Home Categories contemporary fiction Long live Huben

Chapter 68 Chapter 65: No Broken Words

Long live Huben 张恨水 3942Words 2018-03-19
After the pontoon bridge was occupied, everyone was very happy. They felt that there was a very close road to Maowan, and they talked and laughed one after another.Yu Chengwan walked up the bridge from under the embankment, first inspected it once, and then walked back and forth on the embankment on the other side of the bridge twice.Then he said to his subordinates: "Don't get too excited. If the enemy doesn't regard this road as important, he won't build a pontoon bridge here. This bridge is occupied by us, and he will never be reconciled. He must come within an hour. Fortunately, our goal is to cross this river. We don't care about the gains or losses of this bridge. If the enemy in Maowan sends troops to reinforce here, we can take advantage of the opportunity to take down Maowan. The enemy has not reinforced yet, so we can go upstream." After finishing speaking, he ordered the team to go northwest.

At this time, the half-round new moon had already risen in the sky, and it was predicted that it would not be far before dawn in the first ten days of the night.Looking at the south road across from the embankment, the ground and trees are covered with a thin layer of white paint. It is just after the heavy frost, and the moon reflects the shimmer of frost.In this faintly luminous universe, things can generally be seen moving in it.Everyone was walking on the embankment, so they couldn't help but often pay attention to the south of the embankment. Sure enough, as the teacher expected, they were walking up and down Yihuali Road. In the white light, a group of black shadows swarmed towards the pontoon bridge, looking at the large area. Black spots, there are always a thousand people up and down.

Yu Chengwan saw where he was, which was where the side shot was.This ordered the brothers to spread out on the embankment and sideways attack the enemy.Four machine guns were quickly arranged at both ends of the team, in case the enemy attacked head-on, the machine guns would cross and pinch the enemy.It was only arranged hastily here, and the distance between the enemies was no more than 600 to 700 meters.Everyone held back the breath in their chests, and all watched them come over helplessly.The enemy was more anxious than us, and there were seven or eight mortars in that place, throwing fireballs towards the river.Even closer, seven or eight machine guns were set up on the ridge of the field, and there were already fire snakes sticking out their tongues, clicking, clicking, and shooting violently at the front of the pontoon bridge.Looking at it like this, the enemy still thinks that we are guarding the bridgehead.Everyone was amused, so they ignored him.

When the enemy saw that we did not fight back, the infantry rushed up in the moon field, so that the enemy was completely exposed within the range of our machine guns. Our shooters, under the impatience of waiting, could no longer let this prey go. Opportunity at gunpoint.Four bolides formed two oblique crosses, and flew towards the enemy under the moonlight.By the time the enemy lay down and fought back, he had already suffered a great loss.The enemy machine gun positions behind the enemy infantry realized that we did not hold the front of the bridge. The mortars and light machine guns generally changed direction and returned fire here.The enemy lying on the ground, aiming to take back the pontoon bridge, still moved forward step by step.

In Changde City, Master Yu, who had survived the artillery fire for a long time, commanded his brothers to fight on the river beach outside the embankment, ignoring the dust from the shells in front of him, and kept looking around the terrain.In the sheltered place, I lowered my body and flashed the flashlight, and took out my pocket watch to see that it was already six o'clock.Looking up at the sky again, the moonlight had already set, and Tianjiao in the east was obviously a little whiter.He thought that his strength and the enemy were in a one-to-ten situation, and he must not be exposed under the enemy.Immediately ordered to leave the position and detour to the northwest.After the enemy returned fire, we fired for a while and then stopped for a while, but the enemy hadn't figured out the reality, so we walked away quietly, and the machine gun was still firing from the position.

After the sky was bright, the team arrived at an open place on the south side of the small river. The back was facing the embankment, but in front of it was a small hill surrounded by a half from west to east.The climate in central Hunan is warm, and the small trees on the mountain grow densely like a bunch of unkempt hair.Small trees are ocher, yellow, and old green, and some have lost all their leaves and are clustered with a lot of twigs. Between the mountains and rivers, there are three or four crooked thatched huts. There are several short loess walls, surrounded by seven or eight trees of various sizes.It is estimated that it is four or five miles away from here to Maojiadu.So he ordered the team to hide in this thatched hut, only to find some cold food to eat, and not to make a fire.Sure enough, his guess was right again.

Half an hour later, the enemy's planes, one or two, were constantly patrolling the air. The enemy already knew that we had a force advancing through gaps on the south bank of the Yuan River, and wanted to find us and destroy us.Our one hundred and eight officers and soldiers drilled through the gap day and night, but fortunately there were no casualties. Everyone also asked to keep the strength of every gun and every grenade, all concealed in this dilapidated small village , without moving a step. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy planes were no longer flying, and we dispatched immediately.On the opposite side of this small village is a small mountain called Maojiashan. On the left side of Maojiashan, there is a small ridge with dwarf forests, and the original shape of the mountain cannot be seen. It is called Sheluoling.It is marked on the map that after crossing this small ridge is Maowan. Under the mountain, there is a pedestrian road that half circles and goes eastward. One side of the road is connected to the woods at the foot of the mountain.Cross this road and go into the woods. The terrain is complex, and it is the most ideal place to attack lightly at night.On this road, the enemy has only two sentries to monitor, and the troops are very weak.

During the day, we have been secretly spying clearly.Therefore, at the front of our team, we first sent two brothers to search.Because the weather was dark, and there was some mist on the mountain, which covered the moonlight, and it felt even more pitch black. Holding guns, they slowly approached the enemy sentinels, but they couldn't see where they were for a while.Maybe it was because of the heavy footsteps that he didn't catch him, and it was impossible to capture him alive.He returned a shot at the place where the gunfire was spitting out, and only heard a thud, and the person fell to the ground.But in this place, there are two sentinels.One was killed, but the other ran away in fright, and immediately fled into the dense forest on the mountain to report to the enemy garrison in Maowan.

Commander Yu heard two gunshots, and knowing that the enemy's cordon had been disturbed, he told his subordinates to stop the frontal attack and turn around to the left.Because there is a hill in front of me, the pedestrian road is also walking around the foot of the mountain.We hadn't walked half a mile, and at the foot of the opposite mountain, machine guns rang out. Fortunately, the Japanese machine guns we got had a lot of bullets, so we didn't need to cherish it. We immediately used two machine guns on the sidewalk. , To the place where the machine gun was fired, a fierce counterattack came.While extending our team, still on the right flank, and only extending half a mile, the enemy over there also blocked two machine guns for the second time.At this time, we still had two machine guns to answer him, and the team behind gradually extended to the left flank, and then the two last machine guns also left the position.But the enemy saw through this first, and we just went around to the right flank, and he just stopped on the right flank, and after the machine guns, he added four or five mortars.This tactic is called the Extended Wing War.From dusk to late night, the moon has risen to the sky, illuminating the dense mountain forest, under the faint light of the moon, it looks like a cloud of smoke, outside the smoke, the enemy's fireballs, sparks, and lines of fire, section by section Fires from right to left.In front of our extended wings, these large and small fire spots, sputtering dust, smoke and fire, surged up on the ground, blocking our detour.Originally, in this dark night, this battle of Yanyi was beneficial to the offensive.But there is one condition: there must be many people.We only have more than a hundred people in total, and the front is extended and deep, and the people behind are so thin that there are only sporadic and countable troops.

Commander Yu felt that if he continued to entangle with the enemy like this, he would use up the captured ammunition completely.Therefore, he quietly ordered to keep a battalion commander, lead five brothers as a rear guard, and keep an eye on the hottest point of the enemy's guns, while the rest immediately left the position and returned to the right.It took about two or three miles to reach a small village with about ten families surrounded by a few clumps of small trees and twenty or thirty big willows.Under the dim moonlight, everyone followed a sidewalk and walked into the village.In the moonlight, look at the doors of other people's houses, one by one closed or locked upside down, showing signs of destruction.

There is an ancient temple at the entrance of the village. The door is half open. Open the door and look. Although the temple is not big, there are two entrances.So I struck a match, turned on the light, and saw that the hat with the red cloth hanging on the gray shrine also turned dark gray.Half-covered is a clay statue of Buddha, I don't know what god it is, with a white face and half of the beard gone.It is conceivable that this temple is also in disrepair. There are two monks' rooms next to the temple, and the doors are also open. There are wooden beds, tables and chairs inside. Master Yu came in to have a look, and then said to the following officials: "Let's camp here. Going forward is a pass, and the brother will settle there. The people here probably haven't gone far. The door is closed. Don't break into other people's homes. As he spoke, he took the upper half of the candle stub from the Buddhist table and stuck it on the wall of the room.I just sat down on the monk's bed with no bedding and only straw, and listened to the continuous sound of enemy machine guns and rifles in the distance. Probably the five brothers were still teasing the enemy and hadn't left the position yet. It was about two o'clock in the evening, and the sound of gunshots had changed from rare to lonely. The staff of the deputy staff found a pile of dry firewood, set it up on the wall of the broken hall in front, and lit a raging fire. Everyone found it. There were some long pine stools round the fire.Some simply leaned against the wall and dozed off with their eyes closed.Although there are battlefields all around, people in the battlefield always eat when they get the chance, and sleep when they get the chance. Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from outside the gate, and Staff Li, whose head was leaning against the wall, was awakened violently.He was dreaming of being at a lychee stand in Hong Kong.The flavor of my hometown, reunited after a long absence, can't help salivating, holding a handful of purple lychees supported by green leaves in my hand, admiring the color.Opening his eyes, he saw his brother leading a man in plain clothes and a green cotton gown, and stopped him. The brother said: "Report to the staff, we left the front and came over from the front. At the entrance of the village, we met Several ordinary people were hiding in the straw pile under the bamboo forest. He came out and said that he was Chen Liaison Officer of the Dongting Lake Security Command." When Staff Officer Li looked at that person, he had already pulled out a business card from his arms and handed it over with a smile. Staff Officer Li took it and looked at it by the firelight. It was indeed the business card of the security commander on the west bank of Dongting Lake with a private seal on it.Staff Officer Li laughed and said: "We finally got in touch." He shook hands with the visitor. Liaison Officer Chen said: "Everyone has worked really hard. Newspapers at home and abroad publish the achievements of your 57th Division every day. You are already a sensation in the world, but you may not know it yourself. Commander Fu sent a brother to contact the division commander to tell There are too many words, I have thousands of words at once, and I don't know where to start. I heard the gunshots in the middle of the night, and I expected our army to encounter the enemy, but it was you. This is great. I want to see the division commander ,is it okay?" Staff Officer Li said: "The teacher will definitely welcome you. I will report first." After speaking, he went to the back hall for four or five minutes, and then came out to lead Liaison Officer Chen to the monk's room. The officer went in and saw an earthen candle stuck in the crack of a black wooden table, a map was placed under the candle, and a revolver was pressed on the map.In front of the table was a lined pad, held down by a fountain pen.In the cold night, Master Yu was wearing a yellow woolen coat, standing up from the table.After the liaison officer saluted, Master Yu extended his hand to shake him, and said with a smile, "Commander Lao Fu will remember us." Liaison Officer Chen said: "Teacher, we are very sorry. Regarding the mountain artillery shells, mortar shells and various bullets that your division needs, we will take them on November 22. The enemy blocked the road. We can't send it up. There is another batch of military rice, which is stored in our headquarters. If the division commander wants it, we can send it over immediately." Master Yu said with a smile: "To be honest, we are using the enemy's bullets to hit the enemy. Although we have two machine guns, we have no bullets. It is best to bring us the rifle bullets and military rice first." Liaison Officer Chen said: "We must try to bring it here, and report to the division commander that the troops from the ninth war zone have arrived in a steady stream, and they will be able to enter the position soon. There is also Commander Wang personally supervising the battle on the line of fire, and he has already reached the vicinity of Hefeng. Division commander must It can be done.” Master Yu said: "I also expected that Commander Wang would come to rescue us, so I have been struggling here. Before it's too late, please take advantage of this moonlit night to venture back and bring the food and ammunition. Please take a rest outside. I Write two letters, please take them with you." Liaison Officer Chen agreed, and he had the impression that the 57th Division was beaten to the point where there were only a few people left. They carried out all tasks as usual, and their attitude was the same. Their records only had casualties, but not the collapsed Character.
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