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Chapter 63 Chapter Ninth: Have money and then have leisure

Luxembourg 张恨水 6386Words 2018-03-19
Manager Jia is still a little puzzled as to why Fourth Grandma Zhu invited her to this simple meal.According to the habits of ordinary people, of course, they have to borrow money from the bank before they win over the bank boss.In order to buy gold savings, Fourth Grandma Zhu put the original savings certificates in the bank as a deposit, so as to mobilize cash and buy them later.Now that the official price of gold has risen to 51,000 taels, there is no big profit to be made. A smart person like Fourth Grandma should not do such a stupid thing.Then, there is something else to ask for.What is it?You must know what kind of request she is, so that you can think of an answer to deal with this trick.He had such a thought in his mind, so after talking, laughing and eating, he remained silent.

The host asked him to sit in the small living room and entertained the guests with large glass jars filled with mandarin oranges, white pears and peaches.In Sichuan, any agricultural product is one or two months earlier than going down the river, but if the winter fruits can be brought out together with the summer fruits, it is only a very rich person.Manager Jia immediately had another thought: Grandma Zhu still has money, maybe she won't borrow money from the bank.So I sat down and ate the fruit calmly. Manager Xu sat close to him, smiled at him, and said, "Mr. Jia, once the official price of gold rises, it will be impossible to make gold. If these people don't grab positions randomly, the money will loosen again, right?" Manager Jia said : "Although the fluctuation of gold can affect the tightness of money, the finance in the Chongqing market is ever-changing, and each commercial bank takes a different path, so the financial market cannot be completely judged by the price of gold. Mr. Xu Your company is completely engaged in production business, so it will not be affected by the fluctuation of gold price in the market, right?"

Mr. Xu was very silent at first, he only saw Mrs. Wei's pink face, and sometimes smiled for a while.But when it came to the business experience, I became excited, shook my head and said: "It's not that simple. We have done business in steel, gauze, and sugar. Either the raw materials are not enough, or there is no way out. Now we specialize in alcohol. The oil pipeline in India has already When we arrived in Kunming, we saw that there was no way out for alcohol. However, in western Hunan and Sichuan, there is no need to talk about the use of gasoline, and we can maintain it for a while. Victory is slowly approaching, and we have to make early demobilization plans. Recently, I also want to visit Guiyang.”

Fourth Grandma Zhu was holding Mrs. Wei's hand, and she was sitting on the opposite sofa, then she said, "Mr. Xu, won't you bring a partner with you?" He said, "I'll be back after ten days and a half months." , just observing, I don't have anything to do, I don't plan to take my colleagues there." Fourth Grandma Zhu pushed her mouth towards Mrs. Wei.He smiled and said, "Who cares about your colleague, I'm asking if you will take her with you?" He smiled and said, "Of course I welcome her." Mrs. Wei couldn't say anything because Fan Baohua was sitting next to her, she just smiled.

Manli was cutting a mandarin orange into quarters on a plate.She took the Saiyin fruit knife in her hand and moved the plate on the coffee table to the opposite side, because Fan Baohua was sitting opposite the coffee table.She nodded her chin slightly, and said with a smile: "Old Fan, I'll eat it for you." He smiled and said thank you.Manli smiled and said, "You're welcome, I'm here to support you. I've been in Sichuan for so many years, but I haven't been to Chengdu. This is really a regret. Victory will come soon, and we will leave Sichuan. We haven't arrived in Chengdu yet." Go and have a look, then there will be fewer chances to go to Chengdu, Lao Fan is familiar with everywhere, can you find me a ticket to Chengdu at the Highway Bureau?"

Fan Baohua said: "It's easy, when are you leaving?" Manli said: "I don't want a normal ticket, I want to take an express train with a seat." Fan Baohua said: "That's easy, tell me the date That's fine." Fourth Grandma Zhu glanced at him and said, "Didn't you tell me that you want to bring one million yuan to Chengdu for a few days? You buy the tickets yourself, and you and Manli just buy one." Fan Baohua thought to himself: When did I say I was going to Chengdu?But he had a second feeling, followed up, and just by looking at Fourth Grandma Zhu's eyes, he knew that she meant to say that.Then he laughed and said: "I'm going for a trip recently, not just for traveling, I have some business opportunities to discuss, but the date has not been fixed yet." Fourth Grandma Zhu said: "Then you should leave early." Fan Baohua said: "My The days are very active, so you can move forward as you like. When will Miss Dongfang leave?" She smiled and said, "To be honest, I want to take advantage of you and walk with you. Someone will take care of you on the way. When you leave, I will leave on that day. .I'm an idler in Chongqing."

Manager Jia watched coldly from the side, and thought: This is simply a matter of taking a flowery girl out for a trip alone, and it can be done as soon as you talk about it.Once you enter the gate of Grandma Zhu's mansion, you will be able to enjoy the beauty.He was smoking a cigarette, and although he didn't speak, he had a smile on his face. Fourth Grandma Zhu also cut a Guanggan on the plate, then handed the plate to him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jia, let me have a Guanggan first? It is impossible to go out and travel. When Sunday comes, I have to take a walk in the countryside." She said this, although she did not specify that she was invited to go together, but she mentioned Sunday.What is the fourth grandma's week or not? She clearly intends to invite her as a companion.Taking her plate with both hands, she nodded and said with a smile, "I agree with that! Maybe I can borrow a car from my friend this Sunday, and then I'll invite Fourth Grandma."

Fourth Grandma opened her mouth and smiled, glanced at him, but said nothing.The more she kept silent, the more fascinated Mr. Jia was by this pretentiousness, so he could only smile and lower his head to eat the mandarin orange. Everyone sat and talked for a while, and Manager Xu still meant that he was a little less nostalgic.He said to Mrs. Wei, "I'm going to the company to take a look. I've bought movie tickets tonight and I'll wait for you." Mrs. Wei stood up, smiled and nodded twice.Both Manager Xu and Jia Fan shook hands, then turned their heads and whispered to Mrs. Wei: "How is it? Would you like to see me off?" Mrs. Wei stood in front of him, her eyebrows bowed The eyelids agreed softly, but they didn't know what they said.I saw Manager Xu walking with a smile all over his face.Mrs. Wei did not avoid people, so she followed him and walked out of the living room.

Mrs. Wei had been out for ten minutes before returning to the living room.Fourth Grandma Zhu smiled at her and said, "Manager Xu invited you to watch a movie, didn't you take us with you?" She laughed and said, "If you didn't tell me earlier, if you said earlier, I would have asked him to buy two extra tickets." The fourth grandma smiled and said: "Mr. Xu really wants to invite us to watch a movie, so there is no need for us to ask. Of course, Manager Xu is not reluctant to part with the money. It may be a little inconvenient to invite us." Mrs. Wei laughed and said: " What's the inconvenience? We're all friends, so it's the same to invite anyone." When she said this, her face was heavy, and she deliberately glanced at Fan Baohua.Fan Baohua pretended not to be aware of it, and still talked to Manli.

Manager Jia saw that the two of them were sitting in chairs next to each other, twisted their bodies halfway, and talked with a humble smile, probably not intending to leave for the time being.The business in my bank can't be put aside for the whole afternoon. I looked at Grandma Zhu and said with a smile: "I, like Manager Xu, can't be idle. I have to go to the bank in the afternoon to have a look. I'll come back another day." Let's see." Grandma Zhu said with a smile: "Then I won't force you to stay. If you want to come to my place, you should give me a call first, and I will wait for you at home."

Manager Jia stood up slowly with a three-point love and couldn't let go, walked out of the living room slowly, stood at the gate, and asked Fourth Grandma Zhu to come out to see him off.Fourth Grandma Zhu came out, and he stood at the foot of the steps, just bowed his hands and said goodbye with a smile. Near the fourth grandma's mansion, there are all rich and noble families, because there are two or three hundred grades of hillside roads from here to the street, so there are those who are also speculators, park their sedan chairs under the shade of the trees, and wait for a few houses to go up. street people.They had seen Manager Jia coming in a sedan chair.He came out of Zhu's mansion, expecting that he would still take a sedan chair, the bearers immediately surrounded him and shouted: "Master, go uphill." Seeing that Fourth Grandma Zhu hadn't entered the house, Manager Jia said to the porter, "You take a cleaner sedan chair." When the porter brought the sedan chair, he looked back at Fourth Grandma Zhu. went in.But he held his nose, shook his head and said: "No, no! Your sedan chair is very dirty, I won't sit on it anymore." One of the bearers said: "Lang is very dirty, did I just lift it down? .” Manager Jia ignored him.Hearing his words, walk on your own. Unexpectedly, he walked in a hurry, stepped out of the stone road, and stepped into the shallow ditch.Fortunately, the road to the ditch was not too low, so he only tilted his body and didn't fall down. He quickly lifted his feet, and his shoes and socks were all covered with black mud.The bearers burst into laughter when they saw it from afar, and someone said: "It's better to go in a sedan chair. A pair of shoes is worth a lot of money. You save the small ones and pay for the big ones." The mud foot paused twice on the stone slab, and then walked straight away. Walking to the middle of the hillside, panting, I stood under a small tree by the side of the road for a rest.Then I saw a fat man slipping down the slope.When he got in front of him, he stood still, nodded and called Manager Jia.He also had no choice but to return the salute, but he stared and didn't recognize me. The fat man smiled and said, "Manager Jia doesn't recognize me anymore. Mr. Fan Baohua and I have been to Hegui Bank twice. My name is Li Buxiang." He groaned and asked He said: "Mr. Li, why did you come to this road?" He said this without thinking about it.Because he felt that Li Buxiang was a small businessman.This kind of person's earning is too limited, he will not let Fourth Grandma Zhu see people's eyes, and he has to run here by himself regardless of his worth. Li Buxiang just understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "I also came to Grandma Zhu's mansion. Although she is a modern wife, she is also a commoner. She can meet anyone who comes. I heard that Lao Fan is here with her, I have something to ask him, please go back quickly." Manager Jia said with a smile: "Did you hear any rumors in the market again? The official price of gold will probably increase today?" Li Buxiang said with a smile: " If you dream of gold until the day before yesterday, you can wake up, and no one will think about gold anymore." As he spoke, he sized up Manager Jia, and saw that he was wearing a suit that didn't fit his figure, while the two leather shoes under his feet were covered with mud, and even the socks inside the shoes were covered with mud. When it is full, it can be said that the whole body is disproportionate.But even though his whole body is out of proportion, he must have something to say, so he changed into such a set of clothes and shoes.So he smiled at him and said, "Did Manager Jia also go to Zhu's mansion?" With a hesitant look on his face, he touched his chin with his hand and said with a smile, "I couldn't make friends with this person. One place, but she formally invited me, so I can’t come, I just left after dinner. Mr. Fan and a girlfriend were talking there very engrossed.” Li Buxiang sighed first, then nodded and said, "Manager Jia's approach is correct. You are a person in the banking industry and you have to deal with depositors everywhere. But our Brother Fan is very good at business, so he doesn't know how to do business." What a loss. But as soon as he saw a woman, he became confused. People like Grandma Zhu..." At this point, he lowered his voice a little, and said with a smile: "It's a robber ship. If you want to If you are a robber, of course you can share some of the stolen goods there. If you are a kind-hearted commoner, you will definitely suffer a big loss. I really don't understand Lao Fan, who is so smart, he can't see through this matter. The place where he lived apart His wife, Ms. Yuan San, often meets at Zhu's house. His lover, Ms. Tian, ​​is the mother of two children. She left the family and simply became a secretary with the fourth grandmother. Each of these ladies has their own New object. This is a good proof. The women there are all unreliable, why would he go there to find a new object?" Manager Jia smiled and said nothing.Li Buxiang looked at him, and seeing his expression, he didn't take his suggestion seriously, so naturally he stopped mentioning it.Manager Jia looked down at his leather shoes, the mud had dried up.So he put his hand on his hat and nodded his goodbyes to Li Buxiang. Li Buxiang stood on the slope in a daze for a while, then turned around and walked slowly up the slope.When he got to the street, he looked around, feeling a little dazed. There was a teahouse diagonally across the door, so he found a table facing the street, made a bowl of Tuocha, and looked around the street for entertainment. Within ten minutes, he saw the teahouse. It was Fan Baohua and Dongfang Manli who were carrying two sedan chairs, a man and a woman, out of the gap uphill.Of course they didn't look into the teahouse, got out of the sedan chair, changed to a rickshaw on the street, and left together.Li Buxiang nodded secretly.I sat for a few more minutes and drank a bowl of Tuocha by myself, but I also felt bored.I am getting up to go.A man in a short black-trimmed silk jacket held a banana fan in his hand and waved at him twice from afar. That man was wearing a lotus-leaf-style straw hat and two mustaches on his mouth. He was Chen's buddy who lived in the same apartment.Behind him was a middle-aged man, who was wearing shorts and a blue shirt with short sleeves on his upper body, his chest was exposed, and two swallowtails were dragging behind him, which were not tucked into his trousers.He took a big black paper fan in his hand and beat it on his chest. That was also Liu's fellow who lived in the same apartment. The two of them walked up to each other and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, why do you have the time to drink tea here alone today?" Tea break. I'm just bored, let's sit down and talk." Chen and Liu sat down, and the waiter Chen stroked his beard and said with a smile, "It's rare for you to have time to sit here and drink tea. Ding, the bets are really accurate." Li Buxiang said: "What am I doing? People buy hundreds of taels and thousands of taels, that's how to make a fortune." Mr. Chen said with a smile, "You don't plan to do any more business? You can't buy gold anymore." He said, "I just can't make up my mind about this matter. According to it, as long as the switching is flexible, any business will not be less than Interest on gold. But the news of the victory is published in the newspaper every day, and everyone is about to return home, and no one dares to buy more. These days, the goods are a little bit sticky, and the seller can sacrifice the interest for nothing. That’s right. I think that in the past period, there was no business that was more profitable than gold. As long as you buy a lot, you can sit at home and make a fortune. It’s a pity that I run a small business and don’t have a large amount of money to transfer. Otherwise, I would also be Enjoy at home." At this point, he couldn't help laughing himself.He whispered: "Probably because of my appetite. I just don't think it's enough to do any business. Especially I have always been in the department store. These days, I sell more and buy less. I arrive in the morning I walked around the market twice, and I dare not reach out. Just now I went to the street to inquire, and the things dropped by a small 20%. Fortunately, I didn’t reach out. If I still do business like before, I will see I just buy things, so I don’t know how much I will lose now. Although I didn’t do business today, I just sat here drinking tea, but I made money. Living in the city, I always want to buy things when I see them. It is bearish, but I will stretch out my hand because of the cheap selling of others. Tomorrow I am determined to go to the countryside to avoid the market.” Mr. Chen stroked his beard, looked at Mr. Liu and said with a smile: "Did you hear that? Boss Li has money, so he went to the countryside to enjoy the blessings. In Chongqing, in summer, there is a stove. Who wouldn't want to go to the countryside to cool off for a few days?" Li Buxiang laughed and said, "Whether my old Li has money? Anyway, everyone knows, and I don't need to argue. But I entrust you two, if there is any big market fluctuation, please give me a long-distance call." Mr. Chen said with a smile: "Then, you don't want to go to the countryside at all. People are busy, so even if you go to the countryside to rest, it's not interesting." I have two pieces of gold in my hand." Buddy Liu shook his head and said, "It's the opposite of what you said. People who have hundreds of taels of gold in their hands can't sleep at night. How can they still be free? Old Li! It's so bold that a high-ranking official can do it." , you don’t want to go to the countryside, that’s too negative.” Seeing him like this, Li Buxiang seemed to have a problem in his heart, so he took out a cigarette case, offered a cigarette to each of them, and then asked with a smile: “Two What new discoveries have you made?" Mr. Liu said while smoking his cigarette: "It's not a new discovery. It's just what you said, no matter what kind of goods you dare to stock up on your hands now, I'm afraid that within two or three months, the Allied forces will Landing on the coast, the price of goods will drop sharply. But there is one layer, the legal currency is..." Li Buxiang didn't wait for him to finish, he shook his head again and again and said, "Deposit legal currency in the bank to earn interest?" Liu's clerk said: "Now the time deposit can be up to nine cents, which is not bad. But what I said is not This. We hold legal currency in our hands, which looks normal, but people in the enemy-occupied area treat the legal currency as a treasure. Now there are many people who use the legal currency to go to the enemy-occupied area to grab gold... That is not true. Difficult, take the French currency to the place where the national army and the enemy army meet, exchange for counterfeit currency, enter the occupied area, and then buy gold and bring it back. The people there welcome Guan Jin the most. I heard that US currency is also welcome Yes. The more the national army wins the battle, the more valuable the legal currency is in the occupied area. If we can go for a trip, it will be better than any business. Moreover, the national army is counterattacking every day recently, and the price of the legal currency is increasing every day. I heard that the legal currency is now It is one to two against counterfeit currency, and maybe it will be one to three when we reach the enemy-occupied area. As long as we move forward with legal currency and make money every step of the way, this is a sure-fire business, don’t you plan to try it?” Li Buxiang listened silently, slapped the table and said: "Yes! It can be done, I have nothing to do now. Should I take a boat to Sandouping (according to this, it is a small station in the upper reaches of Yichang, in the Three Gorges Inside. After the fall of Yichang, this is one of the first stops in the Yangtze River area of ​​the Kuomintang army)?" Chen said: "Sandouping, who can't go? Now there are two routes for the fall of Jinzi, one is to go to Jinshi, Hunan One is to go out of Laohekou in southern Shaanxi. You can rest assured that there will be no problem at the first level of safety. At the small station at the junction of the two sides, there are those local people who live as guides, and they can go anywhere.” Li Buxiang said: "I know this. I used to run the blockade in Hunan. Are you two discussing this matter?" Mr. Chen said: "It is precisely this matter. We are looking for an expert partner .If it succeeds, we will leave within three days." Li Buxiang was very excited when he heard this.After discussing for a while, he secretly decided on two steps. The first is to discuss with Fan Baohua and borrow a sum of money from him.The second is to sell all the goods in hand to it so that it can be turned into legal currency.Having made up his mind, he broke up with Chen and Liu and went to Fan's house for advice.Seeing Mrs. Wu, she said that Fan Baohua hadn't come back at all.Li Buxiang sat and waited for half an hour, but there was no news, so he had to walk away.I went back at night, but still didn't come home. The next morning I went there for the third time, and Lao Fan went out again.For two or three days, I still couldn't see Lao Fan.Finally, after hearing Mrs. Wu's report that he had already taken the express train to Chengdu, Li Buxiang guessed that he must be grabbing some kind of business.I didn't get any money, and I didn't get the instructions of the business manager. After consideration, I didn't go to the front line.Inquiring about the price of gold has exceeded the 100,000 mark.If you are willing to sell the gold savings certificate, you can get 71,000 taels.According to most people's speculation, it will continue to rise.In the past few days, I didn't sell department stores, but I made a lot of money.Going to the countryside to escape the summer heat for a two-day break did not count as a small fortune for white hair.Having made up my mind, I packed up two packages and crossed the river to go home. His family lives in Nanquanquan, and there is a road car in Haitangxi.This road leads to Guiyang. When he walked to the station, the bus from Guiyang was about to leave.He saw Grandma Zhu and Manager Jia standing outside the car to see off the guests.Mrs. Wei was wearing a colorful dress, and she stretched out her white hand with red nails through the car window, waving to the outside of the car, saying goodbye repeatedly.Sitting side by side with her, Manager Xu just nodded and smiled.Li Buxiang screamed inwardly, this guy ran away with someone. After the car passed by, Fourth Grandma Zhu held Manager Jia's arm in a suit and said with a smile, "They're gone, let's get in our car too, and it would be nice to spend more time in Nanquan Hot Spring." Li Buxiang didn't want to show up. Just sneak into the crowd to peek.On the sidewalk outside the station, a car was parked, and the two of them got into that car and drove away.Li Buxiang thought to himself: Oh!They all made a fortune and worked hard.This is both going to take a hot spring bath.
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