Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 119 fourth quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 4108Words 2018-03-19
The bombardment of the Crusaders had been going on for three days.There were several repetitions every day for three days: as soon as the cannon fired, the Tibetans hid in the castle; as soon as the infantry came, they rushed out to shoot.Since the principle of combat established by the Dalai Lama and the Kashag is to not give up an inch and fight for every inch of land, this is the best way to meet the enemy. The walls of the castle are made of large stones, the thickest part is more than two meters, and in some places, molten iron has been poured into the interlayer.Even the Tibetans themselves did not expect that the enemy's artillery bombarded for three days before blowing up two corners.The strong castle made the shells temporarily lose their power.The Crusaders were obviously helpless, launching infantry attacks more frequently in an attempt to quickly occupy.But this is impossible. The steep Zongshan Mountain did not have some more offensive routes because of the arrival of God and the attack of the Crusaders.There are still only two narrow ones front and back, which cannot be swarmed up.

What's more, there are still gunpowder and lighting rope left by Zongben Yancuo in the main hall but not used up by the Crusaders.Just like the Crusaders who occupied the castle before stopped the Tibetans, now it is the turn of the Tibetans to make gunpowder kits to stop the Crusaders.As long as the Crusaders attack, the Tibetans will throw the gunpowder package down from a high place. When the explosion is heard, the Tibetans will think that the enemy taught us to do this. Both the defenders and the attackers knew that as long as the Tibetans did not abandon Dzongshan Castle, the Crusaders would have no chance to march eastward to Lhasa.

Lama Lama of La Liga has in his heart the three Tibetan regiments who came from a long distance from Qamdo, northern Tibet and Nyingchi. He always feels that as long as he defends Zongshan Castle, the situation will soon reverse: Nyingchi’s regiment will blockade Kanola The Yamaguchi, Qamdo and Northern Tibet regiments will encircle the enemy from the east and west, and the monk soldiers who have already penetrated into the Zachang Canyon will cut off the supply line of the Crusaders and let the enemy be beaten from behind.With such a layout, can victory fly away like a bird?He told all the Tibetans guarding the Zongshan Castle: We only attracted the foreign demons here, and the ones who really attacked the foreign demons were the three Tibetan army and one monk soldier regiment that we have not seen yet.

Tibetans are all superstitious about him. No one asks when the three vital Tibetan army corps will arrive. It seems that asking is superfluous. But which day is the time to arrive?They have held out for five days.On the sixth day, the most worrying problem of Lama Lama appeared: the last bucket of drinking water brought to Zongshan ran out after less than half a mouthful of drinking per person.Thirst came to people more terrible than the foreign devil. The water in the large water cellar in the castle has been poisoned in the strategy of "making the goddess angry", and the drinking water for Tibetans can only be transported down the mountain to Chu River.But the Crusaders blocked the way to carry the water, and more than a dozen Tibetans died in carrying the water.Lama Lama decided to send a capable team to sneak down the mountain to steal water under the cover of night.But it didn't work either. The Crusaders lay in ambush very close to the road leading to the castle, and the intensive machine gun fire made this capable team instantly become a pain for the Tibetans.

Tibetans realized that they couldn't hold on anymore, and either gave up or died of thirst.Some people began to drink urine, and some people couldn't help but ran to the big water cellar to drink poisonous water, saying that they would rather die of poison than live in thirst.The man was indeed poisoned to death.Lama lama beat his chest in remorse: If I had known today, why did I send the "goddess" to release poison?It's all my fault.He stood in the main hall, watching those subordinates who were tortured half to death by thirst, constantly tearing his cheeks, wishing to let his blood out for everyone to drink.

Many absent-minded eyes looked at Lama Lama, because the body lacked water, and those eyes were also dry and cloudy.Lama Xijia couldn't bear to see it, and he never came down after he went up to the watchtower. In the middle of the night, Lama Xijia was taking a nap on the watchtower when Numa Daiben came up to report, "Master Xijia, the Living Buddha Dorje is here." Xijia asked: "Where is Dorje Living Buddha, from Chunbi Temple?" Numa said, "It's not Dorje Living Buddha of Chunbi Temple." Xi Jia asked again: "Where is Dorje Living Buddha?"

Numa said: "Anyway, it is not the Dorje Living Buddha of Baiju Temple, not the Dorje Living Buddha of Tashilhunpo Monastery, not the Dorje Living Buddha of Xuelang Temple, not the Dorje Living Buddha of Naining Temple and Zijin Temple, not the Dorje Living Buddha of Lhasa Jokhang Temple and Zhe The Dorje Rinpoche in Beng Monastery is not the Dorje Rinpoche in Ganden Monastery and Sera Monastery, I don’t know where the Dorje Rinpoche is.” He mentioned all the monasteries he knew. Dorje Living Buddha was right behind him, and he said loudly, "I am Dorje Living Buddha of Dangxiong Temple, the representative of the northern Tibetan delegation. Some people prevented us from coming to Gyantse, and they stopped us at the We were halfway there. I said, if we are not allowed to go to Gyantse, then we will return. When I returned, I handed over the troops to others, slipped out of the team by myself, and made a long detour before reaching Gyantse.”

Li Jia took a long breath of air-conditioning, and did not spit it out until he would suffocate if he did not vomit. He asked in amazement: "I was stopped halfway, and I was not allowed to come? Buddha, why is this? You did not bring Tibetan soldiers, and you came alone. What's the use of coming?" Dorje Living Buddha said: "I can recite scriptures, and I have great mana power." La Li snorted from his nose: "Your mana is bigger than mine?" Dorje Living Buddha hurriedly said: "I mean, your magic power, plus my magic power, is big on top of each other, and uses big magic power to defend Buddhism. What are these foreign demons?"

Li Jia said: "Then you should recite the scriptures quickly." My heart became anxious, thinking that the Northern Tibet Daihon Group would not be able to come, what about the Qamdo Daihon Group and Nyingchi Daihon Group, why there is no news yet?Suddenly asked again, "How did you get here?" Dorje said: "I will go to Baiju Temple first, and go out from the back door of Baiju Temple. It is the closest to the castle. I will climb and climb and move forward bit by bit. You see, my cassock is full of dirt." I slapped it a few times, wiped my sweat and said, "I'm dying of thirst, I'm dying of thirst, is there any water?"

Li Jia suddenly asked: "Duoji Living Buddha, do you have the magic power to let us drink water?" Dorji was surprised and said, "Drink water? Why do you need to drink water?" La Liga said: "We have not drunk water for several days, and we will really die of thirst without water." Dorji said: "Yes, this mana is nothing. You give me your place, and I will recite scriptures and practice dharma in a high place." The Lama Xijia gave up his seat, watched Dorje Living Buddha sit down and recite sutras, then walked down the watchtower and continued to take a nap in the main hall.He had no hope for Dorje Living Buddha at all, he just wanted to find something to do for Daiben who had left the Daiben regiment and came to fight alone, and there was some sarcasm in his mind: Didn't you say you have great mana?Then let the water of Nianchu River flow to Zongshan Castle.But it seemed that he hadn't taken a few naps before Lama Lama was woken up by shouts.

"Lama Xijia, my lord, Dorje Rinpoche's great mana is as big as the sky. You have to go and see, someone has come up from the water." Numa Daiben jumped down from the watchtower, pulled Lama Xijia to the watchtower again run away. Sure enough, in the light of dawn, two people climbed up the mountain along the narrow road, each carrying a bucket of water.They were completely exposed to the guns of the Crusaders and could be killed from any angle.But the Crusaders didn't fire, as if they were asleep, or they didn't want to kill an Englishman or a Tibetan woman. It was Lieutenant Rong He and Miss Sangzhu who carried the water up the mountain. Lieutenant Rong He said that he would help the Tibetans in his own way. Lama Lama stood in front of the observation hole of the watchtower and ordered Numa Daiben: "Call up those who are good at marksmanship and cover them." But there was no need to cover up. Under the fear of the Tibetans, Lieutenant Rong He and Miss Sangzhu, who were bent over the water, walked safely into the gate of the castle. Lama Xijia greeted them at the gate, and he was so excited that he was incoherent: "Miss Sangzhu, did you fall from the sky? Those who fell from the sky are all fairies. Fairy Sangzhu, you probably went to eat buns in the kitchen of Green Tara Have you gone? I have eaten Handi steamed stuffed buns, which are made by a Chinese restaurant chef in Danjilin. They have no taste at all, just fragrant, just like the water you sent, the fragrant and sweet water of Green Tara. Now it’s all right, we can straighten up and fight the foreign demons. Ahhh—” He stared at Lieutenant Rong He and shouted, “There is a foreign demon here, and the foreign demons have all come in. We can shoot cannons for a while, and deliver water for a while. Foreign demons also have good foreign demons, right? Just like our Tibetan Hades, there are Yamas who protect the Dharma, and Yamas who indulge ghosts and make trouble. Good foreign demons, let me ask you, why are you carrying your back? We are not the Abba and Ajia of foreign demons. The foreign demon carried the water on the foreign demon, just like water flowing down from an iceberg, that's what we know. But now, the water came out of the fire. Could it be poisoned? Taste it, I'll taste it first. He knelt down, looked at the water reverently, took out his bowl of tsampa from his bosom, scooped up half of the bowl, gulped it down, and said before he could catch his breath, "No poison, no poison." In fact, he didn't doubt that there was no poison at all, he was really thirsty and couldn't help it.He looked at everyone's open eyes looking at the water, and shouted: "Drink." Everyone swarmed up, pushing and grabbing each other.Only then did Lama Lama realize that there was not much water, and he should distribute it: one mouthful per person.But no matter how much he yelled, no one could hear him. Lieutenant Rong He and Miss Sangzhu looked at each other, then turned and left. On this day, Lieutenant Rong He and Ms. Sangzhu had been carrying the water for an unknown number of times, but none of them were stopped by the Crusaders, and the shells and bullets all stopped. On the battlefield of the Crusaders, Colonel Kaqi was furious.He expressed open objection to Colonel Galan's tolerance for Lieutenant Ronghe and Miss Sangzhu to carry water into the castle.Once, he even threw away his gun: "I'm leaving, I won't fight such a forbearing battle." Under the firm opposition of Colonel Kaqi, Colonel Galan ordered several sharpshooters to raise their guns, but then He asked again: "Can you smash the buckets on their bodies without hurting their bodies?" The sharpshooters were stunned, and shook their heads: This is too difficult, and no one can weaken the penetration of the bullets, unless God Works wonders, causing the bullet to stop spinning suddenly after passing through the barrel. General McGory, who handed over all the command to Colonel Galan because he got the treasures of Zijin Temple and Sama Temple, was also very angry. He wanted to yell at Colonel Galan several times, but he held back.Only once did he go up to Colonel Galan and say, "When Satan disguises himself as a woman, she can easily take over your heart." Colonel Galan sneered: "Satan is more likely to disguise himself as a British general." General McGory said: "But Satan can never figure out the size of the military rank, so now he disguises himself as a colonel. Mr. Colonel, why don't you occupy Baiju Temple first?" Colonel Galan said seriously: "General, now is not the time to count the treasures." General McGory said: "You can tell the Tibetans that if they don't give up Dzongsan Castle, we will destroy Baiju Monastery." Colonel Galan said: "What if they still refuse? Are we really going to destroy Baiju Temple?" General McGory was taken aback, then shook his head: "Of course not, we don't know what's in Baiju Temple yet." In fact, Colonel Galan was more anxious than anyone else, but no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't beat himself.Why hit yourself?Could it be that Lieutenant Rong He is his own shadow, another side of himself, he fell in love with that beautiful Tibetan girl, that is, he fell in love with that girl?No no no.So why?He couldn't tell either.But the soft and warm feeling that he couldn't bear to shoot did exist, rising from his heart one after another, as if God used magic to make him hesitate when he should be decisive, and do nothing when he should attack. If this continues, Zongshan Castle will never be captured.Now it is just transporting water, and I don't know what will be transported in the future. Everyone in the Crusaders knows this truth.The artillerymen left their guns, and the infantry lowered their guns.Soldiers sat on the ground to rest, and some even fell asleep.Anyway, Zongshan Castle is invincible to shells and infantry.They have lost their ability to fight, and they are waiting for God to make up their minds for them. It was mid-day in direct sunlight when the idea came to me.Colonel Galan's belly was bloated from eating too much steak made of looted Tibetan cattle, so he ran to the woods to relieve himself.When he released his hands, he was very hard, and his face was red.Probably because of the rising blood, the idea appeared in his mind through his strength and blood circulation.He couldn't help shouting: "God." He lifted his pants and got up. He came to the team headquarters, looked ahead and remained silent for a moment, then loudly said to the guards around him who also ate too much steak, "Go get General McGory." General McGory came, his mouth full of the smell of brandy, and his fat body even shook a little, probably from drinking too much. Colonel Galan said: "General, if I decide to occupy Baiju Temple, will you or Colonel Kaqi rush in first?" General McGory said without hesitation: "Of course I am. I lead the British as the vanguard." Colonel Ge Lan said calmly: "Let's start then, General, I hope to take Baiju Temple before dusk. If you need artillery support, just let me know." General McGory said: "No, what I walked in should be an intact Baiju Temple."
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