Home Categories contemporary fiction Gao Laozhuang

Chapter 2 Chapter One

Gao Laozhuang 贾平凹 3852Words 2018-03-19
Mother was nagging at home, telepathically, Zilu, who was sitting on the steps of the station, sneezed.The sneeze was so shocking that even the policeman standing in the square turned his head to look this way. Zilu was a little embarrassed, but immediately became reserved, his face as calm as water, and then looked away, watching Xixia squeezed into the front of the box office. in a bunch of people.Originally, Xixia was supposed to guard Lizilu to buy tickets here, but Zilu was too small to squeeze under the ticket window, and he didn't want to get under the arms of those people, so Xixia went with long arms and long legs.

Xixia was sweating profusely in the human den, her shoes were dirty, and her hairpin was lost. She finally bought a ticket and exited to catch her breath. A woman next to her kept looking at her and said, "Such a beautiful person should have his own Private car!" Xixia said: "Really? Then I have to change my husband!" The woman smiled innocently and said, "Where are you going to travel?" Xixia said: "Go back to my husband's house." The woman said: "Where is it?" Xi Xia said, "Gao Laozhuang!" After she said that, she laughed, she thought of Zhu Bajie, and the Zhu Bajie in it was also from Gao Laozhuang.The woman didn't know what Xixia was laughing at, and when she heard that she was going to Gaolaozhuang, she came over and held Xixia's hand, saying that Gaolaozhuang was a good place, she had been there before, and now there was a relative living in Gaolaozhuang. Lao Zhuang.Xixia felt close, and asked Gao Laozhuang what fun things to do. The woman said: There are mountains, and the mountains are as deep as the sea. If you go at this time, you can't eat persimmons and chestnuts, but apricots have fallen from the tree. Someone yells to buy, buy, and if you throw down a piece of money, the apricot seller will throw the apricots on the cart. If you don’t pick up enough, they will drive the cart and run, and throw it back at you!There are ancient pines everywhere in the ditch, moss and ferns grow from the roots to the treetops, and the vines hang down, and there are birds with red beaks and white tails singing inside.Have you ever seen forsythia?There is a medicine called forsythia in the traditional Chinese medicine store. Who would have thought that the forsythia would grow into such a big canopy, and the flowers would be so yellow, Buddha yellow.Xixia got excited and asked what else there was. The woman said that there is Taihu Temple, a spring nest with a cat waist that can pump out a bucket of water, and there will be seven or eight small frogs in the bucket, and Gao Laozhuang people don't eat frogs.And Bai Yunqiu.Xixia brushed back the messy hair that was scattered in front of her face, and asked Bai Yunqiu what it was. The woman said that it was a lake, a ditch, and an old forest in a ditch. People said that there lived gods and devils there. It's the weirdest place in the world, but I've never been there.The woman was very sorry, and Xi Xia also regretted it with her, and then brushed the messy hair on her face, cursing: "This hair is so annoying!" The woman said that if she wanted to go to Gao Laozhuang, she had to cut her hair short. There are shoot forests everywhere, and it is inconvenient to go in to pick up fungus after the rain, and it is inconvenient to have long hair. The dogs in Gao Laozhuang are all small dogs, and their owners chop off their tails when they are born.As he spoke, he took a hairpin from his head and gave it to Xixia.Xixia didn't want to accept the gift for no reason, so she declined, but no, when she wanted to pay again, the woman asked how much it was worth, and helped Xixia tidy her hair, put it on the hairpin, and called it beautiful.Xixia thanked this woman who met on a strange road, and invited her to meet Zilu: Maybe her relative is still a relative of Zilu. The world is big, very big, and small and small. Woolen cloth!But the woman didn't want to see Zilu, saying that she was a reporter from the TV station and had to go on a business trip to a far away place immediately, so she said goodbye and disappeared from the crowd.

Xixia returned to the steps of the station, but Zilu was no longer there.Looking around, he had two large bags hanging on his shoulders, his waist was bowed, and he was getting shorter and shorter like a child, arguing with someone in front of a small shop.Xixia shouted: "Zilu, Zilu!" Zilu came over, with an angry expression on his face, shaking the empty water glass in his hand, scolding those small shopkeepers for being stingy, and after running to three houses, they refused to pour him a glass of plain water.Xixia said: "If you pay someone two cents, who wouldn't enthusiastically sell it to you?" Zilu said: "If it is Gao Laozhuang, the water will be filled with wells!" Xixia took the water glass and turned to buy it. Zilu said: " Don’t drink anymore, I’m full of gas, have you bought the ticket yet?” Xixia said: “Yes, guess who I saw?” Zilu said: “Who?” Xixia said: “White and clean, the bridge of the nose There is a mole on it, and she said that her relatives are also in Gaolaozhuang. She gave me a hairpin, don’t you look good?” Zilu said: “It looks good, don’t look good in everything. Her relatives are also in Gaolaozhuang, why not Do you want to chat?" Xixia said, "I'm busy on a business trip, I'm a reporter from a TV station, I'm a reporter!" Zilu said, "That's nothing, isn't it just stuffing the boss with black donkey shit work!" Xi Xia said, "Is this what the professor said?" The two burst out laughing.A woman and her child were sitting under the railing in front of the tunnel entrance. The child looked at Zilu and Xixia and smiled, and Zilu and Xixia also laughed.Zilu and Xixia stopped laughing, but the child was still smiling.Zilu made a face for the child, pulled his ears forward, and pouted like a fat pig. The child didn't respond, but the child's mother responded, she smiled and waved to Zilu.This is a woman with a white face and a long body. Zilu approached, and the woman said to the child: "Call me uncle." The child said: "Uncle." The woman said: "Let you eat well. You’re only as tall as Uncle!" Zilu blushed, but Zilu was a professor after all, and he said, "Your mother is right, you have to eat well, people discriminate against people who are not tall." Only then did he realize that he hadn't spoken well, so he hurriedly apologized that she didn't mean it that way, but Zilu walked away seriously.

The two walked into the station, and Xixia asked, "What did you tell me?" Zilu said, "She asked me what I was doing? I said I was a professor. She said it would be great to be a professor, but it's a pity that she just graduated from junior high school..." Xixia said : "Looking at how beautiful she is, why don't you say anything?!" Zilu said, "She is beautiful? When you come here, there are still beautiful people?!" Zilu brought both bags and trotted behind Xixia, like A pack donkey. The car was going through Gaolaozhuang on its way to Hubei in the southwest, and the glass on the rear window was broken. It was cool, but the dust got in, and the hair soon became sticky.An hour after leaving the city, the car drove into the mountains, and Xixia was extremely excited. Although the window next to her was opened, the head of the old man in front was sticking out of the window, and the vomited sewage would float over like rain, she still kept opening the window, making a fuss. Looking at the scenery outside.As soon as Zilu got in the car, he just sat there and closed his eyes. He didn't feel sleepy, but he tried his best to erase the image of the white-faced and tall woman from his mind, but if he didn't think about what the woman said, how could he not think about it?Fifteen years ago, on the same road, my father sent Zilu to go to school in the provincial capital. The snow was falling, and the truck had no seats and no roof. We sat in the car like people stuck carrots, and our legs felt sleepy again. I was numb and didn't dare to move, and there was no place to sit down when I moved.Zilu couldn't bear it anymore, so he pulled out one leg to rub it. He was worried that his leg would suffer from arthritis after a long time.But after rubbing my legs for a while, a woman next to me said that you grabbed my legs!How is this possible, he argues.But the woman said you belonged to Gao Laozhuang, and Zilu said it belonged to Gao Laozhuang, so what?The woman said: Look at the man in Gao Laozhuang, do you have such long legs? !He lifted his leg up again, and sure enough, he found that it was a woman's leg, a thin and long leg.This incident will forever leave a scar on Zilu's heart like a branding iron. He finished college in the provincial capital with the short stature and short legs unique to men in Gao Laozhuang, and he is also suffering from the inferiority of Gao Laozhuang men's short stature and short legs. Cultivated a studious and struggling character, became a professor, and published a monograph on the study of Chinese grammar.Fifteen years later, it was a woman who made fun of his short stature again—flattering a woman can make a humble man sublime, but judging a man by his appearance is the standard for distinguishing a shallow woman—Zilu closed his eyes and laughed silently, thinking, The woman didn't know who he was. If she was from Gaolaozhuang, or from the county in her hometown, or even if she had studied in a university in the provincial capital, she would know who Zilu was.Zilu opened his eyes and saw Xixia was lying on the window of the car looking out to take pictures, with one leg kneeling on the seat and the other leaning on the bottom of the seat, with plump buttocks and beautiful waist, he couldn't help feeling a sense of happiness in his heart. He reached out and patted her ass.

Since his father underwent gastric cancer surgery, Zilu has been burdened so heavily for four years. When he wakes up early every morning, his first thought is whether his father's illness will recur on this day?Even when I was speaking ancient Chinese on the podium, my train of thought suddenly stopped.In order to escape anxiety, he went to the History Museum to look at the newly unearthed murals of the Tang Dynasty. What moved him most in the murals was the Tang people playing polo. Look, the horse has rounded hips and thin legs. When it runs, its hooves are almost parallel what!Gaolaozhuang has no horses, only black and short donkeys that carry dung from hill to valley, and from valley to valley day after day. On the plain where this city is located, there are only mules. It's just a vassal of the horse.The ancients talked about the spirit of dragons and horses. It turns out that horses, like dragons, give people beauty in shape, power, and mystery.Just after this visit, I walked out of the hall. In the courtyard of the museum, the sun was shining brightly. Several young women were walking down the steps. Someone stumbled and fell down the steps, then got up and said, "It's disgusting." Her feet are so small that I can't stand upright!" Such words were obviously boasting of her height and feet, so she was naturally teased by her friends and refused to help her.And Zilu glanced at her feet. Although the feet were not big, they were not so small that he could not stand unsteadily. He thought this woman was interesting and cute.For many days after returning to school from the museum, whenever Zilu thought of the Dawan horse in the murals of the Tang Dynasty, he somehow thought of that woman.Why did I contact that woman from the horse? Is that woman like a horse with a long, thin waist, round buttocks, thin legs and a healthy look?This kind of thinking is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that when I see a beautiful tall woman on the street, Zilu calls it Dawanma.With such a mood, Zilu went to the museum to see the murals of the Tang Dynasty countless times in the days to come, and sure enough, he ran into that woman every time. From this, he got to know her, entangled her, and finally led the horse into her pen.

The reason why Zilu divorced his former wife and married Xixia was not because what people around and people in his hometown said he liked was because Xixia was a city person, young and beautiful.What he likes is tallness, but Zilu is too short, he doesn't eat what he sells, and he hopes to have what he doesn't have!He didn't shy away from this point of view, and even talked about the murals of the Tang Dynasty in the class of ancient Chinese, admiring the greatness of that era: horses are Dawan horses from the Western Regions, and people are not purely Han. The woman's body appearance, clothing and hair bun are not intended to be fat, but to show a world style that advocates strength.He married a new wife who was engaged in mural copying in the museum, so he changed her name to Xixia. Xixia was probably the name of a Huns in the north in history. My ancestors may be Hu people, at least they should be some kind of mixed blood of Han and Hu.

Now, Xixia, who was lying on the window of the car and was still taking pictures, was surprised to see the hornet's nest-like grotto on the cliff head in the distance. Zilu told him that this was where the mountain people hid in the past to avoid the soldiers and bandits. There are halls and bedrooms, granaries and water cellars in the cave. There are stone nests chiseled on the stone wall outside the cave, and stone sticks are inserted. The boards were removed page after page, and the birds could not fly to them.Xixia immediately fixed her eyes on the cave, but her thoughts were like that cloud in the sky, smiling romantically, and said: Are there any murals in the cave?Zilu stroked her hair, shook his head, and lamented the innocence of young urban women, they will never understand the heaviness and bitterness of life, this may be due to the different times, or it may be the age gap, he regretted this Was it a mistake to bring her back for the first time?After all, Gaolaozhuang is not a picturesque paradise. Returning to a poor hometown is not the same as returning to nature. Can Xixia adapt to the environment of its hometown?What's more, there is also a paralyzed child left by his ex-wife and his ex-wife.

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