Home Categories contemporary fiction Long live Huben

Chapter 12 Chapter 8 Thank you for the gift and no tip

Long live Huben 张恨水 3516Words 2018-03-19
Are the pigeons Rui Birds? But at least it proves that after the Central Bank became the headquarters of the Huben Division, they did not feel uneasy, so the division moved from Xiananmen to Xingjiekou. as usual.But it was as usual, Cheng and Li stayed up all night, walked back and forth for seventy miles, climbed into bed, and slept very soundly.At around four o'clock, Cheng Jianren was awakened by the sound of gunfire in the distance. He looked at his watch so he didn't have to go back to sleep. He woke up Staff Officer Li again and found a basin of cold water to wash his face. It just so happened that the messenger came again and asked the two to meet the division commander. They accepted the division commander's instructions for the second time, and each walked out of the central bank with a flashlight.The simple luggage of Staff Officer Li was carried by the orderly Zhou Taifu, and the luggage of Staff Officer Cheng was still carried by Wang Biao. Their directions were exactly the opposite, one to the east and the other to the west.

Walking to Xingjiekou intersection, Cheng Jianren and Staff Officer Li shook hands and said, "Goodbye, I hope you will work hard to kill the thief!" Staff Officer Li felt that his handshake was tight and heavy, so he replied: "Good friend, let me give you a handshake!" I thank you for that." So the two broke up.Staff Officer Li went out of the city to the east. It was the end of the month, and the moon was like a half mirror. Its light was not very bright, and the night dew was heavy.In a city without lights, although it is a familiar road, it is also difficult to walk with one foot high and one foot low.

Those who have been listening to gunfire day and night for the past few days didn't mind it at all, but when the two of them walked, except for the rustling sound of straw sandals stepping on the stone slab, there was no sound around them, so the gunfire was extraordinarily violent.This has reached the routine of military families. When attacking at dawn, the sound of rifles and machine guns is mixed together.Before dawn, the northwest wind was particularly cold, blowing from the oblique corner of the desolate street, and pounced on people like a sharp razor, shaving people's vellus hair.In this way, people can't help stepping up their steps, so as to use this little exercise to increase the heating.

Hearing that his footsteps were heavy, Staff Officer Li said with a smile: "Zhou Taifu, do you feel cold?" It's crackling again, it's like when I was a child, I watched the New Year's Eve on the night of the New Year's Eve, and I didn't go to pay New Year's greetings until dawn. Isn't this setting off firecrackers?" Staff Officer Li laughed and said, "You are not ambiguous. Zhou Taifu said: "Staff, don't think that I don't have enough knowledge. I really want to be a squad leader and platoon leader, leading a small group of brothers to meet the enemy once." Staff Li smiled and said: "Your hope, I want to is achievable. "As he spoke, he had arrived at Xinmin Bridge, and he had already left the city. The Tianjiao in front of him was already a fish-belly color, and a burst of violent gunshots, like a row of bamboo frames falling down, was found on the south side.

Da dong, da dong, whoa! Whoa! The sound of small steel cannons and mortars is mixed with the sound of gunfire.Staff Officer Li yelled and said: "This means that the enemy has drilled into Majiapu. The sound seems to be at the Luo intersection." Zhou Taifu said: "It is indeed the Luo intersection." Staff officer Li said: "Go slowly, we Don't get into the enemy's trap in a daze." When he said that, he stood still and saw a low wall nearby.So he climbed up the low wall, and from the low wall, he climbed onto the ridge of other people's houses.Stand up and look, to the south of here, there is a spark rising along the ground.On the opposite side of the fire, less than a kilometer away, there are also sporadic fires, forming a white light from time to time.It was clear that there was the enemy's fierce offensive line.On our side, there is limited resistance.On the enemy's side, meteor-like flames formed countless arcs in the sky, covering the small flames.

In this line of fire, one by one red balls, mixed with falling.This shows the bullets of the former, and the mortar shells of the latter, and the enemy is firing more firepower.Among the fire lines, there are three or four places where the large groups of fire lines represent mountain cannons.This can know how many guns the enemy still has.He looked a little worried.In the north corner here, echoed by a burst of violent gunfire, a ray of white light also formed, which means that we are also strengthening our firepower here.Turning his head and looking straight ahead, the flames emitted from the ground were still ten miles away.

From the Luo intersection to the other side, there is still a big gap in the middle, so he went up and down from the house, and said to Zhou Taifu: "Let's go forward, go forward and find our security forces, you can ask for news." At this time The sky was getting a little dim, and walking along the stone road in front of us, we saw that we had cleared the shooting obstacle line in front of an open space, so there should be a defensive position here.Then he slowed down and moved forward. Not far from the roadside, he had found a foxhole, and he was outside the country, and there were no soldiers in sight.Staff Officer Li is anticipating the security forces here, and they are already lying in the trenches to prepare for battle.

Just when a liaison soldier came out of the trench and met him, Staff Officer Li told him his identity and mission.The liaison soldier said: "We are a platoon of the seventh company here, and the platoon leader is in front. We have been in contact with each other for a long time at Luolukou. Our Battalion Commander Meng personally led a company to meet there, and there is another company. A company from a certain regiment newly arrived in Deshan." Staff officer Li said: "You lead me to see your squad leader first." The liaison soldier turned around and jumped into the skirmisher trench.

Staff Officer Li followed, and the trench was nearly one person deep, facing the direction of the enemy coming from the east. A cover line was built along the trench with large stones, and the stone was covered with dry turf, which was no different from the normal ground.The soldiers spread out and stood there separately, ready to fire at any time.Following this curved trench, we arrived at a place covered with stones. The liaison soldier took a step ahead and called out to the squad leader, Staff Officer Li from the division headquarters.The squad leader rushed out to hold his gun and salute.

Staff Officer Li asked: "Has your company commander gone up?" Squad Leader Wu said: "The Ninth Company fought for three days and three nights in the area of ​​Niubitan. There are more and more enemies. There are probably more than two thousand people. Yesterday they had Seven or eight guns and three planes assisted in the battle. This company suffered a lot of casualties. Battalion Commander Meng ordered our company commander Zhang to bring two teams up to help, and they are currently in Majiapu. Here is a group of people on guard." Staff Officer Li said: "I want to Go up and have a look, be careful here, and don't let the enemy at the Luo intersection counterattack and copy behind us." Squad leader Wu said: "Can the staff stay here? I'm afraid it will not be easy to go ahead." He said When he said that, he looked at Staff Officer Li, who had only one pistol.

Staff Officer Li said: "I still have an orderly with me. Just in case we meet together, can you give us three grenades?" When he saw that Zhou Taifu was also coming, he smiled and said: "The one you brought Small baggage, you can put it here, three grenades, you take two, I will take one." Zhou Taifu said: "Okay, let's do it!" As he said, he put down the burden on his back.Sure enough, Squad Leader Wu brought three grenades, and they hung them up in front of their pockets.Staff Officer Li took out a box of cigarettes, gave one to Squad Leader Wu, held one in his mouth, took out the matchbox, struck a match, and the two of them lit the cigarettes. Squad leader Wu took a deep puff of cigarette and said with a smile: "It's dawn, if the staff officer wants to go up, please hurry up and wait for a while, I'm afraid the enemy will come and walk in the way." Staff officer Li said: "This It makes sense. Zhou Taifu, let's go." So the two jumped out of the trench and walked forward quickly.After walking less than a mile, there were indeed three enemy planes, which were spotted in the mid-air, but they were only going up, down, left, and right on the front of the formation, patrolling back and forth, and hadn't come directly to this side. I don't care about it, just go forward, and after about two miles, there is a three-way intersection. On the edge of the intersection, there is a small stream running across the rice fields, flowing to the Yuanjiang River in the south.There is a clump of withered yellow reed grass fluffily hugging the river.The two of them walked along the bank of the small river and were going downstream to cross a bridge.Zhou Taifu jumped forward lightly, grabbing Staff Li's clothes.Alarmed, he stopped abruptly, separated by the reeds, and saw three enemy infantrymen in yellow clothes on the other side of the river, about to cross the bridge and come this way. The distance between each other was less than ten feet away. very real.So the two squatted down in unison. Zhou Taifu was already holding a grenade in front of him, and for about two minutes, the three of them walked across the bridge together, still muttering Japanese.Zhou Taifu stood up, unplugged the fuse, aimed the grenade at the man in the middle and threw it.As soon as the three people crossed the bridge, they didn't pay attention to the two sides.With a bang, the grenade fell to the ground and exploded, and all three fell down. At this time, Staff Officer Li also took the grenade and planned to throw it out. Seeing that the three of them were all down, he cherished the only grenade and put it in his pocket.Draw your pistol immediately.He could already see clearly that the two people in front were bloody and bloody from the blast, and the man behind was lying on the ground, still moving a little, so he aimed at him, and a bullet hit his head. Zhou Taifu ran forward and kicked the three of them twice without any resistance.He smiled and said: "It deserves it, why did this kid lose contact, and came here by mistake. There is no guy, and now there is a guy." He picked up a 38-type rifle from the last enemy soldier's arms, weighed it He looked at it movingly, and said with a smile: "I deserve to be rich, this gun is not broken at all." Then, he bent down again, and baited the bullet belt and meat knife on the corpse. Staff Officer Li still took a pistol and looked around, because he said: "Don't be careless, if the enemy's scouts, there will not be only three people, I'm afraid there are still people behind." So the two of them fled behind the reeds and stood there for a few minutes. , Looking around, there is really no one.Staff Officer Li was interested in this prey, and went forward, picked up the rifles of two enemy corpse soldiers and searched for things, except for useless things like military tickets and thousand needles, and another pocket diary Look at three packs of cigarettes. This cigarette is not a Japanese product, but produced in the enemy-occupied area.Opening the diary, I knew that they were the Toda Detachment of the 40th Division of the enemy army.There are more than 4,000 people in their detachment alone.That is to say, there are at least this number of enemies on this road. What we fought in front was only two companies, almost one against ten.Seeing him standing and flipping through the diary, Zhou Taifu asked, "Does Staff Li know Japanese characters?" Staff Li said, "There are Chinese characters mixed in here, so you can guess half of them. They are from the Toda Detachment, and the person who wrote the diary is a Waiting for the soldiers." Zhou Taifu said: "How many of them are there?" Staff Officer Li said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how many people he has, we will deal with him as we would deal with these three people. This is a prize of victory, and I will give you a box of cigarettes .” With that said, handed it to him. Zhou Taifu said: "Officer Li let you smoke. Now Changde can't buy cigarettes, and I don't have any addiction at all." Staff Li put the cigarettes in his bag and said with a smile: "Then I won't be polite. You see, this Are there any things on the three devils that you can use?" Zhou Taifu said: "I think the coats on the devil soldiers are unlucky, these three devils are as poor as me, and they all have no coats. Let's go, there is an urgent need ahead. Very, it’s even harder to go back.” He picked up the 38 gun on his back, gave a funny military salute to the enemy corpse on the ground, raised his hand, hit his face, then put it down, laughing Said: "My friend from the East who sent the gun, thank you, thank you! I didn't bring any money, so I'm sorry I won't give you a tip." After finishing speaking, he kicked the enemy's corpse and said: "Good dogs don't block the way, let me cross the bridge Go." He stepped over the corpse and walked towards Banqiao, and Staff Officer Li followed behind and couldn't help laughing.
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