Home Categories contemporary fiction Journey to the West Diary

Chapter 33 Three thousand nine hundred and eighty-first day

Journey to the West Diary 今何在 1951Words 2018-03-19
We finally arrived at the country of daughters. I know that many people have been following the diary for so long just to wait for this one. It's not your fault. If I said that the reason why I wanted to go to the West was mainly because I wanted to go to the country of daughters, but I ended up going to Tianzhu on the way, you wouldn't believe me, would you? After I returned to China, people often asked me: How did you not be tempted by so many beauties when you were on the Westward Journey?What's your secret? I am very curious to use such a secret for hair? When I first walked the Xitian Road, no one was willing to follow—monkeys, pigs, and monsters are of course not human beings—now that I have come back alive and become famous all over the world, suddenly countless people flocked to ask me for the secret of success.

The secret of success is: when a road is full of dangers and everyone is unwilling to go forward, you dare to go. It's that simple, but can you learn it? Because out of 100 billion people, maybe only 10,000 people dare to take this road, maybe only a hundred people survive to the end, maybe only ten people can walk back alive, maybe only one person is lucky enough to bring something back. So this is not a road to success at all, but the road of adventurers.People only saw the success of one person, but did not see the failure of the other 9,999 people. If what you want is success, then it is more reliable to start a small business with peace of mind, or work hard to respect the leader, than to travel a hundred thousand miles to find something that you don't know if it exists.

I take this road, not for success, because the probability of success is too small. But if I don't go west, who will go west? If I don’t go west, people in the world will spend their entire lives without knowing the true meaning of the scriptures they recite a thousand times a day, allowing those who have the “right to interpret” to deceive and distort. The greatest power a person wants to have is nothing more than "what you say is what you say". With this power, he is like a god. But the scary thing is that people in the world often like others to think for them, to tell them directly what the answer is, what they should do, and what they should not do.

If people only need to listen to what others say, what a worry-free and happy thing it is! It's like thinking that worshiping at the feet of a Buddha statue can solve all the sufferings in life. If you don't save yourself, no one can save you.Neither can Buddha. Don't compare with me, I don't need to save myself, there are monkeys who will save me. Speaking of which, monkeys have saved me more times than Buddhas have saved me.If faith is for blessing, then it is more reliable to believe in monkeys. Whenever I am in danger, where is the Buddha? The Buddha is busy arranging the next one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.I seem to hear a voice from the west saying: "Damn, you have passed this level, you are so cruel, don't bring rare elite pets next time."

If it is said that many ordeals were set up to test my sincerity, I think of that story. A girl said to the young man, if you can wait outside the window for a hundred days, I will associate with you.The young man kept watch for ninety-nine days, but left on the last night. I am sincere, but not necessarily for you. Do you ask me if I believe in Buddhism?It's hard to explain to you.I have the Buddha I believe in in my heart, but it is not the one you think it is, and it is not the one who opens the merit box to count banknotes every day after closing the temple door, and his eyes are shining.

Everyone says they believe in Buddha, but in fact they don't even know what Buddha is. In most people's understanding, Buddha is a "godfather" who takes money from others and wants to do things for others. But the Buddha often takes your money and doesn't do anything for you.Why is this?Because your money never goes to the Buddha, it is all distributed at the monk level, and even the abbot can only get 10% of it. Then why does the Buddha still do things for you? Or, why does the Buddha not do things for you? Pursuing sentient beings, is it just a lie? Having said so much, what does it have to do with Daughter Country?

Because that night, the king of the daughter country also asked me the same question. "Pursuing sentient beings, is it just a lie?" I can only be silent. She sneered: "You don't even have pity on me, so what are you talking about pity the world?" I am still silent. She asked, "Why do you want to go west?" I said, "After walking for so long, I don't really remember why I went." "Actually, I know what you're looking for," she said. I asked: "What is it?" She said: "What you are looking for, like what I am looking for, is nothing but happiness."

I thought about it, and it is true. I've traveled tens of thousands of miles, but I still haven't figured out what I'm looking for.But she understands me better. She said, "If you can save someone by giving up yourself, will you save it?" I said, "I only have one myself, and I can only save one person." She said: "Yes, you can't save the world, you can only save me. Others don't need you to save. The only person you can save, you don't save it, but you claim to save the common people, isn't it? laugh?" I thought about it, and it is true.

"Why do you love me?" I asked, "Just because there has never been a man in Daughter Country?" She shook her head: "Men all over the world surround the country of daughters. Countless people want to enter this country, but they can't get in. The king of my country, there are countless princes who come to propose marriage every day. Do you think that no one wants me, so you pester you?" "Why is that?" "There is no reason. Just like when I asked you why you went to the Westward Journey, you couldn't answer it." She said, "You just suddenly felt that you had to do this one day, and you did it. I am the same. We all just trust our hearts."

"It's just that I can't linger in Ruanrou Township and give up halfway." "Where is the end in the world?" She asked, "When you can't walk anymore and fall down, that's the end." I thought about it, and it is true. "So, instead of dying in the desert, why not die beside me?" I can't explain why. Why should I go all the way west?Do you want to give up the happiness in front of you for that illusory ideal? Am I really afraid of something? I finally thought of Little Dragon Girl again, before I decided to travel west.She also asked sadly: Why on earth did you leave?

why? Is it because you want to pursue another shore? Or are you just afraid of an answer? I have the courage to take a road of no return, but I don't have the courage to make a promise to live forever. So I'm doomed to be someone who doesn't deserve love. I think I will always be alone, so alone for the rest of my life. The white dragon horse is neighing, it seems that only it will accompany me on this long journey.
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