Home Categories contemporary fiction Gao Laozhuang

Chapter 22 Chapter 21

Gao Laozhuang 贾平凹 11135Words 2018-03-19
Another day.Fresh every day.Xixia went to Mr. Cai's pharmacy with four packs of gifts.Mr. Cai is completely different from Cai Laohei in appearance. He is as thin as wood, but his head is round, his face is rosy, and he has two thin beards. In Xixia's impression, the old man's body and head are grafted.She said: "Are you old?" The old man said, "Not tall, only ninety-three." Xixia was startled, and said: "Ninety-three?! No one can tell who it is!" The fat man with black sunglasses said, "You are not from Gaolaozhuang, people in the village call him Deng Xiaoping's classmate!" The old man laughed hahaha, and gave her a pack of salty peas, but Xixia didn't eat them. , the old man took another bag of dried figs for her to eat, Xixia still refused to eat, the old man said: "I have nothing to treat you, the shelves are full of medicine!" Xixia was thinking in his heart, ninety-three years old, Cai Lao How big is black?He is Cai Laohei who was born in his fifties? !Just when I was about to ask, I saw a small glass frame hanging on the wall next to the medicine rack. Inside it was not a medical certificate, but it said: "After the land reform, no talk about land, after the Anti-Rightists, no talk, after the Four Clean-ups, no talk about money, Don’t talk about power after the Cultural Revolution, and don’t talk about trouble after the reform.” I dare not say more.The fat man said: "You can't treat people with medicine, you should also invite them to drink!" The old man said: "I'm waiting for you to say this! Wang Hai Wang Hai, after running with the leader for several years, I have learned how to trick you!" ?!" Xi Xia was still wondering: What did Mr. Cai do before, and his family status was not good?Worked?Or have you been a village cadre?A life of ups and downs?Hearing that she was going to be allowed to drink, he hurriedly said: "No, no, I won't drink." But the old man said: "If you don't drink, it's not worth it!" He took Xixia to the house behind the pharmacy, and the fat white man was also smiling. followed.

What surprised Xixia was that there were more than a hundred large glass wine jars on the floor of the two living rooms and one bedroom, and the things soaked in the wine were never seen before: dog whip, wolfberry, gastrodia elata, bullwhip , cicada, ginseng, Uralia, antler, snow lotus, tiger bone, black-bone chicken, tortoise shell, cordyceps, green snake, cauliflower snake, seven-inch snake, brown snake, scorpion, black ant, dustpan insect, snow chicken, donkey whip, placenta, Scorpion, there are actually plum blossoms, peach blossoms, chrysanthemums, apricot blossoms, roses, and cherry blossoms, all of which are the bones of flowers.Xixia didn't drink alcohol originally, but she still drank a cup of plum blossom wine that old Mr. Cai poured her, the fragrance immediately entered her mouth, her mind was clear, and she called out several "good, good, good!" No wonder I'm so old, but my body is still so strong!" The old man said: "I liked to drink a few sips when I was young, but I can't do it now, but I like to do wine." He poured out three cups of wolfberry wine and took another cup. Two wine bottles were filled with cordyceps sinensis wine, and they said to the fat man, "You can only drink three cups if you want to drive in the car, take two bottles back, and bring one bottle to Chairman Chen." He drank three cups of wine there, and said: "Cai Bo also knows me!" The three of them went back to sit in the pharmacy in front, and the fat man poured out the tea in the teacup, and made another tea. The old man said: "I have to see you off!" The fat man said, "You really don't want to go! When Chairman Chen was the county magistrate, he built bridges and repaired land in Gaolaozhuang. The one who took off his hat is the county magistrate Chen! He has retired now and is the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Others ignore him, and the old man refuses to see a doctor anymore?" The old man said, "Don't provoke me! I know his disease, what are you arguing about? He did his best for our county and took off the hat of the impoverished county. The poverty alleviation fund of 100 yuan, our county can't get it! The current county magistrate proposes to take back the hat of the poor county, is he also for our county, and he is more selfless than Chairman Chen, he only wants the county Don’t think about his promotion, don’t you think I’m right?” The fat man said, “Uncle Cai is a scholar who knows the world’s affairs without going out!” The old man said, “I’m a doctor who became a monk halfway through.” The fat man said: "If you don't go, I can't explain it!" The old man said, "That's right, I'll prescribe a medicine for him." Then he took a pen and paper and wrote: "A good stomach, a compassionate heart, and a gentle heart , three points of truth, one piece of straightness, one piece of honesty, very peaceful, no matter how convenient it is, this medicine is fried in a wide-hearted pot, don’t burn it, don’t be irritable, remove the fire, grind it in an equal basin, think twice, Make Shunqi pills, take it three times a day, and take it with calming soup at any time, and the venerable will take it accordingly, and you will be fine." The white fat man looked at it, smiled, got up and left.Xixia also laughed, and felt that the old man was more respectable and lovely, and said, "Are things so complicated in our county?" The old man said, "Let's not talk about this, your mother is in good health?" disease." The old man said: "I heard her say, you ordered a big gold ring for her?" Xixia said: "Mother told this to others..." I am sorry, Cai Laohei's mother Duan Xixia thanked her and opened her mouth to prove that she ate a fried egg when she came, and the old man ate it by himself.A bowl of porridge, but he put salt, vinegar, chili, and poured in a small cup of wine, just stirred it and ate it.Xixia asked what kind of taste it was, Cai Laohei's mother said: "I haven't seen it before, he has eaten this way all his life, and I don't know how his stomach grows!" Xixia asked: " Where's the stone?" The old lady said, "You're still sleeping, let him go to sleep, and keep the rice in the pot for him."

Xixia went to the bedroom, and sure enough, Shishi fell asleep, with saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth.She wiped it with a handkerchief, tiptoed out, and said, "You have taken care of the stone, and let him eat and drink, and learn skills. Zilu and I really don't know how to thank you two old people!" The old lady said: "You, Uncle Cai, are afraid that you will have an appointment with this child in the previous life, and you will love Shitou in this life! You can come and see the child and us, I have never seen a stepmother who is so kind!" Xixia said: "Shitou Stayed with me at home for a few days, he loves to draw, I brought this roll of paper, and let him draw more when he has time." Cai Bo said: "You think stones can be painted well?" Xixia said: "It is very good. Good!" Cai Bo said: "This child is a bit strange, the paintings are full of things he has never seen before..." A patient came to the door, yelling that his stomach was distended.Cai Bo pushed away his rice bowl, went to get his pulse, took the needle and pricked it on the crotch of his hand, toes, and back, and asked the man's mother if he still had headaches and whether the youngest son still wet the bed?Xixia sat bored for a while, stood up and said goodbye, Cai Bo said: "Then you go." The old lady sent her to the street, and said: "What did you eat, you look so good-looking!"

Xixia originally wanted to go to Lei Gang's butcher's shop to see how to butcher pigs, but after walking for a while, the street was bustling with activity, and a group of mountain people carrying thick, thin, long and short logs went to an empty yard on the north side of the street. It suddenly occurred to me that today is the fair.The earliest mountain people who went to the market put the wood on the empty land. Some people have already measured the size and counted money on the spot. Some people gathered around to watch the fun, but more people stood at the door of their houses and chatted.Xixia just walked to the door of a small restaurant, and a few people who sold wood shouted at the door: "Here is a bottle of wine, a plate of bacon, and five bowls of noodles. The spicy peppers must be hotter!" The owner came over and leaned on the right On the door frame, one leg was put on the left door leaf, and he said: "No rice!" The mountain man looked smug, and suddenly became puzzled, and said, "The store is open, and there is steam in the pot, why don't you sell rice?" Think people in the mountains can’t afford money?!” He took out the money from his pocket, and a stack of brand-new banknotes shook.The shop owner said: "Those who eat feces are still tied to those who belong to feces?! If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. If you have money, you can go to the flooring factory to buy it, or go back to your Baiyun village to buy it!" His face turned red, but he swallowed his saliva and said: "It's better if you don't sell it, you will save me less money, and I will save it for me. A place as big as Gaolaozhuang can still sell us I'm starving to death!" Dudu walked away.Xixia immediately understood that these wood sellers were mountain people from Baiyunzhai, so she didn't dare to talk too much, so she became interested and walked to the dirt yard.Someone asked a mountain dweller who came over: "How much did you get for that piece of wood?" He replied, "Fifty yuan." What, there is only one tree in our place, how much money can we compare to the people in your town?" Someone next to him spit out.The man said: "Who are you spit on?" The person who spit turned and entered the house, said: "You are jealous, so why don't you go and cut down the cypress tree on your ancestor's grave and sell it!" Then he slammed the door.The person who was vomited shouted: "I'm jealous. If I can't eat grapes, I say the grapes are sour? You piss me off, did you eat a dead baby in your mouth?" Just as there was a quarrel, someone shouted: "Cai Laohei is here!" Cai Laohei came out of the alley wearing a shirt, holding a wine bottle in his hand, smashed it on the street, and shouted: "Lu Mao! Lu Mao!"

Xixia looked at the soil field for a while, only to find that Lu Mao had a pencil in his ear, and he had helped measure a piece of wood there, so he used the pen to record on the wood, and heard Cai Laohei roaring, low He turned his head and went to a nearby public toilet, but Cai Laohei scolded him so much that he couldn't go into the toilet.Xixia couldn't believe his eyes, the once strong Lumao suddenly became hunched over, with dry hair and no flesh on his cheeks, like a pile of medicine dregs.Can't help thinking: Has Su Hong really exhausted his energy?Cai Laohei was still cursing: "Lu Mao, what are you afraid of? Did your mouse see the cat? Where are you going? It's the women's toilet. There are women squatting in the toilet. Are you going to get into the cunt? Like a headless fly, Lu Mao saw the sign of the women's toilet at the door of the toilet, stopped, turned his head, and said with a smile on his face, "Brother Hei, are you calling me?" Cai Laohei said: " Come here!" Lu Mao came over, still smiling, ugly.Cai Laohei said: "Lu Mao, you are blind and so are my eyes. What are you doing?" Did you eat your tits, or did you fuck your cunt, and you measure her?" Lu Mao stopped laughing and said, "You drank too much, Brother Hei!" Cai Laohei said, "I fell asleep when I drank too much I'm more awake than you! I, Cai Laohei, am now out of time, and if you don't follow me, you won't follow me, but you fuck me from behind, you traitor, traitor, softie!" Lu Mao said with a face One piece of red and one piece of white are not the same color, and he was already angry, but he glared at Cai Laohei, turned around and left.Cai Laohei rushed over and scolded: "You are a man, what are you talking about? Where are you going? You still stare at me, give me another look!" Picking up a stone and throwing it there, Lu Mao tilted his head and the stone fell On top of a dog, the dog ran away barking.The people next to him hugged Cai Laohei, and said together: "Old Hei, Lao Hei, we are good friends, what's the matter with you?" You, Lumao, have made money in the past few years, who do you rely on to make money? Once the winery collapsed, my vineyard was abandoned, and you gave Su Hong an asshole after three days of blackout? Are you not as good as a dog? Dogs don’t hate it The master is poor!" Everyone pushed Cai Laohei on the steps, and went to someone's house to scoop up a bowl of syrup for drinking, while someone went to Lu Mao and said, "Don't talk back, he drank too much, you still have to drink it." Hurry up!" Lu Mao said: "You let him do it, I'm not his son, nor his long-term worker!" He didn't go to measure the wood anymore, he went into an alley and disappeared.Cai Laohei was still yelling and cursing, no one could hold him back, he broke away from the crowd, but found that Lu Mao was gone, so he was alone for a while, laughing.A person beside Xixia said: "Drunk, drunk, falling down!" Cai Laohei smiled and fell down, lying on the ground without moving.

Xixia never went back to Mr. Cai’s place again, the streets are full of people watching the quarrel, Mr. Cai must have known about it, and if he goes again, it must be embarrassing people saying embarrassing things, why not find some inscriptions in the town streets Look, just ask the people in a blacksmith shop, where did you see the old stele?The old man who pulls the bellows in the blacksmith shop said, "Where is it? There are many steles in Gaolaozhuang. Xiezijiabei Village has a "Military Achievement Monument" and a "Sacred Sacrifice Monument". ", "The Monument to End Litigation and Du Zheng Jing", there used to be Kuixing Tower and Guandi Temple in Xieziweilaochi, so there are more steles." Xixia said: "There is nothing in Xieziweilaochi! "The old man murmured for a long time, and said: "Oh, that is a water culvert with 18 acres of land!" The old man seemed to feel that it was a waste of time, and he refused to say it again. He took a basket of coal from the backyard The little blacksmith who came in said, "Isn't the donkey stake tied to Gao Shixi's house on the back street just a monument?" Xi Xia hurriedly asked, "How do I get to Gao Shixi's house?" The little blacksmith said, "Go north from the alley in front, and then go east. , I saw a white-bark pine tree, turn south, and the first family is there." Xi Xia hurriedly thanked him, followed the road, and sure enough, there was a monument in front of the house, two feet wide and four feet high, which was a ancestral monument. But a hole was dug in the stele.Xixia thought, this hole is used for tying donkeys and ropes. When I read the inscription, there were four typos in the inscription: Gai Wen: "If you want to know the sound (cause) of the past life, the one who receives it in this life is; if you want to know the sound (cause) of the next life, The author of this life is." The spirit of retribution is not empty words.The saying goes: "Don't do good because it's small, and don't do evil because it's small." Believe it.There are mouths and mouths of secluded places in this area, but they are actually passages, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians.Because of its precipitous nature, people stop here for a long time, and poets come here to discuss.We are sad to witness, because the achievements (works) are so great that it is difficult to do it alone, so we raise money for all kindness, donate money and help each other (Xiang) together.Now it has been completed, and the name of Leshi will be immortalized forever.

After transcribing, when we returned to Xieziwei Village, Zilu and Niu Kun searched for eggs and picked persimmons from a persimmon tree. Yes, but occasionally there are bright red persimmons, and Zilu lies on the tree like a monkey. If the persimmons can't be picked, he shakes the tree vigorously. Niu Kun can't catch them from below, but Uncle Mihu who comes over opens his mouth wide. An egg persimmon fell into his mouth impartially, and half of his face was dirty.Niu Kun was so angry that he scolded the lunatic, and deliberately rushed over to beat him. Uncle Mihu ran and jogged, ran three feet away, slowed down, sang and sang with the back of his hand behind him.Xixia called Zilu down from the tree and narrated what happened on the town street. Niu Kun said: "Lu Mao and Lao Hei are people who never leave the cage. They leave as soon as they say? Su Hong has a way. Poaching Lu Mao away is equivalent to pulling Lao Hei's tendons!" Xi Xia said: "The mouse wants to eat cat food." Niu Kun said: "Huh?" Xi Xia stopped talking, she saw Niu Kun using Wiping a piece of persimmon juice on the shirt with his hand, he couldn't clean it off. He took off his shirt and rubbed it with a handful of dry soil. Niu Kun had a hair on his chest and back.Only tall and strong men have chest hair, but the bow-legged short Niu Kun has such fierce hair, and even on his back!Zilu said, "Xixia, look, I am compared with Niu Kun. I am a niche on the stage." Niu Kun said, "My name is Qinglong. If I meet a white tiger, I can suppress it!" Xixia said, "What? Is it a white tiger?" Niu Kun smiled and said, "Let Zilu tell you!" Zilu said, "Women don't grow hair, they are white tigers." Xixia suddenly thought of Su Hong, but turned around with an embarrassed look up.

During lunch, Zilu took a bowl of sea bowls to Pianzhibai to eat as usual. There were many people gathered there, and Zilu could collect many dialects and dialects.Xi Xia has never been there before, she is not used to serving sea bowls, nor is she used to eating on tree roots or on the ground, and there is a urinal toilet not far away, she thinks it is not clean.When Zilu came back after eating a bowl, Xixia asked what the villagers had said today, and Zilu said, "Didn't Cai Laohei scold Lumao!" Xixia also took out a bowl.Seeing Xixia coming, everyone knocked on the edge of the bowl and said, "Do you want to eat my food?" Xixia also knocked on the edge of the bowl, saying: "No, my mother is making dumplings, who wants to eat at my house to serve!" Someone said: "People in the city also eat stir-fried dumplings? That's because your mother coaxed you, and you will be gone if you coax uphill!" Xixia said: "What is coaxing uphill?" He replied: "The stir-fried dumplings are too soft, no No matter how hungry you are, no matter how full you are, if you go up the mountain to pick excrement, before reaching the top of the slope, you will finish urinating as soon as you urinate! Your mother is reluctant to give you good food!" Xixia said: "Troubleshooting? I listen to Cai on the street. Old Hei scolded Lu Mao for eating soft rice, so it turned out that he was eating churning rice!" Everyone laughed coquettishly, and said, "Lu Mao doesn't eat churning rice, he eats Su Hong's rice!" Xi Xia knew that he had made a mistake again, But I was also happy to make everyone talk about Cai Laohei and Lu Mao, so I heard someone say that Lu Mao's carton factory will soon be attached to the flooring factory, and the business of the flooring factory is so good, Lu Mao is really going to make a fortune But some people say that Lu Mao is pitiful. After buying so many aphrodisiacs in the pharmacy, he is now like a ghost, with black eye circles, and staggering when he walks.Shuanzi's daughter-in-law was holding the child in her arms, and the child wanted to poke it with chopsticks in the bowl, but the wife tilted her body and just drank by herself. After the daughter-in-law finished drinking, her mouth was full of glutinous rice grits, and she said, "The bones are all empty? Desheng, how do you know this? Did you pay the public rations to my sister-in-law and still sell the surplus?" Desheng said "I'll sell it to you!" Shuanzi's daughter-in-law said, "Are you still willing to sell it to me? Lan Lan, get another bowl for your mother!" Lan Lan is her eldest daughter, but she didn't want to go, so she just I took an empty bowl and licked it.The baby in my arms also wanted to lick, but couldn't do it, and cried.Desheng said: "I can still eat your food? Look at your mother-in-law, she is competing with the baby to lick it!" Shuanzi's daughter-in-law said: "This piece of shit is messing around, I have to eat it to give him milk. The person next to him said: "You have eaten three bowls in a row sitting here, and you asked your daughter to serve it. I'm afraid it's not enough for you to eat a cow in your stomach!" Shuanzi's daughter-in-law said: "The rice hasn't occupied you That mouth! I eat a lot because there is no oil in the rice. How can my family’s tea and rice be as good as yours? Your shopkeeper works in the factory and can earn money!” Desheng said to the man: “Oh, Lu Mao Eat soft rice, you have to keep an eye on your man, don’t eat Su Hong’s soft rice too!" Everyone laughed again, and the man said: "The pigs in the family are so hungry, he still has chaff? !” Immediately, several people burst out laughing.One person said loudly: "Watch out for your chin!" When everyone was watching, Shun Shan was standing at the entrance of the alleyway.Shun Shan stood there with a smile and greeted him, but he couldn't come over. Xixia took the bowl and approached.

Xixia heard from her mother that Shunshan and Cai Laohei accompanied Nan Lvbo to the county hospital. Cai Laohei found an acquaintance in the hospital and settled in the hospital and came back, but Shun Shan stayed. Are you back?Xixia approached and asked Shunshan if he had eaten, and Shunshan said he had, so he ate it at Uncle Nanlu's house.Xixia said: "Didn't you say that you were admitted to the hospital? It's not a big deal to come back so soon?" Shunshan said: "It's cancer." Xixia almost dropped the bowl on the ground and said: "Cancer? There is no mistake Right?" Shunshan said: "It's not wrong. When uncle Nanlu heard that it was cancer, he said he would not be hospitalized for anything. The president of the country was not cured when he got this disease. What is he doing with the money? He came back." Shunshan Shan's words made everyone lose their minds about eating again, saying: "I really got this disease, and my son died and my father died. Why doesn't God just open his eyes?" That cauliflower is so angry, people can't breathe!" Shuanzi's daughter-in-law said: "In the past few years, people have been getting cancer from house to house, and no one has been sick since this spring. Unexpectedly, it was Nan Lubo's turn! Oh, you still think I eat too much, who knows if there will be tomorrow if I eat today? Rongrong, when you go to Lei Gang's to buy meat later, give me five catties, Your shopkeeper earns so much money in the factory, what do you want money for!" She didn't answer her words, and everyone else didn't answer, the woman got bored and twisted the child in her arms, and the child died again. Wow wow cry.Everyone said: "Can you coax the baby? Are you annoying!" They each took their bowls and wanted to disperse.But Shun Shan said: "I still want to inform everyone! Whoever wants to, take a cart or a cage and go to the brick kiln at the east end of the street tomorrow morning!" Someone asked: "What are you doing there? Do you want to build roads or terraced fields in Shangrang?" Shunshan said: "Cai Laohei just heard that I came back, and told me that we have had a lot of cancer in recent years, and there have been a series of deaths, all of which are caused by the collapse of the White Tower. Gao Laozhuang raised funds to build it before, but it was not completed. This time he came to pay for bricks and ask someone to repair the pagoda. If you are willing to go, the bricks will be sent from the kiln to Niuchuangou tomorrow!" Xixia said: "Morning He is drunk!" Shun Shan said: "I heard that he was drunk and scolded Lu Mao on the street, are you there?" Xixia said: "Yes." Shun Shan said: "Just now I saw that he was still drunk Drunk, but he said this to me in a flattering manner, and he must let me inform the villagers!" Shuanzi's wife said: "He pays? His vineyard is dying, and the credit union forced him to return it. Loan, is he still willing to spend money to repair the pagoda?" Shunshan said: "Do you think Cai Laohei is the same as you? His starved camel is bigger than a horse! He can say that he pays for it, and he can do it without peeing." A place where you urinate!" Xixia didn't understand why Cai Laohei suddenly proposed to build the White Pagoda, did he really see that Nan Lvbo was ill and wanted to do something good for the local people, but she had a lot of doubts, but she Without saying a word, everyone said: "Cai Laohei is going, he still remembers to do things for everyone, of course he will go tomorrow. We are afraid of death, can't we afford the money and can't bear to work?"

On the second day, Xixia didn't go to the brick kiln on the east side of the street to watch the excitement, because Uncle Nanlu came back from the hospital and knew that he had cancer, so he stopped talking, and the third aunt's eyes were crying like peaches. Not knowing what to do, she ran to find Zilu Niang, and Niang called Jilin Niang to say something reassuring to Uncle Nanlu.People who suffer from cancer are like this. First, they know in their hearts that they have cancer, but they refuse to admit it. Healed without treatment, until I felt that there was no hope, my heart relaxed, and I didn't want to say anything.Ji Linniang said that Uncle Nanlu didn't have much time left at this point. First, try to buy some delicious food for him to eat and drink, as much as he can eat and drink, and second, quickly notify all relatives and friends to come and see him. , the most important thing for a person in illness is family affection, if you don't notify relatives and friends to come in time, if someone falls over, what you can't bear is the complaints from relatives and friends.The third aunt cried again as soon as she heard it, and all the snot and tears came down.The mother said: "At this time, you have to hold on!" The third aunt said: "No matter how hard and tired I am, I don't care, but when I got sick, he said how bad his temper is. He is not like this. What does he ask you to do now, don't you dare to slow down, he will scold you, like scolding your grandson!" Mother said: "This is breaking the relationship, and Zilu's father did the same in the end. When he scolded like this, let him If you hate him, you won’t be so sad if he is going to leave.” The three old women went to Uncle Nanlu’s house, went to the morning hall to inform relatives, and Zilu went to buy pork from Lei Gang.

At noon, there were a lot of people at Uncle Nanlu's house, and relatives from several families came to visit, carrying eggs and steamed buns.The third aunt boiled water, made poached eggs and served noodles for guests to eat after each relative arrived, but the relatives were all busy people, and after eating one or two bowls, they sat on Nanlubo’s kang and said some comforting words before leaving up.Zilu bought a piece of meat and a pair of intestines and came back from the town street, and whispered to Xixia: "Do you know why Cai Laohei invested in the construction of the White Pagoda?" Xixia said: "He said it was because of Gao Laozhuang's Fengshui." Zilu said: "I'm afraid it's due to feng shui, but Cai Laohei has bigger plans. I was on the town street just now, and the town government has posted a notice that within ten days, the town will vote for the representatives of the county people's congress. There are 20 candidates, and the list and resumes are posted there. There are Wang Wenlong, Su Hong, Lei Gang, Shun Shan, and Cai Laohei..." Xixia said: "Cai Laohei is trying to win votes Huh?!" Zilu said, "Do you think Cai Laohei is scheming? He knows that the town government wants to protect Wang Wenlong and Su Hong, and he also knew a while ago that the flooring factory would not pay for road repairs, so he instigated the villagers to write a letter of complaint. The fact that the factory does not build roads is in his favor, so he will come to build towers! Don't underestimate these peasants, but they have political savvy. Our current county magistrate, district commissioner, and the provincial deputy governor of Shangxiahou all come from all backgrounds. He is a farmer, and he made things bigger step by step.” Xixia said: “I read an article, which said that during the war, a soldier went from squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, and regiment leader to finally becoming a general. This person must be It was typed out, and if you are engaged in official careers in peaceful times, section chiefs, division chiefs, bureau chiefs, and provincial governors, you must be conspirators along the way!" Zilu said: "Don't talk nonsense, right and wrong in rural areas, and walls have ears Miles!" Looking out of the kitchen window, Niang Jilin and Dede's uncle's daughter-in-law were standing next to the chicken coop, muttering something, and Zilu whispered again: "Stop talking these days!" Take it by yourself I took out the intestines and poked strips to the yard to wash the intestines.Xixia also ran out to help. When the intestines turned over and the feces were poured, they rubbed it with alkaline water and rubbed it again.Lei Gang's daughter-in-law and third aunt were relatives who were abducted relatives, and they also brought steamed buns to visit the patients. They leaned on the door of the main room and said, "I married an official to be a wife. I married a pig butcher. It’s the one who turned the intestines, Xixia, you also turn the intestines?” Xixia said: “You are afraid that you will become a wife!” Lei Gang’s wife said: “I will be a wife?” Xixia said: “Lei Gang is about to be elected as a deputy to the National People’s Congress, maybe Next year or two years later, he will have an official job!" Lei Gang's wife said: "He has a big head and a broad forehead, and when he grows up to be an official, Lei Gang's fist is bigger and his forehead is as wide as two fingers. He will be his swineherd! " Dede's uncle's daughter-in-law said: "If you say that, I won't vote for Lei Gang!" Lei Gang's wife said: "As long as you eat fast and don't buy meat, you can vote for him." What?" Dede's uncle's daughter-in-law laughed: "Tell Lei Gang, if I vote for him, I can give him five more votes, and if I go to buy meat, he has to give me a cheaper price!" Lei Gang The daughter-in-law said: "That's no problem! If you want to buy more meat, come to me directly. We can't control others, and we can't control Lei Gang?" She rolled up her sleeves and walked down the steps to help Xixia rub her intestines.Xixia said: "This election, who do you think will be elected?" Lei Gang's wife said: "I heard from Lei Gang that when the candidate was nominated, Su Hong let go: "Who will vote for her in the future? One ticket, one bowl of soaked mutton..." Xixia said with a smile: "Then you also announce, one ticket is one pair of pig intestines! "Lei Gang's wife said: "The selection of people is based on virtue. You just put on gold and silver, whether you don't vote or you don't vote!" " Xixia said: "Then who..." Zilu said: "Xixia Xixia, go and change a basin of clean water! Xixia made a face for Zilu, got up and went to scoop water from the water jar in the kitchen. Just after scooping out the water, a woman from the neighbor went to the window of the main room and waved to the third aunt. When the third aunt came out, the woman said that the sister-in-law of the cauliflower had brought a bun cage. Is the person still alive? Come and see a joke?" Niang Jilin quickly came over and said: "Ghost, don't talk like that, don't call the door-to-door customers if you have a reason, cauliflower is cauliflower's business, what does it have to do with her mother's family? Besides, it's our baby first. Now that she is gone, Cauliflower has to consider her way out, and her eye sockets are shallower, which is something she can think of." The third aunt said, "Isn't his uncle's disease caused by cauliflower gas?!" Ji Linniang said: "Don't talk about it! When people come, you have to be happy. Wipe the shit off your eyes!" The third aunt lifted up her skirt and wiped her eyes, and asked, "Is there any more?" Caihua's natal sister-in-law led the The three dolls arrived in the yard, and Niang Jilin called out loudly: "Oh, her sister-in-law is here! Shufen, just now your aunt told me to send a message to you, how did you know that? Shufen said: "I went to the street to vote, I heard people say..." Lei Gang's wife said: "Have you voted? You must have voted for Su Hong!" Shufen looked at Lei Gang His daughter-in-law said: "I also voted for Lei Gang... I heard that my uncle is sick... My father and mother went to the market in Chafang Town today, and her brother Cauliflower caught a cold at home again, and his joints hurt all over. I'm here, look at my uncle!" The third aunt went over to pick up the bun, and said, "Shufen, look what I did to this!" Shufen said, "Human heads are not made of iron hoops, who wouldn't Sick?" Ji Linniang said: "There is no shame in being sick. Over the years, no one or two of our families have been knocked down here, and they didn't get sick. How can this person be called dead? Who doesn't walk on the road to Huangquan? He Kuang he Uncle might be able to fight it!" Shufen said: "There are many people suffering from cancer these years, have you never heard of any kind of cancer before?" Zilu said: "I didn't know it was called cancer before, but it is actually cancer. My uncle’s illness is what we used to call choking disease.” Shufen said: “Zilu, you are a man of culture, did it mean that when the White Pagoda fell over here, Bai Yunqiu’s evil spirit rushed over?” Zilu said: “I think it is There is a problem with the water and soil here." Niang bluffed: "Don't talk nonsense, people have lived here for generations, why have they fallen so fast in the past few years?" Zilu stopped talking, came back and cleaned up with Xixia intestines.Xixia said: "I also wondered, maybe there is a problem with the water and soil, maybe something has changed in people. I read a document that said cancer is a mutation of human cells, so I thought about it. It is said in history that people are monkeys. Yes, there must have been a long process for how a monkey became a human being, and there must have been some sudden fission in this long process. Now that humans are too old, if fission occurs, of course the cells will first change, and then the diseased People with cancer are the first to mutate and evolve." Zilu said: "You are more mysterious than me, go and tell them that Nan Lubo's illness should not be sad, but congratulations to the evolved people. !" Xixia raised her hand, and wiped a lump of oil from her intestines on Zilu's face.Zilu hurriedly lowered his head and took the basin into the kitchen. Cut the meat into pieces and put it in the pot, but couldn't find any seasonings like pepper and ginger. Xixia went to the main room to ask the third aunt, but she saw Shufen leading three dolls standing in front of Nanlu Bokang. Nanlu Bo saw that it was Shu Fen snorted, but turned her head to the kang.Shufen said: "Uncle, Uncle!" Uncle Nanlu just kept silent.The third aunt said: "His father, Shufen's father and mother are not at home, Shufen came to see you for his parents." Uncle Nan suddenly turned around and spit on the third aunt's face, scolding: "You are ashamed Ancestors! Do you think I’m not dead yet, just poison me with a pack of rat poison!” The third aunt and Shufen’s faces turned red and purple.The third aunt pulled Shufen out of the bedroom, and said: "Don't be a monster, he scolded me." Shufen said: "I am a monster, the old should scold the young, and it doesn't hurt." But I have to say goodbye.Ji Linniang hurriedly stopped her and said, "How can you leave? You have to eat when you come. You can't leave today!" Shufen couldn't help it, and she didn't have anything to say in the main room, so she sat for a while and said: "I'm not leaving. I'll cook for us here. It's Zilu and his wife in the kitchen. How can I keep them busy?" Everyone went to the kitchen to wash rice, wash radishes, and soak vermicelli.As soon as she was busy with the kitchen, Shufen seemed to be more active, so she said: "Auntie, my uncle may be fine from this illness, Cai Laohei is leading the repair of the White Pagoda." Ji Linniang said: "Who said this? What?" Shufen said, "You don't know yet? There were a lot of people in the brick kiln this morning, and they started to transport bricks to Niuchuangou. Once this tower is repaired, Bai Yunqiu's evil spirit will not be directed at us." Ji Linniang said: "When the White Pagoda fell that year, I dreamed that there was a tornado, and the sky was shaken. People were suspended in the air, cattle were also suspended in the air, and the rollers were all in the air... ..." Shufen said: "Are you really having this dream?" The third aunt said: "She loves to dream all the year round, and she would go to the temple to burn incense when she had nightmares." Ji Linniang said: "It's strange, It often comes true after a dream. In the spring of last year, I dreamed that a car came from the highway and stopped at the entrance of Xieziwei Village, and a group of dolls came down. I also said that so many babies are girls from someone’s family. When I went to the front, I saw that there was a calf in the seam of the leg. Hey, that year, all the babies in our village were boys!” Listen to Jilin When Mother talked about the dream, Xixia suddenly remembered the dream she had last night. It has been several times. The dream was full of twists and turns, but she forgot when she woke up. Laughed softly.Zilu poked her and said, "What are you in a daze for? The fire has slipped out!" Xi Xia hurriedly stuffed firewood into the stove.The third aunt was still saying: "Shufen, this pagoda is really being repaired. I don't know when it will be repaired? Cai Laohei can pay, so I have to carry the bricks anyway!" Mother said: "You should carry the bricks!"砖!”西夏说:“你能背动几块砖?与其去背三块四块砖,不如去给蔡老黑投一票哩!”三婶说:“这我要给蔡老黑投的!”扭过头却给娘说:“蔡老黑恶是恶,心肠倒还好,他四娘,你当初也……”话未说完,娘瞪了一眼,三婶立即不言语了,娘说:“子路,你和西夏给咱到门外喊娃娃去,不要他们跑远,吃饭时到处寻不着。”两人出来,西夏说:“三婶一句话没说完,你知道她要说啥呀?”子路说:“我怎么知道?”西夏说:“你心里明得像镜一样!蔡老黑当时来找菊娃,咱娘还不愿意?”子路说:“不知道。”西夏吃喝着已经在篱笆前你一拳我一脚打闹开了的两个孩子。 饭熟了,是六菜一汤,菜有红萝卜粉条炒肉片,红烧条子肉,酸菜煎豆腐,炒土豆丝,白菜烩肠子,烧粉肠,汤是黄花木耳汤。饭菜端上桌,把南驴伯从炕上搀扶下来,先给他盛了一疙瘩米饭,又夹了两片肉,大家就都坐下来吃。原本买了肉要招待一些贴近的老亲戚的,但老亲戚们送了礼都没吃饭就走了,好吃好喝偏让淑芬他们享用了。三个孩子像狼一样,见肉上来就都去抢,又相互叫闹谁的多了谁的少了,碗里肉少的就把碗磕在桌上,饭菜洒了一滩。三婶忙帮着把碗收拾好让孩子端了,自己低了头用嘴去吸桌上的菜水汤,淑芬也便锐声训斥,让孩子们端了饭碗都到院子里去。南驴伯还是不看淑芬的脸,也不搭言,将肉片塞进口里,西夏看见他把肉放在嘴里嚼了又嚼,后来就叫三婶扶他到院里去,好大一会儿,南驴伯被搀回来,坐在那里再没端碗,只看着门外院子里三个孩子在那里狼吞虎咽,而面前的鸡一直在观察着动静,不时伸脖子去碗里啄那么一嘴。三婶就噙着眼泪走出堂屋,撵开了围着孩子们的鸡,西夏跟出来,三婶说:“你伯一辈子爱吃肉呀,肉总没吃够过,可现在把肉在嘴里嚼了半天,就是咽不下,到院里又吐了。”西夏听了,眼泪不觉也流下来。重新回到堂屋,那些孩子又进去嚷着要夹肉,西夏给他们夹了,就说:“伯,你不吃了,我搀你到炕上去。”南驴伯没说话,用手从盘子里捏了一块肉,扶着椅子往起站,西夏就把他扶到卧房去,他把肉在鼻子前闻了闻,又放在嘴里,说:“让我慢慢嚼,慢慢嚼。”西夏出来悄声说:“以后吃饭都不要到伯面前去,他见别人吃得那么香,心里就更难受哩。”
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