Home Categories contemporary fiction 160 million

Chapter 3 third chapter

160 million 张贤亮 3492Words 2018-03-19
The acquisition of the hospital went smoothly.Real estate, land, equipment, medical equipment, including medical personnel, were all put together under the name of the newly established "Zhongsheng Hospital".Zhongsheng Hospital is a joint-stock system, and Wang Caogen has an absolute controlling stake, so he is the chairman of the board without hesitation. On the opening day of Zhongsheng Hospital, the deputy mayor of C City in charge of culture, education and health, the secretary of Jiudaowan District, and many members of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC at the city and district levels came to support.A lot of people came, because Wang Caogen had prepared a generous gift for every guest—the most widely advertised and most expensive health care product.When the deputy mayor and Wang Caogen, the chairman of Zhongsheng Hospital, cut the ribbon together, there was applause from all around, no matter whether the hospitalized patients could stand it or not, the firecrackers were set off loudly.

At the beginning, Wang Caogen was not optimistic about the real estate equipment and medical equipment, and he was still a little interested in doctors. At least, when he entered the hospital today, everyone nodded and bowed to him, saying "Chairman Wang".The big and small wives, daughters, sons-in-law, and granddaughters don’t even have to sign up for a doctor’s appointment, let alone queue up.What's more, the hospital comes with more than ten acres of land. Selling the land after one year will be enough to offset all the investment in the acquisition of the hospital. The rest will be given to him for nothing, which proves the accuracy of the monk's prophecy.

However, the profit of the hospital is not as impressive as expected. Most of the money that can be made is from selling medicines, and most of the kickbacks from selling medicines are taken away by the doctors who prescribe them.The former "Second People's Hospital of Jiudaowan District" is equivalent to a community hospital: internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, eye, ENT, oral cavity, skin, nerve and other departments are all available, and it seems to be able to cure all diseases, but Serious diseases cannot be cured, and minor diseases cannot be cured.Those who were really sick went to famous big hospitals, and only the nearby residents came to see a little ailment, so there were not many patients.Calculated, the profit of Zhongsheng Hospital is the worst in Wang Caogen Group.

Wang Caogen, like many private entrepreneurs, has developed such a habit in the market: a profit of no more than 100% is not a profit, and it is not much different from losing money.Because 30% to 50% of the profits will be converted into the gray income of some government officials and bank executives, and those expenses can be included in the cost without invoices.The remaining 50% of profits are far from enough to expand reproduction and further develop the enterprise.Therefore, in order to develop the scale of the enterprise, it is necessary to have a profit of more than 200%.The wool comes from the sheep, and the gray income of some government officials and bank executives is not taken back from consumers. This is one of the reasons why the prices of many commodities in China, including commercial housing, greatly exceed their reasonable prices.At the same time, the production and sale of fake invoices has become a business.What do companies buy fake invoices for? Aside from tax evasion, a large part of it is to refill the gray income of government officials and bank executives, turning the gray expenditure of the company into the production cost of the company.

Therefore, for a period of time, Wang Caogen often thought about how to increase the profits of Zhongsheng Hospital. Wang Caogen doesn't know how to read newspapers, let alone surf the Internet. In his free time, he occasionally watches TV dramas with his 28-year-old third wife in his arms.He found in the advertisements between TV dramas that it seems that Chinese men today are either suffering from impotence or sexually transmitted diseases, and advertisements for drugs to treat "impotence, premature ejaculation and sexually transmitted diseases" are overwhelming on TV screens.He didn't have "impotence and premature ejaculation", and he didn't know what the symptoms looked like. Later, when he figured it out, he also became paranoid. Sometimes he felt that he couldn't get up when he touched the third wife's thigh.

Therefore, for a while, he got into the TV set headlong. Unlike other TV viewers, he didn't watch the feature films, but focused on the advertisements. He went ahead and convened a board meeting immediately.The directors are all executives and chief physicians of the hospital. It could have been called a hospital work meeting, so it was very convenient to hold.The decision of the board of directors can be implemented immediately by the hospital, and the efficiency has been improved countless times.At the meeting, he proposed that according to the needs of the market and the majority of patients, he decided to adjust the main direction of the hospital, and develop into andrology and sexually transmitted diseases.That is to say, it does not care about the upper half of "all beings", but only takes care of the lower half of "all beings".In his words:

"Grandfather! We only treat dicks and cunts! I don't believe that everyone can't make a fortune!" Don't think that Wang Caogen's speech is so vulgar in ordinary times. He also looks like a human being in formal occasions: either he doesn't speak, or he tells lies.As soon as he spoke the truth, his true colors were revealed, and what he said at the meeting today was the truth. In fact, doctors have long had this idea.When there is no restructuring, everyone is just dawdling, and it is useless for you to propose to change the management policy.Plans have to be submitted for approval layer by layer, and most of the reports are "detained" like in the past when they entered the palace. Even if they finally get approved, the day lily will be cold by now, not to mention that the hospital's loss of money will not have a big impact on the salaries of doctors.Well, the chairman personally proposed to change the policy. Although the words are too blatant and ugly, but in the end, that is what happened. The true face: no airs, straightforward benefits.Unexpectedly, this trash picker really has a brain.

As a result, the venue suddenly became active, and everyone rushed to speak.Technical problems, department adjustment problems, room allocation and layout problems in outpatient clinics, personnel transfer problems, medical device allocation problems, etc. were all quickly resolved.Departments that cut more and pay less, and have no economic benefits, such as ENT and logistics departments, will be made up by the overall income.With the guarantee of equal benefits, there is nothing that cannot be discussed, and everyone is happy. Chinese people cannot agree. Many people mistakenly believe that unity produces strength, but they never thought that once they agree and become one, everyone will work together to break the bottom line set by the government.The more everyone discussed, the more excited they became, and without knowing it, they proposed to carry out artificial insemination and test-tube baby business.That is strictly regulated by the Ministry of Health. Their private hospital is not qualified to perform this kind of surgery at all, and breaking this red line is very risky.When the doctors were discussing, Wang Caogen didn't know what artificial insemination and test-tube babies were, and he couldn't get his mouth inserted.When the doctors asked him for funding, he had the opportunity to ask:

"What is artificial insemination test-tube baby? How much does it cost? You can also let me understand, please! Don't spend money in vain!" The doctor had to give him a lecture on reproductive science in the conference room.Wang Caogen has seen veterinarians give injections into the genitals of cows, mares, and sows since he was a child in the countryside, and he especially loves to watch them.Veterinarians say that by injecting the needle into the genitals of cows, mares, and sows, calves, ponies, and baby pigs will be born.Only today did he know that the needle was filled with the semen of cattle, horses, and pigs, and that it was the semen of good breeds of cattle, horses, and pigs, which could ensure that all calves, ponies, and pig babies would not get sick, and would be strong and fat.Now, this method can be used for women to make them pregnant and ensure the healthy growth of newborns.

"Where does that man's semen come from? You know that bulls, horses, and pigs are unhealthy, but who knows that 'kind' is unhealthy? Don't give birth to a freak to scare people to death!" The doctor explained to him how human semen is collected, tested, and screened, so that the most vigorous and powerful sperm can be selected and injected into healthy mature women, which will definitely make people with "infertility" ” women conceived and gave birth to healthy fetuses.As for IVF, it is simply a boy if you want a boy, and a girl if you want a girl.God!Alright, when Wang Caogen heard this, he slapped the table with a "snap":

"Say! How much does it cost?" The doctors have long inquired that one million to two million RMB is enough for an artificial insemination and test-tube baby operating system with all the conditions, and other auxiliary facilities and equipment are readily available in the hospital. "I'll take it!" Wang Caogen said decisively. "It's your job to do it, it's my job to pay for it! As for whether we have the qualifications, if you don't do it, how can you have the qualifications? You will be qualified after you do it! Do you think so?" When the doctors heard this, they really made sense, and they had to admire Chairman Wang's reverse thinking.Qualification is indeed made, never do it, never have this qualification. Under the state institution system, the "Second People's Hospital of Jiudaowan District, C City" has never held such a lively meeting, and it has become a "Sentients Hospital". This meeting is held from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. I was so full of emotions that I even forgot to eat.Wang Caogen was very happy today, and asked the secretary to call Hongyunlou, choose the best private seats, and order two tables of the best dishes, all shark fin and abalone will be served.Hongyunlou is a restaurant under Wang Caogen's banner. It was called "Hongyunlou" in the old society, and it is a time-honored restaurant in C City.After liberation, it was changed to state-run. During the Cultural Revolution, when the "four olds" were "destroyed", the "revolution" was changed to "Hongyunlou".Later, the business got worse and worse. There were more retired people than working people, and the service attitude was bad: customers came in as if they were waiters, but the waiters looked like customers instead.After the acquisition of Wang Caogen, Chong Dagong opened a new one, bought out the employees' seniority at one time, and laid off all the old employees. "Labor" came to Hong Kong chefs and lobby managers of Hong Kong restaurants to train employees, especially for high-end customers. Now the business is extremely hot.But the secretary came in after a while and said that the chief chef of Hongyunlou had just finished his middle shift, so he might not be able to cook shark fin and abalone.Wang Caogen was furious and cursed: "Damn it! If you want to procrastinate, you have to procrastinate for me! Let him alone! What is the master of Hong Kong and Macau! Is it important for him to rest or create a human? What is the day today? Today we are going to create a human! Do you know?" Wang Caogen has never cared about science, let alone understands science. Why do he want to walk on the moon and explore on Mars? There is really nothing to do!What do you do with those famous tricks? Going on the moon and making a noise? Dig a piece of mud on Mars? In the future, it is closely related to whether anyone wears hemp and mourning, burns incense and sweeps graves.Only then did he know that giving birth to a male doll is no more difficult than soaking in shit: put his own semen in a container, screen it under an electron microscope, choose the best and best one, and inject it into the mistress or In the body of the third wife, absolutely every shot hits every shot, every bullet never misses.This method also saves his precious sperm. One ejaculation can be used many times. The semen is stored in the refrigerator, and the doctor said it can be stored for decades.If a girl is born this time, the semen will be used next time until a boy is born. Now it is not a question of whether there are boys, but a question of whether to let the second wife give birth or let the third wife give birth.Otherwise, take turns and give each person an injection. In today's society, as long as there are sufficient funds as the backing, things can be done as fast as you want.The artificial insemination department was established soon, and in order not to be caught and troubled by the relevant departments, it was called the "infertility laboratory" to the outside world.This also makes sense, because "infertility" is also an official business of their hospital, and it is registered with the health department and the industry and commerce department. All is ready except for the opportunity.The hardware is all in place, what is missing is authoritative experts.At this time, Director Liu appeared.
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