她的娇弱之躯经受得了昨天的折腾吗?她会怎么想你这个拂袖而去的老男人?曾真为什么愿意跟你在一起?她是图你的财吗?她是图你的貌吗?一个比她大了二十岁的老男人谈什么貌,谈什么英俊潇洒?图财?她曾几何时向你要过一星半点东西?你又给过她什么东西?曾真说:“我真的觉得自己好没出息的,不知道怎么会对你这么着迷。你到底有什么嘛,差傢伙。”张仲平认为曾真的这些想法反而是真实可信的。其实,不将曾真跟自己过去交往的女人做比较是不可能的。张仲平喜欢那些曾与他肌肤相亲的女人,正是她们在不同的时期为他的生活增添了五彩缤纷的色彩,让他作为男人的虚荣心得到了充分的满足,他把对那些女人的胜利,当着是对夏雨背弃他的一种报复,他从她们身上找到了平衡。但是,张仲平对曾真的感情好像完全是两码事。他从她那儿感受到的快乐是那样奇异而真实,不管是肉体的快感还是精神的欢娱,都让他觉得踏踏实实。刚开始,张仲平还以为这也仅仅是因为夏雨,曾真只是帮他唤醒了对夏雨的想像和幻觉。慢慢地,曾真以她自己真实的存在,遮蔽了他生活中出现过的女人所有的光芒。曾真说:“仲平你知道我是怎么爱你的吗?”张仲平说:“我老了,弦也调不准了,哪里会知道一个傻姑娘的想法?”曾真说:“我是真的傻,傻得无可救药,明明知道是个火坑是个泥潭,还往里面跳。”张仲平说:“我有心脏病,你不要吓我。你不是说你先跳下去,然后也把我拉下火坑拖下水吧?”曾真拼命地摇头,说:“不是不是,我不会拉你也不会拖你,我只是希望你自己主动跳下来陪我。”张仲平说:“你傻呀妹子,你不知道男人有多坏呀?就像我,我要是不跳呢?你怎么办?真的搭上一条小命呀?”曾真说:“我不知道,我真的不知道。可能,也许,说不定只要你在上面看着我,就是真的只有死路一条,我也会心甘情愿吧。反正我觉得自己已经爬不出来了。怎么,你就真的只是看着我,不拉我一把呀?”张仲平说:“唉!你叫我说你什么好呢?面对此情此景我不禁要大喝一声,危险呀,同志,现在悬崖勒马……也来不及了,那就这样吧。你坚持一会儿,我去叫警察叔叔。”曾真说这些话的时候有没有做秀的成份?也许只有曾真本人才知道吧。但是,即使略有夸张,曾真仍然是率真的。她的主观故意不过是为了打动你,让你注意到她的那颗心在为你而跳动。曾真就曾经说过,一个女人要打动一个男人,不是要求他做什么,而是什么事都心甘情愿地替他做,让这个男人老觉得亏欠她的,要用他的一生一世去还。曾真想到什么就跟你说什么。而你每当这样的时候,总是采取一种戏谑的方式来对待她,好像有意提醒她千万不要当真。曾真的话让你很受用,却又怕她真的这样做。曾真喜欢你爱你,为什么要去伤害一个喜欢你爱你的女人?按照她的说法,她要的只是你向她投去的注视的目光,左括号,满怀深情地,右括号完。她向你要的那么一点点真情实意的慰藉,你能硬着心肠不给吗? 可是,唐雯和小雨怎么办? 张仲平缓缓地把车子停在马路边,把警示灯打开,他闭上眼睛把头靠在头枕上,觉得自己从来没有这样疲惫不堪过,他不由自主地把头垂了下来,搁在了方向盘上,却碰到了鸣笛开关。突然响起的喇叭吓了他一跳。他吐了一口气,不知道何去何从。过了一会儿,他把手伸进口袋,摸出了一枚硬币。他把它合在手掌里,上下左右摇了十几下,然后摊开。 张仲平油门一踩,车子没有拐弯,越过街中央的转盘,朝曾真那里开去了。硬币替他作了决定,然后,他自己说服了自己。是的,是你做得不对。你欠了曾真。对于一个男人来说,亏欠一个爱他的女人并不是一件心安理得的事。你不能亏欠曾真。你当然也不能亏欠唐雯,更不能伤害小雨,可是,唐雯这边不是还没有发现什么吗?那就先缓缓吧。 等车真的开到了曾真楼下,张仲平又有一点犹豫了,不知道自己到底应不应该上去。张仲平一路上想着曾真的好,也想着自己应该对她好,事到临头又有点怕。What are you afraid of?主要是怕这一上去两个人一缠起来一时半会儿下不来。中间万一唐雯来个电话催呢?又得想办法哄曾真。哄得住还好一点,最多是他急急忙忙地下楼开车往家里赶,总算见了曾真一面,免了自己的牵肠挂肚。要是曾真撒起娇来哄不住呢?你总不好再次对人家发脾气吧。而且唐雯那里迟早也是一个问题。二号病的借口已经用过了,总不好再用三号病做借口吧?一号病是天花,二号病是霍乱,三号病是鼠疫,都不是闹着玩的。这是一种翘翘板游戏,曾真这边太用心了,在唐雯那里可能就躲不过十五了,也许不到初七初八就得露馅了。 就这样掉头回家又不甘心。张仲平把车窗摁下来,伸出头朝楼顶上望了一眼,曾真窗户里有橙黄色的灯光。一个楼上一个楼下,却好像隔了几千里的距离。刚才你开车过来的时候还以为自己多么爱她、多么疼她,恨不得三步两步跨到楼上把门一捅开就扑过去,把她紧紧地抱在怀里,这会儿你怎么又这么冷静了呢?怎么又不知道该怎么办才好了呢? 手机突然响了起来,张仲平一惊,心想唐雯还真的盯得紧了。拿起来一看,却是曾真。曾真说:“怎么还不上来?”张仲平说:“怎么?你知道我在楼下?”曾真说:“快点上来,快点啦。”张仲平一进门就被曾真拦腰抱住了,说:“仲平,你知道吗?我一直就站在窗户边上,我在等你,我知道你会来。”张仲平说:“你怎么知道我会来?”曾真说:“我就知道,仲平你爱我是不是?”张仲平说:“你看你,又哭鼻子了。你倒是告诉我,你前世是不是自来水公司的?脸上动不动就稀里哗啦的,也不怕我嫌你难看。”曾真说:“那我就笑,嘿嘿嘿嘿。”张仲平说:“这就更不对了嘛,又哭又笑的,像个二百五。”曾真说:“那你到底要我怎么样嘛?”张仲平说:“我也不知道。” 曾真说:“仲平你吓死我了,我好怕你不理我了。”张仲平说:“我为什么不理你?”曾真说:“因为我不好,我任性,我做了错事。”张仲平说:“你做了什么错事?”曾真说:“我硬要你留下来,让你为难了。”张仲平说:“知道错了吧?”曾真说:“知道了,我再也不了。”张仲平说:“认识错误是第一步,重要的是改正错误,只要改正错误,就是好同志,组织的大门就永远向你敞开,可不能虚心接受坚决不改啊!”曾真说:“谢谢组织的关心爱护。仲平你真的不生我的气吗?我真的好怕好怕的。” 张仲平突然非常用劲地搂着曾真的腰,勾下头来使劲地亲吻她。曾真非常积极主动地配合他,忙乎了一阵,抽空说:“对不起,仲平,真的对不起。”张仲平说:“别说了宝贝儿,对不起的是我。你不知道,你让我心尖尖都疼。”曾真说:“我就是你的心尖尖,是不是?”张仲平说:“嗯。” 张仲平说:“你吃东西没有?”曾真噘着嘴望着他,摇了摇头。张仲平说:“早晨、中午、晚上都没有吃?”曾真的嘴仍然噘着,又朝张仲平点点头。张仲平说:“为什么这样?你怎么敢用这种态度对待我亲爱的宝贝儿?你敢虐待她,我找你算账。”曾真反过来使劲地搂抱张仲平,说:“我喜欢你叫我宝贝儿,你找我算账,你找我算账呀。”张仲平说:“别闹了,我给你下点面条吃吧。”曾真说:“不,我不吃面条。”张仲平说:“那你要吃什么?”曾真说:“我要吃做面条的东西。”张仲平说:“做面条的东西?你想吃灰面糊糊?”曾真说:“笨蛋,做面条的东西你不知道呀,那是擀面杖呀。”张仲平说:“你骚不骚呀。”曾真说:“我就是要做你的宝贝儿,我就是要为你疯为你狂为你发浪发骚,看你怎么办看你怎么办。反正我不怕你打,不怕你怎么搞。” 两个人闹得差不多了,就一起进了厨房。张仲平打开冰箱,发现有小半碗剩饭,就说:“我给你做蛋炒饭。”曾真笑眯眯地望着他说:“好呀好呀。”她又过来从后面搂住了张仲平的腰,把她的小脑袋搁在他的肩膀上一步一步地跟着他动。这样,张仲平的行动就显得更加笨手笨脚了。曾真说:“老公你说咱们这过的是什么日子?”张仲平说:“什么日子?”曾真说:“小康日子。你还记得吗?上次擎天柱那个胡总说的段子,白天三餐饭,晚上两个蛋。”张仲平说:“你是个小魔女吧,胡总过来了,我刚从他那儿过来。”曾真说:“是吗?他问到我没有?”张仲平说:“嗯。他还为你从韩国带来了一个礼物,一个手提袋,好漂亮的,还有一套指甲钳。”曾真说:“这个胡总。” 曾真说:“老公你还没有告诉我,那边你是怎么过关的?”张仲平说:“哪边?”曾真说:“不要明知故问,快点跟我汇报。” 张仲平三言两语地说了,曾真说:“老公你好棒哟,我就知道你有办法。不过,你昨天太猛了,我现在还有一点点疼。”张仲平说:“是吗?都是我不好,我心里好不舒服的。”曾真说:“那你以后对我好一点。”张仲平说:“好。”曾真说:“说话算话,呶,我要你喂我。”张仲平说:“要不要再做个汤?”曾真说:“你蛮能干的嘛,还会做汤。做什么汤?”张仲平说:“冰箱里什么都没有,只能做蛋汤了。”曾真说:“不要不要,那不成了白天二两肉,晚上三个蛋了吗?已经够乱的了,还三个蛋蛋,那不天翻地覆了吗?” 张仲平的手机又响了,曾真一愣,转身冲到卧室里将手机给张仲平拿了过来。张仲平接过来一看,手机里的号码尾数有三个8,一接,是胡海洋。 胡海洋说:“张总你没回家吗?”张仲平说:“怎么啦?”胡海洋说:“你太太刚才通过总台打电话到我房间里找你,说你的手机接不通。”张仲平说:“你怎么说的?”胡海洋说:“我说你刚走,手机接不通可能是因为在电梯里吧。”张仲平说:“谢谢你胡总。” 胡海洋的电话挂了没有十秒钟,又把电话打了过来:“张总你最好把刚才我打给你的宾馆电话号码给删了,你太太如果看到了,会怀疑我给你通风报信。”张仲平说:“行,你放心吧。”胡海洋说:“还有,我有个朋友,情况跟你很类似,他有个策略你可以借鉴。”张仲平说:“什么策略?”胡海洋说:“一句话,家里做人,外面做鬼。好了,我挂电话了。” 曾真说:“胡总要你在外面做什么?”张仲平说:“要我在外面做机灵鬼,别那么傻傻地伤你了。”曾真望着他没吱声,过了一会儿才说:“你的手机怎么接不通了?她怎么能这么干?”张仲平说:“我有一个感觉,她对昨天晚上的事,有点将信将疑。她要是把心思用在我身上就惨了。”曾真默默地靠过来,又搂着了张仲平的腰。过了一会儿,曾真说:“你早点过去吧。”张仲平说:“没有必要风声鹤唳吧?”曾真轻轻一笑,说:“你还嘴硬。”张仲平说:“对不起,宝贝儿。”曾真说:“仲平你别这么说,知道你心里有我,疼我,我心里也就踏实了。”张仲平说:“是不是呀?”曾真说:“是的。你走吧,车不要开得太快了。我向你发誓,保证不虐待你的宝贝儿,让她好好儿睡一觉。”张仲平说:“你过来,让我好好地亲亲你。”曾真说:“亲什么亲,我跟你又不熟。”
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