Home Categories contemporary fiction 160 million

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

160 million 张贤亮 9043Words 2018-03-19
After crying so much, Sister Lu felt a little relieved.At this time, more and more tourists came to visit.Sister Lu stood up, stood in front of this well-known ancient celebrity, and stared at the wooden sculpture.The woodcarved face is mysterious and unpredictable, as if it still has deep wisdom, watching her from aloof.But Sister Lu couldn't get a hint from his facial expression, and she still didn't know where she should go. What should I do? Sister Lu remembered what was said in the book. An outstanding person who played a major role in the process, and thus will be immortalized forever. People still commemorate him today, which shows that there is nothing wrong with farming in the countryside.Big deal, just go back to the countryside to farm.

Sister Lu went to the public toilet of this scenic spot to wash her face, combed her hair, walked out of the gate of the scenic spot and got on the bus. Like she did when she came, she made two bus transfers and returned to the hair salon. As soon as she entered, the girls, that is, the ladies, all cried out in surprise: "Sister Fang, Sister Fang, you lost, you lost! Quickly pay for the treat! Quickly pay for the treat!" Sister Fang came out from behind, full of surprises, "I said she won't come back, but I really want her to come back! You don't know me, you have to plan for the worst, don't you! Rest, sister , get some rest! You got into the car last night, you must be very tired just after you got off the car! Today I lost money in a bet, and I want to treat guests to dinner. You don’t have to cook all day today.”

It turned out that after Sister Lu asked for leave and left, the girls made a bet with Sister Fang. The girls said she would come back, but Sister Fang said she would not.Whoever loses is invited to dinner.Although Sister Fang lost the bet, she was very happy to lose. I went out to find a job, and in order to find a decent place to work, Sister Lu reluctantly spent more than 80 yuan to buy a set of clothes worn by girls in the city. They are not fashionable, but "professional" "Pretend" style, lest the examiner see her appearance as a country bumpkin during the interview.Including the hotel room fee, food and drink expenses, car fare, incense and candles, etc., the total cost of the four days was more than 200 yuan.After saving the three hundred yuan with great difficulty, there are less than thirty yuan left.She felt that this was the biggest waste of her life, enough for her younger brother to study for two years.Seeing that everyone was so enthusiastic and everyone was looking forward to her return, she felt ashamed secretly.

"Sister Fang, don't eat outside! I'm going to buy vegetables and some fish, and I'll do it. How nice it is for everyone to eat here!" She was actually not tired. She put down her bag and rolled up her sleeves to go to the kitchen to look at the stove. fire.The small bag contained "professional attire" that she felt wasted. "Okay, okay!" Sister Fang immediately took out the money, "Don't go to the vegetable market anymore, you should lie down and rest for a while, and ask Xiaohong to go buy it. The food you cook is much more delicious than the restaurant! Let's fight for a day today' Tooth Festival'!"

That night, Sister Fang asked her to change to her own small room on the second floor, and set up a small bed opposite Sister Fang's bed. Since then, she moved out of the small attic where seven or eight girls were crowded. The hair salon is open 24 hours a day, especially at night when the phone calls constantly, and Sister Fang runs up and down to answer the phone to receive customers.When she had some free time, Sister Fang sat by her bed and said: I didn't feel anything when you were here, and I really missed you when you left.As soon as you left, the hair salon seemed to have changed, even the smell was wrong.Although our hair salon is doing this kind of business, everyone is more lively when you are here.You are not here, everyone seems to be doing business besides doing business.Your family is fine, so you can rest assured that you can stay here with peace of mind.As for people, it depends on luck and chance.I think you may meet a good opportunity in the future, marry someone well, set up a home in the city, and live in peace.

She thought it would be good to go out this time, but she didn't have any chance to see this big city, and she searched everywhere in the city, but she couldn't find any luck.Let her know that in this big city, only this dirty hair salon hidden in a corner of the city has her foothold, other than that, there is no place for her to settle down.In this hair salon, she can at least feel a little warmth, and it is also very lively. The ladies all rely on their own bodies to make money, and they don't interfere with each other, don't quarrel with each other, and there are no intrigues in the society. It can be said that it is really a "big family"!

In this way, after another two months of living peacefully and harmoniously with everyone, when Sister Lu saved another two hundred yuan, a phone call suddenly came from home. It was the voice of the owner of the small shop: "Sister! Don't be anxious or afraid after listening to it! Let me tell you first, your brother's son of a bitch has nothing to do with it, nothing at all! Then I will go to Let's talk about it." She didn't sound good, "Okay, okay, I'm not in a hurry or afraid, what's going on at home, tell me!" The owner of the small shop then went on to say: "It rained heavily the day before yesterday. I don't know if it's raining in your city! Have you watched the TV? It's called 'torrential rain'. The landslide here is not your home. Is it not far from the riverside? A slip of dirt next to my small shop slid down and swept your house around the corner. Your father happened to be in the house, and the house collapsed, crushing your father. But There was no major hindrance, but a few ribs were broken. Now the township government has sent him to the hospital to live with a screwdriver."

"Then my brother is fine! Dad, you didn't say that to comfort me, did you?" "No, no! That tortoise son is very smart! When there was a little rain, he took your father and ran out, saying that he was going to run into a hole. You know your father! You don't want to run with him! The result is crushed It's inside the house." "Then what to do now, let me go back to the house and have a look! I'll be right back." "It's the same when you come back! Your father asked me to call you, but he didn't ask you to come back. What he wanted was for you to find a way to send three or four thousand yuan back: the house needs to be rebuilt, he was injured, he needs to recuperate, the injured After a while, I can’t go to the ground. You can’t help me when you come back! Now your little brother is serving your father, serving food, water, excrement, and urine. Send money! In my opinion, if you want to build a house, you need more than 3,000 yuan instead of 4,000 yuan, not counting the crushed things to add, and your father’s recovery money.”

"Okay, okay!" Sister Lu could only agree, "I'll think about it here. Please tell my father, old man, not to worry, to heal his wounds with peace of mind, and stop beating my brother. I will definitely think about it here. Do everything possible to send it to his old man as soon as possible." The owner of the small store called at noon, the ladies just woke up, and no customers came to the door, the owner of the small store seemed to have never made a long-distance call, afraid that the other party could not hear, so he shouted loudly so that everyone could hear, Sister Fang is also there.After putting down the phone, Sister Lu was in a daze, and everyone couldn't think of any way to comfort her. Everyone in the hair salon was silent.

She cooked lunch as usual, and the girls ate. There was a break when there was no business. Sister Fang called Sister Lu to their small bedroom, took Sister Lu by the hand and said: "Sister, I know you're in trouble, but ask me to give you a call. Your father is injured and needs to build a house. You can't afford three or four thousand dollars. I can lend it to you, and you can pay it back." You also know the situation in my family: our husband and I have been laid off, and my husband has been depressed since then, playing mahjong all day long, doing nothing! I just opened this hair salon. I know that it is a shameful business, but only This kind of business can still make money, what else can I do to open a small shop and earn more than ten yuan a day! I have to raise a baby, and I also need to take care of my father’s father and my two old people, and I have to pay back my husband’s bets Debt. Recently, the original factory wanted to sell the family building where we lived to the employees, calling it a "housing reform", and each family had to pay more than 10,000 yuan. Otherwise, we will be told to pack up and get out! So, three or four thousand dollars is really a big amount to me. I lent you a hundred and one hundred dollars, and you will have to pay it back in three or four years. Can’t wait until then.”

Speaking of this, Sister Fang seemed to be having difficulty opening her mouth, and her eye circles were also red. "Don't pay attention to what I say: there is a big boss who has already taken a fancy to you. You sent someone to ask several times before you asked for leave. What he wants is 'opening'. I don't know when he will come. He secretly saw you with his own eyes. The person he sent said that you would pay 4,000 yuan when the big boss "opened the business". Later, he called several times. I never agreed, and kept saying that you were my relative. I can’t let you do this kind of business. Sister, you think about it. Of course, a woman only has this once in her life, but you can give it to anyone. Some women let their husbands drive a virgin, but they don’t beat them again and again. What's the point? What's more, in today's society, as long as you are a boy who loves you, you don't care if you are a virgin or not! To put it bluntly, a woman will let a man break that thing sooner or later. If you want someone to do it, it must be worth it! If you are fired by the big boss this time, and all the problems you face are solved at once, I think it is still worth it. You have to promise, what’s the point? Don't mention it, it's all yours! Solve your difficulties. I really can't think of any other way, so I made this bad move! You think about it carefully, if you don't want to be "opened", don't think I'm talkative, just treat it as I didn't say anything, we are still sisters. I'll go down first, maybe some guests are coming, and you're right here at the head of the room, so you should think about it!" After saying these words, Sister Fang ran out of the room as if fleeing. Sister Lu has already made up her mind: the world is like this, she has seen "what exists is reasonable", and she has also experienced "what exists is not reasonable".The sisters don't care, I still have something I can't get rid of. If I become a "Xiaomi" for that orange-skinned manager, sooner or later there will be this day.If the orange-skin-faced manager could really give her four thousand yuan at once, the manager would have the right to harass her continuously from then on, and she could no longer refuse, and her fate would always be tied to that orange-skinned manager.It's better to let someone you don't know "open up" and pay her 4,000 yuan at a time to solve the big problem you are facing, and never see each other again. During dinner, the hair salon had a short break again. During the meal, the ladies uncharacteristically stopped joking about the TV series, and each talked about their experiences of being "excused" in the past.Some said that they were scratched by the teacher in elementary school in a daze, some said that they had a quarrel with male classmates and broke it, some said that they were broken by an old man when they went up the mountain to cut firewood, and some said that they were in their hometown. I love a young man so much that I love her so much, so I do it with him. Within a few days, the young man dumped her, and one even said that he broke her while riding a bicycle... There are various reasons. In short, they all seem to be comforting her. The words at the dinner table can be regarded as a "pre-war mobilization meeting" to encourage Sister Lu's courage to actively fight. Sister Fang saw that Sister Lu was willing to let the big boss "open up", so she tried to call the big boss's subordinates at night according to the phone number she left behind.They told them to wait a while and ask their boss first.After less than ten minutes, the phone rang here, asking Sister Lu to go to the number and room of a five-star hotel at eight o'clock tomorrow night. On this day, it was raining lightly in the city like Sister Lu's hometown, and the road was muddy, so there were not many customers coming to the hair salon for fun.Sister Fang taught Sister Lu her experience in their small room, which can be said to be "notes for people in the industry". Sister Fang said, first, don't believe that men only believe in money, don't listen to the hype from the guests, why are you so cute and beautiful, I will ask you to come and wait for the sweet talk next time.Men like to look for fresh ones, and in the morning he will throw you out of the sky; second, never have real feelings for customers.You have never had a boyfriend, you just started this business, and you meet a man who treats you better, you will think how gentle and lovely he is.In fact, he was just trying to have fun and play tricks on you.If you are really married to him, he will make you suffer a lot!If you have real feelings, you will miss him every day in the future, and he will leave you in the back of your head and play with other girls, and you will feel more uncomfortable than anything else!If you want to find a husband, don’t look for it among clients. People who are used to prostitutes marry you, and they will go to prostitute other women. Among the prostitutes, none of them is faithful to their wives; third, don’t kiss clients. The most prone to feelings.If he messed with you, you act as if you messed with him too.If he messed with you, he would forget about you the next day, and if you messed with him, forget about him too!Never take him to heart!Fourth, the most important thing is not to let guests hurt you.You have to wear a condom, not to mention whether the client has an STD, even if it makes your belly bigger, the client is not responsible at all, and the money given to you is not enough for abortion!Also, don't let the guests play tricks, but ask you to play tricks, as long as it doesn't hurt you, it's fine, but you need to pay more, if you don't pay more, don't do it!In addition, the first time you must have some pain and a little bleeding, that is normal, bear with it and it will pass, don't be afraid. Sister Fang can be said to speak earnestly and earnestly teach.There are still some details and experiences, which Sister Lu has heard from the ladies in the chat, so Sister Lu is still mentally prepared for her first time, and doesn't think it is too scary.Make up your mind and dare to pull the emperor off his horse!My father, who dare not do anything, raised me so much, always listened to my mother, saved me money and raised me until I graduated from middle school.For these two people, what a pity a thin hymen is! The next day, it was still raining lightly in City C. After dinner, Sister Lu changed into the "professional attire" she had bought with pain. In the eyes of Sister Fang and the girls, her image suddenly took on a new look.The ladies were all amazed, and they all said that "horses need saddles and people need clothes", which is exactly right!Sister Lu is unparalleled in this area, and she is rare in the entire city of C. Walking on the street, who dare to call her a "Miss"! Sister Fang called a "de" and took her to the agreed five-star hotel in person.Sister Fang had never been in such a high-end hotel before. When she got out of the car, she saw that the gatekeeper was wearing a red uniform that was only seen in foreign movies.Just at this moment, a person holding an umbrella came over and greeted Sister Fang: "You are the lady boss, come on! Wait for me to invite you!" Sister Fang recognized that this person had been to her hair salon, and she just asked about "opening the office", as if she had seen a savior, she quickly followed him in. The two followed the visitor into the elevator.As soon as someone pressed the button, the elevator went up without knowing it, until it reached the 20th floor.They followed the man to the door of the room, and the man knocked on the door, waiting for the people inside to open the door before they could enter.Only then did Sister Lu realize that it was not this person who wanted to "open the door", but someone else.The person who came to open the door let them in, and saw one person sitting on the sofa, laughing and saying: "I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to come, so I sent someone to pick it up. The boss also followed me. I'm afraid I won't give you money." It turned out that it wasn't the person who opened the door, it was the sitting person who "opened the door". "Hey, hey!" Sister Fang smiled apologetically, "Where did the boss say it went! Didn't I send it here because I was afraid that I would miss your husband's happiness, and that she couldn't find a place?" The big boss waved at the two of them. "Let's go! Send the proprietress out too, find her a taxi, and pay first. It's raining, don't let the proprietress get wet." After everyone left, Sister Lu had the chance to see what the big boss looked like.The big boss has been sitting and stood up after the person left. "Sit, sit, sit! Don't be nervous, relax, and be happy! Whatever you want to eat and drink, take it from the refrigerator." The big boss is in his fifties, medium to short, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with a round figure and a round face; his face is ruddy and his face is kind.Walking around on the carpet in a robe made of white towels.Walking to the refrigerator, the big boss opened the refrigerator and showed it to Sister Lu, which meant that she could take whatever she wanted. Sister Lu heard from the ladies that the things in the refrigerator in the guests' rooms should not be touched casually, because the hotel will charge them to the guest's account.Although the guest asked you to eat and drink, the guest will feel sorry for you if you really eat and drink, so Sister Lu said that there is no need, she just finished eating.The big boss closed the refrigerator and looked at Sister Lu carefully. "You are so arrogant! It took you several months to invite you here today. Well, good luck, it's too early to come! Do you want to take a bath first? If you want to wash, go to the bathroom." He pointed to the door of a room . Sister Lu knew that this was not asking for her opinion but an order.So she opened the door and went in.At first glance, the bathroom was bigger than the room where she and Sister Fang slept.She turned on the faucet carefully. It turned out that one faucet was for hot water and the other was for cold water. It still needed to be adjusted. The clever Sister Lu quickly mastered the appropriate temperature.Standing under the shower head took a shower.Anyway, enjoy it first. She didn't know how to lock the door, but she was a little relieved that the big boss didn't open the door to harass her while she was naked.After taking a shower, she saw the same robe made of white towels that the big boss wore hanging behind the closed bathroom door, so she put it on naked with only shorts on.Only later did she know that it was called a "bathrobe", which was only available in star-rated hotels.This gave her experience, which hotel the guest called, she could know the social class and economic strength of the guest from whether there was a bathrobe in the room. After leaving the bathroom, the big boss was watching TV and beckoning to her. "Come here, let's sit down and chat for a while. You are so nice! What a pity! Alas! There is no way for a beautiful woman to fall into the dust!" She listened absently to the big boss alone, not knowing how to answer.The big boss is not as impatient as the manager, of course, because he already has the chance to win.The big boss saw that she had nothing to answer and was a little tired, so let's go inside and talk on the bed. It turned out that there was another room inside, called the bedroom, which was also spacious and luxurious, and one bed was more than enough to sleep four people.After the big boss took off his gold-rimmed glasses, his gaze was a little dull.He took off his bathrobe, revealing his snow-white, fat and round body. Like a Japanese sumo wrestler, he slapped his chest alternately with both hands, and said with a smile: "Don't laugh at me! I know it's your first time, please relax, it's fun!" She actually laughed, she thought the big boss was kind and a little bit amiable.She laughed, and the big boss seemed even happier, saying: "Come on! Just sleep next to me. First, warm up like an athlete!" She got into bed slowly and lay down beside the big boss.The big boss still didn't move her, and lit a thick, big brown cigarette. "This is called a cigar, do you know if you smell it and see if it smells good?" She felt that the smell of the smoke was different from ordinary cigarettes, but she didn't want to smell it, she just wanted to quickly end this "opening", and quietly took out the condom she had hidden in the bathroom from the pocket of the bathrobe, Tuck it under the pillow.Sister Fang gave it to her in the taxi.But the big boss saw it inadvertently. "Sister, you're wrong! You can't use condoms when you prescribe! This is the rule, do you understand? Didn't I agree with your 'cock mother' a long time ago, if you want to 'sharp the nail on the head', do you know what to say?" To be honest, I didn’t get sick, and I believe you didn’t get sick. Besides, I don’t have the ability to reproduce anymore, and my sperm is dying. If you really give me a baby, I’d love it! I’ll raise you for a lifetime!” After a while, the big boss put out the "cigar", put his arms around her first, and slowly lay on her body.She wondered if she could really get 4,000 yuan tomorrow or in a while, and if not, would it be the "trouble" that Sister Fang said? Is it like what Sister Fang said, she will solve this "trouble" She had no choice but to close her eyes and let the big boss touch her up and down.The big boss's mouth kissed her face back and forth, but she just closed her lips tightly and did not respond.Fortunately, the big boss's hands were very thin and light, and there was no strange smell in his mouth except for a little smoke, and he didn't intend to force her to open her mouth.The big boss didn't have the rough moves that the sisters often complained about, so she let it go. Although she didn't feel a little bit of happiness and excitement, she didn't feel any discomfort either. In the end, she only felt a little pain below, and something had entered. Before she felt the "comfort" that the sisters said, she felt a hot liquid flowing into her body.At the same time, the big boss trembled and lay motionless on top of her. After a while, the big boss seemed to wake up, and rolled sideways off of her.She heard from her sisters that it was time to wash it quickly and flush out the contents, so she immediately got up and went to the bathroom.There is also a bathroom in the bedroom, which is larger than the one outside and has all kinds of sanitary products.She took another brisk shower, rinsing clean inside and out.Seeing that there was indeed a little blood on the inner thigh, she didn't feel wronged, but instead felt a sense of heroism.Isn't it often said in newspapers and TV: For any major achievement, you have to pay the "blood price".For two loved ones, shedding such a little blood is totally worth it! When she got out of the bathroom, she saw the big boss half lying on the bed smoking his cigar in a very comfortable manner.She walked to the bed and lay down meekly beside the big boss, not knowing whether it was better to leave now or wait a while.Of course, it's best to get the money now. The big boss said with satisfaction: "Sister, you are really a virgin! Now, people say that you can only find virgins in kindergartens. It is really not easy for you! I have also met people who rubbed red medicine on the bottom to lie to me. There are hymen repairers. Ge Laozi! Fake, counterfeit, and fake hymen! Even the hymen can be faked. The Chinese are really talented! I have seen all kinds of fake virgins. Come on! Let’s chat, you are 啷You came to the city, why did you always ask you to do it and you didn’t do it, why do you do it now?” When the reason was mentioned, Sister Lu turned her face away and didn't want to speak.She only thought that if the big boss really gave her four thousand yuan, all problems would be solved. Seeing that she was silent, the big boss himself said first: "Your sister may think that there is something wrong with me, why do you like 'opening', don't you?" When the big boss asked her something, she had to respond, otherwise she would appear very impolite.She turned over and looked at the big boss. "I heard from the sisters in the hair salon that in order to win money when you gamble, you big money find a virgin and call it 'Jianhong'. You can win money when you 'open'. Isn't that the case?" The big boss curled his lips and smiled. "Nonsense! There are many people who believe this. I don't believe it! 'Getting started' is such a wicked thing! If you lack morality, you can still win money! Nowadays, superstition and science are mixed together in society. Don't you think about it! What is the relationship between this 'seeing red' and winning money at the poker table? What is the connection between the two?" Sister Lu thought to herself, since you know that "opening up" is immoral, why do you still have to be immoral? Not knowing the connection between "seeing red" and winning money, he turned his face and stared blankly at the ceiling of the roof. The big boss took a puff on his cigar, sighed, and asked her: "Sister, let me ask you first, do you know what is called 'educated youth'? Have you ever heard of it?" Sister Lu turned her face to look at the big boss, thought for a while and said: "I heard people in the village say that they seem to be student children who voluntarily come to work in the countryside from the city. Is there ever been a 'educated youth' in our village? It was many years ago, and now the countryside A student who comes down from the city will lose all his children." "Yes, you can put it that way. But it's not voluntary. It was mobilized in response to the so-called 'going to the mountains and the countryside to learn from the poor and lower-middle peasants'. Which student child in the city would like to go to the countryside to farm?" The big boss said while smoking a cigar.The cigar is also strange, it does not light up when it is not inhaled, but when it is inhaled, the butt of the cigarette emits a red light. "Most of the student dolls in our city went to another province. Tens of thousands of people were assigned to different commune production teams in batches. The production team I stayed in, the production team leader was the emperor! Almost all of our female educated youths were sent to the commune. He has done it all over. He also likes to fuck virgins! My sister, my wife, is the wife who has given birth to two children with me now. She is 60 this year. She is two years older than me. She took care of me at that time In every possible way, we love each other very much, and we were fucked by him too! If we don’t let him do it, we won’t be able to get married. You say that he is irritating! He is wicked! My wife is not a virgin! Now I turned over and wanted to Fucking a virgin! I know very well that this is a kind of psychopathy. However, I spend money to do it, not using the power in my hand. At least, I want to be more civilized, give more money than ordinary people, and have no lack of virtue! I became a virgin, and I felt better in my heart, as if I had let out a sigh of relief. Really! Psychopaths have become like this! It can be seen that what happened when you were young in the past can affect your whole life in the future! I don’t think you are a lady Girl, don't let the experience of being a young lady affect your whole life! It's best, don't be a young lady anymore. " When Sister Lu heard the big boss tell his secret, she seemed to get closer to her. She couldn't help but also sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, and told the big boss everything about herself. "Who wants to be a lady but in the city, if I don't want to be a lady, I'll be a boy. I just told you that there is no place for me in this big city. I still support my father and younger brother. Daddy hurts again." Whether I can work or not will become a problem in the future; my younger brother still has to go to school, from elementary school to middle school to university, how much money do you want? I have made up my mind, since I started, and only being a young lady can earn money, I must carry it to the end!" The big boss sighed again after hearing this: "Oh! The countryside is so miserable! The peasants are so miserable! It's not much better than when I was an educated youth. Sister, we originally agreed on 4,000 yuan. Today I will give you 10,000 yuan. I sent the money to your family, and then Go buy a mobile phone, I will write you the mobile phone number of Ma Zai under me, call him after you buy the mobile phone, and he will know your mobile phone number. In the future, when I have many guests, I will invite you to accompany me They, these people are of high quality, they will not bully you, and they will give you more money than other customers. When the time comes, you save some money and you will be out of this sea of ​​suffering." Sister Lu's first expedition was a success and she was a success. The big boss chatted with her for a while, then told her to get dressed, gave her 10,000 yuan in cash in a hotel envelope, and asked the man below to call a taxi to take her back. Seeing her come back with a happy face, Sister Fang rushed upstairs to ask her about the situation.Sister Lu threw herself on Sister Fang's shoulder, weeping and reporting the good news.Sister Fang said, there is nothing to gain, nothing to gain!God bless!After passing the test for the first time, you will not be afraid in the future.This is your luck, you will definitely get better in the future!Sister Lu took out the envelope and took out 10,000 yuan.She had never seen so many banknotes, and they were heavy in her hand.She wanted to give Sister Fang two thousand yuan, but Sister Fang refused to accept it. The two pushed and pushed, and Sister Fang finally agreed to take only one thousand yuan.Then he took her to sit on the small bed and said: "Sister, you just said to send back all the rest. I advise you not to do this! You don't know, when people in your hometown see you send so much money back at once, some people will gossip. Knowing that you are only a middle school student, and you are not a "Turtle School" who came back from the United States, or an overseas Chinese who returned to China, if you send too much money, some people will suspect: You are so capable, you can guess after talking about it. Now that you have become a young lady. The people in my hometown are very ugly when they say it, and they can say anything! There is a daughter in that hair salon, and she sent 3,000 yuan in one go for urgent needs at home. She didn’t even graduate from elementary school. My daughter came to work in the city, and the cost of sending it was three thousand! When the neighbors in my hometown quarreled with her family, they shouted, "That girl of yours is selling cunts in the city!" I can’t hold my head up. Now everyone has learned a lesson. Every time I send money to my family, I send it at the income level of a salesperson and waiter. Alas! Sister, as a young lady, some parents know exactly what their daughter is doing in the city. If the daughter doesn’t explain clearly, the parents pretend to be confused. If the daughter says it’s a part-time job, it’s a part-time job, and if it’s a salesperson, it’s Salesperson, in fact, my parents understand it in their hearts, and it’s fine if they don’t bother. This time you can send 4,000 yuan back. Just tell your dad that you borrowed it from everywhere, and you have to pay it back later. From now on, you will still be one hundred and one hundred. To avoid suspicion in the village. For the rest, it is really necessary to buy a mobile phone. The big boss will definitely find high-quality customers for you. With a stable source of customers, you will be able to sit firmly on Mount Tai, and the introduction will arrive soon. Go to a luxury hotel." After listening to Sister Fang's words, Sister Lu sent money to her father the next morning, and went to buy a mobile phone.At that time, the cheapest mobile phone cost more than 2,000 yuan, unlike today where you can buy one for a few hundred yuan.The executives of China Mobile and China Unicom probably would not have imagined that Chinese girls were the earliest major customers of mobile communications; in the mobile communications market, girls accounted for a considerable share of purchases and were one of the main customer groups for mobile communications . Mobile phones and condoms are two necessary labor tools for ladies.
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