Home Categories contemporary fiction bamboo horse green plum

Chapter 51 Chapter 50

bamboo horse green plum 艾米 2598Words 2018-03-19
She went to the school to apply for a room change, and after waiting for a while, the school changed her room. She moved out of the Yuanyang Building, installed a telephone, and added some new furniture. After Weiguo's phone is installed, the two can make frequent calls.She felt that Wei Guo's voice came from the phone very nicely, and what he said was very gentle, as if confiding her heart in her ear, she would call him a few times if she had anything to do, just to listen to his words sound. It was from those calls that she learned that Wei Guo had already written a divorce agreement and asked Zheng Dongling to sign it.He wants nothing but children.But Zheng Dongling refused to sign, saying that she didn't want anything but the child.After a stalemate for a while, an agreement could not be reached, and Wei Guo filed a divorce petition to the court.

At first, she was a little worried: "You're filing for divorce now, aren't you afraid of her making a fuss?" "A person like her, no matter when I propose a divorce, she will make a big fuss. But don't worry, she won't go to you now, because she has sued your department and Xiang Zhiqing , I didn’t even tell you, and I was threatened by Zhiqing. She must know that your husband is very protective of you, and you have a good relationship, which means that you have nothing to do with me. In addition, now that you have moved away, she will think that I have proposed a divorce. Nothing to do with you—"

She doubted it, but Zheng Dongling did not make trouble with her again. Once when she went to the telecommunications bureau to do business, she discovered a secret, and she was so frightened that she never dared to call Weiguo from home again. That time when she was queuing, she saw a middle-aged man standing by the wall, holding a long piece of printing paper with holes on both sides, looking at it and asking to himself: "Where did I go last month?" Have you called Changsha?" "That's weird, I've never called this number before!" Then the man rushed to the window to argue with the service staff of the telecommunications bureau, and was scolded by the users queuing at the window: "You fucking want to jump in line? Get out!"

The man argued, "I didn't jump in line. I got there long ago. They made a mistake with my account. There are many calls in this call record, none of which were made by me. I want to make sure—" As a result, there was a scuffle at the window, and the man was finally squeezed out. When it was her turn to do something, she also asked the waiter for a call record out of curiosity.The waiter said that she would have to pay for the printing fee. She asked the price, and it was not expensive. It was only a few dollars. She asked for a copy. She took it out and checked. The calls made last month were recorded one by one, and Weiguo’s phone number was clearly listed. It was written on it, and even the minutes of each phone call were written on it.

She was stunned, and hurriedly tore up the call record and threw it away. She didn't know if Zhiqing knew that she could find the call records from the telecom bureau. She probably knew, because Zhiqing's parents had a phone for a long time. Maybe Zhiqing was so active in supporting the installation of the phone to catch her and Wei. Evidence of national calls. From this, she thought that what Zhiqing said last time about writing a warning letter to Zheng Dongling was probably lying to her. The letter was written, but it was not a warning letter, but a collusion letter, asking Zheng Dongling to stand still and wait for him. Come to collect evidence, and once you get the evidence, you will jointly go to the school to sue.At that time, the department will have to believe it or not.

She was frightened into a cold sweat, and she no longer dared to call Weiguo from home. Instead, she called Weiguo from a telephone service point outside. Usually, she would find a telephone service point on the way home after get off work. Call Weiguo.In order not to arouse the suspicion of the people at the telephone service point, she often changes the service point. One day she calls at this one, and the next day she calls at another one. Sometimes she talks in English, as if she were doing spy work. Apart from Wei Guo, she didn't have any other phones, so the phone at home was dedicated to Zhiqing, and even Xiao Jin had mastered the rules, as soon as the phone rang, she would call loudly: "Dad, call!"

Most of Zhiqing's phone calls are related to his work, because Zhiqing is in charge of the school's enrollment, and her home phone number is listed in the enrollment brochure. Many people call to talk about their children's studies, and some people come to treat them and give them gifts. , wanting to get their children into aristocratic schools. More and more, she heard Zhiqing arguing with people on the phone, as if it was about recruiting students for the school. Zhiqing said that money should not only be considered, students must pass the exam to be recruited, otherwise it will affect the quality of teaching in the school, but the other party Obviously not in favor.Both sides always start gently and gently, and end with blushing and thick necks.

She asked worriedly, "Who are you arguing with?" "It's not a quarrel, it's a discussion about enrollment." "With whom?" "It's not the people in charge of the school! They are all guys who don't understand education and just want to make money, but they haven't thought about it. Quality is the lifeline of the school. If a student does not do well in the high school entrance examination, who will send the child to your school? read?" "You're right, they don't agree?" "If they agree, I won't—argue with them."

"Why do they disapprove?" "They say that this school is obviously set up to make money. Now that people are willing to pay you but you don't accept it, and if you want to keep them out of school, then where do you go to recruit students?" "You didn't tell them that mass is the lifeline—the theory—?" "Why didn't you say that? They didn't believe it. They said that it doesn't matter if your grades in the high school entrance examination are good or not, as long as you are willing to pay a high fee, you can enter high school, and you can even enter a key high school."

She thinks this is also a fact. Her mother works in a key high school and knows how many students come in every year with money.She suggested: "Then you tell them that you can buy high school with money, but not college. The college entrance examination is conducted nationwide. If you don't do well in the college entrance examination, you can't go to college. If students who graduate from your school, all If you don’t have a university, it will be difficult for you to recruit students in the future.” "Of course I told them this, but they didn't believe it. They said that as long as you have money, you can go to university."

After thinking about it carefully, she became less confident: "This is also a fact, there are many high-paying students in our school—" "But isn't this doing harm to the students and the country? How can the quality of education be guaranteed if you buy it layer by layer?" Now that Zhiqing has brought her understanding to this level, she can only agree. She thought it was just a difference of opinion on work, but she didn't expect Zhiqing to lose her job because of this. One day after she got off work, she saw it was still early, so she went to Weiguo's place, and then went to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter and go home.As soon as she entered the door, she saw Zhiqing lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV. She was taken aback, and asked guiltyly, "Are you - not going to work today?" "There is no class." "They fired you—fired?" "Who dares to fire me?" "Then why—you ran home today? You don't have to go to class tomorrow?" "I resigned." She was taken aback: "Why did you resign all of a sudden?" "It wasn't all of a sudden, but I didn't want to do it for a long time. Those people don't understand education at all, and they don't follow the rules of education. I worked with them, and I couldn't hold my breath. I have been trying to reform them for several years, but finally found that They——can’t be made, mud can’t support a wall!” What she cares about now is not whether the lumps of mud can support the wall, but whether Zhiqing can get her salary.She asked, "Then you—won't you lose your job?" "If you don't have a job, then look for it." She suddenly felt a heavy burden on her shoulders.In the past few years, Zhiqing's income has been pretty good. Salary, bonuses, and extra money add up to much more than her income. Now that this income is suddenly reduced, she is panicked, as if she will soon have to deduct her child's expenses. of. Zhiqing comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I will find a job soon." But this "soon" has been "very" for several months. Zhiqing has not found a job yet. I don't know if the employer is getting more and more picky, or Zhiqing is getting more and more picky. There is always no right time. Zhiqing quit the nanny and took care of the children herself. Anyway, Xiaojin has already gone to kindergarten, so she needs someone to take care of her at night and on weekends, and when she is sick, she needs someone at home. Zhiqing is quite patient with her children, but complains a lot about her job and future.She dared not talk to him about work and money, as she would open up his whining jar and talk endlessly.She gave some suggestions at the beginning, but she found that he didn't want to listen to the suggestions at all. The more he suggested, the more he complained, and he specially sang against her. Mouth, don't care about his business anymore.
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