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Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six

Happy 贾平凹 3324Words 2018-03-19
At the purchasing station, I didn't tell Skinny Monkey about it, nor did I sell the three cans.The thin monkey thought that I had specially stored a batch of cans in Chitou Village, and then sold them at a higher price, and cursed: People say that Shangzhou fried noodles customers are honest, so honest, don’t steal dung!Back in the remaining building, I put three empty soda cans on the window sill. There was no scented wax to offer, so I clasped my hands together and made a bow.Wu Fu said: What's the matter?I said: This is the god of luck!Wufu said: God of luck?I said: Look at my Yintang, is the Yintang dark or bright?

Without any sensitivity, Wu Fu actually said that I had a boil on my seal.I want to let him see and see. With a flick of the wallet, Wu Fu yelled.I told the truth of the matter, and Wufu froze, and said: Damn it, the wallet is for money, he doesn't? ! Just know the money!I asked Wu Fu to look at the passport and told him that the passport is a document for going abroad, just like the ID card we use.Those who can use passports are big bosses!There are so many magnetic cards, maybe there is money in them, maybe you can go to eat at a discount, maybe you can go shopping directly, but we just don’t know how to use them.Look at this key, what a bunch!How many keys do you have?In this city, the only thing that can reflect a person's identity is the number of keys besides housing and car rides.

Wu Fu played with his mobile phone, but the mobile phone was turned off.None of us have ever used a mobile phone and don't know how to open it.Wu Fu said that he had been to the mobile phone market in Erdaoxiang, and an old mobile phone can be sold for 300 yuan: I am happy, if you sell it, you have the right to pick up 300 yuan! I said: I love money? ! Wu Fu said: You are the emperor's mother, how fresh are the pictures of Gleaners? Some things can be obtained, but some things cannot be achieved. I said: Can the moon be obtained? Of course I am happy to get a small advantage, and I look forward to it coming every day. When the big advantage comes suddenly, I have only fear.I don't know how to deal with this matter: Throw away the passport magnetic card and keys, just keep the wallet, and sell the mobile phone?This is like seeing a child fall into the water and not saving it, seeing whose house is on fire but not putting it out?I, Liu Gaoxing, am not a casual person, I am not a person if I am casual!Then I decided to hand over the wallet to the police station in Chitou Village, and let the police station find the owner.Alas, life is eight feet away, and it is hard to find one foot. Let me sleep peacefully and peacefully.

But what Wu Fu said made me afraid to go to the police station.Wu Fu said: Hand it over to the police station?Will people say you stole it?There is a passport, a mobile phone, a magnetic card and a key in the wallet, but no money, can people believe it?Wu Fu's mind has always been a mess, but today he speaks well.I suddenly felt that Wu Fu also suspected that I took the money in the wallet, and even I suspected in an instant that the wallet was stolen by myself or that I took the money away. Wufu said go to sleep, and wake up tomorrow and say. I can not sleep.In the dead of night, he went to the West Lane of Chitou Village and knocked on Han Dabao's door.

Han Dabao listened to my narration, turned the wallet over and over to look at it, and then stared at me.He stared for a minute without speaking.He stared at him for another minute, but still didn't speak.I thought the pockmarks on his face were ugly, so I looked away.Han Dabao suddenly interrogated me viciously. stole? no! snatched? no! really not? No no no! I was flustered, but I couldn't stand Han Dabao's slander. I was angry and wanted to take my wallet away. Han Dabao laughed like a night owl. He said: We are going to get rich! I said: get rich? ! As soon as Han Dabao turned on his mobile phone, a message appeared with a beep, and the screen appeared: Comrade, you found my wallet. The things in the wallet are useless to you, but important to me. If we are willing to make friends , please take the phone away and return the phone card to me, because the card has stored a large number of my customer phone numbers.You can put your passport, key, magnetic card and machine card on the flower bed behind the third electric pole on Qingsong Road at 8:00 pm tomorrow or the next day. There is a paper bag there, which contains a thousand yuan thank you for picking up.This is simply great news, and Han Dabao is truly a blessing, as soon as he arrives at his place, the problem will be solved!I handed Han Dabao a cigarette, lit him again, and said: Is tomorrow night tomorrow night?Han Dabao said: It's tomorrow night.I said: He said to give one thousand yuan, can he really give one thousand yuan?Han Dabao said: You have a simple mind!

Am I simple minded?I knew what Han Dabao meant, so I immediately expressed my opinion: It's really a thousand yuan, the three of us have more than one, and the other one has a hundred yuan for a meal!Am I simple-minded? Knowing that he wanted to share the money, I forced Wu Fu into it. Han Dabao said, do you think that someone will really give you 1,000 yuan? That person will hide nearby and wait for you to appear before suddenly arresting you. Not only will he not give you 1,000 yuan, but he will also think you are a thief and turn you to the police station!I said there are such unconscionable people?Han Dabao said what do you think?I said we don't want him a thousand yuan, how dare he say we are thieves?Han Dabao said why not one thousand yuan, how much would it cost him to reissue a passport, and how much would it cost to change all the locks in the house?One thousand yuan is too little for me!I said, what should I do, the shit eaters take care of the shit eaters? !Han Dabao said it was up to me.

On the night of the second day, Han Dabao first disagreed with Wu Fu to go, and then took the initiative to let Wu Fu go too. I understand what he meant, and he was afraid of accidents or fights. Wu Fu is a good fighter.I secretly told Wu Fu to go out and do some work. You don't have to do whatever Han Dabao asks you to do.Wu Fu said: I only listen to you!We arrived at Qingsong Road, and sure enough, there was a paper bag on the edge of the flower bed behind the third electric pole. Open it and check, it was 1,000 yuan.Han Dabao rubbed the one thousand yuan pieces one by one to listen to the sound, then took them to the lamp field to look, and said: Really.Let me put down my wallet.There were passports, keys, magnetic cards and mobile phones in the wallet. Han Dabao took the mobile phone, took out the card and put it in the wallet, telling Wu Fu and me to keep quiet. Go across the road.When no one was around, Han Dabao gave me 500 yuan and said: We will share half of it when we meet.

It was agreed that there would be three people, three people and one, but Han Dabao only gave me and the rich five hundred yuan. Is this a wolf!But he has already pocketed the other five hundred yuan, so what can I do?Okay, five hundred yuan is five hundred yuan, and I should use the five hundred yuan to get to know the rascal Han Dabao!I gave 250 yuan to Fu Wu, and Fu Fu said: We became 250 yuan? !I got another ten dollars back. Han Dabao didn't let us go, he pulled us across the road from the shadow of the lights, hid behind a parked car, and observed the person who took the wallet.About ten minutes later, a person came slowly from the east, because he could not see his eyes clearly because he was carrying a street lamp, he approached the edge of the flower bed and sat down, holding his wallet in his hand very quickly from behind the edge of the altar.This scene is a bit like a scene in a movie, I giggled, and was about to say that we are spies, but at this moment, Han Dabao, like a leopard, rushed over and hugged the man.

Han Dabao is not a serious person, I know that, but I didn't expect him to be so bad.I have already taken the one thousand yuan of thanks from others, isn't one thousand yuan not enough?That person must have come alone, he had no accomplices, and he was not a bait... This shows how small we are! Wu Fu and I shouted at the same time: Dabao, Dabao! Han Dabao ignored us at all, he grabbed the man's arm tightly and said something.There was a car passing by on the street, and the lights were shining brightly on them. I saw the man with neat and oily hair, wearing a checked shirt and tie.The car passed by, and the flower bed was in darkness again.How does this person look familiar? Where have you met him?Certainly no one I've ever known was so decent, and I've never known anyone who was so neatly dressed.How is it familiar?How kind that face looked!

I said: Wu Fu, have you seen that man clearly? Wu Fu said: I see clearly. I said: how familiar? Wu Fu said: I have never seen it. Han Dabao and the man were still talking in the distance, and both kept making gestures.Later, the man walked along the north alley, and Han Dabao jumped over. I asked what did you say? Han Dabao said that he sent us away for one thousand yuan for such an important thing? I said you blackmailed people? What's Han Dabao saying to be angry with such rich people?I asked him to make up another five hundred, and I was going to give you another two hundred. Fuck, rich people are stingy, so I only gave three hundred.

Han Dabao didn't say that if he gave me half of the three hundred yuan, even if he wanted to give me half, I wouldn't take it.I despise him!Just after we returned respectively, I didn't sleep well all night.Originally, that person was grateful for us, but now it's over, it's time to curse a thousand times. I prayed to heaven that that person would forgive me and Wu Fu, and that face clearly floated in front of my eyes, and I wondered again how familiar this face was? Oh, oh, I really remembered the words of the monk in Qingfeng Town, did that person have a fate with me in a previous life? In such a big city of Xi'an, is there a person who will have a destiny with me? !Suddenly, an extremely bold judgment flashed in my mind: Did he transplant my kidney? Judgment is so strong.It is this person, it must be this person! I got up and impulsively went to Wufu's room to shake him awake, and told me how I felt.Wu Fu was good at touching my forehead and said that you don't have a fever, do you?I don't have a fever.Wu Fu patted my face again and said you are not nocturnal, are you?I don't have nocturnalism.Wu Fu said with a trance-eyed look: I'm dreaming. I twisted his mouth angrily, his face was covered with loose skin, and his mouth and nose were stretched to half of his face. I said: I trust my feelings! Wu Fu said: If you believe it is, then it is. Wu Fu is used to obeying me, but once he obeyed, I hesitated. However, Wu Fu told me about an incident that happened to him himself.He said that when he was introduced to someone for the first time, the woman who accompanied that woman was his current wife. When he saw them, he felt that the woman who accompanied him was his wife. The one he wanted to introduce later failed, so he would marry with a companion.As he talked, he thought about his wife again, and said that his wife might not be sleeping now, so she should put the soles of the children's shoes under the lamp.Do ugly people love to miss their wives, just like Zhu Bajie on the way to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures?Wu Fu said: Your sister-in-law is thin-skinned and tender, and her family background is better than mine. Ordinarily, there is no way my wife could be her, but she is her! I said: Is a flower stuck in cow dung? Wu Fu said: It was a flower stuck in cow dung.People are very strange, and the first impression is accurate. I said: so my feeling is right? Wu Fu said: Yes. My face changed dramatically, and I didn't want to say a word, I just felt blocked in my heart. This half of my heart should be happiness. Hey, I finally found another me. The other me used to be so decent, quiet and rich.The other half was that I was annoyed that I had found another me in such an unpleasant incident!Han Dabao, how can I scold you, you turned a pot of rice into vinegar, and I became enemies with another me!
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