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Chapter 38 Chapter Thirty-Seven

bamboo horse green plum 艾米 4957Words 2018-03-19
What happened later made Cen Jin unable to marvel at the power of love. She and Zhiqing tried so hard to persuade Xiaojin not to choose English as a major, but without knowing what the boy said, Xiaojin completely changed his mind and decided not to major in English. He wanted to go to medical school and be a heart doctor doctor. She joked with her daughter: "My Asian (Asian) mother didn't force you to read Medical School (Medical School)." "Mom, do you know how many people in the world die of heart disease every year?" "I have no idea." "Seventeen million!"

"Wow, so many?" "Do you know how many newborns in China suffer from congenital heart disease every year?" "have no idea." "There are 150,000 to 200,000! It's almost one percent!" "You even figure out the situation in China?" "You don't know, do you? Many Asian mothers don't know. They only know that being a doctor can make a lot of money, but they don't know that being a doctor can save many lives!" "However, to be a doctor requires eight years of study, residency and oncall." "I'm not afraid, I want to save lives, and that's a meaningful life."

"Writing Screenplay (film and television script) is meaningless?" "It also makes sense, but I can write in my spare time, but I can't be a doctor in my spare time." "When you are a doctor, you are exhausted all day long, how can you have time to write Screenplay?" "There will be. I can write my experience as a doctor into a Screenplay, like ER ("Emergency Room", an American TV series)." This transformation of her daughter made her happy, but her daughter did not even go to Ivy League Colleges (Ivy League Colleges, the eight most famous elite universities in the United States, namely BrownUniversity, ColumbiaUniversity, CornellUniversity, DartmouthUniversity, HarvardUniversity, PrionUniversity, University of Pennsylvania, YaleUniversity). It made her a little worried: "Don't you want to go to M University the most? Now that you have received the admission letter, why don't you go again?"

"M University is too expensive. I study at our L University here, which is a state university and can save a lot of money." "I have already said that as long as you pass the exam, no matter how expensive the school is, I will support you and subsidize you." "You don't have much money. If I go to M University, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. Can you afford it?" "Your father can still subsidize part of it." "He doesn't have much money." "We can take out a loan." "Why do you need a loan? After studying at M University for a few years, the tuition is enough to buy a house!"

"But Aunt Wang's son, Uncle Li's daughter, is going to go to an Ivy League school!" "Mom, why do you care what school other people's children go to? Do I not deserve your love if I don't go to an Ivy League school?" She was speechless. The daughter further explained: "You don't need to go to such a good school for undergraduates. My classmate Samantha is the first in our school. She was also admitted to the Ivy League school, but she didn't go to school. She was the same as me. Here we go to a state university. We are from the state, the tuition is cheap, and we can get scholarships from the state, so we don’t have to pay a penny of tuition. When we finish our undergraduate studies, we can go to an Ivy League school to study MedicalSchool.”

"But if your undergraduate study is not in an Ivy League school, will your chances of going to an Ivy League school to study in Medical School be less?" "No. The medical school is based on GPA (average grade) and MCAT (American Medical College Admission Test) scores, and then it depends on reendation (recommendation), volunteer (volunteer work) and so on." "Do undergrads at Ivy League schools get better recommendations? Like their own teachers." "Maybe, but that's okay. For those who study medical school like me, the most important thing is not whether the school is good, but whether the opportunity for intern (internship) is good, and the hospital for residency (residency) is good. We have There are many hospitals, all kinds of hospitals, and I must have good intern and residency opportunities for me to study in medical school here.”

"Who did you hear all this from?" "I have participated in the activities of the MedicalStudentClub (Medical School Student Club) of L University, and those seniorstudents (senior students) said so." She pretended to be casual and asked, "Did the boy who came to pick you up when CCL held a party last time belong to the Medical Student Club of University L?" The daughter blurted out: "He is not." "Oh? Then what major is he in?" "As professional as you." "How do you know him?" "Known by the church." "What's his name?"

"Victor," the daughter didn't want to talk about it anymore, and changed the subject, "Mom, aren't you happy that I'm staying here for college?" "Why would I be unhappy? I'm afraid you missed the chance to go to an Ivy League school to save money." "I'm not here to save money, I'm here to be with you." "If you want to be with me, then you should still go to an Ivy League school, and I can go to M University to find a job." "That's not good, what about our house?" "The house can be sold and bought over there."

"The house over there is very expensive, you can't afford it." "I can't afford to live in an apartment." "The apartment is also very expensive. You still have to pay me to study. How can you have so much money?" She was a little sad: "I just blame my mother for being useless." "That's not the case. Parents in the United States don't pay for their children's college fees. American children go to college with their own loans, and I should also take out my own loans. But I don't want to owe so much debt, and I like L University. Mom, Not all Ivy League schools are good in every major, like medical school, the ranking of L University is higher than many Ivy League schools.”

Now she is 80% sure that her daughter is in a relationship with this Victor. These recent changes may all come from the influence of Victor.Instead of going to M University, but to stay in L University in this city, it may be because she can be with Victor, because her daughter used to think that one day she will go to university so that she can go to a faraway city and live an independent life. Judging from the fact that Victor goes to church, he probably grew up in the United States, and he may be Taiwanese, because boys from mainland China generally don’t like church very much. She doesn't want to interfere with her daughter's love life and has no right to.My daughter is almost eighteen now, and she is considered an adult. It is not too early to start dating at this age, especially since this Victor seems to be pretty good, there is no need to interfere.I was afraid that my daughter was too serious and changed her life trajectory for Victor, giving up the Ivy League school and the major she liked, but in the end Victor failed her daughter, which might ruin her life.

But no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. We can't separate our daughter from Victor now, can we?I can only burn high incense, worship the Bodhisattva, take a step, and look at it. Her daughter's birthday is coming soon, she asked insincerely, "It's your birthday soon, how are you going to celebrate?" "Grace and the others will come to our house for a party." She knew that Grace was her daughter's classmate and one of the four members of her daughter's LunchTable (lunch table), the other two being Samantha and Mellissa.These four girls are good friends, and they often play together. If they want to hold a party, they usually come to her house, because her house is relatively large, and there are only two mothers and daughters. There is no man, so it is more convenient. She was a little disappointed and asked: "Then will you invite boys to participate?" "No. Why do we invite boys to our girl's party?" "Aren't you guys with boyfriends?" "They don't have any boyfriends." She felt that her daughter admitted that she had a boyfriend in a disguised form, but she didn't dare to continue to ask, so she just asked politely: "Do you want me to hide out that day?" "No need to." "I'm at home, will you feel inconvenient?" "You are also a Girl, we will not feel inconvenient." On the Saturday of Xiaojin’s birthday, four girls came to her house for a party. Like the previous few times, she bought them pizza, chicken wings and other food and drinks, and then went upstairs to her bedroom Go, hide inside and surf the Internet, and let a few girls play downstairs freely. Until the end of the Party (party), I didn't see Victor visit, it was purely a Girl'sParty (girls' party). The next day was Sunday, and my daughter went to church as usual, and Sharon came to pick her up as usual, but after the church activities, my daughter called back and said she wanted to go to the movies with Grace. She immediately realized that her daughter was lying, she must have gone to the movies with Victor, because her daughter had just had a party with Grace, how could they have a party again? But she didn't expose her daughter's lies, she only told her, "Come back early." "I know." "Do you need me to pick you up?" "No, no, Grace will send me back." For the next few hours, she was always fidgeting and didn't know what to worry about.I couldn't bear it any longer, so I called Zhiqing and shared my guesses and anxieties. Zhiqing was more anxious than she: "How can you let Petal go to the movies with that man?" "She didn't say it was a man, why should I not agree?" "She didn't say she was going to watch a movie with that man, wouldn't that mean there was a ghost? You shouldn't have allowed it!" "It's all gone now, what's the use of talking about it?" "Didn't you mention it yourself?" She was annoyed: "You are an interesting person. If you can't help a little, you will scold people." Zhiqing calmed down and said, "Where did I scold you? Am I in a hurry?" "What's the use of being anxious? It's beyond your reach." "I know I'm out of reach right now, but that's going to change soon, and I'm looking for a job with you guys." She was taken aback: "You want to transfer here?" "Well, why, you're not welcome?" "This is not my territory, what is welcome or not? But you have done a good job there, why do you want to leave?" "I want to be with Petal." "You already knew she wasn't going to M University?" "Didn't I just hear what you said?" She stopped ringing, not wanting to pierce the loopholes in Zhiqing's words. Zhiqing said confidently: "Don't worry, when I come over, I will find a way to figure things out." "So what if you figure it out?" "Just do whatever you want." "Then what do you say now?" "If I were you, I'd just ask Petal straight up." "Tell me again." "It's not lip service, it's true, and I don't see why you can't just ask." Although she was still objecting, she was ready to give it a try. Fortunately, my daughter came home before nine o'clock. She heard the sound of cars outside the door, and hurried to open the door, and then stood by the door to observe, to see if she could find an opportunity to invite Victor to come in and sit down. But her appearance obviously surprised the two young people in the car. The boy hid in the car and did not move. The daughter hurried out of the car and explained with a blushing face: "Grace, she..." She suggested: "Ask your friend, do you want to come in and have a drink?" The daughter didn't ask any questions, she just answered "No, no, no" on her own initiative, and then waved to the car. The black car quickly retreated to the road in front of the door as if it had just robbed a bank, and fled. up. The daughter's face was a little unhappy: "Mom, why were you standing at the door just now?" "I heard the sound of a car, open the door for you." "I have the portkey." She decided to have a frank talk: "Petal, I'm not that kind of old-fashioned mother. As long as it's a legitimate relationship, I won't interfere with you. You don't have to hide it from me." "I didn't hide it from you." "Are you dating this Victor?" "I do not know what you're talking about." "Wasn't it Victor just now?" "Victor who (Which Victor)?" "It's Victor who came to pick you up when CCL had a party last time." The daughter is noncommittal. "Didn't you just go to the movies with him?" The daughter didn't answer. "You were watching a movie with Victor, why did you tell me it was with Grace?" "Did Grace go too?" Not wanting to expose her daughter further, she concedes, "So are you dating Victor?" "Watching a movie together is a date?" "I didn't say that watching a movie together is a date, I'm asking if you are." "No." After the daughter finished speaking, she ran upstairs. She was so regretful, she really shouldn't have gone to the door to take a look, and now she didn't ask anything, and even ruined the relationship between mother and daughter, in case her daughter got angry, she ran outside to live with Victor, or even with Victor If she got married, she was really dumbfounded, because the legal age of marriage in this state seems to be eighteen years old, and her daughter has already reached eighteen years old, so she doesn't need the consent of her parents to get married. She went upstairs to ask her daughter if she would eat dinner, but the daughter said no and ate outside. She went back downstairs to have dinner alone, but she couldn't eat any of it, for fear that her daughter would keep her heart apart from now on and not tell her anything. Upstairs came the sound of her daughter's violin, very familiar music. She held her breath and listened quietly for a while, and found that her daughter was playing "The Past Can Only Be Reminisced". She was a little surprised, because it was a very old Chinese song, only people in her generation knew about it, and Chinese children aged 17 or 18 probably didn't know it, let alone Xiaojin who came to America since she was a child. Not only that, Xiaojin usually plays the piano by looking at the score, and by looking at the staff, he knows which note is which position on the strings.Xiaojin can also listen to songs and play the violin, but he is not as proficient as reading the score and playing the violin.Now that "The Past Can Only Be Reminisced" can be pulled out, there are only two possibilities. One is that Xiaojin found the staff of "The Past Can only be Reminisced" from somewhere, and the other possibility is that Xiaojin listened to the song repeatedly and memorized the music down, and figure out where each note is on the strings. She couldn't help but walked to the door of her daughter's bedroom, and asked curiously, "Xiao Jin, why did you play this song? Do you have the score?" "Someone wrote one for me." The daughter took the sheet music from the music stand and handed it to her: "Mom, do you think it's well written? It's handwritten, like Print (printed), right?" She looked at the sheet music, if it wasn't for Xiaojin's advance guidance, she really wouldn't be able to see that it was handwritten, the five lines were drawn straight, the bean sprouts were drawn in the same size, and it was the same as the printed one if you didn't look carefully. There are Chinese lyrics below the sheet music , The Chinese characters are also written very beautifully, and the pronunciation of the Chinese characters is noted in English, which is written in pencil. She handed the sheet music back to her daughter, and praised sincerely: "It's so beautifully written! Who wrote it?" The daughter's face was bright, but she didn't answer her question. She invited: "Mom, you sing, and I will accompany you." She evaded and said, "Mom can't sing this song." "You can sing, I know you can sing, sing, I will accompany you."
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