Home Categories contemporary fiction distant savior

Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six

distant savior 豆豆 13936Words 2018-03-19
At 8:30 a.m. on June 17, Rui Xiaodan took a Lufthansa flight to Germany at Beijing Capital International Airport. After a 10-hour flight, he arrived in Frankfurt at 11:00 a.m. local time, and then flew to Berlin. Skony Field Airport. Rui Xiaodan came to Berlin as Ding Yuanying's girlfriend to do business. According to the general custom, Ding Yuanying should notify his friends in Berlin in advance to take care of him.But Ding Yuanying didn't do this, he didn't inform anyone. Rui Xiaodan's luggage is only a travel bag and a suitcase, and the brown satchel on his shoulder, mainly carrying clothes, tea and business documents.After getting off the plane, she adjusted the time of her watch based on the electronic clock in the airport hall. It was 2:20 pm Berlin time.After leaving the airport, she took a taxi into the urban area and came to Building 23, Burlumbu Street. According to the address, she went up from Unit 2 to the 5th floor, and took out the key to open the door of Ding Yuanying's residence at No. 511.

The curtains in the room covered the windows and it was very dark inside.She stood at the door and looked inside. There was an air of no one living in the quiet room for a long time, and the furniture was covered by sheets.She went in and closed the door, drew the curtains, opened all the windows to let in the summer sun and fresh air, and lifted the sheets from the furniture. Then she began to clean the room, from the kitchen to the bathroom, from the living room to the bedroom. This is obviously a second-hand house. The roof, walls, floors, doors and windows are all old, and the original decoration is still maintained.The tea tray of Gongfu tea is slightly smaller than the one used in the ancient city, and the tea sets are also different.The sofa is saffron, except for the different colors, its style and size are almost exactly the same as those in the ancient city.This house is in German style. Only the empty kitchen, the audio system and the sofa as big as a bed can indicate that this is Ding Yuanying’s house. Apart from being simple or simple, you can’t find interest and artistic conception here. to the imagination.

Rui Xiaodan looked at the state of the house and knew that it was a house purchased by Ding Yuanying to apply for the right of residence in Germany at that time, and it was not entirely for living considerations.The right of residence is different from the residence permit. The right of residence is a residence permit without time and place restrictions, without conditions and additional regulations. It is similar to a green card in the United States and is called permanent residence.The German immigration law has very strict restrictions on the immigration of foreigners. Foreign citizens who have lived in Germany for more than 8 years can apply for permanent residence only if they have a fixed income and residence, living expenses are guaranteed, and they have paid at least 60 months of dues.

Because the furnishings in the room were too simple, it took Rui Xiaodan more than an hour to clean the room, put on new sheets, take out blankets and pillows sealed in plastic bags from the closet, and arrange a bed for himself. Comfortable bed. After tidying up, she wanted to make a cup of tea and rest for a while, but when she looked at her watch, it was 4 pm. She locked the important documents and cash in the wall safe, then locked the door and went out, taking a taxi to Oswego Street , came to the Berlin Office of Beijing Ouhua Import and Export Agency Company. This office has a small facade, just entering the door is an office with several desks and two computers, and the staff are all Chinese.She explained her purpose to a staff member, and showed her delivery procedures, passport, ID card and other documents.

The staff was very enthusiastic. After checking the bill of lading and the certificate, he said: "No problem, you can pick up the goods after completing the procedures. Your goods are a total of 6 pieces, which occupy a storage space and have been stored for 22 days. In addition, you Cars and movers are needed. Where do you need to ship the goods? You pay the escrow fee, handling fee and transportation fee and you can pick up the goods.” Rui Xiaodan said: "I only want to pick up two items today. One will be delivered to the China Garden Hotel on Bodhi Street, and the other will be delivered to the Sorint Gaming Club on Kurfürsten Street. I will pick up the remaining four items in a few days."

The staff member said: "Yes, but I have to explain to you that depositing 4 pieces is still charged according to one storage location, and shipping 2 pieces is also charged according to one train trip, because this is the minimum base, please understand." Rui Xiaodan paid the escrow fee, loading and unloading fee, and transportation fee. The staff made a phone call to the warehouse. After more than 20 minutes, a milky white van drove up to the door. There were 4 porters and two Each piece of audio equipment is a wooden packing box with a length of 1.5 meters, a height of 1.2 meters, and a width of 1 meter. A box contains a complete set of audio equipment including audio cabinets and speaker stands.The staff asked Rui Xiaodan to sit in the co-pilot's seat and lead the way, and the car drove to Linden Avenue.

Linden Avenue is the most prosperous place in the east of Berlin, and it is also a famous avenue in Europe. The avenue extends from Paris Square, and there are churches, opera houses, art galleries and other buildings on both sides. The Spree River flows slowly under the Palace Bridge. .China Garden Hotel is located on this street. The facade of the hotel is ornately decorated, with two red lanterns hanging on it. Two symbolic golden flying dragons are carved on the two pillars in front of the hotel. Chinese restaurant. The car stopped at the gate of Zhonghuayuan Hotel, and Rui Xiaodan stepped forward and said to the welcome waiter: "I'm sorry to bother you, is Mr. Zheng Jianshi there? I come from mainland China, and Mr. Zheng's friend brought him something, please give it to me. Let me know and see where it is appropriate to unload the things."

The word "unloading" made the waiter a little puzzled. He walked over to the car and looked at the big wooden box, and then he understood, and said, "Manager Zheng is not here, please wait a moment, I will call the manager of the lobby." After a while, a female lobby manager in her 30s, dressed in a hotel uniform, came out and said enthusiastically, "Manager Zheng is not here. May I have your name? What's in the box? I'll make a call for you." Rui Xiaodan replied: "Miangui's surname is Rui, Rui Xiaodan. There is a set of stereos in the box."

The female hall manager took out her mobile phone and called Zheng Jianshi, and after saying a few words, she handed the phone to Rui Xiaodan and said, "Manager Zheng is at Anxi Tea House, please answer the phone." Rui Xiaodan picked up the phone and said, "Mr. Zheng, I'm Ding Yuanying's friend Rui Xiaodan. I'm here on business in Berlin. Yuanying brought you a set of speakers. I've already delivered them. Do you think it's okay to put them in a hotel?" Zheng Jianshi said enthusiastically on the phone: "It's Rui Xiaodan? I know, I know, I've heard Chu Feng say it several times. Xiaodan, please don't leave me alone. I'm two years older than Yuanying. You call me Big Brother Zheng." That’s it. It’s been two years since Yuanying disappeared, and now there’s finally some news, okay. Let them unload the car first, I have a few friends here for tea, and I’ll be there in a while.”

Rui Xiaodan said: "Brother Zheng, you are busy. I have to go to the Kurfürst Street to deliver a set to Miss Jenny after unloading the car. I use a car from an agency office, as well as a driver and a few loaders. I can't Waiting for you." Zheng Jianshi said: "Okay, okay, I'll go to Sorint to find you later, see you later." When the wooden box is loaded, it must be loaded on the truck, but it is difficult to unload the truck. It is completely relying on two ropes, two slides and a few wooden bars to slide off the truck little by little, and then tie the two ends with ropes. It is strong, with a wooden pole inserted at one end, and carried into the restaurant by four strong men on their shoulders.

After unloading a set of stereos, Rui Xiaodan followed the car to Kurudihou Street. The facade of the Solint Gaming Club is decorated with extraordinary style, and the huge group of neon lights are still shining brightly even in the daytime.On both sides of the door stood security guards in uniform, vigilantly and humbly welcoming and sending off the guests. The people who entered and exited were men and women dressed as gentlemen and ladies. The car parked at the gate of the gaming club, which aroused the vigilance of the security guards. A security guard stepped forward and asked politely: "Madam, why did you park your car here? Do you need help?" Rui Xiaodan got out of the car and replied in German: "Miss Jenny's Chinese friend brought her a set of speakers, please contact Miss Jenny to see where the things are suitable for unloading." The security guard looked at the boxes on the car, and immediately contacted his boss through the walkie-talkie. A middle-aged German man in his forties, with yellow hair and blue eyes, came out of the casino. He looked at Rui Xiaodan, then looked at the boxes in the car, and said, "Ma'am, you can’t stop here to unload goods. The security guard took the driver and drove the car to the backyard to wait, don't unload the car yet. I am Miss Jenny's assistant, Singer, and the chairman has guests in the office, please come with me." So the security guard drove the car away with the driver, and Rui Xiaodan followed Singer into the Sorint Building. Passing through the casino hall, almost every large roulette table is full of people, and everyone's win or loss is expressed through different expressions and voices, or screams, or sighs.Although Rui Xiaodan spent seven years as a teenager in Germany, as a Chinese policeman, she still felt the strong contrast between different social systems.China's law prohibits gambling. Chinese traditional consciousness has always regarded gambling as evil, but it is precisely the overseas Chinese who have a reputation for gambling. It makes people feel sad. I don't know that the Chinese have been suppressed for too long and went to the West to vent Well, Westerners are not worried at all that the People's Learning is going bad. Taking the elevator up to the sixth floor, Rui Xiaodan followed Singh to Jenny's office. Jenny was talking with some guests dressed in Arab clothes. A little bit of doubt stood up to greet him.Rui Xiaodan saw that the woman in front of her was beautiful, free and easy, with an extraordinary demeanor, but she couldn't associate her with the word casino, and when this word had to be associated with this woman, this woman must be not simple. Rui Xiaodan shook hands with Jenny and said in German: "Ms. Jenny, I am Rui Xiaodan, Ding Yuanying's friend, from the ancient city of China. Yuanying sent you and Mr. Zheng a set of speakers. Come over to Yuan Hotel, your set has been delivered, it’s in the car downstairs.” Jenny was surprised. She didn't expect Ding Yuanying's friend to visit, and she didn't expect Rui Xiaodan's German to be so good. She immediately said enthusiastically: "You are Ding Yuanying's girlfriend? Oh...you are more beautiful than Han Chufeng said!" " Rui Xiaodan smiled politely, waiting for Jenny's next words. Jenny said: "Ding Yuanying is an audio player, and the audio he sent must be unusual." Then she said to Singer: "Accept it, let the audio engineer find a room to install it, and I will check it when it is installed. Inform the housekeeping department to give Miss Rui has arranged the accommodation. You take Miss Rui to the classical bar and wait for me for a while, and I will go over after talking with the guests." Rui Xiaodan said: "Miss Jenny, I have packed Yuanying's house just now, thank you. You are very busy, so I won't bother you. I have your phone number, and I will contact you in the evening. If you have any questions about assembling the stereo, please You tell me." Jenny thought for a while and said, "Ding Yuanying and I have been friends for many years. You are Ding Yuanying's friend and a visitor from China. Please listen to my arrangements when you get here." Rui Xiaodan couldn't refuse too much, so he said: "Thank you." He took his leave first, and went downstairs with Singer. As soon as Singer left Jenny's office, he made two phone calls in succession. One was to inform the security downstairs that the car could be unloaded, and the other was to inform Gerbersen to find a room to assemble the stereo. As the name suggests, the classical bar room has all kinds of fine wines hanging on the antique bar counter, and the imitation works of classical artists are displayed on the walls. Let people walk into an ancient and secluded castle.Singer asked Rui Xiaodan to sit down in a quiet corner, and the waiter came over immediately. Singer first asked: "Miss, what would you like to drink?" Rui Xiaodan ordered a relatively economical and very suitable drink, and said, "A cup of coffee." Singer waited for the coffee to arrive, and said politely, "Use it slowly, tell the waiter if you need anything, and I'll come back later." Then he walked to the bar and said a few words to the cashier, probably to explain how to pay the bill. Rui Xiaodan just sipped his coffee and waited quietly while listening to the indistinct sound of the piano.After more than ten minutes, Jenny came alone, holding a white leather bag a little bigger than a purse, with a warm smile on her face.Rui Xiaodan stood up and smiled at Jenny as a courtesy, Jenny sat down opposite Rui Xiaodan, and the waiter came over. Jenny also ordered a cup of coffee, then took out a box of ladies' cigarettes from her bag, lit one, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. What's your name?" Rui Xiaodan said, "Just call me Xiaodan." Jenny smiled and said: "You call me Jenny, don't use you or miss, that's fine. I think you speak German very well, where did you learn it?" Rui Xiaodan replied: "I came to Frankfurt with my mother when I was 7 years old and studied in Frankfurt for 9 years." Jenny understood, nodded and said: "Ding Yuanying, Han Chufeng and I have known each other since we were in Berlin University. They are all excellent people, knowledgeable and intelligent. Han Chufeng is a person who does great things and is orthodox; Ding Yuanying is more like a The devil is the kind of person who will never live for others to see, and it is difficult to say whether he is better than a believer or worse than a robber." Without saying a few words, Singer walked up to Jenny and said, "Chairman, Mr. Zheng Jianshi from China Garden Hotel is here." Jenny said, "Please!" Singer stepped aside to make a phone call. After a while, Zheng Jianshi came, and he greeted Jenny in fluent German: "Hello! Hello!" After shaking hands with Jenny, he shook hands with Rui Xiaodan, and said in Chinese: "Hello! Hello!" Jenny made a gesture to ask Zheng Jianshi to sit down, and Singer said to Zheng Jianshi: "Mr. Zheng, Miss Rui speaks German very well. If you can talk in German, I will be more polite to Miss Jenny, thank you." Zheng Jianshi nodded and said: "Okay, okay." He ordered a cup of coffee from the waiter who came up to ask, and then asked Rui Xiaodan in German: "Is the accommodation arranged?" Rui Xiaodan replied: "It's been arranged." Zheng Jianshi said puzzledly: "Xiao Dan, you sent the stereo just after getting off the plane, and the stereo should have arrived in Berlin long ago." Rui Xiaodan said: "It has been more than 20 days since the goods arrived. Beijing Ouhua Import and Export Agency Company was entrusted to undertake it. Six sets were sent to Berlin, and two sets were sent to Paris and London." Jenny asked, "Xiao Dan, what are you doing this time?" Rui Xiaodan said: "There are two things for the company. One is to ask the authority in Berlin to evaluate the speaker and the whole set of speakers and obtain two evaluation documents; the other is to find a Metric speaker and a demonstration in each of the three cities of Berlin, London and Paris. The general agent of the audio system in the country obtained the signing documents. Yuan Ying said that the company needs these documents and needs to include them in the speaker manual in four languages: English, Chinese, German, and French.” Zheng Jianshi said: "Oh...is it the case of poverty alleviation in the ancient city? It's all to London and Paris?" Jenny asked puzzledly: "What do you mean by poverty alleviation? Is it Ding Yuanying's poverty alleviation?" Rui Xiaodan hadn’t really thought about the exact meaning of the word “poverty alleviation” before, and thought for a while and said: “Poverty alleviation is a word with a Chinese background, which is somewhat similar to western assistance. It roughly means helping poor farmers in rural areas through their Efforts to get rid of poverty. What Yuanying did has the nature of poverty alleviation, but it also contains personal reasons and academic components.” The waiter brought the coffee, Zheng Jianshi took a sip, and then said in a complaining tone: "This Yuanying, he didn't say hello in advance when you came, so there is an arrangement here. Tell me about the goods." After everything has been done, what agency do you need to find? However, it may not be an easy task to sign a contract with the general agency in Britain, France, and Germany. If you need any help this time, please tell me, don’t meet outside." Rui Xiaodan said: "Thank you, no need. I came to Frankfurt to visit my mother. Yuanying asked me to take the opportunity of visiting relatives to do some company business. I didn't dare to accept it. He said that a fool can do it. I Take it." She said with a smile. Jenny also smiled, flicked the cigarette ash and said, "Yuanying is most afraid of causing trouble to others. He made me very impressed with a Chinese saying, 'A friendship between gentlemen is as light as water'." Zheng Jianshi looked at his watch, it was almost 7 o'clock, and said: "If you have anything to say, let's chat for a while, I have already arranged dinner, I just came to invite you two, one is to welcome Xiaodan, and the other is Zhan Ni hasn't come to the shop for a long time." Jenny said: "No, you are my guests when you come here, you are welcome, Mr. Zheng." Zheng Jianshi said: "No, you two must show respect today, otherwise I will lose face." When Zheng Jianshi was arguing about who should be the host for dinner, Singer, who had been staying by the side, answered a phone call, hung up the phone, and then came over to Jenny and said, "Boss, the speaker is ready to be assembled soon, but the way the speaker is driven It's very special, Gebesen said that there can be dozens of variations in theory, and I don't know which one is the best connection method, I hope Miss Rui can give a hint." Jenny stood up and said, "Xiao Dan, Mr. Zheng, let's go and have a look together." Singer led everyone to a small meeting room on the sixth floor, about 40 square meters. The sound engineer and two helpers assembled the sound against the west wall, and only connected the signal line.Jenny's impression of audio is a power amplifier, a CD player and a pair of speakers, but the equipment in front of her stunned her. The exquisite audio cabinet has ten positions, and each position has a machine , a pair of glossy black speakers are placed on a pair of rock-solid speaker stands. Singer introduced: "This is Miss Rui, and this is Ge Beisen, the sound engineer." Rui Xiaodan shook hands with Ge Beisen, put down his bag and started to work.She is familiar with this two-component signal line connection method, and while demonstrating the signal line connection to Gerberson, she explained: "There are more than 30 changes in this pair of speakers from a single integrated machine to multiple front and rear stages. You can choose according to your own equipment. This set of equipment is a two-component layered push, so a double-set signal output CD player and a double-set output input pre-stage are ordered. The device is another set of corrections and supplements, so that it can adapt to different records and environments to debug a desired sound quality. The full-frequency amplitude filter is different from the gate filter, and the full-frequency amplitude filter minimizes the loss of music signals .” Zheng Jianshi said, "You speak quite professionally." Rui Xiaodan smiled and said, "It's just a few lines, I knew them all by heart before I came here." "Full-range amplitude filtering? Never heard that term," Gerbesson said. Rui Xiaodan showed Ge Beisen how to connect and adjust the sound system. Ge Beisen took two records, first put a piece of Tchaikovsky's "Memories of Florence" into the CD player, and played one of them at different volumes. clip, and then played another "European Avant-Garde Music" record in this way, and felt the expressiveness of this set of speakers for vocals and instruments. Jenny didn't speak after seeing the sound, and she always had a thoughtful demeanor.After listening to the fragments of the two albums, she said to Gerberson: "Talk about your evaluation, and say what you have." Gebesen was a little excited, and said: "So many devices serve a pair of small speakers, which is definitely an asymmetrical beauty. It is very rare for such a small speaker to turn up the volume to the limit of hearing tolerance without distorting. This set of equipment If the sound quality of the combination is based on quality, I think it is not too much to be above 30,000 marks, but the charm of this set of speakers lies not only in its domineering, but also in its extremely feverish creativity. The man must be a lunatic." Jenny nodded slightly, thought for a while and said, "You, go to dinner with us, and say whatever you know about audio-related matters." Then she smiled and said to Zheng Jianshi: "Mr. Zheng, then we will go to your place excuse me." Zheng Jianshi said enthusiastically, "Please, please." Singer immediately called to arrange vehicles, security and other matters. Jenny, Rui Xiaodan, Zheng Jianshi, Ge Beisen and Singer also took the elevator downstairs immediately. At this time, the Kurfürstendamm Street has been completely immersed in the night, full of beauty and charm, like a bright and charming necklace, and at this time, there is a kind of luxury in front of the Solint Gaming Club that can only be seen in the night. scenery.Jenny and her party walked out of the gate with 5 people. The driver and bodyguards were already waiting at the gate. A BMW V12 and a Mercedes-Benz C200 were parked one after another.Zheng Jianshi drove here by himself, walking in the front, Rui Xiaodan and Jenny followed in a car, and Jenny's bodyguard car followed. The lobby manager of China Garden Hotel received Zheng Jianshi's call and was already waiting at the door. A group of people went up to the restaurant on the second floor. The big restaurant was almost full except for a few reserved tables. Jenny, Rui Xiaodan and others were accompanied by Zheng Jianshi Sitting at a table near the southeast corner, two drivers and two bodyguards sat at the side table, and drinks and dishes were served one after another. During the dinner, Jenny asked: "Xiao Dan, is there no authoritative testing organization for electroacoustics in China? Come to Germany for testing, and the cost of testing is too high in all aspects." Zheng Jianshi picked up the topic casually and said: "There is a saying in China that 'foreign monks are good at chanting scriptures'. Eastern products must be more convincing when they are tested by the West. But this common trick has been abused by Chinese people a few years ago. , I didn’t expect Yuanying to pick it up again now, wouldn’t it be to bring forth the new?” Jenny asked: "Are you sure about the speaker evaluation?" Rui Xiaodan said: "The speakers of the speakers use a number of patented technology speakers of Shenzhen Lesheng Audio Company in China. They have passed the appraisal of authoritative organizations and experts a few years ago, and have also passed the test of the audiophile market for several years." At this time, Gebesen interjected: "Miss, I noticed the GeLuShi brand on the speaker. You just use other people's speakers to make speakers. Strictly speaking, what belongs to you is only the cabinet and the concept of promoting this speaker. You spent There is no problem with the speakers and the whole set of speakers, but the problem is that your cabinets only account for a small proportion of the speakers and the whole set of speakers, especially the speakers, which means that you are doing work for others rather than for yourself. It’s a waste of money.” Jenny did not respond to Gerbersen's words, but asked again: "It is not difficult to obtain two evaluation documents, as long as it costs money, but is it not difficult to obtain three general agent signing documents?" Rui Xiaodan replied: "Whether it is difficult or not depends on the agency's conditions. Yuanying's conditions are one set of goods distribution and one set of consignment sales. The agent does not need to pay a penny, and does not require advertising and sales performance. The agency period is 3 years. Within 3 years If the set sold by consignment is not sold, it will be automatically owned by the agent after the contract is terminated. This means that it is possible to exchange two sets of speakers for a market. It is enough to sign a document without any legal liability. According to commercial authorization practice, agency authorization is divided into two texts, one is the text of the specific terms of the agency contract, and the other is the express text of the authorized agent.” "It doesn't make sense to trade two sets of stereos for a non-binding contract," Gerberson said. Zheng Jianshi thought about it and said: "This kind of vulgar package of foreign packaging has been thrown away indiscriminately by others. What new things can Yuanying come up with by picking it up? It's not interesting no matter how you look at it, but Yuanying will not do boring things. Not to mention messing around with money for poverty alleviation. That's still interesting, so... what does it mean?" Rui Xiaodan said: "I don't understand business matters, so I can't say anything. I remember Yuanying said a word when planning the company, saying that it complies with the national law, but we have to see if it complies with the Buddhist law, so he and brother Chu Feng The two of them went to the Yichan Temple in Mount Wutai to worship the Buddha. I think that it doesn’t matter what it means if it is both in line with the law of the country and the law of the Buddha.” Jenny smiled lightly and said, "If it's something that can be seen by bystanders, then it's meaningless." Zheng Jianshi nodded and said, "Xiao Dan, if it is such an agency condition, you give me this opportunity. I will take these two favors and go to the circles of overseas Chinese leaders in London and Paris to make contacts. My Srethem Trading Company It is a foreign name. I will use this company to sign another European general agent with you. From now on, I will supply your audio to them. That's it, you don't have to run back and forth." Rui Xiaodan said: "I'll contact Yuanying tonight, and you can also contact him directly. If it doesn't cause too much trouble for Brother Zheng, I think it's okay." Zheng Jianshi said, "Okay, okay." Jenny said: "Xiao Dan, since Ding Yuanying's intention is not to focus on the European market, but only to create image and influence, it is good to act as an agent. The audio evaluation is relatively simple, and it is enough to leave it to Ge Beisen. Let him first Evaluation and quotation consultation is clear to avoid price discrimination.” Rui Xiaodan said politely: "When I come, I still cause you trouble." Zheng Jianshi saw that everyone was only talking and not eating food, so he greeted: "You are welcome, you are welcome, come, let's eat food, try the authentic taste of Bai Zhan (also bird)... This Buddha jumps over the wall, it is a famous Chinese dish. Cai, even I, a person who takes refuge and keeps the precepts, often thinks about it, hahaha...joking, joking." Jenny didn't know how to use chopsticks, so she tasted Bai Zhan (also Bird) and Buddha Jumping Wall with western tableware knives, forks and spoons. You drink, does alcohol count as abstinence?" Zheng Jianshi said: "Occasionally drinking is a last resort. As for killing, I insist on the principle of not killing with my own hands, not seeing with my own eyes, and not doing it myself. I am an ordinary person, and I have not yet become a Buddha. I still have to live." Jenny said: "I think Ding Yuanying's attitude towards Buddhism is more desirable, not superstitious." Zheng Jianshi smiled and said: "Ding Yuanying's method is a heretic. I can't argue with him. It's not because I was wrong, but because I don't have his brains and culture. I don't know Buddhism's one-two, two-one. I fully understand that attaining Zen enlightenment is the job of a person with superior spirituality. I just recite the Buddha's name, and I have everything with a word of Amitabha." Perhaps because of conditioned reflex, when Rui Xiaodan heard Zheng Jianshi say "one into two, two into one" and "Zen enlightenment", he remembered a discussion with Ding Yuanying about "going away from two without one", and smiled faintly. ... Back at the residence, she closed the curtains, boiled water, took out the Tieguanyin tea she brought from the ancient city from her bag and put it on the tea table, then took a hot shower in the bathroom, put on her pajamas and sat on the sofa to soak Tea.The aroma of Kungfu tea, the large sofa, and the hi-fi stereo... The scene here made her feel like she was in the ancient city, without feeling like she was in Berlin at all. The next morning, Rui Xiaodan waited downstairs at No. 23 Bulllumb Street as agreed.Zheng Jianshi arrived on time, and the two drove to the Berlin Office of Beijing Ouhua Import and Export Agency Company on Oswego Street to pick up the remaining 4 sets of stereos. In the car, Zheng Jianshi said, "Yuanying and I talked on the phone last night." Rui Xiaodan said: "I know, I have written the entrustment of the plenipotentiary representative of the Metrics Company. Ge Beisen will go to consult the technical evaluation quotation in the morning, and let me wait for his call." Zheng Jianshi said: "I will handle the agency. You can give me the company seal and the procedures for picking up the goods in London and Paris. It will take more than a week to do these things. You can just wait for the news in Frankfurt. If there is any situation, I will contact Yuanying directly. connect." Rui Xiaodan took out a document bag prepared in advance and put it on the table in front of the steering wheel, and said: "All the procedures are in it, and the travel expenses are 3,000 US dollars. If you don't have enough, you can pay for it first, and settle the bill together." Zheng Jianshi steered the steering wheel without saying a word, stopped for a moment and said as if chatting: "Last night, I chatted with Yuan Ying for a few words about his plan for the company's poverty alleviation, saying that he has a high level. It’s a pot of flowers. Whether it can survive or not is another matter. I said, this is an act of charity. Since it is a pot of flowers, I will pour water as I like. You say you are doing this while visiting relatives, and I can’t Do you also want to take care of the work of contacting overseas Chinese affairs? You stand in my position and think about it. If I even take advantage of this, let alone a convert, I am not as good as an ordinary person. So, you save some face for me .” Rui Xiaodan took out the $3,000 in the document bag, and put the document bag back to its original place. Only then did Zheng Jianshi smile with satisfaction. When he arrived at the Berlin office of Beijing Ouhua Import and Export Agency Company, Rui Xiaodan went to the house to go through the formalities of picking up the goods. Zheng Jianshi stayed in the car and waited. He browsed through the information in the file bag, focusing on the two price lists. Beijing Metrics company's European market supply price Currency unit: US dollar Metric speaker (pair)...1460 Metric poetry ten warehouse audio cabinet (set)... 135 Metric speaker tripod (pair)...105 Metric poetry finished audio source signal line (set)... 185 Metric finished speaker cable (set)...115 Slack power amplifier front stage (set)... 190 Slack power amplifier stage (unit)... 180 Shrek audio power supply (unit)……110 Serinda signature edition CD player (set)...785 He looked at the supply price list and calculated item by item in his mind: 1460 plus 135 plus 105...two pre-amplifiers 380...four power amplifiers 720...two power supplies 220...the whole set is 4105 dollars in total, about A total of 8,000 marks, 36,000 yuan.After calculating the supply price, he then checked the specified sales price in the European market in detail. Designated selling price of European market of Beijing Metrics Co., Ltd. Currency unit: US dollar Metric speaker (pair)...3600 Metric Shishi warehouse audio cabinet (set)... 270 Metric speaker tripod (pair)...210 Metric poetry finished audio source signal line (set)... 370 Metric finished speaker cable (set)...230 Slack power amplifier front stage (unit)... 320 Slack power amplifier stage (unit)... 280 Shrek audio power supply (set)...210 Serinda signature edition CD player (set)...785 In the price difference between the supply price and the specified sales price, the price difference of the speaker is the largest, and the price difference of only one item is 2140 US dollars.He looked at the designated sales price list again and calculated them one by one in his heart: 3600 plus 270 plus 210...two pre-amplifiers 640...four power amplifiers 1120...two power supplies 420...the total designated selling price of the whole set is 7645 US dollars, About 14,800 marks, nearly 70,000 yuan. Rui Xiaodan came out after completing the procedures for picking up the goods, and handed over the customs declaration form for the six sets of stereos to Zheng Jianshi.After waiting for a while, the car with the four sets of stereos arrived. Zheng Jianshi drove the front and led the way towards the Zhonghuayuan Hotel, and drove all the way into the backyard of the hotel. The stevedores of the Ouhua agency carried the four boxes into a warehouse. Zheng Jianshi stood by the warehouse door and asked Rui Xiaodan: "I read the price list, and the Serinda signature CD player did not leave any profit for the retailer at all. Is this your negligence or other reasons?" Rui Xiaodan smiled and said: "It's not negligence, it's nothing to do. The Serinda CD player is not made in China, so you can't get the domestic first-level agency price, and you can get the second-level wholesale price at most. 785 US dollars is the Serinda company's CD. The global unified retail price of the speaker, from the secondary wholesale price to the second-level wholesale price plus the export agency fee and shipping fee, has exceeded 785 US dollars. If there is a market for the Metric speaker in the future, the agent can recommend other brands of CDs to customers machine." Only then did Zheng Jianshi understand. It was less than 10 o'clock after the 4 boxes were put into storage. Rui Xiaodan said: "Brother Zheng, I won't bother you if you have something to do here. I will go to the KaDeWe department store and then go to the former site of the Berlin Wall. That's it." Waiting for Gerberson's call." Zheng Jianshi said: "Okay, I'm going to find friends from the Overseas Chinese Federation now, and I'll take you there by the way." Zheng Jianshi sent Rui Xiaodan to the KaDeWe department store, and then went to work on his affairs. KaDeWe is one of the most famous department stores in Europe. From fashion to cosmetics, from books to audio-visual products, there are all kinds of goods. This is a shopping paradise and a display of new trends. Many customers are tourists from all over the world. .Rui Xiaodan browsed leisurely in the bustling department store alone, she didn't want to buy anything, she just wanted to have a look.The goods on the shelves are dazzling, and the expensive prices are also jaw-dropping. Strolling from the first floor to the top floor, the top floor is a famous food area. She saw a lot of people queuing up at a fast food stall. When she walked closer, she found that it was curry sausage burger and French fries. It must have a unique taste, so she also joined In the queue, I bought a set meal and took it to the table to sit down and taste it slowly. The taste was really good. After lunch, she left the KaDeWe department store. She walked down the street and went out of this store and into that store. Unknowingly, a few hours passed, and she came to the Brandenburg Gate, the famous building. It is a symbol of the division and reunification of Germany, and it is visited by many tourists.This is the second time for her to come here. The first time she came here, she was still young. At that time, the Berlin Wall had not been dismantled. She only knew that there were two different worlds on both sides of the wall, and she did not leave a deep impression on her. After many years, I came to the Berlin Wall again. The memories of my childhood have completely disappeared. Here is a peaceful and beautiful scene.因为下午她可能要去参加音响测评,所以出门时没有带照相机,想花钱照一张一次成像的照片,犹豫了一下还是放弃了这个念头,因为一次成像的照片质量不能让人满意,还是自己带相机来照比较随意。 来到一处柏林墙旧址,墙体已经很陈旧了,上面眼花缭乱地涂着游人的签名、口号和各种主题的漫画,墙边摆放着鲜花、十字架等纪念物,纪念冲破柏林围墙丧生的民众,据说总共有五千多人越过柏林墙逃出,255人在越境时死亡。 芮小丹在一个出售柏林墙水泥块的摊位停下,看到每个水泥块上都贴着前民主德国的国徽,摊位上还有一些前东德人民军的军用品,诸如望远镜、武装带、帽徽等等。她拿起一块(又鸟)蛋大小的水泥块问摊主:“这个最少多少钱能卖?” 摊主说:“那不写着嘛,25马克。” 芮小丹说:“5马克可以吗?” 摊主似乎有些愠怒,说:“沉重、血腥的柏林墙就这么不值钱吗?” 芮小丹说:“如果不是有感于历史,谁花钱买一块水泥?好吧,10马克。” 摊主不屑一顾地摇摇头,不理睬了。 这时芮小丹的手机响了,她打开手机回应,是格贝森的电话。 格贝森说:“芮小姐,音响已经装车拉走了,我让他们到了以后先组装器材。现在情况有些变化,你们从网上查到的尼科研究所并不是柏林最权威的声学鉴定机构,现在联系的是米哈根电声学技术实验中心,你不知道地址。你在哪里?我现在去接你。” 芮小丹说:“我在柏林墙旧址一个卖水泥块的摊位,旁边有一个录像厅。” 格贝森说:“好,我知道那个地方。你不要走开,我很快就赶到。” 芮小丹关上手机,想着要不要花25马克买一个水泥块,因为没有这个水泥块也并不影响她把今天看到的柏林墙旧址作为信息储存进大脑,她觉得价格太高了,还不如到音像超市买几张记录柏林墙历史的电影光盘。想到这里,她离开摊位朝马路边走去。 摊主突然说了一声:“小姐,请等一下。” 芮小丹站下,转过身问道:“您愿意成交了?” 摊主把那个水泥块放进小包装盒里,说:“为了让你记住这段历史,卖给你了。” 芮小丹付了10马克,接过包装盒说:“谢谢。”心想,这是典型的德国模式的思维,一个水泥块的讨价还价也得严谨到有根有据,决不含糊。 她在路边等了十几分钟,一辆白色轿车开过来停下,格贝森向她招招手示意上车,她打开车门上去,汽车随即开走了。 格贝森解释说:“柏林类似的研究机构有七家,包括大学的声学研究所。米哈根电声学技术实验中心是一个半商业半学术的研究机构,在世界电声学领域享有很高声誉。两项的测试收费是2700马克,比尼科研究所收费高出900马克,但测试结果更具权威性。” 芮小丹说:“非常好,谢谢。” 这就是说尼科研究所同样的两项测试,丁元英在网上洽谈的价格是4000马克,而格贝森作为德国人面谈的价格是1800马克,价格歧视高达一倍多。2700马克大约折合1500美元,而芮小丹为此准备了3000美元,由于郑建时没有接受3000美元差旅费,所以她的包里现在有6000美元,支付测试费足够了。 汽车穿过几条大街向近郊驶去,来到米哈根电声学技术实验中心,这里几乎不像是个技术研究机构,更像是一个花园,实验中心的建筑被茂密的花木笼罩着,朴素而整洁。实验中心的门口停着几辆汽车,其中一辆奔驰面包车就是送音响器材的汽车,车上没有人,显然工作人员已经把器材搬进去了。 格贝森停下车和芮小丹走进实验中心,实验中心负责该项目的工程师把一张测试项目收费单交给格贝森,带他们到财务室交费,芮小丹付了两项测试费和两式四份精装版文本费共计1530美元。之后,工程师给他们简短介绍了测试的工作程序和注意事项,带他们进入消声室,进入消声室之前每个人都换上了特制的软底拖鞋。消声室里,格贝森的两个助手正在组装音响,司机在一旁帮忙。 这个消声室有四十平方米,没有窗户,没有自然光线,完全是灯光照明,通风设施经过严格的声音过滤器。室内表面全部覆盖了吸声材料,有玻璃棉、泡沫塑料和羊毛织物,房顶和墙壁密密麻麻布满了不规则形状的乳白色楔子。这里仅从隔离外部噪声的意义上说是一个与世隔绝的空间,从自由声场的意义上说又是一个模拟的自然空间,寂静到几乎能听到一个人的脉搏跳动,空旷到几乎没有任何声音反射。 测试仪器是德国克里拉默公司的诺特H3-103电脑测试系统,从不同角度和距离采集声音,通过线路传输到另一个房间对频响、阻抗等多项特性进行单项及综合分析,记录数据绘制曲线图。单项测评音箱所使用的CD机和功放机是世界顶尖级的德国莱茵之声公司旗舰C09分体CD机、旗舰C2-04真空管前级和MC-2电子管后级。CD唱片是星际唱片公司至尊级金装版《天国的女儿》发烧天碟,囊括了人声、乐器、频段等测试要求。 芮小丹看不懂那些置放在各个角度的麦克风和设备器材,但是放在CD机上的那张金装版《天国的女儿》发烧天碟她熟悉,如果说她以前对这张唱片认识还不够的话,那么此时此刻米哈根电声学技术实验中心让她重新认识了这张唱片,想到丁元英也有这张珍贵的唱片,她在激动之余也有几分得意。 音响器材组装完毕,格贝森的两个助手和司机退出消声室,只留下格贝森、芮小丹和实验中心的工程师3人。工程师的左耳朵上戴着一个很小的无线耳机,领口上挂着一只微型麦克风,他与隔壁的操作人员协调好了之后,测试正式开始。 测试的第一个项目是格律诗公司双组份分级推动理念的整套音响,芮小丹熟悉这套音响的特性,所以由她亲自操作,她凭借平时的听感来控制两组声音的匹配融合。测试过程很烦琐,工程师一会儿要求大音量一会儿要求小音量,一会儿是这支曲子一会儿是那支曲子,一会儿测试人声一会儿测试器乐,期间不断地与测试系统控制台协调。 音响测试进行了一个多小时,下一个项目是单独测试音箱。格贝森带着助手和司机把音响器材撤下来装回车里,只留下一对格律诗音箱。芮小丹把四根接线柱常规推动模式的连接插件安装好,也退出了消声室,剩下的就是工程师的工作了。 格贝森见司机和两个助手都坐在面包车里等着,就对司机说:“你们先回去,大家没必要都在这里等着,还剩一对音箱我带回去就行了。” 司机说:“好的。” 于是面包车先开走了。 格贝森问芮小丹说:“紧张吗?” 芮小丹说:“不是太紧张,因为音箱喇叭早就有结论了。” 格贝森说:“客观测评很重要,但是音响的很多音乐感是技术手段测不出来的,所以主观测评也重要。音乐感,只能由人的感觉去判断。” 芮小丹问:“主观测评,就是专家的听感测评吗?” 格贝森说:“基本上是的,但是也包括了音响用户的听觉评价。辛格先生交代,测评报告一出来马上给他送去,董事长很关心这件事。” ... 芮小丹和格贝森在汽车旁边闲聊着,大约过了40多分钟,工程师出来告诉他们音箱测试的声音采集程序已经完成,音箱可以收回了。芮小丹和格贝森到消声室一人抱一只音箱装进车里,然后跟工程师到消声室隔壁的电脑测试系统控制房去取测试报告。 电脑测试系统控制房里的四周摆满了各种各样的仪器和文件处理设备,有几个技术人员在工作。这是一套自动化的电脑测试系统,从数据分析、绘制图表、综合评价到编辑打印全部自动完成,由工作人员在装订设备上装订成精致的正式文本,最后由该部门负责人在正式文本上签字,盖上米哈根电声学技术实验中心印章。 音响测试项目的文本已经出来了,音箱测试的数据处理还在进行。工程师在一式两份的文本上签名之后,芮小丹代表北京格律诗公司在文本的送检方代表栏下签名。 过了20多分钟,音箱测试结果的文本也出来了,两项测试耗时近4个小时,将近傍晚6点的时候,他们离开米哈根电声学技术实验中心。芮小丹看不懂各种测试图和各种数据所表达的意思,只从综合评价的文字表达上感觉测试结果不错。 开车前格贝森对测试结果做了解释,说:“频响曲线和后沿累积衰减谱都比较理想,音箱的灵敏度低了一些,这是某些高级音箱的共同特性。从音箱和音响的测试图来看,尽管你们的器材配置不如莱茵之声的器材,但声音的平衡度、量感和透析力却比莱茵之声更好,这说明一个问题,双组份分层推动确实有它明显的优点。” 芮小丹的心完全放下了,说:“谢谢,我们走吧。时间还早,如果不麻烦的话请您先送我去中华园饭店,我把测评报告给郑先生送一份,他去谈代理能用得上。” 格贝森启动了汽车,说:“好吧,先去中华园饭店。” 芮小丹拿出手机拨通了郑建时的电话,说:“郑大哥吗……我是小丹,我们刚离开米哈根实验中心,测评报告文本已经出来了,测试结果很好。” 郑建时高兴地说:“好啊,随喜!随喜!” 芮小丹说:“我先去饭店把测评报告给你送一份,你去谈代理用得上。我在这里已经没事了,呆会儿我去和詹妮小姐道个别,再去把元英的房子收拾一下,今天晚上我就赶回法兰克福,我已经两年没去看母亲了。” 郑建时说:“好的,好的,我一会儿在楼下等你。” 打完电话,芮小丹望着车窗出神,她很想在这第一时间把测试结果告诉丁元英,这毕竟是件高兴的事,但是她也知道跟他说这个是多余,这个结果是他预料之中的事,而且此时正是北京时间午夜,他正在梦乡里呢。
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