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Chapter 9 Chapter 09

one woman epic 严歌苓 8431Words 2018-03-19
The tour continued to add more performances, and the duration of the tour was extended by one month.Xiaofei always writes a letter to Ouyang Yu every two or three days.Pick a local flower, or copy a sentence or two of Pushkin, Heine, Byron, and Shelley, and send them back together in a letter.By chance she stamped a dozen kisses on the letter with red lipstick.Sometimes on a whim, she draws a stave and writes the first two lines of "Moonlight" that Ouyang Yu often plays.Now she dances waltz, rumba, and tango very well. In her spare time, actors and actresses imitate Soviet youths, play accordion, and harmonica, and hold an imaginary firefly dance.Sometimes Xiaofei couldn't bear the romance, and suddenly said: "The remaining flowers on the bank of the field are often more charming than the splendid bouquet." Ask whose poem she just recited. "Pushkin!" Everyone looked at Xiao Fei differently.Open your mouth and come to poetry, who said that an actress like Xiaofei is an embroidered pillow?Xiaofei is more poetic, memorizing a few beautiful sentences in the morning, and blurting out when there are many people.She thought, she didn't intend to show off, this is the age of poetry, the age of poetry.She spent more than three months living in the group like this, until one day, some police officers came and took "Lenin" away.The actor who played Lenin was called Chen Shengsheng. The next day, people in the repertory troupe whispered that Chen Shengsheng was a secret agent of the US and Chiang Kai-shek.Because he is an actor with special features: he is short, with a big head and a raised chin, so he has not been able to find a suitable B angle, so the show had to be cancelled.Overnight, several one-act plays were rushed to be staged, and at the same time, the head of the group recruited actors with "Lenin characteristics" everywhere.Every time I go to a city, there are many amateur actors from local theater troupes and cultural centers to take the exam.The head of the group asked Xiao Fei to speak to the candidates.I don’t know if I don’t take the exam, but once I take the exam, I find that short men with long heads, raised chins, and deep eye sockets become a lot of people. Once they come, they fill the room. Except for the poor Mandarin, the imitated “Lenin movements” are all similar .Director Bao’s next plans include Lenin: "Lenin in October" and "Lenin in 1918", so he simply recruited special actors. There is no need to cancel the show.No matter which city they go to, the repertory troupe is always surrounded by a large number of short men with big bulging heads. They walk with their chests up and their heads up, with their thumbs on both sides of their stomachs, and they enter the "Lenin" state in advance.

Xiaofei sat on a small stool, watching an actor who didn't look like Lenin in appearance, but had a spirit like Lenin's bishop performing.He wears a peaked cap and a Lenin-style overcoat, and his every move is a real Lenin.Xiaofei had never seen such an exquisite performance before, and she winked with Head Bao.The head of the group asked him if he had ever acted in a play.He smiled shyly and said that he belonged to the amateur theater troupe of the Student Union of Normal University.Xiaofei said: "You are really talented! Captain! Let him try a piece of Romeo?" He smiled shyly again and said, "I can try a piece of Juliet."

The head of the group and Xiao Fei had a premonition that some trick was about to be conjured.He took off the peaked cap on his head and flung out his short hair.A girl of eighteen or nineteen, with a little European blood. Both the head of the group and Xiao Fei were speechless in shock.She took off Lenin's overcoat, and wore a black turtleneck fine sweater and a long silver-gray gauze scarf draped above her knees.Xiao Fei watched her read Juliet's monologue critically, and after reading it, Xiao Fei forgot what she wanted to find fault with her.She also forgot that she was not the examiner, stood up from the small stool, and asked her to imitate a scene of the waif immediately.As she approached her, she smelled an ancient aroma, a stagnant lavender perfume, aged, very old.She finally picks something up, there are holes in her sweater, but it's darned.The scarf is of good quality, very similar to what Ouyang Yu bought for her.

He is an actor with rare qualities, he can afford it, he can let it go, no matter how unrestrained he is, he will not show his traces.Although the image is not quite what the head of the regiment expected - it will be more difficult to play the role of a worker, peasant and soldier, but other advantages can even out her score. On the way back to the provincial capital, there were four more dwarfs in the car, like four brothers.This is a big deal, and the police can't catch all four agents of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek.The female student named Sun Baihe was not admitted, and the team leader only said that her family had problems.Sun Baihe disappeared in an instant, as if to announce that there are also crouching tigers, hidden dragons in these dirty and dishonest Jianghuai small towns.

Xiaofei remembered that on the day Sun Baihe came for the retest, the regiment had lunch, and Captain Bao asked her to eat with her.Sun Baihe was sitting at Xiaofei's table, eating in a way that was definitely not "stir-fried pork slices with cabbage" and "diced tofu in spicy sauce".Xiaofei couldn't describe Sun Baihe's eating manner, but she felt that it seemed familiar.She chews slowly, her lips are tightly pressed, and many people ask her questions, but she always smiles apologetically, chews faster, swallows things down before asking and answering questions.Xiaofei looked closely at her hair and found that it was slightly red, and even the hairs on her fingers were also red.She was a hairy girl with a red mustache around her lips.Xiaofei asked everyone to see, does Sun Baihe look like Tatiana?Most people don't know who "Tagiana" is, but from Sun Baihe's expression, Xiaofei knows that she has read "Evgeny Onegin".Sun Baihe replied that others said she was like the female gangster who assassinated Lenin.Knowing she is beautiful, Sun Baihe pulls herself towards the clown, she is a smart, sensible girl, and surprisingly mature.

On the way back to the provincial capital, a girl named Sun Baihe always appeared in Xiao Fei's memory unexpectedly. Fragmentary details, fragmented words, every move and look, made Xiao Fei feel inexplicably stinging.A girl like Sun Baihe doesn't need to deliberately reveal how many books she has read and how many poems she has memorized. Those poems and books are all in her behavior and words.She doesn't have to be smart, she knows she'll be isolated if she does.She is only eighteen or nineteen years old, she is so shrewd and elegant, and she is so unrestrained and unrestrained, Xiaofei will be far behind after ten years of studying.

As soon as the car entered the city, Xiaofei hired a tricycle to go home.There is no one at home, Xiaofei is a little lost.She telegraphed Ouyang Yu to arrive this evening.She wanted to change out of her dusty clothes before going to see her daughter at her mother.Entering the bedroom, she stopped.The curtains are new, off-white linen, and the bedspread is creamy yellow and creamy white seersucker.Although elegant and casual, Fei feels the intrusion of a strange influence in her home.There is an oil painting hanging above the bed, which also looks like a still life painted carelessly.There is a large bunch of blue impatiens on the bedside table, and the ashtray is a clumsy whole crystal.She didn't doubt that the new layout was Ouyang Yu's handwriting - he is a person who creates a new environment every day, even though he himself doesn't change a coat for a month.But there is a strange influence here.A woman's influence?Xiaofei felt that she had become an unexpected guest in this house, and couldn't even find a place to sit.Ouyang Yu wrote four letters to her in total.Four months, four letters.

She walked over slowly and stood by the bed, suddenly realizing that she was listening to the sound of the car downstairs.No cars enter the yard.She lifted the seersucker coverlet, and her movements were inevitably tricky.The winter quilt is still under the bed cover, it's time to change the quilt, and I still don't know how to feel warm or cold.From spying on secrets to being full of affection, there is no transition here in Xiaofei.She leaned on the pillow and smelled it.Want to smell something?A woman's shampoo scent, or lemon cream, or a hostile smell that only the wife can pry.Then she turned on all the lights and searched carefully on the sheets.There seems to be something suspicious, it seems to be another innocent, chaste bed sheet that almost no one sleeps on.

But both inability to prove and falsify made her irritable.How many problems are there in four months?Four letters written in four months, how much time is left to go wrong?No, she had to find a servant immediately, and tame the servant into her confidant immediately.Going back to the study, I saw another row of bookcases, made of mahogany, and the thread-bound books were moved there.A tea cup is placed next to Ouyang Yu's big tea mug.It is tea for female guests, it must be, look, and a small saucer is placed under the cup, so that she can taste the tea delicately and a little coquettishly.Who is this woman holding a small teacup with raised orchid fingers?Is it the lover who broke up?It turns out that the roots are broken.No, Ouyang Yu was in so much pain, it was obvious that it was life and death.For so many years, Si Zailian has been married to a college girl.Xiaofei knows what a woman is, and she is born to be pragmatic, and any pragmatism can destroy her tenderness.Maybe it was Miss Fang who came to drop by.She always said that she would come and see their home when she was free.Sister Fang's long horse teeth and thick fingers, holding the handle of the teacup coquettishly like this?Xiao Fei thought it was funny.

She heard her mother's voice suddenly coming downstairs.When I went to the window, I saw the mother pushing the daughter in the stroller and carrying a covered basket in her hand.She thought of the gift she had bought for the child and immediately opened the box.A lifelike firetruck is blazing red, and she winds up the clockwork.The mother and daughter went upstairs talking baby language, Xiaofei turned on the light in the corridor and hid in the bathroom at the end of the corridor.Hearing her mother say to her daughter: "Go to Mom!" Xiaofei let the firetruck out.The siren of the fire engine is also realistic, screaming sharply and rushing towards the toddler daughter.The daughter opened her eyes wide and her mouth wide, and was so startled that she lost her voice when the fire truck rushed to her feet and she sat on the ground all at once.If the mother hadn't stood at the stairs, the daughter would have rolled down the stairs like a winter melon.

After sitting on the ground for a few seconds, there was a sound of "Wow", and the daughter cried out as sharply as a fire engine. The mother picked up her daughter, turned around and went downstairs. "One at thirteen! Why is my child so miserable? I haven't seen my mother for a few months, and if I see a soul, I'll scare her away first!" Xiaofei stood there with her eyes and mouth open, holding the firetruck in her hand with her belly up, and the four roulette wheels were still moving like dead but not stiff insect legs.Suspicion of Ouyang Yu made her lose her mind. She chased into the yard, and the daughter was lying on her mother's shoulders, her eyes were distracted and twitched for a while.The mother walked slowly, patted her daughter's back slowly, and said a low spell in her mouth.This is summoning the lost soul of her daughter, which Xiao Fei experienced many times when she was young. "Thirteen o'clock! A mindless thing! What evil did I do in my previous life to raise this kind of thing? Mom can't do it! It's not as good as cats and dogs. Cats and dogs know how to be mothers after they have cubs!" Xiaofei said, "Mom, don't talk about it, the children can understand it!" "It's good if you can understand, I'm afraid she won't understand! If you understand, she won't be like her mother when she grows up, and she will lose her virtue!" "Let the neighbors hear!" "Are you afraid of who will hear it? When they heard the cry of the child just now, they thought it was you who killed her!" "Let me hug..." "Ask her if she wants you!" The mother turned the child to Fei.Xiaofei clapped her hands to her daughter, called her baby name Abao, with a flattering smile all over her face.But the daughter immediately turned her head back and leaned on her mother's shoulder again. "Crazy outside! Happy? Men and women are together, eating pig food is delicious. Sweet? Come back and expect the child to recognize you? Come up and scare her! Go to the show! Revolutionary drama, go to the show! What do you do when you come back? It takes half a year for an old hen to hatch its chicks, and she won't have children or men in thirty days. It's better than an old hen!" "Mom, let everyone hear what you said later." "She thinks she has become a famous actress! Her buttocks are pouted, her chin is half a foot long, and the whole scene is full of monkeys jumping. This is how a revolutionary drama is like? It doesn't matter if you don't act or watch it!" The mother went back upstairs cursing, holding the baby in one hand and warming the food for her in the other.He muttered and only talked to the child: "Your father is pitiful, he doesn't even have any food to eat. If you don't give him something to eat, he will open a can. Isn't that lying to your stomach?" What Xiao Fei listened to was what she wanted to hear.At least my mother came to deliver a meal every night, so I could guarantee that there would be no female guests during that time.Ouyang Yu is busy in the office at other times.Xiaofei did the math for him, and she had plenty of time to spare, and there were quite a few people who usually came to him to play bridge, billiards, and listen to poetry, so she couldn't spare him. The Poetry Club is exactly where the troubles arise.This is an age that produces poets, as well as poetesses.Every week, the ballroom of the "Sino-Soviet Friendship Building" always starts with dinner, poetry, and dance. Even dresses are not called dresses, they are called "Blagi", and the venue is full of women wearing Bragi and men with ties. On the stairs, boys and girls ran in the corridor, calling each other "Vaja", "Nara", and "Willow". The reason why Ouyang Yu didn't welcome Xiao Fei when she returned home from the tour was because several young poets were reciting new poems, and several leaders of the Cultural Affairs Bureau were invited to be VIP guests.Later, Xiao Fei was invited to perform readings for new poets. Ouyang Yu often said to Xiao Fei: "Just read for them. Don't think those are poems." He was also very strict when writing comments for these young poets. , "empty", "dry", "lack of phonological cultivation", ask them to listen to more music and read more ancient poems.He himself dislikes the translated poems of Western poets. He believes that new poets should learn Russian and English first, and then read Pushkin and Shelley.He criticizes violently, so that occasionally a line or two of his praise will immediately make the praised poet popular.And the more they criticize, the more people will ask for it, asking Deputy Director Ou for "advice". At night, the family is often full of people. A group of young poets are flying moths into the flames, as if they feel more comfortable with cursing. Ouyang Yu is asked to recommend music for them to listen to, and he is also asked to introduce poems or books for them to read.The most frequent visits were two young poetesses, one was an officer of the trade union of a spinning mill, and the other was a member of the propaganda committee of a hospital.In winter, the Propaganda Committee refused to take off the big mask in the room, and listened to Ouyang Yu's lecture with two big eyes with long eyelashes.The female secretary of the spinning mill was careless, went upstairs to chat with Xiaofei first, and then sat on the spring chair in Ouyang Yu's study, and her buttocks grew on the chair as soon as she sat down.Xiaofei couldn't bear it anymore, and sometimes she would go in and say that it was already ten o'clock and the tram was about to stop.Or Ouyang Yu, you smoke endlessly whenever you talk, can you say a few words less? ! As soon as the guest left, Ouyang Yu asked her: "What about education?" Xiaofei's words were also ugly.What kind of Jia Baoyu addiction did she say he had?Just guarding a big tooth and a big butt? !He asked her how she knew that the female propaganda committee member was toothy.She said that if she, Phoebe, had a mouthful of teeth like that, she'd wear a marquee to seduce the critics. Ouyang Yu's face turned red again. "When did someone seduce me?" "Forget it. You are well aware of the seduction of all women. Not only do you understand it, but you also secretly encourage it. How happy are you with women around you? How vain are you? They are all talented women!" Ouyang Yu stopped talking.The best thing he could do to her was to keep silent. She wanted to let him speak.All offensive language is used, the more stimulating the word, the better. The old account book turned page after page, and he talked about his most painful idea: "Regret? In fact, you can get rid of the child if you are pregnant. Why didn't you force me at the beginning?" Knock it out!" Then there is crying. After that, he slammed the door and went out. One day when the female trade union officer came to work, she actually wore a beige cardigan, which was almost exactly the same as Xiaofei's.She ran to Xiao Fei's place again, joking and talking nonsense, but Xiao Fei didn't care if she ignored her, she pushed the door and went into Ouyang Yu's study.Xiao Fei ran to the door of the study, stood in the dark, and heard Ouyang Yu say: "This song is well written!" The secretary of the female trade union said: "That's not what Ouyang told me!" Xiao Fei is so disgusting that she can't laugh or cry, and Brother Ouyang is also called by her!Who does she think she is?Shi Xiangyun?Ouyang Yu drank a lot of rice wine at Xiaofei's mother's house that night, laughing and listening happily.Xiao Fei was shaking with anger.It was eleven o'clock, and Xiao Fei went in and said, "The tram has stopped." The female officer said, "I came here by bicycle!" finally left.Seeing that Ouyang Yu was too sleepy to open his eyes, Xiao Fei asked him to lie on the bed, and she fetched a basin of hot water to wash his feet.Forget it, he was so sleepy that he couldn't listen to her questioning anymore. The next day, Xiaofei received a call early in the morning, telling her to go to the regiment immediately because there was an urgent task.Head Bao handed her a script transcribed on carbon paper and told her to immediately start reciting the heroine's words.The repertoire should be put on stage within two weeks.When I asked the group leader what kind of play it was, the group leader asked her to recite the lyrics first, and she would understand after the recitation.This is a play that the provincial party committee ordered them to perform on the line of fire.Do you remember the live newspaper plays that were staged during the war?It is the spirit of "Fire Wire". After reciting the words, Xiao Fei understood that she was playing a volunteer nurse. While caring for the wounded, she found that there was something wrong with the bandages and medicines. The wounded were all infected and died or had their limbs amputated.The penicillin was out of date, the anti-tetanus medicine was adulterated, and the bandages were not sterile.Xiaofei encountered a similar phenomenon decades later, when there was a new word "fake and shoddy".All the actors entered the rehearsal with the copied script in hand.Xiao Fei thought of Xiao Wu's father.The most hated enemy of this little volunteer nurse is people like Boss Wu.Boss Wu has a good business mind. As soon as the volunteers crossed the Yalu River, he knew that he was going to die this time.He teamed up with two other businessmen to do battle food first: compressed biscuits, fried wheat flour, and condensed milk.He couldn't be a businessman in Shanghai and Tianjin, and then changed hands to run the Medical Dan Gang, and soon became the king of medicine in this province.Secretary Liu, the pulsatilla, initially ignored Boss Wu, but gradually admitted that his father-in-law is a very capable person.One night, Boss Wu was entertaining guests in the restaurant, when a car came, he politely invited him up, and never came back.The volunteer army nurse thought that the death of profiteers such as Boss Wu would be too cheap for them. She watched how many volunteer soldiers had their young limbs amputated and their young lives were ruined. During the rehearsal, Xiao Fei looked around to see if Secretary Liu had brought Xiao Wu.Xiao Wu always comes to the rehearsal, where she can laugh wantonly, eat snacks, and put her feet on the back of the chair in the front row.Secretary Liu's gray hair did not appear.Look at how Xiao Wu still scolds Xiao Fei all day long.At the opening, Xiao Fei saw Xiao Wu and Secretary Liu coming in.Secretary Liu asked everyone to pause first, because he had something to say.All the actors who had put on makeup, plus the backstage service department, including the old man who burned the boiler, all stood in line on the stage.Secretary Liu invited Xiao Wu to the first row and said to everyone: "Comrade Wu Shanzhen from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has a few words to share with you." Xiao Wu still looked up and down, stood there, raised his face and said to the team on the stage: "I specially hired someone to write this play. Lao Liu and I discussed the basic plot and then hired three screenwriters to spend three days and nights. I rushed to write it out. Why did I have such an experience with Lao Liu? I don’t need to say that everyone understands: because my father—of course he no longer has any relationship with me. When I found out that he was suspicious, I I basically broke off with him. Because he was my father, I hate him even more. How dangerous, comrades, such vicious and insidious enemies are around us! I am deeply ashamed that I was once his daughter !" Xiao Wu raised his head bravely and stubbornly, letting tears spill down his face. Xiao Fei really wanted to comfort Xiao Wu, tell her not to feel ashamed, she is her, her father is her father, who doesn't know that Xiao Wu joined the party at the age of seventeen, and is an old revolutionary at a young age?For so many years, Xiao Wu has acted upright and stood firm. Even if Xiao Fei was cast into her mother's womb again, she would not be as upright as Xiao Wu's womb.Others don't understand Xiao Wu, how can Xiao Fei not understand her?Even though she was Xiaofei's conduct guide and political teacher all day long, she had never treated Xiaofei badly. If she had a popsicle, she would break half of it for Xiaofei.Besides, Boss Wu doted on Xiao Wu after all, and severed his father-daughter relationship with him, can she not feel bloody in her heart?Because of Xiao Wu's understanding and support, Xiao Fei's rehearsal was very successful, and her voice seemed to be twitching. Xiao Wu came to the stage and hugged Xiao Fei tightly.As soon as the two hugged each other, they returned to the age of sixteen or seventeen. "Thank you, Xiao Fei." This is Xiao Wu's heartfelt tone. With this tone, Xiao Wu once told Xiao Fei that she had menarche, received a love letter from a boy, and established a relationship with Lao Liu.Xiao Fei had a sore nose, no matter how intriguing she was, she was still a lifelong little sister.Xiao Fei knows that Xiao Wu can lose to anyone, so don't lose to her, Xiao Fei.At this moment she must have felt that Fei had somehow gained the limelight.Xiao Fei hurriedly expressed her heart and said, "Don't be sad." Xiao Wu raised her face, inexplicably, why was she sad? Xiaofei saw that it was Xiao Wu who was competitive and strong, and he would never lose in front of the little sister.Xiao Fei thoughtfully said: "Would you like to have a midnight snack with Lao Liu, or not?" Xiao Wu was very strenuous, and Xiao Fei felt that this consolation was easier for her to accept. Xiao Wu said: "I just said that I want to invite you! You ask our old Liu!" This kind of thing has always been Xiao Wu's call.Xiao Fei is the one who saves herself from making up her own mind.Xiao Fei was especially thought-saving when she followed Xiao Wu.Xiao Wu pointed to a fried steamed stuffed bun restaurant with beef soup and said, "Xiao Fei loves beef soup the most." She also often decides for Xiao Fei what she likes to eat and what is most suitable for her to wear. With Ouyang Yu and Xiao Wu, Xiaofei is very relieved. "Old Liu, buy half a dozen beef buns for Xiaofei. Xiaofei likes coriander, so I want more coriander to put in her beef soup." Old Liu went. Xiao Fei thought to herself, who can eat half of the package at this late hour?But Xiao Wu has always been good for her, so she will eat it.This steamed stuffed bun shop is neither fish nor fowl, and it also sells draft beer.Lao Liu, who had just returned to his seat, was sent to buy beer again.Even if Xiao Wu married the central leadership, the central leadership would send her to buy beer.And she has the ability to make everyone happy.She complained that Xiao Fei didn't go to see her for so long, Xiao Fei quickly explained that she was so busy that her own daughter didn't even have time to watch.She understood that Xiao Wu's nonsense was still because of sadness.Who wouldn't be sad when a daughter and her father fall out forever?Xiaofei scooped up the beef soup with a spoon, blew on it, and suddenly said, "I'm afraid of seeing Mama Wu." "Why?" Xiao Wu stared.Xiao Wu has a little golden eyes, and his upper and lower eyelids are not black when he stares up. "How can she bear it? She will be alone in the future..." "She deserves it!" Xiao Wu said, more like a goldfish, "I don't believe she doesn't know anything, Boss Wu did it behind her back. Boss Wu's ears are soft at home, just look at my mother." "Don't talk nonsense! Mother Wu has already suffered enough." Xiaofei said. Lao Liu drank beer and smoked cigarettes, unfathomable.Suddenly he said, "Xiaofei hasn't written in the party application yet, has she?" "I've written it twice. You comrades in the party don't want us, you don't like us!" Xiaofei tilted her head, and when she encountered a pot that was not opened or lifted, she looked dishonest. "Look, she doesn't grow up!" Xiao Wu slapped Xiao Fei on the head with both love and distaste. The three of them ate and drank, feeling a little dizzy.Xiao Wu was bored, Lao Liu teased her a few words, and she gave him a few glances.Xiaofei thought, why wouldn't she admit that she was feeling bad?Obviously, he has such a good relationship with Boss Wu, but now that Boss Wu is in prison, and his fate is uncertain, how can he still be in high spirits?Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, between the little sisters, why do you have to smash your teeth and swallow blood? "Tomorrow I'll go see Mother Wu." Xiaofei said. "What's the point?" "I'm afraid that something will happen to her if she thinks of a desperate situation. Mother Wu treats my mother as dearly as she treats me..." "I don't even go to see her, what do you do when you go to see her? When you see her, doesn't she just hold your hand and cry? Now that you know how to cry, when you go home with me to pick up money, I'm afraid you will lose your teeth." Yes! I suspect that I am not their biological child at all. Do you think I look like my siblings? I have never cared about money since I was a child. Our whole family is full of money. One thinks two, and ten thinks a hundred. I support the Communist Party, so I have to treat this kind of people badly.” Before he knew it, Xiao Wu overwhelmed Xiao Fei again.One thing is true, Xiao Wu is indeed simple and generous. He and Lao Liu have always been dressed in common clothes, and they never forget to buy a copy for their girlfriends when they encounter something they like.Her ruthlessness seems to be real, and she seems to have really detached from the relationship of flesh and blood.Xiao Wu is a born advanced proletarian.It is precisely because she knows that she is upright in her heart that she is domineering.Xiaofei bit the crispy buns, drank beer, and smiled at Lao Liu and Xiao Wu for some reason.She thought of a plot that should never have been thought of here and now: that night in the small town academy, the two of them were lying flesh to flesh, the fire was ignited from the two clasped hands, and the prairie fire was suddenly ignited. Xiao Fei soon heard that Xiao Wu and Mrs. Wu's boss had also broken up.Xiao Wu first went home by herself, persuading and intimidating her mother to hand over Boss Wu's bereavement money for harming the volunteers.Mrs. Wu cried so much that the whole alley was disturbed. She heard her scolding Xiao Wu with a white-eyed wolf, telling her that she was innocent, and she confiscated a cent of the old man's death money.Xiao Wu didn't talk nonsense with her, and brought the officers from the reconnaissance department the next day.Xiao Wu is used to fighting the rich and helping the poor, and he is very familiar with the place where the treasures are hidden at home. He pointed to the beam of the house and said that it was only one, pry it!He pointed to the tree in the backyard and said, dig it open.Then he pointed to his mother's red lacquer and gold toilet bowl: smash it!Mrs. Wu stopped her begging at first, and then she sat in the yard to watch the fun, and said after a while: "Why didn't I strangle her when she was born?" " Mrs. Wu's tone was flat, her sorrow was greater than her heart's death, and she looked as if her heart had died. "Otherwise, if she has a rash, let her stand there, what doctor are you looking for?" "Kill the bandit, catch the bandit, kill her while she is still a bandit, save her from stealing the house once, and then steal again! " Xiao Wu was not disturbed by his mother's words, he continued to tear apart and smashed, calm and thoughtful, and never acted in a hurry.She put her fist under her chin and thought for a while, then pointed to the water tank: move away.The bottom was dug three feet deep, and there was nothing but soil.Years later, after Xiao Wu reconciled with her mother, her mother said she was stupid, and that the water tank was filled with big clam shells, which were all dead if one looked closely, and gold bricks wrapped in oiled paper were hidden in the shells.Boss Wu doesn't trust any banknotes. If he has money, he goes to the black market to convert it into gold. This is still the time for Xiao Wu to copy his own house.Mrs. Wu's monologue continued: "The Japanese devils are ruthless? You haven't dug up the little jewelry you hid, but she dug it up for you! ... It's none of her business to poach her so that her mother won't have anything to eat! Prices It's the same every day, and it's none of her business if she doesn't have money to pay the guy! She just eats inside and out, eats home food and wild shit..." Xiao Wu searched in vain, and withdrew with the scouts.Mrs. Wu is also a strong woman. She went to the alley and called out loudly to some children who had escaped: "Young two sons, third sons and fourth sons! Come back to dinner! There is no meat to eat, and the government always allows us to eat porridge with dried radishes." Are you full?" Sometimes Xiaofei sees Mrs. Wu picking rice worms at the door, and as soon as she greets her, she smiles and says, "I don't want to feed the chickens when I have worms. People are so shameless, and they grow meat even in a poor life!" Mrs. Wu not only brought worm-infested rice and half-rotted vegetable leaves to the door to pick, but also brought torn cotton jackets, rotten shoes, and shredded wool to the door, where they sewed and pieced together in public.People are a little surprised, how can this family be so ruined, so quickly worn out and eaten garbage.Some people said that Mrs. Wu deliberately made her daughter look ugly.Some people also said that she cried poor so that the public could see that she hadn't concealed money from Boss Wu.Xiaofei's mother sympathized with Mrs. Wu, and often made an extra portion of the dishes, and sent them to Wu's family calmly, saying: "I am also learning how to cook this dish. I don't know if it is right. You can try it."
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