Home Categories contemporary fiction Happy

Chapter 7 Chapter VII

Happy 贾平凹 3332Words 2018-03-19
In Qingfeng Town, smoke started to rise from the roofs of every house, and the smoke fell down and rolled smoothly in the village road. When you heard someone swearing at the battle, the mother scolded me, and at the same time, the dog was biting, you knew it was meal time up.But the time in the city is like a watch on your wrist. We don’t have a watch, and the reporting building is far away from Xinglong Street. During this day, you feel that the sun doesn’t move, and nothing moves, but suddenly it’s evening, and the river It flooded.I regard streets as rivers, and pedestrians and vehicles are flowing water.In the evening, all the rivers in Xi’an flooded together. That’s when factories, schools, and government agencies were off work. Fu sat down and took off his shoes to rest.

At this time, lumpy clouds will appear in the sky above the city of Xi'an, and these clouds are as empty as white cotton.Then, the white cotton turned into red again, and layer by layer rolled from the inside out, turning into countless roses, blooming all over the sky.The salaried workers have no time to take care of the wonders in the sky. They are in a hurry to go home, people and cars are crowded, and if they are not careful, they will hit or be hit by others.Wu Fu and I are the only ones who have the time to look up to the sky, and Wu Fu sees it when he sees it, cursing the sky for being too short, and I am the only one admiring it.

I can be proud of this.I can see patterns of many people, fish, insects, flowers and birds on the leaky wall, and I can also recognize which branches of a tree are intimate with whom, and which are contradictory to whom.Facing the sky full of roses, so fresh and tender, it actually connected the woman in the beauty salon!How could there be such a connection? I was a little surprised and scared, so I didn't pass the alley where there was a beauty salon.Ah, Liu Xing, out of sight, out of mind, take a detour!I will take a detour. Since Wufu and Wufu couldn't go to the purchasing station to deliver goods across the street, I took a detour to the overpass with the shelf car.

Under this overpass is the place where Wufu and I sort and bundle the junk before handing it over for sale every day.It is secluded and quiet. In the past, whoever came first between us would wait there after sorting the tatters. Once Wu Fu went there early, he liked to sleep there. He could fall asleep even in the waves of rocks. He opened his mouth again, drooling.There was a joke once.A taxi driver came to take a urinate, saw Wu Fu suddenly, thought it was a corpse, and yelled to report the crime. When the police came, he just sat up, and the police scolded him bloody.Wufu didn’t arrive today, but there was a lot of excrement and urine under the bridge. I wrote “Use and defecation prohibited” on the bridge pier, and those taxi drivers still came here for convenience. !

I can't speak Mandarin, Qingfeng Town's accent is neither "xuan" nor "suan", and those buyers always imitate me when I call the rags to settle accounts, and I vow to learn Mandarin.But no matter how I speak Mandarin, it sounds ridiculous, so I won’t say it.Putonghua is spoken by ordinary people. Chairman Mao spoke Hunanese, so I also speak Qingfengzhen dialect.Now that no one is there, I swear in a Mandarin tone in the vernacular of Qingfeng Town, which makes me laugh.I have a sense of humor, which Wu Fu knew, so I decided not to classify and bundle up the tattered and when I was about to leave, I picked up the dirt, added a sentence "otherwise the tools will be confiscated" after "no urinating and defecating", and then proud to leave.

At the purchasing station, the thin monkey weighed himself down, and then took out the jug from his arms to drink. He said, damn it, why shouldn't this wine be drunk?I ignored his criticism, picked a stick and scratched my ears, my ears were itchy. Thin monkey's wife paid me, and counted three times a stack of zero bills. Thin monkey's hand was holding her breasts. The wife staggered and said that Liu Xing was here, and he said that the mayor was here, so what? I can guess whatever I want.Go ahead, go ahead, those two piles of fat look disgusting to me!When the wife gave me the money, she looked at me with a wink and said, "You didn't get paid today, are you lazy?"

I said: Does it mean that Xi'an is a sanitary city? The thin monkey said: Spray!We're all fly people, if you're hygienic, go drink the wind and fart! I said: You are the fly! I leaned the trek against the yard wall and pumped up our bicycle tires.The thin monkey said that from now on, he would have to pay one yuan for every beating.Without saying a word, I gave him a two-yuan note.He asked for one yuan, no need, I inflated the tire and let it go, I will inflate it a second time. I'm not angry, what's the point of being angry?I even feel that my wisdom is more enjoyable than me teaching him with my ears.Wu Fu also limped and pulled the shelf cart to sell, and I saw him wearing a pair of leather shoes a hundred meters away.How did he wear leather shoes?Look at his feet that are wearing leather shoes are raised higher, his buttocks are hanging down, and his legs are not straight, like a thief.Wu Fu said why didn't you wait for me under the bridge?I said you went under the bridge, what did you see?I thought he must have seen the words "or confiscate the tools" and admired my wit and humor, but he said he saw a pile of shit.Ask again: What else did you see?He said: And a bunch of shit.

Wufu received even less trash than me, mostly some toilet paper with feces and women's menstrual blood on it, it seems that he has been going to the public toilet.The good thing is that the toilet paper is being chased by flies, and the flies are left to the skinny monkeys. On the way back to Chitou Village, of course, Wu Fu rode a bicycle to carry me. He kept complaining about how little trash he received. But it pulled a cart full from inside.He said, Dabao clearly preached that this area belongs to us, how could locusts have eaten the area? I can't answer this question because I have no evidence.The buildings in the city have been hidden in the twilight, and the buildings are like the endless mountains behind Qingfeng Town.Crash, all of a sudden the street lights were turned on together, and all the buildings like mountains were also lit up.You can't figure out which are the stars in the sky and which are the lights on the ground, and those neon lights are flickering. The neon lights are all decorated on the most luxurious buildings, and the old buildings or the buildings with scaffolding still stand. It is dark, without lights, and the eyes are full of colorful colors and strange shapes. In the instant light and dark changes, you feel that there is some kind of monster living inside.The evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger, the people and cars on the street seem to be different from those in the daytime, the cars are more like haunted animals, some are tigers, some are leopards, people are more like colorful birds, look, look, look, A group of pheasant-like women appeared under the cluster of neon lights. Their clothes were gorgeous, their hairstyles were weird, and their words and actions were so exaggerated that they were unreal.Wu Fu said: I feel dizzy.Why don't I feel dizzy, I am still dizzy, I said: such a short skirt, the legs are big white radish!

Wu Fu turned his head, and he asked: Which one? Look at the road!I straightened Wu Fu's head.I said: Let me see, what are you looking at?Look at the road! The bicycle crossed a main street, turned right, turned right again, and passed four small crossroads. Wu Fu's back was wet with sweat, and he pedaled slower and slower.There is a vegetable market next to it, and the vegetable vendors have almost closed their stalls, and they are still shouting: It’s dealt with, it’s cheap!Wu Fu pedaled his car and asked: Why is it so cheap?The peddler said: Lotus white is one yuan and two catties!Three yuan a catty of tomatoes!Wu Fu said: Is that still called cheap? !But I asked Wu Fu to stop and went to buy vegetables by myself, because I knew that the hawkers were dealing with the peeled vegetable leaves when they were about to close the stall.

I have always been surprised that people in the city only eat the stalks and not the leaves when they eat celery, but the leaves of such good celery have to be removed!I was so lucky, I bought three piles for 50 cents, one pile was celery leaves, and two piles were lotus white old leaves.The old leaves of lotus white are full of holes bitten by insects. The insect eyes prove that this lotus white has not been sprayed with pesticides.I also bought a big pumpkin for two cents, no, people in the city call it a pumpkin, what a big pumpkin.People in Qingfeng Town eat pumpkins that are too old to turn yellow, with a layer of lime-like powder on them that can't be pinched with a fingernail, but people in the city only want tender ones.Silly, city people can eat anything but pumpkins!

I came over with the vegetables, Wu Fu said: How much is it? I said: seven cents. Wu Fu kicked the lamppost with his feet and said: You are so expensive! I said: How much electricity does a light bulb consume overnight, and how expensive is it? ! He remained silent, holding five yuan bills in his hand, which were almost zero bills, dirty and limp, and wanted to give me 30 cents, because the food was shared.I don't want it, he said: Hawa... I said: Recall! He said: Oh, I’m happy, I’m glad I was cheated. That fat man’s eyes were yellow and kept turning, so I suspected that he had a lot of tricks. I gave him four yuan for a 48-jin piece of cardboard, right? ? I started to count, in fact, I figured it out, I said eight cents for a catty, eight cents for a catty, eight cents for a catty, eight cents for a catty, five yuan for a catty, and four yuan for a five-rich man, can you still calculate the account for the rich, you know that the uneducated are pitiful, you are still less I gave them two catties of money. He said: is it? He just laughed, smelled the money under his nose, and said he smelled the smell of mutton steamed buns. Gou Ri's yellow eyes ate mutton steamed buns at noon.But he said: Happy, who do you think is the closest in this world? I said: your wife? He said: No, Chairman Mao is the closest! Chairman Mao's face is printed on the renminbi. He kissed it once, kissed it again, and then handed over the money to me.Except for the pocket change that Wu Fu needs to pay for collecting trash every day, I keep the rest of the money.In the house where I live, you can see that there are no holes, but the third block of the brick that supports the bed is removed, and there is a hole in it, and there are two oiled paper bags hidden in the hole, one of which contains my Money, Wu Fu’s money was in a bag, and there was a note in Wu Fu’s wallet, recording the amount and times he gave me.Now that Wu Fu wants to hand over today's surplus to me, I'm afraid that the amount of money will be messed up.Since I manage money for others, I have to be responsible to them. This is the principle of life for me, Liu Xing.I asked Wu Fu to give it to me when he went back, and he put the money under the insole on his foot. I said: Yo, picked up a pair of leather shoes? Wang Fu said: Am I a golden hand? !From an old lady. I said: Will I give you leather shoes? Wu Fu said: It was really a gift. The old lady said it belonged to her son. Her son may have new leather shoes, or her son may have passed away.The shoes are good shoes, but they are a bit small and pinch your feet. As expected, Wu Fu's foot had five toes squeezed together, swollen like a carrot. Take it off, I asked Wu Fu to take off the shoes.What kind of leather shoes are you wearing? Are you a person who wears leather shoes?A dirt dog is a dirt dog, and a wolf dog is a wolf dog. If you wear it, others will think you are stealing it! My feet are narrower than Wu Fu's, and the leather shoes fit just right.It can be said that this pair of leather shoes was bought for me when the original owner bought them.Think about it, when I came to Xi'an, I was going to put on a new pair of shoes, but by mistake, I forgot to bring them in a hurry. Don't I deserve to wear these leather shoes?I put on my leather shoes and stomped hard on the ground, and walked a few more steps, didn't it hurt?
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