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Chapter 6 Chapter 06

one woman epic 严歌苓 14642Words 2018-03-19
On the second night, the large army went to Guangxi. Before the land reform team went to the countryside, Xiaofei went home to visit her mother.As soon as she entered the house, she found an old lady about 60 years old sitting in the house with her feet bound. Seeing her come in, she trembled, as if avoiding a beating.Mother came back from the well with water, and said to Xiaofei, "Hey, the one who forced me out back then, now recognizes her daughter." The old lady looked at Xiao Fei's mother, then at Xiao Fei, turned one ear to the other side with a poignant smile, and said, "Huh?"

Xiaofei understood that the deaf old lady was her grandmother.My mother never mentioned her own mother. Occasionally, when she quarreled with her father, she said that the man her mother forced her to marry might be stronger than her father. At that time, she ran from the countryside to the city and decided to marry his father, such a waste .Xiaofei vaguely knew that the enmity between her mother and grandmother was about forcing her to bind her feet, drop out of school, and marry.My mother's illiteracy, half-day feet, widowhood, and eating three meals of a pound of soybean sprouts were all caused by my grandmother.The grandmother knew at a glance that her mother was accusing her again, and she even brought in a People's Liberation Army, and quickly hid her face with her eyelids drooping.

Xiao Fei walked over and called out to the old lady, "Grandma!" Grandma's eyes fluttered, and she brought her ears closer.Xiaofei shouted loudly: "Welcome grandma!" The mother scolded Xiaofei: "What kind of distinguished guest do you think she is? The land reform in the countryside, her old man was shot!" The grandmother's eyes were also red now, and her lips were bubbling: "My boy! I know how to recognize my grandma after being a public servant!" She pulled Xiaofei to the window, and looked at Xiaofei's face, figure, and hands with the light from the outside, a pair of three-inch golden lotus jumping up and down: "Oh! It looks so good! Stretch it! Grandma will be happy even if she is blind tomorrow." Yes, I saw my baby!"

The mother curled her lips aside: "Have you ever soaked in shit? Have you washed a piece of urine? She's a child!" Suddenly the grandmother wailed loudly.The volume of the deaf man's voice is not loud enough for people to bear, and the first one is shaking the world: "It's only a dozen acres of paddy fields, dozens of acres of lean land...that's a bully! Your dead grandpa is a ghost..." The mother closed the door and the window tightly, and then she came up and covered her grandmother's mouth with her hand: "If you eat guns, you will also make us eat guns? You haven't hurt me enough? You want to kill my daughter..."

Grandmother was taller and taller than mother, with long arms and long fingers. She planed and scratched in the air, and lost her two water chestnut shoes, and her black velveteen hat was turned gray by Little Fei's mother.As soon as Xiaofei put her hand in to protect the old lady, the old lady simply hit her head on her mother's chest, causing her to back away: "You buried me alive too! What am I doing alive? The old man and the son are gone!" "You don't live when your son dies? Why don't you think I'm dead or alive when I run out? You still have four bowls of vegetables and one bowl of soup after I die!" The mother cried into her grandmother's ears and eyes.

The grandmother didn't care about her mother, she just said to herself: "When I heard that there was no burial alive, it was shot instead. I knelt down and burned incense for the Bodhisattva all night! It takes a long time to swallow the breath of burying alive..." Xiaofei rescued her grandmother from her mother and carried her to her own small room.She stepped on the cotton and sweated coldly, and after a while she found herself crying with her grandmother. When I walked to my mother's room, I saw my mother sitting on a small stool scrubbing clothes, rubbing her face on her shoulders for a while.She knew her mother was crying too.The mother is too staunch, no matter how reluctant she is to part with her father and elder brother, her mouth is sharper than a knife.She just felt that her grandfather's family was too wronged, so she vented her anger on her grandmother and vented on cannibalism.The mother would not reconcile with her natal family because she had never really had a feud with them.Now she has lost her chance to reconcile with them forever.

At night, three generations of women sit and do their work under the fifteen-watt light.Grandmother sewed sheets for mother, and mother knitted woolen collars for Fei.Xiaofei knits the broken yarn together.Grandpa and uncle were hung from the beams of the peasant association for a day and a night.Before traveling to the countryside, my grandfather asked my uncle to attack him, so he threw the water bowl on the ground and attacked him with the bowl shards.The uncle couldn't do anything, so he left himself and his father to others.Grandpa was such a face-saving person that he nodded to his acquaintances before he was shot.The mother told Xiaofei what happened here and there, but the grandmother couldn't hear anything, her face was terribly calm, and she concentrated on her needlework.

"Don't tell anyone if you don't ask." Mother told Xiaofei. "What about asking?" Xiaofei said. "Say you don't have a grandpa or an uncle. Your mother cut off contact with them when she was sixteen, and I didn't go back to take advantage of them no matter how hard I tried. Why should I be troubled by them now? I don't think anyone dares to look for you. Are you The chief of the capital, who dares to look for you? When you beat a dog, it depends on the owner; when you dig a well, you depend on the field; Make up a long list of parallel sentences.

Xiao Fei wanted to say that she was no longer the brigade commander.But Mom regards Brigadier Du as the pillar of her heart, let him support it first. The art troupe went to the countryside mainly to do land reform propaganda.There were two "White-haired Girl" performances a day, and the landlord was shot after the performance.Spring came to an end in a blink of an eye, and when the wheat was ripe, an old landlord who fled was caught and returned.People in this area are unwilling to fight against the seventy-year-old landlord, saying that he is generous, runs schools, and provides relief.The land reform team took the old man into custody and went to various homes every day for enlightenment and education.Ouyang Yu was the political commissar of the land reform task force. He presided over the distribution of the floating wealth of the old landlords by the poor peasants three or four times. Things returned to the door of the old landlord's house.The chairman of the peasant association convened a general meeting, where he cursed those who quietly returned the "fruits of victory" to Lao Cai at night as "landlord's bastards".

"The White-haired Girl" wanted to match the special sentiments of the people, so Huang Shiren was changed to be 20 years old.Put on a goatee.Huang Shiren's mother had to grow old too, so she became a white-haired birthday star.Xiaofei performed two performances a day, her hair was covered with white powder, and her body was covered with white oil paint. She didn't have time to wash her hair and body. In pairs".After the performance in the evening, the white powder on her hair was too thick, and it became a cotton ball. Xiaofei was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes, and she had to wash her hair with well water.Soap locusts and egg whites were used to wash her hair, and Xiaofei really didn't have the strength to fetch a second bucket of water, so she washed her long hair weighing two to three catties with a small half basin of water, then lay down and fell asleep.The female soldiers lived in the old landlord's house, and Xiao Fei shared a big bed with three female soldiers.Xiao Fei hung her long, dripping hair from the edge of the bed, hoping to dry it the next morning.After the bell of the third watch, she woke up with a start, feeling something pulling her hair down.Dozens of people living in the courtyard were immediately awakened by Xiaofei's screams, and those with guns and trousers, all gathered in Xiaofei's dormitory for girls.A big flashlight shone on Xiao Fei's hair, and it caught a big golden-red centipede, which was hanging a strand of Xiao Fei's hair like an ivy.Everyone yelled and yelled, telling Xiaofei not to move. The centipede is about a foot long, so don't disturb it.Who picked it up with a bamboo pole, and the centipede was picked up on the ground, and quickly rushed under the bed.Move the heavy wooden bed away, and the centipede pine is gone.

The next day it became a fairy tale.Farmers say centipedes are "big bugs" and old landlords are tigers.Call another meeting, no one dares to come.The chairman of the peasant association believes that the peasants are actually suspicious of each other. If the Communist Party leaves, other parties will come again, and those who have trouble with the old landlords will not be able to get along.The rural backbone said that there is only one way, to cut off everyone's back, and let everyone do their best.Ouyang Yu heard this and said: "No, I object!" The leader of the Land Reform Task Force was the head of the Propaganda Section of the Political Department, surnamed Huo. He asked Ouyang Yu what he opposed, but he didn't let the rural backbones finish their sentence. Ouyang Yu's hair trembled with excitement: "What we Communists want to correct is people's fallacies—that the backbone of our development is all people with blood on their hands, bums, ruffians..." The chairman of the peasant association threw the shoe on the ground, stuck his foot in, and a few toes stick out from the tip of the shoe with his mouth open: "Which one do you call a ruffian?!" Captain Huo said, "Political Commissar, listen to what he has to say!" He nodded to the chairman of the peasant association, begging him to appease his anger.Ouyang Yu took out the pipe from Captain Huo's hand, knocked out the ash inside, and picked out shredded tobacco from Captain Huo's cigarette tray.While loading the pipe, he scattered the tobacco everywhere, lit two matches, and the smoke rose. Xiaofei sat across from him, hoping he could see her staring at him: Why are you smoking? When the key members of the peasant association spoke out their method of "cutting off the rear", Ouyang Yu didn't move, as if he was only interested in the newly learned smoking trick.The peasants gathered together, with one person from each family. After the old landlord's struggle meeting was over, each of them went up and rammed him with a stick.In this way, everyone is mobilized, everyone joins the battle, and everyone can claim the old landlord's life together, and no one can be blamed in the future. More than 30 members of the art troupe were stunned after listening.There are 120 or 30 households in this village. Excluding some other landlords and rich peasants who are not qualified, there are more than a hundred households. Just a rolling pin, how much flesh and bones does a man in his seventies have enough for everyone to ram?If you beat less than half of the people, beat him to pieces.Besides, more than a hundred people can't stand up no matter how hard they stand, and in the end, you beat me and I beat you?It doesn't matter, there is always a way, hang the old man on the tree trunk, one person rams it and then leaves, the order can be drawn by lot. Ouyang Yu asked Captain Huo: "You let me finish listening, I don't need to listen to understand." At this moment, Xiao Fei saw Captain Huo cast a vicious glance at Ouyang Yu.Captain Huo thought about the time he had for a pipe, and said: "The masses in other counties have developed much more thoroughly than ours. If the leaders hear that the people here don't trust the Communist Party so much, they will take the initiative to distribute the fruits of victory to them." Return it to the landlord, and we must be dismissed!" Ouyang Yu looked at him, sucked out a shred of tobacco from between his teeth, and picked it out with his fingertips. Captain Huo said that other counties punished twice as many bullies as this county, and the punishment methods were varied. The farmers buried the bullies alive in the blink of an eye, hacked them with knives, and soaked them in cesspools.Only when class contradictions are intensified can it be called a revolution.Comrade Mao Zedong said that "revolution is a violent act by which one class overthrows another." "Ask Captain Huo to explain your understanding of violent actions." "Comrade Ouyang, I won't play word games with you!" "I just want to explain, not games. Violent actions include patching a piece of clothing, and killing an old man who eats vegetable dumplings in times of famine? You are advocating terrorism! Distorting Mao Zedong Thought!" Xiaofei saw Ouyang Yu sticking out a pianist-like slender finger. "There are a lot of hats, political commissar. I won't give you a hat. My hat is too heavy and I can't put it on casually." Captain Huo smiled, and brushed the dirt on his leggings with his fingers, "A party branch meeting. Everyone hold Vote by hand, the minority obeys the majority. We value democracy, if you disagree, you don’t agree, and I, Huo, promise not to label him.” Xiaofei stood up and walked out.She is not a party member, so she doesn't have to raise her hand, and she can't be labeled.At the door she turned her head.Ouyang Yu's square shoulders were erected, making her look extraordinarily thin.His hair has also grown, and the hair on the shoulders rubs against the back of the neck of the military uniform.What thick and stiff hair.Stepping over the threshold, she smelled the fragrance of the wheat about to ripen, and the harvest would be good.This beggar village can live without worrying about food for half a year.People behind are raising their hands, singing votes.How could that old man in his seventies know that there were more than a hundred sticks, spade handles, and rolling pins waiting for him.Two months ago, he was still smiling and walking in the wheat field of his home, planning to hire a few short-term laborers for this year's wheat harvest, how many woodsheds he would clean up for them, and how much rations he would prepare.At that time, it was already a good harvest weather, and the thing that the old man was most afraid of was bad weather: don't have a hailstorm.Now he didn't know that he was going to be hung on a certain tree trunk, looking forward to a good harvest.While thinking about it, Xiaofei persuaded herself to think about it: over seventy years old, a long life, and enough to live.Besides, he is so old, how many sticks he can withstand, which stick is kind, hits the head first, and the skin underneath is rotten and the bones are broken, anyway, I don't know.Thinking about it again, isn't that right? Isn't the head high when hanging on the tree trunk?The stick couldn't reach it, so it started from the lone crutch and hit the kneecap... Xiaofei bowed her body as if she was about to throw up, her eyes were dark. Her appetite is getting smaller and smaller.I have never had such a long time of acclimatization.Holding on to a paulownia tree to stand firm, she heard a person calling: "Girl! Girl!" Looking up, she walked to the middle of a wheat field with no one around, and an old lady squatted in the wheat tree calling her. "Is this the girl?" Xiaofei quickly showed her smile of doing mass work, and asked her which girl she was looking for.The old lady had a cloth veil wrapped on top of her head, and her lower eyelids were turned out, bright red.She said she was not mistaken, she was the girl from the People's Liberation Army with a centipede in her hair.She asked Xiao Fei if the play she played was real.Xiaofei said it was true.The old lady said that her old man was very kind-hearted, and he was a landlord before, but he never forced anyone to ruin anyone's eldest girl.The old lady said that she was already sitting in the wheat tree, beating her legs and crying.Xiaofei understood that she was the wife of the old landlord who was about to receive more than a hundred sticks. "Girl, tell me, where can I submit this certificate?" She handed some rice paper to Xiao Fei.Xiaofei didn't dare to pick it up, she just said: "Get up quickly, it's too hot, don't cry and ruin your life!" The old lady couldn't get up, and she wouldn't get up without Xiaofei giving her some advice.The old lady firmly believes that there is a place to file a complaint in the world, and there has been a place to complain since ancient times. Even if she is asked to roll a nailboard with her old skin and finger clips, she still needs to find a place to complain. Xiao Fei thought to herself, even if there is a place to pick up your case, it will be too late.Maybe tomorrow a group of people with no hands will tear your old man out of the house and tie him to a tree trunk.Xiaofei didn't dare to look at the old lady. The old lady became her grandmother.Under the old man she wanted to hang on the tree trunk, hundreds of people were surrounded in darkness, with two or three hundred black eyes staring upwards in darkness.He is just a big bronze bell, and it should be cracked if more than a hundred people beat it down.Grandpa is still lucky, he didn't hang up high and let people beat him like a bell. "Girl, since you are kind-hearted, let me give you some pointers. He is seventy-three, how many days does he have to live?" Xiao Fei shook her head.She thought something bad, and tears came out.What position, what consciousness?It is still the pillar of the revolutionary drama!Seeing Xiaofei cry, the old lady's red eyes were full of hope.She said that even if the certificate is handed over and the sentence comes down, and the old man should be sentenced to death, she will admit it, and she must let her vent her grievances first, right?Xiao Fei choked up.What did she think of this?What qualifications does she have to act in the play tonight?It seems that she Tian Sufei will be a traitor to the revolution at a critical moment. Xiaofei turned around and quickly ran back along the field ridge.The old lady crawled out from the wheat stalks, shouted "Girl!..." behind her, and then fell silent.The ridge of the field was straight, and the heavy ears of wheat on both sides were thrown over and over. On Xiao Fei's back was a pair of red and festering eyes, from hot to cold. That night Xiaofei was putting on makeup, and Ouyang Yu called her.The two walked to a quiet place, and he said that he would go back to the provincial capital tonight and report the situation here to the leader.Xiaofei looked at him worriedly.He smiled and said that he has his own route and his old chief.With Shang Fang's sword, he is not afraid of their "majority". "When are you coming back?" "I'll be back tomorrow night." Just as the play was about to start, the chairman of the peasant association came, followed by six militiamen with broadswords on their backs and red-tasseled guns.Captain Huo immediately asked the band to stop playing the opening music.The chairman of the peasant association came to the stage, stood in front of the big screen, and said that there was a traitor of the landlord in the village, and secretly passed a bag of arsenic to the old landlord.The old landlord is heavily in debt, and he deserves to eat arsenic to die?The traitor saved him, from the more than a hundred sticks he deserved. The enlightened people below shouted: "Drag him out, even the dead ones will have to be beaten!" "Yes! Pull it out, whip the corpse!" "You can't just spare old Guisun like that!" The originally dull auditorium was suddenly overturned, and everyone made a fuss for no reason, and wanted to drag the old landlord's body to show the public.A woman was sitting on both sides of the stage with her child in her arms. At this time, a woman shouted: "He is so purple, why are you dragging him here? Are you scaring my child?" A group of women were all arguing: "If you die, let him die well, and why let him scare a few people?!" "Don't recruit him, last time he turned into a centipede, next time he becomes an evil ghost, whoever recruits him will go find him!" "Five fools, his father, I don't want old ghosts looking for our children!" "That's right! Watching a play!" On the second night, Ouyang Yu didn't come back.For the next week, Xiaofei didn't hear from him.But during this week, the consciousness of the masses was enlightened, and they fought against several landlords and rich peasants. No one was timid anymore. Several people were sentenced to death.During the day, Captain Huo threshed wheat with the farmers on the field, and at dusk he trained the militiamen to fight with bayonets.It was getting dark late, and the play wouldn't start until eight or nine o'clock.Some members of the art troupe supported the nearby villages to preach policies, but there were not enough actors, so the militiamen and the backbone of the women's federation who loved to sing flower drums were allowed to play tricks in the play.The extras are more serious than the main actors. After finishing their work, they come over to put on makeup and change clothes, and have dinner in the art troupe.This night, when playing "Liu Hulan", in order to cooperate with the land reform, he also made some small changes in the plot. When Liu Hulan reprimanded the commander of the bandit battalion, he added two sentences: "The poor people in the world will stand up and be liberated. Seeing that you are dying, you still want to come back to your hometown? !" Xiaofei sang high-pitched, and the audience applauded one after another. Several militiamen who were acting as bandit soldiers cheered her in a low voice on the stage: "Good singing! How dare you return to your hometown if you don't want to see the dog's day!..." Xiao Fei found that they were only cheering, and the formations were all in disorder. She couldn't direct them with her hands tied behind her back, so she shook her head vigorously, telling them to go left and right. Clang straight shake.A "bandit soldier" said: "Comrade Tian, ​​hair! Comrade Tian!" Xiaofei was finishing a sentence, and said to him: "Shut up!" Hairpins flashed on his eyelids, and the other two bandit soldiers saw it and whispered He murmured: "Comrade Tian, ​​don't poke your eyes!" Xiaofei staggered suddenly, and then turned over with a kite, looking like the reactionaries were tortured to the point of exhaustion, and they couldn't bear it.When she stood up and appeared, the "bandit soldiers" saw that it was all right, she threw off the hairpin.This is the scene where Liu Hulan is walking towards the guillotine. Her lying position is more appropriate.The pig urine bubble is extremely large, and the inside is filled with bright red watercolor paint, so that the pig urine bubble will burst when touched.The guillotine just touched the pig urine bubble, and the red watercolor splashed into the sky, but the curtain did not fall, and the lights under the stage were all black. A pile of stones was thrown at the militiamen who played bandit soldiers, and at the same time there was a shocking slogan: "Kill Jiang bandit soldiers! Avenge Liu Hulan!" Several militiamen were smashed to death.Someone shouted: "Quickly pull the curtain!" "I can't pull it up! The curtain rope has been cut off!" The slogan was still roaring: "Smash them to death! Don't let Jiang's bandits escape..." Stones kept flying out from all directions of the auditorium. The militiamen took off the costumes of Jiang Banditing, limped to hide from the stones, and shouted: "Stop beating! It's not Jiang Banditing! It's Baozi...it's the father of the second son!" on the son's militia. Later, when the art troupe and work team analyzed it, they found that the problem was not that simple.From the curtain rope that was secretly cut to the well-prepared stone, it is obvious that the audience did not take the fake show seriously.Captain Huo said: "Commissioner Ouyang just needs to see it with his own eyes, so that he can understand how complicated the enemy situation in this area is. This is a plan to take revenge on the backbone of the militia and activists in the village! It is either a revolutionary violent action or a counter-revolutionary violent action. Even He was a veteran cadre during the Anti-Japanese War, and he will behave naively and vacillating in the new era." Xiaofei knew that he was criticizing Ouyang Yu and scolding Huai.After the wheat was harvested and the sweet potatoes were planted, the whole village was woken up by the chug-chug motorcycle that night.The weather was sweltering, and all the people and dogs lying in the field to enjoy the cool air heard the chug-chug sound approaching from a distance, and they all said, "Japan is here again!" Just as they were about to run back, they saw the motorcycle turned into the large building where the art troupe lived. At the gate of the courtyard, they shouted: "Tian Sufei, answer the telegram!" All the people and dogs enjoying the cool air talked and ran towards the gate of the art troupe.They don't know what "receiving a telegram" is. Xiaofei only woke up when she saw the postman standing outside the door with his legs straddling his motorcycle.Behind the postman were the bare-backed men and bare-bottomed children of the whole village, all staring at her signing the postman's big book.It was not quiet behind her, and people from the art troupe also got up, asking what happened in the middle of the night, and actually let the telegraph operator of the county post office ride a motorcycle for dozens of miles.Borrowing the headlights of the motorcycle, Xiao Fei tore open the envelope of the telegram with her fingers that suddenly became stupid, and the message said: "I am infected with malaria, I hope we can meet soon." Xiao Fei's legs softened, no wonder Ouyang Yu never returned .She went to read the telegram again and found that she missed the last word "Han".In one last hope, she asked the postman, "Where did the telegram come from?" "Guangxi." Distraught, Xiao Fei sat under the mosquito net all night.Early the next morning, when she was brushing her teeth, Captain Huo said to her with a mouthful of green tooth powder: "There is a train early this morning, so act fast!" Fei's. I didn't think of a way all night.Xiaofei spit out the toothpaste foam and immediately decided to go to Guangxi to have a face-to-face showdown with the brigade commander.While packing my luggage, the motorcycle rang again.The telegram said: "The crisis has been turned into safety, please feel at ease to perform. Han." Xiaofei became more famous in the village. When the children saw her, they called: "Tian Sufei, answer the telegram!" From a distance, I saw the old wife, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren of the landlord's family relentless, picking up dirt and rubbish and smashing them, or shouting: "Stop!Stand up!Keep your head down!Shout: feudal feudal!Exploitation Exploitation!shout loudly!Shouting and walking! One day Xiaofei saw a group of bare-bottomed boys smearing feces on the wife of the old landowner who swallowed arsenic, and told her, "Turn around, it hasn't been wiped evenly yet!" " The old lady said: "Smear it evenly, wipe it evenly!" "You old landlady, don't you think it stinks?" "I don't think it smells bad, I think you've ruined the dung!" It wasn't until dinner that day that everyone ate vermicelli stewed with fat that Xiao Fei knew that this was to welcome the new political commissar.Xiaofei asked Captain Huo: "Commissioner Ouyang isn't coming back?" "Not coming back." "why?" "It's arranged by the organization." "Did he make a mistake?" "Hey, don't inquire about organizational matters!" It was after Liqiu that Xiaofei saw Ouyang Yu again.The division of land and land in the village is in full swing, and the art troupe has withdrawn to the provincial capital.She ran to the Political Department without opening her backpack, and immediately heard that he had entered the party school. "Where is the party school?" "It's at Xichengguan. You can't find him if you go there. The party school has strict discipline and only receives guests on Sundays." Someone from the political department told Xiaofei. As soon as she got home, her mother asked her if she was seriously ill.Xiao Fei thought to herself, what caused her was lovesickness.Grandmother also said she looked ugly.Xiao Fei dragged her mother up from the small stool, sat on it by herself, and scrubbed the sheets.She rubbed her hands vigorously on the washboard, and after rubbing for a long time, she found that the sheets had been rubbed away, and it was her palms that she rubbed.She felt that her mother was ominously still behind her, and when she turned her head, she found her eyes fixed on her sullenly. "My quilt is rotten, if you rub it like this, it will turn into dregs." Mother said. After washing the quilt and hanging it in the yard, my mother was still staring at her while smoking a cigarette rolled from her cigarette butt. "Mom, what do you keep watching me do?" she asked. "How many times did the brigade commander meet with you?" "I haven't seen him once. He's fighting in Guangxi." Mother sank into that ominous stillness again. "What's wrong?" Xiao Fei asked. Mother didn't answer and smoked her cigarette.The smoke from the cigarette butt was very smelly, so of course Xiaofei didn't dare to say: Mom, the money I give you every month is enough for you to buy some decent cigarettes.Just about to have dinner, Xiao Wu's mother came.Xiaofei's mother hurriedly brought a bowl of fried edamame with kohlrabi back to the cupboard. She didn't want Mrs. Wu to see that her house was shabby, and the three of them only had one vegetable to eat.Mrs. Wu took a lotus leaf bag and said she would give Sophie some stewed vegetables. "When will Xiaofei treat Wu's mother to a wedding?" "It's early!" Xiaofei coped, thinking that she was just like her own mother, if Xiaofei didn't get married, they would have trouble living together. "Being the brigade commander's wife, you still have to recognize Wu's mother!" "Mother Wu is having fun with me again!" "Our Shanzhen is about to give birth, why don't you hurry up? Don't fall behind!" Mrs. Wu has a little girl, Wu, who has a new vocabulary in her mouth. "My aunt is good at first glance, what are you afraid of? I just treat you like a longan pearl!" Mrs. Wu patted Xiaofei's thigh, "Xiaofei's mother and grandma are going to have a good time! Brigadier, I'm afraid it's the governor?" Xiaofei Mom immediately said: "That's older than the governor." "Amazing! This girl looks like a blessing at first glance. Xiao Fei, Mommy Wu has prepared all the gifts for you!" As soon as Mrs. Wu left, my mother casually opened the lotus leaf bag, took out half of the duck wings and duck feet, and saved the other half for the next day.As soon as my grandmother saw meat dishes, she hurried to find her dentures.Xiaofei became more and more afraid of going home, and her mother's frightening frugality made her suffer.Mother came up and first put a big duck wing into Xiao Fei's plate, and then put a duck foot into grandma's bowl.Grandma said, "You eat by yourself", and stuffed the flipper back into the mother's bowl, and the mother said, "What's wrong? You can eat it for you! You are polite!" Grandma said, "Huh?" At the same time Turn your ear to your mother.Mother ignored her, took the flipper out of her bowl again, threw it into grandmother's bowl, and pressed it with chopsticks: "Didn't you wear your dentures too?" Grandma said again: "Huh?" When I picked it, my grandmother looked porridge.Grandmother said to Xiaofei: "Shall I eat it?" Ouyang Yu is such a person, sitting at this dining table?Xiaofei didn't even dare to think about it. Xiaofei couldn't take it anymore, she took the bowl and walked to the door, pretending that the room was too hot. "You don't eat duck bladders?" "I do not want to eat." "Isn't that what you like to eat?" "Poor appetite." Mother fell silent.But when Xiaofei turned her head, she saw her staring at her gloomyly again. At night, my mother boiled hot water and told Xiaofei to take a bath before returning to the army.Xiao Fei stood in the tub of laundry, and her mother splashed water on her body. "Tell me, who is he?" Mother stood in front of Xiao Fei with her hips akimbo after pouring the first tub of water. Xiaofei didn't understand what she said. "Are you going to tell me?" "Say what?" "Your mistress—what did you say!" Xiao Fei was cold from head to toe. The mother looked at her lower abdomen, then at her chest: "Three months?" "Mom, what are you talking about?" "If you say it, I won't beat you. If you don't say it, I'll strangle you to death today! If you still want to blame me, look at this belly..." The mother scratched Xiao Fei's abdomen heavily with her hand.The fifteen-watt light did not prevent her from seeing the clear brown line stretching from the navel to the bottom. "Look at this nipple. Is it the nipple of a big girl? Fortunately, the silly girl in the art troupe didn't see it, but your mother saw it first! What virtue did I lose to raise such a bitch like you? How can you marry someone else? brigadier?!" "I won't marry him. You will marry him." A big slap came over, Xiao Fei jumped out of the tub and grabbed her clothes.Her mother tugged and tugged at her to prevent her from getting dressed. "If you don't marry him, you'll be fine? Do you think someone will marry you like this? No one wants you! The person who broke you won't want you!" Mother couldn't grab Xiao Fei, she had already put on her shorts and shirt "I see you have the face to go to the alley and call for help! You call! Tell me why your mother beat you! People can't go away, ghosts turn straight. Revolutionary revolution, revolution, it's still like this for a long time What a fool! I'll tell her that I beat her because she gave her body to a rascal!" "He's not a hooligan!" "How dare you talk to me!" Xiao Fei's back was leaning against the door of grandma's cabin.She couldn't run out in a pair of shorts as a PLA, so she wanted to hide from the beating in her grandmother's room.Mother took off the wooden plank and threw it at her.Xiaofei was very good at dodging and hitting. When she turned her body, the wooden plank hit the grandmother's door. The deaf man heard it too, and said inside, "Is it the cats fighting on the ceiling? It was very fierce." "You beat me to death! Anyway, he is not a hooligan!" "Didn't a hooligan do such a thing?" Xiao Fei began to cry.In the second month of the land reform in the countryside, Ouyang Yu and three people from the art troupe went to the district committee meeting.Xiaofei happened to be teaching cadres to sing in the district committee.At night, Ouyang Yu lives in a room alone, and Xiao Fei shares a room with another girl. When she wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, she sees that the light in Ouyang Yu's room is still on, so she knocks on the door in a ghostly manner.Now that Xiaofei thinks about it, the whole incident is sweet and ecstasy, but it is not good, it hurts too much, and it hurts for several days.She vaguely remembered the discomfort of the past few months.It turned out that Xiaofei's body welcomed Ouyang Yu so much that she had already retained his seed. "Mom, he's also an old revolutionary." With a word, the mother was quiet. "He was a cadre of the Anti-Japanese War. He was imprisoned by the Kuomintang reactionaries when he was only fourteen years old. He is good at shooting guns and riding horses. He is the youngest regiment-level leader of our Political Department." "How old are you?" "Twenty-five." The mother suddenly became angry again: "I knew which little boy seduced you! You are so unruly when you come up, and you dare to conceive with you without even coming to see me. I'm going to ask him. The Communist Party obeys him. How can you teach him something like this when you educate him at the age of thirteen or fourteen?!" Mother wiped off the sleeves of her gown, as if she was about to go out. "Mom, where are you going?!" "Go find that bastard grandson! Ask him how the Communist Party educated him! All the women in the world are dead, so he insists on looking for the brigade commander's woman?" "It's not he looking for me, it's me looking for him!" The mother picked up the mop, turned around and hit Xiaofei's arm with a bamboo pole.Xiaofei's urine flowed out of his shorts in one fell swoop, along his bare thighs and calves, onto the old floor that was hollowed out and cracked by moths. The unpainted floor is very absorbent, and there is only one Circle semi-tide map shape.Xiaofei was stunned, how could there be such a mother in the world. "How? There is a mother like me in the world! If you admit that you hooked him up, then I will beat you!" Xiao Fei looked at the map on the floor and thought, what's the use of a revolution?When you become the People's Liberation Army supported by everyone, how can your mother shame you? "The People's Liberation Army is not my daughter anymore? The People's Liberation Army didn't educate you well, so I will educate you! What do you think you plan to do?" Xiao Fei murmured that they were all busy arresting and killing people, so they didn't care about plans.Mother planned for her: marry him as soon as possible.Anyway, the People's Liberation Army's marriage affairs are handled faster than playing games, so hurry up and play games.Xiaofei said that she still needs to make a report and organize approval.As soon as mother slapped the table, shouldn't she immediately report to that ghost?Don't you rush to get behind the organization's butt, tell the organization to do a good job, and be a batch?Xiao Fei told her that an organization is not an individual.what is itIt is a large group of people.Well, just follow behind a bunch of asses and urge to approve the report tomorrow and get married tomorrow night.no!no what?Shy?Why didn't you know how to be ashamed? It was already eight o'clock when Xiao Fei left home, and it was just getting dark.When she returned to the dormitory of the art troupe, she fell asleep right away, and when she woke up, she felt very strange. She was going to think about an idea at night, but she fell asleep and wasted the night.If you waste a minute of time now, the baby will be bigger in your belly.She got up and wrote a text message to Ouyang Yu, telling him something important, asking him to ask for leave and come back.After writing the letter, not only was she no longer upset, she felt a burst of happiness from the bottom of her heart, walking in the courtyard and making poses, as if her bones were as light as her bones. As soon as the letter was sent, Ouyang Yu came back at noon.Xiaofei asked him if he had received her letter, and he shook his head.He frowned, the cigarette was oily, and he looked like he had been smoking for decades.He told Xiao Fei that before he returned to the provincial capital, Captain Huo had already made his report to the Political Department, saying that he had a problematic position as a political commissar, sympathized with the enemy, and leaned to the right.It was the eldest sister who transferred him to the party school to study, so as to avoid the limelight.He will soon change jobs and become the deputy director of the newly established Provincial Cultural Bureau.After finishing speaking, he sighed muffledly. "You didn't come here specially to tell me this, did you?" Xiaofei said with a smile. He gestured to her to follow him.The two came to a nearby market. There were herbal tea sheds on both sides of the street. He raised his chin and asked Xiaofei to sit in the shade.The first time she saw him, she could see the change in him. The white shirt was tucked into military trousers, and his hair was cut neither long nor short.The sleeves of the shirt were all creased and ironed.His well-groomed appearance didn't match his dingy look. "How do you know me so well? I do have something to talk to you about." Xiao Fei's eyes flashed towards him.A woman has such terrible intuitions about people she loves.That's how mother treats Fei. "Xiaofei, I'm in love with someone." He looked at her painfully, "I should be with her. I've never been so sure." Xiao Fei didn't speak.What else can she say. “我回到省里就碰到她了。她的家庭背景、个人趣味和我很接近。我从来不爱和人谈话,跟她有很多话可谈。” “那你和我呢?” 欧阳萸认真地看着她:“我伤害你了。” “不是!我是问,你和我有话可谈吗?” 欧阳萸抿上嘴,苦苦一笑。小菲懂了,她原来从没被他作为平等的谈手来对话。他推荐书给她读,是为了能把她提拔成他的谈话对手,但他发现工程浩大,竣工遥遥无期,就半途放弃了。 “你爱她吗?”小菲问。她以为自己会痛不欲生,心如刀绞,看来她革命几年,人给锻炼出来了。 欧阳萸不给予回答。他为小菲痛心。已经是这么明摆着的事,你还往自己伤痛处戳。 “我问你呐。”小菲拉了拉他的手。 欧阳萸点点头。 “那你爱我吗?” “我爱你的单纯。” 只是爱这一点,其余的都勉强接受。小菲上来有点丧气,但她这个人天生知足,有一点就抓住一点。 “你不问问我写信叫你回来,要告诉你什么事?”她说。她的笑容一向很甜。 他惊奇地看着她:她怎么笑得出? “我们有孩子了。”她眼皮垂下,指自己的肚子给他看。 他脸涨得通红,刚刚才意识到做那件事会惹这样的祸。“对不起,对不起……”他还是眼花耳鸣地瞪着小菲。 当晚小菲和欧阳萸打了结婚报告。小菲同时给都旅长写了封信,让他原谅她,告诉他缘分是没办法的事。 婚礼那天,小菲发现欧阳萸一个人在洞房外面抽烟,她脚步轻轻地走过去,正想拍拍他肩膀,忍住了,让他去跟他心里一大堆斩不断的东西告别。小伍挺着八个多月的身孕来贺喜,少白头老刘现在已基本上是个白头翁,他马上要做新成立的话剧团党委书记,说他坚决要求把小菲调到他手下。 结婚第三天,小菲果然接到借调令。新成立的话剧团第一个大戏是由苏联导演来排演,剧名叫《列宁和孩子们》。小菲要反串一个流浪儿,除了列宁之外,数这个角色戏重,全是野男孩的动作,上蹿下跳,不翻跟斗就打把势。小菲四个多月的身孕,连把自己两脚挪稳都困难,慢说按苏联导演的要求满场子横足。她一天飞八个到十个小时,年轻轻就成了个黄脸婆。早晨起床,她穿上收腹收胸的白衣,吞下三个水煮荷包蛋,杀出门去。这个时期的小菲似乎比任何时期都活泼烂漫,苏联导演有时用手势告诉她,不必太夸张。 到公演的时候,小菲已经怀孕六个来月,人瘦就这点好,裹裹缠缠还成条。苦头是越吃越大,流浪儿只穿一件烂海魂衫和工装裤,一个大窟窿把小菲整个肩膀都露在外面。她每天得花半小时缠胸裹腹,人都缠硬了,缠木乃伊也不过如此。回家把自己剥出来,常常有磨破皮的地方。只要她一上台,马上明白观众全是她的,连列宁也抓不住他们的注意力。这座没见过世面的小城市,列宁是谁无所谓,他们喜爱能把他们逗开心的角色。小菲感到自己和上千观众直接呼应,相互把情绪催化得开锅一样。最好的表演境界是融化到角色中去,小菲何止融化自己,她把观众都融化了。马丹演列宁的女秘书,这天在台上对小菲耳语:“哎,你站到我位置上啦!”小菲正念一段关键台词,可不能瞎挪位置,只管把戏往下演。台上的人站成扇形,小菲一融化就不顾队形,把马丹挡了大半边。马丹又抗议一句:“你往后一点,台下看不见我!”小菲心里鄙夷马丹这样的演员,什么角色她演到末了都演她自己,要她融化是妄想。戏演到这么个大高潮,她还惦记她会不会被挡住。 轮到马丹说台词了。马丹上前一步,手上还即兴加出动作来,让小菲在她高大的影子里耽着。小菲不屑理她,你靠这个就把戏抢走了?抢吧抢吧,你这样冷血自私,还想做好演员呢! 小菲现在是全市公认的好演员。新时代到了,新时代的演员就得劲头饱满,嗓门嘹亮,小城市的人一向紧跟时尚,他们认为小菲跟戏班子里的青衣、花旦那么不同,一定就是新时尚的领头人,所以一夜间紧跟上来。就像一夜间大姑娘小伙子都穿上列宁装一样,小城市的人们生怕错过时尚中的任何一个变化。小菲总希望欧阳萸能向小城的市民打听打听,她眼下在他们心目中是什么地位。 马丹对小菲却是不太买账,不时跟她说:“这个动作可以小一点。这个眼神有点三花脸的感觉。”马丹是小菲的B角,一直等着团长让她演一两场,给苏联导演看看她对角色的理解。她想纠正一下观众们对话剧的曲解。但小菲演出的效果火暴暴的,剧院每天下午就打亮红色的“客满”大灯,鲍团长当然看不出换下小菲的必要。鲍团长和小菲在一个文工团工作了几年,小菲的戏路子也是他助长出来的。鲍团长眼里的革命话剧就是小菲这样子。因此这天幕一拉上他就和马丹发脾气。他说小菲抢她位置不是存心的,只因为小菲演得入神,忘乎所以,而马丹抢小菲的位置纯属蓄意。马丹说,就算她蓄意,她是要小菲感受一下,天天抢别人镜头是什么滋味,也要小菲看看把戏演过头是什么感觉。 小菲站在一边,吸腹收臀。她在台上横飞完了,胎儿还没完,接着在她肚里飞。她突然想到一件可怕的事!天天这样把自己和孩子五花大绑,别生出个歪脖子或弯脊梁来。她眼睛看着马丹和团长争论,心里想歪脖子弯脊梁都好些,千万别把头脸挤扁。但她还不想吐露怀孕的实情。吃多少苦头才树立了这个角色的楷模,她得捍卫,不能让马丹毁了。 晚上回到家,欧阳萸正在写文件,抽了一屋子的烟。小菲不知怎么一来已跌倒下去,再睁开眼,已经躺在欧阳萸的臂弯里了。他忙着组建文化局,天天跟小菲阴差阳错地回家、出门、起床、睡觉,这时才发现她瘦得脸盘只有一巴掌大。刚才抱她时,觉得她身板僵硬发直,扯下她的外衣内衣衣,他马上明白了。 他站起身,重重地打开门,下楼去了。等他回来,小菲已换上了宽松的衬衫。她问他刚才急匆匆出门,去了哪里。他说还能去哪里,在传达室给她的团长打电话。 "What for?" “叫他禁止你上台。说你怀孕了。” “我必须把这个演出季演完!” 欧阳萸不理她,两手在书桌上按钢琴指法。 “要不你明天去看我演一场,我就不演了。” “一场也不准演。” “看,我使劲收腹,一点都不碍事!”小菲光着腿,穿着欧阳萸的旧衬衫在屋里蹦过去,跳过来。他一把上去揪住她,把她搁在自己腿上。 她看着他,他也看着她。小菲抱住他的头,一股浓烟味。“我一上台观众就拍手!昨天在小吃部买包子,卖包子的说,你是田苏菲吧?就看我演一场!”她对着他给烟熏透的浓密头发说。 “我已经跟你们团长说了,你怀孕七个月,他半天没说话,吓坏了。” “你怎么能说七个月呢?!” “是七个月啊。” “七个月我和你就犯男女错误了!人家一算就知道我怀孕三个月的时候和你结婚的。” 欧阳萸抬起眼睛,挺哀伤的样子。他虽然跟小菲结婚不久,但他从来不在她面前掩藏情绪。怎么会不哀伤呢?正是为了小菲腹中三个月的骨血他做过痛苦的割舍。他多么痛苦小菲都看见了。他和他的恋人分手之后,靠吃安眠药过闭上眼的日子,靠香烟过睁开眼的日子。一天他给小菲买回一块米色和白色格子的衣料,过一阵,又给她买了件银灰的风衣,一顶银灰的贝雷帽。虽然是旧货店买的,但成色很好,是个很懂行的人卖出来的东西。他要把小菲幻变成另一个女性,他家族中的某一个表妹或堂妹,读徐志摩(后来小菲发现他眼里并没有徐志摩)、喝立普顿红茶,穿雅致中性色彩的衣服。他为小菲制作了一条很长的黑纱巾,夹在她银灰风衣的宽领子下,小菲照了镜子心里害怕起来,他割舍的恋人就是这样子吗?有些超群又有些落伍,冷艳而成熟,她是谁?小菲无数次想问他,又怕触痛他,也触痛自己。那个恋人或许是个大学生,也是上海来的,学工程还是学司法?或者学医科?小菲为她决定:学医科。她是个医科大学的优等毕业生,思想进步,主动支援落后省份来了。恋人和欧阳萸一块去了玫瑰露法国餐馆,用上海话打趣“炸猪排、炸马铃薯、萨其马”,把他们自己笑死了。自然而然地欧阳萸会提起他请的四个女客人,土包子极了。不过欧阳萸不会恶嘲他认识的人。鉴于小菲的直觉和对他的了解,他不背后说人坏话第一是觉得那样是低级趣味,第二是他性情大而无当,很少注意不关他事的人。and then?这一对漂亮男女走出法国餐馆。他们那样在小城曲折的马路上走着,以小城人不懂的话谈笑风生。也许他们会往西走,沿着最体面的马路朝唯一的那家电影院走。他们走过一个巷口,哪里知道这里面住着一个寡妇和她的寡妇老母亲,为一个卤鸭脚板嗔骂,溅得满脸稀饭。他们也许会从小伍妈面前走过。小伍妈会眼一亮:哎哟,哪来这一对洋货! (此地人把漂亮时髦的人叫洋货)。小菲把头发烫了,全部梳在脑后,露出奔儿头来。小菲知道这是欧阳萸想要的样子。她渴望知道她现在和他失恋的恋人还差几分。她想她在舞台上是成功的,是观众的红人,她会红得铺天盖地,让欧阳萸猛一开眼。 团长第二天一早把电话打到传达室。他叫小菲不必去团里报到,演出由马丹顶上去。小菲说她好好的,能吃三个荷包蛋呢!团长叫她安心在家等纪律处分。 小菲回到家,欧阳萸刚起床。她尖起嗓子就喊:“你发疯了?多光荣的事,你跟团长讲那么仔细!” “我说我们是因为怀了孕才打报告结婚的。我没说假话呀!再不让你停演,孩子就生舞台上了。” “我们都完蛋了!”小菲跳脚。她见欧阻萸皱皱眉,马上意识到自己皮泡眼肿,蓬头散发,还要撒泼,一定面目可憎,赶紧抓起梳子把头发梳好。“你是党员干部,挨了处分,前途要不要啊?!” 他瞪着大眼睛。刚刚想到“前途”似的。 “孩子也不能不要。”过半天他说。 “我自己的身体,我最晓得,没事就是没事,还有一星期,这一季演出就结束了,下一季正好是孩子满月,上台也不碍事。你非要去多事!……” 欧阳萸张张嘴,又闭上了。小菲看出他咽回去一句有攻击性的话。 "What do you want to say?" 他不做声。 “你想说,为这个孩子,你牺牲了爱情,现在我又不好好待这孩子,毁这孩子,你牺牲都白费了,是不是?!”她马上看出来他认了账:她把他咽回去的话翻出来八成。 小菲见他沉默,心里突然害怕起来。她这是第一次跟他厉声厉色,她在他的眼睛里看到自己有多讨厌。她今天怎么做了个讨厌的女人?她以为自己和母亲是永远不可能相像的。母亲专门揭短,专捅人的痛处,刚才她活活地就重复了自己的母亲。小菲见他点上烟,吸了两口又掐掉,恍恍惚惚地开门出去了。是去楼梯口的洗浴间?小菲竖着耳朵,二十分钟了,他也没回来。她想,为什么她弄出这样一场本性大爆发?况且她本性是温柔的。是温柔的吗?她已经看不透自己了。 她赶紧洗好脸,用小指轻轻在腮上掸了点胭脂。但他还是不回来。Xiaofei cried.哭得自我感觉很像孤儿寡母。 欧阳萸上午十点钟回来,嬉皮笑脸地把一大堆东西放在床上,打开包,里面是个纸盒子,再打开,从里面搬出一台收音机。接着,又是一双黑色翻毛矮靴,最后是一大盒萨其马。“高兴了吧?”他哄孩子一样蹲在床边,拉着她的手去拧收音机开关。“啪嗒”打开,“啪嗒”关上。 “你去哪里了?这么长时间。” “我在商店门口等着开门。一开门就冲进去了。” “你怎么会有这么多钱?” “这才几个钱?好,现在我要去上班了。寂寞了就听听无线电,肚子饿了吃点心。天要凉了,这双鞋暖和,全市就这一双!” 小菲想,说不定他那恋人有第二双。马上她又在心里瞧不起自己:他爱你单纯,你怎么会有这样丑恶的猜忌?他在门口,对她招招手,真是年轻、风流,为他受处分也值。
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