Home Categories contemporary fiction Long live Huben

Chapter 67 Chapter 64 Fighting Japanese Soldiers with Japanese Machine Guns

Long live Huben 张恨水 3215Words 2018-03-19
The desolate moon, accompanied by one hundred and eight soldiers, camped in Luojiagang.Although the brothers did not dare to sleep peacefully, for the past 20 days, it was still the first night when they had to lie down on the "golden quilt" for a long time. After cooking and eating, the sky is bright, the waning moon has long since disappeared, and the stars are gradually hiding because of the dawn. The sentries serving as guards outside the village stand in the wind and frost with guns, paying attention to the enemy's situation with both eyes and ears. Suddenly, murmurs of human voices came from afar, from south to north.This immediately attracted the attention of a brother. He walked up the short causeway and hid himself under a big willow tree to watch. About a li away, there was a group of shadows moving in the dim twilight. Mules and horses.He couldn't help screaming in his heart, ha, this is the enemy's transport team, what a flock of fat sheep, don't let him run away, he turned around and immediately ran to the room where the division commander lived.He only walked under the eaves, and saw Commander Yu sitting at the black wooden table from afar, so he saluted: "Report to Commander, the enemy has a convoy coming from the Lujiahe road in the south, and there are mules and horses carrying things. , there is still half a mile to here, and it seems to be passing through here, going to Changde."

After hearing his report, Division Commander Yu did not hesitate for a minute, and said to the messenger standing at the door: "Tell Commander Sun to take a group of people, go around the village, cover under the long embankment, and let the enemy stand in front of us." Passing by on Dili Road, I heard the gunshots coming from behind, and I have to arrive within ten minutes." After finishing speaking, he turned back to another messenger and said, "Tell Commander Du, take a group of people out of the south entrance of the village immediately, and intercept them." enemy."

The two messengers immediately split up to deliver the order. All the brothers, after breakfast, were ready to go with their guns. After the order was delivered, everyone also carried out the task immediately.The line of people at the entrance of the village was hidden behind the corners of the village or behind the straw piles. The transport team going here absolutely did not expect the Chinese army to be here.The man was holding the mules and horses, walking slowly along a road, and the enemies who were leading the mules and horses were still chattering.The brethren who have covered up here raised their rifles and aimed them precisely, letting the enemy move closer foot by foot.

Du Ding, who was leading the brothers, quietly lay behind a mound of dirt, and fixed his eyes on a group of enemies in front of him.When they reached 300 meters, the place still endured without making any movement. After another three minutes, they had already walked into the most powerful distance of rifle shooting, and a burst of compact rifle bullets flew out.That group of devils fell down a dozen times earlier. They really didn't expect this catastrophe from the sky, and those who didn't fall ran away. Although three or five people lay down on the ground and raised their guns to fight back, they couldn't find cover for a while. The target was exposed and killed by our brothers.Especially those fleeing enemies were first knocked upside down by the frightened and unrestrained mules and horses, and then they were caught by our brothers behind us. They were caught by a burst of bullets. They ran like hares under a shotgun fell dead.

In only ten minutes, the enemy was completely eliminated, only two or three horses and two or three enemies fled.The enemy ran away sporadically, so they didn't pursue them. The brothers rushed out from the shelter and grabbed the mules and horses that hadn't escaped first.The guns, ammunition, and food bags abandoned on the ground were carried separately to the open space in front of the division commander's command post in the village.After checking, there were six mules and horses, five light machine guns, twenty-five rifles, twenty-five boxes of bullets, one hundred and fifty-six grenades, and fifteen bags of grain.The brothers standing by and watching all grinned and smiled.Everyone is thinking this way, there is no unparalleled road, and at this time, food and ammunition are scarce, so they will receive this batch of gifts.Master Yu came out, looked at the things, and stored the grain, mules and horses in the homes of ordinary people.Because preparing for the whole day today is to advance through gaps, and we must minimize the burden as much as possible.The bullets are used first by the unarmed.Within half an hour, the arrangement was completed.

The division commander said to everyone: "The enemy suffered a big loss for no reason. The enemy who slipped through the net ran back and must seek revenge from us. We have a major mission and must not be entangled by the enemy. We immediately marched towards Maojiadu. "After finishing speaking, I ordered everyone to leave immediately.From here to Maojiadu, there is a whole plain, and the only ones that can be used as light cover are the long and short dikes that line up on the paddy fields.Everyone abandoned the main road and just walked in a detour through the path in the paddy field.

The weather today is better than yesterday, the red sun is in the sky, and the earth is full of sunshine.The enemy's planes were constantly circling on both sides of the Yuanjiang River. In order to avoid the enemy's discovery, we had to hide in a small village. We did not continue to the southeast corner until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The left side of the road was the foothills of Wufengling.Wufeng Ridge is a small hill with pine trees and miscellaneous trees growing densely on it. Our army who rescued Changde there fought many tug-of-war with the enemy. The enemy occupied this stronghold, controlling Deshan in the north and Take control of Maowan.At the foot of the mountain, they set up sentries to monitor the footpath outside the mountain.Commander Yu was at the back of the team. He saw the foot of the mountain meandering from the east, standing high on the side of the road, so he sent an order to the brothers to be more vigilant. Sure enough, there were still about six or seven hundred meters to the foot of the mountain. There are three or four machine guns in the room, firing here.Although the bullets fell on the ground and created smoke and dust, they obviously had no purpose when they fired. The smoke and dust fell either in front of the team or behind the team, and did not harm our brothers.

At this time, the sun had already set on the mountain, and at dusk, five Japanese machine guns were captured, set up on a long embankment, pointed at the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, and responded forty or fifty rounds to the place where the flames were spitting out. .While the machine guns were firing like this, our brother, taking advantage of the suppression of the machine guns, rushed forward at the risk of his side being exposed.The sound of the enemy's own machine guns can be heard by the enemy himself.After being fired back by the machine gun for a while, they were naturally a little surprised, and immediately stopped shooting, intending to find out what happened.Under such circumstances, we have already rushed past the guard post at the foot of the mountain in one breath.Fortunately, the new moon was not yet bright, so our four machine guns crossed over, passed by the foot of Wufengling Mountain, and only two or three miles away was Maojiadu.

At Maojiadu, there is a small river that runs from Lijiahu, from northwest to southeast, and passes through the south of Maojiadu. On the south side of the river is a small embankment, with many willows and miscellaneous trees on it.At dusk, just looking at the dark shadow in front of him, he knew that he had arrived at Maojiadu. Yu Chengwan and his party walked about two miles away from Maojiadu, where there was a bush on the short causeway. Resting in the wild woods, while sending out scouts, they kept looking forward to inquire.According to their report, the enemy has built a pontoon bridge on the river, as if the enemy is coming here for reinforcements.

When Yu Chengwan heard about it, he immediately summoned the two heads of the regiment to stand under the willow tree on the embankment to discuss, because he said: "If we want to get Maowan, we must first get to Maojiadu. Maojiadu is separated from Maowan on the diameter. We are facing a river, and we are worried that we will not be able to cross it. Now that the enemy has set up a pontoon bridge, this is an excellent opportunity that we must not let go. Head Du can take a group of people to occupy Maojiadu, and Head Sun can take a company to occupy it. On the pontoon bridge, I will take my brothers on the embankment to the east of Maojiadu to meet the two aspects. We must seize the opportunity when the enemy is not prepared, and complete the task in one fell swoop."

The two regiment leaders accepted the order and looked at the sky. Although half of the moonlight was still hanging high in the sky, the movement of the characters could not be seen ten steps away. In the dim light, regiment leader Sun gathered a group of brothers and brought them together. A Japanese machine gun advanced fiercely towards the embankment in front of Maojiadu.When they reached the embankment for more than half a mile, the towering black shadows that had turned the trees along the embankment had already been separated into taller trees and lower trees, an extended river embankment, and paddy fields in the plain. Pile up.When the evening wind is not strong and the surrounding fields are silent, the hunters who are looking for wild animals can hear the sound of their own footsteps every step they take.So Tuan Zhang secretly told the brothers to lie down on the ground and move forward in a snake.Everyone followed the order and crawled quietly on the ground level, and gradually approached the causeway. The scouts had already reported that the pontoon bridge was at the intersection of the Shangdi road, and everyone just moved forward along the road. Naturally, they were looking for the pontoon bridge, and there was no need to look at the direction.Crawling quietly, it was getting closer, and gradually heard the voices of devils, presumably the troops guarding the pontoon bridge.So our brother with the rifle crouched still.Four brothers, armed with two Japanese light machine guns, walked towards the lower reaches of the embankment.The embankment originally ran from northwest to southeast, and the protruding point downstream of the embankment happened to be parallel to the pontoon bridge.The machine gunner stepped onto the embankment, and under the moonlight, he could vaguely see a thick black shadow on the upper water surface, which he guessed was the pontoon bridge.So the machine guns were set up against the edge of the embankment, each aimed at one end of Qiao Ying, and each fired a dozen rounds.There was no mistake in this trial. There were sounds of chaotic footsteps at both ends of the bridge at the same time, and machine guns fired back at the south end of the bridge.Our troops on the embankment were facing the main road, already knowing that the enemy was paying attention to the east, and hurriedly snaked for another forty or fifty meters. Commander Sun shouted to charge in the shadows, and everyone jumped up and rushed towards the causeway.At the end of the bridge here, there were only seven or eight enemy guard posts. They saw that we were approaching fiercely and could not resist, so they ran across the river from the bridge.Why didn’t the leather shoes rattle when they stepped on the pontoon bridge supported by wooden planks? Besides, our army also had an agreement that the infantry would only rush to the back of the embankment, and wait for the machine guns to wipe out the enemies on the other side of the bridge before crossing. Go to the bridge and completely occupy the bridge. At that time, the machine gunners will be notified.Because of this, the shooter didn't have to speculate, knowing that the enemy was retreating in embarrassment, and immediately followed the sound of the bridge deck, and followed closely with a strafing shot.Our army on the bridgehead side brought plenty of Japanese grenades.Picking up a few bomb-throwing experts, they jumped up and threw four or five grenades on the embankment at the other end of the bridge. In the moonlight, the sparks and red smoke sprayed by the grenades on the ground saw a small group of devils falling Next, the enemy machine gun immediately fell silent.The soldiers shouted, go! We rushed across the bridge, and our machine guns naturally stopped firing sideways.Without resistance, they rushed across the other side of the bridge and completely occupied the pontoon bridge.
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