Home Categories contemporary fiction Long live Huben

Chapter 20 Chapter 16 Grenade Night Attack Wave Formation

Long live Huben 张恨水 3827Words 2018-03-19
After the two red balls shot down the enemy's formation, the enemy on the opposite side was indeed silent for a few minutes.But the enemy already knew where the mortar positions were.A semi-arc-shaped enemy artillery position, with more than a dozen cannons firing towards it, from east to west, on the horizon, about two or three miles long, with bursts of red light flashing, the enemy is firing without limit Mountain cannons, the sound of booming and booming, like continuous thunder.The ballistic trajectory in the dark sky brought out a flash of fire, which shot here in a parabola.Some are shot grenades, bursting out countless rays of light in the sky, symbolizing the death of war, stretching out several feet long claws, and pressing down on our position.The shells fell to the front, back, left, and right of the position; clusters of fireworks surged upwards, and the strong smell of sulfur not only entered the nostrils, but also enveloped the whole body.

At this moment, a strange whistling sound came through the air.Cheng Jianren and Feng Hongjun immediately saw a violent projectile flying head-on, so they ducked to the ground vigilantly. The movement of the cannonball was as fast as theirs, and with a loud bang, they felt overwhelmed. There was a great vibration on the embankment.The places where the shells fell were less than 30 meters apart: the flames and mud rose suddenly from the dry rice fields, stirring up several feet high.Cheng and Feng knew that the difficulty was over, so they still stood up.But following this bomb, bombs fell one after another in front of and behind this embankment, and the flames of the fire reflected the dark sky, and the embankment and tree shadows here could be illuminated from time to time.

The two felt that they could not expose their targets here, and walked into the headquarters of the Dixia Battalion at the same time. The deputy battalion commander had already connected the telephone and was talking to the commander of the fifth company in front.Feng Hongjun rushed forward, took the phone and said: "The fortification is destroyed, it doesn't matter, move the machine gun to the back of the fortification, hold it steady, hold it calmly." As he said this, he was already on the phone and heard There was a burst of rattling machine guns.He temporarily put down a stone in his heart, feeling that the front of the fifth company's stronghold had suppressed the enemy again.But the phone rang and came again with a report.Feng Hongjun connected the telephone, and heard the company commander Wang Zhenfang say: "Report to the battalion commander, the enemy has bombarded my position with seven or eight artillery pieces, and all the fortifications have been destroyed. A group of brothers in the reserve squad I led also suffered one casualty." Most of them. Squad leader Zhu Kexiu was killed in a charge just now. I repay the country and die here, and report to the battalion commander. Battalion Commander Feng shouted: "Good brother, it doesn't matter, I'll come, you stabilize the position. What do you say now?" The other side of the phone replied: "Now..." There are only these two words. It rang.

Battalion Commander Feng squatted on the ground, held the receiver, and fed him a few times, but there was still no reply. He clicked the receiver, put it on the phone cradle, looked back at the messenger standing beside him and said, "Tell me!" Squad Leader of the First Squad of the Fourth Company, assemble, and go up with me." In this sheltered underground headquarters, two red earth candles with sticks were inserted on the ground.The red-yellow candlelight swayed erratically, making Feng Hongjun's face turn red.Even though it was winter, I could still see his face in Chinese characters dripping with excitement and sweat, reflecting the candlelight.He stood up suddenly, and said to Cheng Jianren: "Staff, please stay here with the deputy battalion commander. I will go up and take back the stronghold of Caijiagang." Cheng Jianren was sitting on the ground, but he also stood up and faced him. Said: "You should send the company commander to go." He said: "No, I will go in person!" He touched the grenade hanging on his chest, picked up the rifle beside him, and hurried away .

After leaving the command post, the sky over the embankment was getting darker and darker.But on the southeast corner of Deshan City, the shell hit the city house, and the fire was burning with flames, rushing into the sky, there was already a red light, and the pastoral trees could be seen faintly in the light.This is facing the northern position, the flames flicker on the horizon along with the sound of gunfire.The same is true for the Western Heburden Front.Only Changde in the south was silent in the reflection of the red light.People are surrounded by the flames on three sides, and the sound of booming and crackling near and far makes people feel an indescribable emotion. He has such a stimulating thought that the Japanese are too deceitful. They think that the Chinese army does not have heavy weapons. , you can fight wherever you like.You don't even need to fight, just the sound and sparks of these cannons can frighten the Chinese soldiers.The fifty-seventh division is not such a person, let you see how good we are.Thinking this way in his heart, it seemed that there was a group of Japanese soldiers standing in front of him, and he spoke confidently, puffing up his chest.But he only had two or three minutes of contemplation, and he immediately came to his senses. When he turned his head, he saw Squad Leader Wang leading a group of brothers standing on the grass under the long embankment waiting for orders.

Feng Hongjun came over, and the distant flames were reflected by the black clouds in the sky, and he saw the brothers standing there, all of them full of energy.Then he spoke forward and said: "Before we set off, I have a few words to tell everyone that the Japanese devils, regardless of the heavy casualties, marched in a wave-like formation. During the day, the third battalion of our artillery showed its supernatural power and used mountain cannons to help us. It is impossible to destroy them. At night, it is very difficult for the artillery to find the dense Japanese devils. The division commander has instructed us a good way. We just let them rush up to a distance of 30 to 40 meters. Throw it over with a grenade. First, we need to cover ourselves and prevent the enemy from finding out, so that we can wait for them to rush over. Second, the grenade must be thrown accurately and must be thrown among them. Thirdly, the enemy's first wave is defeated by us, and the second wave will follow. We don't care about it, we show our fearless spirit and rush up immediately. The enemy's first wave The wave is stunned by the grenade, and as soon as we rush up, they will collapse. Their second wave, without our hands, will make the first wave that collapsed impulsive. When they move, we immediately use machine guns to chase them down. It is not difficult to bring back the lost Caijiagang at once. This kind of surprise attack is an honorable task, so I will personally take you to complete it, and it is over." After speaking, he raised his hand, raised his rifle, and walked forward.

The squad leader led a group of soldiers and followed closely behind.Here is a stone road to Caijiagang, passing through several short embankments.The enemy also has layers of short embankments, and we may ambush our troops. His mountain artillery and mortars are next to these embankments, but they just keep firing.On the way Feng Hongjun was advancing, shells kept falling.That is very clear, behind these artillery shells is the dense Japanese offensive force.Because of this, Feng Hongjun couldn't take these shells into consideration. With his troops, he just burrowed forward under the net of bullets, estimating that the shells flew over his head, so he ignored them.Seeing that the shell might fall nearby, he immediately fell to the ground.The shell exploded on the ground, the dust and shrapnel had been thrown away, and he continued walking.Fortunately, he was always the first one to walk. When he fell down, the brothers also fell down. When he walked, the brothers also walked.When the enemy blocked the road with artillery shells like that, they would not have thought that there would be Chinese troops coming up behind them.They followed the infantry that came up, and they only wanted to occupy the frontmost Chinese army position facing them, so they continued to advance across the causeway and dry rice fields in the wave formation during the day.

Feng Hongjun first ran up a short embankment, and saw that the pile of highlands in Caijiagang was less than a thousand meters away. The flames everywhere and the purple clouds in the sky had already faintly illuminated a group of black people on the sidewalk of the dry rice field in front of them. Shadow squirmed forward.He immediately crouched down, raised his hands backwards and made two moves. When the whole class arrived, they spread out and fell down on the causeway. Behind the group of people, less than 200 meters away, another group followed.The team in front of them was a little wary when they saw a horizontal embankment facing them. They stopped for two or three minutes and did not move. He shot two shots to see the reaction here, and two bullets shot towards the embankment.But there was no reaction on the embankment, as if there was no one here at all.When they fired their guns, it was at the left corner of the first group of black shadows. There must be several other people there, and this group of black shadows was also under a high field. But it is very safe to hide in the blind spot of Tiankan.

Battalion Commander Feng smiled secretly, don't I know about this flower gun? Ignoring you, he still lay down and opened his eyes, looking at the two groups of black figures in front and behind.Because the group of black shadows behind has moved forward slowly, not allowing the group in front to remain still, they have already concluded that there is no one on this embankment, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters, eighty meters are very close. Swarming to the front quickly, Feng Hongjun gritted his teeth and waited, not letting any of them slip through the net, until they advanced to around 30 meters.Even human hands and feet can be seen.Then he stood up suddenly, pulled out the safety of the grenade that had been in his hand for a long time, aimed it accurately, and threw it towards the enemy group.Cursing in his mouth: "Good boy, this time we let you fall into our trap." With a bang after these words, sparks and smoke burst out in front of his eyes.This grenade was fired, followed by five or six grenades in the past. This sudden attack, the enemy really panicked, and those who were not killed by the explosion fell forward.The light machine gun brought here had already been set up at the left corner of the embankment, and it immediately aimed at the wave-shaped team in front, firing a burst of fierce fire.Sure enough, as Battalion Commander Feng expected, they retreated too chaotically, crushing the group of figures following behind, and fled all the way backward.

Battalion Commander Feng saw that Caijiagang was right in front of him. The group of people he was guarding there were led by the company commander himself.So he called to a squad leader who was lurking beside him and said: "Order the brothers to go up with me, and we will bring Cai Jiagang back immediately." They had no losses, and everyone was very excited. They all took up weapons and rushed forward along the way the enemy came.It just so happened that there were only three wave teams in this group of enemies. The first team was destroyed, the second team was overwhelmed by the first team, and the third team saw the two teams in front collapsed, so of course they couldn't stand still.Therefore, they also retreated backwards, and retreated to the chestnut bridge, the big stronghold that came forward.

When Feng Hongjun saw that the enemy was going to retreat, he just chased after him, and he chased to Caijiagang. It turned out that the fortification had been completely destroyed by the artillery fire. Except for Chengren, six or seven of the brothers slept on the ground, and the rest were lying on the ground. It has disappeared. The fortifications originally built here were on a high ground. In order to reduce the obstacles to shooting, all the trees in front of them had been cut down.The defenders, in their trenches and shelters, overlooked the present plain quite clearly. Feng Hongjun first found the company command post, which was already a pile of dirt, maybe the company commander and several brothers were still in the dirt, standing here by himself, unconsciously gave a military salute in awe.But the enemy hadn't retreated very far, so he didn't have any time to spare, so he immediately issued an order, ordering the squad leader to take the light machine gun and place it behind the destroyed fortifications, and temporarily made a machine gun stand to guide the brothers, and distributed them among the stragglers who still had some forms trench.Directing back and forth by myself, the whistle sounded under his feet, and he bumped into a hard object.He leaned down and touched his hand, but it was a telephone. He pulled the cord of the phone with his hand, and it was not broken.I couldn't help shouting in my heart, miracle, miracle! Put down the rifle in your hand, squatted on the ground, shook the phone a few times, and gave a sound with the headset. Someone asked over there, where? Feng Hongjun I couldn't help but jumped twice with joy, and I heard the voice, it was the deputy battalion commander, and immediately told the situation here.Then Cheng Jianren answered the call, he said: "You guys brought Cai Jiagang back, that's good, we'll keep in touch at any time, don't stop, I'll forward it to the teacher immediately." Feng Hongjun put down the phone, and was about to do something to the front A more detailed observation shows that the enemy's artillery positions have already fired fiercely at this point. In only three or four minutes, more than a dozen artillery shells fell on the front and back of this position.The whole class of brothers brought here were all in the flames of the shell explosion.
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