Home Categories contemporary fiction Bashan night rain

Chapter 21 Chapter 21 I Have Money

Bashan night rain 张恨水 17577Words 2018-03-19
Mr. Yuan Siwei's joy was not in vain.With great sincerity, he invited the three bankers to entertain them in a small restaurant in the street.Moreover, after listening to his wife's words, he invited three neighbors, Li, Shi and Wu, to accompany him.Li Nanquan was originally unwilling to attend the appointment.Helpless, Mrs. Yuan went out in person, visiting the thatched cottage three times, talking and laughing, and bowing.Li Nanquan really couldn't get rid of this face, so he had to follow along.At the banquet, as Wu Chunpu expected, the Yuan family treated the God of Wealth so hospitablely, and everyone did not think it was surprising that they made such tricks for money.On the contrary, Shi Zhengshan went to the appointment calmly today, Li Nanquan found it strange.He talked and laughed freely, as if there had never been such a romantic dispute in the family.Mr. Yuan's meal, as far as this town is concerned, is a first-class banquet. In addition to meat and chicken, there are also fish. Although there are two rivers in Chongqing, the water is too fast to hide fish. There are few ponds and weirs, and no fish are produced.However, after winter, the water is shut off in each field, and the seedlings are planted in spring.There are some small crucian carp two or three inches long in the paddy field.In summer, all the fields are full of crops. Although there is a lot of water, there is a shortage of fish. At this time, it is very respectful to serve a bowl of fish for guests.Li Nanquan was eating crucian carp with watercress, and recalled the dried fish head that their family gave as a gift a few days ago.Feeling that Yuan Siwei's hook is cast down, he must start catching big fish.But at the banquet, as the host, he only talked about local customs and major events in the world, and he didn't talk about any housing issues.After dinner, Yuan Siwei entertained three bankers to stay in a first-class hotel.The three accompanying guests, Li, Shi, and Wu, naturally don't need to accompany them anymore, and the three of them walked back to the mountain village together.Walking on the road, Shi Zhengshan couldn't help laughing, he said haha, and then asked: "Brother Li, has my wife ever troubled you at your house? It's really boring."

Li Nanquan didn't want to ask people this kind of thing at all, since he said it, he couldn't stop people from saying it himself, and he still asked it back.So he smiled lightly at him and said: "Your wife and Mrs. Xi are very friendly, and they go back and forth every day. When she passes by my door, she always greets us politely. She may have talked with my wife. But we don't care much about the affairs of the family." Shi Zhengshan said with a smile: "Needless to say, I also know that she will make that malicious propaganda. But women will always be women, jealousy, suspicion, narrowness, that's the majority Li Nanquan clenched his fists at him and said with a smile: "Brother, please speak in a softer voice. If you insult women like this in a light way, you are a reactionary; in a serious way, you are simply You want to rebel." Shi Zhengshan said: "The oppression is too severe, what should we do if we don't rebel?" Wu Chunpu said: "I don't agree with Mr. Shi's opinion either. Women who are upright and generous, smart and able to endure humiliation, That's a lot. Don't say that we have it in front of our eyes." Li Nanquan was afraid that he would say Shi Xiaoqing bluntly, so he just looked at him, and at the same time, he broke the conversation and said to him: "We There is a problem in front of me, which has not been resolved. It is that we disturbed Mr. Yuan for no reason today, how can we repay him in the future?" Shi Zhengshan smiled naturally: "Then you don't need to worry about it, you just don't like it. If you plan to return the gift, people will not let you go. It may be a week away, or three or two days away, and the opportunity for us to return the gift is coming." They were chatting like this, without looking forward and backward, and someone behind him interrupted, " If I treat everyone to a meal, will you return the courtesy within two or three days?" When everyone looked back, it was Mrs. Xi.Today she is wearing an apricot-yellow silk gown with big colorful butterflies printed on it. Her freshly permed hair is thinly piled on the top of her head because she doesn't have much hair, and a jasmine ball is inserted under the right temple.

Because she and his wife are very friendly, Shi Zhengshan had to deal with her in family diplomacy, so he said with a smile: "If Mrs. Xi has something to do, you can just tell me to do it, and there is no need to waste time." Then the procedures for treating guests." As she spoke, she had already caught up with the three of them.Everyone looked at her attire from a distance, it was nothing more than gaudy, but when she came up to the front, they could already see that the rouge powder on her face could not hide any wrinkles.Especially her half-moon eyes, with several complex wrinkles radiating from the corners of the eyes, which are very obvious.Every time she smiled at people, the shallow wrinkles on her face were all rendered out against the backdrop of thick rouge.The lipstick on her lips is also too thick, and it has soaked out from the corners of her mouth. Compared with other lipsticks, there are two thick lines.Everyone was amazed how this lady put on makeup like this.But seeing her, although she is not very clever, but after she came, a strong fragrance on her body was constantly sent to people's noses.She was holding a folded floral paper umbrella upside down in her left hand, and a new-style leather bag with a strap in her right hand, both hands were not empty.Because Shi Zhengshan was talking to her, she handed him the paper umbrella, then opened the purse, took out a silk handkerchief from it, and rubbed it on her face twice.When she took out the handkerchief, the fragrance everyone could smell became even stronger.Shi Zhengshan was also quite familiar with her, so he said with a smile: "Mrs. Xi, you smell all over your body, did you come to the city for a makeup competition?" You are kidding me! Your wife and I walked all the way in the city, and I feel ashamed, she is much more beautiful than me, and she is much more modern than me." Shi Zhengshan smiled and remained silent.Li Nanquan tilted his head to look at her body, shook his head and said: "If Mrs. Xi's appearance is not modern, then she is blind."

Mrs. Xi has always committed a crime to Mr. Li.Although he knew that his words were not entirely well-intentioned compliments, he was willing to accept them.Then he took the floral silk handkerchief in his hand, brushed it in front of his face a few times, looked at him and smiled and said, "Why are you being naughty? Every woman loves beauty, and your wife is no exception. Look at him Is it wrong for me to decorate like this?" Li Nanquan held his fists and said, "How dare you! Besides, it's not bad that there are a few beauties in our village dotted among the mountains and rivers!" She said: "You think they are beauties? I If it was a beauty, the family wouldn't have had a catastrophic change. However, when I entered the city this time, I intentionally competed with that stinky woman. But that stinky woman knew what I meant, so she hid and didn't dare to compete with me. To be honest, before the Anti-Japanese War, I was the one who attracted attention when I went to any big banquet. I am old now." Shi Zhengshan suddenly said seriously: "Mrs. Xi, this is your fault." When he said this, Still standing still and watching her, it seemed to be a serious protest.She also looked strange and asked: "What's wrong with me? Do you think I shouldn't compete with that stinky woman?" Shi Zhengshan said: "That's not what you mean. You clearly said that you are better than others, why did you suddenly get discouraged and said Is it old? You are not yet thirty years old, right? The days to say old are still far away. Not only are you not old, but you can’t even say that you are middle-aged. You are young." Mrs. Xi glanced at him and said: "Old Shi, you are still joking with me. It is not a small thing for me to help you this time. You said that I am young, and I am the same age as your wife. Why do you think your wife is old? What about the younger one?" Shi Zhengshan blushed and said, "You are on the same front, I won't say anything, I won't say anything." He returned the paper umbrella in his hand to her, turned and left.Mrs. Xi waited for him to walk away, sighed behind him, and lightly pressed her hand on her chest.

Although Li Nanquan felt that Mr. Shi was making fun of himself, he didn't want Mrs. Xi to reveal his secrets on the road, so he said with a smile: "I came back from the city on a hot day, and I should go back to rest. Nothing to do at night, talk Let's get some news from the city." Mrs. Xi said: "Okay. I still have a travel bag on the street brought back by the children after school. There is some good tea in it. I will make tea to treat guests later." With this appointment, I just stopped what I was going to say before catching up and went home.Wu Chunpu said quietly: "Look at her, does she come back victorious?" Li Nanquan said with a smile: "If the wife can win every time she negotiates with the husband, how can there be so many pornographic news in the society? Let me tell you that these pornographic news are caused by those overly smart wives. Things in the universe have a certain reason, the more oppressed, the stronger the resistance." He was talking, and he had already approached the door of the house.Mrs. Li was walking out with a white handkerchief bag.The corners of a few small banknotes were protruding from the seams of the corners of the handkerchief.Wu Chunpu asked: "Going to the street to buy things? Now the one-yuan bill is really smelly. If you buy anything, you have to take out a big stack. If you take too much, you don't even want to buy it from the small vegetable seller. Not to mention the dime bills. Even the little buddies and apprentices have the courage to put in three or five cents in the shop, so they just let it go." Mrs. Li continued walking, and said with a smile: "We have places to spend the small bills. This is all." As he spoke, he lifted the handkerchief and shook it twice, and said with a smile: "On the mahjong table, any ticket can be spent." Li Nanquan stood aside to make way for her, looked at her and said with a smile: "And Where is the eight circle agreement? You don't have to be so busy, you can leave when I get home? There is also a time for new and old officials to tell each other." Mrs. Li said: "Didn't you say that? The pressure in the universe is getting worse. , the greater the resistance. You keep interfering with me, I want to bet that I will die on the mahjong table tomorrow, if you relieve your hatred, I will not be interfered." Although she said with a smile, she turned her head I ordered two to show that she spoke forcefully, and left.

Wu and Li looked at each other and smiled slightly.Li Nanquan sighed slightly, and walked home.Not long after she was seated, Miss Yuan came. She smiled and said, "Mr. Li, aren't you going out tonight?" Li Nanquan knew something was up when he heard her question, and said, "I'm going to Go to the city once. Isn’t that Mr. Zhang and your father’s house agreement, haven’t you paid yet? I also went to the city to urge you, does your father need me?” Miss Yuan said: “My godfather Please invite us to dinner tonight. Please invite Mr. Li too." Li Nanquan said: "Okay, if I don't go to the city, I will definitely come." The girl was more or less influenced by her parents, and I heard Mr. The money was going to the city, which was good for the family, so he went away satisfied, and then went to the Wu family next door for a treat.That day, Li Nanquan was so scared that he didn't dare to have dinner at home, so he slipped to a friend's house to chat.Woke up early the next morning and avoided it.It happened by chance.When he returned home in the middle of the morning, Zhang Yufeng handed over a 300-yuan bill, please pass it on to Mr. Yuan as the rent deposit.Li Nanquan didn't want to keep the cash in his hand for a long time, so he sent it to Yuan's house immediately.Because they are Wangjie Duoyu's neighbors, they often meet by chance, so they just go to any house to sit down and chat, without any scruples, and go straight to the downstairs room of Yuan's house for hospitality.At this time, Mr. Yuan was sitting on a chair in front of the square table.There are many stacks of banknotes on the table.Mr. Yuan sorted the banknotes into different categories. The red ones belonged to red, and the green ones belonged to green. At the same time, the size was also classified separately.Mrs. Yuan leaned on the edge of the table with a smile on her face, watching her husband do this kind of work.Li Nanquan slammed into it, which was very embarrassing, so he stood still and smiled: "Mr. Yuan, like me, has the problem of being neat. Even if the banknotes are messed up, he has to sort them out and spend them. I also give them away. The money comes, and it will add a little more difficulty to you."

At this time, the friend rushed over, and Mr. Yuan was really unhappy, but since the guest came in, it was not easy to refuse him, so he just blushed and smiled wryly.He hasn't spoken yet, and Li Nanquan has already said that he sent money.The word "money" is very touching, so I immediately put away the wry smile and let out the joyful smile.It's easy to tell the difference between the wry smile and the happy smile on Mr. Yuan's face.Whenever he smiles wryly, the wrinkles on his Lei Gong's face will definitely flicker into a semi-arc.If he was laughing, the crow's feet on the corners of his eyes must be like the rays of the sun in a painting, flickering around his eyes actively.Now Mr. Yuan's face is to put away the wrinkles on Lei Gong's face and shoot out the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.Mr. Li knew that this would no longer violate his taboo, so he didn't go away. He immediately took out a large wad of banknotes in his pocket, held them in both hands, and smiled at Yuan Siwei: "I'm too poor, and I don't want to keep the money for a long time." I have it in my hand, so when Mr. Zhang brings the money, I will send it to the mansion immediately." When he said that, he put the banknote on the edge of the table with both hands.He put it away in a hurry, the stack of banknotes not only reached the edge of the table, but some of the corners of the banknotes had already protruded from the edge of the table.At this moment, Mr. Yuan looked at the banknote, and it looked like a crystal ball. If it fell on the ground, it would be smashed to pieces.So he made a posture of a hungry tiger grabbing a sheep, and immediately grabbed the stack of banknotes and moved it to the middle of the table. Then he freed both hands, arched Li Nanquan several times, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much." Thank you!" Li Nanquan smiled and said: "This is the money you deserve. Thank you for what?" Yuan Siwei said: "Although this money belongs to Mr. Zhang, it was sent by Mr. Li after trouble. The matter of money comes second. Brother, the spirit of cooperation this time is unforgettable." As he spoke, he stretched out two fingers of his right hand and drew circles again and again in mid-air.

When Mrs. Yuan saw Li Nanquan coming in, she also panicked. It was really inconvenient to see all the banknotes on the table.Seeing that he also sent a wad of banknotes and put them on the table now is really the icing on the cake.Then he brought a stool over, stretched out his snow-white fleshy palm to touch the ashes on the surface of the stool, and said repeatedly: "Please sit down, please sit down." Li Nanquan said: "I won't sit down anymore, the money has been handed over, I The responsibility will be reduced. But Mr. Yuan, please count the number." Yuan Siwei said: "It doesn't matter, I can trust Mr. Li, and I can trust Mr. Zhang. Don't see so much money on the table. It’s the same as Mr. Li, it’s just passing. This afternoon, I have to hand it over to the carpenter.” Li Nanquan saw that he refused to count the money face to face. By the way, the table was full of banknotes. He was very embarrassed, so he nodded and left .He couldn't help feeling very emotional about this matter, people can make any kind of joke because of such things.Living in poverty in the deep valley, there are fewer jokes, but the oppression of life makes me worry about it every day.Worrying is making oneself uncomfortable, making jokes is making others laugh, the choice between the two, smart people will not be unaware, then, Mr. Yuan is right.Amidst these emotions, he sat in a daze under the mountain window.After a while, I felt pain and itching in both legs at the same time. When I lifted my legs to see, there were dozens of vesicles protruding from each leg below the knee.In the countryside of Sichuan, there is a small flying insect that is half the size of an ant. It is called the black mosquito. It is usually inattentive and invisible to the naked eye. It bites people and is ten times more powerful than a mosquito.At this time, for the sake of modernity, women never wear socks in summer.Men, too, try not to wear socks at home.It's not modern. People who live on a salary can't afford socks.The weather in Sichuan is hot, and the mid-autumn festival is still like a dog day. It is comfortable and saves the money for socks.The only downside is the fear of such insects.Dogs sit a lot, so they like cats' legs.

After the insect bites, there is still no cure, so I have to find some hot water to wash it, which can relieve the itching slightly.After Mr. Li was bitten, he did the same thing.He didn't dare to sit in the room anymore, and walked back and forth in the corridor with his hands behind his back.Mrs. Wang, his servant, walked up to him quietly, with a slight smile on her face, and said softly, "Sir, we are out of rice." Li Nanquan said, "Is there enough for tonight?" Sister-in-law said: "It's enough for supper today. It won't be enough tomorrow morning." Li Nanquan frowned and said, "The rice needs are so urgent, my wife didn't tell me beforehand." Wang's sister-in-law said: "My wife doesn't need it at all. Didn't look at the rice vat, how would you know?" Li Nanquan said: "You don't tell her either." Mrs. Wang laughed and said: "Don't tell her, if you want the husband to buy rice with money, tell her, or you want him to buy rice with money " Li Nanquan said: "That being said, she knows that there is no rice at home, so maybe she won't play cards today." Mrs. Wang laughed and said, "A card player can't lose a bucket of rice." Li Nanquan said: " You are standing on the same front, and I can't explain these reasons to you. Well, I'll think of a way, and I'll go to the market early tomorrow morning and come back with a bucket of rice." Mrs. Wang said: "Go to Jieshichang Buying rice, that’s the rice market, it’s much more cost-effective. There’s a lot of buckets there. A bucket of rice costs four to five catties, and it costs a few dollars. But it’s not worth it to buy a bucket of rice and go back and forth for thirty miles. It's best to buy two buckets more and ask someone to carry it back." Li Nanquan looked up at the sky for a while, lost in thought.Mrs. Wang didn't know what he meant, so she didn't say much.He continued to look at the patches of white clouds in the blue sky, just lost in thought.The white clouds are stacked in piles at the western corner of the sky, not far from the top of the mountain, just like the rice hoards used by farmers in the south of the Yangtze River, piled up with countless bamboo hoards of rice, and the clouds are surging upwards, just like the rice hoards in the farmhouses. of rice layers stacked upwards.But looking at it, it doesn't look like a hoarder anymore, just like a big lion, and then like a few devils fighting.

At this time, I heard someone shout: "Brother Li, you are very interested. When you walk to the water poor, sit and watch the clouds rise. What do you think about the clouds in the sky?" Mr. Yuan Siwei.With his hands behind his back and a cigarette in his mouth, he wandered under the bamboo forest on the other side of the mountain stream. The cigarette was no longer in half, and it was not a cigarette holder with a bamboo pen holder, so he squeezed the cigarette in his lips.Seeing the beaming face on his face, he was very happy.Then he nodded and said: "I'm just looking at the clouds. It's the most cost-effective to look at this thing, and it doesn't cost money." Yuan Siwei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the hard days of the War of Resistance will not last long. We have the same five senses and four limbs. There may not be anything inferior to a businessman. As long as we know how to plan and work hard, we can compete with businessmen. My family burden is much heavier than your brother, and there is nothing I can't overcome. You Seeing such a large group in my family, it’s all wasted.” As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the sidewalk from a distance. A flowered paper umbrella slightly larger than a plantain fan, and a small eight-inch long leather bag in his hand.Her figure like a thousand-year-old tree pocket, paired with such two petite and exquisite things, really can't tell how incongruous it is.Behind her were five children, men and women.Some carried baskets, some carried a bunch of paper bags, and some ate large fruits in their hands.And the last boy was holding a knife of pork belly in his hand, weighing about three to four catties.When he saw the children in the village approaching him, he held up the knife meat to show. He stuck out his chin and clicked his tongue loudly in his mouth. Then he said with a smile, "Our family eats twice-cooked pork today. Do you have any at home?" After finishing speaking, he nodded again, and clicked his tongue again.Mrs. Yuan turned her head and glared at the boy and said, "You child, you are really annoying." Then she turned her head and said to Mr. Yuan, "I was just killing pigs on the street, so I bought a knife of meat Come." Because Mr. Li was in front of him, Yuan Siwei bought meat like this, as if he had money, and his life would change immediately.But my wife is very shrewd, she has always been her commander, and I can't criticize my wife in front of others.He said two "good" words first, and then lowered his head and coughed for a while. During this hesitation, he finally thought of a reason, and he said with a smile: "It's really not a good thing to entertain friends on this day." Simple things. If you don’t prepare in advance, you won’t be able to buy meat in this country for a while. If you prepare in advance, it’s hot and you can’t keep it for a long time.” As he said this, Mrs. Yuan stood still on the road, staring blankly at him. I don't know if it is true or not that someone is coming, because Mr. Yuan is renting out the house now, which is the time to make friends.Mr. Yuan raised one hand, waved it from afar, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's almost Mid-Autumn Festival. If there are no guests, let's celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival earlier." Mrs. Yuan looked at his situation , I know that he is dealing with the neighbors, so that the neighbors will not suspect that they have spent the equity of others building a house.So he stopped talking and took the child home.When these children came home, they immediately opened the paper bags they brought back on the table, and found miscellaneous biscuits, melon seeds, peanuts, and candies.The children chewed the biscuits in their mouths, and stuffed melon seeds and peanuts into the bags in their hands.There were no pockets on the clothes of the two young children, and there was no way to store them in a hurry, so they took out the rough porcelain teacups on the table and stuffed things into them one after another.Of course, this was more than stuffed in the pockets. The older child slapped the younger one on the head, and several children in the room cried.Mrs. Yuan snatched it over and was busy with assignments for a while before stopping the quarrel and crying.Once the child had something to eat, he stopped crying, but the phonograph continued.

It turns out that Mr. Yuan's family has a phonograph from 1918, which has a horn.This phonograph comes with three discs, one is Wang Xiaonong's "Splashing Water Before the Horse", one is Kunqu Opera "A Dream in the Garden", and the other is "Foreigners Laugh".The film of Kunqu Opera, put on the machine, has no singing voice, just the whining flute making ghostly sounds; as for the piece of "Splashing Water Before the Horse", there are still a few singing voices in the front, the lyrics in the latter part, and the lines on the plate are all full. When the first line is turning, the needle can suddenly jump several lines, turn twice, and maybe turn back again, so the lyrics are repeated backwards and forwards, and I don’t know what they are singing; Laughing" This film, no matter what kind of dancing method, always laughs out loud.So when you turn on the machine, it still sounds good to your ears.Whenever the Yuan family's children were happy, they would take out these three records and sing.Now, after eating biscuits and candies, and the hope of eating twice-cooked pork at night, everyone is naturally very happy, so the conversation started again.Mrs. Yuan opened the handbag she brought to the street and brought it back, and was taking out all the banknotes, sorting out how much money she spent today, but the foreigner laughed and kept laughing and booing in her ears, making her noisy. Count to eighty-four, then forty-nine.But with the banknotes in her hand, she felt that the count was wrong, so she started counting again.Counting, the foreigners still laughed in their ears.She became anxious now, and went forward to try to turn off the phonograph.She knew the child's meaning very well, so she stared and said, "If you continue to mess around, I won't give you the twice-cooked pork tonight. You are not even allowed to drink the soup." After saying this, the child immediately stopped the activity.But her act of counting bills can no longer be held here, so she can only carry her purse and walk back to the bedroom.The children were also afraid that they wouldn't even drink the broth, so everyone went to play in the courtyard dam outside the door. With a cigarette in his mouth, Yuan Siwei folded a small bamboo stick in his hand, rubbed his fingers together, and walked under the bamboo forest.Two eyes, but to the tiler and carpenter who built the house on the ground over there, it was a bit of a look.When the foreigner who played the gramophone in that house laughed, he couldn't help frowning two eyebrows, and couldn't help but smile bitterly on his face.At this time, Mr. Li was also walking back and forth in the corridor, he shook his head and said with a smile: "There is really nothing to do in the countryside. When the family fled, I didn't know how to bring this nonsense. In fact, it is not worth paying attention to. Children are interested in this, do you think it is strange?" Li Nanquan smiled and said: "It is rare in this world to laugh. It is best to laugh out of nowhere. I am I want to laugh every day, but when I feel sad today, I can’t laugh.” At this point, the three country women each carried a big shoulder strap on their shoulders, formed a string, and walked towards Yuan’s house. go.From a distance, you can see that inside the scorpion, the two sags are firewood, and the scorpion is a side dish.Seeing Yuan Siwei standing in front of them, they asked, "Master Wan, do you need firewood for food?" Yuan Siwei shook his head twice.The woman said: "Don't you want it? Your two little children came to my house and asked us to send it. He said, our family has a lot of banknotes. If you send a lot of money, we all have money to buy it." We have come all the way here, so we can't talk to us for fun." Yuan Siwei said: "You just send the things to my house, why bother to ask me here." The woman also asked: " Send it to your house, or do you want it?" Yuan Siwei didn't make a sound, and the two children of Yuan's family held up a banknote in each hand, waving it in the sky, and shouted: "Send the things here. Is it? We have money, how much do you want?" The woman said: "If you have money, you will get it!" As she said, she carried three backs in a bunch to his house.This made Yuan Siwei stand awkwardly under the bamboo forest. Li Nanquan watched coldly from the side, but he has gained some experience in life.I feel that this habit of miserliness is not unshakable.In the afternoon of this day, many things happened in the Yuan family, such as buying meat and firewood.This inevitably gave Mr. Li a little stimulation. Under the severe blow of the whip of life, he really wanted to make money quickly.When a person has money, not only is he immune to the whip of life, but he can also use the whip of life to hit others.People in the salaried class are no longer able to live, and those who sell papers for a living have no fixed income at all, let alone the salaried class.It's not easy to get rich.However, it is always possible to use less and earn more.There is no rice at home, and I need to buy rice tomorrow. If I go to the Jieshi rice market to buy rice, I can spend less.The Yuan family's waste today aroused Mr. Li's fighting spirit.On the same day, I collected all the savings in the family, which was enough to buy a big bucket and half a meter. I went to a few friends and borrowed tens of yuan. I didn’t need to inform my wife. With an umbrella and a small cloth bag, he walked to the Jieshi field in Shiwuhuali.When he went out, there were still a few stars the size of a wine glass in the sky.It's just that there is some light in the eastern corner of the sky, and the rest of the sky is chaotic.Under the twilight, he walked along the stone path at the foot of the mountain, walking with amplified steps.Because it is so early, walking without a partner, it is very lonely, and the steps will naturally grow bigger.When he passed through the pine forest in the valley, Xiaofeng passed by in the dark air, blowing the pine needles and making the sound like a shallow river, which was very refreshing.Passing through the mountains and forests, the terrain of Sichuan is separated by small plains as usual. The millet has been harvested in the mountains, and fresh water is everywhere.Native small egrets are like blossoming white flowers, standing on the water surface and on the ridges of the fields.There are also lotus plants in the paddy fields in eastern Sichuan.The lotus leaves are old, and the late flowers are still blooming at this time. The air is quiet, and the fragrance of the lotus, moistened by the dew, hits the sidewalk in the middle of the paddy field. Such an environment makes people who walk alone feel a little bit of comfort.Li Nanquan continued to cheer up and walk, and gradually encountered people rushing to the market on the road.At the foot of a small hill, I heard a hustle and bustle of people coming out of the woods in the distance.At the same time, many house corners were exposed in the woods.Gradually approaching, a wall was exposed in the woods.Passing through the woods, there is a street corner of a market, and what I see is immediately different.Country folks carrying baskets come and go one after another.The villages and towns in eastern Sichuan are roughly of the same type: on the hillside or high ground, a street with stone steps is built at any time.The street is paved with stone slabs, four or five feet wide, and the eaves on both sides meet.In the middle of the street, there is a big tile shed.Even on sunny days, the shed is also dark and dark, not to mention rainy days.All such markets are prepared for the countryside.The street vendors lined up all over the street, importing all the necessities of the countryside, and the first output is rice.The second is charcoal.The rice baskets and rice baskets are displayed on the street side by side.At the same time, Mr. Li made a new discovery, that is, many men in Chinese tunic suits and women in modern clothes with their hair permed also bought rice here.And they all spoke with foreign accents, so needless to say, they came to buy cheap food with the same ambition.Li Nanquan thought in his heart, where there is benefit, people strive for it, and this is not his own business.I asked a few places about the price of rice, and with the money I brought, I still had enough money to buy two buckets.After weighing, each bucket is indeed four or five catties more rice than usual.He thought, this is coming from afar, this is cheap, and must not be lost', without thinking about it, he bought two buckets of rice.He originally brought two cloth bags, filled them with rice, and lifted his hand into the pockets, which made him feel difficult.Two big buckets of rice weigh ninety catties, and the distance is fifteen li. It is definitely not something that I can transport back with my own strength.At the market, I asked a few countrymen, can I send it on my behalf?They just sold their produce and went to drink cold wine, but they just shook their heads without replying. He was stunned when he saw the two sacks of rice in front of him.So he said to the rice dealer: "I bought the rice. But look at me, I am a gentleman, how can I carry a burden that weighs a hundred catties? Now I can't find anyone who picks up the rice, so I have to return it to you." The rice dealer glared and said: "What are you talking about? There is no such statement. You can't bear it, who told you to buy it?" Li Nanquan said: "This is just a discussion between me and you. If you don't agree, I can't do it either." I force you, why bother to get angry?" These few words startled the rice buyers nearby, someone called "Mr. Li", and when they saw it, it was Mrs. Yuan.She brought three strong young men, each with two bamboo baskets full of rice.And there are whole knives of meat and a whole pile of lard on top of the rice.With a large scale in her hand, she directed the three boys to tidy up the baskets.Li Nanquan said: "Mrs. Yuan also came to buy rice? Where did you find the picker? I didn't prepare for this move. Now that the rice is bought, it is a big embarrassment." Mrs. Yuan said: "I called picker Here you are. But you only have two buckets of rice, that’s easy, I’ll send someone to find you a countryman to deliver.” Then, she ordered a porter to look for the countryman outside the city.It took about ten minutes, and sure enough, a person with an empty back was found.Although the clothes on his body were hung one by one, his face was red, and there was a smell of alcohol from afar.He opened his mouth first and said: "I'm here to rush to the market, not to make a living. This elder brother is messing around and wants me to deliver the rice. Where is the rice?" Seeing that he is only in his twenties, Li Nanquan nodded and said: " This big brother, please help me." He stared at his bloodshot red eyes, pouted and said, "I don't know you, how can I help you? It's a 30-mile round trip, half a job. Life is so high now, Help, I can’t say anything.” Then he turned around and was about to leave.Mrs. Yuan dragged him back and said with a smile: "You are too honest. It is polite to ask you for help. Of course I will give you money. If you say half the work, we will pay you half the work." , can't you?" When the man heard that he was rich, the color of his face was a little better, so he supported the pole with both hands, looked at Li Nanquan, and asked: "You said, give me a lot of money?" Li Nanquan said: "This Madam, I’ve already said, I’ll give you half a job.” Holding the shoulder pole, he turned around and replied with three words: “No.” Li Nanquan smiled wryly and said, “Who made me weak? It’s just a job.” When the man heard about a job, he turned around and stood still, and said to Li Nanquan, “Really? Why don’t you bring the money.” Li Nanquan laughed and said, “We have to give Is it?" He said: "I don't know you. If you run away, who can I ask for money?" Li Nanquan smiled and said: "Brother, you are too honest. Do you think that I want to rely on you? Are you sacrificing the whole load of rice for a few bucks? You didn’t think that my two buckets of rice were on your shoulders, that’s a pledge.” The man also wanted to turn around, so he nodded with a smile and said, “I’ll go first I'll take it home with you, and when I get to your house, I'm afraid you won't give me the money." Li Nanquan smiled, sighed, and didn't say much.Seeing him picking up two cloth bags, he followed him.It was this Li Fu who reminded him, what if he escaped?When he let go of his big strides, he didn't have time to thank Mrs. Yuan too much, so he just nodded a few times.This Li Fu was the opposite of his previous attitude.Not only was he willing to pick up these two bags of rice, but he also walked very fast. You could tell the speed at which he landed just by looking at the two bags hanging on the shoulder pole, flashing one after another.Li Nanquan followed behind him without making a sound, just followed his footsteps and followed his own footsteps, running two or three miles in one go, it was a place where the big and small roads intersected.Na Lifu rushed here and looked back.He turned his head to the right. Li Nanquan dodged to the left of the road. He didn't see it, so he laughed and said, "This old man, I escaped him. You bastard, Ge Laozi turned the other way."朝小路走了。” 李南泉就突然在后面叫起来道:“老兄,这个玩不得,你原来怕我逃跑,现在是你真要逃跑了。我们是逃难到四川来的人,手糊口吃,两斗米可吃亏不起”。那挑夫倒没有想到李南泉就紧紧跟在身后,因道:“好稀奇哟!两斗米哪个没有看见过?我怕你走脱了,回头来喊你,走嘛!”他这样说着,也就不哕唆,挑了担子再走。不过这样一来,他的兴趣大减,比原来开放的步子,也慢下来一半。走不到二里路,路旁有棵大树。老树根子由地面伸了出来,像是条长凳子,他就歇下了担子,从从容容地坐在树根上。他伸着两条腿,人向树兜子上倚靠着,李南泉只好站定了脚,向他望着。他也不说话,反是闭了眼,李南泉想着,这是人家有点难为情,也就随他去了。可是他休息之后,简直没有睁开眼来。不多的工夫,就见袁太太押着三副担子,成串地走了来。挑夫们倒是肯顾全主人的,走了几十步路,就把担子卸下,等袁太太到了面前,他们才开始挑上肩头。李先生眼望着他们这样挑了来,直等他们都在面前停下,这才笑道:“袁太太,你跟着担子走,很是有点吃力吧?”她手里拿着一根粗木手杖,走一步,将手杖在地面上点一下,到了面前,她把手杖撑着地,那个大肚囊子,仿佛是挺得更高。她另一只手拿了手绢,只管揩抹头上的汗珠子,喘了气道:“三挑子米,还有二十来斤肉和猪油,又是五十个鸡蛋,现在的行市,要值多少钱呢?我负了这个责任来买东西,我就不能不压运到家。”她说一句喘一句气,又在头上揩抹一次汗。 李南泉笑道:“袁太太的确是对家庭负责任。这个日子,留钱在手上,就万万不如把东西搁在手上,下乡买东西,已经是便宜了许多。东西放在家,又可以逐日涨钱。会过日子的,真是一举两得。”这么一说,袁太太就在脸上表现了一种得意之色,那喘气和揩汗的动作,都跟着停止了。这就向他笑道:“我是没有什么用的人。不过袁先生是个书呆子,对于柴米油盐这些问题,一切不管。我们家里孩子又多,耗费又厉害,我若不管问家事,那家事就变得一塌糊涂了。我这也是逼上梁山。”说着话时,她故意将眼光射在那雪白的米和鲜红的猪肉上。她那臃肿的脸腮上,皱纹拥簇着闪动几下,表示了笑意。李南泉已知道她是什么意思,这就笑道:“袁太太这米买得好,猪肉也买得好。”挑夫们听着这样夸赞,也都跟着把眼光向肉望着。其中有个光嘴的瘦子,这就弯下腰去,把鼻子尖凑着向鲜肉上连连嗅了几下,而且把舌头伸出来,拖着有两寸长,方才收了回去。他笑道:“硬是要得。”袁太太笑道:“你们快点把米担子给我挑回家去。若是米在家里过秤,分量都有富余,我就请你们消夜。我做回锅肉你们吃。”那挑夫道:?吃回锅肉?要得!每人赏二两大曲,要不要得?”袁太太将手绢擦着额头上的汗珠子,脸上带了微笑,并没有说什么。那几个挑夫,听到晚上有回锅肉吃,而且还有二两酒喝,说声“走”,又挑起担子飞跑。但跑是跑,绝不能离开主人的监视。在二三百步之外,这里还可以看得见的时候,又把担子卸下了。 袁太太向他点了个头,说声“再见”,也就匆匆地开着步子走了。李南泉看这挑夫时,他还是懒懒地坐在树根上,便道:“老兄,你也该移移步子呀。”他把微闭着的眼睛略略地睁开来看了一下,后又闭上,慢条斯理地道:“别个是包工咯。你没有听到说,别个有回锅肉吃,还有酒喝。有这样的好事,别个为啥子不跑?”李南泉见他眼睛闭得特紧,看那样子,睡意很浓,连嘴角都是向下垂着的,这就笑道:“你不就是这点要求吗?刚才这位太太,是我们对门的邻居,他们家怎样对待工人,我们也怎么办。”那小伙子睁开了眼睛道:“你说的话算话?”李南泉道:“她家酒肉招待,我家也是酒肉招待。她家若是开水招待,我也是开水招待。这个样子办,那就两下公平。你看我这个人说话,像是不算话的样子吗?”挑夫道:“你看别个挑子上,放了那样多的肉,你怕他们没有肉吃。”李南泉笑道:“那样就好,我决计照办。买不到肉,我到他家借也借半斤肉你吃。”那小伙子说了句“要得”,跳了起来,就把担子挑起。李南泉有了以往的经验,怕在三岔路口他又要逃走,也只好是紧紧地跟着。这回锅肉的力量却是不小,从此后,他就始终是跟着袁太太那三副挑子走。到了家里,也不过是半上午。李先生将米袋子收拾了,当然是开发挑夫的工资。向他笑道:“他们三副担子也到了家了,你不妨去看看,他们是不是有酒有肉。这是我的家,你看我这样子是不会逃走的吧?”那挑夫倒相信李南泉的话,就奔袁家打听吃肉的消息。 果然那三个挑米的人,全都站在袁家屋檐下,似乎等着打发的样子,不过看他们的脸色,全鼓起了腮帮子,没有一点笑容。他就走近前,悄悄问道:“你们主人煮的回锅肉……”他这句话还没有问完,一个年轻的小伙子很干脆地答道:“回锅肉?屁!”这挑夫道:“我听得清清楚楚,做回锅肉你们吃,还有二两大曲。朗个的?不作数?”小伙子道:“作数是作数,她说下江人打牙祭有日子,每逢二、五、八,不在二、五、八打牙祭,那人家要倒霉。今天是十三,打牙祭还有两天,她说肉是把我们吃,过两天再来。迟请早请,都是一样,不许我们多说,你想嘛,哪个为了那顿肉吃,再跑一趟?我们要她把钱干折,每个人半斤肉,不算多咯。”给李南泉挑米的小伙子,这才知道事情有点靠不住,他道:“不给,你们不要走,看她朗个把话收转去。”这时,袁四维先生手上端了一只陶器盘子出来,里面盛有半盘干猪油渣子。那油渣子干得像石头块似的,想必那里面的油水,是熬榨得点滴无余。他向那三个挑夫道:“不错,我太太说了,担子挑到家请你们吃回锅肉,不过请客这句话,是没有定规的,千斤不为多,四两不算少,我这里有盘回锅肉,你们拿去分了吃罢。”一个挑夫道:“这是油渣嘛!朗个是个回锅肉?”袁四维道:“这是猪身上的肉不是?先在锅里熬出油来,再倒下锅去,用盐炒一炒,是回了锅不是?这不叫回锅肉,叫什么?我们家乡就把这个叫回锅肉。”一个年长些的挑夫,红了脸道:“留着你们自己过中秋节罢。”他一扭身走了,其余两个也嘀咕着骂了走去。给李家挑米的小伙子倒望着呆了。 袁先生对于这个打击,好像并非出乎意外。他站在屋檐下,望了他们笑着,自言自语道:“你们还有满足的时候吗?给我挑三挑子米。这三挑米白送给你们,恐怕你们都嫌少吧?你们不吃这油渣子,那算你走运,这是我过年时候留起来,把盐腌着的。你们吃下去,怕不要喝三壶水才洗掉舌头上的咸味,哈哈!”他打着个哈哈,端了盘子进屋子去了,那个和李南泉挑米的小伙子,这才知道吃回锅肉的那句话,果然是空的。但他还不肯放过李南泉,复又走到他家来。李先生已在路头上迎着,拱手笑道:“这位大哥,你看到他们吃回锅肉了吗?”他道:“他们吃肉不吃肉,我不招闲。你对我说的啥子话,你总应当做到嘛!”李南泉笑道:“老哥,实不相瞒,我自己家里一个月也不吃三回肉。哪里那末现成,你把担子歇下来,我就有回锅肉给你吃?不过我既说了,我也不能冤你,照现在的肉价,我干折了半斤肉钱给你,还有二两酒的钱,我都也于折给你。”说着,就在身上掏出钞票,折合着市价给他了。给完了钱,向他问道:“大哥,你还有什么话说吗?”他右手接着钱,左手搔搔大腿的痒,禁不住笑了,点着头道:“你这些话,我听得进,二天你到界石去买米,你还可以找我。我叫李老幺,在街口一吼,我不听见,也有人会叫我咯。吃肉不吃肉,不生关系,只要话听得进,我就愿意。你这个下江人,要得。”说着,笑了扭转身去走开。李南泉站在路头上,倒是望了这小伙子发笑。袁四维又出来监工了,且不打招呼,先摇着头抖了文道:“唯女子与小人为难养也!”方向李南泉点个头。 李南泉笑道:“你说的是那个挑夫?”他说:“可不就是。我们给的工资,根本就比别人多,他要我们酒肉款待。这话从何说起?我们现在念书的人,受过谁的酒肉款待呢?不过这话又说回来了,一部分资本家,他们良心发现,也觉得我们念书人生活实在苦,也就伸出同情之手。有些事情,他们还是少不了要我们念书人帮忙的。于是在我们万分不得已的时候,也就来个雪中送炭。此文人不可为而又可为也。”说着,在身上掏出了一盒纸烟来。他举着烟盒子道:“这个烟南方人叫'小大英',北方人叫'粉包',全然文不对题。战前,这是三级纸烟了。现在好烟买不到,这已跃为超等烟。不知什么缘故,这'小大英',也就越吸越有味。现在我不吸纸烟则已,要吸纸烟,就是'小大英'。李兄,来一支!,,说着,他将纸烟盒口翻转过来,倒出两支烟,先递给李先生一支,然后自放一支在嘴里。李南泉看得清楚,他这纸烟全是整支的,不像上次将剪刀一剪两截了。而且他是把纸烟放在嘴里的,并没有将竹笔套当了烟嘴子。随后,他又在身上掏出一盒整齐的火柴来。他掏火柴时,举动有点儿粗疏,把小褂子衣袋里的钞票也带出来了,散落在地面上有好几张。而且那钞票都是十元一张的。他弯腰将钞票捡起,将钞票举了一举笑道:“这是我的心血钱。我现在又兼了几点功课,而且又给几个人作了两篇寿序,富余了这些钱。”李南泉自知道这是人家盖房子的股本,含笑着点了两点头,并没有说什么。他笑道:“我也只有笑而纳之了。”说着,把这叠钞票向口袋里一塞,而且将手按了两下口袋。 李南泉想着,这家伙实在有点沉不住气。怎么会把口袋里票子都拖着掉下来了?心里这样想着,脸上也就忍不住笑了出来。袁四维拱了两拱手笑道:“我们作文人的,人家都说是穷措大。这穷措大是不能免除穷相的啊?”说着,他又伸手在口袋上按了两按。似乎很怕这几张钞票,会由口袋里飞了去。李南泉道:“袁先生,你真是个全才。既能够盖房子监工,又能够为人作寿序。这寿序是散文的呢?还是骈体的呢?”袁四维听到这里,似乎涌起了他的文思,于是又将头摇成了两个大圈,将手指夹了嘴角上的烟支,笑道:“韩退之文章起八代之衰。若要作动人的文章,吾其为韩退之乎。”说着,昂起头来,打了个哈哈。这时,有人在屋角下接嘴道:“要不得,五七位,就要退之,那不好,我们有六位咯。算是五位呢?算是七位呢?”这话有点突然而来,而且是不接头。李南泉就向那屋角边去看着。那里出来一个黄面汉子,头上将白布手巾,在脑袋上围了个圈子,圈子中间的黑头发,还是竖了起来。身穿件深蓝的阴丹士林大褂。足有九成新。脚下面赤了脚,穿着一双黄色草鞋。而他手上又拿了一支黑漆的长烟袋杆。倒很像是当地一位绅粮。袁四维看到了他立刻掉转身来,拱手笑道:“吴大爷,好说好说,大驾来临,欢迎都欢迎不到的。怎么说告退的话?”他口里说着话,人就迎上前去。那吴大爷把口角里旱烟袋拖了出来,向他遥遥地画着圈子道:“完长,我们来邀你下山去喝酒。没得事,摆摆龙门阵,要不要得?听到说,这几天,你发了财咯!” 袁四维对于这种人,似乎感到了极大的兴趣。连忙答道:“要得要得,大长天日子,不喝两盅,硬是睡不着觉的。”他应付着这类地主人物,就把李南泉抛开了。他给的一支'小大英'好烟,还没有给火柴来擦着呢。这是人家的自由,不过在这里看出了一点,就是袁先生的身份,完全和前三天不同,他是有了钱了。由次日起,袁先生也换了装束,脚上已不表示摩登,已穿了袜子。身上也换了一套绸子衫裤,虽然仅仅是到这山下街上去买点东西,他也穿起一件新的夏布长衫。手上拿了一柄长可尺二的白纸折扇按着他的步子招展,每走一步,扇子招展一下。后来就每日下午,不见踪影,监工的工作,都改在上午做。那新盖的十间屋子,本就在李南泉的书窗对面。他每看到那屋子的工程完成一部分,就看到袁先生的气焰高了两尺。等房子完全盖成功了,袁先生的行踪也就格外少见。李南泉想到这房子曾代表张玉峰投资一大股的。现在房子已盖好了,当写信去通知人家。这就到袁家去探问消息。他在门外边遇到了袁家的孩子,就问道:“你父亲在家吗?”他说:“天天下午不在家的。”又问:“你母亲在家吗?”他说:“家里请着医生看病呢?”李南泉道:“请医生看病?你妈妈害的是什么病呢?”他说:“没有病,请医生看看。”李南泉对于他这话不怎么了然,站在窗户外边,伸头向里看时,果然有个长胡的人戴上老花镜在桌上开药方。袁太太坐在旁边,不但精神抖擞而且满脸是笑容,这决不会是生病的人。 这个样子,是不便惊动人家的。他就在窗子外面站着。这就听到袁太太问道:“这药要吃多少剂,才有效应呢?”那老医生回答道:“在中国的医道上,还没有医治肥胖的专方。不过医道通神,神而明之,存乎其人。我这个方子是下的一些清除肠胃的药,让人肚子里清血清食。也许吃下去之后,要泻肚几回。但这个没有关系,你不愿意泄,不吃药就止住了。”袁太太道:“这样吃下去,人是不是就会瘦呢?”老医生道:“看袁太太的身体这样好,也许瘦不下来。最好的办法,倒是不如慢慢的减食。譬如你一天原来可以吃四碗饭,从马上起,先减少半碗饭,等到习惯了,再少半碗,直等你把饭量减到一半的时候,我相信你慢慢会瘦下来的。”袁太太道:“这个我当然知道。不过活活把人饿瘦,那恐怕我受不了。”医生道:“那倒不。中国古人修仙养道,就讲个不食人间烟火。只是喝点清泉、采点山果吃。人真要能够不吃熟食,倒是好事。袁太太若是觉得猛然减食,身子支持不了,可以先别吃鱼、肉、鸡蛋之类。”袁太太道:“这个我倒是同意的,他们西医,也是这样说,让我先别吃油重的东西。我看,索性把菜里免了油,先生你看好不好?”那医生是位老先生,读的是张仲景这辈汉医的着作,医治的是温湿虚热中国相传的这路病症。他就不肯承认胖是一种病,也就没有开过治胖病的这路药方。不过人家出了钱请来,而且听说袁先生是作过完长的人,也许将来有可以帮忙之处,人家这样问道,就不能不答复。于是放下笔,将手摸着长须,沉吟了一会,然后点点头道:“修仙且避烟火食,治胖不吃油,于理正通。哦!于理正通。” 李南泉隔了窗户向屋子里面看着,见那位老医生是那样出神,而袁太太对他望着又表示着十分的殷切,也就透着些奇怪。心想,搬到这里来和袁家做邻居,已经有三年了。开始看到袁太太是那样的大肚囊子,现在还是那样的大肚囊子,怎么突然之间她要治起肥胖来了?若说是有了钱就不愿胖,这话就不通,有道是心广体胖,有钱人,不正是应该发胖吗?在这样出神的时候,袁太太已经把那新开的药方拿过去看看,因问道:“先生,你这方子里面下了一味大黄。平常的人说,吃了巴豆大黄,屙得断肚断肠。这不要紧吗?”老医生摸了胡子梢道:“不要紧,我只开了八分,像袁太太这样停食太多的人,也许都行不动呢。你先吃了这剂再说,若是不行,我还得加重分量。”袁太太道:“这大黄吃下去,是不是可以把这大肚子消下去呢?”他道:“此理至明。何待细说。例如府上有口米袋,米盛得太多了。几乎要把米袋撑破,现在你把米袋子下面钻上一个眼,米慢慢向下漏去,这米袋子不就缩小了吗?”他说着话时,正着颜色,手还是不停地摸胡子梢。袁太太看他这样郑重出之,料着他是真话,也就点了几点头。老医生先把桌上一个红纸包儿摸着,揣到衣袋里去,然后取下鼻梁上的老花眼镜,再取过桌子角上放的手杖,然后缓缓站了起来,对她道:“凡人长得肥胖,都是吃饱了少动作的缘故,自今以后,可以多多动作些。”袁太太道:“是的,我应该多运动运动。”老医生摇摇头道:“然而不然,'运动'两字是外国贩来的,不妥。像打球、游水时,摩登人叫为'运动',这是好玩,这岂是我们所应当做的?我今年六十六了,就没有运动过一次。” 李南泉听他这种说法,觉得有些不成体统,这无自己加入之必要,只好扭转回家去。过了一小时,他再回到这里来,隔了窗户,就听到屋子里脚步声咚咚乱响。他诧异着袁先生家里有什么特殊事情发生。就隔了窗户的缝隙,向里面张望着。只见袁太太身穿了花夏布长衫,脑后两条辫子拖到肩膀上。她那个身体,好像一只圆木桶,大肚囊子挺了起来,像是军乐队里的人,胸前挂了一面大鼓。她弯举着两只碗粗的手臂,比齐了胸脯那样高,开着跑步,在屋子里跑着。她所跑的路线,是绕了屋子中间那张四方桌子。所有桌子旁边的椅子都移到屋子角上去了。腾出了桌子四围的那条路线,当了她赛跑的圈子。她每跑一步,周围的肥肉,就随着这个步伐,齐齐地抖颤一下。不但身上如此,就是脸上也如此,这好像是一堆豆腐在那里颤动。她张口,气喘吁吁的,发着狗喘的声音。两只额角上的汗珠子,豌豆那么大,向外冒着,她跑了一个圈,又是一个圈,不肯停止。李南泉看到,心里想着,这是什么意思?难道她对医生说要运动运动,这就开始了吗?这虽不是秘密行动,可是这儿戏样的举动,究竟也是不大合适,只好又在窗子外面站着,这就听到一个小孩子问道:“妈妈,你为什么在屋子里跑?”她答道:“过去过去,不要打搅,你一打搅,把我数的数目又忘记了。西医告诉我,要跑一百二十个圈子,我这才跑了八十个圈子呢。”说着话脚步在屋子里踩踏出咚咚的响声,继续向下跑去。 李南泉站在窗外,足足呆立了五分钟,那屋子里的脚步声,依然是“的笃的笃”,继续响下去。他看这样子,又不便进去和袁太太说话了,正待转了身子要走,却听到袁家大小姐大声叫道:“妈,你这是怎么了?这么大人,像小孩子似的,你再要跑,我就去喊人来看了。”这才听到那“的笃”之声停止,而袁太太气吁吁地道:“你叫人来看也不要紧,我又不是疯了,我是做室内运动。”大小姐道:“从前你并没有做过这种室内运动,现在怎么突然地运动起来了呢?”袁太太道:“你看我胖成这个样子,这大肚子终年都像要生小弟弟,这实在不方便。现在,我要治一治这种胖病了。运动是可以的。你明白不明白?”袁小姐道:“这个我倒明白。那猪吃了就睡,不肯运动,不是就长肥了吗?”袁太太道:“你这孩子也太不会说话,怎么把人和猪打比呢?”袁小姐发了一阵格格的笑声道:“这是我比错了。不过从前你不医胖病,现在怎么要医胖病呢?”袁太太道:“从前你爸爸有钱给我医胖病吗?我就是打摆子,也只是买两粒奎宁丸吃。大烧大热几天,也就是躺在床上睡几天觉,哪里找过医生?”袁小姐道:“现在我们有了钱了。干爹那里,一笔就给了一大包钞票。有了钱,你就治胖子了。是我干爹给的钱,我也应当治治病。”袁太太道:“你蹦蹦跳跳像小狗一样,有什么病?”袁小姐道:“我比你是猪,你就比我是狗。比我是狗也不要紧,你得想法子给我治这脸上的雀斑。你这样大年纪都要好看,我们小姑娘就不要好看吗?有了钱了,都是我的力量。我不给人家磕头认干爹,你们哪来的钱呢?”她母女这话,让隔了窗户的人听到,发生无穷感慨,就长长地叹了一声。
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