Home Categories contemporary fiction My Dingyi Journey

Chapter 38 Chapter Thirty-eight

My Dingyi Journey 史铁生 3151Words 2018-03-19
Ding Yi: "Why have you never told me about him?" E: "Because you never ask. You don't care." Ding Yi: "I don't care?" E: "Once I said that you don't ask your father, you said you don't care." Ding Yi remembered that it was not long after seeing Qin E again. I said: But why didn't you ask again later? /He recalled slowly: Yes, why? /Then think about it again, what does that "doesn't matter" refer to? / Refers to ask.It means that E already has a child, and whether she is a virgin or not, I have never cared about those things. /yes? /Of course!He said: Does that symbol of virginity, so prized by fools, mean anything other than vanity?Simply stupid!

Yes, God originally wanted people to respect the chastity of language or the grandeur of ceremonies, but he didn't want to make people an excuse for discrimination. Well, well, I said, so now, what's the matter? / Ding Yi said: What's the matter, what do you think is the matter? /Now why do you seem to be talking about it again? /The man lowered his head and thought for a while.It's like, like the problem is this: Before I came, whatever happened was someone else's business, but after I came... it was different. /Why is it different? / Hey man, that's what you said - that's the language of love, a kind of extreme expression and telling! /I said: Yes, but does it have anything to do with before and after? /Of course wow, you can’t be extreme with everyone, can you?Especially, you can't be extreme with everyone at the same time, right?Before I came, I had nothing to do with anything that happened to her with anyone, but after I came, it was different.When I handed over me to you, and you handed over you to me, everything will be different. At this time, your affairs with anyone else, especially those extreme expressions and statements, will no longer have nothing to do with me! /Why? /Perhaps, it is because too much extreme will make the extreme mediocre and powerless. /Then I would like to ask: Are you, E, and Sa both extremes at the same time, or neither? /This is different. /Why is it different?

He ignored me again.At times like this he always avoids me. He turned to E and said, "Now, let me ask again, is there still time?" E was noncommittal, but there was anger on her face, meaning why did you use such a tone? "I mean, can I?" "certainly." But Ding Yi didn't know where to ask. "Shang Zhou, actually..." It was E who broke the deadlock, "Actually, I still think he is a good person, kind-hearted, extremely smart, and very capable..." Ding Yi hummed a word from his nose: "Strong?" "No, no, on the contrary," E said. "He used to be very inferior. He was proud, inferior, angry, and weak."

"What about now?" Ding Yi's tone was obviously sarcasm, meaning that now only kindness, cleverness and ability are left? E didn't care, or tolerated it, and continued: "He was born in the countryside, entered university with astonishingly high grades, and stayed in the city after graduation. I got to know him when I was at my lowest. At that time, I couldn’t direct plays in the troupe, I had no chance, and I didn’t want to direct; out of a hundred scripts, forty-nine were laughable, forty-nine were crying, one failed the review, and the other couldn’t find funding. .I often go to a nearby small park to read books alone. Later, later..."

"Just like in the novel, I met a wit." "It's not his talent that attracts me, and I don't understand what he learned. What attracts me is his drive, to be precise, his enthusiasm. He seems to never know what is pessimistic and what is impossible. Yes, that’s what infected me, maybe it’s what I was lacking at the time. Once I complained that life was really boring, guess what he said? He said cough cough cough, you just order two cold dishes. Conclusion, the big dish is still to come! Hey, what are you listening to?" "All ears, you are making a perfect man."

"There is no perfect person. Ding Yi, let me tell you, I never believe that there is any perfect person in this world." "My God, what can I do?" "Ding Yi!" "Okay, tell me. Tell me?" "I think you look a little like him now." "Like a perfect person?" "I'm not kidding you!" Ding Yi also felt that he was going too far, so he tried his best to be more sincere: "Okay, how am I like him?" "self-abasement." "Me? Inferiority?" "A person who dare not listen to others seriously must have low self-esteem."

Ding was speechless.I chuckled softly and said, "Amazing E, you really see through at a glance!" / Ding Yi said: Go, go, don't make trouble! /I said: What, add trouble?If I make trouble, I won't just say that you have low self-esteem! "Inferiority," E said, "that's what ruined us. Any cigarettes? Give me one." E twisted the cigarette between her fingers, put it under her nose and smelled it, walked to the window, faced the distance, and closed her eyes... It seemed that there, in E's heart, in a place so far away that it was almost abstract, there was a A butterfly flapping its wings...or in time that is not a clock, a storm is brewing.

"I suppose you remember Othello?" said E. "Sorry, I'm not as great as him." Ding Yi was very sensitive. "It was then that I understood Shakespeare's greatness. Low self-esteem is the cause of resentment. Low self-esteem is probably the cause of all tragedies. It makes people completely lose their reason and doesn't leave Desdemona a chance to speak." "You mean the Moor?" "And Shang Zhou." "For what?" "For a play I acted in." "Which one is coming out?" "For example, actor A plays the leading role A, and actress B plays the heroine B. A and B are husband and wife, or lovers. There are plots in which they love each other, embrace and kiss each other. Therefore, there is such a A question: Are the two people who are close to each other skin-to-skin, A and B, or A and B?"

"and after?" "This 'Othello', not quite the same as Shakespeare's, chose to leave." "Then you see," Ding Yi said, "what should I choose?" E couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "That's your own business!" There was a silence. Reminds me of The Gadfly and Gemma.Think of the scene they adapted together, that is, how can Arthur come back from that silence. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ding Yi approached E and touched the tip of her hair, "I mean, can I still choose our agreement?" Feeling his touch, Chang'e let her answer in tears: Of course.

"When it's time for me to choose to leave, please remind me, okay?" Ding Yi said. "And before that," Ding Yi said, "I still want to choose our agreement." E hugged him violently.The two kissed with tears.This scene reminded me of A-Chun and A-Xia again, of A-Xia's dance and the sound of the piano accompanied by dancers... of the starry sky and Liuying, of Lingling's plain white dress... of Eden, Eden The vastness and emptiness outside reminds me of my search from generation to generation on an eternal journey... One night after that, Ding Yi accidentally saw a piece of news on TV: a certain person's epiphyllum blossomed in one night, and there was an endless stream of visitors, all of whom were amazed.The flower grower said in an interview with reporters that these flowers were all given by an old friend of his.Moreover, between the panning and pushing of the camera, it can be seen that there is more than one iron tree in the background, and many, many familiar flowers and plants...

Ding Yi hurriedly called Yi: "Hey, hurry up, turn on the TV." "It's open, what station?" "I don't know what channel, mine is Channel Ninety-Nine." "Ninety-Nine, Ninety-Nine... Channel Ninety-Nine is doing magic." "No! Oh, look for it quickly, the station where the reporter is interviewing an old man." "What's the matter, what's the matter?" "I suspect that old man is the one who took away my uncle's flowers." "What is your basis?" "Look for it quickly, did you find it?" "No wow?" "Hey, it's over, it's over, don't look for it." "Oh, maybe I saw a tail." "what?" "An epiphyllum. The TV said it was an epiphyllum." "Yes, just this one, do you think those epiphyllums belong to my uncle?" "Now it's advertising." The next day Ding Yi asked someone to go to the TV station to inquire, and quickly found the editor of the news.In the afternoon, according to the address given by the editor, Ding Yi and Yi went to the house of the old man who raised flowers. "Are these flowers given to you by your uncle?" Ding Yi asked the old man. "Uncle?" The old man shook his head. "Oh, traitor, did a traitor give it to you?" "Who are you?" "A friend, an old friend of my uncle's." "Am I older than me?" The old man just smiled and said, "But you are right, the flowers belong to him, and he is going to travel far away to foster the flowers with me. Are you Ding?" one?" "You know me?" "I work in the same unit as your dad. Your dad cooks, and I light the fire." "Oh, it's you, you're the one..." "Yes. I'm retired now. Haven't seen your dad for a while, how is he?" "good." "What's the matter, is there something wrong with these flowers?" "Oh no, we're just here to ask, do you know where Uncle has gone?" Only then did the old man let them into the room, he took out two dirty cups from nowhere, and made tea. "He only said he was going to the beach, nothing else." "Where is the seaside?" "Yeah, I said the beach is big, so you don't want to walk around the beach, do you? Drink tea." Ding picked up the cup to have a look, then put it down: "Is there anyone he knows there?" "Oh, by the way, he has an old classmate over there, what's his name... Aix?" "X, what's your real name?" "It's called Aix. I don't know if there is another name." "Well," Ding Yiyi slapped his head and shouted, "Got it, I got it!" "Who?" Yi asked. "Magic, that magic!" "What magic?" "City E, have you forgotten?" "That's right, a different city!" The old man said, "I remembered when you said that, yes, that's right, a different city, he said it."
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