Home Categories contemporary fiction Long live Huben

Chapter 71 Chapter 68: Taking down Maowan and opening the gate

Long live Huben 张恨水 2756Words 2018-03-19
Ten minutes later, Yu Chengwan called all the brothers to speak on the rice field. He said: "How do you feel about being treated like this by the common people? Don't you feel very ashamed? We are here to guard the soil for the common people. We put Did you hold on to the soil? I didn’t fulfill my responsibilities, but I couldn’t justify being treated like this by the common people. Although we only have these troops, all the friendly troops from all sides have arrived, especially our army commander who is always thinking about it. We have personally led the team and are about to go to He'buro. We should open the gate and let friendly troops in, so as to live up to our conscience. Faced with the enemy situation, the enemy has a small number of troops in Maowan. Our friendly army, the New 11th Division, It’s also not far from Maowan. We can’t let the enemy block Maowan. Tonight we’ll risk our efforts to take down Maowan tomorrow. If we can’t take Maowan down, don’t go anywhere else, including me. , all died on the battlefield."

When he said the last sentence, his tone was extraordinarily calm. It was the time when the new moon was in the sky again. The moon turned into a small silver fan, hanging high on the tops of withered willow trees. On the ground, although no one made a sound, the calmness of those figures symbolized that everyone was very moved by the teacher's words.After the teacher had finished his lecture, he took out two small rolls of banknotes and handed them to Adjutant Li and Staff Officer Zhang, asking him to give them to the common people here, as he was bothering with the money for two meals, and ordered to set off.Zhang and Li went for half an hour, and the team had already left the village. They caught up and reported to the teacher that the people would not accept the money no matter what.

Yu Chengwan sighed as he walked: "In any case, I think that the Chinese people are the easiest people to govern, but because the people are easy to govern, everyone let go more and more, which messes things up. We don't Once the mission is accomplished, I will never have the face to see the people of Changde again." As he said this, he became more determined to take down Maowan. This Maowan is a small village with about sixty or seventy households. Not far from the small river, there is a small street between the sidewalks.The houses on both sides of the street have low eaves stretching towards each other. There is a line of sky in the street, and the stone-paved road has been in disrepair for a long time and is also uneven.In addition, the exposed sky is limited, and the shops on both sides are dark. The loess walls, gray door panels, and gray window mats set off the town of Wen, which is quite old.Regardless of Changde, as long as it is flat land, there are large and small ditches, dikes, and willows, so although the villages and towns are old inside, they are still beautiful from the outside of the village.A clump of willows surrounded by dead twigs, with a few evergreen trees sandwiched between them, is a low roof ridge below, and two dikes are protected in the distance, which is quite poetic and picturesque.

When the new moon was in the sky, the 100 officers and soldiers led by Yu Chengwan had gone back to the foot of the mountain and walked to the vicinity of Maowan. He ordered his brothers to temporarily station on the high ground in Banhuali, Lijie Town, and sent out scouts first to go to Maowan. Detect enemy movements.After a while, the detective came back to report that he met several fleeing civilians on the road. They all said that there were not many enemies in the street. Now there were lights on the east side of the street, and mules and horses neighed, as if the enemy was about to retreat at dawn.

At this time, it was almost five o'clock, the night was dark, all sounds stopped, and the continuous sound of guns and artillery was heard from the southeast corner.It can also be concluded that our friendly army to rescue Changde is oppressing the enemy, and the enemy is going deep alone. The long battle will last for a month. It is normal for them to be exhausted and unable to support.Yu Chengwan judged in this way, and then reported twice that the enemy was indeed loaded with ammunition and was about to retreat.He felt that this opportunity must not be missed, so he still used the tactic of attacking Fujiadi. The two regiment leaders Sun and Du led two-thirds of the brothers to occupy the highland at the east of the town and intercept the enemy's retreating troops.Master Yu himself took a third of the brothers and went straight to Maowan Street from the west entrance.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and it was time for the army to move. The two regiment leaders, Sun and Du, bypassed the southern end of the village and quickly arrived at a section of high ground at the east entrance of the village.The enemy was probably busy retreating, and they also despised our troops, thinking that they would not come here to attack him, but they were not on guard at all.The brothers Sun Du led calmly set up their positions on the high ground and there was no reaction there, but they couldn't help sneezing when they heard the chaotic footsteps coming and going at the entrance of the village.So our army fell on the ground and slowly snaked forward.When we reached around 300 meters, although the moon was gone, under the starlight, we could already see scattered figures shaking on the road. Captain Sun waved his hand as a signal in the line, and the brothers put their rifles together. , aimed at those figures, and shot them densely.There was already a commotion over there. First, the mules and horses lost their reins and left.The enemies who were not knocked down fought back at the corners of the houses at the intersection. Just hearing the crackling and chaotic gunfire, one could tell that they were in a hurry and fighting on their own.

At this time, more than 30 officers and soldiers led by Yu Chengwan rushed up along the road without encountering any obstacles.That piece of houses has been vaguely seen under the starlight, and a gap in the middle of the houses has been found from a distance, which is the street opening.The brothers were about to rush in, but Yu Chengwan didn't want to be so careless, but secretly greeted the brothers, took cover under a high field ridge by the roadside, and observed the movement first.Sure enough, the enemy still built fortifications at this intersection, and the enemy spotted the figure under the moon, and a red fire meteor was released on the ground, and the enemy fired machine guns there.Fortunately, we were all lying under the ridge of the field. It was a blind spot, and the enemy couldn't shoot. We lay there for 20 to 30 minutes, unable to move forward. Listening to the sound of gunfire at the east entrance, it was exactly the fierce shooting at each other.

Yu Chengwan felt that it would not last long, so he greeted his brothers secretly, walked eastward along the ridge of the field, and went around to the back of the houses in the town and city. Staff Zhang and four brothers were left here, and they returned fire sporadically with rifles. Attract enemies.The brothers crawled in the paddy fields, and the teacher also crawled in the paddy fields. After ten minutes or so, they climbed to the back of the street, but they were not noticed by the enemy. There was a short loess wall in the middle of two houses. Listening to the sound of machine guns, they were still at the east end. , and finally went around to the back of the machine gun position.Master Yu first stood up in the paddy field, then drank softly and climbed the wall, turning over. First of all, the two brothers, each with a rifle on their backs, grabbed the earth wall with both hands and pushed upwards vigorously. , more than 20 people, including the teacher, climbed over the wall together.Inside the wall is a small courtyard of a family. There are two or three small trees and two or three sauce jars. There is no obstacle, and the house is in front of it.Everyone held their bayonet-mounted guns, ready to fight hand-to-hand at any time.Yu Chengwan took a pistol in one hand and a grenade in the other, and rushed into the house with the brothers. Knowing that the front of the house was the street, everyone rushed straight to the house.

This is a small country restaurant, there were some tables, chairs and benches inside, but the enemy didn't damage them too much, so it didn't hinder everyone's progress.From the courtyard at the back, rushing all the way to the shop in front, saw that the door of the wooden shop was half-hidden, the first soldier quietly opened the door, looked around, and saw that on the narrow street, only the eaves of each other connected, There wasn't a single person, but at Dongtou Street, there was a rattling sound of machine guns.It happened that the street was facing west and was slightly curved. The soldier, annoyed by the two machine guns blocking the way, made everyone climb a mile of cement field.Holding a grenade, he bent over to the east and walked eastward against the wall under the eaves of other people's houses. He passed seven or eight storefronts, and he had already seen the fortifications built by the enemy.It was just a machine gun mount dug on the spot and some bricks piled in front of it.Looking from behind, the enemy was lying on the ground, and he was completely exposed. He walked past two or three stores in order to make sure to start.The sound of footsteps may have alarmed the enemy. A ghost straightened up on the ground. He didn't dare to neglect any longer. He pulled out the fuse and threw the grenade over. The machine gun was silent.This bullet only hit one machine gun mount, and the shooter of the other machine gun was startled and turned around to resist.But following this soldier came Staff Officer Li and four brothers. They didn't want to let the enemy have a chance, so they threw three or four grenades away.

Everyone yelled and rushed forward. Under the dim dawn, they saw five devils lying bloody and bloody beside the machine gun stand. Commander Yu was at the other end of the street. In the middle of the street, he waved his hand and said, "Charge to the east, charge!" Everyone turned around, and more than twenty fierce tigers rushed up the stone slabs, thumping, and looking at the bright end of the street, which is the entrance of Dongjie, everyone raised their guns, and there was a burst of rattling. The enemies at the street crossed were already panicked, but now they were being pinched from front to back, and they didn't want to resist anymore. They all jumped up and rushed towards the northwest corner of the street in a diagonal stab.Looking at the blurred shadows, there were only thirty or forty people, and it was expected that they would never counterattack.

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