Home Categories contemporary fiction My Dingyi Journey

Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen

My Dingyi Journey 史铁生 4588Words 2018-03-19
How can it be seen that the betrayer Ding Yi was exiled even more deeply? That will have to wait until the future, when he surpasses those crappy directors and actors, and has a completely new feeling about sex, so that he can see the clues and see clearly.But now, the spring is turning into rain, Na Ding is just tired of the romantic affairs in the past, he just questioned the truth, and expressed disrespect for the dreamy chats that started when he was a teenager: Is this the truth?The so-called truth, is it like this?Is the truth you are striving for just this: a physical boundary?If the rich soul and history are kept out by this boundary line, then what is the truth?

good sign!I see this as another excellent sign.I hope that this doubt will not be superficially asked.Generally speaking, this is the first step in converting your life to your heart and soul.Of course, there is no guarantee that there will be two steps after one step, or—"When it's warm and cold, it's hardest to take a breath"—these two steps may still be completely different. For example, this doubt has actually added another hobby to this guy: wine. But that still doesn't mean anything definite.Alcohol can make people sluggish, intoxicated, and even perverted, but it can also help you go out of the real and into the virtual, and discover all kinds of realms that are true beyond the real.Let's put it this way: what is true must be recognized, but is anything other than recognized necessarily false?For example, dreams are false and not false.For example, being drunk is even more untrue.Who betrothed the life of "true" to "real"?Why must "true" be limited to "real"?Can't it be false?For example, the sky, "is it vast like Feng Xu Yufeng", isn't it true?Reality, restrained in the small; virtual, let go is the big!As the saying goes, "the sun and the moon in the pot" and "the universe in the drunk", the midsummer is coming, and the wine assistant Ding Yi is revived.

This fellow is an excitable type, and he is not picky about the quality of the wine. Seeing him pouring it down one mouthful at a time, I gradually felt relaxed and mysterious, but his strength grew more and more, and his complexion became more and more beautiful. , the mood is becoming more and more gentle.The food and wine should be well served, but when the food and wine are ready, most of the people have already abandoned their seats to swim elsewhere.Or walking and drinking in wine shops, muttering words-this shows that the drinking is still low.When he is tall, he walks indefinitely, speaks eloquently, runs around in the streets and alleys, dresses and walks unconstrainedly, and occasionally has some librettos-it's so free and easy like a wind blowing garbage all the way!

The libretto at this time is mostly an exotic folk song, and the only words that can be heard clearly are: "I always lie to myself, but you have left me..."—I don't know where it comes from. I said: Hey, I didn't go, where am I! He held up the wine bottle and looked at it for a while, then spat: "Grandson, I didn't mention you!" asshole!I just can't laugh or cry. But he was not annoyed, he said "so" and then continued to sing: "I always lie to myself..." On a sultry summer night, the streets are full of sleepless people.This person chose to sit in the most bustling area, and drank one after another, while the sumptuous dishes were being removed one by one in the distance.This guy has a lot of alcohol, people who pass by take a look at him, just think he is a thirsty guy.

The bell at the station announced another day. When the wine is gone, the sky is gradually getting cooler. I said: What's the matter, aren't you going home yet? He said: Damn, bastard... bastard! Okay, then sit still and don't get down. Under the brilliant street lights, I remember a few strange women dangling around at this moment, making people dizzy. Ding Yi rubbed his eyes and looked at them one by one, not confused: "Damn it, 'chicken'!" I said: By the way, "chicken"!Most of all, it has nothing to do with my mother. The fellow laughed, laughing out of place.Unexpectedly, when he smiled, I was suddenly relieved, and I jumped up, and I was already on the top of the tree.

Yo, what's going on?Hey, what's the matter? I was astonished, but the guy didn't move at all, smiling and flirting with those bad girls. Hey buddy, you can help me!Na Ding Wei moved his buttocks, but did not lift his head. Ding Yi!Are you fucking deaf or stupid? He was not angry or annoyed, and he didn't care. Oh, now I understand, I suddenly understand what happened - I can leave him for a while, I can be free!Good news, good news, it can be said that "the clothes are full of tears when I first heard it", I have made him suffer these days; Walking alone, I was so depressed that I was almost in a fish body again.Alright, alright, now that the truth is coming out of the void, at least I can take a breath!

While talking, he was full of energy, and he was walking in the sky like a flutter!Swinging up and down, east and west, starlight flowing away, strong wind blowing on the side, everything can be reached in an instant: roofs, treetops, tower tops... fields, fields, villages... water surfaces, mountain tops, deserts and wastelands... just like the so-called " "Looking at all the small mountains", as the saying goes, "Looking at the end of the world", as the saying goes, "Don't dare to speak loudly", "You can pick the stars with your hands"... Do you think that night is just boundless darkness?Do you think the night is lifeless?No wow, no wow, in the dead of night, Xuansi controls dreams, daydream rides the wind... Countless hearts and souls who can't bear the restraint of the day have finally entered the freedom of the night!

How many hearts and souls are wandering, like looking forward to, shining like stars. How many dreams and desires, if you walk, you will turn into wind and clouds. How many thoughts and wishes are hard to level, like weeping like singing, that is, the sound of nature! Ah, this is the drama of the night, the expectation of the night, the sighs and narrations of the night. The drama of the night calls the wind and the rain.The drama of the night is unrestrained.But the drama of the night, you must not stand idly by. Otherwise, turn a blind eye and listen but not hear. Give up the rules of the day, give up reserve, and even give up respect, night wants you to be an authentic character.

Otherwise incredible. Because you see, even the always tense soul-dwelling device is snoring smoothly under the protection of the night, talking sincerely in sleep, giving up the vigilance and rigidity of the day.For you see, in the pervasiveness of night, all forms become infinite, without cover or hindrance, without beginning or end, free from the names of day. Of course, it won't be long before they wake up.Once the night is over, the soul is bound to the human form, and it is still inevitable to panic and choose the road. So, please don't miss such a good time. How is there a ballad sung? —Before this dawn, come to my little boat...

Night is always a time for the soul to gather together. Ah, the night is like water and the dream is like a boat!Drunk paddle shakes, heart flows leisurely... You can see that the moon is flying in the clouds, and it is all a romantic meeting. Look at the moving stars and shadows, all are soul dances and heart songs. You listen to the heartfelt feelings of that stranger, and weep with joy. You listen to Liren Mengyu, crying all night long. Ah, the night is like water and the dream is like a boat!Drunk paddle shakes, heart flows leisurely... I saw a soul riding a flying leaf, wandering under the moon, expecting to meet a beautiful couple.

I saw a soul driving a ray of breeze, low back to the brocade tent, and slowly sneaking into the boudoir door. I saw a soul turning into a trace of the sound of nature, knocking on the embroidered window, and peeping into the astonishment. When I see a soul with a lonely candle, I can't let go of my tears, silently guarding my beauty. Ah, the night is like water and the dream is like a boat!Drunk paddle shakes, heart flows leisurely... I saw a soul walking over the wall, hesitating, not knowing where to go. I saw a soul breaking through the wall, looking for it, but I didn't know where to go. I saw someone go away in a frightened dream, with lonely sails and distant shadows, wandering in the end of the world. I saw a soul returning home wearing the moon, facing the wind and sighing loudly, and the fields will be deserted. Ah, the night is like water and the dream is like a boat!Drunk paddle shakes, heart flows leisurely... I see souls leaving their homes and homes, and falling in love with each other. I see some souls who are lonely and unbearable, greedy for joy in their dreams. I see the spirit of a young man with a soul, vowing to each other. I see that there is a soul that is old and strong, looking for love from thousands of miles away. Ah, the night is like water and the dream is like a boat!Drunk paddle shakes, heart flows leisurely... I heard, separated by mountains and rivers, souls in love are reunited in an instant. I heard, carrying the rain and the wind, the destined soul fell in love at first sight. I heard, among the flowers and under the willows, Yingge and Yanyu day and night. I heard, the wide field and the sky, the roar of beasts and the chirping of birds are romantic every night. Ah, the night is like water, and the dream is like a boat! Am I the Xingyue that day?The radiance is thousands of miles away, and the long night will be exhausted. I am this eternal fool!The world is old, and people are looking forward to it. Ah, the drunken oars are shaking, the heart is flowing... but see no way back to Eden, But there is no trace of the soul of Eve! I was walking all the way like this, pondering and meditating, and suddenly I heard there was a burst of singing and singing, and the drums were screaming? Hearing it again, it seemed that someone looked up to the sky and sighed repeatedly. When I got closer, it turned out to be a maze, a group of desperate people.How do you see it?Listen, the sad sigh is almost dead; look, the singing and dancing are not sincere. I was thinking about chatting with them, but before I could ask, "Singing and dancing" laughed at me: "Where did such a drunkard come from? What about love! What's the matter, have you seen that thing?" Some "sorrowful and sighing" came to persuade me: "Love, love, IQ is not a problem, buddy? That kind of talk is unreasonable, so fucking serious!" I was stunned for a moment, already like a wooden chicken.I guess what else is there to say?In the past, those who knew me called me infatuated, and those who didn't know me called me a hooligan, but now it's good. When people who know me mention love, they first say that you are a drunkard and a fool.Alas, I'm afraid that if things go on like this, the night will never be night, and the soul will not be soulless!But when I think about it, I have no choice but to leave, "Practice my own prejudices and go my own way!"——Introduce a sage as a bosom friend. Unexpectedly, when Fang had this thought, there was a "chi chi chi chi" snickering.It seemed that the one who had no place to be ashamed was me.As a last resort, I plucked up the courage to ask them, why did those "singing and dancing" sing and dance? Unexpectedly, this question caused the dance to stop and the song to stop, and there was a moment of joy and silence—some were silent, some were at a loss, some were stunned, some were gnashing their teeth in embarrassment and angry eyes... There was a long silence, Finally, I heard a sonorous voice and generous words: "Optimism, my brother! Optimism, do you understand?" Then I heard a witty tongue make a helpless argument: "Cough, laughing is better than crying! Isn't it? Besides, it's not like that. What's the matter, buddy, what do you think?" A majestic voice asked awe-inspiringly: "Freedom, freedom! I can do whatever I want, this is my freedom, do you care about it?" Then there was The voices of the crowd echoed: "Yes, yes, Miaozai Siyan!" I was alone, and lowered my eyes and thought to myself: "All the girls are jealous of my eyebrows", or are they abandoning me like a sick tree?So I toughened my scalp and asked those "sorrowful and sighing" why they are sad and sighing? I don't want to ask this question even more trouble.For a time, the wind is worrying and the moon is complaining, and the sadness is getting more and more sad-some are weeping, some are choking, some are wailing, some are suspicious and embarrassing... After weeping, there is a weak person Yinzuo complained sadly: "Why are we women always the ones who get hurt? Why why, why!" Then he vomited the hatred of the country and the family with a pungent lips: "How many good things does a man have? He likes the new and dislikes the old. !" Or the opinion is just the opposite: "Women? Women are fucking poisonous snakes!" Another cadenced sigh taught me the way to break through the world of mortals: "Hey! You can be at ease by cutting off attachment. Don't you see Huanfeiyan Thin, alluring city and country, but in the end, nothing more than an ugly skeleton in a thousand-year-old barren mound? My brother has traveled a long way, and what is the plan of the one who is eager to make a fool of himself?" Well, this question seems to be far-sighted.I was pacing and meditating, but another shout sounded very familiar: "I know he doesn't love me, I know he's been lying to me all this time! But I just can't leave him, can't leave him..." Who is this?I would like to see if the situation is consistent with my previous speculation? So they broke through the walls, and searched for the voice among the crowd—oh, sure enough, they are indeed a pair of wronged souls with a broken body and soul!Maybe it's the same heart, maybe it's a coincidence.When you look carefully, it looks like the latter: Although the brocade tent and the mandarin bed share the same pillow, it has long been separated by indifference and indifference, and the dream is different!The figure is still entangled with itself, the heart and soul have already separated things-one soul waves and chases the wind and moon in other places, and the heart is desolate and lonely! "Don't be obsessed with his appearance, and he will be angry with you, do you know?" "I love you when you go, and you hate it when you return... Don't talk about it, I understand." "How can this be good?" Just as I was about to say "then leave", I suddenly remembered an old saying here, and hurriedly backed away.What about the old saying?It seems to be "it is better to destroy a temple than a couple". The stars are few and far between, the shadow of the moon is bleak, and the light breeze is blowing slowly, making people sleepy. I think it's better to go back to Ding Yi and sleep for a while before we talk about it. When I got close to the house, I saw that Nading hadn't returned yet. (By the way: the so-called "can't find the soul" is from Ding Yi's position. From my point of view, it is called "the soul is out of the house". The soul is also troublesome, just like it is difficult to fall asleep in another place. The Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere are the opposite But jet lag.) I was hesitating whether to wait for him to come back, or to go to him?Suddenly, in the quiet night, an alarm sounded like a dry roar: "The couple will live together as a couple, quarrel, quarrel!" where?who?Who is making noise? Ah, next door again!It seems that the old woman often comes to persuade us to fight. The pair just now could be described as a cold war, but now these two are close to Sanda - cursing and crying at the same time, scratching and biting at the same time.Just now it seemed to be in harmony with the outside world, but what is going on now?Listen carefully, look slowly, I'm afraid you won't believe me, but here are three empty humanoid objects with bodies and souls!Let me explain: the so-called human-shaped empty device does not mean that the soul travels to the void and waits for the device (like a dream or drunk), nor does it mean that the soul has stayed for a long time and then left suddenly (like death and returning home), it is precisely these three human shapes. Weapons——Woohoo, I have never lived without a soul!Don't be surprised, this kind of situation does exist: the soul never enters for some reason, or detours for unknown reasons, so "the white clouds are empty for thousands of years", just like "the Yellow Crane Tower is empty here".It's like a computer (I've said this too), with all the hardware, all kinds of colors, and even beautiful things, but it's just that it doesn't have any programs installed.Another example is the tape recorder, which only records one or two short sentences for trial listening when it leaves the factory, so the old woman's persuasion and scolding are nothing new: "Why, why, are you full? What love is not love? Why hasn’t Mom heard of these two words? Don’t listen to people’s blindness, take everything as a matter, it’s hard to find something to eat and drink! It’s not good to have a baby for me to live and have a baby ? Turn off the lights and go to sleep!" So everything was silent. So the moon and the stars are rare. Occasionally, babies cry and dogs bark. I hope that this baby cry has a soul coming from afar—for example, when I stayed in Dingyi back then, the soul wanted to sing and Ding cried.But this sound of dog barking made me worry. Could it be that another ghost has strayed in, crying in vain and crying? I couldn't help but think: Is it suffering for the dog?Or is it sad for a humanoid empty weapon?But there is another kind: the soul of a dog and the weapon of a human being, that would be even more catastrophic! "Little people often feel sorry for each other" may refer to this kind.Another example is a dog's pretentiousness, bluffing, and following others, all of which may be signs of a dog's soul and a human weapon.Generally speaking, with such a Horcrux configuration, he is the best at chasing the wind and chasing the wind, the most incapable of thinking and discerning, and he jumps eight feet when he is fashionable. For some reason, his most prominent feature is the fear of looking inward to see himself.That's right, once the animal soul is exposed, what should I do?It's better to be in a daze all the way, don't ask your heart and soul, just think about reality. But I'd better go find Ding Yi first.When is this kid still not coming back?Don't worry about my absence, what scandal will he cause again!
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