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Chapter 62 Bamboo Horse Green Plum (End)

bamboo horse green plum 艾米 3791Words 2018-03-19
It's really like riding a roller coaster. Even after returning to the ground, I still feel a little dizzy, like a dream but not a dream. Life was peaceful again, but not as peaceful as before, but with a new, even eerie calm. Lin Feng soon moved to Zhiqing's place, and he didn't even need a job, which made Cen Jin more and more convinced that his previous guess was correct: Lin Feng pushed Zhiqing just to test his feelings.Unexpectedly, Zhiqing didn't understand the style, so she really pushed it out as soon as she pushed it.Lin Feng must have regretted his loss, and he may feel very sad.Now that he has an excuse, of course he should seize it immediately, and he probably will never try Zhiqing again by pushing.

She didn't know what kind of mood Zhiqing was in, and whether she would think of her.She probably still thinks a little bit, because this is Zhiqing's characteristic, with her, she can't let Lin Feng go, and with Lin Feng, she can't let her go.Maybe it's not only Zhiqing's characteristic, many people are like this, including herself, but Zhiqing dares to admit it, but others dare not admit it. On the first weekend when Lin Feng moved here, she went to her house with Zhiqing once, and the five of them spent the weekend together. On the surface, they were quite harmonious, maybe the others were indeed very harmonious, but she was not so comfortable in her heart. I always feel cramped and uncomfortable.

That time she arranged for Lin Feng and Zhiqing to live in the master bedroom, but neither of them did it. In the end, she and Lin Feng lived in the master bedroom, Zhiqing and Victor lived in the guest room, and Xiaojin still lived in her own bedroom. She talked to Lin Feng in the middle of the night that night, and she didn't know where she got so much talk.When talking about it, I also felt that it was very harmonious, and the two people had many points of view in common.But no matter how much she talked, she still felt like a diaphragm, as if Zhiqing was lying in the middle. It wasn't until Zhiqing and Lin Feng drove back on Sunday night that she finally felt her nerves relax.

I don't know if Zhiqing noticed something, but she didn't propose this kind of party anymore, she just invited everyone to go to play, Xiao Jin and Victor went, but she politely declined. Zhiqing often called her, and once said frankly that she missed her very much, she scolded him and said, "Here we go again, here we go again! Why do you always think about this and that, and this and that?" "It's not like that, I've always—missed you." "You've been thinking about her too." He salivated and said, "Can't you think about both?"

"Okay, but you can't dominate both of them!" He said dejectedly: "I don't have both. No matter how painful the choice is, I have made the choice. I just think about it, can't I? In fact--if she wasn't so sick, not so bad I can take care of my own life, I don’t need me so much, I really—will choose you—” "Okay, don't be so merciful, as if it's your honor to choose whoever you choose, did I say that I hope you choose me?" It was very embarrassing over there: "Xiaoguai, you really—don't save me face—" "How do you want me to save face for you? Crying and begging you to come back?"

"I know you won't. Without me, you will live well, but without me, Lin Feng will live—very badly—" "Then you are not honestly being your savior?" "Little boy, you are so angry, it makes me a little worried about you Realizing that she was so angry and out of style, she immediately calmed down and said, "You can take care of her at ease, you are a--good person, who has this patience and love if you change someone else? Don't keep calling me , she will definitely not be happy when she finds out." "No, I have asked her to agree to call you in advance—"

"You're taking it for granted again, and you don't understand women at all. She agrees to you calling me, but it doesn't mean she's happy that you call me. You listen to me, the insurance is right, don't call me again, call me again I won't take it either." Later, Zhiqing called her less often, but she still kept in touch with Xiaojin frequently. The two little guys, Xiaojin and Victor, get along well. Of course, there are small troubles and conflicts of the little lovers, but in general, she is more at ease. After all, Victor is four or five years older than Xiaojin. He is much more mature and has many things to do. I can let Xiaojin go.

She didn't know if these two little guys would grow old, or even get married, but she had learned not to worry so much.You know, the times are different, and growing old is no longer the only criterion for measuring whether a love and marriage are happy or not.She only hoped that the two of them would be happy when they were together, and if they broke up, they would still be happy. Modern love is probably like this, and it is hard to say that it is worse than the love of the past. She doesn't have high demands on her life, as long as she has nothing to worry about.As for love or something, that's all young people's business.She is almost fifty, what love is she talking about?It would be good if the annual physical examination does not detect high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, diabetes, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.

But sometimes, when she thinks that Xiaojin will start working in a few years and won't even rely on her financially, she feels that the prospects are a bit bleak.Over the years, she has devoted all her attention to her daughter. When a daughter needs to be taken care of and raised, nothing else matters.Once the daughter is an adult, when she does not need her care and her upbringing, how empty she may be! But she comforted herself and said, it doesn't matter, Xiao Jin wants to study medicine, and it will take seven or eight years to study.Even if Xiaojin doesn't want her to help take care of the child, that's okay, she thinks like a parent: as long as my child is happy, it doesn't matter if she is with me or not.

She also thinks the same way about Weiguo and Zhiqing, as long as they live happily, it doesn't matter if they are with me or not.Worrying about a person, worrying about a person, is mainly because he is afraid that his life will not be good. Since we know that they are all doing well, what is there to worry about?Is it necessary to bind the loved ones together to suffer? Christmas is coming, and Xiaojin is going back to China with Victor to visit Weiguo’s father. The two children came to ask her for advice, and she readily agreed, and gave the two little guys her credit card to order online by themselves. ticket.

The two little ones ran off with her credit card like a treasure. She murmured in her heart, why so excited?Not going on a shopping spree with my credit card? After a while, two little guys came to pay her back the credit card.Seeing Xiaojin's excited expression, she knew they were playing tricks, and she couldn't help asking: "You two little devils, did you mess with my credit card?" "It's messed up." "What did you buy? How much did you spend? Seeing how excited you are, it must be less than a thousand?" "Well, no less than a thousand." "Just for a while, you spent so much?" Xiaojin said excitedly: "Mom, we have booked tickets for you too!" "Book me a ticket? Ticket to where?" "A ticket back to China!" "I just went back—" "But you didn't go to see your Weiguo, you can go to see him this year—" "My - Weiguo? What nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense when you go to China, be careful that his aunt will not be happy when she hears it." Victor explained: "Auntie Cen, it's like this, I don't have anything—Auntie, my father—I mean my father Weiguo—he's not married—" "He's not married? How can he say he's married?" "He's afraid that you—will go back to China for him." "Why are you afraid of me returning home?" "Because--petal has been--stayed in the United States for so long--going back to China to study--will not be able to keep up." "But isn't Petal going to college now? Why is he still—" "He thought you would remarry Uncle Zhi—" "He said so?" "Ok." "But one year I called, and it was—a woman answered, and there was a baby crying—" "I heard from my dad about this. That was my dad's landlord. When he first went to o city, he had no place to live. He lived in that landlord's house. The landlord is also from G University. He worked in the branch school over there and lived there. It's the house G Da rented for them-" "But I heard the woman—told him to milk the baby—" "I didn't ask my father to make milk, but asked her husband to make milk. Their phones are in the living room and they are shared." She suddenly felt like a dream, and after a long time, she asked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "My dad won't let me tell you." "So now he—let it go?" "I didn't ask him, but Petal and I decided to tell you, because Uncle Zhi—has already been with Amanda—Petal is also in college, and you and my dad—should be together." Xiaojin warned: "Mom, don't tell my dad about this—I mean my dad Weiguo, let us give him a surprise! Haha, I don't know if he will think about it when he sees us at the airport." Will it scare you into a heart attack?" She was very worried: "Victor, do you—Dad has a heart attack?" "No." "Then what does Xiao Jin say about him—" Xiao Jin smiled and said, "I was talking nonsense. Mom, you really care about your country of Wei!" "Stop calling 'Wei Guo' and 'Wei Guo', he is your father." "If it's my father, I can't be called 'Weiguo'? I prefer to call him Weiguo! Weiguo! I don't call him daddy when I see him. I just call him Weiguo. Who told him not to come to the United States to take care of me?" She quickly defended Weiguo, and Xiaojin laughed: "Mom, you want him for everything!" At Christmas, Cen Jin returned to China with his daughter and victor, but they didn't tell Weiguo in advance, only victor came forward and said that he would go back to China to see him on Christmas, told him the flight number, and asked him to pick up his son at the airport. Xiaojin was very excited, as if he was engaged in some terrorist activity, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep for several nights. Victor is relatively calm, always smiling and looking at Xiao Jin who is very excited, a bit like someone who has just come to see a young apprentice who has just debuted. When the three of them got off the plane and walked into the lobby with their suitcases, she saw Wei Guo in the crowd who picked up the plane. He was wearing a black sweater and a gray windbreaker under his arms. So tall and straight, the hair is still cut short, but gray. Suddenly her legs felt weak, her heart beat faster, and her palms were sweating. Still far away, Victor called out "Dad!" and walked over quickly. Wei Guo came up to meet him and shouted, "Today!" The two father and son stopped and exchanged greetings. She and her daughter also went up, and she joked, "I heard you calling Jinjin, and thought you were calling me." He saw her, and also Xiao Jin, standing there in a daze, his face pale, as if he had a heart attack. She quickly asked, "Are you okay?" He froze for a while, then asked a little hoarsely: "It's really you—you?" She said to her daughter, "Xiaojin, this is your father—" Xiaojin yelled "Dad!" generously, walked up and gave Dad a big hug (hug). Wei Guo's face turned red, he didn't dare to hug his daughter back, he just patted his daughter's head carefully: "Are you Xiao Jin?" "Well. Do you know me?" "I know, I've seen your photos, and I hugged you when you were young. Do you know me?" "I didn't know each other before, but now I do. I like you, you are very handsome! Very man (man)!" The daughter stepped aside and shouted: "Mom, it's your turn. Go, give Dad a hug!" She coyed for a while, walked up to Wei Guo, and hugged him.He blushed again, but this time he was not polite, and stretched out his arms to wrap her around her. The two hugged each other as if no one was there, while Xiao Jin and Victor applauded unscrupulously, causing passers-by to look at them in amazement. indivual. She cried for a while in his arms, raised her head and asked him: "You are not married, how could you lie to me that you are married?" "I want you to stay with your children in the United States at ease." "You always lie to me!" "But there is one thing I never lied to you." "What's up?" He smiled, looked down at her, and didn't answer. She asked again: "What's the matter?" Xiaojin couldn't wait any longer, and said loudly to her mother: "It's just that he loves you, and he doesn't even know this?" All four laughed. (Finish)
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