Home Categories contemporary fiction Hong Kong Godfather

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

Hong Kong Godfather 钟连城 11620Words 2018-03-19
Let’s say that after the Hong Kong Hongmen Conference, Peng Kun used McDonald’s to get rid of his confidant Chen Yuxiang, and then he heard a piece of good news that made him even more excited: “He An Le” was in trouble financially, and it was about to disband within a few days. …"God help me too!" When Peng Kun heard the news, he almost lost his composure, dancing on the grand master's chair, and ordered Su Xiaofeng: "Continue to investigate, and report as soon as we have new information." Peng Kun was so excited, it took him a long time to calm down, and he said to Su Xiaofeng: "Chen Baiwei will definitely think of a way these days, and he is most likely to borrow money from Mo Qiqing. Guarantee that 'He An Le' disappears from Hong Kong!"

After Su Xiaofeng left, Peng Kun murmured to himself: "After 'He An Le' is destroyed, and then concentrate on destroying the 'San Shan Hui', Hong Kong will be ruled by me, Peng Kun!" Through stalking, snooping, buying, and cooperating with outsiders, Su Xiaofeng found out that "He Anle" would not even have food in a few days... and also learned that Mo Qiqing did not directly lend money to Chen Baiwei, but only asked him to escort a A batch of munitions is going to Thailand... Peng Kun's nerves are tense again. If he can intercept this batch of munitions, Mo Qiqing will be severely injured, and "He Anle" will be killed.

Then, due to the "May 30th" tragedy, the province and Hong Kong went on strike, and Mo Qiqing's arms were stranded in Guangzhou and could not come over. Peng Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief, while ordering Su Xiaofeng to sit in Guangzhou and keep a close eye on the munitions, while taking advantage of the fact that the Hong Kong police were all dealing with the strike and had no time to take care of other things, he made a lot of "strike money". Peng Kun's genius tricks gave other halls the opportunity to imitate you, and "He Anle" also took advantage of the chaos to win a chance to breathe. What's even worse, all the halls who robbed Hong Kong citizens pretended to be him. , "Peng Kun" has become a word cursed by thousands of people.

Peng Kun said: "If you say I'm bad, I'll show the world how bad I am!" Thinking about it this way, all the scruples of concealment are gone. The provincial and Hong Kong strikes have been protracted, and Peng Kun took the lead in taking risks because he was not sure when it would return to normal, and frequently smuggled on the line between Hong Kong and the mainland. Driven by Peng Kun, other tangkou have joined the "national scum" industry one after another. At this time, Peng Kun estimated that Mo Qiqing would lose his composure. After August, Su Xiaofeng found out that Mo Qiqing and Chen Baiwei were approaching Li Fulin in Guangzhou... Peng Kun, who has lived in Guangzhou for many years, knows Li Fulin's influence very well. Even the important officials of the Republic of China who have been in charge of Guangdong in the past are afraid of him three points.

Once Mo and Chen get in touch with him, they will feel like ducks in water, and they will pose a serious threat to "Heyitang". Don't Mo and Chen have Li Fulin as their backer?Peng Kun had a brainstorm and had a countermeasure - he turned himself into a "patriotic gentleman".Recently, Peng Kun has been in frequent contact with worker leader Su Zhaozheng at the Guangzhou "Strike Committee" office. Su Zhaozheng is a sailor. From the first day he boarded the deck and bathed in the sea breeze, he was deeply enslaved and exploited by imperialism, capitalism and feudalism. He developed a strong fighting spirit.In addition, he traveled across the ocean and was able to contact the revolutionary ideas of the outside world. As early as April 6, 1921, he established the "China Seamen's Industry Federation" in Hong Kong, and received the support of Sun Yat-sen. Before the establishment of the "Haizong" Association, Sun Yat-sen said to Su Zhaozheng: "Freedom can be won. Merchants have chambers of commerce, and you can also form trade unions." On the day of the inaugural meeting, Sun Yat-sen sent representatives to attend the meeting.

The 16th Governor of Hong Kong, Szeto Po, was confronted with wave after wave of protests and attacks from Hong Kong workers when he took office. Su Zhaozheng seemed to be his natural "nemesis", which disturbed him for a day. When Peng Kun met Su Zhaozheng for the first time, he first listed Su Zhaozheng’s achievements in organizing workers’ strikes and threats against Situ Po, and then praised him greatly, saying: “Mr. Su is an unprecedented national hero. Zheng Chenggong, Wen Tianxiang, Lin Zexu and you In comparison, I really don’t know how inferior it is, but with these great achievements, it will be recorded in the annals of history forever—”

Su Zhaozheng saw that Peng Kunyue's words were getting more and more outrageous, and his attire did not look like a working class, so he said bluntly, "Mr., is it just to flatter me?" Peng Kun saw that the other party didn't like this, but fortunately he had a thick skin and was not embarrassed, so he said, "Of course not, he is about to report important information to Chairman Su." Seeing his horse face, Su Zhaozheng didn't look like a loyal person, and said, "I haven't asked your identity yet." Peng Kun rolled his eyes. He wanted to evade the lie and claimed to be the leader of the strike, but he was afraid of revealing his flaws, so he had to tell the truth: "Peng Kun, Hong Kong's 'He Yi Tang' military adviser."

Su Zhaozheng frowned: "It turned out to be from the Hong Kong Gang. I heard that you took advantage of the strike to loot Hong Kong citizens this time. Is there such a thing?" Peng Kun said anxiously: "Mr. Su, don't listen to rumors. Among all the halls in Hong Kong, the one with the most sense of justice is our Heyi Hall. The ransacking of citizens in Hong Kong this time is exactly what other halls deliberately lied to me. You can investigate the deeds done in the name of this matter." Su Zhaozheng said: "I don't have much energy. Regardless of whether the rumors are true or not, I always feel that although you are a gangster organization, you are still a Chinese. No matter when and where, you should stand on the side of the Chinese and safeguard the dignity of the nation. and interests."

"What Mr. Su said is very true." Peng Kun said carefully, "The purpose of our Heyitang is actually to oppose British imperialism and safeguard the interests of the motherland." Su Zhaozheng felt that Peng Kun's rhetoric was a bit pretentious, so he said: "Patriotism can't just be talked about, it must be done in practice." Peng Kun got up immediately, and saluted: "I came to Mr. Su just to take practical actions. Recently, the workers are starving for the benefit of the nation, but some people are so conscientious as to actively smuggle and support imperialism!"

Su Zhaozheng felt that the problem was serious, pointed to the wooden chair and said, "Sit down and talk slowly." Peng Kun sat down: "To tell you the truth, it is the various churches in Hong Kong who participated in the smuggling—as long as we and Yitang did not participate, some people even got asylum from the upper echelons of the Kuomintang." "Who?!" Su Zhaozheng jumped up. Peng Kun deliberately refused to say: "I'm afraid you will have nothing to do with him if you tell him." Su Zhao proved that the other party was provoking him on purpose, and said: "You don't have to do this, of course I can't deal with the Kuomintang military and political bureaucrats with my own strength, but this is the great cause of the nation. Whoever he is, dare to fight against 400 million compatriots? "

"Li Fulin." Peng Kun said, "He colluded with the 'Three Mountains Association' and Anle in Hong Kong. He not only smuggled in-demand items, he even dared to traffic in arms." Su Zhaozheng nodded: "Okay, I know it's him, others dare not. Go down and find out the situation, and I'll send a picket team to assist you." Peng Kun said: "I understand the situation. A batch of cloth was brought over two days ago. There are six speedboats in total, all of which belong to the Sanshan Club. They took the route from Lingdingyang to Zhuhai. It is estimated that they will still be there when they return to Hong Kong." will go that way." Su Zhaozheng said: "Very well, you go down and closely monitor, and report in time when you will go. From tomorrow onwards, I will set up a checkpoint in Xiazha!" "Also," said Peng Kun, "Tang Kou landed at the mouth of the Pearl River late at night in the past two days. Among them, 'He Qun Le' sold matches for the British Empire; He Yiyong sold foreign oil (kerosene) for the British Empire;' and Yihe 'dumped cotton yarn for the British imperialists...these halls landed from the non-wharf area of ​​Mipeng Bay in the dark, avoiding the inspection of the pickets." Su Zhaozheng praised: "The information you provided is very important. It has made a great contribution to combating smuggling and resisting British imperialism. On behalf of the strike committee, I would like to express my gratitude to you." Peng Kun said: "I am a Chinese, this is my job." Within two days, workers' pickets indeed intercepted a large number of smuggling boats in Dapeng Bay, Bao'an County. Next, Su Xiaofei found out that Chen Baiwei and Mo Qiqing put part of the ammunition in rice and sent it to Zhuhai in Li Fulin's military vehicle. Su Zhaozheng immediately organized a group of armed pickets and drove to the vicinity of Li Fulin's headquarters in a van.When the three cars set off, follow them immediately. Three large trucks left the city, crossed the Pearl River, passed through Panyu and Shunde, and entered the territory of Zhongshan County. They suddenly found the passenger truck behind them and stopped. More than ten kilometers down is the Xiazha checkpoint. In order not to arouse suspicion, Su Zhaozheng ordered to overtake. Peng Kun was worried that he would recognize him, so he got down on the front of the car. The van drove for a while, and left Chen Baiwei's car far away. Suspicious Peng Kun was worried that Chen Baiwei and the others would turn back to Guangzhou, so he stopped until the car behind passed them and overtook them. When Su Zhaozheng and Peng Kun came to the Xiazha checkpoint, the workers' pickets were stopping several trucks for inspection, including three military vehicles belonging to Li Fulin. Peng Kun was very proud. Seeing that Chen Baiwei was talking to the police, he whispered to Su Zhaozheng: "That guy is the hall master of 'He'an'. The dark skin beside him is named Mo Qiqing." Su Zhaozheng remembered it, and went over to question him. Chen Baiwei didn't know Su Zhaozheng, and wanted to pretend to be Li Fulin's subordinate, but Peng Kun appeared in front of him unexpectedly, and sneered, "Mr. Chen Baiwei, stop pretending, I've been waiting for you here for a long time!" Chen Baiwei was already mentally prepared, and turned his lips back: "Mr. Peng is indeed the reincarnation of Kong Ming. He killed Chen Yuxiang with the help of the British in Xiao Kei Wan, and now he has used the workers' leaders to get rid of me." A look of pride appeared on Peng Kun's face: "It's good to know. But you still underestimated me a bit. I killed two birds with one stone today, and he—" Peng Kun pointed to Mo Qiqing. Chen Baiwei straightened his clothes and bowed to Su Zhaozheng: "I, Chen Baiwei, have done bad things to the Chinese nation, and now I am willing to accept the picket. May I ask your name?" "Su Zhaozheng." "Ah, you are a famous worker leader. With your justice and national integrity, Mr. Chen is willing to be punished. However, there are really no guns or ammunition in this car as Peng Kun said." Su Zhaozheng said: "Regardless of whether there is one or not, you will only know after checking." Chen Baiwei stepped aside: "Please." With a wave of Su Zhaozheng's hand, several pickets flew onto the car, turned over a few bags of rice, and the cloth bag fell to the ground and burst, revealing a branch of black and shiny shells... Before it was too late, at that time, Chen Baiwei rushed to the first place In the cab of a car, as soon as the accelerator was stepped on, it rushed over with a "boom" and ordered loudly: "Follow me, don't be afraid!" Relying on the strength of the crowd, Mo Qiqing pulled the picket out of the car, ordered the driver to drive, and threw a few smoke bombs at the crowd... When the smoke cleared, the three trucks disappeared. Su Zhaozheng only picked up a few bags of rice, White flour, guns and ammunition are hidden inside. Return to Guangzhou with these dirty certificates, and at the same time order the pickets to detain Li Fulin's adjutant. In the afternoon, the worker pickets brought the stolen goods to the workers' congress for discussion and disposal. The crowd was furious and vowed to stop it.Later, considering that Li Fulin's army is an indigenous team recruited by militiamen and bandits, with thousands of people stationed in the Pearl River Delta, with a rough personality and low quality, if Li Fulin's men are brought to justice, it may cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, he had no choice but to send the stolen goods to Li Fulin, who would handle the matter himself. Chen Baiwei and Mo Qiqing rushed through the Xiazha checkpoint and came to the berth of the Zhuhai Bay, where the guards were armed with guns and live ammunition, ready for a bloody battle at any time, and at the same time quickly loaded the ship. Fortunately, the workers' picket team did not pursue them fiercely. In the afternoon, six ships weighed anchor and sailed south. The boat entered the center of Lingdingyang waters, and everyone's hanging hearts finally fell.As long as it wasn't a large-scale roundup, he wouldn't be afraid of three or five dozen people.Mo Qiqing's subordinates were all crawled out of the dead, and they were all brave enough to risk their lives; although Chen Baiwei's subordinates had never experienced actual combat, they were all clever, accurate with marksmanship, and profound in martial arts, and they had long hoped to play the real game. The six boats successfully arrived at the fish drying ground before dawn, and all kinds of hawkers were waiting here.Since the strike, Xiao Kei Wan has become a smuggling trading venue. All smuggling ships from the mainland are carrying items that are in high demand in Hong Kong, and they are sold out as soon as they land. Chen Baiwei came back from Guangzhou this time, although he earned 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but he was also full of anger. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Peng Kun must be removed! Chen Baiwei told his opponents about his experience in Guangzhou this time, the old hatred Weixue added new hatred, everyone in the hall gritted their teeth, wishing to eat his flesh raw. Chen Baiwei ordered everyone in the hall to be on the lookout at all times, and if there was an opportunity, they would act immediately and strike Peng Kun to death. Wen Gui said: "I have had an idea for a long time. The current economic and cultural center of Hong Kong is in Tangxi. It would be great if we could have a stall there like Peng Kun." Chen Baiwei also felt the same way: "It's not like that, but I just took over this mess, I can't even breathe, now I have to concentrate on attacking Peng Kun, otherwise he will lash out at us." Wen Gui said: "My idea is the same as that of the hall master. I said that setting up a stall in Tangxi is to hit Peng Kun quickly and severely." "There will be such a good thing?" "Yes," Wen Gui said, "Soldiers say that if you want to defeat the enemy, you must know the enemy, so that you can never slacken in a hundred battles. We are far away in the barren land of Shau Kei Wan, far away from Tangxi. If you want to understand Peng Kun is easier said than done? The brother reminded me just now that he heard the news from Jinling Restaurant. Jinling Restaurant is only a stone’s throw away from Wangfa. If we can occupy there, wouldn’t it be good to contain Peng Kun? Is it convenient?" Chen Baiwei tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and said, "Isn't Jinling Restaurant under the care of 'He Qun Le' now?" "Yes," Wen Gui took a sip of tea, "'Hequnle' currently mainly relies on the maintenance expenses of collecting Tangxi Fengyuedi's protection fees, and life is very difficult." Chen Baiwei sighed: "If we go to Jinling's idea, it will be morally unjustifiable." Wen Gui said: "The reason is like this, but I recently heard Guan Minghua say that the business there is not good, and the daily expenses Unable to maintain it, Xu Chengming is going to withdraw his insurance and go to the coast to develop." Chen Baiwei nodded: "This is a good opportunity, but at present there is a strike in Hong Kong, and nine out of ten families are empty, no matter who the business is, it will not be good. What I am afraid of is that once Hong Kong returns to normal, Xu Chengming will go back on his word." Wen Gui shook his head: "I guess there must be other reasons, but we don't know it." "This is the most important thing," Chen Baiwei said, "Xu Chengming is not stupid, if it is a piece of fat, how can he spit it out lightly?" Wen Gui nodded: "Exactly." "So, let's figure it out before making a decision, as you say 'know the enemy'." "Okay, I'll send someone down to investigate right away." Wen Gui stood up. Chen Baiwei said: "No need, it's better for the two of us to go there in person." Chen Baiwei and Wengui used Fu Linghua's Ford to go to Tangxi. Jinling is the most famous restaurant in Tangxi Fireworks Field nowadays, followed by Guangzhou and Taohuayuan. These three restaurants are all located in Shandaokou. The external structure of Jinling Restaurant is the same as that of Guangzhou Restaurant, but it covers a wider area and the interior decoration is more luxurious.It is said that the earliest owner of Jinling Restaurant was a literati who was the best of ancient Chinese poems. When it opened, in order to expand its popularity, it offered huge rewards to all walks of life to solicit couplets from all walks of life. It caused a sensation at that time. Chinese MP Dr. Wu Tingfang also participated and was among the top ten.His couplet has now become the gold-lettered signboard of Jinling Restaurant, hanging at the main entrance, saying: "Two lines of gold powder are used to persuade wine, and the moon looks at the tower from a corner of the hill." From this couplet, it can be read that Mr. Wu is not a romantic Lovers, at least they are also the bosom friend of Pink Lady, and even the place where his old man frequented must be full of famous people, and the business was once booming. After time changes, although Jinling Restaurant is still a famous prostitute village in Tangxi, it is not as popular as before, especially after the provincial and Hong Kong strikes, it has the momentum of "falling flowers and flowing water and spring gone". Chen Baiwei parked his Ford at the gate of Jinling Restaurant, and went upstairs with Wen Gui from the gate. Sure enough, although the splendid Jinling is magnificent, it has become cold and empty, and those prostitutes seem to be unable to cheer up, and they are no longer as romantic as they used to be. Can you still attract prostitutes? Chen Baiwei asked the madam whether the business was so slow because of the strike. The madam Zhang Huahua led Chen Baiwei and Wengui to the living room and ordered two prostitutes to accompany them.While replying: "There is a little influence, but it will not cause no one to come to the door. But no, we can't even pay the protection fee. Xu Chengming is still keeping his promise, and often sends people here. What should we do if this continues? The two of you Didn't I come here just to play today, could it be that Guan Ming said I can't do it?" Wen Gui nodded: "Guan Minghua did say that you want to transfer Jinling to someone else." "Are you interested too?" Zhang Huahua leaned over. Chen Baiwei nodded: "We are indeed interested, but this is Xu Chengming's territory, we can't take love away." At this time, there were two prostitutes poking their heads outside the door, but they did not dare to come in. Zhang Huahua said, "What are you looking at? What's there to look at?!" A prostitute timidly said: "Didn't Mommy say that there are two guests who want to accompany you?" Zhang immediately smiled, and said to Chen and Wen, "Look at how confused I am, forget what I just said, okay, play as much as you want, and I won't disturb you." Chen Baiwei didn't have any interest in playing with women, so he waved his hands: "Let's talk about our business first." After a moment of silence, Zhang Huahua said: "This has nothing to do with Master Xu, it really cannot be sustained in the long run." Chen Baiwei said, "There will always be a day when the strike will end. Although the British are likely to send troops to attack Guangzhou, Hong Kong will return to normal after all. When the business improves, you and Mr. Xu will regret it?" Zhang Huahua said with a sad face: "Don't tell lies in front of real people, don't hide the truth, the strike is not the main thing—" Chen Baiwei and Wen Gui nodded, waiting to continue listening. "Oh," Zhang Huahua said with a long sigh, "I don't know which god damn it, let out the rumor that our aunt in Jinling Restaurant has a disease worse than syphilis, and men can contract it as long as they hold hands or kiss. There is no doubt about death." Chen Baiwei said: "This is simply nonsense, do the guests also believe it?" Zhang Huahua said: "That's right, these rumors are unbelievable. A few old customers publicly refuted the rumors for us, kissed Auntie in public... who would have thought that those old customers would really die a few days later. When you die, your whole body turns purple...?" Chen Baiwei understood who did it as soon as he heard it, and asked intentionally: "Do you really have this disease?" Zhang Huahua said: "If I really have this disease, can I still talk to you? Who of our aunts here has never been close? To put it bluntly, I also have a relationship with my aunt." Chen Baiwei nodded: "Then someone is playing tricks." "It must be so." "Is your guess accurate? Do you have any enemies in your life?" Zhang Huahua shook his head and nodded again: "Mingli has no enemies; but colleagues have always been jealous, and this line of work naturally becomes others' enemies." "Can you tell me who it is?" Chen Baiwei asked. Zhang Huahua had several layers of worries in her heart, and shook her head again and again: "There is no evidence, even if there is no evidence, I dare not speak nonsense." Chen Baiwei clasped his hands in front of his chest: "Mummy Zhang doesn't need to do this at all, we are actually on the same line." "That's right, that's right." Zhang Huahua said perfunctorily. Chen Baiwei felt that the other party would not say anything if he continued to ask, so he was about to leave, got up and said: "Okay, let's talk about this today, if I come up with the best countermeasure, I will inform you immediately, and Jinling will be taken over." Chen Baiwei and Wen Gui went out, and they were still waiting for the two prostitutes in the aisle, looking at them eagerly. Only then did Zhang Huahua remember that it was time to keep the guests, and said, "Master Chen and Master Wen Jun, you two will leave when you are happy." Chen Baiwei shook his head: "No, we still have urgent matters." Chen and Wen walked out of "Jinling" and got into the car. Chen Baiwei started the car, and Wen Gui couldn't help asking: "Master, who do you think is the one who spread rumors and brought down Jinling?" Chen Baiwei asked back: "What do you think?" Wen Gui said: "Peng Kun." Chen Baiwei nodded: "Except for him, there is no one in Hong Kong who is more sinister and vicious than him. His intention in doing this is to annex Jinling in the end." Wen Gui nodded, "Peng Kun has great ambitions. He used Xiaoxiao to open a brothel in Wangfa. He will definitely not be satisfied and wants to expand." "There is another factor," Chen Baiwei said, "Peng Kun has made too many enemies in Hong Kong. Once Jinling falls into the hands of others, it will be a threat to him. Based on this, he will definitely not let Jinling go." Do you know about becoming famous?" "It should be guessable." Chen Baiwei said, "He may be afraid of Peng Kun's power and dare not fight with him, so he has to choose to give in. How is Xu Chengming capable?" Wen Gui said: "He's still a man, with good martial arts, and he is very prestigious in Hequnle, but he thinks he's a bit straightforward." Chen Baiwei said: "If he is an upright person, how can he be Peng Kun's opponent?" "Exactly." Wen Gui said, "He has already been fooled several times. Fortunately, his military adviser Deng Daqing is still a bit scheming. Without him, 'He Qun Le' would have been eaten by Peng Kun long ago." Chen Baiwei nodded and said: "No wonder." Speaking of this, he suddenly had an idea and came up with a clever plan, saying: "Military Master, why don't we secretly support Xu Chengming and Zhang Huahua?" Wen Gui also seemed to be enlightened, and said excitedly: "Yes, this is much better than us dealing with Peng Kun in the open. It can highlight strange moves and make him hard to guard against. In addition, we have two more alliances, Xu Chengming and Zhang Huahua!" Without saying a word, Chen Baiwei held the steering wheel and drove towards Queen's Road West. It is said that after the Hongmen Conference, although Xu Chengming's "Hequnle" snatched a little space at the pier, the backyard caught fire - the protection rights of many stalls in Tangxi under his jurisdiction were taken away by some unidentified halls For this reason, several conflicts occurred. The opponent was obviously prepared and very powerful, but in the end they still suffered. Deng Daqing, the military adviser, believed that Peng Kun was playing tricks, and Xu Chengming also thought that it would be someone else except "Heyitang". They dare not go to the door.If there is no skin, how will the hair be attached?With no business in the brothel, how can we talk about "protection fees"?To put it bluntly, it is the negligence of the protector to make troubles. In such a situation, Xu Chengming had to concentrate his energy on the coastal wharves. After the "May 30th" tragedy, he participated in smuggling activities from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.It was already foolproof, but I didn't expect that the workers' picket team came down like magic soldiers a few days ago and intercepted the ships and goods of 'Hequnle' in Dapeng Bay, causing a huge loss of 30,000 oceans. These days, the two are sulking about it. Deng Daqing always went to Xu Chengming's office to analyze the current situation at various halls. This morning, Deng Daqing came over as usual, after finishing his affairs. Xu Chengming made a "please sit down" gesture without saying a word. Deng Daqing sat down: "On the third day when we planted in Dapeng Bay, Mo Qiqing and Chen Baiwei almost fell too." Xu Chengming said: "The two of them are also smuggling?" "Yes," Deng Daqing said, "Mo Qiqing has great powers, and he has colluded with Li Fulin, the great warlord of Guangzhou." Xu Chengming: "They will fall if they hook up with Li Fulin?" Deng Daqing wanted to explain the details, but someone outside the door reported: "He'an Le's hall master, military advisor, please see me!" Deng Daqing said happily: "Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, please!" After a while, Chen Baiwei and Wengui entered.The two parties sat down after seeing the ceremony, Xu Chengming said: "The military teacher and I were talking about the Guitang, and you just arrived!" Chen Baiwei said with a smile: "Hey, what are you talking about me? Didn't you say anything bad about me?" Xu Chengming: "No, our military adviser said that you were almost killed in Guangzhou this time, is there such a thing?" Chen Baiwei nodded and said: "If there is such a thing, it will be lowered in Zhuhai." "I heard that you still have Li Fulin's escort? Who is so bold to search? Unless someone tipped off." Chen Baiwei: "Master Xu is really good at predicting things, and the 'Sanshanhui' and I were plotted by Peng Kun." "Peng Kun?" Xu Chengming and Deng Daqing looked at each other. "Yes," Chen Baiwei said, "Except for me and the 'Sanshanhui', almost all the halls have been betrayed by him." Deng Daqing: "I said why the people in the picket team are so supernatural, knowing that we landed at Dapeng Bay late at night! After you reminded me, I remembered that 'Heyitang' was not involved in smuggling in those few days!" Chen Baiwei pretended Confused: "Accident happened to you too? Guitang has such a deep relationship with 'Heyitang'. Didn't Peng Kun give you a letter?" Xu Chengming shook his head: "Don't mention it, we were tricked by him." Deng Daqing interjected: "We are all people who have suffered from Peng Kun's losses. We should have a common language. I hope Hall Master Chen will never mention the matter between us and 'Heyi Hall'. The two of you have come from afar today. How can I advise you?" Chen Baiwei became serious: "To tell you the truth, our hall and Peng Kun are at odds, and we also know some of your quarrels with Peng Kun, so today we are here to join hands with your hall to deal with the 'Heyi Hall'. " Seeing Chen Baiwei's serious face, Xu Chengming and Deng Daqing also became serious. Deng Daqing made a gesture: "Please advise." Chen Baiwei said: "I wonder if your hall has noticed Peng Kun's recent movements?" Deng Daqing looked back: "I noticed that he is in contact with McDonald and Wu Ping every day." "What is contact for?" "Currently, Hong Kong's sex business is sluggish, and they collude with McDonald to lure a large number of military and police to his brothel." Chen Baiwei nodded and asked, "Is there any other purpose?" Deng Daqing sighed: "Peng Kun has set his sights on Jinling and created sensational rumors that Jinling is about to go bankrupt." Chen Baiwei estimated that they knew this, and said: "Although the annexation of Jinling is Peng Kun's sinister intention, it has no direct relationship with the contact with McDonald's. Today, a brother of mine found out a very valuable news, saying that these Tian Pengkun contacted McDonald and Wu Ping frequently and offered to assassinate the worker leader Su Zhaozheng." Xu Chengming and Deng Daqing were shocked. "Su Zhaozheng is the nemesis of the governor of Hong Kong, Stuart. If Peng Kun's scheme succeeds, he may be appreciated by the British. Once such a person gains power, it will be a disaster for all of Hong Kong, so we cannot let his scheme succeed. !" Deng Daqing said: "Master Chen must have already had a countermeasure in mind when he got such important information." Chen Baiwei: "It stands to reason that we should tell the workers' picket team 'and Anle', but we had conflicts with Su Zhaozheng during our trip to Guangzhou. He didn't believe what I said. The biggest loss is to miss something." Xu Chengming said: "Could it be that Master Chen just wants to save Su Zhaozheng?" Chen Baiwei was about to irritate the other party, and deliberately said: "Peng Kun and I are sworn brothers. If the opportunity was mine, I would have him die in Guangzhou and never come back, but I just can't go to Guangzhou..." Xu Chengming said loudly: "Don't talk about it, Peng Kun and I are really at odds with each other. If you find out his whereabouts, I must kill him this time!" "Okay!" Chen Baiwei took the lead in applauding, "I wish Master Xu every success!" Xu Chengming felt that Chen Baiwei was setting up a "trap", so he gave Deng Daqing a consultative look. Deng Daqing said: "This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for revenge. If you lose it, you won't have it again. It's just that we are not familiar with the situation in Guangzhou, and Peng Kun's action plan, Mr. Chen, didn't make it clear." From Deng Daqing's words, Chen Baiwei felt that this person was a little tricky, and it was absolutely reliable to let him take on the important task of assassinating Peng Kun, so he said: "There is no need for Deng Junshi to worry about these things. I will send a few brothers who are familiar with the terrain of Guangzhou to assist in the operation. Peng Kun's The action time will be tomorrow at the latest, and tonight at the earliest, no matter which route he takes, he must go to the Guangzhou 'Workers Strike Committee' to find Su Zhaozheng, the problem is that such an important task requires a capable person like Deng Junshi." Deng Daqing said: "I'm definitely going. It's best if you send someone over without delay!" "One more thing." Seeing Deng Daqing's anxious look, Chen Baiwei said, "I have a solution to the problem of Jinling Restaurant?" Xu Chengming said: "I would like to listen to advice." "Since Peng Kun has spread the rumors, let's do our best - replace all the existing aunts in Jinling!" Deng Daqing was the first to wake up: "This is a good way, but where can I find so many aunts at once?" Chen Baiwei said: "It's not difficult, the big deal is to run farther away. I heard that Vietnamese girls are very cheap, and they are willing to come out. To be honest, in order to bring down Peng Kun, this is also one of my tricks. 'He Yitang' is so proud, The main reason is that "Wang Fat" is supporting them. Even if Hong Kong people go to Hong Kong Airlines, they still have a lot of guests every day and a lot of money. Jinling Restaurant is not far away, and it is a time-honored restaurant. " Deng Daqing cheered and said: "Okay, let's split up. I will go to Guangzhou, and Hall Master Chen will be responsible for purchasing Vietnamese girls. After this is done, Jinling will also have a share in your hall!" Chen Baiwei said: "I don't dare to hope. Just now Zhang Huahua talked about this issue and asked us to take over Jinling. I think only the three companies can join forces to bring Peng Kun down!" Chen Baiwei and Wengui walked out of "Hequnle" and got into the car. Wengui couldn't help asking: "Master, where did you hear about the purchase of Vietnamese girls?" Chen Baiwei said: "On the way to Guangzhou this time, I overheard someone from the 'Sanshan Club' revealing." Wen Gui shook his head and sighed: "You didn't tell me. If I knew, you wouldn't be allowed to tell 'He Qun Le'. With this trick, wouldn't it be better to take over Jinling alone?" Chen Baiwei had no regrets at all: "If I did what you said, wouldn't I become the second Peng Kun?" Wen Gui was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "It turns out that the hall master is really a lot, hahaha..." "Can you win the world without a large number? Hahaha..." After seeing off Chen Baiwei and Wengui, Xu Chengming asked Deng Daqing, "What do you think of Chen Baiwei?" Deng Daqing sighed: "Much better than Peng Kun." Xu Chengming's butt bounced off the grand teacher's chair: "It's okay, don't deal with him!" "Why?" Deng Daqing was puzzled. "We can't stand a Peng Kun, how can we afford to be more powerful than him?" Deng Daqing understood what he heard, he couldn't stop laughing, and said after laughing: "The hall master misunderstood." "What kind of misunderstanding?" "I said that Chen Baiwei is better than Peng Kun. The hall master only thinks about it in a narrow sense, but doesn't understand it in a broad sense." "I don't know what 'narrow sense' or 'broad sense' is. 'Good' is good, and 'bad' is bad. I don't care about anything else." Deng Daqing remembered that the hall master hadn't read any books and had been traveling all the time, so it was impossible to know too much truth, so he said: "I mean Chen Baiwei is a few grades higher than Peng Kun. Think about it, even the important information of 'Vietnamese Girl' is not there. Keep it, would it be like this if someone else changed?" Xu Chengming seems to have realized something. "What's more, we have already proposed to surrender the insurance. Zhang Huahua is looking for him. He can take over Jinling alone. He is not stupid. He can't explain everything very clearly. He distributes the benefits to everyone and makes people feel that he can be trusted. , this kind of person is a real hero who can rule the world! On the contrary, Peng Kun is not like this, he is self-seeking, intolerant, stingy, and can't suffer a single cent. Anyone who deals with him, except him who wants to use Yes, who doesn't hate it to the bone? Want to eat its flesh raw?" Xu Chengming finally understood, and said: "The 'narrow sense' and 'broad sense' are the same thing." Deng Daqing continued: "Don't look at Peng Kun's power now, there are many people secretly waiting to see what happens to him. If he can't be killed this time, he will die at the hands of others." "Don't let him go this time!" Xu Chengming said, "One minute of this person's life is a threat to us." "I mean 'if'." Deng Daqing gritted his teeth. Xu Chengming got up from the chair: "That's all for today, you go down and make preparations, and select the brothers with the most accurate marksmanship and the best martial arts to go with you." Deng Daqing counted more than a dozen capable men, and the leader sent by Chen Baiwei also arrived later, and brought definite information: Peng Kun was leaving tonight. Deng Daqing didn't dare to be negligent. In the afternoon, he pretended to be a fisherman going to sea at the Sheung Wan Ferry Pier and boarded the boat. He hid his short guns under the cabin. The sun on the sea in early autumn is very poisonous, basking on the fishing boats without any cover.Entering the center of Victoria Bay, you feel as if you are in the boundless ocean. Deng Daqing, who grew up in the mainland, only saw fishponds when he was young. At that time, he heard adults say "three mountains, six waters, and one field". number!But he knew that the fish pond was not as big as the mountain behind the house. Now that he was in the sea, his childhood memories came to him spontaneously. He knew that Victoria Bay was not considered a sea in the world.The fishing boat arrived at the mouth of the Pearl River in the evening and docked near Humen. Since there was no cargo on board, there were few checks along the way.In this way, I got on the bus bound for Guangzhou very smoothly.Arrived in Guangzhou at midnight. According to the brothers Chen Baiwei sent to lead the way, the meeting place of the strike committee was near Yicui Road. That night, Deng Daqing found the office address. Because it was too late, more than a dozen snipers scattered nearby, pretending to be Hong Kong strikers who could not find accommodation, and slept outside the office. Later, because they were worried that there would be too many people, they might attract the attention of workers' pickets. Fortunately, there was a small hotel nearby, and everyone went in and settled down. Deng Daqing was worried that Peng Kun would come over overnight and take a quick way to assassinate the workers' leaders.This possibility is very high, because Peng Kun is suspicious by nature.加之他刚刚靠出卖其他堂口取得了苏兆征的信任,半夜都可以把他骗出来……这样想着时邓大清全无睡意,吩咐手下严静以待,随时准备出击。 店小二见今天来了这么多客人,十分高兴,主动上前跟大家拉家常。问道:“各位从哪里来?” “香港。”众人由于听了邓大清的吩咐不能多说话,只简单地回答。 “你们是罢工工人吧?”店小二问。 邓大清忙接过话:“你怎么知道?” 店小二十分得意:“我怎么不知道?自省港大罢工以来,这里是罢工委员会,每天都有好多人从香港过来,现在算是少多了。以前不分白天黑夜到处都是人,哪有这么清静,工会的人整天忙得团团转。” 邓大清暗忖:这下有了,我就向店小二打探!因问道:“工会的人你认识吗?苏兆征你听说过吗?” 店小二嘴一厥:“怎么不认识,我们管他叫'苏主席',以前是你们香港的海员,很了不起。” “你知道他住在哪里?” 店小二这下搔着脑袋:“这个……可能在工会里。” “工会在哪里?” “就在前面那个街口上,挂了块很大的牌子。” “工会一共有几间房子?苏兆征住哪一间?” “我可不知道了,工会的房子很多的。而且进去还有一套大院。” 邓大清一听心里暗暗焦急,现在必须尽快找到苏兆征的住处,一旦彭昆先下了手马上就会逃离广州,以后再找这样的机会就不可能了。 邓大清苦着脸,思考着如何找到苏兆征的住所。去前面路口守候是最佳的办法,但容易引起注意,彭昆做恶事太多,行动肯定小心,切勿打草惊蛇,万一守门的纠察问起,就说是彭昆派来的,有重要情报——不不,一旦彭昆随后也到,就露馅了! 正想着,外面有人叫住宿。 小二忙过去开了门,那人只是不肯进来,问道:“有没有铺位?”小二答道:“你有多少人?” 宿客问:“你有多少空位?” 小二道:“实不相瞒,我这里已经住了十几个香港工人,一二两人还挤得下。” 宿客道:“那就另找一家算了。” 邓大清感到“宿客”说话的声音很熟,伸首探望:竟是彭昆的手下苏小枫! 这一惊非同小可,邓大清立即叫起手下,“如此这般”做了一番安排。 店小二发现这伙住客像要走的样子,十分焦急。邓大清担心他乱喊乱叫,喊道:“小二,我们都没冲凉,有没有水?” 店小二回答:“我去问问掌柜的。”刚转身,冷不忘脖子被人掐住,想叫也叫不出来了……邓大清用力,直至店小二口吐白沫,抽出一把匕首在他心脏部位补了一刀,才率众离开小旅店。 路口果然有人……正面不能去,邓大清马上率众绕路来到后墙。后墙系青砖砌成,约六尺多高,他纵身越墙而过。 墙内,是罢工委员会住宿,有一间平房亮了灯,灯影下,有人在办公……邓大清领着一名'和安乐'弟兄来到窗外,这位弟兄认出办公批阅文件的正是苏兆征! 恰在此时,一工人纠察进来报告:“苏主席,有人求见。” 苏兆征放下笔:“什么人?” 纠察道:“他说是从香港那边来的。” 苏兆征:“是不是一个马脸男人?” “正是。他说有紧急的情报向你汇报。” “请他进来。”苏兆征温和地说。 邓大清听到此处,异常紧张,估计彭昆可能从外面过来了,迅速率领几个精干杀手转移到围墙边,分别躲在几丛冬青树里,都把子弹推上膛,打开保险……一个身影从正门外走进来,身穿长衫,头戴瓜皮帽,此人正是彭昆! 为防万一,邓大清等目标来到路灯下,看清了是一张马脸,才率先瞄准放了一枪。随后,六七支短枪一齐射击,彭昆倒在血泊之中……
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