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Chapter 9 lonely flower

Taipei 白先勇 7523Words 2018-03-19
In the past, Juanjuan and I always went home together after work in Mayflower every day.Sometimes in summer nights, we would call a tricycle and slowly swing back to our small apartment on Jinhua Street.It's different now, now I often go back alone first, make a supper at home, wait for Juanjuan, and sometimes wait until dawn. I spent all my life savings on this small apartment on Jinhua Street.When I was in Wanchun Tower in Shanghai, I had saved a few pennies. I was older than Wubao and the others, and I was the one who led Wubao; A pair of emerald bracelets were still on her hands.That pair of emerald bracelets are the relics of the five treasures, I have gone through many risks, but I am not willing to take them off.

It was not my wish to go to the Mayflower.When I first came to Taiwan, I used to run Shan Gang together with Big Yu and others from the underworld.Unexpectedly, there were several accidents in Keelung Wharf one after another, and the big guy Yu didn't pay for it by himself, even my jewelry was lost.Big guy Yu wanted to peel off the pair of emerald bracelets in my hand at the end, I grabbed a pair of long scissors and pointed at him and shouted: How dare you touch this pair of things in my hand!He spat in my face and spat hard: Bitch!bitch!I've been in business all my life, but I just can't hear these two words, the more filthy they are when they come out of a man's mouth.

The business of the restaurant is not easy to do. The owner of Mayflower saw that I was senior, good at dealing with things, and good at Beijing opera, so he specially sent me to serve the old men from the mainland and sing a few operas for them.Sometimes when I meet old customers from Shanghai, they just call me Yunfang Laoliu.Once I bumped into Lu Genrong and Lu Jiu, as soon as he saw me, he stomped his feet, as if regretting something: "Ah Liu, why did you end up in this kind of place again?" I smiled at him and replied: "Master Jiu, that's everyone's fate, right?"

As a matter of fact, as a person from other provinces, I was able to save a lot of money over the years by hanging out with that little Cha in Mayflower, and I am considered to be very capable.Afterwards, I stalked our boss, and finally got a manager position to look after those girls.The female manager of Mayflower is only me and Hu Ahua, and the rest are hooligans.I don't really care, I was born among men, and I'm used to fighting with them.The guests all called me "Commander-in-Chief", and they said that the generals in the sea, land and air—like Lijun and Xinmei—we had all of them under my command.As a manager, I can only get a dry salary, and I can't bear to scrape the skinny money of Xiao Zha. My money is much tighter than before. After counting and counting, I finally took off the pair of jade bracelets on my wrists, and then I bought this small apartment on Jinhua Street together.I bought this apartment purely for Juanjuan.

Juanjuan turned out to be one of Shuzai's subordinates, and her life in Mayflower was very short, and I had a few face-to-face meetings, but I didn't pay much attention to it.In fact, the Mayflower girls all looked alike when they put on rouge and powder.More than a year ago, on that winter night, I went to 313 on the third floor to check.As soon as I opened the door and went in, I saw Juanjuan standing there singing Taiwanese ditties.Half of the tables in my hand were Japanese flirtatious guests, and they were hugging Lijun and Xinmei, the red wine girls, stroking their breasts, making a lot of noise.A house full of smoke, a house full of alcohol and men stink, no one is listening to Juanjuan's singing seriously.Juanjuan was standing in a corner of the room. She was wearing a black satin cheongsam and a small white gown. She had long hair hanging down her shoulders and her waist was tied into a twist.There were three musicians around her, and the leader was Lin Sanlang, blinking his rotten eyes that were almost blind, playing his very old and very hoarse accordion, and playing the accompaniment for Juanjuan.Juanjuan is singing that song.She tilted her head, looked up, closed her eyes, frowned tightly, her hair fell to one shoulder, and she sang in a trembling voice, and she didn't know who she was singing to:

The moon is leaning to the west, the moon is leaning to the west, the true feelings are missing you, you don’t know—— The youth who loves to become fallen leaves and lovesickness—— This minor tune was composed by Lin Sanlang himself.During the Japanese occupation period, he was a well-known musician and could write songs himself.They said that he fell in love with a wine girl named Baiyulou in Penglai Pavilion. The wine girl had epilepsy and fell into the Danshui River and drowned. He wrote this song for her.He is holding his oily yellow accordion, blinking his rotten and red eyes, playing and playing every day, I am in Mayflower, I don’t know how many wine girls have sung this song .But none of them could sing as sadly as Juanjuan, as if they were appealing for grievances.For some reason, looking at Juanjuan's appearance, I suddenly thought of Wubaolai.In fact, Juanjuan and Wubao don't look very much alike, Wubao is more handsome than Juanjuan, but Wubao also has that kind of sad look when she sings.We used to go on business trips together, and we always liked to sing together. I sang Meng Lijun, and Wubao sang Su Yingxue. She also loved to knit her brows into a pile like that.Both of them have triangular faces, short chins, high cheekbones, and slightly sunken eyes. Both of them have such a downcast look.

As soon as Juanjuan finished singing, she was dragged away by a short, fat, bald Japanese man. He held her on his knees, poured her a glass of wine, poured it for her again, and pushed her to talk to the neighbors. A guest fights wine.Juanjuan didn't refuse, raised her glass, and drank it down in one gulp.After drinking, she wiped the wine juice dripping from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, then looked at the guest and smiled.I saw the smile on her pale, triangular face, which was actually more desolate than crying.I've never seen a wine girl so easily manipulated by guests.Like my subordinates Lijun and Xinmei, if you give them a cup of wine, it depends on the skill of the guest.But Juanjuan let those Japanese people shuttle back and forth, pouring them vigorously back and forth. She didn't refuse, and she didn't even say a word. After drinking a cup, she smacked her lips and gave them a wretched smile.After a while, Juanjuan always downed seven or eight glasses of Shaoxing wine, and her face turned blue.When she was about to leave, she stood up, nodded and said sorry to those who were drinking her wine, and her very stiff and bleak smile appeared on her face again.

That night, I tidied up, and before leaving, I went into the bathroom on the third floor, and when I opened the door, I saw Juanjuan inside, drunk on the ground, lying on her back.Her face was gray, and a black satin cheongsam was stained with wine juice.The faucet of the washbasin was turned on or off, and the water overflowed to the ground, soaking Juanjuan's long hair wet.I quickly helped her up, took off my coat and wrapped it around her.That night, I took Juanjuan back to my apartment. At that time, I was still living alone in Ningbo West Street. I changed Juanjuan's clothes and helped her sleep on my bed, but she was still unconscious, her shoulders shivering from the cold.I took out a thick quilt, covered her body, pulled up the head of the quilt, and stuffed it under her chin, covering her tightly.I suddenly realized that I hadn't done this kind of movement for many years.When Wubao shared a room with me, I often got up in the middle of the night to cover her with the quilt.Wubao can only hold two glasses of alcohol, and when he goes out to accompany him, he is often too drunk to know when he comes back.When I was sleeping, when I was drunk, I kicked off the quilt.I always wrap her tightly with a sheet.Sometimes she gets hurt by that old turtle of Hua San, and she can't sleep well at night, and I have to get up several times a night. As soon as I persuade her, she stretches out her arm from under the quilt, throws it on my face, and sneers road:

"This is fate, sister." On her snow-white arm was printed a row of scorched bubbles the size of copper coins, branded by Hua San's pipe.I saw that she was in severe pain, and I always lay beside her, rubbed her, and stayed with her until dawn.I touched Juanjuan's forehead, it was cold, and she was sweating all the time, Juanjuan was really drunk, she tossed and turned all night, and slept very restlessly. The next day, at dawn, Juanjuan woke up.Her complexion was ugly, with a pair of piercing eyes, she said that her headache was split.I got up and made a bowl of brown sugar ginger soup, and took it to the bedside to feed her.She sat up, and I put a cotton gauze on her.She drank half of it and gave it up. She bent her head and rubbed her temples desperately with her hands. Her long hair hung in front and covered her face.After a while, she suddenly lowered her head and said:

"I dreamed about my mother again." Juanjuan's voice was very strange, empty and without a final sound. "Where is she?" I sat down beside her. "I don't know," she raised her head, shaking her long hair, "maybe she's still in our Suzhou countryside—she's a lunatic." "Oh—" I held out my hand.Wipe off the beads of cold sweat on her forehead.I found that Juanjuan's eyes were also very strange, deep and black. When she was in a daze, her eyes were still so frightened, like two black tadpoles, scurrying around. "My dad put an iron chain around her neck and locked her in a pigsty. I never knew she was my mother when I was a kid. My dad never told me. I wasn't allowed to go near her. I When I went to feed the pigs, I often saw children nearby throwing stones at her, and when they hit her, she stretched out her two paws, gritted her teeth and roared. Those children laughed, and I laughed too—” Juanjuan laughed dryly a few times as she spoke, her short pale triangular face twisted slightly: "One day, look—"

She opened the collar and pointed to the lower end of her throat, where there was a finger-thick, bright red scar like an earthworm, lying there. "One day, my aunt came, and she took me to the pigsty, crying and saying, 'I'm your mother!' That night, I secretly took a bowl of vegetable rice, climbed into the pigsty, Handed it to my mother. My mother took the meal, looked at me for a long time, and grinned. I walked over and touched her face with my hand. As soon as I touched her, she suddenly screamed and took the rice bowl away. It hit the ground, stretched out her claws, and grabbed me, before I could utter a sound, her teeth had already bit my throat—” Juanjuan laughed dryly again as she spoke, her two black tadpole-like pupils were jumping in and out.I put my arms around her shoulders and stroked the scar on her neck with my hands. I suddenly felt that the red scar like an earthworm was slippery and wriggling. Once upon a time, Wu Bao and I made a wish: when we have saved enough money, we will buy a house and live together, and we will become a family.Wubao was abducted from the countryside of Yangzhou by human teeth traffickers and sold to Wanchun Building. He was only fourteen years old and wore a calico cotton-padded jacket and trousers with tightly tied trousers. With a copper butterfly, I asked her: "Where's your mother, Wubao?" "I don't have a mother." She laughed. "Shoutou," I scolded her, "you don't have a mother? Who gave birth to you?" "I don't remember." She shook her short hair and grinned.I took her into my arms, grabbed her cheeks, and kissed her twice. Since then, I have developed a maternal love for her. "Juanjuan, this is our home." When Juanjuan and I moved into our small apartment on Jinhua Street, I put my arms around her shoulders and said to her.Wubao died early, and our wish never came true. After wandering for half a lifetime, it was only when I met Juanjuan that I thought of starting a family again.I've always been lazy, and I can't do housework such as washing and cooking, but I always feel that Juanjuan is weak, and I don't allow her to work too hard. She sleeps until the afternoon every day, and I can't bear to wake her up.Especially when she came back from a night out with her and was haggard, I felt very sorry for her.I know that a man can do all sorts of nasty things in bed.Once, an old killer squeezed my neck tightly with both hands, almost choking me, and asked me angrily: Why are you not breathing?why don't you breatheThe night Wubao lit the big candle, the man who combed her was a soldier, as strong as a big bull.The next morning, Wubao crawled onto my bed and rolled into my arms, his eyes bleeding from crying.Her tiny tits were green and red with tooth marks all over them. "Who opened your buds, Juanjuan." One day, Juanjuan came back with her overnight stay and got up very late. I combed her hair and asked her. "My dad." Juanjuan replied. I stood behind her, brushing her long hair with both hands, without making a sound. "My dad came to my room when he was drunk," Juanjuan said with a cigarette in her mouth, her face was full of tiredness, "I was only fifteen years old at that time, and the first night, I was afraid, so I bit him. He set off my I knocked my head on the bed a few times, and I was so dazed that I didn't know anything. From now on, every time he came back from Yilan with some rouge and lipstick, he coaxed me to accompany him—" Juanjuan laughed dryly Twice, she was shaking the cigarette up and down with the cigarette in her mouth. "I had a belly, so my dad caught me at the gate every day, pointed at my face and scolded me in front of the neighbors next door: 'Steal! Steal!' I touched my bulging belly, afraid I had to cry. My dad got a pinch of bitter medicine and stuffed it into my mouth, and that night, I swallowed a puddle of blood—" Juanjuan laughed again as she spoke.Her small triangular face was so distorted that her eyebrows and eyes could not be distinguished.I gently rubbed her thin back, as if I was caressing a dying little sick cat that was thrown on the garbage dump. After Juanjuan was dressed, we went out together to work in Mayflower. Walking on the street, I saw her long hair flying in the evening wind, and her slender waist swaying from side to side at any time. It will break, and there is a big sunset facing the street, as if she rolled out of the dye vat, and her pale triangular face seems to be splattered with blood. I secretly feel that Juanjuan's appearance is really ominous. How many sins does this thin body carry? Juanjuan often stays out overnight, which is a recent thing.One night, on a sweltering June day, I lay on the bed, waiting for Juanjuan. I didn't close my eyes all night. Looking out the window, I gradually turned white, and my back was wet from sleep.Juanjuan didn't come back until seven or eight in the morning, swaying left and right, as if she was still drunk, her face turned pale with tiredness, the eyebrows and eye sockets she had drawn were melted by sweat, and spread into two big black Circle, as if the eyebrows and eyes are rotten.She walked into the room, kicked off a pair of high heels without a sound, struggled to take off the cheongsam, then fell on the bed, closed her eyes, and remained motionless.I sat next to her and took off her bra. Her nipples were bitten and swollen, like two overripe ox blood plums, dripping with mucus.I took a closer look, and there was also a bruised tooth mark on her neck, which made the earthworm-like red scar on her throat more vivid. I picked up her arm, and suddenly found that her hand was bent There are four or five black pinholes in the upper row. "Juanjuan!" I shouted. "Ke Laoxiong—" Juanjuan replied weakly with her eyes dimmed.As he spoke, he turned his head and fell asleep. I stayed by Juanjuan's side, and the incident at Mayflower the night before suddenly came to my mind again.That night when Ke Laoxiong came to Mayflower, I sent Lijun and Xinmei there, but he didn't want them, and he even scolded him a few times as "Gan Yiniang", but he fell in love with Yaojuan.Ke Laoxiong was a frequent visitor of Mayflower three years ago. He was a member of the gang, gambling and taking drugs, and coming everywhere. He was a well-known gangster.At that time, he had a big shot, and he had played with several drinking girls, one named Fengjuan, who died violently within less than a month after having sex with him.All of us in Mayflower made a noise and said that he was the one who killed him, so he stayed away for a few years.Coming back this time, he looked even more aggressive.When Juanjuan was in charge, he was 70% to 80% drunk, and together with a group of gamblers, everyone was yelling dirty.Ke Laoxiong took off his shirt, his thick red and black arms were bare, and a large clump of black hair was exposed under his armpits. His trouser belt was also loosened, and half of the zipper on his trousers fell off.He has a small crew-shaven head, a huge head with the back of his head shaved blue, but on the top there are bunches of bristle-like bristle-like hair.Gills are seen on the back of his head, two pieces of teeth, like carp gills, stretched out, a pair of pig eyes, the eyeballs are swollen, covered with bloodshot eyes, thick black lips, curled up, showing a mouthful of golden teeth , Sweat all over my head, sweat all over my body, before I approached him, I already smelled a fishy body odor. Juanjuan walked up to him, he rolled his eyes, looked at Juanjuan fiercely, then stretched out his thick red arms, grabbed Juanjuan's hand, and put it in his arms Suddenly, his golden teeth were exposed and he laughed.Juanjuan slipped and fell onto his lap.His thick red and black arms clamped Juanjuan's slender waist tightly, and he poured her a glass of wine first, but before she finished drinking, he snatched the glass away and licked his lips to drink up the leftover wine, Picking up his nose, he sniffed Juanjuan's neck for a while, and rubbed his hands on her chest.Suddenly, he took Juanjuan's arm away, stretched out his tongue and licked her armpit a few times, Juanjuan couldn't help laughing sharply, kicking her feet desperately, Ke Laoxiong held her tightly , grabbed her hand, and touched her belly. "Are you afraid?" He salivated and asked.All the strangers at the table laughed strangely, Juanjuan struggled desperately, her thin waist was caught in Ke Laoxiong's thick black shoulders, and twisted into two pieces.I saw the black tadpole-like eyes on her pale face, and they jumped out in panic. I don't know what happened to Juanjuan's hit to attract this devil.Ever since she was entangled by Ke Laoxiong, her soul seemed to be taken away by him; when he went to Mayflower to find her, she obediently let him take her out, and when she came back, her whole body was covered with seven tuberculosis and five wounds. Both arms are pierced with needle holes.I strongly dissuaded her, telling her how powerful this kind of underworld person is, but Juanjuan always stared at me blankly, in a trance. "Do you understand, Juanjuan?" Sometimes I got anxious, grabbed her shoulders and shook her a few times, and asked her, she shook her head, smiled desolately, and said very helplessly: "It can't be helped, Commander-in-Chief—" After she finished speaking, she sat on the window sill naked with only a bra on her back, bent her back, put one foot back, and took a bottle of purple-red Koudan to paint her toenails; Humming "Thinking", "Three Helpless", some sad crying tunes.Her voice was hollow, like a widow weeping in mourning. After she couldn't hum a few words, she would blow her nose with a stack of straw. She had gradually become addicted to morphine. Once, Ke Laoxiong took Juanjuan to open a hotel, and Juanjuan was arrested by the police, who thought she was a pheasant.I spent a lot of money to redeem Juanjuan from prison.From that time on, I asked Juanjuan to bring Ke Laoxiong home. I think at least in my eyes, Ke Laoxiong still dared not act violently against Juanjuan. I was always afraid that one day Juanjuan's life would be lost. In the hands of the Hades.I used Juanjuan's birth date to criticize it several times, and I said it was a big crime. Every time they come back, I let them go to the kitchen. I can't see Ke Laoxiong's golden teeth. When I see him, I think of Hua San. As soon as Hua San hits five treasures, he bares his golden teeth and curses: Kill you stinky bitch!I was in the kitchen, cooking the angelica chicken for Juanjuan on the official night, always pricking up my ears to listen: listening to Ke Laoxiong’s obscene smile, his scolding, listening to Juanjuan’s wailing like a sick cat, all the time After Ke Laoxiong left, I prepared the bath water and went to the room to see Juanjuan.Once I went in, and Juanjuan was sitting on the bed, naked, holding a stack of new one hundred yuan bills in her hand, counting, counting, and counting again, like a child playing with dolls.I approached her and saw her pale little triangular face, with a bright red dried blood clot the size of a fingernail sticking to the corner of her mouth. On July 15th, the day of the Ghost Festival, an accident finally happened. That night Ke Laoxiong took Juanjuan out to Sanchong Town to eat and worship. I went home earlier than usual, bought ingot candles, made four-color libation dishes, and went to the rooftop behind the kitchen to offer sacrifices to the five treasures.It was so hot that night that people felt dizzy, the sky seemed to have been burned by fire, and a big moon was also red.After burning a few Shen Yuanbao on the roof, I was already sweating, and my cheeks were feverish. I usually don't feel it, but after doing the math, Wubao has been dead for fifteen years.Whenever I think of her, it still seems to be happening right before my eyes. She died on Huasan's cigarette couch, her mouth was covered with opium paste, her eyes were wide open, and I could see that stern look as soon as I closed my eyes.Wubao kept saying to me: I want to turn into a ghost to find him! It was almost midnight when Ke Laoxiong came back with Juanxuan in his arms. Both of them were drunk.Ke Laoxiong's face turned purple, and as soon as he entered the door, he spat and cursed: Gan Yi Niang!Dry mother!He dragged Juanjuan into the room without touching the ground.I sat in the kitchen, as if my heart was burning, and I couldn't calm down no matter what.Ke Laoxiong's yelling was extremely rough, and occasionally there was the sound of beating.Suddenly I remembered the scene before Wubao committed suicide: Wubao fell down in Huasan's room, Huasan grabbed her by the head, turned the rotor like a mill, and slashed down with a steel bong in his hand. The golden light from the beating was flying wildly, and I saw her hands scratching and flailing in the air. She shouted desperately: "Sister--I exerted all my strength and punched the window with two fists, and the window glass closed my hands." Blood came out—a piercing scream, I jumped up, grabbed a kitchen knife from the case, and ran into the room.As soon as he opened the door, he suddenly saw Juanjuan riding naked on Ke Laoxiong, and Ke Laoxiong lying on the floor, also naked.Juanjuan held a black iron iron with both hands, aimed at Ke Laoxiong's head, and thumped down, thump, thump, thump, one after another.Juanjuan's long hair flew up, and her mouth opened wide, screaming like a mad wild cat.Ke Laoxiong's celestial spirit cover was knocked open, and gray brains like bean curd dregs were scattered all over the ground. On the cracked celestial spirit cover, his bristle-like bristle-like hair and his two thick red and black arms were still stuck. , still stretched and trembling in the air, Juanjuan's two blue and white breasts were shaking up and down, splashed with spots of blood.Her thin and white body, riding on Ke Laoxiong's majestic red-black corpse, suddenly seemed to have exploded several times.I felt dizzy for a while, and the kitchen knife in my hand fell to the floor. Juanjuan's case did not go to court because she was completely insane.They escorted her to a lunatic asylum by the sea in Hsinchu.I applied for more than two months before they allowed me to visit her, and Lin Sanlang accompanied me.When Juanjuan was in Mayflower, Lin Sanlang liked her very much and taught her many Taiwanese ditties. He taught her to sing the song he wrote himself.We saw Juanjuan in the Hsinchu Lunatic Asylum.They handcuffed her and said she would bite.Juanjuan's hair was cut short, and the tails of her hair were raised up to her ears, she looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.She was wearing a gray cloth gown with the collar opened low, fully revealing the earthworm-like red scar on her throat.She doesn't know us anymore. I called her several times before she smiled. Her little triangular face became paler and thinner, but strangely, her smile didn't have the bleakness it used to. Meaning, but with a hint of insanity and childishness.We sat for a while without saying anything, I left a basket of apples, and Lin Sanlang also bought two boxes of Jushuixuan biscuits for Juanjuan.Two male nurses put Juanjuan in, and I knew they would never let her out again. Lin Sanlang and I walked out of the lunatic asylum, it was dusk, the sea breeze blew up the sand on the road, and the setting sun was reflected yellow.It took a long way to take the bus, Lin Sanlang walked very slowly, and his eyes were almost completely blind.He was wearing a pair of glasses, leaning on a cane, and I held his arm, and the two walked step by step on the long yellow mud road.There is no one on the road, and there are paddy fields on both sides.The autumn harvest is over.Clumps of withered rice stalks stood upright in the parched fields.After walking for a long time, I suddenly felt a little lonely, and I said to Lin Sanlang: "Sanlang, come and listen to your song." "Yes, Commander-in-Chief." Lin Sanlang cleared his throat, sharpened his fake voice, and imitated those bar girls, humming his song carefully: Who loves Chunchunkou Become a fallen leaf and lovesickness plant——
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