Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 123 second quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 4364Words 2018-03-19
This is Cisongtang, west of Lhasa, where the British Crusaders barracks are located.Tibet, the defeated party, volunteered this place, because they knew that if the invaders had no place to stay, they would use guns and cannons to rob people's houses, and the victims would still be Tibetan people.There are some villages in Cisongtang, and there is a very rich manor.The owner of the manor and the people in the village all voluntarily evacuated.Colonel Galan was very satisfied with this, saying that the Tibetans had finally learned to deal with reality wisely. On the day after the camp was set up, Mrs. Fu, the minister stationed in Tibet, came to the Cisongtang military camp.He came to reward the Crusaders and brought a lot of rice noodles and freshly slaughtered beef and mutton.They also thoughtfully brought some Tibetan specialties such as air-dried meat, yogurt, cheese, highland barley wine, etc. I hope you can try them.Colonel Galan said happily: "Our Minister Watson will convey the satisfaction of the British Empire to the Minister in Tibet through the Prime Minister's Office of State Affairs of the Qing Dynasty. If everyone is as reasonable as you, we will not have too much trouble in Tibet Already." Mrs. Fu said that today he paid homage to the Crusaders and brought with him the eight-character strategy of the Qing Dynasty towards Britain: goodwill and friendship.There will be no more trouble in the future.Colonel Galan didn't ask Pastor Darth to translate the "Bazi Fanglue", but he thought the sweet and sour highland barley wine was very delicious. After drinking one cup after another, he fell asleep very quickly.

The next day, the dawn of Lhasa shone on Colonel Galan.He felt very comfortable.He walked outside the barracks, stood on the platform by the Lhasa River, looked east, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "God, I didn't hit heaven, did I?" The great Potala Palace was within sight. The castle is also a palace, with an unattainable uprightness.He thought of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle in London.Buckingham Palace is a model of luxury and refinement, but it does not have the simplicity and mystery of the Potala Palace.Windsor Castle is also located on a hill, with royal palaces, churches and barracks guarded by garrisons, but it does not have the sacred majesty of the Potala Palace as a center of faith.He said in his heart that only God deserves to live here.If believers of Christ pray and repent at the foot of the Potala Palace, it will definitely increase their devotion and confidence.He took a deep breath of the willow-scented air by the Lhasa River, and told himself: The next step is to occupy the Potala Palace.I want to meet the Dalai Lama and discuss with him the treaty that Tibet must belong to Britain and that the Potala Palace, the tallest palace in the world that makes people feel small, must be under Christian control.

Occupying the Potala Palace was much easier than Colonel Golan imagined.He took a group of heavily armed British, but found that there was no one to stop there.There were quite a few lamas coming in and out, but no one paid any attention to them, neither welcoming faces nor hatred eyes.They walked up the long zigzag stone steps and came to the Potala Palace Phuntsok Dorang Gate. They asked where the Dalai Lama was, and the answer they got was: "I don't know." Rev. Dasi, who served as an interpreter, said: "Colonel, it's not that they don't know, but they don't want to tell you." Colonel Galan said, "That's okay, we can look for palaces one by one." He did so, spending a whole day, almost walking all over Buda Pulling all the palace rooms, the result is unexpected: there is no trace of the Dalai Lama.

Colonel Galan realized that the Dalai Lama may be hiding in a temple that he cannot see with his naked eyes, or he may be mixed with the lamas chanting scriptures in the temple. As long as he does not want to show his face, you will not find him even if you pass by him.Among the Crusaders, no one knows the Dalai Lama. It was already evening when we left the Potala Palace. Colonel Galan was riding on the road to the Cisongtang military camp. The Buddhist scriptures heard in the Potala Palace all day long.He felt a little inconceivable: How could Tibetan lamas make the sound of chanting like the wind, and how could the wind in the valley make the sound of chanting in unison?

What made him even more unpredictable was that the indistinguishable sound of scriptures and wind invaded his ears, making him dizzy and sleepless all night after he returned from the Potala Palace.Only then did he realize that he was under a spell.When he walked through the Potala Palace, from one hall to another, he heard the same voice, and wondered: Why do lamas only read one scripture?God, this is no match for cannon and rifles.To deal with the curse, I am afraid it should also be the curse.So what about our spell?We use the faith of the cross to form elite soldiers, and we should also have the magic spell created by the faith of the cross.He called Pastor Darth and asked him what is God's spell?

Pastor Darth said: "God conveyed to us through the Son and the Holy Spirit only the Gospel, Proverbs, Hadith, and Psalms, without magic spells." Colonel Galan said: "Since God has predicted the existence of pagan spells, there must be spells to deal with them, but you don't know that." He sighed, "Pastor Mahon must know, but unfortunately we I can't find him now, I don't know where he went, alive or dead?" Reverend Darth said, "Colonel, from tomorrow onwards you will say the same about me, that Reverend Darth, alive or dead? I am leaving you."

Colonel Galan said angrily: "You useless priest, if you want to go, go as soon as possible." The bright, noble and fleeting call appeared again: "Darth, come quickly, wait for you, wait for you." Pastor Darth checked the map and found that he had to reach the territory of Gongbu Jiangda according to the guidance of the "map of good and bad, good and evil". Only on the south bank of the Niyang River can we continue to practice the Kalachakra-Gamyu Vajra Dafa and walk towards another path of supernatural powers. When Reverend Darth left, Pumei still followed him.

The spell, regardless of the sound of the scriptures and the sound of the wind, occupied Colonel Galan's ears more and more presumptuously. His sense of hearing was messed up. At any time, he felt that thousands of Tibetan troops were rushing towards him. He has been unable to sleep in the noise and fear for several nights.He called a military doctor to see a doctor.The military doctor said: "Colonel, you are suffering from severe nervous tinnitus, the same disease that the soldiers have. Several soldiers can't hear any other sounds except Tibetan mantras. You are okay, and you can hear me clearly. words." Only then did he know that many of the elite cross soldiers stationed in Lhasa had been cursed.The military doctor said: "Colonel, we are not used to this place, not only us British, but also the Gurkhas, Indians and Tibetans in the mercenary army are not used to it." I'm talking nonsense, are you also under the curse? Your words are the curse."

As a believer in God, Colonel Galan's way to fight against the curse is to lead the army to pray and erect the cross.He said that praying is to tell God about our occupation; erecting a cross is to tell the people and gods of Tibet about God's occupation.He asked soldiers to cut down dozens of poplar and pine trees by the Lhasa River, made many crosses of different sizes, and erected them on all the monasteries, arrow stacks, and high grounds in Lhasa.He said: "Let the symbol of Jesus Christ overcome the curse of Tibet. I don't believe that the God who has always blessed us will suddenly not bless us when we achieve our military goals and are about to achieve our religious and political goals. "

Crosses in Lhasa have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.When they were erected, Colonel Galan was afraid of conflicts with the Tibetans, so he sent heavy troops to protect them.But the Tibetans seemed numb, not knowing what the Crusaders were doing, watching from a distance, or not watching at all.There were only a few peasants who looked very angry because the crusaders had cut down the trees in their yards.Among all the crosses, the one erected in the Cisongtang military camp was the tallest and largest. It was the intersection of two logs. It was strong and heavy, and the one buried in the ground was three meters long.

But within a few days, all the crosses became objects of worship by Tibetans.Not only were prayer flags hung on those crosses, but also six-character mantras, Manjusri mantras, statues of Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors were engraved.The cross at the intersection and on the hill is regarded as the skeleton of the arrow stack by the Tibetans. They spontaneously build stones, insert arrow clusters made of branches, and fill them with cypress, barley, scriptures, Buddha statues, ghee, and tsampa. , pull up the rope, sew a wind horse flag, and then invite the lamas, recite the scriptures and circle around a few times, and it becomes a new palace for the mountain gods.Naturally, their function is not to defeat the curse of Tibet that Colonel Galan hoped, but to bless Lhasa with prosperity and safety and help Tibetans suppress heretical demons.There are also a few crosses, which have become piles of mani stone scriptures.Tibetans, especially women and children, came from afar with mani stones engraved with the six-character mantra, each of them threw a few pieces, and quickly buried the cross.Those colorful carvings are like dancing figures, rejoicing at the wrath of the Crusaders. Only the cross in the Songtang military camp is still the cross of Jesus Christ. Colonel Galan was still under the torment of the Tibetan curse, and the severe nervous tinnitus had kept him awake for days and nights.The wind is blowing or chanting sutras in the ears all the time.He clenched his fists, praying and swearing to God: If you find the Dalai Lama, you must find the Dalai Lama.But the more urgent such a desire is, the less it can be found.The Crusaders sent to Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Ganden Monastery, Jokhang Monastery and all the monasteries in Lhasa to search for the Dalai Lama have all returned, and the result is the same: no one knows where the Dalai Lama is, as if there is no one in Tibet Someone called the Dalai Lama. Colonel Galan was also a little skeptical: Is the Dalai Lama a fictional god-king?He led his troops to the Jokhang Monastery where Kashag worked, and asked several government officials on duty: "We need to see the Dalai Lama, please take us there." The answer was: "It has to be decided by the Dalai Lama." Said: "We need some food, milk, and meat, and I hope you can provide them as soon as possible." The official said: "It is up to the Dalai Lama to decide." Colonel Galan said: "We have occupied Tibet, and Tibet must obey the British. Otherwise, we will punish those who do us no favors.” The answer is still the same: “It’s up to the Dalai Lama to decide.” Colonel Galan shouted: “We don’t allow you to insult our sacredness with Buddhist nonsense. God will win, you know?" The answer remained unchanged: "It's up to the Dalai Lama to decide." Colonel Galan tore an official and forced him to ask, "Where is the Dalai Lama? Where exactly?" The man Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know." Fortunately, the chief Karon Thondup came at this time.He was the only senior Kashag official willing to engage with the British.He took Colonel Gelan to the Manjusri Hall where the regent Di Mu Living Buddha used to be the director and now he works, offered a seat for tea, and answered all Colonel Gelan's questions sincerely. "Where is the Dalai Lama?" Colonel Galan felt that it was extremely boring to repeat this question from his own mouth. Dhondup Kalon's answer was the same as others, but his expression was honest: "I really don't know." Colonel Galan said: "Maybe the Dalai Lama is just a fiction and doesn't exist at all." Dhondup Kalon laughed and said, "Of course the Dalai Lama doesn't have to exist." Colonel Galan stared at the other party's sly eyes: "What do you mean?" Dundup Kalun said: "It's not convenient to talk here, you should go to the Minister in Tibet, Butai." At the official residence of the Minister in Tibet, Fu Tai took a deep breath and said: "This minister has not seen the Dalai Lama for a long time. If the Dalai Lama has left Lhasa and disappeared, then who is exercising power? It seems that he cannot be blamed. I can only say that he left his post without authorization and left his post.” The more he said, the more excited he became, “Why don’t we take this opportunity to participate in the performance, impeach Dalai Lama, and establish another religious authority, isn’t it convenient for you and me?” Colonel Ge Lan immediately agreed, saying: "Your minister's actions are extremely wise. Many disasters in Tibet were caused by the Dalai Lama. Now he is punished and he deserves it. Quickly draft the telegram and hand it over to me. Let people send out quickly." The memorial to the impeachment of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama was immediately drafted by Mrs. Fu herself: When Colonel Ge Lan arrived in Tibet, the slaves immediately went to worship, and rewarded his soldiers with cattle, sheep, and rice noodles, and rewarded the staff with gifts.Colonel Galan, the British soldier, was deeply concerned about diplomatic relations and got along quite well with his slaves. According to the investigation, the Dalai Lama had fled in the dark and night a few days ago, and asked the monks and laymen, but they all said that he did not know where he had gone.In this year's war, the Dalai Lama was really the chief culprit. He betrayed his order and lost his teacher, disobeyed his advice and disobeyed the public. When the situation forced him to do so, he did not want to redeem himself, so he fled to a distant place and abandoned his land. .Ever since the Dalai Lama took charge of Tibet affairs, Tianwei didn't know anything, didn't care what others said, was extravagant, extravagant, violent, provoked his neighbors when he had nothing to do, and disappeared far away when he had something to do. As far as Tibet is concerned, there has never been anyone as unworthy as the Dalai Lama.The Dalai Lama went far away in violation of the regulations and did not consult and report. If he did not strictly correct his participation, he would not be able to thank his neighbors and suspend his vassal service. The begging representative requested an order to revoke the name of the Dalai Lama for the time being, and also asked the Panchen Lama Erdeni to come to Lhasa temporarily to preside over the Yellow Sect and handle negotiation affairs. At this time, Russia and Japan were entangled in Beijing and the coastal areas to snatch China's territory. The Qing government, which was internally and externally troubled, was unable to investigate the authenticity of Fu Taican's performance, so he hurriedly replied and did as he said.Fudian Cloud: According to the decree, if there is no report, the name of the Dalai Lama will be temporarily removed, and the Panchen Erdeni will be temporarily photographed.This is it. Fu Tai immediately transcribed the imperial court reply telegram into a notice, and posted it all over the streets and monasteries in Lhasa.They also sent people to the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, Houzang, to invite the Panchen Lama to come to Lhasa as soon as possible.But the Panchen Lama had no interest in religious authority and political power, and he knew that going to Lhasa would cause the Dalai Lama to misunderstand him, so he excused himself. It seems that this was anticipated by the minister in Tibet, and he did not force the Panchen Lama. Instead, he went to the Cisongtang barracks to discuss with Colonel Gelan, and after submitting a memorial, he recommended Dhondup Kalon as the new regent of Tibet.The draft was still sent to the Prime Minister's Yamen of the Qing Dynasty through Colonel Galan, but the court did not reply for a long time.
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