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Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Wanted: The number one player in the capital!

beijing godfather 王山 2386Words 2018-03-19
In 1969, one late night in early February, an express train started from Datong, an important town in Yanbei, and headed for Beijing at a fast speed. Two young men with gloomy eyes and stern faces got into the car in Datong. They were Chen Cheng and Bian Yajun. A month ago, Chen Cheng was assigned to a small mountain village in the northernmost part of Yanbei to jump in and settle down. There are only a dozen peasant households in the mountain village, but eight educated youths are assigned to them.The white-haired wind on the Yanbei Plateau can freeze people to death. That winter, the white-haired wind blew most frequently. In addition, there were few cave dwellings and lack of coal for burning.

The production team leader seemed a little afraid of Chen Cheng.His indifferent eyes, that tight mouth, and his cold, condescending smile all aroused the captain's desire to please him.His luggage was placed on the bed of a middle-aged widow. That night, the wind howled and the snow and fog filled the air. Chen Xiangxiang was a lone wolf on the plateau, wandering outside the village for a long time. At daybreak, he moved his luggage into the ancient temple on the northern hill of the village.The ancient temple was empty and deserted, Chen Cheng imprisoned himself in this cold place of immortals, and did not take a step out of the temple gate for a month.Not only that, during this month, he hardly spoke a word to anyone.

A female educated youth named Cui Yuanchao brought him meals twice a day, but he just looked at her coldly and never said a word of thanks.Until one day, when Cui Yuanchao told him that she knew Wang Xingmin, and they were classmates and good friends, he smiled at her.However, his face quickly turned dark again, and he said, "Wang Xingmin? I don't know this person!" A month later, Bian Yajun came to the mountain village suddenly. Both are very excited.Four cold eyes stared at each other, with faint fluorescent lights shining. Cui Yuanchao, who was standing aside, screamed in fright.

Suddenly, these two mature men jumped together, hugging and fighting tightly, like two wild wolves reunited after a long absence and about to travel together. Cui Yuanchao was moved and sent them canned food and wine. "What are you doing in this little temple of mine?" "Welcome you, a god, to return to Beijing." "Beijing? It kicked me out like a dog." "Players in Nanbei City recommend you as the boss, succeeding Zhou Fengtian. I made a special trip to pick you up." "Who will die next should be decided by drawing lots." "It's up to you to do it or not, but you should also go back and see Wang Xingmin."

After arriving in Beijing, they parted hastily at the station square.When they broke up, Bian Yajun seemed a little sad: "Chen Cheng, you must come to my house tomorrow. My father is very ill and is dying. He said that he misses you very much." "I will definitely go." "Okay, see you tomorrow!" Bian Yajun shook Chen Cheng's hand vigorously, got on the bus and left. Their farewell almost became a farewell, and when they met twenty years later, they were already middle-aged men with a little frost on their temples. That night, Bian Yajun was arrested.An Huixin's parents sued him.

A few days later, Chen Cheng, as the leader of organized hooligan activities in Beijing, became a wanted criminal by the Public Security Bureau.He hid and fled around like a lonely ghost, and finally got into a desperate day. At three o'clock in the morning, Wang Xingmin was suddenly awakened.It seemed that something got into her heart and disturbed her, and she walked out of the school.In the mountains and fields, the wind is bleak and the moonlight is bleak.Under the gloomy starry sky, the side wall of the Great Wall is like a seriously injured python, twisting its body in pain, stirring the mountains and the earth, and stirring people's hearts.

From the high beacon tower, there was a faint howl of wolves.Wang Xingmin stood listening and shed tears unknowingly.The cry was sad and sad, as if a person was confiding to the mountains, the earth, the starry sky, and his own heart.Wang Xingmin boarded the Great Wall in the dark. There is a person on the beacon tower, it is Chen Cheng.He had cried enough, he had howled enough, and now he was very calm, cruelly terrifying. "Are you here to see me? Chen Cheng." "I came to see the mountains, the Great Wall, my father, and you too." "What about the future?"

"Surrender yourself to the Public Security Bureau and strive for tolerance." "Chen Cheng, I'm a little bit in love with you, and I love your reason." "Xing Min, thank you. If I can still be cured, it is because of this mountain, this Great Wall, my father, my sister, and you." "Those who have mountains, the Great Wall, and relatives in their hearts have the right to be tolerated. Chen Cheng, I have forgiven you." "Xingmin, can I kiss you?" "Chen Cheng, is this important to you?" "Yes. I have kissed the mountains, I have kissed the Great Wall, and I wish I could kiss you. It will give me self-respect and courage."

"Chen Cheng, I agree. However, you can't kiss me like bricks and rocks. I'm a human being and a woman." At the beginning of 1970, a serious industrial accident occurred on a bridge construction site of a war preparation road in the west of Yanbei. At that time, a Beijing educated youth was pushing a flatbed cart full of stones from under the bridge hole.He had just walked out of the bridge hole when the person who pushed the rocks on the bridge lost his hand, and a huge truck of granite and a flatbed truck poured down from the bridge deck more than 20 meters high.This educated youth in Beijing was smashed into a meatloaf.This educated young man is called Shunzi.Sunja was advertised as a martyr.

It is unclear who the person who missed on the bridge was.There were a lot of people, and the construction organization was chaotic, and everyone was proving the innocence of others and their own, so they didn't get to the bottom of it. However, there was a man pushing a cart on the bridge at that time, and he was also an educated youth in Beijing.This person is called Baoan. In the summer of 1970, Bian Yajun, who was serving his sentence in a labor camp in Yangquan, Shanxi, received a package and a letter from Wang Xingmin. "The runner-up, the ghost hitting the wall in the marijuana field is indeed because the ghost has fascinated your mind. However, the name of this ghost is hallucinogen. The leaves of cannabis plants contain trace amounts of hallucinogenic ingredients. Cannabis plants It likes dampness, and in mountainous areas, it is generally planted on low-lying and humid land. When it rains on a cloudy day, the air circulation in the low-lying land is not smooth, and traces of hallucinogenic ingredients gather together and gradually become stronger, forming a "demon" Chi', enough to drive you crazy and disoriented.

"Runner-up, there are many opportunities to stumble into the marijuana field in one's life, especially in rainy weather, people are easily seduced by those leaves that can block the rain. The problem is that one must be able to recognize the devil's True face, and have the courage to get rid of its entanglements. "Yunjun, as your friend, I believe you have this kind of courage." In the spring of 1985, Liu Nanzheng, the heroic battalion commander, died on the red land in the southern border of the motherland.His blood dyed the hill a brilliant crimson.Three days before the sacrifice, he had just returned from Beijing.In Beijing, he heard and witnessed a lot of hooligan behavior.Some use power for personal gain, extortion; some accept bribes, harm the country, and make personal fortunes; Fuck, I'm bleeding and fighting, who are we defending? Anger and worry made him lose his mind.As the enemy swarmed towards the position, he snatched a light machine gun from the fighters, jumped out of the trench, and fired a stream of bullets into the chests of the rogue soldiers.After firing one hundred rounds, he felt better.He laughed and threw himself on the land of the motherland. The commander felt extremely sorry for Liu Nanzheng's sacrifice.He said that a dazzling general star fell prematurely.Maybe, Starfall is worthwhile.Because, behind him, the motherland is undergoing peaceful construction.The development of economy and culture, the progress of material civilization and spiritual civilization can finally change the soil that breeds countless hooligans. (Finish)
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