Home Categories contemporary fiction Journey to the West Diary

Chapter 14 one hundred and fifth day

Journey to the West Diary 今何在 315Words 2018-03-19
This place is called the Five Elements Mountain. There are several families at the foot of the mountain. There was no such mountain in ancient times, and the old man said: "According to my grandfather, five hundred years ago, this mountain fell from the sky, and there was a terrible demon king pressing down on it." "Have you seen the Demon King?" I asked. The old man shook his head, he had never seen any demon king, only a monkey under the mountain, my grandfather had seen him when he was a child.When I went to play when I was young, he begged me for peaches, and then we played with each other by throwing peach pits.He was looking forward to someone going to play with him, but now that I am old, my grandson often goes there, but the monkey doesn't know people, and only thinks he is me again.After so many generations, he thought that everything in the world was as immortal as he was.

I really want to meet this monkey who will not grow old. In the middle of the night, it suddenly trembled, and there was a desolate howl in the distance. The sound seemed to come from the depths of the ground, tearing the sky apart. I startled.The old man didn't take it seriously, saying that it was the underground demon king who struggled and roared like this every night.
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