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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-Two

Happy 贾平凹 5074Words 2018-03-19
Xiao Meng is really a whore. Xiao Meng calmly told me that she was a prostitute. She said that although she no longer cared about concealing her occupation, she had never told anyone that she was a prostitute. She saw that I was friendly to her. Anyone is fine.At that time, the sound of drums was heard leisurely from the Drum Tower, and lumps of red clouds appeared in the sky near dusk, blooming like roses.I didn't look up to the sky, and she sat on the tricycle without moving.A series of piercing sirens sounded from the other side of the street, and the crowded street suddenly split in two, as if the ground was split.She said, as you saw just now, I came in a small car. How could a person like me ride in a small car?That man is my regular customer and someone I can still rely on. He introduced clients to me, and every time he came to pick me up and see me off.Don't look at me that way, I need money, isn't it all for money when we go to town, but I need a lot of money, and I have to make enough money quickly.What should I do, can I pick up junk like you?The beauty salons in that alley are indeed pornographic establishments, and most of the waitresses are prostitutes. In addition to washing hair and shaving, they provide customers with massage, foot washing and sex.There are on-the-spot and out-of-the-box shootings. The on-the-spot shooting is in the store, and the general price is 150 yuan, and the outside shooting is 300 yuan, and if you stay overnight, it is 500 yuan.I took you to a massage that day, but you left without asking anything, you were the only man who left in two years.As soon as you left, I felt my shame and pity at that moment.But you left, I don’t think you are a gentleman. The people who came there or called me out can be said to be richer and more prestigious than you. You left because you have never been there and you have no extra money.Yes or no?I'm not laughing at you, but after you left, I felt that I was pitiful, but you were also pitiful. Poor people see poor people, maybe I can say more to you.So, I called you that last time, and now I am willing to tell you the truth.

She said that in this city, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people engaged in this profession. Whether they are in dance halls, sauna bath rooms, or beauty salons, they all take ID cards they bought. All she tells you is a fake address, a fake name, and a fake age, but Xiao Meng is real.My surname is Meng, and my name is Meng Yichun. I am from Miyang County. I am twenty-seven years old this year. She said that it is not easy to engage in this profession, and everyone has their own reasons.When I was 22 years old, I fell in love with Li Jing from Chengguan, Miyang County. Li Jing loved me, but he had a violent personality, alcoholism and gambling, and we had a disagreement.I admit that he treats me well. That kind of kindness is that I am full and still stuff oil cakes into my mouth. I can't bear it, so I propose to break up with him. I.I thought he was talking angry, but I didn't expect him to come to my house every time he was drunk. In order to get rid of him, I went to live with my aunt in the neighboring county for several months.That time he drank again, went to my house with a knife, and said he wanted to search for his bride.When my father was at home, I started a fight with my brother. When he came back, my brother picked up a wooden stick and beat him to the ground. He drew his knife and stabbed my brother in the chest. My brother died instantly.He killed someone, if he committed suicide at that time, the matter would be over, but he ran away without a trace, and there is a wrongful debt.The case was handled for a month, but Li Jing was not caught, and all the clues were cut off, so the case was put on hold.

She said that Miyang County is a poor county, and the Public Security Bureau always lacks funds to handle cases. As long as many cases involve other places, they have to put the case on hold.The Public Security Bureau can put the case on hold, but how can I get over this matter?My mother died early, and my father fell ill because of this incident, and died half a year later.One month after my father died, someone said that Li Jing had been found in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. I begged the police to arrest him.Where do I have money?But if the case is not solved, I will never be reconciled!I came to Xi’an to work part-time. I washed dishes in restaurants and worked as a nanny. The money I earned was only enough to cover my living expenses.Later, I got to know the owner of the hairdressing salon, who knew what happened to me and encouraged me to come out.

She said that she earned a lot of money.I remitted every 10,000 yuan I earned to the County Public Security Bureau. They went to Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, but they didn't catch Li Jing.In the following days, I kept earning and remitting money, and the Public Security Bureau went to the south of Gansu, Yunnan, and Wutai County in Shanxi again, but Li Jing was still not caught, and the clues they found were broken again. up.Old clues are broken, and new clues will always appear. Even if Li Jing runs to the ends of the earth, he must kill the murderer with his life.I continue to earn money, not only in beauty salons, but through the big boss you saw, I introduced a group of big boss clients to me.These big bosses have no shortage of women. At first they were just newcomers, but when they found out about my situation, they paid me several times more each time.

Xiao Meng, no, Meng Yichun, I should call her Meng Yichun, when she told me everything without reservation, my stomach made noises, as if my whole body was a washing machine, and all the internal organs were stirring and kneading .After she finished speaking, she even smiled again, her arms resting on the side of the car, and she was about to get off the tricycle. She said: I don't think you will let me ride in your car anymore.How could Liu Xingxing be such a person? I asked her to sit still and was responsible for sending her to the beauty salon.She looked at me, and I looked at her, her lips were chapped, and she had froth on her lips just now, I wanted to buy her a bottle of mineral water, but there were no stores selling mineral water around.And on the overpass at the alley diagonally opposite the road is a small labor market. Before Meng Yichun spoke, there were still many farmers who had just entered the city standing and sitting there. I went to look for accommodation, and there was a girl sitting there with a bundle in front of her, and a dozen apples on it.I ran across the road, and the girl looked at me eagerly.She is young and ugly.

I said: Apple sellers, where are these apples? She said: I'm here to find a job. I said: The one who was looking for a living also brought an apple? She said: I brought some from my own tree when I came here. I said: Then you haven't found a job yet? She said: Nobody either. I said: Is this apple sold? She said: Sell, sell, I can eat bowls of noodles after selling. This is another woman who went to the city, but she and her apples were not sold.But I could only buy one, and I picked and picked. The apples were all small, and some were already spoiled. I threw down five yuan, picked up an apple, and ran back to the side of the road.

Meng Yichun took the apple, didn't eat it, and kept holding it in his hand.I pedaled the tricycle, and I couldn't pedal any faster.When we arrived at the alley of the beauty salon, she got out of the car, and I tried to help her up, but I tried to step on the sprained foot on the ground a few times, and stopped, saying that she could walk slowly.I took out fifty yuan and gave it to her.I only have the fifty yuan on me.She said: Hey, you give me money?I didn't pay your fare and you gave me money?I said that I am not a big boss. If I were a big boss, I would give you 50,000 yuan at a time to solve the case.Meng Yichun said: You will be a big boss!Suddenly, his eyebrows and eyes moved, and tears flowed.

I took out fifty yuan to Meng Yichun without thinking, but she burst into tears, but I panicked.She kept watching me take out money from my pockets, almost all four pockets on my body, and all I took out were some change notes, her eyes gradually became round and dark, and her eyelashes blinked.I also said in my heart: I am about to cry, I am about to cry.But I dare not say it out, for fear that she will really cry if I say it out.At that moment, I had a very satisfying pleasure, because I paid her without thinking, because I did not despise a prostitute, but deeply sympathized with a person who was more miserable than me, and I hoped to move her .However, when her eyelids were closed heavily, and two streams of tears welled up in her eyes, I was at a loss.Did I give her money just for her?What effect can fifty yuan have on such a big case?I can't bear her tears.

I hurriedly pedaled the tricycle and left, as if fleeing, I had already escaped from the alley, and Meng Yichun was calling me.happy, happy!She didn't call me by my first name, she just made me happy.I stopped, and she came limping over, and I just said she would refund the fifty yuan or give me something, but she kissed me on the cheek.How did I know she would come to kiss me, I turned my head away in a panic, she kissed loudly, and the lipstick rubbed on my collar. Meng Yi is purely a prostitute, and only a prostitute dares to kiss me in the street. But Meng Yichun's relative made me suffer like never before.

I think so: I have never had a woman who has spoken intimately to me, nor been kissed, but the one who spoke intimately and kissed me was Meng Yichun, whom I fell in love with.Whether she is loving me, thanking me or repaying me, it doesn't matter, at least it strengthens my self-confidence as a living person.I said I was originally from the city, and I was.How did I adapt to life in the city?Why don't I always swear like Wu Fu Huang Ba?Did my love really happen in the city? She is a prostitute, but she is forced to be a prostitute by life, not to mention that she sacrificed herself to accomplish a very emotional thing.Didn't I also want to go to the ghost market to dump the stolen goods? Didn't I also collect medical waste?She is not innocent, and neither am I. In this society, who can live innocently again? !

Meng Yichun is definitely not a bad person, look at how beautiful she is, top notch beauty!Isn't top beauty a bad guy?Yes.If the house is built upright, the house will be firm, open to the sun and ventilated, and comfortable to live in. Only crooked houses are damp, dark, and prone to collapse.She's just in a bad situation.Didn't the lotus grow out of the sludge? She and I should be on the same road, and our lives are suffering, but our hearts are proud. Meng Yichun accepted fifty yuan. Ordinarily, she didn't care about the fifty yuan, and she accepted it, which shows that she agrees with and likes me. Then, I will have such a woman for me to think about, so I will I have to visit her every now and then. When I returned to Chitou Village, I tried my best to control my emotions.When a person has suffering, don't tell others, and when he has joy, don't tell others. The more joy he has, the more he can control not to tell others, he is a great person.Dinner began to add water to light the fire, but Wu Fu sat there slowly and sharpened the heels of a pair of old women's sandals with a kitchen knife.He is very stupid, and his heels are always chipped off. I said: Why don't you cook? He said: These shoes can be reserved for your sister-in-law, as long as they are flat.We still have some pancakes, soak them for a meal. What can I do today, I decided to have a lo mein.But when I went to roll the noodles, there was only half a bowl of noodles left in the flour bag, so I had to mix it with thin soup.It was supposed to be a delicious meal, but it was worse than the previous meal.Going all out, I paid ten yuan and asked Wufu to go to the street store in front of him to buy eggs, and cook poached eggs in the soup.Five rich, buy double, four! However, Wu Fu came back from the street and did not buy eggs. He cursed in a rough voice that the price of eggs keeps rising because he is not tall enough. He used to buy two eggs for one yuan, but now he can only buy four eggs for three yuan!He bought a small bag of potatoes.Wu Fu said: Boiled potatoes are better than poached eggs! Boil the potatoes in the soup. After peeling the potatoes, you don’t need to cut them, so cook them on a slow fire. Wu Fu keeps uncovering the pot and poking with chopsticks to see if the potatoes are cooked.Did I say cook slowly, the stomach is so hungry?Wu Fu said: If you don't cook, I still don't feel hungry, and my stomach growls when I cook. Wu Fu took off his shirt as soon as he came back. I didn't take it off, thinking that Wu Fu would find the lipstick marks on the collar.He said: You cover the maggots and don't take off your clothes?You pay for potatoes, and I'll do your laundry. I won't wash this gown anymore, and I won't wash it again!She turned sideways and pointed the lipstick-printed collar towards him, but he still didn't respond. Wu Fu said: Let's eat two meals tomorrow, it's a little bit to save a little.After finishing speaking, he scolded: Damn, people eat meat, we can't even afford a meal of noodles! Downstairs, Xinghu was making mutton dumplings again, and even Huang Ba bought a bunch of spare ribs and was cooking them. He took one from the pot and tasted it, and then another, which made Xinghu say: No. Cook it and you're done! I started to enlighten Wu Fu, if we didn't eat well this meal, doesn't it mean that we will never eat well.When we have money one day, we will go to big restaurants and eat squid, sea cucumber, abalone and fin.Wu Fu said: I don’t eat those. I don’t see the smell of fish. I saw someone eating shrimp at the night market a few days ago. The prawns came from the sea. Toad, we have that kind of toad in the spring in Qingfeng Town. I go to fetch water from the spring and bring the water home. If I find one or two toads at the bottom of the bucket, I will dump the whole bucket of water.I said what do you want to eat?Wu Fu said that you can eat anything except seafood. You can eat whatever you give, and you can eat anything. Isn't this a pig?The reason why the phoenix is ​​a phoenix is ​​that the phoenix is ​​a picky eater. It only eats bamboo and drinks nectar.As for me, although I know that eating and dressing depends on my belongings, when I collect the junk, I like to look at the photos of the dishes posted in the elevators of high-rise buildings. I have to carefully identify what is abalone fin and papaya blood swallow. I am eating Eat noodles with rice, and eat rice and grits, imagining the taste of bird's nest with abalone fins.Wu Fu said: I don’t celebrate birthdays for my eyes, I just love noodles in soup, and I haven’t eaten enough noodles in soup.I said: The noodle soup in Qingfeng Town is made of glutinous rice noodles, and the county town is made of glutinous rice noodles. Which one do you think is better?Wu Fu said: All good.Hmph, he didn't say anything bad about anything that could be eaten.I like to eat noodles wrapped in glutinous rice flour. The noodles can be made of wheat flour, soybean flour, or sweet potato flour. Zamian is the best, which is half wheat flour and half mung bean flour.Wu Fu said: Have you ever tasted noodles made from dried sliced ​​potatoes and ground wheat flour? The color is ugly, but it tastes delicious.I just think that the noodle soup made at noon the day before yesterday tastes far worse.Wu Fu said: Can’t it be sauerkraut? Our sauerkraut is radish sprout sauerkraut, and the sauerkraut here is celery leaves. Also, the green onions in Xi’an are not good, they are big and tasteless.I said: Remember, you have to boil some soybeans and potatoes to make noodle soup in the future. We were too enthusiastic and focused on discussing food, Xinghu laughed behind us and said: Isn't it just a noodle soup, I don't think people in the city have heard the joke! She is carrying a bowl of dumplings.There is still a lump of garlic in my hand. Wu Fu said: Paste noodle soup is delicious! Xinghu said: Are there delicious dumplings?What do you eat with a bowl of dumplings and noodles in noodle soup? I said: eat paste noodle soup! Xinghu said: I originally brought you dumplings, so I have to bring them back.Turn around and go down the stairs.Wufu said, I twisted Wufu, and said: Just those few dumplings, can they fit between teeth?Wu Fu also said proudly: "It's just the noodles in paste soup!"Xinghu had already walked halfway to the stairs, but suddenly turned around and said: Happy, let me see, what is on your clothes, red? Ghost fox!She approached Le.Ah, lipstick!Which woman kissed you? I blushed all of a sudden and was in a panic, so I stirred the pot with a spoon and said, "Nonsense, who kissed me?"Are you kissing? !The potatoes are rotten. Xinghu said: That's fine, or a person in his thirties would still be a child!You have worked hard, I will make up for you!Putting down the dumpling bowl, she folded herself and poured the dumplings into my bowl, and she took away her own empty bowl. After eating, we all patted our stomachs and said that we were full and drunk like a rich boss, so I scooped a spoonful of water to rinse my mouth, Wu Fu kept farting, put a bunch of them, and deliberately made another one .I asked him to rinse his mouth too, but he tilted his head and asked in a low voice: Did you go to the beauty salon again? Ok. When will you take me there too. What are you going to do? Let me... Wu Fu laughed.People say that prostitutes are different from wives, wives are a bunch of dead meat, prostitutes are very lively, can give... Come here and I will tell you. As soon as Wu Fu's face came over, I slapped him. But Wu Fu still had a playful smile on his face, and my heroism was gone. I finally realized that I was not such a great person, and I couldn't hide my joy, so I told all about my adventures during the day. I also agreed to take Wu Fu to see Meng Yichun.
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