Home Categories contemporary fiction Gao Laozhuang

Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty

Gao Laozhuang 贾平凹 8047Words 2018-03-19
The onmyoji from Iron Cage Town stepped on the cemetery for Uncle Nanlu. He first visited the old cemetery of the Gao family and asked if one generation of your family is prosperous and the other generation is not?Zilu was surprised and said, how do you know? !Onmyoji pointed to the mountain ridge behind the old grave. There was a stone trough washed out by running water on the ridge.But where to resite?Onmyoji and Zilu ran around for a day, checked the feng shui of Fangyuan, and selected a piece of land, but this piece of land does not belong to Xieziwei Village. Of course, it can be exchanged through villages. The procedures are very troublesome, and the land that they like When the master heard that Zilu was going to build his uncle's tomb, he murmured in his heart that the land must have good geomantic omen, and he would not change life and death, and wanted to leave it to his parents.Zilu had no choice but to ask the onmyoji to search for another acupuncture point on the site of their village, and barely found one. The onmyoji buried a bamboo tube with a joint opened in the soil at night, exposing the mouth of the bamboo tube, and went to check the next day. The bucket was filled with water, and he said, "That's all right. After the old people in your clan pass away, the cemetery can be here." Of course, Zilu didn't know the secret of this, so he asked a few words, and what the onmyoji said was Zilu couldn't quite understand the set of mountain shapes of greetings, obeisances, send-offs, and pilgrimage, and what was the platform and what was the case.After paying a sum of money to send the onmyoji away, he asked craftsmen to dig a hole and arch the tomb, and Zilu was in charge of greeting the craftsmen and the helpers.He bought the smoked tea by himself. At first, he put a cigarette there every noon, but it was finished in less than half a day. Later, every time he distributed one to everyone, he only put three packs there, and the craftsmen complained in private. Pi, it's a loss to the bitter people.Zilu heard it occasionally but pretended not to hear it.

On this day, Zilu went to the brick kiln to pay for the bricks. Xixia greeted craftsmen at the cemetery. The tomb was dug eight feet deep and began to build the left wall of the tomb. A mason was sitting on the edge of the pit smoking and accidentally A right-angled wooden ruler fell down and broke into three pieces. I was not happy at the moment, thinking that the feng shui in this cemetery was too hard, so I asked who looked at the tomb?Xixia said: "Mr. Yin and Yang in Iron Cage Town is lame Wang." The plasterer said: "It is Zilu who stays with him. No matter how good Mr. Yin and Yang is, he does what his master wants. Zilu must be afraid of spending money for land, so he came here. From this place?" Xixia said, "Zilu has been wronged, he is a nephew, and he always wanted to find a good cave for Uncle Nanlu, so he paid half of the money." The bricklayer said, "Zilu is so generous? ! There is no generous person in your family, only Qingsheng is generous, asking for five thousand yuan!" Several people laughed and laughed.After hearing this, Xixia was taken aback: How did these people know about borrowing seeds?I was at a loss and didn't dare to say more.Seeing that Xixia stopped talking, the craftsmen asked if Xixia had a child?Xixia said no, they said, why not give birth to a big one soon, should I wait for Juwa to give birth to a white-faced doll in the city?Xixia hated this group of people, and looked forward to Zilu or Chentang, Qinglai and the others coming, but no one from the family showed up.The craftsmen talked for a while, and each started to work, still not letting their mouths be idle, talking about the world, the United Nations General Assembly, the rooster treading on the egg, and a woman from Xiezi Nanjia Village who was also introduced to the province by Su Hong. I went to the city, and when I came back, I opened a hair and foot washing shop in the town street. The father-in-law said to his son: Your daughter-in-law is back, and you ask her to check for sexually transmitted diseases. If I am sick, I will be sick, if I am sick, your mother will be sick, if your mother is sick, the whole village will be sick.After saying some dirty words, and peeking at Xixia's reaction while talking, Xixia excused himself and turned to the corner of Pogen, where there was another cemetery, with a stele erected in front of each tomb.I hurried over to look at it. The tombstones were all carved after the Republic of China, and they were all carved very simply. It was almost just the words "Tomb of So-and-so". Xixia regretted that there was no one who wrote the inscriptions in Gao Laozhuang, and it was gone. Pay special attention to the atmosphere of tree monuments.Looking for a piece of soil to squat down to pee, she saw a mountain wind swirling under the persimmon tree, the leaves, grass clippings and dust became a column, drifting back and forth, a hare Running in panic, suddenly disappeared.Xixia stood up and tightened his belt, thinking that there must be some kind of grass nest not far away, where the hare was hiding, and tiptoed over there. There was a patch of grass in the grass, but there was no hare, and there were two stone tablets lying there. One piece was broken into two pieces, and the other piece was still intact. It was engraved with:

Gongtao Shibin, Ziwenzhan, Gao Laozhuang commoner.The five male brothers are all generous and courageous, with a strong public nature and courage.At the beginning of Jiaqing, there were bandits harassing, and the public said that a villager had no size, so please order to build the wall of the village and set up a card, so that the place can be safe.The bandits instigated, the local fools were seduced, and the incidents spread all over the place. The public sympathy tried their best to secure the knot, and everyone was exempted.Although the public takes care of everything, the fourth brother of the public, Lang Xingqi, is powerful and powerful.The rest of Yi Xing cherishes the unfinished memory, that is to say, this is enough to impress the gold and stone and honor the descendants.So Zhizhi.The public was born on the third day of the fifth month of the Yihai year of Qianlong.Concubine was born on the twenty-sixth day of the fourth month of the Gengchen year of Qianlong, and died on the twenty-ninth day of the first month of Renchen, Daoguang.In the ninth year of Xianfeng, it was the end of the year, and the moon was auspicious and Hitachi.

Looking at the broken stele again, it was actually a stele carved for my grandmother by a man named Qingsheng, and the writing is quite interesting: The mother-in-law was born to Yue Xianfang, and Zhuang Yan was named Hanchuan.It has been several years since my grandfather went to practice immortality.Don't leave my grandmother behind, she will die at seventy-seven.Buried in a cactus, the blessings are boundless.The children and grandchildren are rich and noble, and the melons will last forever. Xixia copied them separately, and turned another way back to the village, unwilling to go to the grave of Uncle Nanlu again.

At dusk, Zilu also came back from the brick kiln. Xixia complained that Zilu didn't supply the craftsmen with cigarettes or wine, they didn't work hard, and their words were so unpleasant.Zilu was also angry, so he sent someone to find Qinglai, and asked Qinglai to go and greet the craftsmen tomorrow.Qing Lai didn't come for a while, and he didn't come until the craftsman came back to have dinner and rested around belching wine and smoking a cigarette.Zilu said: "What are you doing, you look like a Baogong!" Qinglai was covered in sweat and dirt, and his shirt was cut in a triangle, so he wiped his face with his sleeve and said, "I'm afraid you don't know. They all went to cut trees in the sun slope forest! God, I now know what is looting. Tell me, the bald uncle is usually like a donkey, and the wind blows him down when he walks. I didn’t think so much. Once I carried a tree that was as thick as a small wooden basin! I caught the wind and went to get three trees. I just arrived at the house and came here without washing my face." The third aunt said: "You bought a tree, and now you buy a tree again Building a house or unpacking boards to make furniture?" Qing said, "Where is the tree to buy? Last night, thirteen trees were hacked down in the woods of Sun Slope. Someone went to chop it up and sold it to the flooring factory. After a while, dozens of people went there all at once, and saw the trees being chopped down one by one." Uncle Nan Lu was on the kang, his face was ashen as a bag of dirt, and he said "My God, this forest has been sealed for more than ten years, and it cost a lot of money to take care of it. If you want to cut it down, you can cut it down. Where is the lunatic?" After drinking, I was drunk for a day and a night without waking up. Tonight I reckon someone cut it down. When I left, Chentang Lai was still there. The two of them were depressed, and they probably cut down five or six trees... ...Qingsheng didn't know what to do, he didn't cut it, he didn't cut it, his melon head, when good things happen, he will disappear!" The third aunt said: "It's a pity that we don't have any labor!...It's so annoying. Go find Qingsheng!" Zilu said, "It is against the law to cut down collective forests, and let others cut them down, so we don't want to go. Qinglai, you go to the grave tomorrow morning to call on the craftsmen, and remind them more. Now the feng shui is broken, why don't you pay for the work, but pay attention to what kind of cigarettes you want to eat, what kind of wine you want to drink, and even make sarcastic remarks!" Qing said, "I'll go tomorrow. That's it, I'll get it first Go back and have a rest." Qinglai went out and left, Xixia had been watching Qinglai in the shadow of the lamp, and followed him out, whispering: "Qinglai, lead me to the sun slope!" Qinglai just walked hurriedly , Hearing the cry, I turned around and was a little surprised, and said, "Are you going to Sun Slope? I won't go there, I have to go back to sleep." Xixia said, "You can coax Zilu and me?!" Qinglai He just smiled and said, "Well, I'll just lead you there, and I won't take care of it when I get there." Suddenly, Xixia saw a star flashing across the top of his head, dragging a long light The tail is like a firecracker set off during the New Year.Xixia said: "Meteor, meteor!" Qinglai said he didn't see it.

Qinglai went back to his house first to get the ax and the rope, and also took a large piece of pot helmet. When the two passed by the dark narrow alley, there was a wheezing sound from the back of the white bark pine at the corner of Pokan, and there was a sudden thump. After a while, there was no sign of harmony.The two of them didn't stop, they kept approaching, and someone in the roadside toilet yelled loudly: "Qing Lai! Who did I think?!" Only then did Xixia see clearly that it was the couple in the morning hall, and walked along the road In the ditch is a huge tree trunk.Qing said: "Chentang, you are ruthless, are you going to break my sister-in-law's guts?" Chentang said: "We gave birth to a bunch of babies, and at the critical moment, they were used as farts. Big tree!" Just as he was talking, Lai was stacking straw on the back eaves of his house, shouting loudly: "Qing Lai, Qing Lai, are you still going?" Qing said: "What good thing are you doing, you are so loud ?” Laizheng said, “Uh! Who doesn’t know, and who hasn’t gone? Xixia, are you going too?” He took the straw thatch and put it on the steps. The wood is not thick, but there are already five.Xixia said: "Laizheng, you have been there five times, and the police station is going to arrest you!" Laizheng said: "The law does not rule the people, who will he arrest?! Have you heard that the flooring factory has received wood overnight?" Qing said: "It's a dog day to pick up a bargain! If you want to go, I will go again. I am afraid that the sun slope will be gone." The three of them chattered and walked to the sun slope. Xixia can't take the dark road. Always lagging behind, Qinglai and Laizheng couldn't wait for her impatiently. Xixia met four or five people along the way and came back carrying logs.

Sun Slope was originally on the west side of Niuchuangou Mountain. The gully turned a big bend under the White Pagoda, and there was a dirt slope on the left side of the bend. Xixia had seen this forest from a distance when he was looking for portrait bricks that day.But now the moon is bright, and ten steps away, I can't see anything clearly, only the sound of felling and the sound of falling trees.When Xixia approached, there were felled tree stumps everywhere, with white thorns shining hard. There were quite a few people chopping with axes and sawing with saws. Some people shouted: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Xixia was arrested People pushed away, and a tree fell down with a bang, as if the sky was falling, and the moonlight suddenly darkened. The huge crown of the tree was supported by other trees, and the thick trunk was crumbling in mid-air.Immediately, two or three people climbed up to the nearby tree like monkeys, and suddenly jumped into the air. When they landed, they grabbed the trunk in mid-air with both hands, and the trunk was pressed down. .Xixia heard someone calling Lei Gang in a low voice, and a few black shadows rattled the branches with their hands, and then the saw sounded, and a tree was carried away with a wheeze.A tree moved left and right on a person's shoulder, but it was still stuck in the bushes. Xixia shook it so hard in the past, and the log suddenly moved forward, but the person who carried the log couldn't move. Look, the clothes were caught by the tree stump behind, with a hiss, the clothes split, and the man and the wood fell to the ground, knocking Xixia down.Someone asked: "Are you hurt?" Xixia said: "No." The man said: "You can see this pain too?" Xixia said: "Let me see..." But Xixia didn't recognize who he was .Xixia has never seen such great energy in people. In the dark woods, on the high and low ground, they carried heavy wet logs and rushed on the rampage. She heard the rough panting sound, and the hot air exuded the smell of decaying leaves. , people's bad breath and sweaty fart smell.There was another burst of footsteps running in from outside the woods, someone was spitting one after another, it must be mosquitoes and flying insects got into their mouths, someone was cursing in a low voice, suddenly there was a flashlight, and it seemed that they saw something outside the woods in the light. The rack car, but there was a voice of scolding: the car is pulled to the side of the road, can it be pulled here?A woman suddenly burst into tears, yelling that her arm was hurt, and then a man scolded: You can piss!Sprained, can't die!Xixia felt very frightened in the half-light and half-darkness, as if she felt that she had entered a world of demons. Originally, she was out of curiosity to see how people cut down forests, and to ask them why they cut down forests. But now she dare not ask a word, or even say a word.She understood what a kind of field is. People who enter this kind of field are irrational, easily infected, and crazy. If Uncle Mi Hu appears at this time, he will be unable to stop him, and he will even be beaten. Even the police station People come, and confrontations and bloodshed are also likely.She began to look for Lai Zheng and Qing Lai in the dark, but she didn't see her, and almost everyone ignored her presence. Some people recognized her when they passed each other, and they were just taken aback for a moment, and they didn't know her. He didn't speak, and went to work in a hurry.Going further into the depths of the forest, the darkness is getting thicker and thicker. The sound of footsteps and panting, the sound of axes and saws and collapses, is like a sudden machine failure in a movie theater. There are only sounds on the screen but no images.She came in from the other side of the forest, and walked out of this side of the forest. She thought she should go back, but she didn't know how to go back from the other side of the forest, so she followed the log bearers in a daze. Jump up and down the ridge.The ridge was not particularly high, and many people jumped off with the logs on their shoulders, but she didn't dare to jump, so she squatted down and slid down with her hands on the ground. But one end was on the ridge, and she staggered and fell. She held back in a panic, but heard a whisper: "Xixia, how can you come?" When Xixia looked intently, it was three Auntie, what she is carrying is only a tree as thick as the mouth of a teacup, which can be used as a rolling pole.The two pulled down the wood on the edge of the ridge, and Xixia wanted to carry it for the third aunt, but the third aunt refused to let it go. Finally, the two carried it back with a trot, and there was a rooster crowing in the distance.The third aunt said: "The chickens are crowing all over the head? The night is so short!" Xixia said: "No hurry, take your time!" I was thinking, when did the third aunt come?The third aunt said: "I can't cut the big ones, so I got one to go back to erect the eaves. Where is Zilu?" Xixia said: "I sneaked here." The third aunt said: "Everyone is rich, Xixia, everyone is rich. Get rich!" Xixia didn't speak, she saw a light somewhere in the distance, the light was moving, was it a small horse lantern in front of the carriage or a phosphorescent fire?As she thought about it, a big tear fell from her eyes somehow.

That night, there were dogs biting sticks in Gao Laozhuang from time to time, Xixia pushed open the courtyard door, without making a sound, undressed and went to bed quietly, Zilu didn't wake up, he was biting his teeth and blowing air from time to time.Zilu slept so deeply tonight, was it because he was too tired during the day, or because he didn't think about her anymore, and could fall asleep without her coming back?I hated this short husband in my heart: Huh, if he has no job and has been in the countryside, he is by no means a capable man. Even if he wants to cut trees tonight, no one will notify him. After cutting down the tree, he would only lose his temper at home, kicking chickens and dogs, throwing dishes and bowls.

Sure enough, at dawn, Zilu asked in surprise, "Where did you go last night?" Xixia said, "I fell asleep beside you." Zilu said, "The clothes are so dirty, you also went to cut down trees? What do you give us?" What kind of tree did you cut down?” Xixia said, “Lean on the steps in the yard.” Zilu ran out, brought back a stick, and said, “If I were still a farmer, I could get back a roof beam last night. Xixia said: "You are tired enough to carry the adobe on the kang face all night!" Zilu said: "Are you laughing at me? When I was in the countryside, I was not as strong as others, but I worked hard and was famous as a 'rake rake'. Li'! Men are rakes, and women are boxes. You are not afraid that the rake has no teeth, but you are afraid that the box has no bottom. If you are a rural woman, you must live in a bottomless box." Xixia said: "But I am not a villager. Woman, I am the wife of the professor!" Zilu smiled and said, "Because you are the wife of the professor, you are also a robber. This is a deforestation incident, and the government will never ignore it. It needs to be investigated. I found out that you went too, let’s see if you still have the cheek?!” Xixia said: “I’m shameless, I’ll put up an advertisement to recruit you!” The whole family got up, washed their faces, combed their hair, and cleaned the yard. The barrel of urine went to the private plot again, but came back in a hurry, slammed the courtyard door, and said: "The mayor and the chief of the police station are collecting wood in the village! God, why did you cut down so many trees? Why are there so many trees in the dirt yard?" It's piled up like a hill!" As soon as Xixia heard this, he was about to open the door and go out, Zilu bluffed, "Where are you going?" Xixia said, "I'll go and see." Zilu said, "You can't go anywhere today!" Xixia pouted, and refused to go if he didn't go, the three of them sat in the courtyard without speaking, and listened to the movement outside.Someone ran hurriedly outside the yard, and then heard the dog locked in the next yard saying: "I just got this one, I know it's wrong. I went to my husband's house yesterday, and I came back in the middle of the night. I saw him I’m going to go, I’m not going, I’m afraid people will say I’m going to inform you!” Some people said: “Just this one? I’m sure you can’t remove the dog lock. Can you not go?! What did the new soil in the corner of the courtyard do, huh?!" There was a sound of digging. "What is this, tell me, what is this? Carry it on the field!" "I can't carry it." "Can't carry it? How can you carry it when you carry it back?" "This is me and Chen The hall carried it, and we carried this one for me, and then for him..." "How many trees were cut in the morning hall?" "I don't know." With a bang. "Why did you beat someone?" "I'm going to tie you up!" Shitou called out on the kang, "Grandma, grandma, my stomach hurts!" Mother listened to the outside of the courtyard with her ears open, and said, "Go to sleep, go to sleep." , close your eyes and sleep for a while and the pain will be gone." Shitou fell silent.Zhuqing, the daughter-in-law with a dog lock outside the courtyard, was begging and crying.Mother had been going on for a long time, but she asked, "Does it still hurt, Shitou?" Shitou said, "It doesn't hurt anymore." Mother wondered, "Why doesn't it hurt?" Where did the pain go?" Xi Xia turned her head and saw a rabbit under the cherry tree. The rabbit had no fur, was pure white like snow, and had red eyes, bouncing towards Chubushi.Xixia shouted: "Rabbit! Rabbit!" The cat bent down to catch it, but when she pounced, the rabbit jumped and couldn't catch it no matter what.He took off his shirt and grabbed it quickly, and said happily to Niang and Zilu, "I caught it!" He slowly took off the shirt, and there was nothing under the shirt.She said: "Where's the rabbit?" She saw Niang and Zilu staring at her, and Zilu seemed to mutter: "No one is serious!" Xixia felt a little wronged, she obviously saw the rabbit!Zilu glared at her again, Mother also went to her bedroom to dress Shishi, pushed open the window, Xixia looked at the lattice on the window sash, and thought: Why did the rabbit disappear?Mother reprimanded Shitou from the window: "The longer you grow, the less promising you are, and you can't wear clothes well. What about the head? What about the hands?" Shitou said, "Whose head and whose hands?" Mother said, "This is yours." Your head, your hands!" Shitou said: "Then what am I?" Xixia thought: Everything on my body can be said to be mine, so what am I really?In other words, this head and hands are part of me, so cutting nails and cutting hair means losing part of me? !Xixia said: "Zilu, did you see the rabbit?" Zilu still stared at her and said, "What's wrong with you?!" Xixia knew that she saw something that others couldn't see again, and she didn't regret that Zilu didn't see the rabbit. Rabbit, but she was not happy with Zilu's attitude towards her, so she simply opened the courtyard door and walked out. She followed many people in the village and walked to the dirt field.

Director Zhu of the police station is wearing a police uniform today. He has many pimples on his face, and his black hat strap is tightly tied to his chin. As soon as he moved around, he slapped his buttocks with the gun.He led people to carry out the stolen wood from the eaves baskets in the backyard of a certain family, and even dug out wood from the piles of straw, soil, and dung in the cattle pen, and even The wood that has been sawn into joints in the morning hall is fished out from the urinal.Of course, Chentang himself stood in the urinal and fished it out, but his body was covered in feces and urine. He said with a mournful face that he was wrong and that he was influenced by others. Director Zhu poked him in the back with the tip of a gun. I was really worried that if Director Zhu accidentally pulled the trigger, Chen Tang would fall to the ground and die.Director Zhu said: "Affected, by whom?" Chentang said: "Is this clear? There was an earthquake the year before last, and the door knocker rang the night before, so scared that no one dared to enter the house. After a day, there was no movement. I just moved in, but the youngest son of the Pisces family yelled: Earthquake! Everyone ran out again!" After finishing speaking, Chentang still smiled, that Lai Jin made everyone laugh, Xixia also He laughed, but Director Zhu didn't laugh. He poked Chentang's back with the tip of the gun again. Chentang was speechless now, squatting on the ground and yelling.Director Zhu went to the dirt yard, and the two policemen pulled up the hall again, and followed Director Zhu. When Xixia saw a thin pool of cow dung on the road, the hall stepped on it, and the stench dissipated Suddenly, flies also flew in, and the two policemen released the morning hall and let him go by himself.On the dirt field, there were many earth-colored people standing, and beside them was a large pile of criss-crossed logs.Xi Xia saw Uncle Bald, Gou Suo and his wife Zhuqing, Lai Zheng, Niu Kun and Qing Lai, Qing Lai was eating a piece of pot helmet.Director Zhu was lecturing loudly, mixed with very nasty curses, and then asked who had cut down the forest, whether they would hand it over automatically or let them go door-to-door to search. Those who are more serious will be placed under criminal detention.Then someone went home and brought the wood hidden at home. The man except Yinxiu led the police to the abandoned brick kiln and carried out a big tree, and shouted that he had hidden two trees. How did it become one tree, and some shameless person stole the other one? What Xixia didn't expect was that most of the people who took the initiative to hand over the wood were old men and children, and they were all thin rafters, rollers and the like. The third aunt also brought the small tree trunk for the eaves.Uncle Mihu was sitting in front of the pile of logs and crying loudly, bumping his head against the logs. He was criticizing himself for being greedy. He was drunk at Cai Laohei’s house and failed to guard the forest. If he guarded the edge of the forest, who would He didn't dare to come, for the sake of the collective forestry resources, he wanted white knives in and red knives out!But Zhuqing said: "Uncle Mihu, thanks to your drunkenness, what are you doing with your white knives and red knives? I'm afraid you will be tied to a tree, wolves won't be able to eat you, and mosquitoes will bite you to death overnight!" Mihu Uncle said: "I died for the revolution, and my death was as heavy as Mount Tai!" Everyone couldn't help laughing, their faces were livid again, and the dog lock slapped Zhuqing on the mouth, and cursed: "You You talk so much, if you don't talk, people think you are dumb?!" Zhuqing's face immediately turned five red marks, she was stunned, everyone and the police were also stunned, but she jumped on the dog chain like a hungry wolf, The two tore apart, and each wanted to subdue the other at once, but they couldn't. Suddenly the dog lock fell to the ground, clutching at each other.The crowd shouted in a commotion, "I've caught the dick!" Director Zhu roared, and the dirt field immediately fell silent. He asked people to confess who was the leader of this looting incident. If they don't speak up, whoever Can't go either!Uncle Mihu said: "It must be Shunshan who started it, he is a party member!" Director Zhu said: "Shut up!" Uncle Mihu choked, but said: "It is not Shunshan who started it, he You want to frame me!" He threw himself on the wood and cried again.

A policeman has already written down the names of each person on a piece of paper. Under each name, the size, thickness and number of trees felled are cleared, and then they are dipped in red oil mud to press their fingerprints. They probably feel that the matter is really serious. Sexuality, first you said that the person who saw the waist of the scorpion went to cut them down, then you said that I went there when you saw you go, and you said that you only went after you saw him go, quarreled and quarreled, and finally scolded each other .But Director Zhu sat down and began to disassemble the pistol parts, reassembled, disassembled, and reassembled. It was too hot, and the big cap was removed and placed on the wood.Xixia was determined to leave the soil field. She slapped the soil on her buttocks and walked past Director Zhu. Director Zhu looked at her, and she also looked at Director Zhu. She stepped over another pile of cow dung , went home. Shi Shi sat on the threshold of the courtyard gate, and he smiled brightly at Xi Xia.Ever since Xixia returned to Gaolaozhuang, Shitou had never treated her with such a smile, Xixia immediately returned the smile, Shitou said: "Auntie, there are snakes on this tree that have eaten birds!" Xixia said: "You call me aunt? !" Immediately bent down and hugged the stone, almost tears in his eyes, said: "Which tree, where is the snake?" The stone pointed at the door.The child does not call the door a door, but a tree. What the child sees is the fundamental thing, but how can the tree that is used as the door be able to see that snakes have climbed and snakes have eaten birds, Xixia feels weird.In Gaolaozhuang, Xixia also encountered strange things that she had never encountered before. Is it because she was also affected by the stone, or did this land change her?Xixia said, "How did you see that there was a snake on the door?" But the stone didn't answer her, and climbed from the threshold to the courtyard with hands and feet. On the top of the cherry tree was a white butterfly. Like a person, like Wang Wenlong's ex-wife I met at the station.
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