Home Categories contemporary fiction blue cheongsam

Chapter 13 13 peace

blue cheongsam 贾立峰 5143Words 2018-03-19
Time flies so fast, and I entered the Layue Gate in a blink of an eye.The smell of the new year is strong, and the smell of sorrow in Bai Xiangyi is also strong.Living with Kong Baogui for just a few months, she was neither happy nor unhappy. For his death, she had real sorrow, but it was not out of love, but more out of sympathy and compassion. After blaming herself and being sad, she felt a little relaxed, even though she didn't want to admit it. Hu Guihua came and went every now and then, and when she came, she couldn't get along with Bai Xiangyi's stomach. It's been three months, why hasn't she been showing off?Bai Xiangyi knew what she was suspicious of, and also knew that once her fake pregnancy was revealed, she would have no place in this village, but Xiangyi could only endure day by day, there was no other way.

Bai Xiangyi is a proud person at heart, her short marriage with Baogui has made her mature a lot, she dare not ask for anything extravagantly.Marrying Kong Baogui just wanted to have a home, but the home collapsed just after it was built.For Gao Yuan, she doesn't know whether she loves him or not, but he is the first man who really walked into her heart. She once thought that Xiao Gao loved her, as long as she nodded slightly, Xiao Gao's arms were her. of.But now it seems that all of that is an illusion, including this small courtyard where she poured her heart and soul into, and the wheat that is sleeping under the snow. There has never been a day that really belongs to her, and soon she will have nothing.

The sad Bai Xiangyi suddenly remembered a poem by Yan Rui: "It's not that I love wind and dust, but I seem to have been misled by the front. When the flowers fall and bloom, they always rely on the Lord of the East. If you go, you have to go, and you can live as you live! If you get The mountain flowers are all over the head, don't ask where the slave returns." Although hundreds of years have passed between Yan Rui and Bai Xiangyi, Bai Xiangyi feels that this poem is prepared for her now. She will eventually leave here to find her own land, her own home, but if she really wants to leave, how easy is it?

The plateau is not comfortable these days, and has been entangled in the same dream, dreaming back at midnight, always sweating profusely.In the dream, the scene of him drinking with Kong Baogui repeatedly appeared. Neither of them spoke, drinking one cup after another.Suddenly Kong Baogui's face swelled up like a piece of fermented dough, and a thin layer of blood oozed out. He had an inescapable responsibility for Treasure Cabinet's death, Xiao Gao knew this well, and the condemnation of his conscience made him restless.When Yucui asked him to marry Bai Xiangyi, he was suddenly terrified, wondering if he had committed a criminal murder because of his love for Bai Xiangyi.He couldn't agree, and felt that if he married Bai Xiangyi, it would be a verification of this fact.

Gao Yuan secretly went to the tomb of Kong Baogui once, burned some paper money, and prayed to the grave for the unforgivable sin he committed unintentionally, and shed tears to reassure Kong Baogui, no matter when and where , he will protect and take care of Bai Xiangyi like a younger brother, but he will never marry her. After returning from the tomb of Kong Baogui, Gao Yuan felt a lot more relaxed, but this relaxation did not last long. He was defeated as soon as he saw Bai Xiangyi, regretting the oath he made to the dead.There is a desire in his heart, which is like a tide and surging, that is, he desires to have this woman, no matter what her past is, he will have her.But he had to warn himself again and again that this was absolutely impossible.

That day he was guarding the door for her at Bai Xiangyi's house, and the smell of Bai Xiangyi lingered around him, making him distracted all night, hugging a pillow with all his might, his blood was boiling like a pot of water on a stove.In the morning, Yucui excitedly ran over to be a big matchmaker, but he suddenly remembered the oath he made to the dead, even though Yucui's mouth was worn out, he shook his head and said no, but was finally forced by Yucui, and fell into despair. escape.In the days to come, he didn't want to neglect Bai Xiangyi, but he didn't know how to face her, so his face was calm.

Bai Xiangyi was also obviously avoiding the plateau.Gao Yuan found that Bai Xiangyi's beauty added a bit of coldness, that kind of coldness directly hit his heart, and made his heart suddenly ache. There were many times that he almost got carried away. body temperature to melt the ice shell of Bai Xiangyi.But the man in the tomb would always emerge at this time and push him back. He was fighting a hopeless battle with a dead man. In a blink of an eye, it was already the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the school was on holiday, and he was the only one left on campus.He began to miss Bai Xiangyi strongly, and at the same time he also missed his parents strongly.The image of my parents in my memory is vague, I seldom saw them when I was a child, they were always busy.He and some friends were taken care of by several uncles and aunts, moving between the city and the countryside.During that time, he successively completed the courses from elementary school to middle school.At first, I could still see my father or mother for a year, but then I lost track of them completely.At the age of eighteen, he walked into the army camp and was wounded in a battle. In fact, it was only a very slight injury, but the head of the army ordered him to recuperate in this village. In this small village, he taught the children how to read and said that this is also a revolutionary task, so he must obey.He has been in this village for four or five years, and he has earnestly carried out the orders of the chief.

Gao Yuan stood in the sun, looked up at the sky, and looked down at his own shadow.Occasionally, there are children's laughter and sporadic explosions of firecrackers on the street, reminding that the new year is coming.Gao Yuan walked out of school bored and saw a few old people lined up at the base of the wall, basking comfortably in the sun, so he went over to listen to their gossip. The old people greeted Gao Yuan cordially, and said they would tell him a beautiful daughter-in-law, and asked him if he would like it.Xiao Gao smiled shyly and begged them to tell a lie. An old man said that on a very sultry summer night, he was enjoying the shade alone in the courtyard, when he suddenly felt that someone was holding his shoulder, and when he looked down, it was a furry paw.He was taken aback at first, but immediately calmed down, and smoked one bag after another calmly until the pot of the pipe was burnt red, and then he poked hard on the paw, only to hear a squeak.

Gao Yuan asked: "What happened next?" "It's over. Isn't it over if that thing runs away?" the old man said with a smile. "Sir, do you think there are ghosts in this world?" Gao Yuan asked again. "Ghosts exist, and they don't exist. Ghosts are in people's hearts." The old man's answer was full of wisdom. Xiao Gao became thoughtful after hearing this, and became dazed, because there was a ghost hiding in his heart. "Hehe, look!" cried another old man, "a big beetle came up the big slope, it is really rare!"

Everyone looked up the big slope and saw a jeep approaching slowly, with dust rising more than ten feet high behind the car. The jeep drove into the village and stopped at the gate of the school.When the people in the village heard the commotion, they all ran out to watch it. A large crowd of men, women, old and children surrounded the scene.Gao Gao hadn't seen Bai Xiangyi for a few days. He didn't care to look at the jeep, but looked for Bai Xiangyi in the crowd. Two soldiers got out of the jeep, a man and a woman, both in their thirties.The male soldier looked around at the onlookers, cleared his throat and asked, "My fellow, is there a man named Gao Yuan in our village?"

Gao Yuan didn't find Bai Xiangyi, and was distracted when he suddenly heard the word "Gao Yuan" very familiar. Thinking about it, it was more than familiar, he was Gao Yuan, but after living in the village for a long time, people used to call him Xiao Gao. The name is also unfamiliar.Gao Yuan became frightened, and murmured to himself: "Could it be that they came to arrest me after they knew about my punching the treasure chest?" Say, "I am." The male and female soldiers looked him up, down, left, and right, and smiled at each other.The female soldier said softly to the male soldier: "It's really like it, I can't make a mistake this time." The female soldier came forward, took Gao Yuan's hand and said affectionately: "Comrade Gao Yuan, you made us look for it very hard. We thought it would be difficult to get a job with the chief again a year ago. It's really hard to find place, it will take no effort at all.” Gao Yuan was very uncomfortable being pulled by her, he broke free and asked, "What do you want from me?" The female soldier took out a photo, handed it to Xiao Gao and said, "Look, what is this?" This is an old photo with yellowing, and the corners have been damaged.In the photo, there are two soldiers, a man and a woman. The woman is heroic and the man is resolute and upright. There is a little boy between them, grinning toothlessly.Xiao Gao remembered that the woman he dreamed of leaving him during his illness was the woman in the photo, and also the mother he had dreamed of. The man was his father, and the little one was naturally himself. His vision was blurred, something seemed to be choked in his throat, and he couldn't speak for a long time. He heard the female soldier say: "That's it, your family can have a reunion year." The male soldier patted him on the shoulder affectionately and said, "Comrade Gao Yuan, don't be dazed, pack up your things and come with us." Gao Yuan nodded, then shook his head immediately, he thought of Bai Xiangyi, he left, what should she do? "No, I can't go," he said firmly. The two soldiers exchanged puzzled looks, and the female soldier said, "Don't you miss your parents? They miss you like crazy!" "I want to, very much. But I can't go now." Gao Yuan was a little excited. The male soldier smiled tolerantly, and said to the female soldier: "Look at us, we are confused when we found Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan has lived here for so many years, and there must be a lot of things to explain. How can we just leave?" Then Then he smiled and asked Xiao Gao, "Isn't it, Gao Yuan?" Gao Yuan nodded. The male soldier said in a negotiating tone: "How about this, we will pick you up tomorrow, you pack up, and say goodbye to the fellow villagers. Gao Yuan, do you think it's okay? If it's later, we won't be able to go back to the business." Gao Yuan pondered for a while, then reluctantly nodded. He actually had nothing worth packing, so he quickly packed a small package and left it on the bed. When the village head heard the news, he first congratulated him on finding his parents, and said that he would give him a farewell party at night.Gao Yuan strongly resigned, but the village chief said that he looked down on him if he didn't go, so Gao Yuan couldn't refuse.The farewell banquet was quite sumptuous, and the village chief brought out all the New Year's goods that he had prepared for the New Year, and invited a few prominent figures in the village to accompany him.When sitting at the table, the village head wanted to put him at the head, but he was resolutely unwilling, so he had to sit down by himself. For this reason, the village head repeatedly said during the table that he had neglected Comrade Gao Yuan.They talked about Gao Yuan comrades one by one, and they were used to being called Xiao Gao. Gao Yuan was very uncomfortable and felt that the Gao Yuan they called was a person who had nothing to do with them. This is the banquet with the highest courtesy that Gao Yuan has received in his life, and it is also the most unbearable banquet. He is absent-minded and always distracted. People say to have a glass of wine with him, but he drinks from the teacup.In the end, he listened to people's endless emotional talk, and felt that the banquet seemed to go on forever, so he had to pretend to be drunk and leave, which made the village chief very disappointed, saying that he was not interesting, but he could no longer take care of it. Many, he wanted to see Bai Xiangyi, and felt that he would go crazy if he didn't see Bai Xiangyi again. On the way to Bai Xiangyi's house, he dug out a few holes in the wall, luckily, he harvested three chubby sparrows. The courtyard door of Bai Xiangyi's house was closed tightly, and there was no sound, as if he had already fallen asleep.He knocked on the door loudly with the strength of alcohol.After a while, he heard the sound of opening the door, and then Bai Xiangyi's voice floated out: "Who is it?" "it's me." "Mr. Gao, it's getting late. If you have something to say, let's talk about it tomorrow." "No, you must open the door for me." Bai Xiangyi still insisted that if there is something to talk about tomorrow, he said: "If you don't open the door, I will knock here all night." Bai Xiangyi didn't make a sound for a long while, but finally the courtyard door opened with a creak. One after the other, they walked into the room, Bai Xiangyi sat on the edge of the Kang, Gao Yuan moved a small stool and sat in the middle of the room.Gao Gao said sadly: "I'm leaving tomorrow." "I know, congratulations on finding your parents." Bai Xiangyi said calmly, neither salty nor plain. "I don't want to leave, I want to come back." Xiao Gao declared. "Oh." Bai Xiangyi responded indifferently, as if whether you go or come back is none of my business. Gao Yuan was a little anxious, but fortunately he drank alcohol, which emboldened him, otherwise he might never have the chance to say what he said later in his life. "I can't bear you!" Bai Xiangyi heard it like thunder, but quickly calmed down, and said with a sneer, "Really? I can't afford it!" Gao Yuan rushed to Bai Xiangyi and grabbed her hand. Bai Xiangyi wanted to break free, but was held tightly by Gao Yuan.The hand hurt so much, Bai Xiangyi couldn't help moaning, Gao Yuan let go of his hand slightly, and took out a sparrow from his pocket.Bai Xiangyi was baffled by him, so he struggled to withdraw his hand.Xiao Gao put in more effort to prevent her from escaping, and said softly, "Xiang Yi, don't move, the sparrow's brain is the best cure for chilblain." Bai Xiangyi shuddered and said, "You are too cruel! Even if it is more effective than elixir, I won't cure it, you let it go." Gao Yuan was stunned, looked at Bai Xiangyi, smiled unnaturally, and said, "I'm cruel because of you." Then, he walked to the door and let the three sparrows go. Bai Xiangyi felt a little guilty in her heart, felt that she had gone too far, so she said in a deliberately cheerful tone: "However, I still want to thank you for your kindness." Hearing the sound, Gao Yuan turned around and saw the graceful Bai Xiangyi smiling at him under the shadow of the lamp. His blood surged after he hadn't drunk much, and he was instantly drunk. He took a few steps and grabbed Bai Xiangyi's hand holding.This time, Bai Xiangyi was not willing to refuse, and under Xiao Gao's gentle touch, her hand produced a very subtle numbness, which quickly spread throughout her body. Gao Yuan took advantage of the situation and hugged Bai Xiangyi into his arms. This time Bai Xiangyi didn't try to struggle, but pressed his face tightly against his chest.Neither of them spoke, their hearts were beating wildly together. They didn't move, as if it was just a dream, and if they moved slightly, it would disappear.Happiness comes too suddenly and easily, which often causes people to have illusions, but even if this kind of happiness is short-lived, it will be engraved with an eternal brand, and it will not change color for a long time.They maintained this posture for an unknown amount of time, until Gao Yuan felt that his chest was getting wet, and he realized that Bai Xiangyi had already cried into tears, and his cotton padded clothes were soaked in a large area. "Xiangyi, wait for me, I'll go see my parents, I'll be back soon." Xiao Gao whispered into Bai Xiangyi's ear, although Gao Yuan lowered his voice, it sounded like a thunderclap in Bai Xiangyi's ears, Woke up Bai Xiangyi from her dream. She broke free from Gao Yuan's embrace and looked carefully at Gao Yuan's handsome face. She wanted to clearly remember the man in front of her, every eyebrow and every hair of him. She had a premonition that she would never see him again. Here's a chance to see this face.Then she hardened her heart and said, "Mr. Gao, you can go back, you have to hurry tomorrow." Gao Yuan nodded, and reluctantly walked towards the door, but he couldn't help but turn his head and take another look at Bai Xiangyi. "Xiang Yi, before I leave, let me see how you look in cheongsam, okay?" Bai Xiangyi nodded.She got up and washed her face carefully, combed her messy hair, asked Gao Yuan to face her, and changed into a cheongsam.She put on a cheongsam, Pingting walked past Xiao Gao, and changed into another one.It was very cold, and the cheongsam could not keep out the cold, and her hands and feet soon became numb, but she persisted and showed Xiao Gao one by one.That night disappeared little by little while Bai Xiangyi was constantly changing the cheongsam. When Bai Xiangyi changed into the last cheongsam, it was already dawn. Gao Yuan hugged Bai Xiangyi into his arms again, feeling that Bai Xiangyi was already cold all over. Gao Yuan murmured: "Do you know? I like the blue cheongsam you wear the most." "Really? How about I put it on for you again." Bai Xiangyi's cold body greedily absorbed the heat from Gao Gao's body, and she was actually reluctant to leave his body. "No need, there will be opportunities in the future." Gao Yuan said softly. Bai Xiangyi hugged Gao Yuan even tighter, she didn't have the confidence to believe the opportunity that Gao Yuan said. Gao Yuan's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he whispered dreamily in Bai Xiangyi's ear, "Xiangyi, I think..." Bai Xiangyi groaned in her heart, she wanted to push the plateau away.Gao Yuan picked her up and put her on the kang.Before Bai Xiangyi struggled, she was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the plateau, as if in an instant, she stepped from the cold winter into the warm spring, and she heard the sound of revival of all things, melodious and melodious, like the sound of heaven.
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