Home Categories contemporary fiction Buyu Mountain Residence

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

Buyu Mountain Residence 严歌苓 14441Words 2018-03-19
At ten o'clock that night, all the tents sank into darkness in one fell swoop as the lights were turned off, and only the lights of the company headquarters were still on.A voice asked at the door if Company Commander Wen was there.Wen Qiang hurriedly put a shirt on his naked body.He recognized the voice already. Li Xin was standing more than ten steps away from the tent, her military uniform skirt was short, she must have tampered with the length.While fanning her folding fan, she said that she had to go first on Sunday and go directly to the division to get a ride into the provincial capital, and Company Commander Wen could bring her water and soil samples to the Provincial Institute of Mines and Mines.

Wen Qiang invited her into the company office, fearing that she would be bitten by mosquitoes outside.Li Xin asked if it was convenient.Wen Qiang said it was very convenient, and the instructor went back to the barracks to sleep.As soon as this sentence was said, Wen Qiang immediately scolded himself as an asshole in his heart: Is it convenient for them not to have the instructor?The female military doctor didn't realize it, and walked quickly into the tent of the company office.The generator was ringing not far away, so the light bulbs hanging on the top of the tent trembled thinly.Wen Qiang hurriedly turned on the oscillating fan on the long table, entertaining the female military doctor with the buzzing wind.The long table is used as a conference table when the whole company holds cadre meetings, and it is usually used for soldiers to play table tennis—if anyone is too tired to die and can still play.

Wen Qiang was moving a chair, intending to ask the female military doctor to sit down. Li Xin sat down on the table tennis table with one foot resting on the other, clattering in the air.The skirt got shorter as soon as she sat down, so short that Wen Qiang couldn't stand opposite her and talk to her.Where have the men in Guanzhong seen such two thighs?Deutsche took it for granted.While shaking her legs lightly, she said that if she went to the Mining Research Institute to urge her based on her relationship, the test results might come out within a week.Wen Qiang smoked a cigarette and said that he would not bother Dr. Li, and they would send someone to send the water samples to the military area as soon as possible.Li Xin said that if he ran into a staff officer who was doing nothing, the matter could be delayed for a month or two.Even with chronic diarrhea, one or two months can wipe out one hundred and fifty heroes of Yama Wanglian.She spoke unhurriedly, with a child's face that had nothing to do with a "military doctor".

"In a month or two, our section of the roadbed will be finished, and it's time to set up tents," Wen Qiang said.He tried his best to make his eyes numb, and he seemed to treat the beautiful female military doctor as equally as he treated the other three female soldiers. After the medical team arrived at the third company, one person was drawn from each platoon to form a reception team.Commander's order.Wen Qiang scolded the battalion commander in his heart, "There are more things than mothers and aunts!" But he understood that this is the old way of the army, expressing emotions in a big and empty way, and the more flowery the better.The five soldiers drawn from the five companies were in charge of serving the medical team, filling them with five thermos pots early in the morning, washing their faces and rinsing their mouths, picking out five buckets of water for them to take a bath at night, serving them vegetables and tea for three meals, and going to bed. Check the mosquitoes in the tents for them beforehand, and at the same time light mosquito coils by their beds.Wen Qiang soon discovered that the five-person reception team had a new face every time. After asking the platoon leaders, he learned that the platoon leaders rewarded the soldiers by serving the medical team.It's just that those five people don't work every day and hang out with the female soldiers every day?It's not fair, there are three shifts in the morning, noon, and evening, and each of them takes a turn.

Wen Qiang looked at the five platoon leaders.He thought he would have a strong reason to refute them, but he smiled and said, "Is there still so much energy in jumping up?" The five platoon leaders said that's not the case, otherwise it would be even more boring.Wen Qiang soon heard another report, saying that the soldiers all wanted to take the eight o'clock shift to fetch water.In the morning, all the doctors and nurses in the medical team had breakfast, and only Dr. Li Jun slept in.The young female military doctor slept so soundly in the morning!It is even more delicious than the standard luncheon meat sandwiched with sesame seeds, mung bean porridge and salted duck eggs!Doctor Li Jun is a lazy bug, sleeping until 8:30.So bring her a basin of warm washing water and a thermos to her bedside. It must be after eight o'clock, otherwise the water will be cold.Water cannot be placed outside the tent, because a layer of red dust will fall on the water surface when the wind blows.The soldier who got the face wash and mouthwash for Dr. Li would put the water under her bed while the other four soldiers waited anxiously.The four fighters would attack the fighter together after he came out of the tent, saying that he had been in the tent for at least two minutes, and asking him what he had seen.This soldier will definitely fight back with a red face and a red neck, saying that he is tightly wrapped in a polka-dotted pajamas, what can he see? !The other four fighters will attack him more and more viciously, saying that they even saw the polka-dotted pajamas and said they didn't see it!The warrior who was annoyed by the vicious fight would kick the ground covered in red dust like a donkey rolling to prove his innocence.Later, the five soldiers divided this "beautiful mission" into two: two people went in first, one brought face wash water, and the other held mouthwash, and then three people went in again, and placed four thermos pots beside the beds of four female soldiers. (The people in those three beds were at the breakfast table).This is conducive to mutual supervision. They don't peek into Dr. Li's mosquito net, and peeking is extremely limited, just a quick glance or two.Even so, the soldiers still regard it as a beautiful job to deliver water to the beautiful sleeping female military doctor.That tent in the morning was full of her beautiful sleep, soldiers in their eighteenth or nineteenth year would rather stay in that sleep for a while, and feel dizzy——Wen Qiang imagined it this way.

At this moment Wen Qiang looked at Li Xin, he thought, who can blame her for being so beautiful and showing her arms and legs so frankly and innocently?She also spares no expense on her singing, every soldier can record it with her ears and keep it in her memory, so who can she blame?The boys were on fire for her, wet their trousers at night and squeezed pimples during the day, you can't blame the boys.She has everything: beauty, status, and singing as Teresa Teng, Yuan Bo, and Li Guyi. Can she blame the soldiers for getting mad at her? Wen Qiang expressed his gratitude to Dr. Li, and asked her to rest assured that they had their own way to detect the water quality problem as soon as possible.Li Xin said that she had already asked for a car from the division headquarters, and the car would pick her up at the battalion headquarters.She said that the sooner the water quality is clarified, the soldiers will recover one day earlier, isn't it, Company Commander Wen?Wen Qiang said that as long as everyone saves a little more drinking water, it will be enough to carry water from the camp to the completion of the roadbed.

Li Xin was silent. Wen Qiang made her feel uncomfortable in silence.He doubted that she had seen his and the instructor's intentions: to keep the water quality a secret, to fight thirst throughout the company, and to make do with the truckload of water brought from the battalion headquarters, so that they would not be forced to relocate and slow down the progress. Li Xin jumped off the ping-pong table, one foot went limp, and when he tilted, he giggled to himself, saying that his legs were numb.Wen Qiang watched her lift one leg, put one hand on the edge of the table, and use the other hand to relax the numb legs and activate blood circulation.He asked where she was from.Chongqing people.What about Company Commander Wen?guess.Are you from Suide?Can you recognize Suide's accent?I can't hear it, but I know a sentence - "Mizhi's mother-in-law and aunt Suide's Han".Wrong, "It's Mizhi's aunt and aunt from Guanzhong Han"!

Wen Qiang thought to himself, don't look at this female military doctor singing and humming, she is cute and silly, she is very thoughtful, it seems that it is not she herself who is praising him, but an ancient saying. Then she stood up straight.He seemed to have just seen the wall newspaper and walked over quickly.While looking at it, he said: "What time is it, and you still criticize wearing flowery nylon socks?" Wen Qiang smiled and said, "I have to criticize something, right?" "This one is a satirical sketch, satirizing playing cards and winning cigarettes! Is this a big deal?"

Wen Qiang accompanied her to read the poster.Then she let out a long sigh, and the child pretended to be an adult's melancholy. "I'm going crazy after staying in this place for a month." "We old irons are all in this kind of place. No ghost will lay eggs!" "Can ghosts lay eggs?" She turned her face, glanced at Wen Qiang, and laughed at his lack of language. "It won't take a month, and it will be crazy in a week! A night owl like me, who can't sleep early at night, is finished here-what do you play if you don't sleep?" Wen Qiang asked her what she was doing in the provincial capital.

"Hmm..." Her two eyeballs moved, as if she was confused by a lot of interesting things, and she couldn't decide what to do all of a sudden: "Watching movies, watching videos, watching football games... There are also singing parties, dance parties, and so many more! " Wen Qiang suddenly understood.If she is not allowed to go to the provincial capital to deliver water and soil samples, she will not be able to get out of here. She and the medical team came down to find something new, and this place can wear out people's freshness in a day.For such a playful and sleepy young woman, one hour can exhaust her freshness.The rest of the time is just like a year, counting the minutes and seconds.Finally, she found a good excuse for herself: to be a drudgery for the health of the local soldiers, and to send water and soil samples to the provincial capital.

It turned out that both he and she had ulterior motives. Maybe "water quality contains rare minerals" is her whimsy.Maybe her whim was somewhat justified, but the test results couldn't explain anything wrong.Wen Qiang smiled and said to her, "Don't worry, I promise to tell the medical team that you went to the provincial capital to send water samples for testing." She froze for a moment, then smiled, and said, "I promise not to tell anyone about the results of the test. I will only tell you." He thought, she really saw through his plot.She really has a silly face and a heart. "You soldiers are still sick to keep going?" She continued to reveal. "Just take a sip, the water brought by the battalion is enough. Besides, it's not necessarily a water quality problem." "Drink less? Now one person only has one jug of water per day! I sweat so much at work! I have so much water from my diarrhea!..." "I only drink half a bottle of water a day." Wen Qiang said, "I also work eight hours a day." "You can't drink half a pot of water just because you are allowed to drink half a pot of water." She frowned and smiled. "Don't worry about them. I, soldiers, are used to suffering." What he meant was that I also came from suffering, and I was born suffering. How can I have such a blessing as you?Three meals a day for the chief can't keep you, and five platoon soldiers can't please you even if they take turns to fetch you bath water and face water. You're still going "crazy". This time we are really going to break up, and we have finished talking about everything we can talk about.Besides, what can someone like Wen Qiang have to talk with Li Xin?When Li Xin walked outside the company tent, Wen Qiang said, "They said you can sing well." He immediately scolded himself in his heart for not being a thing, wouldn't this make her even more flattered? "They said yes? Didn't you hear that?" she asked.An irresponsible look that stirred people's hearts. Wen Qiang said he didn't hear her sing.He smiled and told her with his eyes, don't take him as a low-level officer as a good thing. "Really?" She looked at him, as if she didn't see what was going on in the mind of this junior officer.Like she really didn't know that men were going to run things through their heads because of her, and she was responsible for it. "Then sing me a song before you leave?" "Not good," she said. "Tomorrow night is Saturday, there is a party. I will ask the secretary to arrange the venue. Let us see you off." Wen Qiang said without any discussion. "Oh, please forgive me! I only dare to sing in the bathroom, laundry room and other places! If you don't believe me, try it, it sounds better when your voice is wet! Many people in the military medical academy sing as soon as they enter the toilet. , Sing as soon as you enter the water room! This is how I practiced!" Her goofiness is so real.Of the 150 men in the company, there are 150 hearts who believe in her stupidity.Probably Wen Qiang was the only one who had doubts.At the gala on Saturday night, Li Xin wore a pair of beige casual pants and a white floral shirt with a tight waist and a bow tie at the neckline. She sang a female chorus with three other female soldiers and sang a solo. "Li Guyi", "Yuanbo", and "Zheng Xulan" sang until their voices were broken, and they stood on the stage and said, "No, no, I told you, Company Commander Wen? My voice is only It deserves to be sung in the bathhouse!..." The soldiers below laughed.She also said: "Good job, Company Commander Wen, give me some water! Your example of half a pot of water a day is so touching, but I can't learn from you..." She took the water handed to her by the soldiers, and drank it while respecting her. After a military salute, he stepped down. That night, it was almost time to turn off the lights, and the female military doctor seemed to want to confirm that what she told the soldiers was true: she could only sing beautifully in the bathhouse, and it seemed that she was going to finish the song that was interrupted on stage. sing.It's so sweet, it's like singing to a baby in her heart.It was her last night in the third company, before one hundred and fifty men led by the company commander into a fierce battle against thirst, spoiled her and squandered a large bucket of bath water.As soon as the party was over, Wen Qiang saw her telling a soldier in the reception group that she was sweating from singing just now and wanted a bucket of water to take a shower. The soldier's surname was Dong, and his name was Dong Qianqian.If anyone doesn't understand what a "Type C soldier" is, just look at him and he will understand.Type A soldiers are imposing and tall, and when they are pulled out, they can raise the national flag in front of Tiananmen Square and accept the inspection of foreign leaders. Dozens of them look like one person, handsome and tall to the point of distortion.Type B soldiers are the combat troops and the security forces of the military agencies. They should not have a dull face or a bent back. They appear in urban and rural areas, and their image and physique should not disappoint the common people too much.The standards for Type C soldiers are very lenient: all six internal organs and five internal organs are complete, and the number of five sense organs and four limbs is enough.A guy like Dong Qianqian with bent legs and flat chest, short and dark, doesn't get in the way at all. It's far more convenient to fire holes and push stones than a Class A soldier in the guard of honor. Wen Qiang later found out that Xiao Dong was not supposed to be in the reception team in the first place.A member of the reception team who was on duty that day was going to perform on behalf of the soldiers at the party, so he temporarily arrested Xiao Dong.All the soldiers watched the performance in the open space at the entrance of the company gate, and Xiao Dong poured tea and water in the company headquarters (temporarily serving as the backstage) alone.The poured cups of tea spilled over the rim of the cups, spilling onto the ping-pong table in puddles of tea stains.This is a man who would die if he was assigned a job, and would suffer every minute if no one assigned him a job.So when Li Xin assigned him to fetch water, he immediately regained his energy, stood up from his own small shadow, and ran towards the boiler of the cooking class with a bucket in his hand. After the accident, Wen Qiang heard from the cooking class that Xiao Dong left the cooking class at 9:40 with hot water.Before that, he poured all the remaining boiling water in the drinking water insulation bucket into the plastic bucket, and scooped up a few scoops of water in the cauldron for the soldiers on the night shift.The cooking squad leader went up to stop him, but he ignored him. He scooped up the plastic bucket to 100% full, took a step and poured it, and the cooking squad leader chased after him and scolded him. Later, according to some soldiers, they did hear Dr. Li singing before the lights out, and the singing was indeed better than her on stage, although the voice was not too loud, far less loud than her scream.Doctor Li's screams are a brand-new voice, different from "Yuanbo", "Zheng Xulan", and "Li Guyi", and even more different from her usual voice. The thorns are overgrown, like an old cactus.The piercing voice of the old cactus reached into the ears of the soldiers: "What a big face!...You scoundrel!..." Wen Qiang, who was brushing his teeth at the door of the dormitory, ran towards the shout with his chin covered in white toothpaste foam.He had a premonition of what was going on. The tents of the company cadres are separated from the company headquarters by an alley more than five meters wide. After the company headquarters, there is another alley more than five meters wide. family members, live there), opposite the guest house, the prefabricated house called "bathroom" is divided into two, one small and one large, the small one is for cadres, and the big one is the soldiers' bathhouse (the so-called "bathroom" is now only for People wipe themselves or dry their clothes, because they turn red at night when they hang outside).The bathhouse is equipped with solar energy equipment on the roof. If there is water, it can be a very modern bathroom.Behind the bathroom, there is a shed on a small open space, which is used to store machinery and equipment that cannot be repaired by the mechanical team, as well as dozens of packages of cement that have not been opened.If standing on those concrete, the picture provided by the small window above the bathhouse is enough. Wen Qiang didn't know who was calling for help, because he had never heard such a voice calling for help.But before he got rid of the toothpaste foam on his chin, he had already run one or two hundred meters.In the process of running, the shouting continued, the words were blurred, only the piercing voice was still climbing the scale.While running, he shouted to the soldiers who rushed out of the tents of each squad: "Go back! It's none of your business!" Afterwards, he thought, his reaction at that time was very strange and unreasonable; shouldn't he have shouted: "Second platoon leader, third platoon leader, take someone with you and see what happened?" After the incident came out, Wen Qiang still thought that he was always uneasy beforehand.The beautiful young lark-like female medic made him extremely nervous.It seems that a time bomb is buried somewhere, and he can't find it, but he only hears it "tick-tick" approaching the tipping point. In fact, every "tick" is already killing someone, but he has no way of knowing whose Life is being taken away by it second by second. As he ran to the bathroom, breathing in the scent of his spearmint toothpaste, he felt relieved: it exploded anyway, and the situation couldn't get any worse.But at the moment when he was running, he never thought that the situation would get worse from bad to worse. Wen Qiang ran to the bathroom. Doctor Jiang from the medical team was coming out of the tent of the guest house in a white shirt and shoes. The elderly female nurse had already arrived at the door of the bathroom and was trying to get in touch with the door.She knocked on the door and asked, "What's the matter? Xiao Li? Open the door!" Wen Qiang ran directly to the back of the bathroom, where he was going to intercept that "dog day hooligan".He made a fool of himself, and in the shed standing, sitting, lying down and lying down were half scrapped machines or machines waiting to be repaired.There is also a pile of unopened cement.The wrapping paper bag of a bag of cement was cracked, and gray cement powder was scattered around it.A hundred watts of light leaked through the tiny window above the bathroom.Because of the lack of electricity, the light was only sixty degrees at most, but it was enough for him to see the footprints on the cement powder.A pair of feet in galoshes was about a size five.The footprints are messy enough; facing forward, backward, and to both sides, it seems that the owner of the feet enjoyed the wonderful landscape of two feet square from the small window, and was happy to dance in place and circle around.For some reason, Wen Qiang was not particularly annoyed, but rather wanted to laugh.Instead he was annoyed at his own urge to laugh. "Second platoon leader!" Wen Qiang heard his angry voice. The leader of the second platoon shouted "Here!" "Notify the platoon leaders to count the number of people!" Wen Qiang thought that his voice was full of anger, and Li Xin must have heard it.Several other members of the medical team must have heard it too.Now he, Company Commander Wen, is the head of the family. If the child gets into trouble, the beating and scolding are first for outsiders who complain. "Block all the tent doors for me, so that the rascals won't go back to the barracks!..." Each platoon blows the whistle one after another.Far and near, whistles fired continuously into the night, and the commanders yelled with exactly the same broken gong voice: "Everyone on the bunk, each squad leader guards the door, and no one is allowed to come in or out! ... Whoever runs around indiscriminately will be punished." Be a hooligan and tie him up!..." The 5th and 4th platoons who lived farther away could not hear the shouting clearly, only heard the urgent whistle, and all put on military uniforms and rushed out of the tent.Their tents were set up on the slope, and the cacti hadn't been cut down. On one side, the human plants and plants were all black shadows, looking like a large army. "What's going on!... What's going on..." The black shadows asked, seemingly not asking for an answer. Their leader and head of the class have heard the commands from a distance, and continued to shot with a whistle, and shouted: "Back to the shop! ... Hushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaga? ...Shhhhhhh..." Half an hour later, the result of the count was reported to Wen Qiang.Company Commander Wen is not alone now, a gloomy shadow beside him is the instructor.It was a black figure that was gathering anger and instruction, and couldn't stand the countdown that took half an hour to complete.Where is this still a soldier?It’s like a bunch of civilian men in military uniforms and paid by the army. Fortunately, they gathered for dinner and sang: “Railway soldiers aim everywhere!” There are berth vacancies in each row.That said, one of those absent personnel in the bunk wasn't the one who left his exasperated footprints in the cement dust.Besides, there was seven or eight minutes between Li Xin's first shout and the martial law in the tents. If the sprint score was good, that "dog day hooligan" could sneak into the innocent crowd before the martial law. Wen Qiang used the same ferocious broken voice as the platoon leaders, and asked the platoon leaders to report all the absentees to the company headquarters, and he would interrogate them overnight.After another twenty minutes, the platoon leaders handed in the list.Those who were absent are popping up one after another: a few soldiers are hiding in the chief secretary's office and playing cards. They are fellow villagers with the chief secretary, so the chief secretary's office is their hometown nightclub; more than a dozen soldiers secretly stayed in the company tent after the party Nearby, as soon as Wen Qiang returned to the dormitory, they went in and drank in the dark.Wen Qiang knew that almost every night, in every row, there were fellow villagers visiting in the dark, and there were fellow villagers in the dark clubs.In this suffocating place, Wen Qiang allowed them to extend their hometown and neighbors to the company, and let them talk about women to their heart's content in their "evening chats with fellow villagers".He yelled in a broken gong voice: "You have to find witnesses for me to prove where you are from nine thirty to ten o'clock! Do you hear that?!" He had to cultivate this broken gong voice with great difficulty.It would be a big surprise for the low-level military officers to come out with a thick and smooth voice like singing, and it would also lack suppression.Li Xin listened to his voice from afar at this moment, he must have been reckless, acting for the heavens and making decisions for her.She would not have recognized his affectation. But Li Xin's eyes told him that she recognized his pretentiousness.Her eyes can also be so beautiful that no relatives will recognize her.He asked her when she found out that "dog day hooligan" had put "a big face" on the window, and she looked coldly over the back of his shoulder—she would rather watch the night around eleven o'clock.She didn't even want to bother herself to speak Mandarin. How could she know "when" in Chongqing dialect, which is very suitable for bickering?Was Company Commander Wen trying to embarrass her by asking her this way?In just a few minutes, they changed from acquaintances to strangers.He had never let a woman grab her whites like this before, and he was stunned, urging himself to speak in his heart again and again, because it would be a mistake not to speak, but he couldn't speak.The female doctor said that she never expected such a thing to happen to the next company.He loosened his mouth and said, "On behalf of Quan Company, I would like to express my deep apologies to Doctor Li." Li Xin stopped looking at the dark night immediately.She looked at him, eyes wet in the dark.The older nurse explained the whole story on her behalf, and Dr. Jiang sighed, like a big brother from her mother's family, as if she was ashamed to speak out if she had resentment or hatred.The female nurse told Wen Qiang and the gloomy instructor that when Li Xin was rushing down her neck with water, she accidentally looked up and saw a big white face on the window.It was Li Xin who was too humiliated and frightened, he didn't respond for a while, and looked at Dabailian for a while before shouting. "Big White Face" was so courageous, he didn't even run away when he heard the shout, and watched Li Xin who was crouching and hugging him for a while before running away.Two young female soldiers said that they ran out of the house, forgot to take the flashlight, and went back together to get the flashlight.The flashlight caught the back of that "dog day hooligan" running away.The little girls checked themselves for not being brave, otherwise they could follow him for a while, at least see his figure and gait clearly, and write them down. Standing in front of Wen Qiang now is another Li Xin, glamorous and subdued, with beautiful eyes that don't look at anyone, because there is nothing good to see.Wen Qiang asked her carefully if she remembered the appearance of "big white face".She nodded and ignored the answer, which meant that she misunderstood a company, including his company commander.The instructor makes a promise every once in a while: the matter will definitely be investigated and the truth will come to light. The innocent soldiers are a pot of white porridge, and they can allow a rat droppings to make them unable to get off the ladle? At midnight, the five platoon owners wrote out their testimonies and listed witnesses.Except for the man who worked the night shift, no one was involved. From twelve o'clock to one o'clock, another clue was followed: all the people wearing size 5 shoes stood under the fluorescent lights of the company headquarters to let Doctor Li identify them.Now the search circle narrowed rapidly, a total of thirty-six people lined up in three columns, and the platoon leader on duty blew a gong: "Turn right!" military doctor.Doctor Li was still dressed as he was on stage: casual trousers, a flowered shirt, loose hair, and a pale and waxy face.It wasn't until this moment that Wen Qiang felt that he was very towards her, and wanted to hurt that "gaze rapist" for her. He asked the instructor to do the opening remarks.What the instructor said was what all the instructors in the world said: You will not wrong a good person, and you will not let a bad person go; the organization actually knows who you are, but it is just giving you a chance to stand up for yourself...Wen Qiang is watching this Three columns of soldiers.He suddenly found that the most typical Class C soldiers of the whole company were listed here.Their figures and faces are all bitter. One is thinner than the other, with bent backs and legs in exactly the same way. They must be poor since they were young. Their mothers asked them to wear small shoes, and they were well-dressed. Man with small feet. But Dong Xiangqian is still ugly and dazzling in this team, although his face is not dark.He stood at the last place in the first row. Looking at him from the side, he stretched his neck forward, pursed his lips from time to time, and pressed his four upper front teeth in for a second or two. Pop open, let out those teeth.That's why others always mistakenly think that Xiao Dong is giggling for no reason. The instructor has changed the person, saying "you" one by one: tell you, you are lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist!Can you bear it?Comrades, your physical strength and combat effectiveness are wasted by chronic diarrhea, and you have a rat poop to affect everyone's reputation?It also affects everyone's sleep!You can't sleep, and if you have an accident on the work surface tomorrow, it will all be blamed on you! Wen Qiang glanced at Li Xin.He found that Li Xin was also looking at Dong Xiangqian.Dong Qiangqian couldn't stand staring at the front and the back, his lips and teeth refused to give in: the former shut the latter in like a house ugliness, and the latter kept breaking out.His smirking face inexplicably made Wen Qiang's heart rise in his throat. The instructor turned to Doctor Li and said something softly.The other four members of the medical team surrounded the door and did not come in, their faces stretched rather long.They wanted the two company heads to understand that they were behind Li Xin.They kept whispering, and every time they whispered, their gazes changed to a different target, to a new C-type soldier.Their whispering made the C soldiers very uncomfortable.It made their company commander very uncomfortable. Li Xin nodded several times and shook her head once when the instructor spoke softly to her.Wen Qiang wanted to go over and ask the instructor if he should end the standoff immediately and go back to the tent to sleep, anyway, there is still tomorrow, and none of these thirty soldiers can escape because they are in custody anyway.He had just walked to the instructor when he heard Li Xin say, "Of course I can recognize it." Her voice renewed again.This is a woman with many voices. Wen Qiang took another quick look at Dong Xiangqian.His size five feet were always on one side; he couldn't even "take a rest" a little bit, and it took him a lot of work to learn, so he was still so stiff after being a soldier for so long. The instructor said that there is no other way, we have done our best, and you want to spoil the last chance we gave you.He paused and looked at the soldiers.Then he suddenly stopped using the "instructor's language" and switched to the real farm language: "Then let's use a piece of paper and pinch this mouse shit out!" The instructor's words were like shouting "Stand at attention!" to Dong Qianqian. The short C soldier suddenly changed his feet and stood up straight, half a centimeter taller.The canvas curtains of even the tents were blown by the wind and rattled loudly.The wind is as strong in this ghost place at noon as at midnight.All the C soldiers began to look around secretly to see who the "you" the instructor was referring to was. The guide said: "Okay, then Dr. Li Jun will not be polite. You help us squeeze out this rat shit." More than 30 soldiers looked at me and I looked at you. Some of them were anxious and cursed one or two dirty words like biting someone, or kicked and punched them hard.Only one person remained motionless.Dong Xiangqian seemed to have understood his end, as long as the beautiful female military doctor opposite opened his mouth, he would become a piece of rat shit. "Let's see it this way," Wen Qiang said, "Let's put this aside for now. I have to go to work tomorrow morning, so go back to bed first." The instructor's triangular eyes shot out from under the reddish eyelids, fixed on his face.The instructor would not hit him in front of his subordinates, and he took advantage of this.The instructor wants to be a political cadre with good manners, why does Wen Qiang stop him?He just wanted to take advantage of the instructor's good demeanor to delay the death of a C soldier.For that type C soldier, being a civilian in uniform is the most beautiful thing he can hope for in his life.Shouldn't this civilian husband in military uniform be able to meet such a beautiful and young female military doctor with a promising status and nine voices?Can you see her white and tender body? ... "We can't let one scum deprive all soldiers of sleep and health, can we? This scum is as nasty as chronic diarrhea, torturing so many comrades until one or two in the middle of the night, so tired that everyone can't sleep. We must not let diarrhea And the scum wears down! Everybody says, right?" The soldiers of Class C did not dare to say "yes" or "wrong", so they let out a groan. Just as Wen Qiang gestured to the platoon leader on duty to come up and shout, "Stand at attention—disband!", Li Xin spoke. "That's him," she said. People followed her fingertips and saw Dong Qianqian standing at the end of the line.Her tone was not very explosive, nor did she have the urge to avenge shame; she had already erupted silently, and at this time she was quite alienated, still maintaining a cold and high profile. It was Li Xin's lofty attitude that gave Wen Qiang a chill.He stood like a block of wood in front of her high profile for a long time, unable to show any reaction.During the time when he was unresponsive, he vaguely heard the instructor ask Dong Xiangqian whether to admit it or not.He vaguely heard Dong Xiangqian say it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't him... Then, he heard the instructor yelling, telling Dong Xiangqian not to deny it, his face was recognizable, so why deny it? ! ... Wen Qiang's reaction came.He walked behind Dong Xiangqian, who was still saying "it's not me", and pushed his knee on it, and made a bad move quickly. Dong Qianqian knelt down on the ground.He was very good at playing tricks, and others couldn't see it. They thought that Dong Xiangqian knelt down because he was weak in fear of sin.Company Commander Wen saw the C-class soldier kneeling there suddenly turn around, with the roots of his teeth sticking out of his lips.That smirk was kind of scary.The horror lies in the fact that the C soldiers accept everything in an instant: a person who is suddenly shot from behind has no time to react, no time to be afraid, and accepts death, destruction, and eternal farewell. Wen Qiang called the platoon leader on duty and told Dong Qianqian to follow the platoon leader on duty.He said that he would first lock him up in the food tent next to the chief secretary's office, and then interrogate him carefully after Company Commander Wen woke up.Dong Qianqian stood up, patting the red dust on his pants with his hands, looking at Doctor Li, eager for her to change her words.Doctor Li didn't raise her eyes at all, and no one was worthy of asking her to raise her eyes.Dong Xiangqian finally shouted: "You are wrong, Dr. Li!..." Dong Xiangqian's yell was very miserable, and two or three words were torn in his throat.Wen Qiang couldn't listen to this, a bag, trash, shouting like a woman.He went up to do bad things again, and the C soldier knelt down again, and the red dust on his pants was also slapped in vain. Afterwards, Wen Qiang was surprised when he thought of the bad things he did to Dong Xiangqian.Because he found that he was doing it for Li Xin to some extent.It's not entirely to please her and punish Dong Qianqian, the motive is not so simple; he seems to be telling Li Xin and others with that vicious little trick: He is my man, no matter how incompetent he is, he is also my brother. Killing is my own business, and I will settle it for you after the fight is over, so you can talk about it here (liao).It seems that there is another meaning, which Wen Qiang simply doesn't want to see through: he treats Dong Xiangqian badly because he understands the C soldier, and he understands him because if the two switch positions, Wen Qiang can't guarantee that he won't be Dong Xiangqian.Men are burdened by lust, this is the most pitiful part of men, just as life cannot resist hunger and thirst, this is the reason why life is fragile and precious. When Li Xin showed up at the camp the next day, no one paid attention.Her humming came out from the temporary toilet, and Wen Qiang felt an inexplicable pain in his heart when he heard it.He thought that even one hundred and fifty soldiers would suffer like him: they offended her first, and now she offended them again, even singing to anger them.Everyone knew that Dr. Li was waiting for the division headquarters to pick her up in a car and go to the provincial capital.Once gone and never returned.Everyone in the company owed her a favor, or in other words, the company was wronged by her.Just let her go.The original good friendship was broken in two.Li Xin wore a short military uniform skirt and a white knit sweater. He had no loose brushwork and was either convex or concave. He looked very good-looking, but his whole body was full of warnings that "whoever sees it is responsible".Quan Lian has suffered for the "seeing" that is greedy for one person alone.所以全连都要求严惩食品仓库里的独看者。 而被禁闭的独看者始终不承认自己爬到水泥袋上,独贪了浴室小窗提供的美景。夜里是指导员审,早晨换了温强,又是一审再审,他就是三个字:“不是我。” “那人家咋就认准是你?” 丙种兵无话可说地看着自己的连长。 连长和士兵各坐一把折叠椅。审训台是椅背,温强跨骑着倒坐在上面,两胳膊肘架在“审讯台”上。对面五尺之外,受审人发出淡淡的汗酸,从小就被迫穿小鞋的脚放成内八字,两个粗糙苦相的大孤拐露在外面。一清早温强就被电话铃闹醒,营长在电话里脾气很臭,说也不知道丑事出门怎么这样快,连师首长都知道小李医生让阎王连的色鬼给看了。温强回答营长,一定是他的连队有内奸,利用“老乡网络”把事情告诉师部的同乡了。营长脾气更臭,对温强说他奶奶的,毙了他!温强说色鬼也不犯死罪呀。营长说他误会了,他要毙的是“内奸”。 温强现在眼前的色鬼就像个死罪犯,什么都认了,毙了也认了,就不认罪。 “那你说说看,不是你是谁?”温强问道。 董向前没听懂连长的中国话,眼睛里是大大一个“嗯?!” “不是你看的,小李医生为啥谁都不点,就点你呢?!你个浑蛋,你以为在村子里看大姑娘小媳妇下水沟洗澡?” 董向前就那么看着他,越来越不懂他那口西北味道的中国话。 “你要不承认,我就叫保卫处来人,把你带到师里去。”温强把这句威胁讲了多遍。 董向前低下头看着地上,想在红泥土上看清自己结局似的。红泥土被夯了几遍,又在来去的脚步下渐渐紧实,红色皮肉般的光润,帐篷下透出薄薄一片白色阳光,刀似的把红泥土切出浅红与深红。五号尺码的脚动也不敢动。是个老实的小脚男人。胆小色大,色胆包天。 “我没有看。”他说。红泥土地面上,他看到自己的下场了,承认不承认都一样,不管什么样的下场他都接受。 温强想到早晨看到的李欣。她吃早餐出来,迎面碰上温强。温强说了几句“吃过早饭了?昨晚没睡好吧?……”之类的扯淡话,渐渐把话转入正题。他说董向前一直是个品行端正、老实肯干、三脚踹不出屁来的四川山里人,她李欣有没有可能看错人。李欣垂着眼皮,长而密的眼睫毛和眼皮上深深的褶皱都使她比睁大眼更可人。她淡淡地笑了一下。温强当然明白自己的话又惹了她。他马上说自己并不是为自己的战士强辩,这个连出了如此不是玩意儿的兵他当连长的要负很大责任,不过一百五十个人数过来,可能最后一个才数得上这位董向前犯事。李欣还是垂着眼皮,她说她和那个兵无冤无仇,她何苦屈他呢?温强提了个建议,让小董再站到那一摞水泥上,她再从澡堂看一眼,假如再次证实他就是那张丑陋罪恶的“大白脸”,他们马上叫保卫科把他铐走。李欣垂着眼皮好美好美。她就这样很美地发出一声冷笑来。笑他护短心太切,亏他想出这么馊的主意。笑完她说,温连长真是爱兵如子啊,就绕着他走了过去。他不死心,又叫她一声,她说她还要收拾行李,师部的车在路上了。 他想着她的话:爱兵如子。这句古来的溢美之词怎么听上去成了一句恶毒攻击? 温强把董向前留在帐篷里思过,告诉他只要他坦白,他连长绝不扩大事态,只给他记一次大过算拉倒。如果他不坦白,那也没关系,保卫科的人会让他坦白。 他急匆匆去了工地。所有机械比平常吵闹一倍,一个个安全帽下面都是汗淋淋的脸,五官都热得要化了。战士们的动作比平常大很多,手脚也重得多,抬什么挑什么老高就撒手,摔摔打打,这里那里都是“咣当!咣当!”整个工地就是一场巨大的牢骚。 他还没从工地回到连部,好几个电话都要到指挥台。都是责问他小李医生遭人耍流氓的事件。事件成了大案件。团长、政委全都成了李欣的长辈。政委说看来温强是爱隐瞒的人,瞒了士兵们的身体健康,又企图隐瞒他们的道德思想健康,而后者更可怕,远远比隐瞒水质更可怕。 突然之间,他开了窍。看来把秘密报告打到师里的不是他连里的战士,而是医疗组的人。他应该给自己脑袋几大锤:这些医生护士当然认识师部的人!一个电话,几句悄悄话,丑闻赛战报。就在他跟团政委在电话上道别时,政委冒出一句:“李欣上军医大学是谁保送的你知道吗?” “……谁保送的?”温强觉得自己这样问很傻,蠢驴开口才会这样问。 “算了,不告诉你了。”政委说。 不知为什么,自从这个电话之后,他再见到李欣就不觉得她那么美了。他看出她的脸偏宽,腿嫌短,肩膀太方。美丽的东西美就美在它为美而美,没有目的动机,一旦美丽有图头,图上军医大的保送,图后台,这美就显出腿短、肩方、脸宽来了。他明白自己这样认为很可笑,因为李欣的美给一个后台大的男子占去了而没他温强的份儿,他才这样认为。姓董的倒霉蛋想以眼睛去对这份美丽占有小小的一份儿,一闪即逝的一份儿,还将有个不可想象的下场在等他。 温强对着这份腿不够长、脸形有些遗憾的美丽说:“我代表全连向你道歉。真的,全连战士干部都觉得特别对不住你。” 接她的车在路上出了点故障,团部派了一辆车出来,先接她去团部招待所住一夜。出了偷看大案,她觉得在这个连受了十面埋伏,绝不能再住一夜。李欣此刻坐在铺位上,跷着不长的二郎腿,偏宽的脸上一点表情也没有。患腹泻的战士们原先进到帐篷里面来打点滴受诊疗,现在都挪到连部去了。他又一次艰难地开口,请求她再好好回忆回忆,那窗口上的大白脸是否就是董向前,因为董向前一直咬定自己没有干那下流事。李欣说,他当然咬定没干啦,换了你你也会咬定嘛。温强想,原来李谷一、郑绪岚、远波的嗓音里还能包藏一条很泼的嗓子。他忍了忍,更加低三下四了,请求她看在他的面子上,再考虑一下,要不要收回对董向前的指控。她的指控将是一颗子弹,会消灭老实巴交小伙子的下半生。 她又是那样垂着眼皮笑笑。当然还是笑他,妄想什么呢?收回指控? !她的一小份贞操还被那双贼眼消灭了呢。 温强全线溃败,在正午后的烈日下顶着含尘量极大的风踱步。他完全不理解自己究竟为什么要去为那个倒霉蛋求情。为了连队的名誉是一方面,剩下的呢?他怎么这么婆婆妈妈妇人之仁?在太阳里走了一大段路,背上能烙馍了。他发现卷起袖子露出的胳膊被划出白色道道,过了一会儿,白道道红了,细小的血珠一串一串冒出来。仙人掌像一个个疯人,指天骂地,撒野撒泼。站在坡上,能看见远处的筑路工地。有了距离,就看得出一条轨迹正在地球上形成。将来从那里掠过的火车窗口里,一双双眼睛会怎样看这个可怖的仙人掌森林?无数窗口飞掠而过,无数双眼睛看着张狂的荒野,进攻性极强的寂静;那些眼睛后面的脑浆会怎样翻腾?会有个浪漫的家伙想到:原野也有欲望,仙人掌们正在欲火中烧。 温强跟指导员碰了个头。指导员告诉他,董向前的交代总共只有三个字:“不是我。”指导员的主攻佯攻、招降纳叛都不灵,两三个小时的对峙,还是溃退下来。他的溃退比温强还窝囊:是在嫌疑犯的鼾声中溃退的。董向前昨夜被指导员审了两小时,缺觉缺得狠,所以坐得笔直就大睡过去。 温强走到门口,听见董向前正睡得好,进气出气地直拉风箱。气流从他只有鼻尖没有鼻梁的鼻孔进去,给挤压得“嗞溜”一声,再通过他嶙峋的门牙出来,形成一股冲击波。睡得真是好。 他在门口蹲下,掏出烟卷。一个火苗伸过来,他扭头一看,是司务长。司务长小声问他会怎样处理董向前。他回答说那不是他的事,他等着师保卫处的干事们来带他走呢。保卫处会怎样处理?该怎样处理就怎样处理呗。本来就丑,回老家探亲几次,找对象都没找着,现在就更找不着了。那能怪谁?眼睛大会餐也得让它们吐出来!咋吐?处理他回老家到村子里慢慢吐去。肯定要处理他复员?那是最宽大的……司务长不吭声了。 温强想起来了,司务长也是川北人,跟董向前同乡。 司务长又问李医生未来的公公是不是北京的某大首长。温强说他不知道。瞒什么瞒?全师都知道了。全师知道你问全师去! 温强突然发现帐篷里的鼾声停了,也不知道什么时候停的。他走进去,看见董向前歪过身子,脊梁对着门,似乎还在睡。 听见汽车马达声,温强走出去。远远看见两边山坡的仙人掌夹道中,一大团红烟渐渐近来。慢慢地,红色尘烟中出现了一辆越野吉普。温强见指导员帮李欣提着旅行包从招待所的帐篷出来。吉普在陆地上乘风破浪,走得高一波矮一波。 从吉普上下来一个保卫干事,系着武装带,别着手枪。他告诉温强和指导员,他先要看看现场,再进行第一轮审问。 这时一个尖厉的声音说道:“我不跟那个流氓坐一辆车去团部!” 温强一看,李欣一手叉在腰上,凶悍而美艳。他奇怪了,这个女人有多少不同的嗓子?连重庆贫民小巷里收购废品旧货的嗓子都有一条。 保卫干事马上说,当然不会让她跟臭流氓坐一辆车;他还要在三连待一两天,了解了解情况呢。 指导员不知从哪里变出一个塑料袋,里面装了沉甸甸一包东西,先用报纸裹了千层万层,再装进塑料袋的。他把塑料袋捧给李欣,说那是炊事班的土特产:泡仙人掌心子。炊事员们观察到小李医生特别爱吃这道菜,原来是只在早餐上这道菜,后来三餐都为小李医生上这道菜。李欣接过礼物,白蜡一样的脸软和了一刹那,马上又凝固了,她说难为炊事班了,观察真够细心的。温强在一边站着,觉得自己笑得比指导员还忍气吞声,李欣的言下之意梗在他感觉中。他们都是基层指挥员,不擅长猜言下之意,但她这句话的言下之意太难听了,就是在骂人:洗澡有人看,吃饭也有人看,这不是落到色狼群里了? ! 李欣把那个被报纸和塑料袋的襁褓包成了宝贝儿的一罐泡仙人掌心交给了司机,叫他别弄翻了,泡菜卤味道大,一洒出来他们等于乘坐在泡菜坛里回团部。 指导员还在装迟钝,说肯定翻不了,洒不出来,报纸外面包了至少十个塑料袋。温强却忍不下去了。他走上前,说人家李医生到这里是没东西吃才吃那玩意儿的。有东西吃谁吃它呀?就别让她带了。路上那么颠,屁股都颠得碎,何况坛子?泡菜汤又酸又臭,还不把李医生泡成泡菜?他嘻嘻哈哈,但李欣却全听明白了,眼睛看着他,委屈和伤心都在目光里。她当然是受害者、牺牲者,难道这位连长还不认账? 医疗组的人去了工地,只留下一个小卫生员。她说她好想跟车和李欣一块走哟。温强叫小姑娘别急,不是明天就是后天,他温强就是开铲车也得把他们送出去。 李欣上了吉普之后,拉开车窗,叫了一声温强。她说一旦他到铁道兵部机关办什么事,或者去北京玩,千万去找她。她不久会调到兵部的门诊所去。 温强谢了她,说一旦去兵部出差,一定找个毛病让小李医生瞧瞧。但他的笑容含着歹意和取乐:你拿这么个遥不可及的邀请赏我?我不领情。 他看出李欣的无趣。那是她自讨的。她关上车窗,目光却还留在车窗外,留在温强脸上。温强这时才意识到,这个天鹅般的年轻女医生对他这蛤蟆连长始终是暗暗倾心的。那有屁用?它不会对两人的人生造成一丁点儿改变。
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