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Chapter 49 Chapter Forty-Nine

Happy 贾平凹 3499Words 2018-03-19
If I want to solve the case as soon as possible, I can only make more money.I thought of the situation of Liangzi that Xinghu had mentioned, so I went with Wu Fu to find my nephew. Liangzi is really better than me. The car he delivers and sells coal every day is not a rack car, nor a tricycle. It is a three-wheeled motorcycle truck.This coal yard is run by people from Shanxi. The coal piles in the coal yard are like a mountain. There are six briquette rolling machines in a row. Anyone who comes to buy coal will be rolled into briquettes on the spot. Liangzi will drive there. There is no buyer Then, I loaded another cart and went to sell it along the street.Liangzi is already very famous for delivering coal and selling coal. He has a business card that reads: King of Coal Balls.

The coal ball king seemed neither warm nor cold to me and Wufu's arrival. After leading us to his residence, he bought a pot of pickled fish and a basket of steamed buns.This is a shed of only six square meters, the back wall is the courtyard wall, and the roof is also a plastic board, which is built obliquely from the courtyard wall.There are beds, a coal stove, a rope in the corner of the shed, a suit hanging, and even a tie. Wu Fu and I hoped to deliver coal and sell coal in the coal yard. The King of Coal Balls first objected, and he also warned not to find the boss, because the reason why the boss listened to him was that he had already controlled all units and private users who delivered coal.Do you know Luan Ping in "Lin Haixueyuan", he said, Luan Ping has a contact map in his hand, and I am Luan Ping.This kid completely disregarded the sophistication of his relatives, but he agreed that we would pick up junk during the day, and at night we could wholesale some briquettes and sell them at the night market on Dongxin Street, which was also under his jurisdiction.

Coal Ball King didn't study well when he was at home, and he didn't see any advantages, but in Xi'an, he was so successful that he didn't understand.He took us to the Dongxin Street Night Market, where most of the vendors sold steamed buns made of beef and mutton. He asked, "Does anyone know why Qin State defeated the Six Kingdoms and unified the world?"I said: Do you think you have read junior high school?I'm still a high school student!He said: Why, say it!I said: Qin has a Qin Yingzheng!He said: It seems that I don't know, so let me explain to you.He said that the people of Qin State love to eat steamed buns made of beef and mutton. On the battlefield, the people of Qin State set off with beef and mutton on their backs and dry pancakes on their backs. Steamed buns, just washing rice, washing vegetables, eating seven dishes and eight bowls, the people of Qin have already entered the camp.The people of Qin defeated the Six Kingdoms through diet!I said: oh.He was so proud that he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave Wu Fu and me a pack of cigarettes each. He held one in his mouth, and the cigarettes could move from one corner of his mouth to the other without his hands.Look at him like that, I didn't light my cigarette.The night market in Dongxin Street is very large, some of which have front rooms, and each front room is only one or two rooms, and the depth is simple, while more stalls are set up on the side of the road. Turn on a light bulb, set up a basin of washing water, and the stall owner will wear a little white hat, put a towel on his shoulder, and yell for business.The King of Coal Balls told us again that there are eight major cuisines in China, but there is no cuisine in Xi’an. Why, because Xi’an was the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, when the emperor was in the imperial city, all parts of the country had to compete with their dishes. Xi’an It's like a big dinner table, with all kinds of dishes on display, and gradually I don't have any big dishes.But without the big dishes, the snacks have become more abundant. This is the mutton soup, gourd head, persimmon cake, spicy soup with meatball paste, steamed pork, marinated jelly, oil-splashed noodles, big-knife noodles, saliva noodles, and soup noodles in the night market. , Liangpi, Zeng cake, Ma Shi, camellia oleifera, soup bag, oil tower.What he said made us stunned for a while, and Wu Fu said: It's incredible, how does he know so much!I said: Don't go along with him, if you go along with him, you will be able to do everything you can, people are going crazy!Sure enough, he said that we would not respond, so he stopped talking.But I have to admit that this kid is really familiar here, and everyone at the stall seems to know him, saying: King of Coal Balls is not selling coal today?He said: The two of them sold it for me, please take care of me in the future!People say: Ha, hire a small worker!

The food stalls need coal, but the amount is very small. They almost buy it when they burn it. They don't want to buy too much and then move it back the next night.The sales of briquettes were not good. Wu Fu kept an eye out for any broken items on the left and right stalls. He went to clean up those wine bottles and plastic lunch boxes.Wu Fu is very considerate and collects a lot of plastic boxes. We often returned to Chitou Village at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night. After a few days, we were too tired to support.Wu Fu fell asleep while walking, but I couldn’t, so he asked me to hold a stick. He held one end and I held the other end. I walked in front and he dozed off behind, and he snored when he dozed off.There are few people on the street at night, but the cars are driving fiercely. Every time a car comes, he wakes up as soon as I stop, and asks: "Haven't you arrived yet?"I said: Can you fall asleep?He said: I had a dream just now, and I was eating... He closed his eyes and fell asleep again, and his facial features were particularly ugly when he was asleep, I was like pulling a walking corpse.

Seeing that we were too tired, the King of Coal Balls allowed us to sleep in his shed at night without going back to Chitou Village. I thought he was holding his breath and going to pass.My nerves were a little weak, and it was even more difficult for the King of Coal Balls to fall asleep. First, he used cotton wool to plug his ears, and then Wufu would throw something at his fingertips when he snored. Smelly shoes and socks and pillows and all our clothes.The King of Coal Balls resolutely refused to let Wu Fu sleep with him, so Wu Fu went back to Chitou Village every night.We agreed to meet at the gate of the buying station the next morning, and I would take his truck to Xinglong Street every morning when the coal king delivered coal.

One night, I took a carload of coal to the night market and passed by a hotel. A person from the hotel asked me to deliver a carload of coal to them.This is the first time I have sold a whole car of coal, so I bought a fish and went back to the shed to stew it early. I want to show the King of Coal Balls my craftsmanship.He came back with a dog. He said: Good luck today, I picked up everything. I said: I am luckier than you, and sold a carload of coal. He said: You can blow! I said: instead of selling a cart of coal, can I buy fish for you? He took out a small Kun bag from his arms and said: You buy me fish, and I will give you a bag!

Bag snatching incidents often occur on the street, so I suspect him. With his virtue, he is easy to be a bad person. Where did Baoer come from? picked up. Could it be a robbery? ! You are very verbose! My expression changed all of a sudden, I have the responsibility to discipline him, I am his uncle.I said: look at me! He looks at me. snatched? picked it up! He is tougher than Wu Fu. Grab it! I snatched it. I didn't take the contents of the bag and threw the bag away? He cut the fish in half from the pot with a shovel, but gave it to the dog tied to the door. You feed the dog before we eat?

I just fed it, what? He was bluffing, and took the half fish out of the pot again. I went to stop him, but he sifted me vigorously, and the pot knocked over.He grabbed the bag and was about to throw it over the courtyard wall.I snatched the bag back.He yelled at me: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! I laughed, he proved his innocence if he got angry, if he didn't get angry I would leave here overnight, I don't want to live with a robber.I said: Our Liu family has never had a thief for generations. You picked this bag? He said: If you weren't my uncle, I would beat you up! I said: Don't think that your uncle is inferior to you, when it comes to city life, you are still young!Let me tell you, if someone snatches a bag, takes something out and throws it away, don’t pick it up, there are a lot of bags being snatched now, if you pick up an empty bag, people will think you are a robber!What else is in the bag?

He said: what? !A roll of toilet paper, a small mirror. I uncovered the bottom of the bag, and what came out was only a roll of toilet paper and a small mirror, but a necklace fell out.The necklace is wrapped in a small paper bag.He grabbed the necklace.Hey, this thing can sell for several hundred yuan. I said: Liangzi, I found this, at least half of the money was sold. He threw me fifty yuan, and even looked at an elder with contempt. I took fifty yuan and went to the street to buy fish again, and continued to cook fish stew.After this meal, our stomachs were full and we fell asleep. I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, but the coal ball king took the money and counted it under the quilt.How much money does he have?Just listening to the sound of swishing and swishing.I said to count them, there are my farts in the bed.He ignores me.

I said: How much can you earn a day? He said: Sleep with you, okay? ! As the night gradually deepened, the dog at the door kept barking, which was really annoying.The briquette king got up and put the dog in the shed. The dog ran on our sheets and then lay down next to my pillow. . Since then, the dog has become the pet of the king of coal balls, and he buys food for the dog every day.I came back in the middle of the night with an ice pot and a cold stove, but there were always fish and ribs in the dog bowl. Of course I educated him: what are we here for?He rolled his eyes at me.I really don't want to stay here anymore, but I have to make more money as soon as possible, so I can bear it.

But it’s the third time I’ve gone to that hotel to ask for coal money, but I still haven’t come. First, the hotel staff said whoever bought it, you can go to whoever. I only remember that the person who bought the coal was in his fifties and had gray hair. The gray person came out later and said that there was such a thing, but now I have no money to come in a few days, and I will go in a few days, the guard will not let me in, I am arguing at the door, the lobby manager calls the security: get out!I was thrown out. The briquette king said: Do you need me to go? I said: Are you going to fight?There are a lot of security guards, who can you beat? He said: I don't beat them, I beat myself, and cut my forehead with a razor, is it okay to cut a bloody sheep? There are two white marks on his forehead, of course they are very well healed scars.I said: Have you rowed? He said: The city will fine my car 500 yuan. I was in a hurry. I scratched my forehead with a razor, and they returned the car without paying any fines. Be a supplementary team member, I didn't go. When he said that, I was even more afraid to ask him to help me collect debts. When I was kicked out by the hotel security again that night, I was ready to tell him: I got the coal money.But he didn't come back all night. The King of Coal Balls will not get lost or suffer losses. He is better than Wu Fu in this regard. What I am worried about is that he will get into an accident while driving a truck or fight with others.At two o'clock at night, I went to the coal yard and asked the guard why the coal ball king didn't come back so late?The guard said, can you see if the delivery truck is there?I went to the parking lot to look, and the red three-wheeled motorcycle delivery truck was there.The guard said, do you have a suit and tie?When I returned to the shed, I realized that the suit and tie were gone.The guard said: Don't worry about it, only others suffer, not your nephew. What does it mean?I sat back in the shed and waited, but he still didn't come back, so I fell asleep.The mosquitoes at night were very biting, as if all the mosquitoes from the coal yard had come.The mosquitoes in the coal yard are all black.I can't sleep, I just think of Meng Yichun.Did the mosquitoes bite Meng Yichun so much that he couldn't sleep?Meng Yichun, who couldn't sleep, was counting the money he raised, and whether he would think of me while counting, and asked: Why haven't I seen him for a long time?Or did the thought flash through my mind as soon as I thought of it, like water on a glass table, and there is nothing left when I wipe it with my hand? It would be great if the mosquitoes that bit Meng Yichun could come and bite me.
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