Home Categories contemporary fiction bamboo horse green plum

Chapter 30 Chapter Twenty Nine

bamboo horse green plum 艾米 4785Words 2018-03-19
I don't know if it's because he subconsciously didn't want his daughter to visit his father, but Cen Jin realized that he hadn't booked a ticket for his daughter until it was only over a week before Thanksgiving.She knew that her daughter's school would be closed for a week, but she didn't want her daughter to stay with her father for a week, so she discussed with her daughter to see which day would be more suitable. But the daughter said: "Mom, you don't need to book a ticket for me. I won't go to Dad's Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving)." She was touched for a while, after all, it was her mother's close-fitting padded jacket. Although she has passed the age of hugging her mother's neck, sticking to her mother's face, and acting like "depending on each other", but the method has changed, the essence has not changed, and it is still distressed. mother's.

When she was touched, she said selflessly, "Let's go see my dad. I'm fine at home alone. I only have two days off, and I only have four days off on weekends. I watch TV and surf the Internet. It's easy to pass. " "I don't have to go." "why?" "Dad said he was coming to see us." She was taken aback: "Who did he tell?" "Told me." "Why doesn't he talk to me?" "He was afraid that you would not agree." "Afraid that if I don't agree, you will cut it first and then play it?" She was very angry, and immediately picked up her mobile phone to dial.

Xiao Jin yelled: "Mom, what are you doing! Don't call and scold Dad. I promised him to come. He said that if you don't welcome him, he can live in a hotel (hotel) and take me outside. Play, don't bother you." She had dialed the phone and asked, "Petal?" "No, it's me." "Little boy?" "Can you stop calling me 'little boy'? It sounds disgusting." The daughter escaped. The other side said: "Hehe, I didn't mean it, I'm just used to it." "What is used to? We have been divorced for so many years."

"It's because I used to be called before the divorce. After the divorce, I didn't have a chance to use a new name, so I didn't get rid of the old habit. Do you have anything to do with me?" "You're coming to us on Thanksgiving, why didn't you discuss it with me first?" "I talked to Petal about it." "You just talk to her?" The other side also became tough: "I have visitation rights to my daughter, and I can go to see her wherever she agrees with me. You can not receive me, or even let me enter your door, but you don't Right to stop me from seeing my daughter."

"Didn't it be agreed that she would go to your place?" "I checked the air tickets, and the direct flight is very expensive, but Petal is so small, so I don't worry about connecting flights." Her anger subsided a little: "You ran out during the holiday, your lady didn't say you?" "I separated from her." She curled her lips and thought to herself: Hmph, no wonder, it got messed up over there, so I thought of this way.But she didn't ask further, the two guys broke up and reunited not once or twice, and she had lost interest in it. There was also a change of subject: "Xiaohong, is Petal's application for university settled?"

"You didn't ask her?" "I asked some time ago. At that time, she didn't know which school to go to." "If she doesn't know, what's the use of asking me? In these matters, I listen to her. She makes up her own mind. She can go to any school she wants. No matter which school she chooses, she only needs to take the exam." I will do my best to support her.” "If you go to a private school, the tuition will be very expensive." She smiled: "You are so concerned about her school selection, so you are worried about asking you to pay? Don't worry, I have never made your expectations. My daughter is going to college, I will find a way, the worst is a loan that is."

"I'm not afraid of giving money, as long as I have it, I will try my best to support her. Don't forget, she is also my daughter." "Then what are you worried about?" "I'm mainly afraid that she won't be able to think about things so thoughtfully as a child. You, a mother, still need to help check things out." "I know this." "School is not what I am most worried about. It is mainly about majors. I heard she said that she wants to major in English. I am very worried. I am afraid that she will not be able to find a job after studying."

She also has this worry, the two seem to have found a common language, she asked: "Have you enlightened her?" "I said I talked about it, but I didn't dare to say more, for fear that she would be unhappy. You have time, so enlighten her." She couldn't help laughing: "You are really cunning, you don't want to offend your daughter and tell me to be a villain?" It was a bit embarrassing over there: "I'm not calling you a villain, the main thing is that you are with her every day, and you can gradually instill in her the idea that learning English can't find a job. I'm so far away and have so little talk time. If a dozen The phone calls against her, doesn't she hate me to death?"

"Aren't you coming over for Thanksgiving? You can have a good talk with her then." "Okay. Baby, can you pick me up at the airport then?" She didn't bother to correct his address, and replied, "Look what you are talking about? Of course I will pick you up at the airport. Am I the kind of narrow-minded person?" "Then I'll give you the flight number, please remember." She took down his flight number. There is an inch over there: "I'm going to your place, don't I need to book a hotel room?" "Didn't you say you could go to a hotel?"

"Of course you can, but don't you have a GuestRoom in your House? Just let me live there, and I can stay with Petal for a while. Don't you think it's hard to be with her every day Feel how much I miss her, who is rarely with her." She found that he was still so lyrical, and she would be fooled by him if she didn't pay attention, so she couldn't help laughing, and interrupted him: "Okay, okay, don't talk about yourself so pitifully, you don't need to subscribe." Hotel room." "thanks, thanks." In the afternoon, when Xiaojin came back from church, she brought up the matter of choosing a major, and pulled Xiaojin’s father out to be a villain: “Xiaojin, your father said on the phone today that he doesn’t want you to major in English, for fear that it will be difficult to find you in the future.” Work."

Xiaojin smiled: "I know. What about you? Do you agree or not?" "Me too. I think English majors are hard to find a job. Why do you want to major in English? You don't need to major in English to write screenplay (film and television scripts)! Look at those great writers and playwrights, how many of them are English majors? Graduated?" "What majors did they graduate from?" "I have no idea." "Then how do you say they are not English majors?" She was speechless, and it seemed that she should do her homework when talking to her daughter, and she couldn't just talk about it. The daughter asked: "Mom, why do you and Dad always worry about finding a job? I haven't entered college yet, and you are worried that I won't be able to find a job after graduation. Isn't that something that will happen after many years?" "It will be many years later, but if you choose the wrong major, all these years will be wasted." "How can it be wasted? I can learn a lot." "But if you study a lot and can't find a job, what do you do for a living?" "I write Screenplay (film and television scripts), and I can also write Novel (length novels)." “But if you write for a living, it’s hard to write good stuff.” “Why?” "Because you always think about how to write to sell it, and you always think about catering to the tastes of readers, so you can't write well." "why?" "Because... because the tastes of readers are different...and they can be changed. A great author does not cater to the tastes of readers, but creates and improves the tastes of readers." She talked for a long time, thinking that her daughter must be convinced, but her daughter asked: "Mom, what is 'taste'?" "It's Taste." "So what is 'catering'? Is it MilkyWay (Galaxy)?" It seems that what she just said was in vain, so she had to say it again in English. The daughter said very easy-goingly: "Mom, whatever you want me to major in, I will major in whatever major you want me to study." "It still depends on what major you like. Mom chose it for you. If you don't like it, you won't be happy to read it, and you won't be motivated." "Tell me what major you want me to study, and I'll see if I like it." "Do you like studying medicine?" "Youmeanmedicalschool (you mean medical school)?" "Well, after reading it, I became a doctor." The daughter complained: "Why do Asian (Asian) mothers want their children to study Medical School? Nadia's mother wants her to study Medical School, Rajishi's mother wants him to study Medical School, and Sean's mother wants him to study Medical School." "Are these Asian mothers?" "Both." "Sean is supposed to be American?" "Sean is American, but his family is from Korea." She couldn't answer. The daughter said: "I know, because Asian mothers love money very much. They can earn a lot of money if their children go to medical school, so they don't have to work and let their children support them." She hastened to declare: "I didn't say you have to go to medical school. I just offered an option. I didn't mention this option for making money. I just think it's good for girls to be doctors." "However, to be a medical doctor (doctor) requires many years of study, four years of under (undergraduate), four years of medical school (medical school), residency (resident doctor), and oncall (on duty, on call). " "Being a writer is also very hard. I write day and night, and there is no guarantee that someone will be willing to publish it." "But I don't want to be a medical doctor (but I don't want to be a doctor)." "If it's inappropriate, let it be." Seeing that her daughter was upset, she didn't dare to talk about this topic, and left it to Xiaojin's father to deal with it. The night before Thanksgiving, she took Xiaojin to the airport to pick up Xiaojin's father. The daughter was very excited. She dressed up specially and put on light makeup, and asked her to dress up too: "Mom, don't wear this dress. This is what you usually wear. No way, you have to wear holiday clothes!" "Why? We're picking someone up at the airport, not going to a dance." "You should dress up nicely, so that Dad's eyes will shine." "I don't care if his eyes are bright or not." Daughter helpless: "You don't know how to please men (you don't know how to please men)." She laughed: "What do I Please (please) him for?" "He'llfallinlovewithyouagain (he'll fall in love with you again)!" "Didn't you say Hestilllovesyou (he still loves you) last time? Why do you want me to dress up again today to make him fall in love with me again?" The daughter insisted: "He loves you, but you can't take it for granted. You should rekindle his love now and then (he loves you, but you can't take it for granted, you have to do something from time to time to inspire his love for you)." She asked curiously, "Is this your experience?" "What's a rule of thumb (what is a rule of thumb)?" "It's what you learn from your own experience." The daughter stopped talking. She asked with concern: "What's wrong?" "Nothing." She felt that her daughter was not so smooth in love, and she might have met some arrogant and rude boy, and her daughter had to rekindle his love again and again.She was so worried that her chest hurt a little. I don't know which bastard is treating my little Jin like this. Instead of worshiping my daughter as a princess, she wants my daughter to please him like this. If I find out who it is ,I must…… She really doesn't know what she can do, why can't she run to beat up that bastard?You can't run to that bastard and ask him to love his daughter. She comforted her daughter and said: "There are so many boys in the world, the east is not bright and the west is bright." "Mom, why 'the East is not bright'? Is it their night?" "Uh! It's a metaphor. It means that this boy doesn't love you, and that boy loves you." "Butthatguyisnotthisguy (but that one is not this one)." She ran out of words, and her chest tightened even more. The two mother and daughter got into the car, she drove, and the daughter fiddled with the GPS (satellite navigation system).I don’t know what my daughter has changed the language of the GPS route name to. In short, it’s not English. She couldn’t understand a word, so she said nervously: “Xiao Jin, don’t make any mistakes. I don’t know the way well. I don’t know how to drive in a language I don’t understand, so don’t miss the exit at the airport.” "It's okay, I'll switch back to English as soon as I get to the airport." The daughter followed the GPS to report the direction (direction) in a strange voice. She couldn't understand it at all and could only drive by looking at the map on the GPS. After driving for a while, she asked: "What language is this? Why is it always 'frozen Your kid ''freezes your shit'?" The daughter collapsed on the seat laughing. She secretly sighed, after all, it was a child, she was quite depressed just now, but she got better after a while, she just hoped that her daughter was really happy, and not just pretending to show her. When she arrived at the airport, she first parked the car at Hourly Parking (a parking place that pays by the hour), and then went to the terminal hall with her daughter to wait for Xiaojin's father. There is a bookstore at the airport that sells all kinds of magazines, which are placed on the shelves and anyone can read them.She and Xiaojin each found a magazine they were interested in, and stood there looking through it.But she was restless and couldn't look into it at all. The face of Lewis kept shaking in front of her eyes, and she thought angrily: I don't know if that brat is torturing my little Jin, huh, what a brat, I still have my daughter Rekindle his love again and again? After a while, the daughter came over and called her: "Mom, it's almost time, let's go to the place where the luggage is picked up and wait for Dad!" She looked at the Arrivals (arriving flight) on the computer screen at the airport and said, "Your father's flight hasn't arrived yet, and you have to get out when it arrives, at least half an hour away." "Go, don't miss it." She had no choice but to put down the magazine, and went to the baggage claim area with her daughter to wait for Xiao Jin's father. After waiting for forty minutes, I heard Xiao Jin's cheers: "Isaa (I saw Dad)!" Xiao Jin went up to meet her, but she didn't move, she waited in place.Father and daughter meet each other, but she is just a coachman. She looked at her ex-husband from a distance, the man who used to be in the wind, now he is fatter, stronger, with tanned skin and thinning hair. Time is not forgiving! Xiao Jin walked over holding his father's arm, and said excitedly, "Mom, Dad is here." The father put his arm around his daughter and dragged the suitcase with the other, and said with a smile, "Little boy, you haven't changed at all, you're still so young and beautiful!"
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