Home Categories contemporary fiction one woman epic

Chapter 20 Chapter 20

one woman epic 严歌苓 3635Words 2018-03-19
The daughter married the painter's son before going abroad.She only announced to her parents that no ceremony was required, and she boarded the plane the next day.The painter's son sent her to Shanghai, and then returned to Beijing from Shanghai.After returning home from the airport, Xiaofei felt that this was the beginning of her old couple with Lao Ou. There are more people looking for Lao Ou.Some are book fans, and there are also many female book fans.His book has a certain influence throughout the country, but it is very good in this province. Just because of the number of pages and weight of the book, it is a literary monument in the province.Old Ou finally lived like himself, writing and playing to his heart's content, bridge resumed, and he often played the piano.One day Xiaofei came back from the drama troupe and saw a woman in her thirties among the guests in a room. Old Ou played the piano and she turned the page, with half of her butt squeezed on Old Ou's ass.As soon as the guests left, she soaped the piano bench down and down.When Lao Ou saw it, he knew that a quarrel was inevitable.

"All right, huh?" he said. "The coquettish fox pokes its tail and twists its butt, it can't even wipe off its coquettish air! "Don't say such ugly words!" "Oh, you're protecting her? I said: Slut! Slut!" Old Ou turned on the TV and turned up the volume.Neighbors have long been used to sleeping soundly amidst their loud noises and TV noise.Neighbors also like to listen to TV. Since they are embarrassed to come to watch TV all the time, it is good to listen to it. The repertory troupe toured from one township to another, performing both big and small plays, and Xiao Fei became a gold medal replacement because she basically played roles in these plays.For the few who have never acted before, she memorizes her lines like a god, and can immediately replace them.She didn't expect that when she was nearly fifty years old, she finally got her wish and played the heroine of "A Doll's House".There are no TVs or movies in the villages and towns, but they also know that foreign goods are popular in the city, so the performances of Western dramas are full.

Her life went back to more than 30 years ago, packing a backpack, setting off, setting up a camp, and sleeping in a bunk.Young actors are all looking for their own way, making movies and TV, and those who have no way will not go to the countryside. Anyway, the salary is the same, who would care about those few subsidies?Veteran actors have acted in plays all their lives, and they are very happy when they have plays.A troupe of middle-aged people ran from the county town to the town, and from the town to the village. Even the jokes they made were similar to those of decades ago. It seemed that they had to get together to have so many jokes.A few old friends who joined Xiao Fei from the military art troupe would say when they saw cow dung, "Hey, Xiao Fei, the hat fell off!" Xiao Fei would still laugh loudly.

When Xiao Fei is the happiest, she thinks of Ouyang Yu.Now Teacher Ou, Master Ou still attracts women.Thinking of this, Xiaofei gritted her teeth: Lao Ou is pushing a cart in the saline-alkali field, where are you all huddled?If you want to accompany Lao Ou, who is now in good shape, you have the guts to accompany him from the criticizing platform to the saline-alkali land, and spend a month with him to earn twenty portions of steamed meatballs and four taels of white sugar. If you accompany him, you will become like me. old and fat.Maybe you are not as good as me, I can still play Nora! Every time the tour tour turns to several counties and returns to the provincial capital, Xiao Fei will conduct a thorough search at home.From Ouyang Yu's letters to his new clothes and shoes, to the gifts he received, including books, calligraphy, paintings and handicrafts.There are very few words and paintings that he can see, and he will not hang them on the wall if he takes them away. If they are hung on the wall, she will find out whether the author is a man or a woman. If she is a woman, she will find the woman among the guests , if this female guest is attractive, the couple will have a lot of rhetoric.

The repertory troupe became dilapidated day by day, and a ping-pong table was set up on the stage of the theater, and young actors played games every day.Some of the old actors hugged their grandsons and brought them here to amuse them.I went to Beijing to participate in the National Drama Festival and won a small award. It was a supporting role that won some kind of "newcomer award". When the screenwriter came back, he joined the provincial propaganda department.On this day, the repertory troupe received instructions from the Propaganda Department to perform three performances.After not acting for a long time, Xiaofei and Ouyang Yu said: "If you don't watch my plays, you will miss them all your life."

"Did you call Duhan?" Lao Ou teased her. She thought about it, wise, Du Han Shao said that he could bring a battalion.Although he has retired, but the impact is lingering.When Du Han heard that Xiao Fei was going to take the stage, he said that he would definitely be there.During the rehearsal the next day, Du Han called and asked her to leave one hundred and twenty tickets for him. He said that the agency club invited all the staff and officers who were willing to watch the show to come.If there are not enough people, it doesn't matter, the club director will pay for the tickets with cultural activities funds, just leave the tickets for him.Although there is less than a battalion, there is a company.These days, if you can have a company of people watching a play in the audience, you will be more courageous in acting.

"It's Duhan after all!" Xiaofei sighed triumphantly while peeling the tangerines for Old Ou. "I've watched dramas all my life, but I haven't seen any famous characters." Lao Ou said. She squinted at him: "Humph." He ignored her and kept his eyes on the book. "I've been jealous all my life, and I don't want to admit it," she said. He didn't respond at all. "What's the point? I think you don't lack the emotions and desires, but you just want to pretend to be refined. What is vulgarity? Vulgarity is human nature."

"Don't say it, it's a punch line." He said at the back of the book. "Who are you ridiculing? I'm not good enough, I'm jealous, how happy it is to be jealous! If you want to beat those little bastards out, you can beat them! Like you, for a refined person, you have been jealous for decades!" "It's annoying!" "I know you annoy me. Why don't you annoy me? There are a lot of honey-mouthed people around, and when they play the piano, some people say: Ouch, it's like Chopin! What bitch, have you heard of Chopin?" "Say one more word, and I'll leave!"

"Why do they come to my house? Bully me?" He stood up and walked around the room twice, but he couldn't figure out what he was looking for.I remembered: I was looking for a key.He took the key and walked out the door.Fei shouted: "Don't go!" ^ He walked into the foyer that had become a neighbor's pickle shop.She called again: "You don't want to eat tangerines anymore? I finally lined up to buy them for you!" Looking from his back, it could be seen that he was going crazy.She handed over the plate: "Here, eat before you go crazy." He walks back.She began to change her shoes and put on her coat: "If you don't go, I will go. I will go to put on makeup."

By five o'clock, not a single ticket had been sold.If the audience is less than 20%, the performance will have to be cancelled.The secretary of the party committee was more and more calculating. He said: "The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee wants us to perform, and they have to pay, otherwise we can't afford it." The audience goes. At 5:30, the box office notified the actors that six tickets had been sold, and the secretary told people at the door how the play won an award in Beijing, and one of the actors appeared on the screen from this play.It was almost seven o'clock, and twenty-two tickets were sold.The secretary told everyone to remove their make-up, and the show was cancelled.Xiao Fei felt so sad that even Du Han didn't want to watch her play anymore.

She picked out a wad of cleansing oil and sat there limply.It seems that taking off the makeup on this face means completely stepping off the stage.She took a closer look at her face in the mirror. She was only forty years old with makeup on.At Ouyang Yu's age, a man is not worried about being loved, not to mention he is going uphill.This is a province that has never seen the big world, and it is news all over the province if there is a name and a little money.How many women want to push her Xiaofei out?They will sympathize with Lao Ou: the wife is an old actress from a run-down theater company.Old Ou, who can't you find among us? Just as he was about to apply cleansing oil to his face, the secretary cheered on the stage: "How many truckloads of spectators have come to the military region! Don't take off your makeup! Our troops are still reliable!" Duhan is still reliable.Xiao Fei saw rows of soldiers entering the seats neatly, but did not see Du Han.More than 300 soldiers came, which is really a battalion force.Xiao Fei walked down to the stage in her costume and asked a soldier when Du Han would arrive.The soldier said: "The chief is ill. Lying on the hospital bed, he also ordered that the team must be pulled to this theater." "What's wrong with him?" "Looks like pneumonia. High fever. Unconscious." After the performance, Xiaofei called Duhan's home.The orderly who answered the phone said that the whole family had gone to the hospital.Early the next morning, Xiaofei woke up and called Duhan's house.This time it's the daughter-in-law.She said: "Dad passed away this morning." The veteran soldier, who suffered more than a dozen wounds all over his body, lost to pneumonia in the end. "How come..." Xiaofei sobbed. The daughter-in-law was immediately infected by the sobbing here, sobbing incoherently: "...too suddenly... There are shrapnel in his lungs...but I didn't expect...to be too careless..." After returning from the memorial service, for several days in a row, as long as Xiao Fei thought of Du Han ordering the troops to watch her act on the deathbed, to cheer and cheer Xiao Fei, she couldn't stop crying.Ouyang Yu handed her a towel that night and said, "This way, no one will be jealous of me." She raised her tearful eyes, seeing that he was trying to amuse her, she immediately yelled: "Do you have a conscience? What I owed you in my previous life, and what Han owed me in my previous life, we all paid back. Do you have a conscience?" She also asked Don't be logical, she just expresses her grievances, half of which are Du Han's. He was taken aback.Because he found that she really hated the old man.If ever in his life he had been aching with jealousy, it was now. Although the pen battle with Mengmeng stopped for a while, Mengmeng did not stop the war.A year after Ouyang Yu's novel came out, Meng Meng wrote an article criticizing the novel.Her uncle treats her with such kindness as a mountain, and she wants to fight his uncle's shameless traitor to the end and fight to the death.After the article came out, on the second and third day, the pages of provincial and city newspapers were like mushrooms after rain, and the pages were full of articles attacking Ouyang Yu.Sister Fang is very popular, unlike Ouyang Yu, she doesn't have a buddy.The article not only criticizes his works, but also criticizes him as a person.Seeing that the guests are sparse. Ouyang Yu is quick-witted, and can write one or two debate articles every day after writing a novel, but gradually, newspapers no longer publish his stuff. He ate supper that day, took his hat and went out.The street is very bustling, but Xiaofei feels that he is even more alone in the bustling scene.One can isolate a person like this overnight.Who told him to take the life of the governor and Sister Fang?But if he wasn't such a person, would Xiao Fei love him like this?She followed him silently. He stopped and chatted with a farmer who sold fried chestnuts.Xiaofei rushed up and put her arm into his. "At first glance, you can tell that he is a fellow villager who was stationed in our brigade." He said, "Life is much better." Xiao Fei looked at him from the side.The first time I saw him at the brigade headquarters, he was just a side profile, writing a very beautiful lowercase script. "Don't you worry," he said. "Is it cold?" She tried the warmth of his palm. "There won't be another 'Cultural Revolution'," he said. "It's better to come." "This is angry talk." She thought, it was not out of anger.See how many women are left beside him who call "Teacher Ou"?None left.It's just a criticism in the newspaper.Stop his salary and try to suppress a bunch of crimes, and those women who call "Teacher Ou" will raise their white fists and shout "Down".There will be another "Cultural Revolution", and Xiao Fei can learn to be smart, so he simply moves to a secluded village to see how much you can degrade him.It also saves her worry and jealousy.Just ignore us, let me watch him and enjoy a few years of happiness in peace. "Actually, the deepest impression I have on Mengmeng is that she has a broad mind and doesn't look like a girl." He said. She hummed.Love the wrong person? They walked to the moat.Such an old pair wandered in the woods, and he would normally be embarrassed.He forgot.All the thoughts are on Mengmeng.He wanted to understand why this woman named Mengmeng hated him so much.Xiao Fei thought to herself, if he doesn't understand now, then he won't understand.If a woman can't love, she will hate.I'm afraid it wasn't true love in the first place.True love knows the goods. Twilight turned to iron gray.The tree turns black.The figures are the darkest.He pulled her arm tighter. (full text)
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