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Chapter 47 Chapter Forty-Six

bamboo horse green plum 艾米 4678Words 2018-03-19
I don't know if it's tired, hot, or both tired and hot. Cen Jin's father suffered from high blood pressure during the summer vacation, and his mother was so scared that he didn't dare to tell his father to do anything. Just rest and recuperate, don't suffer from a stroke , paralyzed in bed, it would be even worse. Mom smiled wryly: "High blood pressure is a disease of the rich and the rich. You can't do anything if you eat and drink too much." Dad also smiled wryly: "At first, I wanted to do more things to let my daughter have a good rest and lower her blood pressure. In the end, the success was not enough, and the failure was more than failure. I didn't help, and I made myself sick, which became your burden. "

She hurriedly comforted her father: "My pregnancy-induced hypertension has nothing to do with you. You are not a burden, can't this still amuse the child?" When her father was not ill, Cen Jin didn't feel that her father did much housework, but when her father was ill, she felt it, because she immediately felt tired and had no time to rest. When her mother cooks, she has to watch the children. When a mother watches the baby, she has to wash diapers.Do not use a washing machine to wash diapers, because the residual washing powder is not good for the child's butt, so you have to wash it by hand.On cloudy and rainy days, diapers can’t be taken outside to dry, they can’t dry, and the children have no diapers to change, so they have to use an iron to dry the diapers or light a fire to dry them.Ironing dry diapers, the child is easy to get angry after using it, in short, it is difficult.

My mother always tries her best to do more, so that she can rest more, but she can't let her do it all by herself. My mother is not a three-headed and six-armed mother. If she does one end, she can't take care of the other end. Besides, her mother is almost 60 If the mother is exhausted and sick, there will be no way out in the dark. Since she gave birth, she has always felt that she is very weak, her spirit is not good, and she feels almost tired and paralyzed every day.Before giving birth, I still have great ambitions. When I prepare for the birth of the child, I will do sit-ups, exercise, pay attention to diet, and restore my pre-pregnancy body shape.But after giving birth, did I find out where I had the time and energy to exercise?Every day as soon as I opened my eyes, I looked forward to the dark, thinking that it would be easier to sleep when it was dark, but sometimes the child would not go to bed when it was dark, and would get up to play in the middle of the night, which exhausted her.

Since it was a caesarean section, she did not dare to do sit-ups for fear of opening the wound; and because she had to breastfeed, she did not dare to go on a diet for fear that the child would not be able to keep up with nutrition.The result is eating and drinking and not exercising, people grow puffy and puffy. At the beginning, Zhiqing called every now and then. Apart from asking about their mother and daughter, she happily reported that she was doing business with someone and was planning to go to a certain mountainous area known as the "Hometown of Medicinal Materials". , buy the medicinal materials collected by the villagers at a low price, and then sell them at a high price to the pharmacy in G City, which can make a lot of money.

She was terrified when she heard it: "You have no funds, no experience, and no network. What kind of business are you doing? Be careful of being scammed, and you owe a lot of money, and I will pay your debts for you." He said confidently: "How can I be in debt? I don't spend money or invest, and I am only responsible for contributing. How can I be in debt? At most, I can't make money, but if I do, it's not tens of dollars." It's a few hundred dollars." "If there is such an easy way to make money, wouldn't people have gone to make it long ago? Wait until you make it?"

"Why don't you believe me? When have I lied to you? Just take care of your children, have a good rest, and wait for me to figure out how to make money." Afterwards, he didn't have many calls, because he had already gone to the "Hometown of Medicinal Materials", and it was inconvenient to make calls there. Coincidentally, Wei Guo also said that he was doing business in partnership with others, but it was a timber business, and he also ran between urban and rural areas, bringing timber from the mountains to the city to sell. She didn't know why, but she wasn't very worried that Weiguo owed a lot of debts. She didn't know if it was because Weiguo wouldn't ask her to repay the debts, or she believed in Weiguo's judgment.

She was worried about these two men, and she was afraid that they would be tricked and murdered. Her mother comforted her and said, "It's not strange, it's not strange, it's like this now, everyone wants to do business." Making money is actually buying and selling, dumping things from here to there, and dumping things from there to here. Some people do it like this, so everyone is jealous and wants to do it. In fact, there is no way. What can I do with a few dead wages? I have to find ways to make money." Fortunately, Weiguo made some money in business, so he called to announce the good news: "It's all right now, my son's surgery money is no problem at all, and I can support you."

Although Zhiqing didn't make any money, she also met a few wealthy friends, one of whom helped him find a job, teaching mathematics in a "noble school".Although it is teaching middle school, the salary is no worse than teaching university.That school seemed to value Zhiqing's prestigious doctoral title, and appointed him the title of "Associate Dean". During the summer vacation, he was asked to take up the post, and he went to various places in G City to recruit students. They all saw it straight: "Little boy, this time I've opened my eyes, people's life is so good! It's really a waste of money---"

In late August, Zhiqing came to pick up her mother and daughter back to City G, and when she saw her, she blurted out: "Little boy, why did you grow up like this?" She knew what he meant by "this way", that is, not only did she not return to her pre-pregnancy weight, but she was even heavier than when she first gave birth. She didn't know if it was because she ate too well at her parents' house, or because the accumulated water in her body was not consumed. Her face looked swollen; she held the baby completely on her belly, so her belly was still bulging, like a pregnant woman; on both sides of her buttocks near her waist, there were two growths. A large piece of extra flesh came, just like the panniers worn by foreign women in the past, pushing the skirt to the sides.

She knew that she had become ugly, but she hoped that he would turn a blind eye, at least not to say it, and he was so blind, so angry that she said, "What's wrong with me? If you don't like it, don't look at it." Zhiqing knew that she had said something wrong, so she quickly apologized: "I didn't say anything bad about you---" The day she first arrived in City F, Zhiqing still caught Cen Jin having sex twice, probably because she held it in for a long time, and if she didn't do it again, she would get sick.But in the next few days, his enthusiasm went down. He only did it once, which was very perfunctory. He didn't even take off her clothes and turned off the light, which made her very angry and almost kicked him out of bed. .

After returning to G City, it was still Zhiqing's parents who paid for a nanny for them, the same Wang Ma from last time. Nothing seems to have changed, only Xiaojin has grown up a lot and knows people. She doesn't want anyone but her mother. Wei Guo wanted to hug Xiao Jin, but Xiao Jin hid in his mother's arms, which made Wei Guo very embarrassed.However, Wei Guo persisted in his relationship with Xiaojin, and finally let Xiaojin know his uncle, and he was willing to ask him to hug him. Zhiqing's luck has also improved, and her daughter still doesn't like him to hug her, but she would be happy if she takes her for a ride outside on a bicycle.Now Zhiqing finally found a way to please her daughter, as long as the weather permits, she will take her out for a drive, and every time she comes back from the drive, she will bring back a lot of praise: "Hehe, everyone says my daughter is beautiful and cute! " Although Zhiqing's school is in City G, a middle school is not as good as a university. You can't come and leave when you have classes, plus you are the deputy dean, and you have to stay at the school from morning to night, so you just stay in school. The school set up a small house to live in, and only went home on weekends. Wei Guo still came to help from time to time, mainly cooking.He was still putting on airs as an older brother, conscientiously avoiding any affectionate words or behaviors with her. But she feels differently now. She doesn't think he has a heavy sense of moral responsibility, but thinks that he dislikes her for getting fat and ugly. One day, the nanny took Xiao Jin to play outside, and the two of them were left at home. He was cooking in the kitchen, and she was preparing lessons in the living room.Seeing that the nanny had gone out, she went to the kitchen and asked, "Am I ugly?" "Who said this?" "I'm asking you." "I didn't say you were ugly." "You didn't say it, but you thought so in your heart." "How do you know what's on my mind?" "Of course I know. You look at me, dare you say that I --- don't you look ugly?" He looked at her: "Why don't I dare to say it? I just said: You are not ugly. What can you do to me?" She smiled: "I asked the wrong question, I should have asked 'Do you dare to say that I am ugly?'" "Then I really don't dare—" "Why not?" "Because that's not true." She felt that he was comforting her, and said sadly: "I know I look ugly, I have gained dozens of pounds, my face has grown at least a circle, my belly has bulged, and I have a lot of stretch marks on my buttocks." , on the belly --- there are also flowers, not stretch marks, but --- peeling off like that ---" He kept looking at her: "I don't think you're ugly at all, but long--- plump, round--- and more--- attractive---" "Nonsense, I'm still attractive like this? He's too—too lazy to touch me—" "Then he has a problem." "what is the problem?" "That's the problem." "Why do you say that?" "If he doesn't respond to you, then what's the problem?" She asked curiously, "So do you have --- questions?" "I don't." "I do not believe." He said calmly: "If you don't believe me, you can come and check." She really walked over, put her arm around his waist, touched his place with the other hand, and said happily: "You are really --- no problem." He hugged her and kissed her on the lips: "Today, today, why do you think you are ugly? I think you are more---beautiful---" "Are you trying to comfort me?" "My mouth can be comforting you, but what about it? Is it comforting you too?" She stroked it: "Is it because you haven't--- that---" He laughed: "Do you have to prove that you are ugly or something? Then let's find a chance and I will prove it to you---" The next day, she waited for the nanny to take the baby out to play, and ran to him.As if he knew she would come, he waited at home. But when she entered his door, all her courage flew away, and she felt a bit like Hu Niu went to Xiangzi Xiangzi.She stood in his living room with a guilty conscience, and lied, "Let me tell you, I'm going out now, I'm afraid you don't know, and you will come to my place---" "Where are you going? Don't go out, only go in." He picked her up and walked to the bedroom. She struggled all the way and whispered: "No, no, not now, it's daytime---" He put her on the bed and asked, "What happened during the day?" She murmured, "I don't want to be seen by you in the daytime---" "But I want to see what to do?" He smiled and began to unbutton her clothes. She still wanted to struggle, but he was very determined. He put her hands together above her head, held her down with one hand, and continued to unbutton her with the other hand.She couldn't move her hands and her legs were held down by him, so she had to close her eyes and do a self-examination: "Don't look, don't look, everything is ugly. Both breasts have been deformed by the child---" He kissed her two "transformations", and when she tightened, milk came out.He quickly let go and wiped her clean with a towel: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wasted Xiao Jin's ration." He untied her crony: "Why do you tie such a wide belt?" "Think --- tie your waist thinner ---" "If it's too tight, you won't be able to eat and you'll have a stomachache. You don't have a thick waist, so why torture yourself?" "Not too thick? The waistband of the trousers used to be less than two feet, but now it is more than two feet---" "So what's the matter? Don't we all have trouser waists of more than two feet?" She chuckled: "You are a man, how can I compare with you?" He pulled down the skirt, but she tried her best not to let him pull it: "Don't take off my skirt, the legs are too thick--- ugly---" "Let me see if it's thick or not." He took off her skirt and stroked her thigh for a while: "Where is it thick? Just right, sexy, should it be like two thin firewood sticks?" She pulled the waist of the underwear: "You want to take off other things, I let you take off, but I will not let you take off this one---" "why?" "Because this one-- the ugliest--" "Let me see how ugly it is-" She couldn't fight him, and finally he took off her panties. She covered her eyes and said, "You don't listen to what I said. Don't blame me for making yourself sick---" "Where is the nausea?" She pointed to her belly: "Isn't it disgusting here? The skin peels off white and yellow---" "It could be an alcohol allergy and it will go away soon." She pointed to the waist on both sides of her buttocks: "And here, the muscles are all broken, and the waves of water---" "Not obvious." "Is my belly --- very bulging?" "can not tell." She stood up: "Let me check you up, see you--" He leaned forward eagerly for her to examine.She touched a hard object and almost shed tears: "You really don't-- despise me?" He put his arms around her: "Fool, why would I despise you? Don't say you are so beautiful now, even if you grow old in the future, you will always be a fairy in my heart---" They started having sex, and she was still thinking about her ugliness, so she pulled a towel to cover herself.But he tore it away and threw it on the ground: "Don't cover it up, let me take a good look, otherwise, you will lose seven and eight in the future, and you will lose yourself to a thin and thin, and I won't have to watch it-- - " She slowly let go of his admiring eyes, no longer hiding, she also admired his healthy and strong body, and said enviously: "You guys are really worth it, you don't need to be pregnant to have children, you can take care of it so well. " "I also think you girls are really worth it, you can taste the taste of pregnancy---" Her body, which hadn't had an orgasm for a long time, was gradually awakened by him, and she hummed and said, "Oh--- great--- so comfortable--- it's coming--- it--- is coming ---" It was an unprecedented orgasm. In the past, she sometimes felt that the orgasm came from the external buds, and sometimes that the orgasm came from the inner flower center. The pleasure from the outside would be uploaded along the front of the body, and the pleasure from the inside would be uploaded along the spine.But this time, she came inside and out, pleasure radiating all over her body, and she curled up in a ball of joy. He stood upright inside her for her to wrap around her tightly. After she stretched out, he pushed forward slowly. Seeing that she was about to curl up, he increased his strength and sent her to another peak.She curled up again, and he watched her with a smile, waiting for her to stretch out again. On that day, she had orgasms many times, as if she had made up for more than a year's debt. In the spring of the following year, when Xiao Jin was one year old, Cen Jin had basically regained his previous weight, his face became smaller, the patterns on his stomach disappeared, and his lower abdomen became much flatter. The lumps have not completely disappeared, but if you wear a pair of tight-fitting underwear, it can be flattened. Also in the spring of that year, Wei Guo's son underwent heart surgery, which was very successful. The doctor said that it would not affect his future life at all, and he was no different from a normal person.
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