Home Categories contemporary fiction Journey to the West Diary

Chapter 30 1386th day

Journey to the West Diary 今何在 3007Words 2018-03-19
This is the black chicken country. There is a temple on the mountain. There are wells in the temple. There was a king in the well. The king likes to come out to scare people at night when he has nothing to do. Wet, with water weeds and snail shells all over his face, he floated around in the yard, shouting: "My life is miserable... My life is miserable..." The monks in the temple were very scared. They put many mouse traps by the well, but they still couldn't stop the king. He was wet, his face was covered with weeds and snail shells, and there was a mousetrap floating around in the yard, shouting: "My life is miserable... my life is miserable..."

But here we are, problem solved. Because the monks finally found a creature more terrifying than the king, and they all scared away. We lived in this deserted and ruined temple for four nights, it was very boring. "The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the beautiful scenery is beautiful. It's a pity not to tell ghost stories." I said, "Let's tell one story each, including horror, gore, thriller, abnormality, distortion, depression, endurance, entanglement, and outbreak." , but also to make people more afraid and darker... I will come first." Everyone applauds.

"Once upon a time there was a monk who rode a white dragon horse with three monsters..." "Wow, stop talking!" The crowd screamed, "It's terrible!" "I can't imagine what will happen next!" "You can do such inhuman things!" "Okay. Monkey, it's your turn." "Uh..." the monkey thought for a while, "I like pork..." "Wow, stop talking!" The crowd screamed, "It's terrible!" "I can't imagine what will happen next!" "You can do such inhuman things!" "Monkey, you are so talented... Next, the pig will say one."

The pig had a sad face, hesitated to speak, hesitated for a long time, and then plucked up the courage to say: "I also like to eat pork..." "Wow, stop talking!" The crowd screamed, "It's terrible!" "I can't imagine what will happen next!" "You can do such inhuman things!" "Pig, you are so outrageous, you don't let us eat it, but you steal it behind our backs every day... Drifting, if the stories you tell can't surpass them, you know what the consequences will be..." "What consequences?" Drifting asked.

"Wow, stop talking!" The crowd screamed, "It's terrible!" "I can't imagine what will happen next!" "We can do anything inhumane!" "Okay, Drifting, you win...then the king will say one." "My life is miserable," said the king. "Wow, stop talking!" The crowd screamed, "It's terrible!" "I can't imagine what's going to happen next!" "What's the matter with the king?" "Where did he come from! ""Don't appear suddenly, okay?""Master, can you stop being so calm..."

"I'm so wronged," the king said, "I didn't commit suicide...it was homicide...a monster pushed me into a well, and then turned into me, occupying my throne, and my wife... …all my children don’t know what’s going on, they only know that his father suddenly became so tempered and gave them pocket money every day…that’s all my money!” "And then..." The pig held its chin and opened its big innocent eyes. "Then..." said the monkey, "Snow White and Pinocchio lived happily together." "No!" said Drifting, "and the Wicked Queen kissed the frog, and it became a good boy of the forest."

"This is not a bedtime fairy tale!" The king jumped. "Children, the story is over, you have to get up early tomorrow." I said, "Monkey, don't hit Bajie against the wall again! Drifting! It's impolite to hit a brother with stones! I count one, two, three, all Go back to the bed for me!" I apologized to the king and said, "I'm sorry...they are like this...they will fall asleep when they are tired." "It's okay..." the king said with a smile, "Well... wait a minute! That's not the point! The point is that you guys went to sleep after hearing such a sad story from me?"

"What do you want us to do? Help you regain the throne and your family? Who do you think we are? We don't interfere in other countries' internal affairs!" "My wife is very beautiful." "Come on, let's go into the city tomorrow!" The next day we entered the city and went up to the temple.Exchange customs documents.Sure enough, there was another king and queen sitting on the throne. "He's nothing like you," I said to the real king beside me. "Yes, there are no waterweeds or snails growing on his face," said the king. "You're a liar, your wife isn't pretty at all!"

"Yeah, that's why I was able to stay in the well for three years, because it makes me happy to think how that impostor endured these three years!" "Your baby is too scary..." "If you help me take back the throne..." "I know, but your wife is not pretty." "...I'll give you a hundred dollars." "Deal, let the monkey go!" "What's the situation?" Monkey asked blankly while beating Bajie. "Get rid of the king!" "OK!" "Not this one! The one above!" "Isn't this closer?"

"That's right, the king above can also give me a hundred dollars." "He can't, he doesn't know my Facebook account password." The monkey then pulled down the king from his seat and beat him.The queen screamed and scratched the monkey, and the monkey retreated in disgrace. "It seems that they have a good relationship." I said to the king, "You are the third party." "That's because she mistook him for me." "And how do you prove that you are you?" So the snail-faced king went up and beat the queen violently. He was soon trampled underfoot by the queen.

But the queen suddenly froze. "Hey... this familiar smell... this unique feeling of feet..." "Now you know which one I am!" cried the True King. The queen stepped on his face: "Gua Wazi! What are you doing back here! That fake one is much easier to use than yours." "But he's a monster." "That's why he lasts longer than you." "I'm not a monster!" The fake king became angry, and turned into a real body, but it was a curly-haired lion. "I am a god. I was ordered by a Bodhisattva to descend to the lower realm! I have a god certificate and a letter of recommendation!" "Your child came to destroy our family under the order of the Bodhisattva?" The real king was angry, "Which Bodhisattva? Nan Wu sent the third Bodhisattva?" "This is the retribution you deserve. Don't you remember that a monk came to you for alms three years ago?" "What happened three years ago, do I remember?" "You don't remember taking a relationship, but your integrity system helps you remember. Three years ago, the Bodhisattva turned into a monk and asked you to ask for money...not for money, but for protection fees...not for protection fees, but for alms... Yes, it’s a fundraiser. The money raised is to help those poor people whose daily income is below the poverty line of one hundred dollars and have no money to refuel BMW cars. How dare you refuse to pay? Not only do you refuse to pay, but you dare to cry poor people He also said that a Taoist priest came to collect it last time, and this time he really can’t afford it. What do you think of us gods? Beggars? Beggars, how dare you sit in front of your house and get lost overnight without paying the money!” "Well, well, even if there is such a thing. So what's the matter?" "That's why Plato said: The favor of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. It's not that you don't repay, the time has not yet come. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Rabbit, just wait and see!" "This Plato just speaks well." "Did you ask someone to tie up Bodhisattva and throw him into a puddle to soak for three days? Do you think Lord Bodhisattva is a pickle?" "That's because I didn't give the money, and the monk said that the money was not in vain. After I gave the money, there are people above him who cover me in everything, so it is convenient to do everything. If there is a drought, others will not pay. There is no water, and all the clouds are here. If there is a flood, those who don’t pay will be submerged, and the ground that I paid will be raised by three feet. When I heard this, I said: Don’t you want to save all sentient beings? What about those who pay and those who don’t? The monk got angry and said that you want to gain something for nothing if you don’t pay. Our revenue is also under great pressure. If we can’t meet the payment target this year, the Bodhisattva will also be laid off. .” "I've heard that you are charging money indiscriminately under the guise of your superiors, and ruining the image of Bodhisattva. Then the two sides fought, and then they were handed over to the police station. I didn't know that it was Bodhisattva himself. What’s more, even if I was wrong, I cheated on him for three days, how could he cheat on me for three years? And if I didn’t have friendship with the Dragon King, it would have rotted by now!” "In short, if you say you are guilty, you are guilty. Three years is considered light. Back then, there was a man named Sun Pohou who was imprisoned for 500 years because he urinated on the hands of the Buddha! I don't know now. Where are you squatting?" Then he turned his head and saw a monkey standing next to him with a smile. The fake king turned back calmly: "Life is full of surprises." We all know what happened next. The guy screamed: "You dare to hit me? Do you know who is above me?" "Then do your superiors know who I am!" The monkey stomped hard again. "Who are you?" asked the curly lion. "I'm just..." the monkey suddenly froze, "Eh? Who am I? Eh? Who are you? Eh? Your face is covered in blood, who hit you?" "You... don't pretend to have amnesia after you finish the violence... Tell you, don't leave if you have the guts, I will call someone to clean up you..." "I'll leave. I'll go directly to Xitian to find your superiors. Who do you want to call? I want to see who dares to come." Monkey sneered. "Which unit do you belong to? Who is your leader?" "Tang Sanzang." I would love to dig a hole and hide. But what the curly lion said next made me change my mind. "Tang Sanzang? What is it? How can there be such a name in the world?" "Disciples, beat him up for me! Let him ask the Buddha who is Tang Sanzang!"
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