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Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Tibetan Antelope Guardian Team

black flame 格日勒其木格·黑鹤 5982Words 2018-03-19
Gesang's front paws pounced carefully on Han Ma's waist. At the moment of contact, it had already relieved the terrible force of its huge body inertia when running. Ma lost her balance and fell to the ground without taking any damage.It was a decision he made, he didn't know what was going to happen next, but he couldn't control his actions, a burning love burned him, he almost couldn't help doing it all.Before, everything in Gesang's life was done out of instinct or experience, but this time it seemed to be emotion, a kind of love for the person in front of him. That's how it all started.All the animals on this plateau suddenly discovered that disaster had come one morning.Of course, on a plateau where the oxygen content in the air is less than half that of the plain, humans will never be able to catch up with wild animals. The Creator is fair on this point, and has not given humans a heart stronger than animals.But perhaps this is where man seems to be more adaptable to his environment than animals are, the ability to create a tool for killing other life, a weapon propelled by the gases produced by the explosion of gunpowder—the gun.That is not a cold weapon like an ax spear or a bow and arrow.That's a gun.So someone raised a gun and fired high-speed spinning scorching bullets at the animals on the plateau who were still ignorant of the imminent catastrophe.Even the fastest animal running on the plateau is no match for a bullet traveling at a speed of one thousand meters per second.

It is not necessary to delve into human beings to know what makes Tibetan antelopes run and play fearlessly in the severe cold of minus 40 or 50 degrees.Under their coat grows a fluff five to seven times thinner than human hair, which may be the lightest, softest and warmest fluff in the world.But it is this kind of fluff that makes their lives no longer as peaceful as before, and even the entire race is almost annihilated. So those herdsmen who have regarded the existence of Tibetan antelopes as indispensable as the sky and clouds for thousands of years suddenly discovered on a cold morning that they would no longer see thousands of Tibetan antelopes like clouds. Generally whistling by the spectacular scene.

Everything changed because humans came.isn't it?Humans broke into this last Garden of Eden. More than 20,000 Tibetan antelopes are shot every year, many of which are ewes and lambs. After they die, they are stripped of their fur and left to die in the wilderness.Their furs reach Nepal and India, and the 600% profit will make all smugglers risk their lives.In ancient workshops, these blood-soaked fluff were woven into gorgeous shawls by skilled craftsmen, and then shipped to the self-proclaimed most civilized country in the world, where they were sold at a price of up to 20,000 U.S. dollars and became a shining lady at a luxurious party. decorations.

This blood-soaked trade has reduced the number of Tibetan antelopes at an alarming rate. Around 1900, there were still about one million Tibetan antelopes living freely on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At present, it is reported that their limited number is less than seven. Fifteen thousand. Thus came the name of Wild Yak Team, which makes all poachers daunted.The wild yak team of the Western Working Committee of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai is an environmental protection group composed of idealistic people. They are called the guardian gods of Tibetan antelopes. For two weeks, volunteers Han Ma and Yang Yan, as well as Gesang, became non-staff members of the wild yak team.

Two days after meeting Gesang, Han Ma and Yang Yan drove this off-road jeep donated by environmentalists into the Sonam Dajie Nature Reserve. Large scale mountain patrolling. On the second day, Han Ma and Yang Yan appeared in the wild yak patrol team as the first batch of volunteers this year.They are still driving the jeep. Of course, the two sides of the jeep, which has already belonged to the Wild Yak Team, have been sprayed with red paint with the words "Wild Yak Team of the Western Working Committee".In addition to Han Ma and Yang Yan, two other staff members of the Wild Yak team were sitting in the car, so Gesang had to be chained to the narrow space between the rear seat and the car window.

Three cars drove into the boundless Hoh Xil wilderness.The Hoh Xil wilderness of tens of thousands of square kilometers was once a wild animal paradise. Unlike Han Ma and Yang Yan who were staring out the window, Gesang didn't show much interest in all this.Tibetan antelopes also appeared on the plateau pasture where Gesang used to live. The appearance of these three Tibetan antelopes just brought back its long-standing memory.Gesang has been away from the highland ranch for two years, and he doesn't know what happened there while he was away.However, this place is even more desolate than the pasture where Gesang used to live. The land is as open as a stone, with almost no ups and downs. Looking far away, you can only see the empty horizon at the end of the land.Now, the plateau ranch and Tenzin are still occasionally remembered by Gesang, and that is a kind of instinct.There is no need to compare the life in the place of birth with the life in Lhasa or that small town, it is just a desire to vent the loneliness through running for a long time, but now it has found everything that it has always longed for in its heart , a master.

Han Ma sitting in front, the person who plucked the winter fur from his body and removed the iron chain for him, is its owner.In those ancient times, it is not known which jackal took that great step and entered the human world.Since then, these jackals have parted ways with other wild animals, and they occasionally crave the wilderness, but what they really need is a master, one who can dedicate all their love and loyalty, one who belongs only to them. God. Once a dog has established this concept in his heart, it will not change in his life. So Gesang didn't want to let Han Ma go out of his sight again, and he didn't care about the violent bumps even lying on the back of the car, as long as he was sure that he was with Han Ma, he was satisfied.It raised its head from time to time, and after making sure that Han Ma was still sitting in front of the car looking at the distant horizon with great interest, it lowered its head again with peace of mind, and fell into the restless sleep caused by the extreme turbulence.

It doesn't want to lose this master who fell from the sky. When arriving at the campsite chosen every day, Han Ma opened the car door, Gesang jumped down, lingered at his feet, and crossed the wilderness in an instant like a cheetah chasing prey in the African dusk Like the tiny undulations of the folds on the giant's clothes, he ran to the depths of the wilderness, and the smooth long black hair on his body trailed behind him like a banner waving in the wind. Most of the members of the wild yak team are Tibetans, and some of them used to be herdsmen. Of course, they are very aware of the value of such a Tibetan mastiff.They watched from a distance as the Tibetan mastiff disappeared on the horizon, and then rushed towards Hanma at the same speed, pounced on Hanma who was installing the tent.

Gesang's front paws pounced carefully on Han Ma's waist. At the moment of contact, it had already relieved the terrible force of its huge body inertia when running. Ma lost her balance and fell to the ground without taking any damage.It was a decision he made, he didn't know what was going to happen next, but he couldn't control his actions, a burning love burned him, he almost couldn't help doing it all.Before, everything in Gesang's life was done out of instinct or experience, but this time it seemed to be emotion, a kind of love for the person in front of him. Han Ma threw herself on the messy tent, and Yang Yan, who was stretching a corner of the tent on the other side, looked at all this in surprise and couldn't believe his eyes.

Gesang stood there motionless, waiting for what was about to happen.It doesn't know how the master who has stood up again will treat it.If he yelled at it or drove it away, for Gesang, it would be the end of its whole world. Han Ma also thought that someone was joking with her, but Yang Yan was opposite her. He was not very familiar with the other members of the wild yak team, and these taciturn men were not good at playing such tricks. Han Ma sat on the ground in amazement and turned her head.Gesang was standing behind him, staring at it motionlessly, the expression that seemed to never wake up was gone from his eyes, and he was looking at him with some kind of eager anticipation at this moment, and there was another expression in his eyes. There is a bit of the kind of daze that puppies face when they face new things.

Maybe a second of silence. Han Ma laughed loudly and rushed towards Gesang, hugging its neck and throwing it to the ground forcefully.
Sunshine, green grass, the warmest wind. A whole new world opened up to Gesang.It understands laughter, the fast-paced bark that humans make only when they're happy, and hearing it on a pasture often means a piece of meat.But now everything was different, and a great emotion made him tremble all over, and he could hardly control himself.It was a power it had never felt before. Gesang roared excitedly, turned his body vigorously, threw away Han Ma who was on top of him, jumped away, and then rushed over again. His fierce action was like pounced on a beast that invaded the pasture. It imagined Han Ma Become a snow leopard or a black wolf. Yang Yan, who was standing on the side, thought that Gesang had suddenly gone crazy, and yelled helplessly. Some members of the wild yak team had already taken off the guns they were carrying. But Hanma didn't make the cry of being attacked. Gesang grabbed one of Han Ma's hands, his momentum and roar were so realistic, it seemed like he was biting, but he just gently put Han Ma's hand in his mouth.Gesang's eyes under the disheveled hair were as gentle and calm as the evening lake. A person and a Tibetan mastiff were rolling on the tent like this, and Gesang would jump out cleverly during the entanglement, and then find a loophole in Han Ma's body with vigor and jump on it again. Soon, people around also realized that it was just a game. After watching it for a while, they couldn’t indulge in it all the time, and each went about his own business—making a fire and cooking, repairing a car that broke down on a difficult road, getting a ride, etc. set up the tent. "Okay, okay." Yang Yan shouted loudly next to him, carrying a tent rope, "I seriously thought that someone was going to be hurt, it's unfounded to worry about." "Timeout." Han Ma did a timeout in a basketball game. So the panting Gesang stopped and lay down earnestly in front of Han Ma, but the frenzied light in his eyes still did not fade away. For Gesang, games are a new way to express his emotions.The fight with Tenzin's son Dawa on the ranch seems to be a game, but it is only out of a certain instinct of obedience to the master, and Gesang just regards him as a part of the ranch.Perhaps Dawa is a more advanced lamb, which is no different from guarding the flock every day.But this is not the case at this time. Everything it does is because of a strong need in its heart.It wanted to pounce on him, throw him down gently, and bite him gently. "Didn't you notice?" Yang Yan asked Han Ma as he straightened the rope that had been messed up just now. "what?" "Didn't you see the dog behind you? Its loving gaze was unbearable." After setting up the tent, Han Ma unwrapped the bandage on Gesang's neck, and the wound from the wire in the collar was healing.Han Ma changed the bandage and re-wrapped Gesang's wound. At this moment, Gesang felt a great sense of happiness surrounding him, and he completely relaxed himself, lying down beside Han Ma, whimpering softly like a puppy. So the game has become a necessary part of every day after entering the campsite. For Gesang, this is a new life. But Gesang didn't know what all the people were doing, but as he slowly advanced into the depths of the wilderness, he found that everyone, including the owner, had an urgent expression on their faces.Their eyes scanned the distant horizon, searching carefully, obviously looking for something.But there was nothing, as if all life had disappeared.They only saw the herd of wild donkeys and three Tibetan antelopes in the first two days, and never saw any living creatures after that.In the distance is always an endless wasteland of monotonous colors, an undulating horizon, and a blue sky that hurts the eyes after looking at it for a long time. Gesang didn't feel restless. Even when he was tied up on the hillside of a small town, Gesang could quickly adapt to the life of captivity, and he was used to facing everything without any change.What makes him most satisfied now is finding Han Ma, and he no longer expects anything more in his life.
It pays close attention to everything about Han Ma with an almost obsessive enthusiasm.Gesang found that every day after dinner, Han Ma always walked out of the camp with a machine, looked at everything in the distance, then maintained a posture, and held the machine in front of him. Raising his head, his body returned to a normal relaxed state, and he moved his gaze to another place.Out of respect for the human machine, and more importantly, the machine is in the hands of Han Ma at this time, Gesang followed Han Ma, thinking that what Han Ma did was the greatest thing in the world. Finally one day, Han Ma aimed the machine at Gesang. "Okay, don't move." Gesang did not move, maintaining a vigorous posture of a Tibetan mastiff on the move. Following a click that Gesang was already very familiar with, Han Ma put down the machine, smiled and walked over to pat it on the head: "Good job." After that time, Gesang always patiently waited for the master to raise the machine to him again when he went for a walk in the campsite, he believed that it was a kind of trust or reward.But Han Ma never aimed the machine at it again, which made Gesang a little bit disappointed.Even though nothing concrete comes into Gesang's view as Han-ma points the camera into the distance, it's still surrounded by a certain underlying jealousy. It was morning, and they had just started on the road.Gesang suddenly found that the atmosphere was different. After the man in the police cap shouted loudly, everyone's eyes flashed with eager enthusiasm.Then there was a silence, except for the roar of the car engine, no one spoke, and all the eyes in the car were fixed on the front. Gesang was also infected by this atmosphere, and he could conclude that the long-awaited moment had arrived. The three cars drove into a small valley, and there was no way forward. All the people got out of the cars and walked over the hillside.The captain warned Han Ma not to make any sound, so Gesang, the only person who could make a sound, was not human, and Han Ma tied him in the car with a rope. The members of the wild yak team began to climb a small hill on the right with guns in hand, and Han Ma and Yang Yan followed behind. Han Ma held a half antelope horn that he picked up casually from the ground, and Yang Yan held his unsheathed camping knife in his hand. All the people climbed up the hill side by side, Han Ma and Yang Yan were left behind, and when they climbed up the hill, everyone rushed out with a gunshot.Han Ma's eyes were darkened from the exhaustion of climbing the hillside. Panting, he saw two cars parked on the flat ground below the hillside, and five people were running away in a scattered manner. Han Ma and Yang Yan forced a guy in a black down jacket to the edge of a huge crack stretching on the ground. That may be a scar that appeared at the end of the geological movement on the youngest plateau in the world. Even if it's just a wrinkle, the width of nearly ten meters is beyond the reach of human beings. Maybe this guy's leg itself is a bit wrong, otherwise Han Ma and Yang Yan wouldn't have caught up in such a short period of time. Han Ma and Yang Yan's eyes were black from running, their hearts were infinitely swollen, and they seemed to jump out of their chests at any moment, but they still staggered and followed. The desperate guy who was forced to the edge of the crack turned his head, revealing a face that was darkened by the wind and sun for several days wandering in the wilderness, and he raised something in his hand. "Gun!" Yang Yan ran behind, but could see more clearly. Han Ma didn't hear what Yang Yan was shouting, he had already run up to him, the black muzzle of the gun was almost pointing directly at his head.Han Ma had no time to dodge, so she froze in place, staring straight at the black muzzle of the rifle. The guy's face contorted as sharply as a lynx cornered with nowhere to go. The gunshot sounded like a sharp arrow tearing through the stagnant sky on the plateau, echoing for a long time. Hanma thought her world had come to an end.But the bullet just flew away against his shoulder. When Han Ma woke up, Gesang had already grabbed the poacher's right wrist and threw him to the ground, his huge body covering him.The hoarse growl of rage was like bones snapping at a man's ear, and it bit like a real beast. Yang Yan hugged Gesang's head, and Han Ma tried her best to finally open Gesang's mouth, and rescued the bloody wrist of the poacher who was moaning while hugging his head. "A little bit more and it will be broken." Yang Yan looked at the ugly face on the ground. "But it's really dangerous. The bullet flew past your shoulder. I could even see the fluff flying out of your down jacket. If it didn't knock him down in time, the bullet might have pierced you. "Yang Yan picked up the gun that fell on the ground. "I tied it up." Han Ma comforted the trembling Gesang. Gesang shook the long hair on his neck in anger, and stared at the paralyzed poacher with his eyes reddened by anger. "Didn't you see the broken rope around its neck, a rope can't tie it at all." Gesang's neck was dangling with half of the bitten hemp rope. In fact, when Han Ma left with everyone, Gesang suddenly felt abandoned.For a period of time, it never let Han Ma out of its sight. Even when it was sleeping at night, it lay vigilantly at the door of the tent, not allowing anyone to approach Han Ma's tent.It snapped through the rope with little effort, squeezed through the half-open window, and sprinted up the hillside as soon as its paws hit the ground. After Gesang ran up the hillside, he saw a chaotic scene, but he quickly found Han Ma's figure.It ran towards Hanma.When it was about to run to Han Ma, it saw the poacher raise the gun aimed at the owner's head.It didn't understand what happened, but it understood what a gun meant. In the middle of the night on the streets of Lhasa, the dying bark of the wolf dog rang in Gesang's ears again.The fear of losing Hanma overwhelmed it like a flood, and it rushed through recklessly. Gesang accurately caught the poacher's wrist in the air, so the bullet missed. The members of the wild yak team, who had chased down other poachers in the distance, were gathering here, and they also witnessed the thrilling scene just now. The captain looked admiringly at Gesang, "What a good dog. Maybe the wild yak team needs such a mascot!" But Gesang did not become the mascot of the wild yak team.A week later, Gesang followed Han Ma and Yang Yan to leave the wild yak team's camp in Hoh Xil.Han Ma and Yang Yan wanted to drive a jeep that was about to fall apart to Golmud, Qinghai, and send it to a car repair shop for overhaul.This is also their last job as non-staff members of the Wild Yak Team.
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