Home Categories contemporary fiction Happy

Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Nine

Happy 贾平凹 2638Words 2018-03-19
I didn't go to the ghost market again, nor did I go to Shouhou's purchase station to sell old door frames and window frames, and I dragged the shelf cart aimlessly.Walked through an alley, and walked through another alley.Someone is shouting: Collect the rags, come and collect the rags!I just walked forward, and the person behind me scolded: You are collecting junk, you don’t collect it, patrolling the streets? ! I clearly saw Liu Gaoxing appearing ten meters in front of me. He walked like a stick and said: Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng, if you are a prostitute, be a prostitute. Why did you let me meet you? Woolen cloth?After I said it, I said: Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng, don’t you have a second pair of shoes? Why do you still wear such a pair of high heels today?How did I see Liu Xingxing?I know I'm out of my body.Suddenly, two children wearing roller skates rushed out of the alley. They found me when they slid out of the alley. It's gone, I saw the sign on Xinglong Street Erdaoxiang, and I was surprised why I came back again?Relying on the street sign, I suddenly thought about the shooting of the prisoner in the past. When the prisoner was shot in the past, the public security organs insisted that the family members of the prisoner had to pay for a bullet.I also suddenly thought of a story I heard before, that is, a thief abducted and sold a person, and that person helped the thief count the abducted money during the abduction.Am I the prisoner who was shot, the trafficked person who helped count the money?Cruel, this is cruel to me!In the distance, there is a mirror cake seller, calling one after another: "Mirror cake!"Mirror cake!A dog came running, someone's pet, with short hooves, standing on the side of the road looking at me.I said: come, come here!I wanted to talk to the dog, but when the dog came over, it pissed on my leg in front of me.I was about to curse, but I swallowed my words when I saw Wu Fu coming from the other side of the alley with a cart.

five rich!five rich! Wu Fu's eyes were dull, he looked at me, but there was no response, he looked again, he came closer, seemed a little annoyed, and said: You are playing with dogs, why don't you go to the ghost market, are you playing with dogs? ! I said: Don't talk, follow me! Wu Fu followed suspiciously, and within twenty steps, he burst into tears. That day was definitely not a good day for us.Wu Fu told me that he went to the ghost market, and there was indeed everything for sale in the ghost market. As soon as he stood in front of a stall, someone brought a bag of copper pipes and asked him if he would take it.Of course he accepted it and paid for it, thinking that this package of copper pipes alone could hold up his carload of waste newspapers.But as soon as he pulled the trolley to the back alley, another person rushed up. He said that the copper pipe was a material from their factory, and asked him where he got it. He must have stolen it.He hastily argued that he didn't steal it, and he didn't have the courage. Even if he had the courage, he didn't know where he stole it, so he confessed the truth: the copper pipe was bought in a ghost market.The man grabbed him by the collar and decided that he was conspiring with the thieves to steal and sell the materials of the national factory. He was a gang. He asked how many people there were in the gang, who stole and sold the stolen goods, and committed crimes a total of several times. How many, how many times were women raped during the crime, and how many people were killed?He was frightened all of a sudden, and he sat down on the ground and swore to others, saying that the copper pipe seller in the ghost market didn't know him, he didn't know the copper pipe seller, there was no gang, he was the only one.

Wufu said: I didn't tell you! I said, eight poles can't hit me.and after? Wu Fu said that he only said that he came from Shangzhou, and he only came here. Except for Xinglong Street and this ghost market, he has never been to other places in Xi'an.The man slapped him across the face, and one of his teeth fell to the ground. He bent down to look for the tooth, but the man stepped on the tooth with his foot and said, "It's from Shangzhou, okay, there's a theft and murder case three in the city." Two-thirds of them were done by migrant workers in Shangzhou. The city government has set up a task force to crack down on criminal activities of Shangzhou people.

Wu Fu said: Is there a task force to attack us? I said: Have we committed a crime? ! Wu Fu continued to say that the man stepped on his teeth and rubbed them vigorously, saying: Need teeth?Follow me to the Public Security Bureau, and you can find another leg of yours!The man twisted his arm, he didn't fight with others, he knew that the copper pipe must be made of factory material, he was guilty, but he didn't give in easily, his arm just didn't bend, he had strength, and his arm was straight as if An iron rod, the man couldn't twist his back.But as soon as the man poked his elbow, he itched and couldn't bear it, and his arm was twisted behind his back.At this time, he begged for mercy, and the only thing he could say was what he learned from movies when he was a child: My family has a doll and an eighty-year-old mother!The man seemed to forgive him, and said: Then you can pay three hundred yuan, let me make a mistake once, it is not selfless to act bravely without righteousness!He bought the copper pipe for 200 yuan, and only 100 yuan was left out of the 300 yuan he brought. The 100 yuan was thanks to 50 yuan in his jacket pocket and 50 yuan in his shorts pocket. Fifty yuan in the jacket pocket: gone, search it!The man searched his body and even grabbed his crotch.He hurriedly said: That's not a wallet.The man said: Is it a crime to bring this thing? !The brass pipe was taken away, and the fifty yuan was taken away.He looked at the man's open jacket, checkered jacket, whirling behind him, walking like a snake.However, it was at this moment that he realized that he had been duped, because the man walked past a telephone booth in front of him, and a man flashed out from behind the booth. It was the same man who sold him the brass pipes, and they made the same grimaces at him, saying goodbye , A gust of wind ran away.

Wu Fu was crying, his mouth was full of black teeth, one was missing, his whole face was wrinkled, and there were five holes of different sizes in his nose, eyes and mouth.He said that he was unlucky in eight lifetimes, happy!Didn't we do anything bad, why did we encounter this evil? I sympathize with Wu Fu for losing two hundred and fifty yuan, but what is two hundred and fifty yuan compared to my suffering?Besides, Wu Fu told me that he might feel better, but who can I tell?I comforted him: Don't cry, I'm lucky you didn't die, didn't you have lunch?He took out three yuan and asked Wu Fu to eat a bowl of noodles.

Wu Fu was still sniffling, saying that he ate it, and it was also a bowl of noodles. Wipe away your tears, Wufu, don't talk about suffering. Wu Fu nodded to me. The wind is blowing, and the alleys in the city are like valleys. The wind is limping, and the leaves of the trees will gather in a pile from time to time. , Suddenly softened again, naughty like a child playing a prank on us.We didn't speak any more, Wufu's van was rattling and rattling, the noise was particularly unpleasant.I said Wu Fu, you should change your car.Wu Fu said that the disadvantage today is due to the tyres. If the man came to chase me, I would pull the rickshaw and run away. He would definitely not be able to catch me.I said there was an old tricycle for sale at Shouhou.Wufu said that Skinny Monkey also asked me if I would buy it, three hundred yuan, too expensive!He doesn't want to take advantage of me.I said if you don’t buy it, I’ll buy it, as if I was also blackmailed once.I felt it was inappropriate to say this, so I quickly changed my words: I want to buy a tricycle, and I will give you this car.Wu Fu said: Give it to me?I don't have the money to buy it.I said I don't want your money, this old door frame and window frame should have half of your money.

Wu Fu didn't seem to be sad anymore, and suddenly asked me: He touched my crotch, how could he bring this thing to commit a crime? What does it mean? I said: Can you rape women if you have a dick? I fuck the motherfucker! Wu Fu was furious, and scolded that man for not letting him grow a dick, he is really not a good man, he was born by a nun, or by a prostitute!Wu Fu's scolding made me feel sick again. I lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and asked Wu Fu: Have you ever seen a prostitute?Wu Fu said: I have never seen it.I also felt that it was meaningless to tell Wu Fu about it, so I stopped.

There was a wave of laughter, and there were five or six women standing at the door of a cafe diagonally opposite. They were all about 1.7 meters tall, but they had shawls and long hair. They were all jeans with thin legs and buttocks. Upturned.If such a woman is standing there alone, she looks good, but it’s nothing more than a glance, but if five or six of them stand there in a bunch, it’s definitely a bundle of explosives, and people passing by stop. look back. Wu Fu said: What kind of woman is a prostitute? I glanced at those five or six women, and Wu Fu followed my gaze to see those five or six women, and looked at them again.

I said: Don't sell your eyes! Wu Fu said: "If there are any prostitutes among these people, you can show me." I did not know how to take a risk: there are beauty salons! Wu Fu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at me strangely, and said: Beauty salon?Where did you fuck when you closed the door and window frames? !
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