Home Categories contemporary fiction The story of jumping the queue

Chapter 36 Section thirty-six

A day wasted in the county.We were greeted by a deputy county magistrate.Our group of novel writers have excellent observation skills. When we entered the county committee compound, we all noticed this beautiful female cadre. Several of us whispered, surprised that there is such an elegant and beautiful female cadre here.She was talking with a few stout peasants, and her figure became more and more beautiful, and her movements when she spoke were—how should I put it—handsome; her clothes were well-tailored and well-tailored, putting us Beijingers to shame. After asking, I found out that she was originally an educated youth in Shanghai. Before the Cultural Revolution, she went to the Xinjiang Agricultural Reclamation Corps. In 1972, she came to northern Shaanxi with her lover, whose hometown is here.After I came here, I worked as a farmer for a few years, a worker for a few years, and a cadre for two years. Last year, I was elected as the deputy county magistrate.

"Where are the children? How many?" "Two. One is here with me, and the other is in Shanghai with grandma." "Don't want to?" She smiled, smiling very smartly: "I miss him, but he doesn't miss me. He followed his grandmother since he was a child, and he doesn't want to come to northern Shaanxi. The one here doesn't want to go to Shanghai." "When did you arrive in Xinjiang?" "Six or three years." "Shihezi?" "Yes, Shihezi." "Didn't the prime minister go there?" "Yes, I was there at the time."

"Voluntary?" "Yes, voluntary." She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Not exactly. My background is not good. Although I got the top marks in the college entrance examination, my background was not good and I didn't succeed. I thought it was okay at the time. It’s amazing, why is it different? Let the party see my sincerity. Now I have some regrets, but I didn’t go to college. I’m going to amateur college now.” "Your Shanghai accent is not heavy." "Northern dialect with a southern accent. I can also speak the northern Shaanxi dialect, the Shanghai dialect, and the Uighur dialect."

"Thirty?" "Oh—! Forty or so!" "Not like." "Isn't it like?" This time, she didn't smile like a county magistrate, but like a woman.From that smile, I could feel how much she wished she was still young, how happy she was only in her thirties. "No, old—" she said again.Of course, when she thought of her eighteenth, nineteenth, and twenties, she would inevitably feel a lot of emotion. "Don't you want to transfer back to Shanghai?" "I don't think about it now. It's good to have my business here."

After the female county magistrate left, several of us said, "Hey, this is a novel." "People from the Taihang Mountains" said: "You guys know all about novels. If you hear something, add some beautiful and sublime literary vocabulary to create a novel. Crazy." "Nonsense. How do you write it?" "I said, let's stop writing. We should change our careers and become thieves. Can you write everything in her heart? What's on the outside and hidden in the bottom of my heart, what's in front of me and what's in the past forty years, combined is her This person. Can you? You can only steal something from others. If it is useful for you to create a novel, first set a principle, what kind of novel you want to write, strong literature, masculine beauty, optimistic, strong and loyal Profound and exalted...what else would you eat!"

Several people in the same company said that this kid drank too much wine.Then everyone lay down, smoking, and silently looking at the kiln roof.
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