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Chapter 6 Heart Sutra

legend 张爱玲 18384Words 2018-03-19
Xu Xiaohan said: "Lingqing, my father has never met you, but he can recite your phone number." Her classmate Duan Lingqing asked in surprise, "What?" Xiaohan said: "My father has a terrible memory, except for phone numbers. Sometimes I am too lazy to write down my friend's number, so I say: Dad, register for me.He just passed it in his mind and registered it. " Everyone laughed together.Xiao Han sat high on the concrete railing of the roof garden of the White House apartment, five girls clustered around her, one smaller one lay on her lap, and the rest leaned against the railing.It was midsummer night, the clear sky, no stars, no moon, Xiaohan was wearing a peacock blue shirt and white trousers, the peacock blue shirt disappeared into the peacock blue night, only her bloodless and exquisite face could be vaguely seen , there is nothing underneath, just two long white legs.She is not tall, but her legs are quite long, hanging down from the railing, making her look a little longer.She propped her hands behind her back and leaned back.Her face is that of a child in mythology, with round cheeks and a pointed chin.Extremely long black eyes, the corners of which are tilted upwards.Short and straight nose.The thin red lips, drooping slightly, had a strangely unsettling beauty.

She sat on the rail as if she were the only one there.Behind is the empty blue-green sky, so blue that there is no scum at all—something is there, and it is deposited at the bottom, dark, shiny, smoky, and noisy—that is Shanghai.There is nothing else here, only Tian, ​​Shanghai and Xiaohan.No, Tian, ​​Xiaohan and Shanghai, because Xiaohan's position is between Tian and Shanghai.She put her hands behind her back and pressed them on the rough cement. After a long time, she felt pain, so she sat up straight, rubbed the palms of her hands, and said with a smile: "My father has been clamoring all day long that he doesn't like Shanghai and wants to move to the countryside." .”

A classmate asked, "Isn't that very convenient for his career?" Xiaohan said: "The countryside I'm talking about is just the area around the Longhua River Bay. My father has said this since we moved into this apartment, and we have lived here for seven or eight years." Another classmate praised: "This house is really nice." Xiaohan said: "My father spent a little time on our rooms! Just to open another door for the living room, I don't know how many quarrels I had with the landlord!" The students said: "Why do we need to add a door?"

Xiaohan smiled and said: "My father has no other superstitions, but he has done a little research on the fall of Fengshui in Yangzhai." A classmate said: "Older people..." Xiao Han cut her off and said, "My father is not very old, not yet forty." The students said: "You celebrate your twentieth birthday today... Your father and your mother must have married at a very young age, right?" Xiaohan turned around to look at the sky, and nodded slightly.The Xu family lives on the highest floor of the apartment, just under the roof garden.Someone shouted from the balcony below: "Miss, I'm looking for you here! Come down!" Xiaohan agreed, jumped off the railing, and went downstairs.

One of her classmates, seeing that she was far away, asked quietly: "I only heard her father long and father short. Where is her mother? Is she still alive?" Another replied: "Alive." The other asked again, "Is it her own mother?" This one answered, "Her own mother." Another pressed, "Have you seen her mother?" This one said: "That's not true, I come here often, but her mother doesn't seem to like seeing visitors much..." Another said: "I saw it once." Everyone hurriedly asked, "What kind of person is he?"

That one said: "It's not like that, fat one." While chirping, Xiaohan shouted from the balcony below: "Come down and eat ice cream! I made it at home!" Everyone laughed, and grabbed the leftover fruit shells and threw them at her. Xiaohan bent over to hide, and cursed: "You are going to die!" Everyone giggled and filed down the stairs. A servant had already opened the door and waited. with.In the living room, because it is summer, the main colors are cool lemon yellow and pearl gray.There are not many pieces of mahogany Western-style furniture, but there are a few paintings and calligraphy of famous people scattered on the wall.Under the light, we can clearly see Xiaohan's classmates. The one wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with a purple face and lips dyed orange is a Nanyang lady Kuang Caizhu.The one tall and white, wearing a cherry red duck skin cheongsam is Duan Lingqing.The remaining three are three sisters, the daughter of Minister Yu, from Poland, Finland, and Milan.Poland has a big doughy face.It's a pity that they are all crowded together, the cramped place is too cramped, and the empty place is too empty.Finn Milan and their sister have similar features, but their face is smaller, which makes them more beautiful.

As soon as Milan stepped into the guest room, Xiaohan grabbed him and said, "You must have done it! You girl, what's wrong with being impatient? "Milan was confused, Xiaohan grabbed her hand, dragged her to the balcony, pointed to a pile of rotten red bayberry on the ground, and said: "There is no one else except you!It doesn't count if the fruit peel and walnut shell fall off, so I simply throw this thing on my head!Fortunately, it didn't stain my clothes, otherwise, be careful with your skin! " Everyone followed and helped Milan complain.Lingqing said: "There are a few Russian children on the roof garden. I think they saw us throwing fruit peels and joined in the fun and caused trouble." Xiaohan asked someone to sweep the floor.Caizhu laughed and said, "I have been making trouble for a long time, but there is no sign of ice cream."

Xiaohan said: "Punish you, I won't give you food." Just as they were talking, a maid came in with a silver tray in their hands, and everyone took some ice cream, eating and laughing at the same time.The female students gathered in a bunch, "talking too much" and talking about food and drink, movies, dramas and boyfriends.Poland pressed Lingqing with a small silver spoon dyed with rouge, and said with a smile to everyone: "I know a person who has a special feeling for Lingqing." Xiaohan asked, "Is it a new student this year?" Poland shook his head and said, "No."

Caizhu said: "Is it our classmate?" Poland shook his head.Lingqing said: "Poland, stop spreading rumors!" Poland smiled and said, "Don't worry! I made fun of you, won't you make fun of me?" Lingqing laughed and said, "You want me to make fun of you, but I won't!" Xiaohan smiled and said: "Hey, hey, hey, Lingqing, don't act like that, you're spoiling everyone's fun! I'll come, I'll come!" Then she jumped up to Poland, and said with embarrassment to her face: "Yo! Yo! ... Poland and Gong Haili, Poland and Gong Haili..."

Poland pursed his lips and smiled, "Where did you hear that?" Xiaohan said, "Ireland told me." Everyone was stunned: "Who is Ireland?" Xiaohan said: "That's the nickname I gave Gong Haili." Poland quickly spat at her.Everyone laughed and said, "It's quite appropriate!" Caizhu said: "Poland, you don't deny it?" Poland said: "As you make it up, I don't care!" After saying this, he lowered his head and ate her ice cream with a smile. Xiao Han clapped his hands and said, "It's still Poland's generosity!"

Finland Milan, however, wholeheartedly disapproves of their sister's explicit expression, and feels that a girl must never admit that she is in love with the other party until she has secured the other party.At this time, the radio in the room was reporting news in a low voice. Milan accosted him and dialed the button, and switched to a radio station, playing Central European folk music.Finn exclaimed: "That's all right, I like this!" Clapping his hands together, he began to dance.Because she was riding a bicycle, she wore a tea-green pleated silk skirt, each pleat was lined with a garnet red lining, and she couldn't see it when she was standing still, but now, with the music of the rushing wind, she is spinning like a flying person , shaking the skirt into a beautiful big flower.Everyone couldn't help applauding. Amidst the din, Xiao Han pricked up his ears to recognize the sound of the elevator in the apartment "Gong Long Gong Long".The elevator kept driving up to the eighth floor, Xiaohan said: "My dad is back." After a while, as expected, when the door opened, her father Xu Fengyi poked his head in and took a look. Her father was a tall man with a pale face. Xiao Han pouted and said, "Wait for you to eat, you won't come!" Feng Yi smiled and nodded to everyone, "I'm sorry, I'm going to change clothes." Xiaohan said: "Look at you, even your coat is soaked in sweat! I don't know how busy you are!" Fengyi unbuttoned his coat and walked into the inner room.When everyone saw Xu Fengyi, they noticed two photos in a pair of dark gold flower photo frames above the piano, one was Xiaohan's and the other was her father's.Below the photo of her father, there is another small colored photo attached, which is a pink, glossy and fashionable woman fifteen years ago, with her hair shaved like a man, wearing a white silk scarf, and a short bouquet of apple green rhinestones. Flag shirt, holding a jade-colored soft satin money bag with a branch of violet embroidered on it. Caizhu asked, "Is this a photo of my aunt from before?" Xiaohan put his hands around his mouth and said quietly: "I tell you, you are not allowed to mention this to my father!" Then he opened a picture to all sides, and then whispered, "This is my father." Everyone laughed together, and after a closer look, it turned out that her father was wearing a disguise. Finn said: "We are so loud, aunt likes to be quiet, don't you think it's noisy?" Xiaohan said: "It doesn't matter. My mother also likes to be lively. She didn't come to entertain you. Firstly, you are not guests. Secondly, she feels that there is always some restraint in the presence of elders. Let us have a good time today!" Saying that, her father came in again.Xiao Han ran to his side and said, "I'm here to introduce you. This is Miss Duan, this is Miss Kuang, and these are the three Miss Yu." Then he took Feng Yi's arm and said, "This is my father. I want you Recognize him clearly, lest..." She giggled and continued: "In case you see him with me next time, there will be another misunderstanding." Milan didn't understand: "What misunderstanding?" Xiaohan said: "Last time, a classmate came to me and asked me, is that tall man who went to see a Cathay movie with you, is your boyfriend? I laughed for a few days - it's funny when I mention it! This is really... where did I think of it!" Everyone laughed with her for a while, including Feng Yi.Xiaohan said again: "Thank God, I don't have such a boyfriend! It's rare for me to celebrate my twentieth birthday. He is so polite! Wait until everyone has eaten and played enough, he It’s just too late, it’s not friendly enough to answer in vain.” Feng Yi said: "You invite your friends to dinner, what's the point of asking an old man like me to get involved? Instead, you panic!" Xiaohan rolled his eyes at him and said: "Come on! Stop putting on airs of elders in front of me!" Feng Yi smiled and stretched out her hand to everyone: "Please sit down! Please sit down! The ice cream is almost done, please use it up!" Xiaohan said, "Father, what do you want?" Feng Yi sat down and sighed with a smile: "At my age, you don't like ice cream so much." Xiaohan said: "What's wrong with you today? You keep saying that you are relying on the old and selling the old!" Feng Yi smiled at everyone and said: "Look, she passed the age of 20 happily, which is driving our previous generation to the age of 40 or 50! Why don't I feel chilled?" And said: " When I came back just now, I seemed to hear the sound of clapping inside. Is someone performing something here?" Lingqing said, "It's Finland dancing." Caizhu said: "Finland, one more dance! One more dance!" Finn said: "My little ability is really shameful, but Lingqing sings a song for us! The tune you sang on your birthday last month is good!" Feng Yi said: "Miss Duan also had her birthday not long ago?" Lingqing smiled and nodded.Miranda replied: "It's also her twentieth birthday." Finland turned off the radio, then went to lift the piano cover and said, "Come on, come on, Lingqing, play and sing by yourself." Lingqing just declined. Xiaohan said: "I'll accompany you, okay? The two of us will sing together." Lingqing smiled and went to sit in front of the piano and said, "I have a bad voice, you can sing, I'll play the piano." Xiaohan said: "No, no, no, you have to stay with me. I'm afraid there are strangers here!" As she spoke, she glanced at her father, smiled, and followed Lingqing to the piano , with one hand resting on the piano and the other on Lingqing's shoulder.When Lingqing played and sang, Xiaohan felt that the lights were too dark, so she kept bending down to identify the words and sentences printed on the piano score, rubbing her hair with Lingqing's.The sofa chair Fengyi was sitting on happened to be on the left side of the piano, facing the two of them.After singing, everyone clapped their hands, and Xiaohan followed suit. Feng Yi said: "Huh? Why are you clapping your hands too?" Xiaohan said: "I didn't sing, I just opened my mouth vainly to strengthen Lingqing's courage... Dad, how is Lingqing's voice?" Feng Yi answered irrelevantly, and said, "You two look a bit alike." Lingqing smiled and said, "Really?" The two walked to a large floor-to-ceiling mirror and took a photo.Lingqing looked more dignified, and Xiaohan seemed to be her reflection standing by the water, a little shorter than her everywhere, flowing and flickering. Everyone said: "There is indeed a bit of similarity!" Xiaohan reached out to play with the cherry red moon hook earrings Lingqing was wearing, and said with a smile: "If I were half as beautiful as Lingqing, I would have gone crazy with joy!" Poland smiled and said, "Forget it! You are already crazy enough!" The old lady came in and said to Fengyi: "Master, call!" Feng Yi walked out.Poland looked at his watch and said, "We should go." Xiao Han asked, "What are you busy with?" Finland said: "We live far away, in the place where the cross-border road is built, a little later, it's too calm, let's go early." Caizhu said: "My family is also building roads across the border. Did you come here by bicycle?" Poland said: "Yes. Do you want us to take you back? You can sit behind me." Caizhu said: "That's great." The four of them stood up and said goodbye together, and told Xiaohan: "Say it in front of uncle." Xiaohan said to Lingqing: "Just sit down for a while, your house is nearby anyway." Lingqing was standing in front of the mirror and combing her hair, Xiaohan went to touch her earrings again and said: "Take it off and let me try wearing it." Lingqing took it off, put it on for her, looked at it for a while, and said: "That's right—it just makes you look a few years older." Xiaohan quickly took it off his ear and said: "You are so old-fashioned! I don't deserve to wear this in my life." Lingqing smiled and said, "Are you planning to be a child forever?" Xiaohan raised his chin and said, "I'll just stay at home and be a child for the rest of my life, so what? It doesn't mean that there is no one in my family who can't tolerate me!" Lingqing laughed and said, "Is it because you drank those cups of longevity bars just now? Why is it that you seem to be arguing with someone every now and then!" Xiaohan bowed his head and did not answer.Ling Qing said: "I have a word of advice for you: Regarding Poland... you should stop teasing her! You clearly know that Gong Haili is not interested in her." Xiaohan said: "Oh? Really? He doesn't like her, who does he like?" Lingqing paused and said, "He likes you." Xiaohan smiled and said, "What are you talking about?" Ling Qing said: "Stop pretending. You already knew!" Xiaohan said: "God knows, I really don't have a shadow at all." Ling Qing said: "It doesn't matter if you know or not, anyway, you don't like him." Xiaohan smiled and said, "How do you know that I don't like him?" Lingqing said: "People want you, but you don't want others, and this is not the first time that there has been a mess." Xiaohan said: "Why do you care so much about this time alone? You also like him a little bit?" Lingqing shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I'm leaving." Xiao Han said: "It's not even eleven o'clock yet! Is Auntie controlling you so strictly?" Lingqing sighed: "It's good to be strict! Her old man is so bad that she can't be seen. She only smokes two tubes of cigarettes all day long. She doesn't understand anything about the world. Her ears are soft. After listening to my sister-in-law's instigation, Find trouble and get angry with people for no reason!" Xiao Han said: "This is the case with older people. Just ignore her and it will be over!" Lingqing said: "I think she is also pitiful. After my father died, she worked hard to bring up my brother and married a wife, but my brother died again. She only has my own flesh and blood. I can't do anything wrong. Follow her a little." Saying that, the two walked into the hall together, Lingqing took her white silk coat from the hanger, and Xiaohan accompanied her to press the elevator bell, but after pressing for a long time, no one came up.Xiaohan smiled and said, "Oops! The elevator driver must have fallen asleep! I'll take you down the stairs." Unfortunately, the light on the stairs was broken again.The two had no choice but to feel in the dark, rubbing against each other, cuddling and walking step by step.Fortunately, every door is inlaid with a rectangular piece of glass. Some of the glass is pasted with oil-green gilded paper, and some are covered with pink and pink pleated gauze. . Xiaohan smiled and said, "Do you think there are any characteristics of this staircase?" Ling Qing thought for a while and said, "It's very long..." Xiaohan said: "Maybe that's also a reason. I don't know why, no matter who goes up or down alone, he always likes to talk to himself. Several times, I accidentally heard that the grandmother and the cook who came back from shopping were talking to each other. Talking in sleep there. I call this staircase 'the staircase of the monologue'." Lingqing smiled and said, "When two people walk together, does this staircase also have a mysterious influence on them?" Xiaohan said: "I think they are a little more honest than usual." Lingqing said: "I'll be honest. About Gong Haili..." Xiaohan smiled and said, "You can never forget him!" Lingqing said: "You don't love him, but you want him to love you, don't you?" Xiaohan laughed aloud: "I can't marry him myself, and I dominate him—there is no such selfish person in the world!" Ling Qing was silent. Xiaohan said: "You are completely wrong. You don't understand me, I can prove that I am not such a selfish person." Ling Qing remained silent.Xiaohan said: "I can make him like you, and I can make you like him too." Lingqing said: "It's not difficult to make me like him." Xiaohan said: "Oh? Do you think he is so attractive?" Ling Qing said: "I'm not just pointing at him. Anyone...Of course, the word 'person' refers to unmarried people within a certain class and age range...In this range, I am 'everyone can be a husband' 'of!" Xiaohan stared at her with wide eyes, but couldn't see her face in the dark. Ling Qing said: "Girls are eager to get married, mostly because their family environment is not good, and they are willing to go far away. I... If you have been to my house, you will know. I was pushed..." Xiaohan said: "Really? Your mother, your sister-in-law—" Lingqing said: "They are all good people, but they are widows. They have no one, no money, and no education. As for me, at least I have a future. They hate me, although they don't know it." Xiaohan said again: "Really? Is there really such a thing?" Lingqing smiled and said: "Everyone is like you, you have such a happy family!" Xiaohan said: "I also admit that families like mine are indeed rare." They finished the last floor.Ling Qing said: "You still have to climb upstairs alone?" Xiaohan said: "No, I'll wake up the elevator driver." Lingqing smiled and said, "That's okay. Otherwise, you should be more careful, don't talk to yourself on the stairs, and let your thoughts out." Xiao Han smiled and said, "What's on my mind?" The two parted, and Xiaohan took the elevator up and returned to the guest room. Her father had already changed into a bathrobe and slippers, and was sitting on the sofa reading the evening paper.Xiaohan also sat down on the sofa, and slipped down, with his vest on the cushion, his legs stretched out, and his hands stuffed in his trouser pockets. Feng Yi said: "Have you had wine today?" Xiao Han nodded. Feng Yi said with a smile: "The girls are having a dinner party, and they are actually drunk, what's the point?" Xiaohan said: "Otherwise, I wouldn't drink too much—I'll be bored when you don't come." Feng Yi said: "I told you earlier, I have something to do today." Xiaohan said: "I told you earlier, you have to come, people only celebrate their twentieth birthday once in a lifetime!" Feng Yi held her hand, looked at her with a smile and said: "Twenty years old." After a moment of silence, he said again: "Twenty years... When you were born, the fortune teller said it was ○ mother , originally planned to adopt you to the third aunt, your mother was reluctant." Xiaohan said: "The third aunt has always lived in the north..." Feng Yi nodded and smiled, "I really adopted you, we won't have a chance to meet." Xiao Han said: "I'm celebrating my twentieth birthday, so you must come to see me once." Feng Yi nodded again, both of them were silent.After a while, Xiaohan said in a soft voice: "When we met, I looked like someone with a different surname..." If at that time, she really broke her mother... No, if it is adopted, it will not be ○ as usual.However...how about "however"?After all, he is still her father, and she is still his daughter, even if he has no wife, even if she has another surname, the two of them subconsciously moved to the two ends of the sofa at the same time, sitting a little farther away.Both were a little ashamed. Feng Yi folded the newspaper, put it on her knees, leaned back, stretched slowly, and said for no reason: "I'm getting old." Xiao Han sat a little closer and said, "No, you are tired." Feng Yi smiled and said, "I'm really old. Look, I have white hair." Xiaohan said: "Where is it?" Fengyi lowered his head, Xiaohan searched for half a day, found one, and said with a smile, "I'll pull it out for you." Feng Yi said: "Don't pull out all the hair for me!" Xiaohan said: "How can there be so many? Besides, your hair is so thick, just pulling out ten or eight is a drop in the bucket!" Feng Yi smiled and said, "Wow! You scolded me!" Xiao Han also laughed, sniffed his hair, frowned and said, "It smells like cigar smoke! Who smoked it?" Feng Yi said: "People in the bank." Xiaohan gently slid up and down his nose with one index finger, and said, "Don't smoke it, otherwise, you will be a standard modern old man!" Feng Yi took her arm, dragged her to this side, and said with a smile: "I said, you don't have to act childish to me all the time, it's so tiring!" Xiao Han said, "You think I'm pretentious?" Feng Yi said: "I know why you are willing to never grow up." Xiaohan suddenly shed two lines of tears and buried her face on his shoulder. Feng Yi whispered: "You are afraid that when you grow up, we will become strangers, aren't you?" Xiaohan didn't answer, just stretched out an arm to wrap around his neck.Feng Yi said: "Don't cry. Don't cry." At this time, the night was quiet, only Xu's family was in the apartment, and there was the sound of splashing water and washing dishes in the kitchen, which was the aftermath of Xiaohan's birthday celebration.There was a sound of footsteps in the hallway, Feng Yi said: "Your mother is here." The two of them still maintained the posture just now, motionless.Mrs. Xu opened the door and came in, looked at them with a smile, went to straighten the chair cushions, wiped off the water stains from the tea bowl on the piano, and folded all the cigarette ashes on a plate. Mrs. Xu was wearing a peach gray fine checked silk shirt. , a very handsome face, but because of being fat, it is a little out of shape.There are two deep wrinkles between the eyebrows.She asked, "Who is smoking?" Xiaohan didn't turn his face back, just coughed, and restored his throat to its original state, before he replied: "Kuang Caizhu and that tall Miss Yu." Feng Yi said: "I don't agree with girls smoking at this age. Why don't you eat it?" Xiaohan said: "No." Mrs. Xu said with a smile: "Xiaohan said that he is not too young, how can parents control so much? A twenty-year-old—" Xiaohan said: "Mom is here again! According to the strict foreign calculation method, I will not be twenty years old until today next year!" Feng Yi laughed and said, "It's her taboo again!" Mrs. Xu smiled and said: "Okay, okay, you are nineteen years old! You can be nine years old! A nine-year-old child should go to bed long ago. Hurry up and go to bed!" Xiao Han said: "Here we come." Mrs. Xu said to Fengyi again: "Your bath water is prepared for you." Feng Yi said: "Here we come." Mrs. Xu sent the vase out to change the water, and took out the ashtray as well. Xiaohan raised his head, looked up at Fengyi, and then put his face on him again. Feng Yi pushed her and said, "Go to sleep!" Xiaohan just doesn't want to.After a long time, Feng Yi smiled and said: "Already asleep?" He forced her head up, seeing that her tears were still wet, her eyelids could not be lifted, and the tears were still rolling down.Feng Yi wiped her with her hand, and said: "Go to sleep!" Xiaohan stood up with her face in her hands, walked around behind the sofa, and when she was about to leave, she bent down again, and clasped Fengyi's throat with both hands, resting her chin on his head.Fengyi stretched out both hands, overlapping and holding hers.After another half hour, Xiaohan just left. The next day, several classmates who celebrated Xiaohan's birthday came to pick Xiaohan up to visit the graduation ceremony together.Gong Haili is the best among the graduates this year, and he won the best medical achievement award. He has been particularly popular in extracurricular activities, so he is very popular among female students.Xiaohan knew that he was in love with her, and he only blamed her for being too destructive towards her suitors. He is a face-saving person, and he was afraid of making it boring, so he didn't express it for a long time.This afternoon, during the tea party to send off the graduates, Xiao Han deliberately walked up to Gong Haili, stretched out a hand, shook him, and said with a smile, "Congratulations!" Hai Li said, "Thank you." Xiao Han said: "You are Double Happiness today! I heard that you are engaged to Poland...isn't it?" Hai Li said, "What? Who said that?" Xiaohan turned around and walked away, as if holding back two tears to prevent him from seeing him.Hai Li was stunned for a moment, then after thinking about it, she rushed up. She had already got into the crowd and disappeared as soon as she got lost. She planted this root and waited for things to develop further.Sure enough, everything was not as she expected. The next day, her father came back from work and was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper again. She sat aside and said intentionally or unintentionally, "You know that Gong Haili?" Her father flicked his forehead and said: "I know, his father is someone Gong—I can't remember the name for a while." Xiaohan smiled and said: "Everyone thought he was going to be engaged to Minister Yu's eldest daughter. I shouldn't have joked with him yesterday. I congratulated him, but he went crazy and asked me to argue, and I happened to walk away. In front of many people, he grabbed Poland's sister and asked who made the rumor. Fortunately, Poland has a good temper, otherwise he would have turned against him! Milan was childish, and said beside him: "My sister is not in a hurry, but I want you to jump three feet high!' He said, "It doesn't matter anything else, you can't hear Xiaohan's words!" Everyone thought his words were strange, so they forced him to ask him. He couldn't hide it, so he vomited Come out. Now everyone knows about the yelling. I never thought that he loved me behind his back!" Feng Yi laughed and said, "Then he's out of luck!" Xiaohan cast a sideways glance at him and said, "How do you know that he must be hopeless?" Feng Yi smiled and said: "If you liked him, you wouldn't have told me all these things." Xiaohan lowered his head and smiled, pinched a lock of curly hair hanging in front of his face, braided a small braid, and then took it apart, and then took it apart and braided it again. Feng Yi said: "Come one, lose one, that seems to be your consistent policy." Xiaohan said: "You just made me so cruel. This time, I feel sorry for that person." Feng Yi smiled and said, "That's a bit dangerous. Poor is almost cute!" Xiaohan said: "A man's pity for a woman may be close to love. A woman will never fall in love with a man she thinks is pitiful. A woman's love for a man must always be a little worshipful." At this time, Fengyi couldn't continue to read his newspaper, so she put down the newspaper and smiled at her with a half frown, half joy and half embarrassment. After a while, he asked her again: "You pity that Gong, what are you going to do?" Xiao Han said: "I will act as a matchmaker for him and introduce Lingqing to him." Feng Yi said: "Oh! Why did you only pick Zhong Lingqing?" Xiaohan said: "As you said, she looks like me." Feng Yi smiled and said: "You have a really good memory!... But don't you feel that you have wronged Ling Qing? You broke someone's heart, and you asked her to pick up the broken pieces and put them together patiently, like children playing a jigsaw puzzle—maybe they can't put it together after ten or eight years. " Xiaohan said: "Lingqing is not a fool. Gong Haili has a family property and a lot of achievements, and found a good job right after graduation. Although he is not beautiful, he is very good at it. I am afraid that there will be many people who will envy Lingqing in the future! " Feng Yi was silent.After half a day, Fang smiled and said: "I still say: Poor Lingqing!" Xiaohan stared at him and said, "But you said it yourself: being pitiful is close to being cute!" Fengyi smiled, picked up his newspaper again, read it, and said leisurely: "Then Gong Haili must be a good person, even you praise him like a flower!" Xiaohan glared at him, He just pretended not to see it, and continued: "Tell me these words, I know you have your intentions." Xiaohan whispered: "I just want you to know my heart." Feng Yi said: "I already knew." Xiaohan said: "But you will forget, if I don't remind you often. That's how men are!" Feng Yi said: "Isn't my memory so bad?" Xiaohan said: "That's not what I said." She took his sleeve, tried to put her hand into the cuff, and said quietly: "I have never planned to leave you for the rest of my life. One day when I am old, people will say: Why didn't she marry? She never had a chance of marrying! Nobody ever loved her! Everyone thinks so—perhaps even you. I can't wait until this day, so I want you to remember all this." Feng Yi turned around solemnly, looked at her face to face, and said, "Xiaohan, do I often make you worry? Do I make you suffer?" Xiaohan said: "No, I am very happy." Feng Yi let out a breath and said, "Then, at least one of the three of us is happy!" Xiaohan said angrily, "Are you not happy?" Feng Yi said: "As long as I have a little heart, how can I be happy? I see you delaying yourself in vain. What good will it do me if you sacrifice yourself?" Xiaohan just stared at him with wide eyes.He seemed to have a second thought, and said again: "Of course, you gave me spiritual comfort!" He laughed a few times. Xiaohan said sharply: "Don't laugh like that! I heard it, and the flesh all over my body tightened!" She stood up, walked to the balcony, and leaned her back against the glass door. Feng Yi suddenly softened, and he followed to the door, but one of them was inside the room and the other was outside.He pressed one hand on the glass door and stood with his head bowed. He hardly looked like a powerful and confident person who had been in society for many years.He murmured, "Xiaohan, we can't go on like this. I...we have to find a way. I plan to send you to live with your third aunt for a while..." Xiaohan turned his back to him, gritted his teeth and smiled: "You didn't adopt me to the third aunt, but now it's too late... What about you? What plans do you have for a new life?" Feng Yi said: "Maybe we went to Mount Mogan for the summer." Xiao Han said: "'We'? You and Mom?" Feng Yi was silent. Xiaohan said: "If you love her, you love her the same when I am here. If you don't love her, you still don't love her even if you send me to Siberia." Through the glass, Fengyi's hand rested on Xiaohan's arm—an ivory-yellow round arm, and the gown was a fantastic floral dress with a red background like vermilion lacquer, with blue-headed and white-faced children printed on it, countless child wriggling between his fingers.Xiaohan—that lovely big boy with a rich, ivory-yellow body...Feng Yi yanked his hand back violently, as if scalded by a fire, his face changed, and he turned around, not looking she. It was getting dark gradually, there was still some light on the balcony, but it was completely dark in the room. They talk back to back.Xiaohan said: "She is old, but you are still young—can this also be blamed on me?" Feng Yi said in a low voice: "Without you comparing her here and making her appear inferior to you everywhere, she wouldn't be aging so fast." Xiao Han turned around, looked at him and said with a smile: "Scared! Your words are too unreasonable. She was haggard, and I made her haggard, and she was haggard still more.This is a bit illogical.I'm too lazy to argue with you.Anyway, you are angry with me today, blame me, blame me! " Feng Yi sat reclined on the back of the sofa, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and replied in a calm and tired voice: "I don't blame you. I don't blame anyone, but I blame myself for being too confused." Xiaohan said: "Listen to your tone, it seems that you only blame yourself for being fooled by me! It's as if I intentionally made things difficult for my mother and alienated your love! " Feng Yi said: "I didn't say that. I don't know how it started. It's been seven or eight years——when you were only a little tall...Unknowingly..." Ah, seven or eight years ago...that was the most memorable time, the golden age of father-daughter love, without suspicion, temptation, or suspicion...Xiao Han crossed her hands on her chest and walked slowly to the edge of the balcony.A short bamboo fence is woven along the iron railing, and green vines are planted in the wooden troughs, climbing on the fence, and blooming small pale flowers. Summer evenings are full of memories. Feng Yi followed and said quietly: "Xiao Han, I have made a decision. If you don't go away, I will go away. I will take your mother away." 小寒道:“要走我跟你们一同走。” He doesn't answer. 她把手插到阴凉的绿叶子里去,捧着一球细碎的花,用明快的,唱歌似的嗓子,笑道:“你早该明白了,爸爸——” 她嘴里的这一声“爸爸”满含着轻亵与侮辱,“我不放弃你,你是不会放弃我的!” 篱上的藤努力往上爬,满心只想越过篱笆去,那边还有一个新的宽敞的世界。谁想到这不是寻常的院落,这是八层楼上的阳台。过了篱笆,什么也没有,空荡荡的,空得令人眩晕。她爸爸就是这条藤,他躲开了她又怎样?他对于她母亲的感情,早完了,一点也不剩。至于别的女人……她爸爸不是那样的人! 她回过头去看看,峰仪回到屋子里去了,屋子里黑洞洞的。 Poor man!为了龚海立,他今天真有点不乐意呢!他后来那些不愉快的话,无疑地,都是龚海立给招出来的!小寒决定采取高压手腕给龚海立与段绫卿做媒,免得她爸爸疑心她。 事情进行得非常顺利。龚海立发觉他那天误会了她的意思,正在深自忏悔,只恨他自己神经过敏,太冒失了。对于小寒,他不但没有反感,反而爱中生敬,小寒说一是一,说二是二。她告诉他,他可以从绫卿那里得到安慰,他果然就觉得绫卿和她有七八分相象,绫卿那一方面自然是不成问题的,连她那脾气疙瘩的母亲与嫂子都对于这一头亲事感到几分热心。海立在上海就职未久,他父亲又给他在汉口一个著名的医院里谋到了副主任的位置,一两个月内就要离开上海。 他父母不放心他单身出门,逼着他结了婚再动身。海立与绫卿二人,一个要娶,一个要嫁,在极短的时间里,已经到了相当的程度了。小寒这是生平第一次为人拉拢,想不到第一炮就这么的响,自然是很得意。 这一天傍晚,波兰打电话来。小寒明知波兰为了龚海立的事,对她存了很深的介蒂。波兰那一方面,自然是有点误会,觉得小寒玩弄了龚海立,又丢了他,破坏了波兰与他的友谊不算,另外又介绍了一个绫卿给他,也难怪波兰生气。波兰与小寒好久没来往过了,两人在电话上却是格外地亲热。寒暄之下,波兰问道:“你近来看见过绫卿没有?” 小寒笑道:“她成天忙着应酬她的那一位,哪儿腾得出时间来敷衍我们呀?” 波兰笑道:“我前天买东西碰见了她,也是在国泰看电影。” 小寒笑道:“怎么叫'也'是?” 波兰笑道:“可真巧,你记得,你告诉过我们,你同你父亲去看电影,也是在国泰,人家以为他是你的男朋友——” 小寒道:“绫卿——她没有父亲——” 波兰笑道:“陪着她的,不是她的父亲,是你的父亲。”波兰听那边半晌没有声音,便叫道:“喂!喂!” 小寒那边也叫道:“喂!喂!怎么电话绕了线?你刚才说什么来着?” 波兰笑道:“没说什么。你饭吃过了么?” 小寒道:“菜刚刚放在桌上。” 波兰道:“那我不耽搁你了,再会罢!有空打电话给我,别忘了!” 小寒道:“一定!一定!你来玩啊!再见!”她刚把电话挂上,又朗朗响了起来。小寒摘下耳机来一听,原来是她爸爸。他匆匆地道:“小寒么?叫你母亲来听电话。” 小寒待要和他说话,又咽了下去,向旁边的老妈子道: “太太的电话。”自己放下耳机,捧了一本书,坐在一旁。 许太太挟着一卷挑花枕套进来了,一面走,一面低着头把针插在大襟上。她拿起了听筒道:“喂!……噢……唔,唔……晓得了。”便挂断了。 小寒抬起头来道:“他不回来吃饭?” 许太太道:“不回来。” 小寒笑道:“这一个礼拜里,倒有五天不在家里吃饭。” 许太太笑道:“你倒记得这么清楚!” 小寒笑道:“爸爸渐渐地学坏了!妈,你也不管管他!” 许太太微笑道:“在外面做事的人,谁没有一点应酬!”她从身上摘掉一点线头儿,向老妈子道:“开饭罢!就是我跟小姐两个人。中上的那荷叶粉蒸肉,用不着给老爷留着了,你们吃了它罢!我们两个人都嫌腻。” 小寒当场没再说下去,以后一有了机会,她总是劝她母亲注意她父亲的行踪。许太太只是一味地不闻不问。有一天,小寒实在忍不住了,向许太太道:“妈,你不趁早放出两句话来,等他的心完全野了,你要干涉,就太迟了!你看他这两天,家里简直没看见他的人。难得在家的时候,连脾气都变了。你看他今儿早上,对您都是粗声大气的……” 许太太叹息道:“那算得了什么?比这个难忍的,我也忍了这些年了。” 小寒道:“这些年?爸爸从来没有这么荒唐过。” 许太太道:“他并没有荒唐过,可是……一家有一家的难处。我要是像你们新派人脾气,跟他来一个钉头碰铁头,只怕你早就没有这个家了!” 小寒道:“他如果外头有了女人,我们还保得住这个家么? 保全了家,也不能保全家庭的快乐!我看这情形,他外头一定有了人。 " 许太太道:“女孩子家,少管这些事罢!你又懂得些什么?” 小寒赌气到自己屋里去了,偏偏仆人又来报说有一位龚先生来看她,小寒心里扑通扑通跳着,对着镜子草草用手拢了一拢头发,就出来了。 那龚海立是茁壮身材,低低的额角,黄黄的脸,鼻直口方,虽然年纪很轻,却带着过度的严肃气氛,背着手在客室里来回地走。见了小寒,便道:“许小姐,我是给您辞行来的。” 小寒道:“你——这么快就要走了?你一个人走?” 海立道:“是的。” 小寒道:“绫卿……” 海立向她看了一眼,又向阳台上看了一眼。小寒见她母亲在凉棚底下捉花草上的小虫,便掉转口气来,淡淡地谈了几句。海立起身告辞。小寒道:“我跟你一块儿下去。我要去买点花。” 在电梯上,海立始终没开过口。到了街上,他推着脚踏车慢慢地走,车夹在他们两人之间。小寒心慌意乱的,路也不会走了,不住地把脚绊到车上。强烈的初秋的太阳晒在青浩浩的长街上。已经是下午五点钟了。一座座白色的,糙黄的住宅,在蒸笼里蒸了一天,像馒头似地涨大了一些。什么都涨大了——车辆,行人,邮筒,自来水筒……街上显得异常的拥挤。小寒躲开了肥胖的绿色邮筒,躲开了红衣的胖大的俄国妇人,躲开了一辆硕大无朋的小孩子的卧车,头一阵阵的晕。 海立自言自语似地说:“你原来不知道。” 小寒舔了一舔嘴唇道:“不知道。……你跟绫卿闹翻了么?” 海立道:“闹翻倒没有闹翻。昨天我们还见面来着。她很坦白地告诉我,她爱你父亲。他们现在忙着找房子。” 小寒把两只手沉重地按在脚踏车的扶手上,车停了,他们俩就站定了。小寒道:“她发了疯了!这……这不行的!你得拦阻她。” 海立道:“我没有这个权利,因为我所给她的爱,是不完全的。她也知道。” 他这话音里的暗示,似乎是白费了。小寒简直没听见,只顾说她的:“你得拦阻她!她疯了。可怜的绫卿,她还小呢,她才跟我同年!她不懂这多么危险。她跟了我父亲,在法律上一点地位也没有,一点保障也没有……谁都看不起她!” 海立道:“我不是没劝过她,社会上像她这样的女人太多了,为了眼前的金钱的诱惑——” 小寒突然叫道:“那倒不见得!我爸爸喜欢谁,就可以得到谁,倒用不着金钱的诱惑!” 海立想不到这句话又得罪了她,招得她如此激烈地袒护她爸爸。他被她堵得紫涨了脸道:“我……我并不是指着你父亲说的。他们也许是纯粹的爱情的结合。唯其因为这一点,我更没有权利干涉他们了,只有你母亲可以站出来说话。” 小寒道:“我母亲不行,她太软弱了。海立,你行,你有这个权利。绫卿不过是一时的糊涂,她实在是爱你的。” 海立道:“但是那只是顶浮泛的爱。她自己告诉过我,这一点爱,别的不够,结婚也许够了。许多号称恋爱结婚的男女,也不过是如此罢了。” 小寒迅速地,滔滔不绝地说道:“你信她的!我告诉你,绫卿骨子里是老实人,可是她有时候故意发惊人的论调,她以为那是时髦呢。我认识她多年了。我知道她。她爱你的!她爱你的!” 海立道:“可是……我对她……也不过如此。小寒,对于你,我一直是……” 小寒垂下头去,看着脚踏车上的铃,海立不知不觉伸过手去掩住了铃上的太阳光,小寒便抬起眼来,望到他眼睛里去。 海立道:“我怕你,我一直没敢对你说,因为你是我所见到的最天真的女孩子,最纯洁的。” 小寒微笑道:“是吗?” 海立道:“还有一层,你的家庭太幸福,太合乎理想了。 我纵使把我的生命里最好的一切献给你,恐怕也不能够使你满意。现在,你爸爸这么一来……我知道我太自私了,可是我不由得替我自己高兴,也许你愿意离开你的家……” 小寒伸出一只手去抓住他的手。她的手心里满是汗,头发里也是汗,连嗓子里都仿佛是汗,水汪汪地堵住了。眼睛里一阵烫,满脸都湿了。她说:“你太好了!你待我太好了!” 海立道:“光是好,有什么用?你还是不喜欢我!” 小寒道:“不,不,我……我真的……” 海立还有点疑疑惑惑地道:“你真的……” 小寒点点头。 海立道:“那么……” 小寒又点点头。她抬起手来擦眼泪,道:“你暂时离开了我罢。我……我不知道为什么,你如果在我跟前,我忍不住要哭……街上……不行……” 海立忙道:“我送你回去。” 小寒哆嗦道:“不……不……你快走!我这就要……管不住我自己了!” 海立连忙跨上自行车走了。小寒竭力捺住了自己,回到公寓里来,恰巧误了电梯,眼看着它冉冉上升。小寒重重地揿铃,电梯又下来了。门一开,她倒退了一步,里面的乘客原来是她父亲!她木木地走进电梯,在黯黄的灯光下,她看不见他脸上任何表情。这些天了,他老是躲着她,不给她一个机会与他单独谈话。她不能错过了这一刹那。二楼……三楼……四楼。她低低地向他道:“爸爸,我跟龚海立订婚了。” 他的回答也是顶低顶低的,仅仅是嘴唇的翕动,他们从前常常在人丛中用这方式进行他们的秘密谈话。他道:“你不爱他。你再仔细想想。” 小寒道:“我爱他。我一直瞒着人爱着他。” 峰仪道:“你再考虑一下。” 八楼。开电梯的哗喇喇拉开了铁栅栏,峰仪很快地走了出去,掏出钥匙来开门。小寒赶上去,急促地道:“我早考虑过了。我需要一点健康的,正常的爱。” 峰仪淡淡地道:“我是极其赞成健康的,正常的爱。”一面说,一面走了进去,穿过客堂,往他的书房里去了。 小寒站在门口,愣了一会,也走进客室里来。阳台上还晒着半边太阳,她母亲还蹲在凉棚底下修剪盆景。小寒三脚二步奔到阳台上,唿朗一声,把那绿瓷花盆踢到水沟里去。许太太吃了一惊,扎煞着两手望着她,还没说出话来,小寒顺着这一踢的势子,倒在竹篱笆上,待要哭,却哭不出来,脸挣得通红,只是干咽气。 许太太站起身来,大怒道:“你这是算什么?” 小寒回过一口气来,咬牙道:“你好!你纵容得他们好! 爸爸跟段绫卿同居了,你知道不知道? " 许太太道:“我知道不知道,关你什么事?我不管,轮得着你来管?” 小寒把两臂反剪在背后,颤声道:“你别得意!别以为你帮着他们来欺负我,你就报了仇——” 许太太听了这话,脸也变了,刷地打了她一个嘴巴子,骂道:“你胡说些什么?你犯了失心疯了?你这是对你母亲说话么?” 小寒挨了打,心地却清楚了一些,只是嘴唇还是雪白的,上牙忒楞楞打着下牙。她是有生以来第一次看见她母亲这样发脾气,因此一时也想不到抗拒。两手捧住腮颊,闭了一会眼睛,再一看,母亲不在阳台上,也不在客室里。她走进屋里去,想到书房里去见她父亲,又没有勇气。她知道他还在里面,因为有人在隔壁赶赶咐咐翻抽斗,清理文件。 她正在犹疑,她父亲提了一只皮包从书房里走了出来。小寒很快地抢先跑到门前,把背抵在门上。峰仪便站住了脚。 小寒望着他。都是为了他,她受了这许多委屈!她不由得滚下泪来。在他们之间,隔着地板,隔着柠檬黄与珠灰方格子的地席,隔着睡熟的狸花猫,痰盂,小撮的烟灰,零乱的早上的报纸……她的粉碎了的家!……短短的距离,然而满地似乎都是玻璃屑,尖利的玻璃片,她不能够奔过去。她不能够近他的身。 她说:“你以为绫卿真的爱上了你?她告诉过我的,她是'人尽可夫'!” 峰仪笑了,像是感到了兴趣,把皮包放在沙发上道:“哦? Yeah?她有过这话? " 小寒道:“她说她急于结婚,因为她不能够忍受家庭里的痛苦。她嫁人的目的不过是换个环境,碰到谁就是谁!” 峰仪笑道:“但是她现在碰到了我!” 小寒道:“她先遇见了龚海立,后遇见了你。你比他有钱,有地位——” 峰仪道:“但是我有妻子!她不爱我到很深的程度,她肯不顾一切地跟我么?她敢冒这个险么?” 小寒道:“啊,原来你自己也知道你多么对不起绫卿!你不打算娶她。你爱她,你不能害了她!” 峰仪笑道:“你放心。现在的社会上的一般人不像从前那么严格了。绫卿不会怎样吃苦的。你刚刚说过:我有钱,我有地位。你如果为绫卿担忧的话,大可以不必了!” 小寒道:“我才不为她担忧呢!她是多么有手段的人!我认识她多年了,我知道她,你别以为她是个天真的女孩子!” 峰仪微笑道:“也许她不是一个天真的女孩子。天下的天真的女孩子,大约都跟你差不多罢!” 小寒跳脚道:“我有什么不好?我犯了什么法?我不该爱我父亲,可是我是纯洁的!” 峰仪道:“我没说你不纯洁呀!” 小寒哭道:“你看不起我,因为我爱你!你哪里还有点人心哪——你是个禽兽!你——你看不起我!” 她扑到他身上去,打他,用指甲抓他。峰仪捉住她的手,把她摔到地上去。她在挣扎中,尖尖的长指甲划过了她自己的腮,血往下直滴。穿堂里一阵细碎的脚步声。峰仪沙声道: “你母亲来了。” 小寒在迎面的落地大镜中瞥见了她自己,失声叫道:“我的脸!”她脸上又红又肿,泪痕狼藉,再加上那鲜明的血迹子。 峰仪道:“快点!”他把她从地上曳过这边来,使她伏在他膝盖上,遮没了她的面庞。 许太太推门进来,问峰仪道:“你今儿回家吃晚饭么?” 峰仪道:“我正要告诉你呢。我有点事要上天津去一趟,耽搁多少时候却说不定。” 许太太道:“噢。几时动身?” 峰仪道:“今儿晚上就走。我说,我不在这儿的时候,你有什么事,可以找行里的李慕仁,或是我的书记。” 许太太道:“知道了。我去给你打点行李去。” 峰仪道:“你别费事了,让张妈她们动手好了。” 许太太道:“别的没有什么,最要紧的就是医生给你配的那些药,左一样,右一样,以后没人按时弄给你吃,只怕你自己未必记得。我还得把药方子跟服法一样一样交代给你。整理好了,你不能不过一过目。” 峰仪道:“我就来了。” 许太太出去之后,小寒把脸揿在她父亲腿上,虽然极力抑制着,依旧肩膀微微耸动着,在那里静静地啜泣。峰仪把她的头搬到沙发上,站起身来,抹了一抹裤子上的皱纹,提起皮包,就走了出去。 小寒伏在沙发上,许久许久,忽然跳起身来。炉台上的钟指着七点半。她决定去找绫卿的母亲,这是她最后的一着。 绫卿曾经告诉过她,段老太太是怎样的一个人——糊涂而又暴躁,固执起来非常的固执。既然绫卿的嫂子能够支配这老太太,未见得小寒不能够支配她!她十有八九没有知道绫卿最近的行动。知道了,她决不会答应的。绫卿虽然看穿了她的为人,母女的感情还是很深。她的话一定有相当的力量。 小寒匆匆地找到她的皮夹子,一刻也不耽搁,就出门去了。她父亲想必早离开了家。母亲大约在厨房里,满屋子鸦雀无声,只隐隐听见厨房里油锅的爆炸。 小寒赶上了一部公共汽车。绫卿的家,远虽不远,却是落荒的地方。小寒在暮色苍茫中一家一家挨次看过,认门牌认了半天,好容易寻着了。是一座阴惨惨的灰泥住宅,洋铁水管上生满了青黯的霉苔。只有一扇窗里露出灯光,灯上罩着破报纸,仿佛屋里有病人似的。小寒到了这里,却踌躇起来,把要说的话,在心上盘算了又盘算。天黑了,忽然下起雨来,那雨势来得猛,哗哗泼到地上,地上起了一层白烟。小寒回头一看,雨打了她一脸,呛得她透不过气来,她掏出手绢子来擦干了一只手,举手揿铃。揿不了一会,手又是湿淋淋的。她怕触电,只得重新揩干了手,再揿。铃想必坏了,没有人来开门。小寒正待敲门,段家的门口来了一辆黄包车。一个妇人跨出车来,车上的一盏灯照亮了她那桃灰细格子绸衫的稀湿的下角。小寒一呆,看清楚了是她母亲,正待闪过一边去,却来不及了。 她母亲慌慌张张迎上前来,一把拉住了她道:“你还不跟我来!你爸爸——在医院里——” 小寒道:“怎么?汽车出了事?还是——” 她母亲点了点头,向黄包车夫道:“再给我们叫一部。” 不料这地方偏僻,又值这倾盆大雨,竟没有第二部黄包车,车夫道:“将就点,两个人坐一部罢。” 许太太与小寒只得钻进车去,兜起了油布的篷。小寒道: “到底是怎么回事?爸爸怎么了?” 许太太道:“我从窗户里看见你上了公共汽车,连忙赶了下来,跳上了一部黄包车,就追了上来。” 小寒道:“爸爸怎么会到医院里去的?” 许太太道:“他好好地在那里。我不过是要你回来,哄你的。” 小寒听了这话,心头火起,攀开了油布就要往下跳。许太太扯住了她,喝道:“你又发疯了?趁早给我安静点!
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